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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1948)
f THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1948 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE NINE Grangers cacK Severance Tax ..,.ir. Ore.. June 10 llB The Orccon grange was on record to Hav in favor of a severance tax on timber ot 25 cents a thousand fThe grangers, holfllng their diamond jubilee convention here, also approved a resolution asking that steps be taken to force log ging firms to keep streams free nf debris. The resolution said the debris was harming fish migra tions In Oregon. Morton Tompkins was re-elected state master of the Oregon grange. Other officers re-elected without opposition Included: El mer McClure, overseer; Bertha J. Beck, secretary, and Paulina Ross, Pomona. G. I Adams of Polk county was elected treasurer, defeating G. M. Landee of Clackamas coun ty. Lennie Haldorson of Lane county was named gatekeeper, defeating Frank Wooden of Clat sop county. Coos county was chosen as the Site for the 1949 convention. The executive board will select the actual convention city. Alfalfa Alfalfa, June 10 (Speclal)-Mrs. N. Fritzgerald of Mitchell return ed to her home last week end aft er spending a month with her daughter, Mrs. Ruby Allen, and a SPECIAL SUMMER SALE Starting Friday COATS and BONNETS COATS and CAPS Sizes 1 to 6 $6.00 and Up ...... iiwm ft V V vsa" 4, Nite Lights ... from $1.95 Summer Suits .. from $1.00 For Boys T-Shirts ..... from 50c Socks .......... from 25c BABY GIFTS Leather Baby Shoes .. $1.25 Small Bathrobes from 75c Dresses ....... from $1 .00 Knitted Rompers from $1.25 Creepers from $1.50 Play Pen Pads AND MANY OTI1EB ITEMS Store Hours 9:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. the pinkenblu shop 1027 Brooks Near Chamber of Commerce 1 week with her sister at Klamath Falls. Mrs. John Hohnstein left for Portland recently to attend grad uation exercises of her erand- "daughter, Jean Shumway, of Pow ell Butte, who Is graduating from St. Angels school. -Jean Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shumway. Mr. and Mrs. Morltz Baessjor purchased a car and trailer house and left the community recently. They have sold their ranch. Woodrow Hohnstein and fam ily were among victims of the Vanport flood. He is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John Hohnstein. Charles Carroll, brother of Mrs. Jim Williams, Jr., reported that he lost his car In the Van port City flood after jumping from the vehicle to save his life. Harlow Allen was recently home on furlough to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Al len. He left Saturday for his new station in California and later he will be sent to the Pacific area. Several friends of Harlow Al len entertained in his honor with a card party last week at his par ents' home. Two tables of pin ochle were played with high score going to Mrs. carl Llvesley and low to William Horsell. One table of Chinese checkers was played with Tom Danison winning high score. A luncheon of Ice cream, cake and coffee was served. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cox and Betty Koth of Glen Vista, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stof fel of Bend, Mr. and Mrs. John Hohnstein, Mrs. Martha Horsell and Arthur Horsell were members of the Alfalfa grange who visited the Pine Forest grange June 1. This was a regu lar visitation meeting. Pine For est grangers will meet with Al falfa July 9. Mrs. Martha Horsell was elect ed a delegate to the State grange convention and she left Saturday night for Astoria. ami urlfa fmrl their Hnllrrhter. Pat Du Long, and family. They also visuea a sisier 01 rwwuiu a. Mrs. Jene Hlnes went to water tnum. S r. Mnnilav nlcht. She was called there by the illness ot ner granamouier. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dalrymple and Merle left June 3 for Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, to visit their daughter, uorotny. KODeri neea accompanied them as far as Wal ls WniiB in vUlt relatives there. Mrs. William Dorrell of Bend is in the post office here during Mrs. Dalrymple's absence and is wicttinn Ytar hrnlher Hnrh Cook. The Dalrymples will return Sun day nigni. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Stearns came from Tule Lake, Calif., Sat urday to help his father take his cattle to Davis lake. They left La pine Sunday afternoon. Lynn and Evelyn Ishmael and "0Wat40,50,60?" -Man. You're Crazy IttM roar u ThwMUKta tra BePOT TO. Try peDplw up" wltb Oitrei. Gonuiu iodic lor weak.1 rundown feeuof aw wmj to way m wnlch muu men tnd women c!l 'ola. Trr Ottrea Tome TntM tor net, jounjer MM, ttjl nrrdw. Sew iw rwiiulnwl" M mm ton. Al nil druf etorM everywhere in Bend, el BraiuJte Thrlft-WiM. Ad. their three little girls of Nevada came to the home of. Mrs. Ish mael's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Holmes, last week. Lynn return ed home but Evelyn, who is not well, will stay here for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Parker and two children of Oakland, Calif., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Welburn Parker. Lawrence and Welburn are brothers. BIG "IK"' INSERTED Washington, June 10 IU John L. Lewis offered to con. tinue the present soft coal con tract Indefinitely but with a big "if."' His condition was that the op erators permit the disputed plan to go into effect immediately. MSB Lapi me Lanine. June 10 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coffman and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Willis and daughters, Diane Sue and Pamela Jean, of Shevlin, spent Decoration day holidays in Lapine. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Howard went to Portland for Decoration day holidays to visit their son, Bob, WHY BE FAT ? Get dimmer without dieting You may lose pounds and have a more slender, graceful figure. No exercising. No laxatives or drugs with AYDS Food Candy Plan A DOCTOR'S AMAZING DIS COVER Y. You don't cut out any meals, or all the things you like. You simply take AYDS before meals, which automatically curba a ppetitc. Kcsull is you eat less and Im unloht Ahmlutplv harm I pas! PROOF POSITIVE! Eminent physicians supervised clinical tests and report quick and safe loses with over 100 users. WHY EX PERIMENT? , , Get AYDS Today. Only $2.89 for a full 35-daya supply possibly more than you will need. You lose weight or your money refunded on the very first box. Come in. phone, or write. Brandts Thrift-Wise Drug Float your car on 1200 extra cubic inches pf air at less '.; pressure! Tremendous mileage and faster stops! , Airbornes fit your present rims. No wheels to buy! Available now. Free time to demonstration J5"iT! .ride! .6f. 9 M;M)IWB K M 0. IC. Rubber Welders 23 Greenwood Ave. Phone 925 While tldewall llret, at llluilral.d, available al Klfa cost. Remember tlmt rough patch of road up yonder where the ruts and ridges make a washboard seem smooth? Recall the tiringtensencssbrought on by the drum and hum of road noise and tremor even over smooth concrete highways? Well, clock away the miles in diis ' stunningly styled Buick and meet up with the sweetest answer to such matters this side of cloud cruising. t It's a ride that's soft and smooth as vclvst," folks tell us. And wo tell them it comes from a host, of things. It comes from the ample road wciglit of a two-ton car built low and wide - and so beautifully bal anced it handles light as a baton. It comes from the leveling buoy ancy of Buick's all-coil springing which puts a pillow of deeply coiled steel at each wheel to soak up the bumps and ripples. It comes from die softness of bigger, lower-pressure tires that cushion away road tremors and roughness from the sure-footed, swerve-free steadiness of Buick's extra wide Safety-Ride rims, widest in the industry. A.nd it comes in special measure from a brand-new engineering gem we call Vibra-Shiclding which banishes vibration build-up. Here for the first time you're freed from the motoring fatigue brought on by tiny tremors piling up into bigger ones. Here your miles are made moss-smooth and quiet long journeys become mere jaunts. ii J uwiuy fiijvjiviiig uiv must 11 buoyant answer to any road you AtOf f 1 0 ( I P Gome visit us now. Know at first hand the distinctive styling, the flashing action, the velvety ride over highway and byway that arc Buick's and Buick's alone. Then follow your heart's desire and get your order in promptly. We'll take it in proper sequence whether or not you have a car to trade. REASON rOR THI VI BRA-SHI ELDED RIDI Placed with scientific axacfneii, 3 fal cuthiont ot apmtial competition crodlt lh. .rtein. to at lo control iff vibrofion fngin. vibrafion it tbui "out of fun." with fhot. that might com. from ofhr ports of fh. car. Th. r.tuff it to thi.fd car occupanfl ooointt firing puliation!, cut road noit. male, tnpin. s.ntafion ofmott imp.rc.pfjb'. and motoring practical', fotigu.