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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1948)
SATURDAY. JUNE 19, 1948 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON mnrnmitniMiiiiroiBiiii'iiiiiiiiminiiiiiinuiuiiimiiiiin NEWS OF SOCIETY , Ila S. Grant, Society Editor A11 society Items should be reported to The Bulletin not later flan 10 a.m. on the days ol publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.) taiunaittiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti"iiii"uMiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiii)iynyiiiimn Committees Appointed for Soropfimists Mrs. A. A. Symons, now presi dent ot the Soroptimlst club, and Mrs. T. S. Anglin, alternate con vention delegate, outlined their plans to attend the national con vention beginning July 25 in Tor onto, Canada, when the group met Wednesday evening for din ner at the Pine ' Tavern. High light of the meeting was an nouncement by the president of committee appointments for the coming year. The club adjourned after the meeting for a summer recess, to resume the regular schedule in September. The following committees were named, with the chairman listed first in each case: Classification, Mrs. R. J. Haf stad, Mrs. Earl Zeek and Mrs. Kenneth G. Cruickshank; audit and finance, Miss Leola Rose, Mrs. A. E. Stevens; publicity, Mrs. P. R. Buckingham, Mrs. D. Ray Miller; civic service, Miss Marguerite Elder, Mrs. M. E. Mill sap; social, Mrs. Joe Elder, Mrs. Don Shingler, Mrs. Grace Don ncr, Mrs. C. V. Shultz. Attendance, Mrs. W. K. Eus ton, Mrs. W. H. Cochran; legisla tive, Miss Zola McDougall, Mrs. Almeda Hoist, Mrs. J. A. Dudrey; budget and ways and means, Mrs. A. A. Ries and Mrs. Clifford Goodwin, co-chairmen ; Mrs. W. A. Brlnson, Dr. Pauline Sears, Mrs. George W. McCormack, Mrs. Othor Scott, Mrs. Betty J. Obert, Mrs. H. R. Wightman, Mrs. John E. West, Mrs. Earl Zeek, Mrs. Dan Sullivan. Hospitalitv. Mrs. T. S. Anglin, Mrs. Betty Obert, Mrs. J. B. Bear; program, Mrs. Lee C. Grant, Mrs. Homer R. Smith, Dr. Elizabeth Bishop, Miss Grace Mary Linn; music, Mrs. Eugene M. Buck num, Mrs. T. D. Sexton, Mrs. Clarence Bush, Mrs. Dean L. Wonser; historian, Faye Beech; roster committee, Mrs. P. R. Buckingham, Mrs. Grace Donner. Wedding Parties Honor Newlyweds North Redmond, June 19 (Spe cial) Mr. and Mrs. Tom Case were honored guests at two par ties last week. A bridal shower was 'given for Mrs. Case at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Case. Hostesses were Misses Evelyn and Arvilla Banta, and Miss Vir ginia Duncan, sister of the bride. Refreshments were served at the close of the afternoon. The bride's parents also honor ed the newlyweds at a wedding dinner. About 40 rela lives and friends presented the couple with gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Case were mar ried June 7 in Bend. They will make their home in Redmond. Dancing Club to Gather For "June Cotton Party" Members of the Bendonian Dancing club, and others who plan to join the group when the regular schedule is resumed in the fall, have been invited to par ticipate in a "June cotton party" Friday evening, June 25, at the Bendonian studio at 1001 East Penn. The Informal evening will feature dancing, to begin at 9 p.m. Cotton dresses and slacks will be accepted costumes for the af fair. SUNSHINE CLUB TO MEET North Redmond, June 19 (Spe cial) The Sunshine club will meet June 22 at the home of Mrs. Fred McDonald. She will be assisted by Mrs. Oren Jones. The business meeting will begin at 2 p.m. WARD VETERINARY HOSPITAL DR. W. D. WARD 1474 Hill St. l'lione 