TUESDAY, JUNE 22,-1948 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE FIVE Local News BEND I OIEGST Bend and vicinity Clear to night and Wednesday; high today 6(i; low tonight 31; high Wednes day 70. TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 60 degrees. Minimum last night, 31 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature; 10 p.m. yester day, 44 degrees; 10 a-m. today, 56 degrees. Barometer (reduced to sea level) : 1 p.m., 30.12 inches; 10 a.m., 30.13 Inches. Relative humidity: 10 p.m., 89 per cent; 10 a.m., 57 per cent. Velocity of wind: 10 p.m., 2 miles;' 10 tt.ni., 7 mites. Prevailing direction of wind: northeast. Orvllle Kelly, 425 Colorado, was released from Lumberman's hos pital last night, W. S. Hance, assistant division manager for the Richfield Oil company, Portland, and W. E. Stack, credit manager from the Seattle, Wash., office, were In Bend last night, conferring with Don Denning, local distributor. The company officials, left for eastern Oregon this morning. A girl was born early this morning at St; Charles hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Darrell M. Ferns, Laplne. . The baby weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces. No name has been chosen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Maddut, Gateway, are the parents of a boy born this morning at St. Charles hospital. The baby has not been named yet. He weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces. Joseph Mederios, member of the staff of the Star-Bulletin in Honolulu, Hawaii, and his wife have arrived in Bend for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stout. Mrs. Mederios and Mrs. Stout are sisters. Mederios, who has been with the Star-Bulletin for 42 years, is on a year's vacation. Since coming to the mainland sev eral months ago, Mr. and Mrs. Mederios visited in Washington, D. C. Miss Beverly Bowman,' Culver, is a guest in Bend of Miss Ra mona Morgan today. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Phillips, Red mond, were visitors in Bend this morning. Miss Martha May will leave .to morrow with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. May for Portland where she will enter the Univer sity of Oregon medical school de partment of nursing. Mr. and Mrs. May will remain in Portland a few days visiting relatives and friends. . A meeting of the Central Ore gon chamber of commerce will be held in Redmond tonight at 7 o'clock, at the Redmond hotel. Miss Eleanor Bechen, who re cently resigned her position1 in The Bulletitubusiness offlqq, left yesterday' td assume ; manage ment of the resort property pur- chased by her and Miss Maren Gribskov in the Metollus area. The position of bookkeeper at The Bulletin is being handled by Mrs. Merle R. Westcoatt. Geraldine Haner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Haner and a graduate from the Bend high school with the class of 1948, has accepted a position In The Bulletin news office. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Stiner and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gustafson, of Corvallls, spent the week end in Bond as the guests of Mr. and Mrs: Otto Olson. Stiner is head football coach at Oregon State college and Gustafson is assist ant football coach at the same in stitution. Mrs. Gustafson is the former Helen Olson of Bend. Mrs. Molvin Raper loft for Se attle Monday to spend several weeks with relatives. Bond young people who left Monday for the Episcopal sum mer school at The Cove, are George Barton, Nancy Forrest, Carlend Snronson, and Dorothy Christie. They were accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. G. R. V. Bolster. Rev. J. M. Gill and Mis. Sterling Sorenson. The group will return July 1. Pvt. Roland M. Salisbury, 326 Colorado street, was recently se lected to attend the army's signal corps school at Fort Monmouth, N. J. Notice members IWA Local 6 7: The election for local officers will be held Tuesday, June 22, from 10:00 A. M. until 8 P. M. at IWA Hall, 933 Bond Street. Bal lots will also be taken to the out-of-town units this same day. Adv. Remember Jobs Daughters rummage sale June 24 and 25 at P. P. & L. Co. Good clean cloth ing. Adv. Annual pie supper, Methodist June 25th, 6 to 9:30 P. M. Come! nave a good time with us. Adv. The annual luncheon sponsored by Circle 1 of the Catholic Altar society will be held Wednesday, June 23, at 1 p. m., at St. Francis parish hall. Both bridge and pi nochle will be played. Admission $L00. . Adv. Notice, Members IWA Local 6 7: We have district ballots for you to vote. Ask for ballot during of. fice hours. Adv. Young Couple To Make Home In Gilchrist St. Francis Catholic church was the scene of an impressive wed ding Sunday, when Miss Martha Lou Breazeale and Earl L. He thorn, both i of , Gilchrist, were united in marriage. Rev. William Coiighlan officiated, in a setting of gladioli and rosebuds, In pas tel shades. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Breazeale, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Bertha Hethorn, all of Gil christ. .-. When the young Mr. and Mrs. Hethorn return from their wed ding trip to California, they will make their home in the northern Klamath county town, where He thorn and his brother, Earl, are co-owners of the Gilchrist meat market. - Many friends and relatives of the couple were present at the double-ring ceremony. A recep tion followed in the parish hall, with about 100 guests attending. The bride chose ivory satin for her wedding gown, which was made princess style, with long sleeves and full train. Her veil of illusion was finger-tip length, and she carried a shower bouquet of nink roses. Her father gave her in marriage. Mrs. Freeman Murray was matron of honor, and bridesmaids were the Griffin twins, Joyce and Doris. Mrs. Murray wore a frock of nastel green, and the brides maids were in nink and blue- All wore short veils to match their gowns, and carried colonial nose gays. Leo Hethorn acted as best man for his brother, and ushers were Ray Hethorn and Paul Breazeale. The bride's mother was escorted to the altar by Arthur Cothrell. Mrs. Breazeale wore a blue after noon gown, and Mrs. Hethorn chose an afternoon gown in char treuse. Both wore orchid cor sages. Mrs. Clarence Bush played the wedding music and accompanied Harvev Field, who sang Gounod's "Ave Marie" and a Latin hymn. At the receDtion, Mrs. Cothrell fut the wedding cake, and Mrs. C. E. Shotts served the punch. Mrs. A. Rneed had charge of the guest book.. The couple left Immediately afterward on their honeymoon For traveling, the hride wore a gabardine suit In Alice blue, with white accessories. She was grad uated from Gilchrist high school in 1947, and attended Oregon State college. Unit Set Up for Restaurant Check Under the supervision of J. V. Hawkins, acting chief of the res taurant section of the state board of health, a mobile laboratory ar rived in Bend yesterday, and to day was set up at the Deschutes county courthouse, in Bend. This laboratory is from the division of environment sanitation of the state board of health, with Albert MiUer and M. Thompson assisting Hawkins. Cooperating with the staff of the mobile unit is A. W. West fall, local sanitarian. The mohile laboratory .will be used in checking efficiency of dishwashing methods In restau rants. The laboratory will be In Bend for three days, including to day, and will serve Jefferson, Deschutes and Crook counties. PEAKCB .JOINS FORCE A. O. Pcaree, Bend resident and former member of the local police force, has rejoined the force, K. C. Gullck. chief, announced today. Pearce fills a vacancy created by the resignation of Howard Smead. The new patrolman was to take un his duties this evening. High School iris Enlarging Drum and Bugle Corps Openings for 3 Drums 8 Bugles Register at high school band room 11 a. m. Tuos., Wed. and Thurs. If you desire to be in the Drum and Bugle Corps next fall please report lor practice now. as final organization is being made. Social Calendar Tonight 7:30 p.m. Bend Garden club, with Mrs. Virgil Surfus, 223 St. Helens. 8 p.m Women of the Moose at Moose hall. Wednesday 1 p.m. Public luncheon and card party, St. Francis parish hall. 2 p.m. N. O. W. Thimble club, with Mrs. Carl Johnson, 335 Ver mont. 2 p.m. Wacanklya camp fire group at the home of Mrs. J. M. Perrine. 6:30 p.m. Church night dinner, First Christian church. 7:30 p.m. Wimodausls sewing club, with Mrs. Ron Gallagher, 218 Portland. 8 p.m Circle 4, Catholic Altar society, with Mrs. Lowell Jensen, 160 Irving. - 8 p.m. Auxiliary of the Vet erans of Foreign Wars monthly social meeting in V. F. W. hall. Thursday 9 a.m. Missionary ctrcle of the Church of God, with Mrs. Rose Griffith, 1464 Galveston. 