THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON THURSDAY. .11 IK1C ii ... , , ,t ,Y. PAGE FOURTEEN Warm Weather To Increase Need Of Milk Cooling Corvallis, June 17 (Special Warm summer days and nights . complicate the dairyman's prob. "' lem ol cooling milk to a desirable temperature or eu degrees or less as soon as possible after milking ' Is completed, states H. P. Ewalt, O.S.C. extension dairyman. .For best quality milk, the tem perature below 60 degrees is needed until the milk reaches the processing plant, Ewalt adds. To accomplish fast cooling, . surface coolers containing refrlg erated water are frequently used. With this type of equipment, it is possible to use tap or well water in the upper hair or the cooler; ' refrigerated brine or water in the lower half. A gas type refriger ant in the lower half of the cooler is widely used. Ewalt says surface coolers fill- , ed with water only will lower milk temperature to within four degrees of the water when five gallons of water pass through the cooler for each gallon of milk moving over the cooler. May Use Cans Refrigerated water flowing over cans of milk may be used as a means of cooling. Placing the cans of milk in a dry cooler or refrigerator, however, is not a satisfactory cooling method, Ewalt states. Eighty pounds of milk may be cooled from 90 to 60 degrees in one hour when placed in a tub of 54 degree wa ter with the water moving past the can at the rate of four gal lons per minute. Ewalt points out that it is not necessary to stir the milk. Keep the lid on the can, he states. , However, there is one precaution: Do not mix warm and cnlrl milk Adding warm milk to cool milk I merely prolongs bacterial growth. ! Equal care in milk cooling is i uesuaDie no matter lor what manufacturing purpose the milk is to be used. Do not have the margin of. profit cut by having milk returned, Ewalt advises, as a final point in favor of ade quate milk cooling. County Court Proceedings BE IT REMEMBERED, That at a regular term of the Countv Court held May 19, 1948, all mem bers being present, the following business was transacted: In the Matter of Claims Against the County: The following bills were pre sented and ordered paid: GENERAL FUND: C. L. MeCauley, Sheriff ; Postage $18.03; Tel. $11.16; Auto 40c $ 29.59 Catholic Charities, Inc., Ju- , venlle Exp. 27.58 Aubrey E. Perry, Survey- 'ng ' 15.00 George Platz. Surveying.... 12.00 The Bend Pilot, Election Exp. 12.50 R. G. Proby, Election Exp. 35.00 Opal Sprague, Election ;Exp. . 150.00 Dolores Kramer, Election Exp. .. 150.00 Bend-Troy Laundry, Co.urt- ' house Exp 6.10 The Bend Bulletin, Juven ile $8.75; Equalization T Bd. $4.80 13.55 John C. Johnson, Rural School Board Exp 21.00 Carl H. Baker, Rural School Board Exp 6.60 Pete Leithauser, Rural School Board Exp 6.30 E. L. Walrath, Rural School Board Exp 2.80 John Poppe, Rural School Board Exp 15.00 Velma Buckingham, School Supt. Mil. $13.40; Postage $15.00 .... 