MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1948 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE SEVEN CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE 15 Words One Time 40c U Words Three Time 411.10 U Words Six Times 42.00 til wfe t li uM.U l wu4 Uaa Wr of laawttou Ont antfe na, an, H v it HUM! ckui. 41c Una rat lte Cwtub Mc Ruder dj lc Uu, BlnlMum 40c UpUr AdTUttaia ClMliif tlx P.M. pmliu in- OlM kail p Ulfcr, dv pretlom tt publintlm. , BEND LODGE, No. 218. I.O.O.F. Meets Every Monday Night I.O.O.F. Temple Fred EUIgsen, Noble Grand D. Ray Miller, phone 1079-W, Sec'y 265 Franklin Avenue For Salt Real Estate 66-ACRE RANCH, 59 acres wat er, 34 acres in cultivation. With or without team and machinery, Including tractor. Gray stone modern house, 7 large rooms,' full basement, near school bus-1 mile south of Pine Forest Grange hall on old hiway. $3000 down, remain der terms. P. F. Riedel, Rt. 3; Box 52, Bend, Ore. '..'.,- CLEAN 4-ROOM modern house, Westinghouse electric range. Cold Spot refrigerator, oil heater and washer go; 2 nice fenced lots, 55250. Call Mr. Ballew, All State Realty, 221 Greenwood. Phone 167. DELAWARE 6-BEDROOM, live here and make $140 per month plus living quarters of 4-rooms, 3 bedrooms down with bath, 3 bed rooms up. Basement, fuel furn ace, electric range, automatic hot water,, double garage, paved street and sidewalk, new paint job included, buy now and pick your own color. Full price $8800, terms. Call Mr. Shaver, All State Realty, 221 Greenwood. Phone 167. $3200 BUYS 2-bedroom modern home, large lot, close In, some terms, immediate possession. C. V. Silvis, Phone 898, 81 Oregon St. SMALL HOUSE and ,5 acres of land right on river. ' -Will take good, late model car as down pay ment. Harley-Davidson motor cycle, excellent shape. 3 cocker spaniels, 1 stud and 2 females, all purebreds. Inquire Lindeborg Shoe Service, 120 Minnesota, Bend. - E. M. BUCKNUM, REALTOR Near Chamber of Commerce 1029 Brooks St. Phone 331 ' Evenings 796-R IT ISN'T TOO late to put in a garden. Take a look at this cozy 2-bedroom partly furnished house on lOt.lUUxlUU OUjOa- - YOU CAN'T MfSS on this 3-be room home, completely furnished. Very neat, corner lot, double ga rage, only $4900.00. THIS IS A BUY- 2-bedroom home with large living room. 4 blocks from high school. Pavement and sidewalk in. $4600.00. EAST SIDE. 2 blocks from store. Don't miss this lovely home with guest cabin on 3 lots. Sprinkler system. Grand place for young sters. $7500.00. WEST SIDE. Lovely new home. Hardwood floors. Carpeting. Mas ter bedroom 16x18. Double closets- Full basement. Use your G.I. loan on this. 10 down. $12,600.00. NEW HOME:' Insulated, oak floors, oil heat, utility room and garage. Attractive and well ar ranged. Must sell quick at $7500.00. Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. 8 MI. FROM Portland, furnished home, all pro-war material, hard wood floors, kitchen & nook, scen ic dining rm, 20x12 living rm with 10x6 window overlooking year 'round creek and the Willamette. 2 bedrms., den or 3d bedrm., utili ty, bsmt.. furnace with 650-gal. tk., gas range with 50-gal. tk. Re frigerator. Stelnback piano, two lovely sets of twin beds, maple diningrm. set. Not landscaped. 512,775. Write E. L. Petrin, Rt. 2, Box 805, Oswego, Ore. GENERAL Second Hand store for sale with block of highway frontage and modern living quar ters. Good stock and nice bus iness. See owner at store any time. 2359 E. First on No. high way. '-. 2-BEDROOM MODERN: Furn ished home half block off New port. 2Vj lots with garage, chick en house, garden etc. Full base ment, new siding, fenced yard. Immediate possession. $4200.00 at Gilbert's Real Estate. BY OWNER: 3-bedroom modern home. Enough buildings to make two extra apartments. Material for remodeling If wanted. $1800.00 down, balance $1800.00 at $30.00 Dor month. Phone 753-J. HOTEL & RESTAURANT: Fif teen room hotel furnished and completely equipped restaurant showing good profit. Priced at $12,500.00 at Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall.' FIVE-ROOM, two-bedroom semi- mod., also 2-room cabin, lite and water only, on two lots. Garden growing, septic tank dug, 6-lnch drain, fenced lawn. Reasonable lor cash. Phone 389-R. FARM and Business Real Estate Loans made In Crook and De schutes counties, 4 Interest. Mldstate Realty Co., Rm. 11, U. S. at. Bldg., phone 495. See Don Pennies or Carl Llndh. MIDSTATE REALTY CO. Carl Llndh and Don Peoples Specialists In Buying and Selling Real Estate T?d'il IT a t it n Annralcalg Rm. 11 U. S. Nat. Bldg. Phone 495 For Sale Seal Estate $75,000. GOOD TERMS: 540 nrrvB 9n anivu 11.,,,,,., ,,,,., . 11 improved, 3 houses, large barns, anus, paveu roaas, inciuaes aairy herd and all equipment. $4,750. GOOD TERMS: 2-bdrm. home, close in, modern gas range and . oil heater Included. This place is in good condition, good paint inside and out Call Clyde Stewart, 1331-J, Huff Real Estate Co.. 126 Minn. Eve. phone 1048-J. 2-BDRM. HOME with unfinished upstairs, auto, oil furnace, lg. cor ner lot. Good location east of riv er. Call Mr. BeU, 1331-J, Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minn. Eve. ph. 1376-R. GARAGE BUILDING ,on high way. ONE OF THE BEST in Central Oregon, restaurant, 1947 gross $100,500. only $5,000 down. 4-BDRM. HOME, close In, com mercial location. Mice is low at $10,000. Contact Earl Ewing, Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minn. Phone 1331 J. Eve. ph. 1691-W. , FOR. $12,500 YOU CAN buy a good business building on high way with modern living Quarters, good income-. 80 ACRES with 50 a. cultivated, 65 acres cleared, 49 acres irrigat ed, 6 miles to Bend on pavement, 3-room modern house, lor 2 rooms upstairs unfinished, 15 acres of clover, some alfalfa, berries, good barn, chicken house, and several outbuildings. Clover crop should make big payment on place. Contact O. G. Nichols, Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minn., ph. 1331-J. Eve. phone 1517-W-5. 3-BDRM. HOME, fireplace, base mentr furnace, double garage, $2500 down, $6350 full price. Call Mr. Bell, 1331-J, Huff Real Estate' Co., 126 Minn. Eve. ph. 1376-R. 2-BEDROOM MODERN: Home In good condition. Good foundation, asbestos siding, two lots, double garage with workshop or living quarters. $6000.00 with $1000.00 down. Gilbert's Real Estate. BEND'S' FINER HOMES: For fine homes in the $10,000.00 to $20,000.00 bracket, see them thru Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. 3-ROOM MODERN: Home plus 2-room furnished cabin. Paved street, garage, woodshed, and on bus line close in. $3750.00 at Gil bert's Real Estate. 4-ROOM MODERN, cooler and large garage, at 341 Florida, $4850.00). Terms; Inquire 605 E. LOT ON EAST 10 Third one north of Greenwood free of rocks. Several hundred feet of new lum ber, all for $350.Call at 530 New port after 5. NICELY LOCATED SO'xlOO" ft. lot in city limits on W. 15th with lumber out of a 5-rdom house. ,If interested call 1405-W or see at 1107 W. 15th. , ANNE FORBES, REALTOR 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W EAST SIDE: Mountain view, 2 bedroom modern,-, knotty pine, large lot, stoves, $4200, $2,000 down; $40.00 month. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: 3 bedroom west side, stationary tubs, piped for gas, new roof. $5300. CLOSE IN: 50 acres, 10 acres water, 4-room furnished, house, sow, hens, $5500. ILLNESS, MUST SELL: 40 acres, 38 acres Tumalo, 3 acres raspber ries, team, machinery, 5-room house, $7500. . , ; DELUXE 2-bcdroom fully mod ern home. Living room, dining room, beautiful kitchen and din ette. Full cement basement with finished bedroom. Pipe furnace. 2 well landscaped lots. Located on East Franklin. Price $8950, $3878 cash, bal. FHA. GOOD 3-bedroom modern home with living and dining good. Nice kitchen. Small basement. Double garage. Corner lot with pavement in on both sides. East side loca tion. Price $5900,- $1500 cash, bal. FHA. 2 HOMES on 3 lots. Make fine rentals. Small home furnished. Price $4000, $1500 cash. FULLY modern 2-bedroom home located close in on Marshall. Can give immediate possession. Price $8290, $4226, bal GI. NEW 2-bedroom home on E. Nor ton. Best mountain VIEW In Bend. We are proud to show this one. Price $8200. Will FHA. . Call Mr. Locklln VERN LARSON AGENCY 135 Oregon Phone 32 2 LOTS, corner Bond and Dela ware. Inquire 605 E. Irving. WILL TRADE 3-bedroom home, SW Heights, Portland, auto, heat, hardwood floors, fireplace, knotty pine lower floor, for similar type house in Bend. Box 3071. Bulletin. WANT TO SELL? List your prop erty with GILBERT. A square deal, and prompt, efficient, cour teous service Is yours at Gilbert's Real Estntp. 1015 Wnll St NEED A HOME? Check the Deal of the Day on KBND 8:45 a.m. Call today and Inspect the list ings at Gilbert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall St GOOD MODERN 3-BEDROOM home. 7 acres, .lust outside Bend. Go south on highway 97, turn ripht at Tirm service station. Route 1, Box 13. For Sale Real Estate IF ITS REAL ESTATE ITS ALL STATE 4-BEDROOM modern. West side, wired for range, automatic hot water, utility room with laundry trays, attached garage, built lv years. Full price $6375. Good terms. Bal. 4 interest. COZY l bedroom furnished home, close to downtown. Lovely level lot. $3400, terms. SUBURBAN home, modern 2 bedroom, fireplace, lots of garden & some berries. Good barn, chick en house, work shop, garage. large cistern with cooler house. Plenty leed lor some cows. Only $6950, H down. LOVELY 2-bedroom, West side, 2 nice lots, fenced, basement with fuel furnace. Partly furnished, very clean inside & out. $7350, terms. NICE 2-bedroom modern. East side. Paved street, on bus line. Basement, fuel furnace. New gar age, fenced yard. $4950, good terms. . , .. . VACANT, must sell, lovely 2-bedroom modern, East side, partly furnished, come in and see this. $5750, good terms. MODERN home,. West side, com pletely furnished. 2 bedrooms. good garage, wood shed, fenced yard. $5100, terms. 3-BEDROOM modern ' on one floor. East side, close to every thing. Paved streets & side walks. Yours for $5500. terms. ;. - . i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SPORTING goods store, auto courts, downtown building, radio business, Income property loca tion. Many others to pick from. ALL STATE REALTY 221 Greenwood Phone 167 Fuel JACKPINE TIE- SLAB, limited amount to be delivered for two weeks only, June 28 to July 9. Phone 853-J, . L. R. Carpenter, 1324 Albany. 16-INCH GREEN SLAB wood de livered in Bend, $14 per 2-cord load. (2-cord load of 16" dry slao $19). (You haul, $5.00. per cord at yard, East end of A street). Cen tral Oregon Fuel Co.. phone 201- W. Office 936 A St., Redmond. .For Sale -- Farm Products ANOTHER LGK ' CONSIGN MENT of livestock will be on auc tion Sale Wed.,- June 23, at Cen tral Oregon Auction Barn, Red mond, Ore. Including some good yearling steers, also yearling heifers, .with lot other mixed grade steers and heifers. There will also be another good cab-overd cnev. truck, ismo model with good 14-ft. stock rack, 2-speed rear end. Also almost new semi trailer with 10x20 12-ply tires, '46 model trailer. FOR SALE: Nice white weaner (jigs. Call 9-F-ll or Rt' 3, Bos 136. MODEL W.C. Allis Chalmers, 3 point tractor, good rubber, John Deere 18-inch 2-way Sulky tractor plow, like new. 7-f t. A. C. tractor mower, A-l condition. Frank Eg gler, miles east of Terre bonne, Everett Parr PI. Phone 18-F-3, Redmond. REGULAR WEEKLY AUCTION at the Edwards Livestock Comm. Across the Street from Bend Stockyards TUESDAY Furniture Sale Starts Promptly at 11 A. M. Livestock Sale Starts at 1 P. M. Special for This Tuesday Sale 4 misc. Black Jersey Dairy Cows 6 Jersey Guernsey and Holsteins Several good W- F. Heifers 2 year old Stocker Steers 10 head of Mixed Stocker Cattle 1 Sorrel Hotblood Mare and Palomino Colt . Also The Usual Run of Fat, Feeder and Stocker Cattle, Veal and Drop Calves. For Top Market Prices Consign Your Livestock to the . Edwards Livestock Comm. Phone Bend 1269 FOR TOP MARKET PRICES consign your Livestock to the Edwards Livestock Comm. Reg ular Cattle Auction Every Tues day. Phone Bend 1269. FARM OR GARDEN sprinkler ir rigation equipment and supplies. Complete sprinkler systems large or small for immediate delivery. Benjamin Russell, Rt. 3, Box 313, 3 miles north on 97. 