1208-.I All Animals Treated BOARD Wnklr Monthly Rllci. (Hewers For Special Occasions Floral Designs Corsages Free City Delivery We Telegraph Flowers Anywhere Open Evenings and Sundays PICKETT Rower Shop and Garden Phone M0 629 Qnlmhy Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Park O. Fleming Owners and Managers Women's Golf Matches Rained Out Yesterday A large group attended the lun cheon yesterday at the country Club for mprnhpro nf tha T nHinc Golf club. Little golf was played in inK morning, ana tne cnam plonship match was cancelled be cause of rain. Mrs. Don Fahey was named as chairman of the hostess commit tee for the luncheon next Friday. She will be assisted by Mrs. J. Stuart MacDonald, Mrs. Mark Sanders and Mrs. Thomas M. Bolton. ' Kindergarteners End Year With Varied Program Children In Mrs. Wilson George's kindergarten class par ticipated in a program last week at the library auditorium, mark ing the end of their year's train ing. The youngsters entertained with songs, pantomimes and reci tations, and all took part in the rhythm band. Their parents and a number of friends attended. Children who had parts in the program included the following: Judy Wilson, Butch Marshall, Mi chael Svmons. Mickey Foley, Ter rence Foley, Jimmy Ward, Mary Kay Richards, Karon Dee Rich ens, Pat Wonser. Dennis Drew, Rickle Elllgsen, Janet Rich, Don Mellin, Mary Alice Mellin. Joyce Cale, Harold Haugen, Russel Harlan, Rose Marie Ar bow, Hank Brooks, Karen Bowls, Joy Philbrook, Sherry Sullivan, Gerry Ann Robertson. Members of the class who were unable to take part, because of illness or vacations, are Sibyl White, Paul Benold. Carl Aiken, Judy Ann Jones. Judv Wolfe, Johnny Lyons and Karen Wiles. Bend Group Goes To Grand Chapter Delegates from the local chap ter of Order of the Eastern Star returned to Bend yesterday and today after attending the grand chapter session at the Masonic temple in Portland. Those attending included Mr. and Mrs. James A. Chamberlin, worthy patron and worthy mat ron, respectively, of the local chapter; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hill; Mrs. J. A. Dudrey and Mrs. J. C. Vandevert. Mrs. Hill was active1 in the meetings as a mem ber of the student loan commit tee. Mrs. Louise Irvin, Madras, was appointed to the office of grand Ruth. The meeting was held from June 14 to 17, with the formal opening Monday evening and the Installation of ' grand officers Thursday. Garden Club to Plan Float for Water Parade Members of the Bend Garden club will make plans for their noat, to oe entered in the Fourth of July water pageant, at a spe cial meeting called for Tuesday, June 22, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Virgil Surfus, 223 St. Helens. All members were urged to attend the meetinc. Last year, the club entered a float depicting giant calla lilies. ELECTROLUX CLEANER AND AIR PURIFIER SALES SERVICE and . SUPPLIES PHIL PHILBROOK 1246 E. 3rd. Phone 1293-J Just as tender stalks of corn grow into a golden harvest, so do regular savings yield a crop of interest. Open your ac count today. Start to save . . . the Deschutes Federal Way. is ,oMm s Girls' Group To Install New Officers Margie Peak will be installed as queen of the local Jobs Daugh ters bethel, succeeding Bobby Jo Smithey, at a ceremony to be held Wednesday, June 23, at 8 p.m. at the Masonic temple. Parents and friends of the girls have been invited to attend the installation. The girls will hold their business meeting earlier, at 7 p.m. Other new elective officers to be installed at that time are Charleen Dahlin, senior princess; Mary Louise Loggan. junior princess; Beverly Reinhart, guide, and Nadlne Pepin, mar shal. ' New appointive officers are Winona Fishback, chaplain; Mar ilyn Walters, treasurer; Carmen Elder, recorder; Mary Lou Hud son, musician; Murial Brooks, senior custodian; Jurene Ranger, junior custodian; Jackie Craven, iirst messenger; Bobbie Gilbert, second messenger; Roberta Fred inhagen, third messenger? Nancy Ferguson, fourth messenger; Dor othy Corkett, fifth messenger; Beth Ann Donner, inner guard; Nadine Glllis, outer guard; Gwen Russell, librarian; Carol McCor mack, historian; Sharon Grahl man, lady of the lights. Past Officers Listed Retiring officers, in addition to Miss Smithey, are Genny Arm. strong, senior princess; Priscilla Botkin, junior princess; Carolyn Blakely, guide; Margie Peak, marshal; Beverly Reinhart, chap lain; Beverly Hebert, treasurer; Charleen Dahlin, recorder; Dor othy Corkett, musician; Frances Brooks, senior custodian Doris Morely, junior custodian; Betty Lewis, first messenger: Winona Fishback, second messenger;. jwary Louise Loggan, third mes senger; Carmen Elden, fourth messenger; Phyllis Halligan, fifth messenger; Marilyn Walt ers, inner guard; Jackie Craven, outer guard; Nadine Pepin, li brarian; Muriel Brooks, histor ian; and Bobbie Gilbert, lady of the lights. Annual Luncheon To Feature Cards Many Central Oregon women are looking forward to an affair which annually attracts a large number of bridge and pinochle enthusiasts. It is the luncheon to be given next Wednesday at 1 p.m. in the St. Francis parish hall,, with members of Circle 1, of the Catholic Altar society, in charge. A soeclal fpnturn will ha table for business women, who will be served promptly at 1 o clock, it was announced- by Mrs. James Arbow, general chair man. Those who remain for the card games will compete for at tractive prizes, she sale-. Mem, bers of the sponsoring group are selling tickets, which will also be on sale at the door. Catholic Altar society, circle 4 will meet next Wednesday at 8 p' m. at the home of Mrs. Loweli Jensen, 160 Irving.- The meeting has been moved up one week to avoid conflict with members' va cation periods. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST O'Donnell Bid);. Office Phone 73 Residence Phone 819-W TOP SOIL FILL MATERIAL DRIVEWAY MATERIAL DIRT LEVELING ROCK OR DIRT EXCAVATION PHONE 1459-W SAVINGS grow too! ederal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Social Calendar Tonight 8 p. m. Carnival at Eastern Star grange hall. 8 p. m. Bend Golf club, dinner at country club. 9:30 p. m. Sons of Norway, dance at Norway hall.. Sunday 10:30 a. m. Community get together, 'Alfalfa grange hall. 1 p. m. Pine Forest grange, picnic at Shevlln park. Monday 8 p. m. Young Mothers study club, with Mrs. George Davis, Route 2. 8 p. m. Royal Neighbors, li brary auditorium. Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Bend Garden club, with Mrs. Virgil Surfus, 223 St. Helens. Wednesday 1 p. m. Public luncheon and card party, St. Francis parish hall. 2 p. m. N. O. W. Thimble club, with Mrs. Carl Johnson, 335 Ver mont, i 6:30 p. m. Church night din ner, First Christian church. ' 7:30 p. m. -Wimodausis sewing club, with Mrs. Ron Gallagher, 218 Portland. 8 p. m. Circle 4, Catholic Altar society, with Mrs. Lowell Jensen, 160 Irving. Friday 9 p. m. -K Bendonian Dancing club, cotton party at 1001 East Penn. Group Gives Formal Dinner Daughters of the Nile honored Mrs. John Rankin, queen of Ny dla temple, Portland, 'and other out-of-town members of the or ganization, at a formal banquet in the Masonic temple Wednes day evening. Other honored guests were Mrs. R. C. Royce, Portland, princess royal; Mrs. Simpson, Portland, princess Bedorah; and Mrs. Fred Fick, representative of the Zule ma temple in Medmord. - Mrs. H. D. Hamilton and Mrs. L. M. Lancaster were co-chairmen for the banquet. Following the business meet ing, Mrs. Rankin reported on the supreme session which she at tended last month in Arizona. Those present, in addition to the guests, were Mrs. B. V. Anderr son, Mrs. C. A. Burrell, Mrs. Lan caster, Mrs. Lee Erickson, Mrs. Frank Gray, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. W. L. Larrance, Mrs. Merle Sleeper, Mrs. A. -B. Snider, Mrs. W. A. Hunnell, and Mrs. William Jappert. w UNIT 'MEETS The Terrebonne homo exten sion unit met Thursday at the. home ot Mrs. Kobert Knorr in Redmond. The 14 members pres ent packed a box for flood relief at Vanport. The June 17 meeting was held at the E. M. Parr ranch home. Pine Forest grange will have its annual picnic for members and their families tomorrow at.l p.m., in the upper meadows of Shevlin park. In case it rains, the potluck dinner will be served in the grange hall, according to those in charge. Coffee, lemonade and ice cream will be provided. A program of games and stunts is planned for the afternoon, with entertainment to be provided for all ages. CESSPOOL SERVICE : Cesspool & Septic Tanks Complete Service Best of Materials Furnished Our periodical inspection will , Insure you more efficient operation. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phono 366-W or 716 W Septic Tanks Cesspools CLEANED INSTALLED All Materials Furnished Expert Service Bend Septic Tank and Cesspool Service 526 Harmon Phone 1I8IW CLEANING DRY CLEANING . OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone 524 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights G E Mazda Lamps Alt Work Inmrnl and (iuirantted Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 98 Commercial Printing of Quality PHOTOGRAPHIC OFFSET LETTERPRESS THE BEND Phon 3 Camp Registration Camp Fire girls and Blue Birds of the Bend area, who plan to at tend summer camp at Crescent lake, will register Wednesday, June 23, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the City drug store. Camp will be from August 8 to 22, with Blue Birds and 10-year-old Camp Fire girls attending the first week, and the older girls going the sec ond week. Mrs. Joe Elder, exec utive secretary, will act as camp director. Girls In the north part of the county will register Friday, June 25, at the Redmond Spokesman office. Spoons for Camp Miniheka Camp Fire group, with Miss Helen Mason as guard ian, has contributed six teaspoons for the kitchen at Camp Pinewan, It was announced today. Each Camp Fire girl and Blue Bird has been asked to give one spoon, as her part in the project to equip the Kitchen. Picnic Is Held Members of the Wohato and Chickagami Camp Fire groups met together Wednesday for a picnic at the James Price home. Present from the Wohato group were Dawn Price, Barbara May 'nard, Donna Hergert, Sandra LaPlant, Susan Hein, Emmajean Bartlett, Patricia Janzlk, Janet Sutton and the guardian, Mrs. Corwln Heln. Chickagami group was repre sented py snaron bather, uretch en Goodrich, Mary Jones, Bobby Lee Erickson, Joyce Bushong, Arlene Aim, Jane Goddard, Shar leen Lancaster, Patty Gilliland and the guardian, Mrs. Dale Curtis. Young Mothers Study club will meet Monday at 8 p. m. at the Wi Ml HELPHREY DAIRY 118 Greenwood Ave. WHO'S WHO In BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ELECTRIC MOTORS Jerry's Motor Shop Electric