28.40 Standard Oil Company, ELECTROLUX CLEANER AND AIR PURIFIER SALES SERVICE and SUPPLIES PHIL PHILBROOK 1340 E. 3rd. Phone 1298-J CASH FOR YOUR VACATION Easy to Get Easy to Repay 25.00 to '300.00 ON FURNITURE FARM MACHINERY LIVESTOCK Up To '500.00 ON AUTOMOBILES Repayment Terms Arranged to Suit Your Income. PORTLAND LOAN CO. Norbort D, Goodrich, Mgr. Km. 8, Penney Bid, 1010 Wall Telephone 173 BEND, OKEGON State Licenses 8186 M321 Sheriff Auto Exp 6.94 General Petroleum Corp. Sheriff-Auto Exp 11.12 Erikscn's Stationery, J. P. Dlst. No. 1 Supp 1.00 J. K. Gill Company, School Supt. Supplies 31.82 West Publishing Co., Cir cuit Court Exp 5.00 Packer-Scott Co.. Court house Exp. 10.40 Vanco, Courthouse Exp 22.20 She O Comnanv. Sheriff Auto Exp 3.77 Myrlck Photographs. Fin gerprint Ident 2.82 Carl Austin, Election Exp. 14.00 Burroughs Adeline Mach. Co., Assessor Supo 1.80 Brookings Wood Yard. Courthouse Fuel 269.10 Bend-Portland Truck Serv. Courthouse Exp 1.20 Kilham Stationery & Print. Co., School Supt. Supp. 23.98 Pac. Power & Light Co., Courthouse Electricity.... 81.72 Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co., Tele. Various Offices... 146.53 Courthouse Building: Imnvt. Etc. Fund: C. M. Clifton, Cleaning Ve- ' netlan Blinds 73.00 Cascade Venetian Blind Co., Cleaning Venetian Blinds .'. 30.00 General Road Fund: Dan C. Wood, Gen. Exp 5.70 Geo. H. McAllister. Gen. Exo 2.51 Mowrey Welding Service, Parts 330.06 Drake's Auto Shoe Parts.. 176.49 Industrial Air Products Co.. Hdw 21.10 Pac. Power & Light Co.. Lights 4.14 In the Matter of Pumice Lease: . The Court leased The Miller Lumber Company Lot 7, Sec. 6; Lot 1, Sec. 7; and NE'4NW'4 Sec. 7, all in Twp. 17 S. R. 12 E.W.M. containing 114.48 acres, for a pe riod of five years. The lease to be payable 925.W per quarter in ad vance, the first payment to be made upon the execution of the lease and a like payment to be made upon the expiration ol each three months thereafter. The $25.00 payment to be deducted from the total amount due the lessor at 10c per cubic yard for each cubic yard of pumice re moved therefrom. In the Matter of Contracts For County Owned Lands: At this time the Court signed the following contracts: O. L. Farlow et ux NWWNE'i Sec. 11. Twd. 19 S. R. 14 E. W. M. t$12.00 cash, bal. $10.00 per mo. at H7 int.) $uu.uu Vera Baker, Block 20, Bonne Home Add; Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 31, Northwest Townslte Co.'s Second Add. ($70.00 cash. bn). $20.00 oer mo. at 6'A int.) $350.00 F. L. Campbell et ux Lots 4 and 5, Block 118, First Add. to Bend Park , ($20.00 cash, bal. $10.00 per mo. at 6 int.). .$100.00 Kalnh K. Johnson et ux Lots 24, 25 and 26, Block 120, First Add. to Bend Park ($60.00 cash, bal. $20.00 Der mo. at 6 int.) $300.00 In the Matter or Deeds To County Owned Lands The Court signed the loiiowing deeds: Claud A. Michael et ux Lots 8 and 9, Block 12 and Lots 41, 42 & 43, Block 11, Bonne Home Add $50.00 Olaf Skfersaa et ux Lot 22, Block 120, 1st Add. to Bend Park $8000 Lloyd Mathers et ux Lots 7 & 8, Block 44, Center Add $525.00 E. B. Everman et ux Lots 1 to 8, Inc., Block 47, Center Add $675.00 Raleigh Aulman, NWKNWM, Sec. 24, Twp. 18 S. R. 12' E. W. M $60.00 Millard Carr et ux Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 53, Center Add ,.$270.00 F. T. Chestnut & Ned Green Lots 11, 12 & 13, Block 45, Center Add $375.00 Luther Motke et ux Lot 10, Block 2, Lava Road Add. In the Matter of the Cole County Road: Pursuant to an order hereto fore entered, the Court made an order establishing the Cole Coun ty Road. mere being no turtner Busi ness, Court adlourned. C. L. ALLEN, County Judge. E. E. VARCO. Commissioner. A. E. STEVENS, Commissioner. Official Records Probate Court The estate of Emerson F. Stock well, who died May 25, 1948, has been admitted to probate, and Anne Forbes was named execu trix, according to