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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1948)
TUESDAY. JUNE 8. 1948 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON PAGE SEVEN CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE 15 Words One Time 40o tS Words Three Times f 1.10 U Words Six Times .$2.00 ill word. 1 pr ward tlnn suator ! lnatrtloiu On bUi nut. urn cw, H in nf MIrImm ehrr, 40c Lint ratt 10c CaplUU 20c Render dc 10c line, minimum 40c Diipli AdwIUInr-Clccliis time S P.M. pi.ilou. dr. One luU w u Urtw, nr pr.rlou. la pollution. For Salt Beal Estate FINE 40, all Irrigated under COI, alfalfa district. Priced right. Phone 1600-W-2. Joe F. Jaques, Rt. 1, Box 258. Bend. BY OWNER: A FOUR-BED-ROOM modern, house, two bed rooms upstairs, two down, living room, dining room, large kitchen, lots of built-ins; fireplace, base ment, furnace, fruit room, Bendix washing machine goes with house, on paved street, close in. This place has lots of beautiful shrub bery. 420 Delaware. Call 463-W. THE SHORT CUT WAY TO HOME HUNTING NEW 4-BEDROOM modern home in new East Side district. This is one that you should see. . Price $10,000.00. $3,400.00 Cash. Bal. F H A. 1 - YEAR - OLD 2-bedroom fully modern home with 4 lovely lots. Price reduced for quick sale. $8, 750.00. $2,550.00 Cash. Bal, FHA. ONE OF. BEND'S BEST 2-bed-room modern homes. Basement with furnace and utility room. 2 well landscaped lots, on pavement and sidewalk. $9,500.00 with terms. , ULTRA MODERN 1-bedroom home. Good East side location on pavement. Price $5,600.00 with terms. 3-BEDROOM modern home, in cluding new gas range and water heater. Garage. Close to Kenwood school. Price $5,000.00. $2,500.00 Cash. Terms on balance. . NEW PUMICE block 2-bedroom modern home. Wired for elec. ranee. Elec. water heater. Good location. Price $5,750.00, $1600 Cash. F PI A on balance. GOOD DEAL. 3 acres, 1 share of water. Small house. Large chick en house, small barn. Can be made into a dandy home. Close in. Price $2,500.00. $650.00 cash. Bal. easy terms. ' , ! Call Mr. Locklin ' '. VERN LARSON AGENCY 135 Oregon. '' ' Phone 32 FOR SALE: Suburban property now vacant, one-bedroom semi modern cottage on 14 acre of ground; So. city limits. $2750. Two-bedroom modern home on acre of ground. Ed Losch, phone 488-W. Rt. 1, Box 161. . ' , 4 ROOM MODERN HOME, large living room, large bedroom, din ing room and kitchen with lots of built-ins, nice bathroom and util ity; 50x100 earner lot, garage, woodshed, garden, flowers and lawn. 1 block to bus and store on west side. Nicely furnished $3250 or less unfurnished. Will take good ear as part pay. See owner at 1475 Fresno. $22,500: 80 ACRES, 75 cultivated and irrigated, 50 alfalfa. Modern 5-room home, electricity, good barns, silo, good roads. With 5600 Taylor grazing fenced. $4750: HALF DOWN, 2-bdrm. home, modern, gas installed, pav ed street, close in, nice and clean. CALL CLYDE STEWART, ,1331 J, Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minn. Eve. 1048-J. 4-BEDROOM HOME on East 8th. One and Vi years old. Two lots, attached double garage, hardwood floors, new Lennox oil furnace; two bathrooms. Full price $13,000, includes Venetian blinds, drapes and new Westinghouse range. $.'5500 down payment will handle, with convenient terms. Phone 1114-W for appointment. S8400 BUYS 4-bedroom complete ly furnished modern home, paved street, close in. C. V. Silvis, 81 Oregon Ave. Phone 898. FOR SALE BY OWNER: Joe's Cafe. Newly remodeled, good lo cal and tourist trade. Seats 25. Two can handle. $6500. 