50 SACKS feed potatoes, 50c per sack. Two-way 16-Inch plow, horse potato cultivator, set harness al most new. Rt. 3, Box 130, Arnold District. 6 MILK COWS for sale. Priced from $150 to $250. Old Alt ranch 4 miles N. of Bend on highway 97. EATING OR SEED POTATOES: Weaner or feeder pigs. Ed Losch, Rt. 1, Box 161. Phone 488-W. TRACTORS . IMMEDIATE . DELIVERY D-4's D-6's TD-14's TD-18's TD-9's 1 Model M Allis Chalmers These tractors equipped with dozer and winch. UNITED TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT CO. 9520 N. E. Sandy Blvd. PORTLAND, OREGON FRYER rabbits dressed on order. Roasting hens, live or dressed. Phone 59-W or call first white house back Carroll Acres store. York's. Free delivery. For Sole Miscellaneous FREE LESSONS offered this month with of a new Baldwin piano. Your choice of dc cirorl lnlriielnr. from nilr list. Ae- rosonlc, Hamilton, Baldwin. See our new models, terms. Benson Plnno Co.. 65 Gilchrist. Phone 1087. For Sale Miscellaneous BEDROOM SUITES, beds, springs and mattress, chests, va nities and dressers, aimng room suite, kitchen and dinette sets, electric, wood, coal and gas ranges, wood, coal and oil heat ers, camp stoves, pressure cook ers, washing machines, clothes racks, davenports and chairs, end tables, lamp stands and library tables, desks, bookcases, radios, floor and table lamps, lawn fur niture, garden hose, rakes, shov els and hoes. Square Deal Ex change, 201 E. Franklin. Phone 1224. HOT POINT automatic electric stove. 2 burners, oven and deep well. Also Dual-Therm oil burner heater. 1474 Hill St. 2-WHEEL TRAILER. Call after 4 p. m. 1222 Davenport. TRAILER HOUSE, 24-foot, oil and butane equipped, sleeps 4. See at 1344 Jacksonville. FANTON'S GARDEN: Oregon Giant pansies, petunias, mari golds, African daisies, verbena, lobelia, godetia, clarkia, portu laca, carnations, perennial phlox, cushion mums, other perennials, cabbage, tomatoes. 829 Ogden. 48 BASE Ancona accordian. David Chamberlain, Rt. 2, Box 263, Tum alo. 100-LB. ICEBOX $12.50, 39-ln. bed, coil spring and innerspring mat tress complete $27.50, tiropleaf table $4, four new walnut dining room chairs $23.95, bookcase $6, large baby bed with mattress $10, coll spring day bed $4, hardwood night stands $4, studio couch $15. Cliff's Bargain Spot, 1841 East 1st, North Highway. Phone 1534 W. Open evenings. BEST BUY THIS SEASON: 14 ft. boi'.t and trailer with 16" Ford wheels and a 2 H.P. -Evinrude mo tor, all for $165.00. Not Junk. See at 1044 Oak St., Redmond. Phone 212-J. ONE USED BICYCLE that needs some work. First $5.00, takes It away. Western Auto Supply, 845 Wall. FOR SALE: CLARINET, metal B-flat, excellent condition. Rea sonable. 207 No. 6th St., Red mond. Phone 46-W. KIRBY vacuum cleaner with all attachments. 65 Gilchrist, phone 1087. ...''i. GOOD 39-ln. bed innerspring mat-: tress & coil springs. Also light cream wood range, medium size. 1444 Elgin, phone 1362-M. THOROUGHBRED female Air dale dog, $5. One year old. Papers available. Phone 336-R or call 11 Kansas Ave. 9-CU. FT. ELECTRIC Frigidaire, '46 model, $180.00. Thor washing machine, $30. Two end tables, one coffee table, bird cage. Inquire 1404 Hartiord Ave. - - 21-ft. NATIONAL trailer -house; 2 hew tires, new paint in and out. Sleeps 4. Gas and oil heat. $500 down, balance terms, un South highway at D & K boat station. Call 1425-J. 100 lb. ICE BOX. all steel frame, all white enamel inside & out, $40. 65 Franklin. BEAUTIFUL Pinto,, 3-year-old gelding, color chestnut and white. Arabian and Standardbred breed ing. Ed Duffy, Rt. 3, Box 130, Ar nold District. WE BUY AND SELL used dished, colored or plain; kerosene lamps, all kinds used furniture and mis cellaneous articles. Phone 1070 W or come to 147 E. Olney. CEDAR POSTS: Immediate de livery. Any amount 35c each. Write Haskell Hobby, Culp Creek, Oregon. LYON'S FLOWER GARDENS: Perennials, rockery and border plants. Jumbo pansies. Some an nuals and vegetable plants. 1604 West 2nd, corner of Portland ave. RADIO TUBES Complete stock Phllco and other nationally known brands. Tubes tested. Bend, Fur niture Co. . . . FIR, DIMENSION LUMBER, also shlplap, 1x12, and shingles. A. A. Powell, phone 1503-W-3, one mile south Petersen's rock gar den on old highway. For Sale Used Cars OR WILL TRADE for good car, my equity in 1940 Ford dump truck. C. E. Jones, 236 E. Kearn ey. Phone 415. FOR SALE '46 Ford tudor, It & H, spotlight. Only 16,000 actual miles. Excel, condition. See eve nings & Sunday at 1466 Cumber land. '37 FORD tudor sedan, 85 H.P., good tires and body; South Wind gasoline heater; seal beam head lights. $395. Cash. 927 Ogden. Phone 1461-J. 1930 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. A good fishing car. Phone 182-W. FOR SALE: 1947 International "Metro" truck, factory built all metal Van type delivery body. Ideal for bakeries, dairies, groc ers or wholesale routes requiring large load space- 1924 W. 2nd. Phone 725-J. EQUITY "38 PONTIAC conv. Ra dio, heater, fog and spotlight, fair body, motor and rubber. 154 Un derwood. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Equity in jeep. IU. 1, Box 2!)8. WATSON BROWN LUKE trans mission In good shape, series 40, cheap. See at Bend Specialized Service, 814 Bond. Phone 1212 W. DUAL AXLE INT. LOG TRUCK and dual axle trailer. Down pay ment will handle, $500.00 worth spare ports. This truck working and In verv good shape. Job can be had with It. Call 1028-.I or can be seen at 366 K. Lafayette. For Sale Used Cars THE HAND MOTOR CO. Payment Down Price 1947 Frazer Manhat tan $832 $2495 10,000 actual miles. 1942 Chrysler Royal Coupe 578 1445 Perfect condition. 1941 Ford Panel Del 438 1095 Perfect throughout. 1938 Ford Tudor Sdn... 170 425 Mechanics special. 1936 Willys Coupe. 18 45 It actually runs. 1936 Buick Tudor Sdn. 130 325 Fair 1936 Chevrolet Tudor ' Sdn 218 545 Just re-ringed, new paint Job. 1932 Plymouth 4-Door Sdn 40 99 Rough and ready. Large 2-Wheel Trailer.. 50 125 Out door camping perfect. Small 1-Wheel Trailer.. 20 49 You can get into East lake with . this one. HAND MOTOR CO. Kalser-Frazer , Dealer Ph. 1121-J. 183 E. Greenwood '39 DESOTO, overdrive, heater, radio, 6 tires. Good condition, will trade for furniture, cash or cheaper car- 350 JJivision. 1937 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. sedan in good condition. Priced right. See Foremanat3. N. roundhouse. 1940 DELUXE FORD coupe. Call after 4 p. m. . 1222 Davenport. NEW 1948 CROSLEY station wa gon. Terms. Deep-freeze freezer, Inquire 605 E. Irving. 1947 DODGE 2W-ton truck. Low mount bed and hoist. See at Morris-Nelson Co. in Redmond. WHETHER you are buying, sell ing or trading, let's talk it over. Mc's MOTOR WORKS One Mile South of Redmond On Bend Highway For Kent 3-ROOM furnished apt., bath fa cilities, adults only, no children or pets. 745 Colorado. Phone 1316 W. CIRCLE CAFE FOR SALE and lease of building, 2 two R. modern furnished apts and garages. Lo- cated on two highways by the Al len grade school, doing good tour- list business- 301 E. Franklin. SMALL HOUSE, 945 Roosevelt. Phone 1364-R, - , . , MODERN 3-room furnished apt. with garage. 1062 Columbia. THREE-ROOM furnished up stairs apartment. Newly, decorat- hed. a Hawthorne. Phone 1483:MV RIDING HORSES at Gulick's Corrall, 1435 Albany St. $1.00 per hour $5.00 per day. Located on arth Century Drive at city lim- LEAN SLEEPING rooms, by jay or weeK. tan wan St. 5, . BEE HIVE SYSTEM ; Trucks you drive yourself any where, no restrictions. 1946 Dodge van for good, clean hauling. Court House Service Sta., corner Wall and Bond. Phone 458. or 981-M evenings. FOR RENT: TRAILER SPACE. New, modern trailer park, 4.uu per week. You pay electric bill. . Monthlyrates. " - D. & L. TRAILER PARK mile past So. City Limits, Highway 97 Wanted TOP PRICES Paid for 'any kind of cattle at your ranch. Please drop a card to W. R. Franks or call 78. Redmond. Help Wanted WANTED: Maid ' at Minnesota hotel, 2 or 3 hrs. a day. Steady Work. Call in person. BARBER WANTED to take over shop for 2 weeks beginning July 6. West Side Barber Shop, Bend, Oregon. - . . CHRISTIAN WOMAN, capable and unincumbered, 30 to 55 yrs. of age, for cook at children's farm home. Will Interview per sonally at Christian Church, Bend, on Monday evening or Lat ter Day Saints Church Tues. eve ning, or phone or write Wm. B. Schmedly, Supt. Children's Farm Home, Corvallis, Oregon. EXPERIENCED alteration wom an for ready-to-wear. Apply in person at Rath's, Wall and Min ncsqta.. EXPERIENCED sawyer for 7 foot left hand bund saw mill. Steam nigger, shotgun.feed. Per manent position. Mitchell Pine Lbr. Cot, phone 714 Mitchell. . EXPERIENCED ratchet setter (or electric trout set works, air dogs. Mitchell Pine - Lbr. Co., phone 714 Mitchell. SALESMEN: Earn while you learn, experience not necessary. I will train you. Salary is coin mission, earnings . unlimited. Year nrnnnrl work Fnr interview call Mr. Monroe, 34. RELIABLE middle-aged woman for general housework and take care of two children. Good wages. Phone 1019 R. Situations Wanted HUSKY high school hoy wants work on farm or in store. Phone 1515-J-l. WILL CARE for children In my country home. Call 2-F-ll lor in formal Ion. MIDDLEAGKD widow, daughter twelve, wishes position as house keeper In motherless home, or will consider res'aurant work, neat, excellent cook. Write Blanche E. Powers, 334 E. Green wood St. or phone 191-J. Situations Wanted VETERAN needs work. Experi enced as truck driver, service sta tion att. and carpenter s helper. Will consider any kind. Phone 1487-W. BUILDER, 40. years experience, will do contract or day building anywhere. Phone Redmond 82 or write D. F. Dubois, General De livery, Redmond. Lost BILLFOLD between Paulina lake and Lapine Thursday evening. Important papers. Reward. O. D. Alexander, Box 43, Lapine. Services WELL AND DRAIN HOLE drill ing. L. A. Holman, 108 Tumalo Ave. Phone 199-W. WASHING MACHINE Service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation, Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 1033 Brooks. WE CLEAN windows, wallpaper, kalsemlne, paint, Venetian blinds and upholstery; floors cleaned and waxed. Janitor service, sweeping compound, new Venetian blinds. Call Sutton. 1368-J. TOP AND FILL Dirt, cinders and driveway pumice, scoopmobile and dump truck work. T. F. Blakesley. Phone 1405-J. RUG and upholstery cleaning at the same prices we have always charged. Rugs 6c per sq. ft. Da venport and chair $11.00. Call Sutton. 1368-J. MOVING, Crating, uish packing, storage, hauling. Use Cascade Service. Equipment to handle al most any job. Agents for Lyon Van & Storage. CaU 1642-J, Cas cade Transport. SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J D. W. Grimes. 210 Davis Ave., Bend. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding. Sand er belts, band saw blades, new handles hung In tools. Sexton Supply & Sew Service. 1195 Wall Street. NOTICE: Tree moving is rm business. I have the equipment to do the Job safely. Also move rocks, stumps and small houses, Winch Truck Service. Phone 1405 W (Wiley Ellis), 1107 W. 15th. CARPET AND LINOLEUM lay ing, - rug repairing, Venetian blinds, 25 years' experience. Jack Boone, 780 Newport. Phone 241-J. WELL DRILLING, water Wills and drainage. Leonard Mathers, 1475 Hartford. Phone 1063-M. BLACK TOP PAVING; Phone 1208-W. p.O. Box 770, Coast Black top Paving Co. . POUND NOTICE ' Under Ordinance No. 120 the following dogs will be offered for saie at me city founa at iu:nu A. M., June 26, 1948. Male Black, Brown and White, part shepherd. Male Red Setter (old). i K- C. GULICK, , Poundmastcr. 