-fr... HUP AMERICA PRODUCE FOR PIACI-tURN IN TOUR ICRAP IRON AND Still BUICK along has all these features orNxnow 0Klve ,,,..,.,,,.., ,,. TAPCR-THRU STYUNQ (., ..j rw...i..t VIBRA-SHKIDCD RIDE SMITY-RIDI RIMS HI-POIitD flRCBMl POWfR ROAD-RITE BALANCE RIGID TORQUC-TUBC QUADRUnm COI1 SPRINGING SOUND-SOftScTt TOP 1NNG ir-r RJ'"l DUOMAHC SPARK ADVAHCl MX HT Oil RINGS TIN SMART MODUS BODY BY USHIK fun In HCNRY J. TAYLOR, Mutual N.tworlt, Mondayi and fn'Joyt BEND GARAGE COMPANY 709 Wall Street Bend, Oregon Pop's the question What to give him on His Day June 20th? Well, we've remembered Pop now it's up to you. From our special, and especially fine collection of Father's Day gifts, select one that will please him most. ..''XSmr.. ."V: for the photo-loving pop . . Select a new camera. We have both 8 mm ' and 16 mm movie cameras by Revere and Bell & Howell and a most complete selec tion of regular cameras from candid size to professional size. for the pop who smokes . . . We've a fine assortment of cigarette lighters, and lighter-case combinations by Ronson. Browse around you'll find scores of other appropriate gifts, too, ; , every pop will enjoy , . . Parker "5l"'pen and pencil sets see them and select a set for pop today. An inspec tion will convince you why the "51" is the "World's Most Wanted Pen." If pop would prefer a desk pen you'll find the one he'll jiike here. too. Y , 1 ; ,.S ' . , ? ,'rU V, . : there's no finer gift ... A fine watch is a perfect gift for father. Make your selection from our outstanding stock of men's watches by Bulova. Hamilton. Wal , tham, Gruen. Helbros and others. IF yOU DON'T KNOW JEWELRY, KNOW YOUR JEWELER Symons Bros. Jewelers 947 Wall "The House of Beauty" Phone 175 Use Bend Bulletin Classified Ads for Best Results WHO'S WHO In BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES CESSPOOL SERVICE Cesspool & Septic Tanks Compli'lc Servlco n.iuf Mt.rlnla Kltrntuhpfl Our ncrlodlral limnccdon will lllHuro ynu iimrn uhr-wiu operation. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phono Klrfi W or 7IB-W Si-ptln Tanks Cfxools CLEANED INSTALLED All Mntfrialri Furnished Expert Servleo Bend Septic Tank and Cesspool Service Mfl Harmon Phono 1181 W CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat IllorliliiK Ccpitol Cleaners 857 Wall Phone 521 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Conlraet WlrlfiB Apiilianco Repair Eleelrical Supplies I lliorrsrcnt LlRhls ( E Mazda Ijinips All Work lnturcrl RnrJ (;urvintd Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phono 98 ELECTRIC MOTORS Jerry's Motor Shop Electric Motors Repaired Armature Re-Winding Minor Repairs or Rebuild DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION tili Revere Phono 14 W W ELECTRIC MOTORS EBNER'S ELECTRIC SERVICE All Types of ELECTRIC MOTORS and GENERATORS Rewound and Repaired NEW and REBUILT MOTORS 1116 Wall Phono 358 .1 MONUMENTS For Monuments and Mark ers in world's finest gran ites. We guarantee satis faction. Ray Carlson 351 Georgia Phone 388 H Rofrigerator Service AH typos of Mechanical Mervlen On REFRIGERATORS HOUSEHOLD COMMERCIAL Oregon Equipment Co. 165 H. Greenwood Phone 888 ROOFING SHINGLES - - SWING" INSULATION ROOFING Free Estimates Given Use Our Easy Paymenl Plan Central Oregon Rooting Co. 83? Bond Phone 1270 SERVICES ' DEWITT &: DUNCAN DrlllliDT MaHfinR Conereto work of all kinds. Concrete Septic Tanks Installed. Fill Dirt and Top Soil. Hourly or Contract Rates. Phone 710 fith & Rcvereor 8B6 E. 10th Parrish Radio Service !l Hour Service Work Guaranteed. Free pickup & delivery semice. Open 0 a. m. to 6 p. m. 133 Greenwood Ave. Phone 1381-J Gordon Parrish, Technician A A A SERVICE ANYTHING ANYPLACE ANYTIME Home and Commercial Proper! Ins. BEND GARBAGE CO. I'h""" IMS-W5 . Shoe Kepalrhiff while you wait Springgare Shoe Repair . Next door to Capitol Theater J.ct mo keep your soles loKKlhcr. Hour 9 a. ni. to 6 p. m. : Closed Sunday and Monday. M