terms of the will. The estate consists of per- i nw.,.tu nf on estimated SUIIUl " ... values not exceeding $8000. Heirs at law include his wife, Jessie A. nt TtonH nnrl a son. Otuvnvrun, -- Gordon P. Stockwell, of Richland, Wash. Inventory of the estate of the r.ilth M.Whltnnmb. who died mm au.h. .... ' ... , November 3, 1947, has been filed In probate court. The estate con sists of personal property valued at $14,309.41, including checking and savings accounts, personal effects .and $3,422.75 in U. S. bonds. Business Change Hands As assumed business name for Redmond Cab company was filed by G. E. Murphy June 15 with the county clerk. At the same time, a retirement for the business was filed by Alfred D. Ball. EASY TO REMEMBER Fort Worth, Tex. till Mother and son in the R. N. Miller family won't have any trouble remem bering each other's birthday. Robert Fred Miller arrived on the 26th birthday of his mother, Mrs. R. N. Miller. BEND DAIRY'S LIVE IN BEND! NO FIGHT, NO FIRE New York i!P When a fight appeared .imminent at a party celebrating the christening of a friend's baby, Ray Tormey turned In a fire alarm. The fight failed to develop and Tormey was fined $25 for turning in a false fire alarm. RADIANT PANEL SYSTEMS Designed and Installed Steam and Hot Water Heating Systems Mastercraft Oil Burner DE LUXE HEATING CO. 258 Hill St. Phone 1232 ''test PIGGLY IVIOCLV 2 Gallon 28c Quart 16c. 7 oz. Pkg. 17c Sunshine Graham Crackers.. 1 lb. 28c Tuna Fish California - Fancy Solid Pack 49c Prince Albert or Velvet Tobacco 1 Lb. Tin 83c STANDBY 46 oz. Tin Orange Juice 25c STANDBY 46 oz. Tin Blended Juice ... . 23c V-46 oz. Tin Vegetable Juice ..... . 33c surprises-no. i Tin Ripe Olives 15c Camay Toilet Soap Reg. size 10c, Bath size ... 2 for 27c Ivory Soap Medium Size, 2 for 21c; Large Size 2 for 35c Personal Ivory , - 2 for 15c Ivory Flakes or Ivory Snow Large Pkg. 35c Oxydol or Duz Large Size 35c Dreft Detergent ...I .' Large Pkg. 31c Spic and Span 2 Pkgs. 49c Old Dutch Cleanser 3 Packages 29c Fels Naptha Soap r 3 Bars '29c 3 QT. GALVANIZED PRESSURE TYPE Chccpin Hand Sprayer .... s1.39 Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables GRAPEFRUIT ... 6 for 39c Texas Pinks GREEN PEAS 3 lbs. 29c Fresh, l ull Pods GREEN BEANS 2 lbs. 33c Fresh, Stringless LETTUCE 2 for 19c Large, Crisp Heads APRICOTS, PEACHES. PLUMS, STRAWBERRIES Market Price Durkee's Whip Dressing, qt. 65c I I III l OiV Durkee's Mayonnaise, qt. jar 93c PINT 49e I Durkee's Margarine. . 2 lbs. 85c -J Qrini Li Poland's airlkett , . . . . QUALITY POULTRY FOR PRIME MEATS O Fryers lb. 65c Link Sausage . lb. 59c O Hens lb. 55c Ground Round lb. 75c HAMS Half or Whole Lb. 59c Beef Short Ribs .. lb. 39c Cottage Cheese Kraft's pt. 30c Pure Lard Kettle Itenilered 2 lbs. 59c A COMPLETE SELECTION OF WONDERFUL GIFTS FOR A WONDERFUL DAD ... FATHER'S DAY A HOST OF LITTLE GIFTS THAT MEAN SO MUCH TO DAD . . . Remember Sunday June 20 Today come in and see. the exciting gift items we have for Dad this year. The perfect pres ent for a perfect Dad the gift that expresses your love. Shirts, ties, sus penders, pajamas, sweaters, handker chiefs, socles, make wonderful Father's. Day gifts. Manhattan and Van Heusen Shirts Van Heusen and Botany Ties Holeproof Hosiery Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits Stetson and Hardeman Hats Paris Belts and Suspenders ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES!