THURSDAY, JUNE 17. 1948 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN Americans Under German Laws In U. S. Zone Frankfurt tP An American citizen in a legal scrape here Is obliged whether he likes It or not to depend upon German law to protect him, even before an American court. That's exactly what an Ameri can wife found out when she was convicted of assault to commit murder. Furthermore, it was dis covered that an American defend ant virtually. Is forced to hire a German attorney to defend him. Both army officers and civilian employes get Into hot water with military government regulations If they offer to take a- Job as a de tense counsel. Officers can do so niy with approval of their su perior officers or by court ap pointment. But they cannot be paid. Similarly, civilian government employes must turn down fees for taking on a criminal case. Some of them such as the prose cutors at Nuernberg are men of vast legal experience. But they must accept cases gratis and then only with their boss' approval. Encounters uea rape So the American in trouble be- f fore a military government court has to fight his way through miles of red tape before he even can persuade an American attor ney to defend him. Many legal barriers may stack up between him and justice.. That leaves him with little choice . but to accept, perhaps blindly, one of several German attorneys retained by the local military government. He gets a lawyer, but his chances of an ade quate defense are not boosted by legal diferences, languages, cus toms, and perhaps even mutual prejudice. Those obstacles, sound like a distinct violation of what are nor maly considered an American's constitutional rights. Legal au thorities agree that they are. But military government offi cials hold that there are no con stitutional rights in Germanv to day. There Is simply military law. That is the way the cards are stacked. , Joker In Pack Then, there is a joker In the pack, too. Americans in Germany may not be able to get a defense lawyer of their choice, but two Germans on trial for war crimes ' in Nuernberg today are being de fended by top U. S. attorneys. Baron Ernst von Weiszacker, , one-time nazi envoy to the Vati can, has retained Warren R Ma 'Kec of Washington, and Joseph H. Robinson of New York to han dle the case of Friedrich von Bue low, a member of the Krupp firm. To that disparity, military gov i r. eminent oficials reply, "they sim J ply applied for entry, were admit f tod, and have been accepted by the court." But unofficially, the same sources say that interested and influential parties in the United States have put up the dollar ante to retain the two attorneys, since they obviously would not take such cases gratis or for worthless reichsmarks. Realty Transfers Deeds May 29 B. C. Straughn to LeRoy D. Aeschliman, lots 6 7 8, blk 15, Wiestoria. LeRoy Aeschliman to B. C. Straughn, lots 12 3, blk 10, High land. Vernon R. Plass to Alice C. Foley, lot 3, blk 2, Ellis subdivi sion. S. R. Barr to Fannie Montgom ery, NESE 21 22 10. Mortgage Releases May 29 U. S. National bank to LeRoy Aeschliman, lots 12 3, blk 10, Highland. Ralph Ammon to Guy Cham ness, lots 9 10 11 12, blk 44, Red mond. Deeds June 1 Melvin N. Bue to Cecil A. Ray craft, part SENE 5 18 12 Jcorrec tion). Erick Victor Anderson to B. L. Fleck, lots 1 2, blk E, Redmond T. S. 1st add. John Pengilly to August L. Helsel, part SENE 23 17 12. Laurence E. Clausen to Fre mont S. Beal, lot 2, sub dlv. blk FULLER DfllMTS The all-pwipote "hoiue'palnt Ton ean't Iba finer iterlor "booM" paint than Folic Pur Prepared. A lo mxU by Tt'i laifaat paint BBanubetunt. SNOOK BUILDERS SUPPLY 8 Greenwood rhotifi 919-W 3, Staate being part SWNE 30 17 12. : ' MortgageJune 1 Hugh H. Dugan to Des. fed sav and loan, part WttNW 9 18 12. Deeds June 2 E. Sims Wilson to Delmar A. Ray part of lot 2, 19 17. 13. Delmar A. Ray to E. Sims Wil son, part of lot 2, 19 17 13. J. G. McGuffie to C. W. Iver son, EH lots i 2, blk 23, Red mond. Willis F. Flndley to Knute Brandstrom, lot 11, blk 32, NWTS 2nd add. Oscar E. Harding to E. L. Grls wold, part of SWV4 5 15 11. J. D. G. Dorr, Jr., to W. V. Hamby, lots 1 2, blk 111, 1st add Bend pk. Deschutes co to Ivan Larson, lots 10 11, blk 47, Center. Deschutes co to Tobert C. Har ris, lots 4 5 and W ft 6, blk 6, Kenwood. Deschutes co to Isabella G. Crocker, lots 4 5 6, blk 56, Center. Deschutes co to George L. Car ter, NENW NV6NE 15 17 12. Deschutes co to Cascade Motor cycle club, NWSE 25 17 11. Deschutes co to B. E. Lechner, SW 4 22 10. Homer Wood to Dan Urell, W 100- lot 17 So. Moreland ac. C. L. Duling to Michel D. Urell, W lot 20 all 21 So. Moreland ac. Gerald F. Nellson to Bessie Toe ring, lots 10 11, blk 13, Center. C. L. McCauley, sheriff, to M. E. Van Landuyt, sheriff's deed,' lots 8 9 10, blk 143, 2nd add Bend pk. C. J. Leverett to Eric W. Dun lap, lots 7 8, blk 43, NWTS 2nd add. Erie W. Dunlap to Clifford L. Blann, lots 7 8, blk 43, NWTS 2nd add. , A. W. Long to Darrell G. Thompson, lots 17 18, blk 12, Kenwood. Henry Hewlns to Esther Law son, SESW 31 15 13. Mortgages June 2 Luther Metke to U. S. Nat'l bnk, lot 10, blk 2, Lava Rd. Bessie Toering. to Frank W. King, lots 10 11, blk 13, Center. Clifford L. Blann to Des. fed sav and loan, lots 7 8, blk 43, NWTS 2nd add. Darrell G. Thompson to Des fed sav and loan, lots 17 18, blk 12, Kenwood. . " Alex Lewis to Gertrude E. Rowlee, SENW SWNE 8 16 12. Mortgage Release June 2 Esther Bechen to H. G. Burnett, lot 10, blk 27, Highland. $30 ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans AUTO your LIGHT TRUCK YOUR PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 15 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 Deeds June S Frank W. McCaffery to Grant A. Sharer, lot 94, Railway add. Paul Runnels to Anne Forbes, lot 1, blk 43, Riverside. Grace B. Kramer to Lester .C. Kramer, tr 12, Virginia pk. William F. Tyson to Howard Mayfield, SttNW EV4NW 32 19 11. Robert H. Foley to H. H. De Armond, SWSW 19 17 13. Homer Wood to E. E, Hoffman, part of lot 18, So. Moreland ac. Steve N. Markos to Ralph E. Burton, E 20' lot 9, blk 8, Des chutes. Mortgage June 3 Hans A. Block to Payton A. Shaw, lots 23 24, blk 80, Bend pk. Mortgage Releases June 3 Ed McGreer to Ann M. Han son, NSW 3 15 13. ' its nat'l hnk to Homer Wood. Into 17 19 Mnrolanri. U. S. nat'l bnk to Homer wooa, lots 17, 18, so. Moreiana una;. Deeds June 4 L. P. Wiggins to Matt Daly, lots 7 8, blk 34, Riverside. J. A. Dudrey to W. V. Hamby, lots 1 and 2 except E 10" blk 35, Wiestoria. Ronald D. Fowler to Ben E. Shlpp, lot 9, blk -5, River terr. (correction). Bruce L. PInston to Warren F. Kissinger, lots 7 8, blk 10, LytW. On ocean vessel loaded in Bos ton will sink deeper in the water when It Is in the Gulf stream be cause the warmer water there Is less dense than the colder water In New England harbors. Sperry's Cereal Tray ...... 31 c Kellogg's Variety Pak ..... . 34c Post Tens Pak 34c Ralston Tray Pak .......... 29c Flav-R-Pae Frozen Foods Medo-Land Ice Cream Corn, H & D . 2 for 37c Peas, Fictsweet .... 2 for 39c Franco American Spaghetti . 2 for 29c Dennlsons Pork end Beans 2 for 29c Layer Pak ........ 2 for 49c Llbby's 8 In can Tamales .. ... 2 cans 49c Delrich Oleo Lb. 46c Coca-Cola, 7-Up, Orange ... .... 6 for 25c ; Plus bottle deposit 15c 23c ... 47c Red Beans ...... 2 lb. pkg. 39c Baby Limas ..... 2 lb. pkg. 37c Pinto Beans ..... 2 lb. pkg. 49c Large White Beans 2 lb. pkg. 39c Small White Beans 2 lb. pkg. 54c COLUMBIA'S MEAT SPECIALS Beef Shoulder Roast lb. 59c Veal Shoulder Roast lb. 63c Bulk Sausage .' lb. 49c Colored Fryers and Hens. Cottage Cheese, Prawns, Pickles. FOOD MARKET Thermo-regulatecf roasted for uniform full flavor. " ; ' " " i ... ntCt ,10 ' W ..." COFFEE IN TWO KINDS DRIP AND PERCOLATOR Sill FREE - DELIVERY There's a train-load of savings right here on the shelves and counters at ERICK- PHONES SON'S FOOD MARKET savings on Quality Foods. Shop here tomorrow, Saturday and every day and you'll find you eat bettor for less. It's here that you find llq an(f lla Quality Foods for LESS, so come In and shop, and SAVE! 7 Gold ftfledal Flour 503.98 Asparagus Soup Ranih tans 29( YAMHILL No. 2 can CASE $2.55 Sweet Peas , .... 3 cans 29c H D No. 2 can CASE $4.15 y. ' Whole Kernel Corn'. ... 2 cans 35c DUNDEE or COLUMBIA No. 2'j can CASE $2.25 Tomatoes can 19c WHOLE PEELED No. 2 can CASE $2.30 New Potatoes 3 cans 29c DUNDEE No. 2 can--CASE $4.15 String Beans 2 cans 35c S & W APPLE JUICE 2 Cans 25c 1 Can FREE 3 Cans for 25c DUNDEE No. 2 !j can CASE $5.19 Freestone Peaches ....... can 22c HUNT'S FANCY No. 22 can CASE $6.95 Whole Apricots .......... can 29c STANDBY 46 oz. can CASE $2.95 Blended Juice can 25c TRONIC 303 Jar I . Kadota Figs . . . jar 23c HUDSON HOUSE WHOLE SECTIONS No. 2 can Grapefruit Sections ...... can 19c BAUDO No. 2 can Grapefruit can 13c iilill COOKED READY TO EAT ' Swift's Hockless Circle S Ham Flavor Picnic Lb. 69c LARD .... 2 lb. 59c PORK Chops .... lb. 59c Roast .... lb. 49c Steak lb. 59c SAUSAGE Bulk lb. 19c Links ....... lb. 59o Wieners lb. 55o Sauerkraut .... qt. 15o Fresh Side Pork ............... - lb. 59c WONDERFOOD PRAIRIE No. 2 size Beans 'n Bacon ...... 2 cans 49c 1 Can FREE 3 Cans for 49c Pink Salmon No. tin 28c Anchovies, Cumberland ... can 21c Pink Salmon .......... tall can 49c Kipper Snacks 2 cans 29c Yano Liquid Starch . . qt. 24c Simoniz Wax gal. $1.59 Self Polishing qt. 98c gal. $2.75 SOS large pkg. 24c Wesson Oil qt. 95c Snowdrift Shortening. 1 lb. can 43c Marshmallbws . . . . . ..... pkg. 15c VIRGINIA DARE French Dressing . . . . 8 oz. bottle 15c FULL SIZE ' : . - Comb Honey ............ pkg. 39c KERR'S Apple Jelly ...... . . .7 2 lb. jar 39c MINUTE MAN Noodle Soup Mix ...... 4 pkgs. 29c CELLO PACKAGE Green Tea ............. full lb. 49c CRYSTAL WEDDING Mothers Oats . . . premium pkg. 38c BLUE BELL Large Can Shoestring Potatoes can 18c Seedless Raisins 4 lb. pkg. 45c 2 lb. pkg:. 25c Crown Jar Lids (reg.) ... 3 doz. 29c Certo bottle 22c Morrell Snack 12 oz. can 45c Tuxedo Tuna can 32c crun i iun rnccec v -i iibi. aiv w m m CAMAY Soap reg. size 10c bath 15c Ivory Soap med. bar 10c Ivory Soap Ige. bar 17c Oxydol or Dux Ige. pkg. 35c Dreff Ige. pkg. 33c Ivory Snow Flakes. . . . Ige. pkg. 35c Spic and Span pkg. 25c Sunkist ORANGES 2 doz. 39c Zuchinni Squash, lb. 9c, 3 lb. 25c Lettuce .... head 8c, 2 for 15c Cucumbers lb. 15c Cauliflower lb. 13c Dry Onions 2 lb. 15c Lemons doz. 29c String Beans 2 lb. 35c