246 Main St., Redmond, Ore. E. M. BUCKNUM. REALTOR Near Chamber of Commerce 1029 Brooks St.. Phone 331 Evenings 796-R TWO-BEDROOM home, .lust re decorated. Some furniture goes with. Two lots with ample garden room. Full price $3650. THREE-BEDROOM home. Com pletely furnished. Very neat and clean on corner lot. $5100. THREE-BEDROOM homo on lot 100x300. Hardwood floors and ce ment fruit cellar. $6800. TWO-BEDROOM home with at tached garage. Low down pay ment. 573SU. 4-BEDROOM: Modern home with basement 'and furnace and fire place. Slone constructed, near scnoois and town. A real bargain at $6825.00. Gilbert's Real Estate. FARM and Business Heal Estate Loans made in Crook and De schutes counties, 4tt Interest. Midstate Realty Co., Rm. 11, U. S. Nat. Bldg... phone 495. See Don "nnies or Carl Linrth. MIDSTATE REALTY CO. . Carl Llndh and Don Peoples Specialists In Buying and Selling Real Estate Rnl ITarntA A nnraiaala For Sale Real Estate IF ITS REAL ESTATE IT'S ALL STATE CLOSE IN, 3-bedroom modern Plastered nome with fireplace, on paved street and bug line. Price $5500, terms. . OWNER LEAVING, must sell, 2- oearoom modern furnished home with utility porch, garae, fenced yard, full price $5100, terms. . 2-BEDROOM modern home, lull Dasement, luel furnace, laundry trays, new garage and work shop, level lot, fenced, paved street on bus line, only .$4950, terms. VACANT, partly furnished 2-bedroom home, with lovely utility room, fireplace, electric refriger ator, oil circulator, rugs, and cur tains, good garage and wood shed. Yours for $5750, $2750 down,' balance terms. EAST 1ST, 2-bedroom semi-modern with partly finished semi modern house and large work shop. 2 lots. $3,000, $1,000 down, balance $35.00 month. WEST SIDE 2-bedroom modern, basement furnace, laundry trays, automatic hot water, wired for electric .range, 2 lovely corner lots, fenced, good garage and chicken house, partly furnished. All goes for $7350.00, terms. . COZY one-bedroom home on cor ner lot, furniture, bedding, dishes, everything goes. All you need is $3400.00 and your suitcase, terms. HERE IS THAT suburban you have been looking for: 2-bedroom modern home, garage, chicken house, barn, large work shop, 7 level rock-free acres, berries, gar den and clover. 4 Mi miles city center. Full price $7,000.00; down, balance terms. PRICE CUT: 5 acres, 3-bedroom modern home, full basement, oil furnace, automatic hot water, city water, $11,500.00, terms. - ALL STATE REALTY 221 Greenwood Phone 167 THE DIRT MERCHANT REDMOND ACREAGE: One of Central Oregon's finest homes on highway with 10 a. of good dirt all watered. This place can be sold Including furniture and, folks, it's some spot. Price $14, 000.. ....,. 9 ACRE TRACT near Redmond in one of those fertile valleys, 7 a. water right. New 4-rm. mod. home. There surely could be no argument here, this man is only asking $7250.00 lor tms setup. GOOD LOCATION near Red mond. 10 acres. 10 a. water. ; One of the finest new homes., Price sis.sno. . , v 10 ACRES with 10 a. C.I.O. water. all seeded to permanent pasture and grain. Price $3200. . 1 MR. HOME SEEKER, lust com pare these prices and then have a look at the property. You will be surprised. SHELLEY REAL ESTATE The Dirt Merchant. Redmond, Or. GROCERY STORE, good neigh borhood location. Price $U,ouU in eludes 2-story building, stock and equipment. . SERVICE STATION, garage, tourist business excellent. Ave rage 9000 gal. per month. A good deal for couple. $11,000, TERMS. CALL Mr. Bell, 1331-J. Huff Real Estate Co., Eve. phone 1376-R. OWNER LEAVING: 2-bedroom modern home, gas in house, wired for range, oil heat, service room, garage, $41iH) will handle. a44 .. Marshall.. LEASE on service station, 3 cab ins and grocery store, Good loca tion. 2-BDRM., 4-ROOM house, living room, kitchen, utility room and bath. Unfinished basement. 2 blocks to school and store. Jblec trie range and oil heater goes, $4750, good terms. GOOD SMALL CAFE doing good business in good location. $4800. CONTACT O. G. Nichols, Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minn., phone 1331-J. Evenings 1517-w-s. 3-BDRM. HOME in best location, basement, oil lurnace. Lovely yard, F.H.A. terms. Call Mr. Bell, 1331-J, Huff Real Estate Co. Eve. phone 1376-R. $3200 BUYS 2-BEDROOM modern on Jelierson. immediate posses sion. C. V. Silvis, Phone 898, 81 Oregon ot. MEED A HOME? Check the Deal of the Day on kbisu b:43 a.m. rail tndav and insoect the list ings at Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 wall St. ACREAGE: Eight acres with 3 Swalley near town, rive-iuum i. ,.,,., P.l.nH In RFT.I. at $1250.00 at Gilbert's Real Estate. GOOD MODERN 3-BEDROOM V.nMn 7 anrna 4 1 1 at ntltlifin RPrld. nviwi .i" J. Go south on highway 97, turn right at Time service station. Route 1, Box 13. 3-BDRM. HOME, completely re decorated Inside and out. Good ..t,.ii uintu Tlmihln Int. A real buy for $12,500 down. Call Mr Bell. 1AJ1-J, nun rv.em Cn.. 126 Minnesota. Eve. phone 1376-R. ACREAGE: Five acres with 4 ,imr eriie of town. Four-room house and outbuildings. $3800.00 with terms available at Gilbert's Real Estate, 1U13 wan. NEW HOME: Best construction well arranged and priced to sell l-jmam, nnli flnnr. oil heat A beautiful home. $7500.00 at Gil- belt's Real istaie. For Sale Beal Estate $4600 BUYS 5-ROOM modern on E. Third street. $7,000 takes b room modern on Thurston. C. V. Silvia. 81 Oregon St. Phone 898. BY OWNER 2-bedroom semi modern; 2-room, water only, on two lots, garden in and growing; septic tank dug. 6-inch drain for tank. Fair yard, fenced. Very rea sonable for quick cash. Phone 389-R anytime. WANT TO SELL? List your prop erty with GILBERT. A square deal, ana prompt, euicient, cour teous service Is yours at Gilbert's Heal fcstate. luia wan sc. SMALL RESTAURANT, money maker, $3800.00. . HAVE 3 GOOD business build ings. AUTOMOBILE AGENCY, excel lent opportunity. SPORTING GOODS and hard ware business. Good building, ex-, cellent location. $24,000.00. MOTEL Will trade lor home in Bend. CONTACT Earl Ewing, Huff Real Estate Co.. 126 Minn, rnone wai J. Eve. phone 1691-W. Fuel FOR GOOD dry body wood phone 1570-W lor prompt deliv ery. EXCELLENT LIMBS. 1st grade lor cash. Summer rate ends July first. Dry Jack pine, body, Juni per, lump and stoker coal. Phone 767. Brookings Wood Yard. For Sale Farm Products FOR SALE OR TRADE: Feeder and weaner pigs and hay. to trade lor calves or electric brooder. Ed Losch. phone 488-W. CUSTOM-BUILT TRACTOR, sin gle wheel in front, 12x20x16 truck tires ana tuoes, unevroiet b moj tor. Mack truck, a-soeed trans mission with power take-off. heavy White truck rear-end. sep arate wheel brakes, everything in A-l condition. Lots of power and speed. Phone lbuo-w-4. TRACTORS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY D-4's D-6's TD-14's TD-18's TD-9's 1 Model M Allis Chalmers These tractors equipped with dozer and winch. UNITED TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT CO. ' 9520 N. E. Sandy Blvd. ' PORTLAND, OREGON FOR SALE: SEED potatoes, good quality. Ed Duffy, Rt. 3, Box 130, Arnold district, pnone li-F-ll, ONE SORREL three-yr.-old, hal ter broke and gentle; bay ten-yr.-old. broken, gentle: Rt. 3, Box 215, weiaon mix. - FOR SALE: DROP SEED pota toes. Elder Ranch, 7 mi. north on old Kedmond highway. RED DRESSED FRYERS 53c lb. from 3 to 4 lbs. delivered on Sat urday on orders of 5 or more. Mrs. S. Davis, Sisters, Oregon. Box 607. FOR SALE: One 6-year-old black riding horse, gentle, well broken including saddle and bridle. Call after 5:30 p. m. D. & L. Trailer Park, mile past city limits on So. hi way 97. WANTED: LIVESTOCK ol all kinds. Top Market Prices. Phone Bend 1269. TO BE SOLD JUNE 9, 1948, at Kedmond Community Auction: 3 2-yr.-old Holstein Bulls 2 Guernsey Bulls 1 Hereford Bull A GOOD LOT of Holstein steers and other mixed cattle. EIGHT SACKS Netted Gem seed potatoes. 1 vr. off certification $3.50; two-row heavy duty corri- gator, $du; iu-in. plow bottom $2.00; beautiful 15-tube Philco ra dio, 1 yr. guarantee. $85. Rt. 1 Box 53, Bend. South on Hy. 97 to Time Service Station, 1st house wesi. GUARANTEED "Oregon Bred" chicks. U. S. Approved, U. S. Pul- lorum controlled. Hatches every Monday and Thursday. Prepaid prices $18.00 per hundred, 19c in smaller lots. You can beat the high meat prices and make mon ey with eggs by filling your orooaers witn line "uregon-Bred chicks. Some of our customers re port 3-lb. fryers In 9 weeks. Oregon State Hatchery Box 328 Klamath Falls. Oregon FARM OR GARDEN sprinkler Ir rigation equipment and supplies. Complete sprinkler systems large or small for immediate delivery. Benjamin Russell, Rt. 3, Box 313, 3 miles north on 97. FRYER rabbits dressed on order. Roasting hens, live or dressed. Phone 59-W or call first white house back Carroll Acres store. York's. Free delivery For Sale Miscellaneous PROCTOR electric roaster, used only 3 times. 1245 Lexington. Phone 1034-R. BIG RUMMAGE SALE: Clothes of all kinds, men's and women's and children's. Fancy work, shoos, some furniture. A dinette set of table and 6 chairs, coffee tables, dishes, 305 Riverfront, open eve nings. Mrs. H. Briho. FOR SALE: BEAUTIFUL large punchbowl with 12 cups, combina tion double electric plate and toaster. 24-ln. round mirror, new Simmons metal beds and coil springs. 147 E. Olney. 21-FOOT factory built trailer house, oil and gas heat, sleeps 4, newly painted Inside and out. Has 2 new 6-ply tires. See at D. K. Boat Service, So. highway. For Sale Miscellaneous TWO WHEEL TRAILER for sale. 935 W. 12th. KITCHEN RANGE bargain spe cial unn nn'i hpnt our stove prices. Real good girl's bicycle $15. large baby bed, sleeping bag $9, electric oven, dining room .knU hnnlrfaaau hnhvn hlfftl chair $3.50; hand vacuum clean er $8, collee taoies, iiDrary lauira. round dining taDies s.ou. ua . Bargain Spot. 1841 E. First, North Hlchwav. Phone 1534-W. Open evenings. - MONARCH circulating heater, coal or wood. Excellent condition. Phone 1050-W. DROPLEAF BREAKFAST tables, dining room sets, blond and ma ple set with chairs, beautiful kitchen cabinet, gas and electric range, rwo-Durner nui unties, iw an. 3-tiia nil etnvps. triish burn ers, washing machine; bedroom suites, bassinets, cribs and bug gies, floor and table lamps, dav- enos and swing rocKers, Knee-noie and dropleal desks, library din ers, chairs to match, twin beds, trunks.suitcases, down pillows, coil springs, box springs and in nerspring mattresses, round tames, coiiee taoies, cnua s ia- llnn luonin IWn.UhMl t t"H 1 1 PT. boat, trailer 'and. Evinrude motor. Lake and division lTaaing rain. 12 Lake Place. Phone 1183. PLATFORM - ROCKER $18.00; small white enamel Montgomery Ward wood range $22.50; rowboat and oars $10.00; iron bed and coil springs $1.50; camper's icebox, well made $7.50; kitchen chair $1.50; used doors; saw mandrel, 7" saw, w n. r. moior, -aiep uui lev and V-belt $15.00. Good west Side lots on bus line. Phone 1495- W evenings. - 26-FT., 4-WHEEL TRAILER house, D u t a n e stove, qoau. Bloom's Trailer Court, Redmond. 24-FT. BENDER TRAVEL Man sion trailer house, tandem wheels, Kit. ana an,! nit nnutnrtpri varlllim brakes, Venetian blinds through out; sleeps lour. jaciusun ville. UNIVERSAL VACUUM CLEAN- ER: Like new, complete with all attachments. KeasonaDiy pneea See at 1254 E. Sixth alter 5:30 p. m. 7-FT. INTERNATIONAL tractor I mower No. 25-V in good r sliaprf will be sold at the Redmond Auc tion Sale Wed., June 9. SMALL WHITE enamel wood' or. coal cook stove, washing machine in good running condition. See before Wednesday. Folmer Bodt ker, Rt. 2. Box 26. Tumalo dis trict. KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER,, practically new. All attachments including waxer. Exceptional buj rnone smz, sisters, ttrooKS-bcan Ion Camp. .-' '- - NEW MANAGEMENT,-: BRd5f WAY SECOND HAND' STOR WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE. YOUR DOLLARS WILL HAVE MORE CENTS IF YOU STOP AND SWAP. BROADWAY SEC OND HAND STORE, 2 BROAD- WAX. PHUINK 31-J. BASSINETTS and buggies, floor and table lamps, kitchen and din ette sets, finished and unfinished chairs, bedroom suites, beds, springs and mattresses, daven ports and chairs, desks, library table, occasional chairs and rock ers. ice boxes and washers, elec tric ranges, gas, wood and coal ranges, oil and wood, coal heaters, hot plates, garden hose, hoes, rakes and shovels, clothes racks and revolving clothes lines. Square Deal Exchange, 201 E, Franklin, phone 1224. KITCHEN CABINET, large WARDROBE CABINET, for sale cheap. 138 Minnesota. Phone 260. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. brand new, never been used. 6 roles of tape. Ring up from lc to $999.99. 136 Minn, or phono 260. win sell at cost. ICE CREAM CABINET, 4 com partments, oil burning ranRe, wood combination. Wilson's Re frigeration, So. Highway. FOR SALE: 16 ft. now Birch craft boat complete with out board motor and trailer. Price $4U. SHELLEY REAL ESTATE REDMOND, OREGON THE LAST TIME THIS WEEK through Sunday to get your sirawDerry plants with ground enough to keep them growing while planting at the low cost ol $1.00 per hundred. First house left, south of Hiway tavern. Rt. 1, dox oa-ft. FANTON'S GARDEN: Oregon Giant pansles,. petunias, snaps, marigolds, African daisies, ver- henn. fmrtntln flat-kin tinrhiltina perennials, cabbage, broccoli, tiy matoes, am, garlic. 8a Ogden GIRL'S NEW BICYCLE $40.00, saddle $35.00, Eureka vacuum cleaner and attachments $7.50, electric fence charger, not battery type i:u.uu; pnonograph $10.00, small adding machine $7.50. 1037 Harmon. LYON'S FLOWER GARDENS ASTERS, marigolds, petunias, zinnias, lobelia and many other annuals, strawberry and vege nlants, rosebushes, pansles and other perennials, rockery and bor der plants. 1604 West 2nd, corner of Portland. , RADIO TUBES Complete stock Philco and other nationally known brands. Tubes tested. Bend. Fur niture Co. ELECTROLUX, cleaner and air purifier now available. $69.75 complete with all Rttnrhmrnts. Phil Philhmok, 1246 East 3rd. Phone 1293J. WE BUY AND SELL used dishes, colored or plain; kerosene lumps, all kinds used furniture and mis cellaneous articles. Phone 107O- w or come to 147 E. Olney. For Sale Miscellaneous HERE IS A BUY in a slightly used small upright piano, will go lor a song. Benson Piano Co., 65 Gilchrist. Phone 1087. KITCHEN "RANGE with colls and new firebox. Very reasonable. See it at 1034 Albany. ASTORS, petunias, marigolds, Alyssum, pansles ana other an nuals. James Price, Rt. 3, Box 317, New Redmond Highway. FIR, ' DIMENSION LUMBER, also shlplap, 1x12, and shingles. A. A. Powell, phone 1503-W-3, one mile south Petersen s rock gar den on old highway. FOR SALE: Electric Hotpolnt range, good condition. See at 345 Hunter place. HOW TO SAVE MONEY! I CAN NOW give you substantial allowance lor your old piano when buying a new Baldwin. I will not be undersold. Can meet any competition. See me lor the pest buys in new and used pianos. Also piano tuning by real tuners. xour central ureeon piano deal er. 65 Gilchrist. Phone 1087. For Sale Used Cars USED CAR LOT CORNER. E. Stli SPECIAL: 1947 Nash Ambassa dor Super Six fully equipped, ra dio, weather-eye, overdrive, rear seat makes a penect Dea.' rnone 774. THE HAND MOTOR CO. Down Payment 1941 Mercury 6 coupe con vert ble 558 1935 Chov. 2-dr. sdn. ; 110 1947 Frazer Manhattan. 9.- ouo actual miles 832 1946 Cab over G.M.C. 1. . ton. low mileage. 3- speed transmission 1100 1946 Plymouth 4 door se dan 718 1941 Ford panel delivery 478 1936 Bulck tudor 130 1933 Chevrolet coupe 110 1S3U -Plymouth 4-dr. sedn 60 1929 Chev. 4-dr. sdn . 60 1929 Ford Model A pickup.... -60 it)48.uioson Tractor Plow. spring tooth, dozer.....;$ 260 1 Wheel trailer 20 Large 2-wheel trailer.... 50 HAND MOTOR CO. A ,-vKaiser-Frazer i j' , . Dealer Ph. 1121-J. 183 E. Greenwood 2 NEW INDIAN CHIEFS in stock deluxe equipped. 47 Bonne ville Chief, new guarantee, sale priced. 144 Bonne scout, excel lent. 1940 Harley 74, good. 1327 wall. USED CAR LOT CORNER, E. 8th and Greenwood. . 1939 Hudson 112 Sedan 1937 Olds Sedan i iaK ronuac- oeaanr lU.193 Ford Sedan.. Jf feveral others. late model trucks. Phone 774 '35 FORD 4-door sedan. Rebuilt '36 motor, run 3000 miles. Good tires, radio, spotlight and mani fold heater. $375. 927 Ogden or phone 14bl-J. '47 PLYMOUTH coupe . '41 CHEV. 5-passenger coupe 40 FORD coupe '39 FORD sedan , . '37 PLYMOUTH sedan . "35 PACKARD sedan -' '29 MODEL A coupe '34 CHEV. sedan '33 PLYMOUTH coupe '30 FORD pickup '30 CHEV. coupe 30 FORD ton pickup 39 FORD ton pickup 36 CHEV. truck Small trailer Horse trailer 2 Fancy saddle horses SPARKY WALKER. North Junc tion, xeie. iauy-j-3. 1946 DODGE 114-ton truck. 11,. 000 miles, good rubber, ex cellent stock rack. 1946 J4-ton Ford panel. Excellent condition. 1941 Ford station wagon. Good ' condition. 1947 Ford Sportsman convertible, Radio and heater, white side- wall tires. Guaranteed like new. HALBROOK MOTORS, Bond and Minnesota. 1934 DESOTO. Will sell cheap. 325 E. Franklin St. For Kent THRE&ROOM modern, nicely furnished apartment available June 13th. Also one-room light housekeeping apt. vacant. No children. Call 615 Georgia. SMALL HOUSE, 4-rooms, not modern. 236 E. Hawthorne. ROOM WITH MEALS In private home on bus line. 2 blks. from high school. 707 Delaware. FOR RENT: TRAILER SPACE. New, modern trailer park. JH.uu per week. You pay electric bill. Monthly rates. D. & L. TRAILER PARK mile past So. City Limits, Highway 97 FOR RENT: 2 large office rooms available July 1. O'Donnell Bldg. Inquire Apt. 8, O'Donnell Bldg. BEE HIVE SYSTEM Trucks you drive yourelf any where, no restrictions. 1946 Dodge van for eood. clean hauling. Court House Service Sta corner Wall and Bond. Phone 458. or 981-M evenings. CLEAN SLEEPING rooms by day or week. 853 Wall St. ALBANY Convalescent Home for Invalids and elderly folks. Large sun porches and lawn, good care guaranteed. 612 Maple St., Al bany. Ore., phone 231-L Albany. MODERN HOUSE. Inquire at 1414 Cumberland. Wanted PERMANENTLY LOCATED business man needs two or three bedroom unfurnished house to rent. Phone 1066-W or call at 62 Lake PI. Apt. 2. WANTED TO RENT: Modern house by young couole with 2-vr.- old child. Permanent, references. rnone looo-tt. BIDS WANTED to move 21x32 house 30 It. See house between 6th and 7th on Franklin. Box 72. WANTED: COUNTRY STORE with post office combined, Size for couole. State location, des cription, price and terms. Write Darling & Vonderheit, 841 Will amette, Eugene, Oregon. PRACTICALNURSING or hoase work by the hour. Have refer ences. Phone Gilchrist 253. TOP PRICES Paid lor any kind oi catue at your ranch, riease drop a card to W. R. Franks or call 78, Redmond. Help Wanted WANTED: WOMAN as a grocery clerk. Must be 21 or over. Some experience necessary; must have references. Write Box 3020, Bulletin. WOMAN lor cleaning and gene ral cabin work in resort. Good pay. Telephone 841,. Sisters, col lect. SERVICE STATION attendant. Union Station, Bond and Green wood. . HELP WANTED: Lady to stay with and keen house lor elderly couple lor about two weeks, tor further information call 184-M. RELIABLE middle-aged woman lor general housework and take care of two children, good wages. Phone 1019-R. YOUNG GIRL for general house work, capable of caring for small baby, no cooking; hours 12 noon to 8 p. m. Phone 1387-M; EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for permanent local position. Apply by letter, addressing 2988, Bend Bulletin. SALESMEN: Earn while you learn, experience not necessary. I will train vou. Salary Is com- mission, earnings unlimited. Year around work. For Interview call Mr. Monroe, 34. - Situations Wanted BUILDER. 