9:30 a.m. W. S. C. S. prayer group with Mrs. Antone Fossen, 538 State. ' 10 am.. Circle 4, Catholic Altar society, rummage sale at the par ish hall, Sisemore street. 1:30 p.m. Grange Hall ladles aid, with Mrs. O. M. Olausen, Grange Hall district. 8 p.m. Ladies of the Elks so cial meeting in B.P.O.E. hall. -Friday , 1 p.m. Golf club luncheon at the country club. 6 p.m. Annual pie supper at the First Methodist church. 8 p.m. Rebekah lodge meeting at the I.O.O.F. hall. - GIRLS TO REGISTER Camp Fire girls will register for summer camp tomorrow from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m- at the City Drug store. Registration fee will be $15 and insurance will be 50 cents. No registrants will be ac cepted after tomorrow. The camp will be held from 'Aug. 8 to 22 at the Crescent lake organization camp. The Blue Birds and 10-year-old Camp Fire girls will go to camp the week of Aug. 8. They will be under the guidance of Mrs. W. O. Courter. Mrs. Joe Elder will be camp di rector and Mrs. John Logan, R. N-, will be camp nurse. Registration will be held in Redmond on June 25 and in Shev- lin on June 23. .,.. Rebekah lodge will meet Fri day, June 25, at 8 p.m. at the I.O.O.F. hall. On the refreshment committee will be Mrs. Ada Hel big, Mrs. Marshall ' Hunt, Mrs. Josephine Henderson, Mrs. Cor- win Heln and Mrs. Vic Her. Circle 4, Catholic altar society, will sponsor a rummage sale Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in. the: Catholic parish ,haL,pn Sizemore street. 1 ' ' " Women of the Moose will meet tonight at 8 p.m. in Moose hall, with Mrs. Irene Johnson in charge of membership chapter night program. Initiation will be held. RESOLUTION NO. 227 Resolution of Intention To Improve WHEREAS the City Commis sion of the City of Bend deems it expedient to improve Gilchrist Avenue from Riverside Street to the east line of Riverfront Street, with oil mat surfacing, curbs where needed, and such other work as will make a finished im provement. (Ce-ain curbs now in will be replacea.i Said improve ment is to be known as Improve ment District No. 1G6, the City Engineer's estimate of the prob able cost thereof is $3,220.34. BE IT RESOLVED that the City Engineer proceed to improve Gilchrist Avenue from Riverside Street to the east line of River front Street, with oil mat surfac ing, curbs where needed, and such other work as will make a fin ished improvement, and the cost thereof be made a lien on the property so benefited. Adopted by the Commission this 16th day of June, 1948. . Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 Approved by the Mayor this 16th day of June, 1948. s HANS SLAGSVOLD, Hans Slagsvold, Mayor. Attest s GEORGE SIMERVILLE, George SImerville, Recorder of the City of Bend. 14-C RESOLUTION NO. 228 Resolution of Intention To Improve WHEREAS the City Commis sion of the City of Bend deems it expedient to Improve Grove Road between Newport Avenue and Drake Road, with oil mat surfac ing, curbs and such other work as will make a finished improve ment, said improvement to be known as Improvement District No. 167, the City Engineer's esti mate of the probable cost thereof is $1,884.80. ' BE IT RESOLVED that the City Engineer proceed to Improve Grove Road between Newport Avenue and Drake Road, with oil mat surfacing, curbs and such other work as will make a finish ed project, and the cost thereof be made a Hen on the property so benefited- Adopted by the CImmlssIon this 16th day of June, 1948. Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 Approved by the Mayor this 16th day of June, 1948. is HANS SLAGSVOLD, Hans Slagsvold, Mayor. Attest: ' - s GEORGE SIMERVILLE, - ' George Simerville, Recorder of the City of Bend. 14-C RESOLUTION NO. 229 Resolution of Intention ' To Improve WHEREAS the City Commis sion of the City of Bend deems It expedient to improve the Alley in Block 17, Bend Original, between Franklin Avenue and Louisiana Avenue by grading and with oil mat surfacing, and such other work as will make a finished im provement, said improvement to be known as Improvement Dis trict No. 168, the City Engineer's estimate of the probable cost thereof is $1,438.80. BE IT RESOLVED that the City Engineer proceed to improve the Alley In Block 17, Bend Orig inal, between Franklin Avenue and Louisiana Avenue by grading and with oil mat surfacing, and such other work as will make a finished improvement, and the cost thereof be made a lien on the property so benefited. Adopted by the Commission this 16th day of June, 1948. Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 Approved by the Mayor this 16th dav of June, 1948. , s HANS SLAGSVOLD, j Hans Slagsvold, Mayor. 1 Attest: s GEORGE SIMERVILLE, ! peorge Simerville, , ; Recorder of the City of Bend. I! 14-C 1 "OVEBlj' V : . mi.l.I..: Bend Specialized Service 844 Bond Phone 1212-W MORNING STAR CORONATION morning sta o2i V v HAVE THE FINEST SIIVERPUTG 7' For keep . . she has chosen the man of bcr heart! For keeps . , , she lias chosen her Commtinily I Her choice is right . . from Community's four' bright pit terns . , . all . distinguished irt good taste! Services arc !nidiet Srincd .... 52 Piceij ervice for B, in o)U wood, Anti -tarnish chent . . . only $09. 7 J.' No Federal Tax. Bear's Jewelry Tife-nuk They Put the AMOUR In Shoes at WETLE'S Yes, ladies . . . WETLE'S shoes spell footwear chic for you. Pert and pretty as a French Doll , . . they're your dream of lovely shoes come true! HIGH HEEL COLORED DRESS StfOfS- Choose leather or suede in a rainbow-hue of new summer'colors Green, Red, Navy, Beige, Blanciaga, Pink Pastels, Multicolor Pastels, Blue, Pink, Green, Yellow, Aqua . . . Platform Soles, regular soles, sling heels, sandal strap cutouts. 7.95 to '12.50 Girls' and Ladies' Saddle Oxfords 4.9B fo ?7.50 Brown and White, Red and WhHe, Blue and White Smoked Elk saddles for summer play time and informal wear.' by FRIENDLY SPORTS and PETERS WEATHER BIRD Children's Kedeftes Dressy but stands up to children's games. Scientific foot-fitting last inside the sharp fitting sandal or tie. They're washable. In Red, Brown, Blue, White and (Multicolored patterns. Sizes 8-12, 12-3. 3.00.-3S5-t3.7S KEDETTES and SUN TOG PLAY SHOES The washable casual Play Shoes . . . Cheery as a carnival with all your summer clothes yet so comfortable. Multi-stripes, White Cloth, Red, Black and White, Red and White in both wedgies and sandals, ., . . USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN WCTLE OH PLAQB TO TRADE SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE at WETLE'S I&ISER To See and Compare These Beautiful 1948 Models with Any Car in Any Price Class! Come in and see for yourself the graceful, low-lined beauty of these smartcr-than-cver cars. You will marvel at the features added for your riding comfort. Wide seats, front and back . . . more than five jeel wide! Precision engineering . . . more economical operation . , . greater service accessibility all these combine to give you top performance and greater safety! After you have seen and compared, you'll find that the 19 f8 Kaisers and I'razi rs set a new standard for style and performance. You'll want to own one, too! So don't delay you can be the judge ... see the I98 Kaisers and Frazers today! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT LIST PRICE HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE Buy With Confidence Hand Motor Company 183 E. Greenwood Phone 1121-J W. R. "Bill1 Hand, Owner CHECK THESE KAISER AND FRAZER FACTS BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW CAR! Both cart ore 100 postwar . . . In body and chawii design . . in engineering, as well a in beauty o! line , . in color and upholstery, in appointments . . in every smartly fry led detail) Doth can are built In America's only 100 postwar automobile plant . . . Willow Run is the last word in production efficiency . . , equipped with war -developed tools and meth ols or high-precision, quality manufacture. Chassis and bodies arc built complete on the industry's longest, newest, production lines. flnth cars are built by KaiscrFrazcr Corpora tion, an organization of seasoned experts in every phase of the automobile industry, headed by Hcory J. Kaiser and Joseph W. F rarer. Both cars have Innumerable special features . , like built'in ventilation . scats more than 5-feet wide , . . extraordinary vision in all directions... 27 cu. ft. of luggage space.. .push button door openers . . , special insulation . . fresh -air heat . . unusual service accessibility.