13-C CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids are called for by the City of Bond and will be re ceived up until 5 P- M. Monday, June 28, at which time they wili be opened; for one 105 cubic foot portable air compressor. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids or waive any irregularities and accept any bid deemed best for the City. By order of the City Commis sion. George Simcrville, Recorder. 13-C NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of Ordinance No. NS 346 of the City of Bend, Ore gon, a municipal corporation, the undersigned will on the 22nd day of June, 1948, at the hour of 10 A. M. in the City Commission room In the City Hall, sell to the highest bidders for cash the fol lowing described real property lo cated In the City of Bend, Des chutes County, Oregon, provided no bid shall be accepted for less than the amount set opposite each respective parcel, which is the minimum appraised price fixed by the Commission of the City of Bend: Parcel No. 1 East of Lot 2, Block 30, Park Addition. $100.00 Cash. Parcel No, 2 South of Lot 8, Block 3, Wlestoria Addition, $150.00 Cash. GEORGE SIMERV1LLE, Recorder of the City of Bend. 1-713-C ADVKIITIHKMKNT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by School District No. 1, Deschutes County at Bend, Oregon until 7:30 P.M., July !), 1948, for the con struction of a grade school build ing for School District No. 1, Des chutes County, Bend. Oregon, and will then and there be opened and publicly rend aloud. Bids received FOR SALE CLOSE IN ACREAGE. 34 acres with 3 acres t'OI water. Very comfortable 3 bedroom semi modern home. CITY WA TER. Large barn, chicken and brooder houses, cellar and double gnrnge. About 1 acre alfalfa, rest seeded pasture. School bus, dally mall, etc. Trice S 1,500. $2,1)00 down, Iml mice monthly, J. A. Dudrcy, Realtor 10.19 Wall Street riione 1S27-W or 1(12 M after the time fixed for opening will not be considered. Plans, specifications and form of con tract documents may be obtained at the office of Stokes & Allyn, Architects, 205 Hughes Bklg.. 115 S.W. 4th Ave., Portland 4, Oregon, or at the office of the School Su perintendent, J. W. Bushong, Bend, Oregon, upon a deposit of $25.00 per set, which will be re funded upon tne return oi tne plans and specifications within a reasonable time, after receipt of bids. Each bid shall be accompan ied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond made payable to tne owner in amount not less than 57 of the amount of bid. The School District No. 1, Des chutes County, Bend, Oregon, re serves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive informali ties. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the open ing thereof or before award of contract, unless said award is de layed for a period exceeding 30 days. I. COTHRELL. Clerk. 11-13-16-C. LOCKE WINS TOURNEY "Chicago, June 21 IU1 Bobby Locke, the South African golfing ace, today added the sixth annual Chicago victory open title to his growing list of honors and pock eted $3,700 more in prize money. Locke fired a five-under-par 66 in the final round yesterday to D I YE Insurance Agency 901 Bond Phone Orval Johnson Phone 1249-W Ernie Phone FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE HOMES $ 8,500 Oregon's finest vacation land, Mctbllus Klvcr. Year round or summer home, 2 bedroom modern, unfinish ed upstairs. Uuest house, garage, .wood shed, fireplace, pipeu heat. . , .. i 9 8,400 Will l'.tl.A. 3 Bedroom Home. Excellent location on Awbrey itoad, redecorated, and new furnace. $ 7,850 Mouern I bedroom home with semi-flnlshed attic. Good basement, paved street and lots. 42,Uutf down, baiunce at 4o. Located at 145 l ioridu. 7,500 me modem 4 bedroom iiomo on river and paved street. Uood location. '1'eims. $ 7,850 is ueuioom modern Home located at 465 Newport. Flrupiace, hardwood floors, pipe furnace. Excellent terms, (now Keduced to u,5u.) $ 6,800 3 Bcdiooin modern home at 1320 Newport, property 100' x 30d'. Drive by for Inspection, then call lor ap pointment. Excellent., terms. ( ; $ 6,000 ' bedroom modern homo with additional utility bed room, itaseiiient, furnace, paved street. West bide on bus line. S 4,000 3 Bedroom west side home, lots, one block off Century urlve. $ 3,500 Auw 4 room pumice block stucco home, 2 lots, nice yard, lots of pines. i $ 3,500 & Room Modern Home. Kitchen range, and water heater included, 1,J00.0II down. t 2,650 4 ROOM SEMl-AlUliERN HOME, 3 lots. Kitchen range included. $ 2,150 4 room house, large garage, west side. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $80,000 MOTEL ULTRA-MODERN Recommended by Dun can llines Travel Hook. Excellent location, well estab lished, known by tourists throughout the West. No niomuly rentals, daily rates only. Excellent terms. $65,000 UNIT EXCELLENTLY 1 UKMSHKI) MOTEL. Close in. Landscaped and all units In excellent condi tion. Books open lor Inspection to interested party. Excellent terms. $35,000 8 UNIT MOTEL with service station and groceries. Will average $1200 net per month. $35,000 lESCIIOTES RIVER RESORT. 1C0 Acres. Beautiful setting among the pines un uper Deschutes River. 10 Cabins, Home, Store, Bouts, uil new. Located In the Heart of Central Oregon's finest fishing and hunting country. Good terms. $21,000 HU.HWAY TAVERN. Includes frame building, all equipment, largo walk in box, 2fi0 ft. of highway front uge, modern 8 liedroom home. $11,000 down. - $10,000 APARTMENT HOuSli. 5 Rentals, $28i per month income. $3,000 will bundle. $14,000 CAFE SERVICE STATION CABINS MODERN HOME ill Lupine, Oregon. Includes all equipment and furniture. $,mOO will iiundlc. $11,500 CITY CENTER SERVICE STATION and cabins in Crescent, Ore. Gas station Willi living quarters. Uood gahonage, also 0 cabins with monthly rental of $215. $ 9,500 GROCERY STOKE In Crescent, Oregon. Price In cludes good building with living quarters, all equip ment and inventory of $2,000, or more. Net of over $5,000 for 1047. Terms. $ 3,800 FOUNTAIN LUNCH with good equipment. Now doing very gootl business. Excellent In summer months. $ 3,700 RaDIu REPAIR and SALES. Asking price Is for Inventory - and fixtures only. Excellent lease and lo cution. $ 3,150 4 acres Inside city iimlfs. Good Industrial site. Rail road borders proerly. $500.00 down. FARM ACREAGES $18,000 SOuere farm near airport. 01 C.O.I, 'water, 40 In grain, 40 In pasture. $15,0110 110 Acres, 75 Acres Swulley water. Crops all In. Mod i ern Improvement. Grade A Dairy burn. $1-1,500 200 Acres deeded, 3,201) acres Taylor grazing. AH f. nced. , 44 shares C.O.I, wuter. Modern home, 3-car garage, large burn uml stock shed. All crops, equip ment, II head entile uml 5 horses Included. Good terms. $14,500 HI) Acre farm. "5 acres water. Very nice 4 bedroom modern home. Terms. $13,000 3 bedroom modern home, partly furnished. Also 3 room modern homo renting for $35. Two acres close In, fully equipiH'd poultry und ruuult business netting $:i()0 per month. $0,000 down. $12,000 80 ucres, city limits, 57 acres COI water. Can be pur chased In tracts of 5 acres up. 1400 ft. highway front age. Good business proicrty. Terms. $ 4,72510 acres with 000 ft. frontage on South Highway. May also be purchased In a 4 or 0 acre tract. $ 1,800 Buys 0 acres Irrigutcd, just outside city limits on highway. Art Itixe I'hono 7.VI-M Joe Tllilen Phono 12I8R home loans 001 Bond Slreet r rack up record-breaking 72-holo total of 266 18 under par. , j Use classified ads In The Bulle tin for quick results. rraraynjja! Lawn Chairs 3.50 & up Card Tables 2.50 & up Davenports ' 29.50 & up Occasional Chairs 10.50 & up LTV 535 lilxo 751 M Itoh Dtmglnss I'lioiio 12H3-W F. Diiborko hone II07-K insurance Phono 535 man czl) ib ruy i ll U flEAWiia