40 years experience. will do contract or day Building anywhere. Phone Redmond 82 or write D. F. Dubois, General De livery, Redmond. YOUNG MAN, native of Bend, victim of Vanport flood, would like permanent bookkeeping po sition of accounting work. Excel lent references. Phone 1282-J, or 500 Lava- Road. ' EXPERfENCED'baby sitter, age YOUNG MARRIED VETERAN urgently . desires employment. Have had sales experience, truck driving. Will consider-any type of work. Phone 1495-R. - CARPENTER REPAIR, painting or papering,- either by hour or contract. Phone 1446-J. C. B. Humphrey, 1617 Division. Lost LOST: Weston Photo Exposure Meter in-leather case. Reward. Notify A. H. Pope, 4214 N. E. Hazelfern PI., Portland 13, Ore. Found A KEY near fire hydrant at Econ omy Drug. Owner may have same by paying for advertisement at Bulletin office. Services WASHING MACHINE Service and wringer rolls lor all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 1033 Brooks. NOTICE: Tree moving is my business. I have the equipment to do the Job safely. Also move rocks, stumps and small houses. Winch Truck Service. Phone 1405 W (Wiley Ellis), 1107 W. 15th. KUG and upholstery cleaning at the same prices we have always charged. Rugs 6c per sq. ft. Da vennort and chair $11.00. Call Sutton. 1368-J. WILL DO HAULING of any type. Prices reasonable. Phone 111J at anytime. TOP SOIL, fill dirt, gravel, pum ice and cinders hauled by truck load. Ph. 59-J. CARPET AND LINOLEUM lay Ing, rug repairing, Venetian blinds, 25 years' experience. Jack Boone, 780 Newport. Phone 241-J. WELL DRILLING, water wells and drainage. Leonard Mathers, 1475 Hartfond. Phone 10U3 M. , BLACK TOP PAVING. Phone 1208-W. P.O. Box 770, Coast Black top Paving Co. FOR SALE HIST RIGHT FOR TWO. TIIKICK ROOM IIOMK. nil level lot, located JiihI off 10. nth. l-arge living room, bed room, kitchen, all finished In fir veneer, room for hnlh, beautiful lawn, largo shade I rent, and shrubs, extra spare for garden. Owner wants quick sale, $2950.00, some terms. II1WAY FRO NT ACE, .1 BEDROOM MODERN, South t'lly IO"Mi, over an acre, f Hy Waler, fine opportunity for HOME and business, $X.-00.00. J. A. Dudrey, Realtor S33 Hill St. Phone 1355-J Bend, Ore. Services WELL AND DRAIN HOLE drill ing. L. A. Holman, 108 Tumalo Ave. Phone 199-W. WE CLEAN windows, wallpaper. kalaamlne. paint, Venetian bunua and upholstery ; lloors cleaned and waxed, janitor service, sweeoinu compound, new Venetian blinds. Call Sutton. 1368-J. MOVING, Crating, ulsh packing, storage, hauling. Use Cascaue Service. Equipment to handle al most any job. Agents lor Lyon Van St Storage. Call 1642-J, Cas cade Transport. . SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates; Phone 1252-J D. W. Grimes. 210 Lmvis Ave., Bend. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, Sand er belts, band saw blaaes, new handles hung In tools. Sexton Supply & Saw Service, 119a Wall Street. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, June 8 mi Live stock shipments reaching local open plants somewhat lighter to uay. Good demand lor all class es slaughter stock. Prices mostly steady with Monday's sales. Top on good and choice 180 to 230 lb. hogs 26.00, with a lew odd head 26.50. Top on strictly good, and choice spring lambs 26.00; Cattle supply on bought to ar-. rive basis with prices lirm to strong. Estimated receipts today: 200 cattle, 125 calves, 100 spring lambs, 150 hogs. , . . Dressed meat supply continued lully ample. Goou steer under 700 lbs. Bulked at around 51.00, top 52.50. FACES VAGRANCY CHARGE Guy B. Ladyman, who gave his address as Arkansas, was arrest ed by city police yesterday on a charge ol vagrancy. He was ac cused ol soliciting alms on a downtown street. , Bulletin Classifieds bring results. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE -.''-..W; homes - $11,000 Oregon', finest vacation land, Metollui' River, Tear round or summer home. 2 bedroom modern, unfinished upstairs. Guest bouse, garage, wood shed, fireplace, piped heat. i . ,.;- ,t;i: . f M00 Will F.HA. S Bedroom Borne. Excellent location on Awbrey Road, redecorated, and new furnace. . $ 7,800 3 bedroom and 1 bedroom modern homes near school. Good terms. . . ,y . -v. , I 7,500 Fine modern 4 bedroom home on river and paved street. Good location. Terms. . t 7,250 3 Bedroom Modern Home located at 465 Newport. Fireplace, ' 'hardwood floors, pipe . furnace. Excellent terms'.'; ' , .:?,';.'.-'', j . I 7,000 Modern 2 bedroom 4 6,800 3 bedroom modern Jim z suit, unve oy pouitnienu excellent I 6.000 2 bedroom modern room. Basement, furnace, paved street. West Side on dus line.. .... , v . $ 4,500 3 Bedroom west side century vrive. ,, - - . . . 