Motors Repaired Armature Re-Winding Minor Repairs or Rebuild DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION 618 Revere Phone 1446-W ELECTRIC MOTORS EBNER'S ELECTRIC SERVICE All Types of ELECTRIC MOTORS and GENERATORS Rewound and Repaired NEW and REBUILT MOTORS 1116 Wall Phone 858-J MONUMENTS For Monuments and Mark ers in world's finest gran ites. We guarantee satis faction. Ray Carlson 854 Georgia Phone B88M Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS HOUSEHOLD COMMERCIAL Oregon Equipment Co. 165 E. Greenwood Phone 888 BULLETIN 56 home of Mrs. George Davis, whose address Is Route 3, Box 4. Her home Is on highway 97 north of Bend, the 'first house on the right, north of the canal. "Discip line and Correction" will be the subject of the discussion, with Mrs. R. A. Breckenridge as chair man, assisted by Mrs. R. L. How ard and Mrs. Mel Ross. Women who are interested in meeting with the group were asked to call the president. Mrs. Phil Phil brook, at 1293-J. Redmond Group Planning Picnic Redmond, June 19 (Special) Plans were completed Friday for the annual combined Sunday school and church picnic, when the guild of the Community Pres byterian church met at the home of Mrs. C. W. Heim. The picnic will be held at the Cline Falls picnic grounds fol lowing the morning church serv ices on June 27. Mrs. C. H. Irvin was appointed by the guild to attend the wom en's Whitworth leadership school in Spokane Jiom June 21 to 25. Mrs. Lloyd Smith reported to the guild on a 'new book, "The Guide to Confident Living." This was the last meeting of the guild until next September. Mrs. C. E. Tompson assisted Mrs. Heim as co-hostess. Refreshments were served. Wilson's Refrigeration Efficient Quality Service & Repairs ALL TYPES and MAKES of MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION South Phone Highway 1 1648 W Early ' Morning DELIVERY To Your HOME ROOFING SHINGLES SIDING INSULATION ROOFING Free Estimate Given Use Our Easy Payment Plan Central Oregon Roofing Co. 838 Bond Phone 1270 SERVICES DEWITT & DUNCAN Drilling Blasting Concrete work of all kinds. Concrete Septic Tanks Installed. Fill Dirt and Top Soil. Hourly or Contract Hates. Phone lOOfl-W or 1332 W 839 Columbia or 1025 Galveston Parrish Radio Service 24 Hour Service v Work Guaranteed. Free pickup St delivery service. Open 0 a. m. lain, ni. 133 Greenwood Ave. Phone 1S8I- Gordon Parrish, Technician AAA SERVICE AVVTUlMfJ ANYPLACE ANYTIME Home and Commercial Properties. BEND GARBAGE CO. Phone 1512 W 5 Shoo Repairing while you wall at Springgate Shoe Repair Next door to Capitol Theater Hour 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Let me keep your soles together. Closed Sunday and Monday. Evlnrude Motor Rental by day or week Have a happy fishing trip with a motor that trolls. Freeman Tackle Co. 619 E. 3rd. Phone 2B2 , jflCHIDl HAYDN U0UISE ALLBRITTQN Vp 'THE BEST- f m r PV MILK j in town" . 6reZ!rZzsd XtT Zt&ttL EXTRA I ftT) COLOR CARTOON I ' NOVELTY ... I kl&mw 1 laws 1 I C AflNRV O'RRIF.NB "THI STARTS TOMORROW! THE MOST HILARIOUS THING TO HIT THE SCREEN IN YEARS!! lift . OT..Lu! Iff II ROBERT YOlj. r. 1 1 - ryji 1 1 II STARTS I in I TOMORROW! ..mvgW I f ; .1 FROM bThINDA I I J? LwClOSfDDOOR... ! I l SWEPT THE FEAR ' - THAT STALKED J -4 2- each embracei - ' ' ': it" - BEUIIETTV Michael . ; m$ - 2nd Big Hit! SIDE THE TRAIIS OF r4Q vw ' ; BLAZING GUNS IrWfafiW-' telegraph' .jMSmU p W0& fl TVfJW ZA EXTRA Vy . 025-"- COLOR CARTOON U-52!- "pL & LATEST NEWS! ENDS TODAY Alan Ladd Veronica Lake , 7 "saTgon" What Results! What Hilarity! y MAUREEN O'HARA' j CLIFTON WEBB- f