2,150 4 room house, large garage, west side. . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $80,000 MOTEL ULTRA-MODERN. Recommended by Dun can Hlncs Travel Book. Excellent location, well estab lished, known by tourists throughout the West. No mommy rentals, aauy $65,000 9 UNIT EXCELLENTLY FURNISHED MOTEL. Close in. Landscaped and all units In excellent condi tion. Books open for inspection to Interested party. Ex cellent terms. $35,000 8 UNIT MOTEL with wui average aizuu not $35,000 DESCHUTES RIVER RESORT. 160 Acres. Beautiful setting: among the pines on upper Deschutes River. 10 Cabins, Home, Store, Boats, all new. Located In the Heart of Central Oregon's finest fishing and hunting country, uooa terms. $25,000 HIGHWAY TAVERN. equipment, large walk-In age, modern a uearoom $19,000 APARTMENT HOUSE. 5 Rentals, $285 per month income. 4,uuu.uu win $14,000 CAKE SERVICE STATION CABINS MODERN HOME in Lupine, Oregon. Includes all equipment and furniture, w.ftuu will 111,500 CITY CENTER SERVICE STATION and cabins In Crescent, Ore. tias station with living quarters. Good gallonage, also II cabins wlln monthly rental of filX t 9.500 GROCERY STORE In Crescent. Oregon. Price in cludes good building with living quarters, all equip ment and Inventory of $2,000, or more. Net of over $5,000 for 1947. Terms. $ 3,800 FOUNTAIN LUNCH doing very good business. $ 3,700 RADIO REPAIR and inventory ana fixtures cation." $ 8,150 4 acres Inside city limits. Good industrial site. Ball road borders property. $500.00 down. , FARM ACREAGES 518,000 80. Acre fiirni near grain, 4(1 In pan I lire. $15,000110 Acres, 75 Acres Swalley walrr. Crops all in. Mod- - crn Improvements. Grade A Dairy barn. $14,500 80 acre farm. 75 acres water. Very nice 4 bedroom modern home. Terms. $13,000 3 bedroom modern home, partly furnished. Also 3 room modern home rent In, fully equipped pniuiry and rniiuit business netting $1100 tier month. $i,oM down. $12,600 80 acres, city Until, 57 acres COI wafer. Can bn pur chased In tracts of 5 acres up. 1400 ft, highway front agu. Good business proiierty. Terms. $ 4,735 10 acres with 900 ft. frontage on South Highway. May also be purchased In a 4 or 6 acre tract, $ 1,800 buys 5 acres irrigated, Just outside city limits on highway. E. E. Kensler III jiti Phone 1013.1 1' .loeTllden y-p. mWJyflt F. Ihiborkn Phone 1218 R C YJC( f 1'nono 1407-R t home 001 Bond St. loans .-111, PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., June 8 (in Portland butter and egg prices were unchanged today. Butter Prices to retailers: Grade AA prints, 86c; AA car tons, 87c; A prints, 85c; A car tons, 86c; B prints, 80-81c. Eggs Prices to retailers: Grade AA large, 58-59C dozen; A large, 55-56c; AA medium, 55c; A medium, 52c; A small, .nominal. MOTHERS .14 PUPS Connie, two-year-old springer spaniel owned by Mr. and Mrs. u. ti. bhieids, of 35 Albany, tried hard to set a record, Mrs. Shields reported .today. Yesterday the voung doe gave birth to 14 nuns. 11 of which are living. It was her lirst litter. Six ol the little dogs are males, and live are 1c rnnles. The first died shortly al'ter birth, and two were still- DOl'll. New Floor Lamps 7.95 60 FT. GARDEN HOSE 5.25 -HOES, RAKES and SHOVELS from 1.65 ' GOOD SELECTION ' ICE BOXES home located at 1901 West 2nd St homo at 1320 Newport, property ror inspection, then call for so- terms. ' homo with additional utility bed home, lots, one block off rates only. Excellent terms. service station and groceries. per montn. Includes frame building, all box, 2f0 ft, of highway front nome. $u,uou down. naiuiic. liumnc. with good equipments Now Excellent In summer months. .SALES. Asking price Is for only, excellent lease ana lo airport. 61 C.O.I, water, 40 In lug l or $.'15. Two acre close Rob Douglass hone 12S3-W insurance rhono 535 Rm. U U. S. Nat. Bldg. Phone 495