THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON MONDAY. JUNE 7,-1948 PAGE SIX Charles W.Nash, Pioneer In Auto Industry, Is Dead Beverly Hills, Cal., June 7 P Messages of sympathy came from across the nation today to the family ol Charles W. Nash, 84, who rose In the American tradi tion from farm boy to a leader of industry. ' Nash was one of the pioneers in the automotive industry. He died yesterday of a heart aliment, less than 10 months after the death of his wife, Mrs. Jessie nai leek Nash. Mrs. Nash died August 19. 1947. at the aee of 83. Nash's condition at that time took a turn for the worse and doc tors feared the shock would prove fatal. Funeral arrangements still were incomplete today. Born In Illinois He was born in De Kalb county, 111, Jan. 28, 1864, where he was a farmer until 1891. Then he went to work in Flint, Mich., as a trim mer in the Flint Road Cart Co. After advancing to superinten dent of the Road Cart Co., Nash became vice-president and gene ral superintendent of the Durant Dort Carriage Co. While making carriages, the automobile pioneer invented the straight line belt conveyor sys tem, still standard In assembly line operations. - Headed Bulck, Olds Within two years after enter ing the automobile industry, Nosh headed Buick, the Oakland Motor company, Olds Motor Works and the General Motors Truck Co. In 1912 he was elected head of Gen eral Motors. . , Nash bought the Thomas B. Jeffrey Co., of Kenosha, Wis., In 1916 and a year later produced the first Nash automobile. In 1930 Nash retired as presi dent of his company but continu ed in active management as chair man of the board. Realty Transfers Deeds May 22 L. K. Reed to E. L. Grlswold, SWY 5 15 11 except 2 A. to State of Ore. Robert Foley, admn, to C. B. Humphrey, admn, lot 4, blk 16, Lytle. i - Mary F. Gervals to Dillon L. Moore, tr 14, Virginia pk and blks 3-4 Deschutes uk. . F. H. Stlckley to Arthur W. Chamness, part NENW IS IS 13. F. H. Stlckley to Ivan L. J. Lantzer, part NENW 15 15 13. Frank W; McCaffery to Fred J. Stevens, lot 86, Railway add. Arthur V. Stevens to Preston L. Ypung, lots 13 14, Fair acres. Brooks-Scanlon Inc. to Sullivan Glove Co, part NENE 5 18 12. Cleve E. Clapp to Central Ore Fir Supply Co, SWSW 21 15 13. A. Michael Barrett to H. G. Gll cher, lot 1 S Iff 2 blk 6, Lytle. Laurence E. Clausen to Fre mont S. Beall, lot 2, blk 3, Staats. Joe Talbot to P. G. Watklns, WV4 sec 27; all section 33; SWVl 34 14 10; "NWSW, WWiNW 3 15 10; SE?4 21, EHE'i, NWNE 28 14 10. Howard Mayfleld to Bessie Pe terson, lot 4, blk. D. Redmond T. S. 1st add. Philip B. Fogarty to Tim B. O'Keefe. lots 11 12. blk 51, Center. Brooks-Scanlon Inc. to A. C. Sholes. E'iSE 22 EV4NE 27 18 12. W. L. Van Duren to Benjamin Cecil Satterfield, lot 6, blk 28, Park. Mori (raires Ma y 22 Dillon L. Moore to Des. fed sav . and loan, tr, 14, Virginia pk and tracts 3-4 Deschutes pk. Arthur W. Chnmness to F. H. Stlckley, part NENW 15 15 13.' Ivan L. J.' Lantzer to F. H. QUICK. PERMANENT LOW-COST CONSTRUCTION Get the Facts Today! EUGENE STEEL BLDG. CO 523 Lawrence St., Eugene, Ore. Seaton H. Smith 100 Drake Road Bend, Ore. WE ARE NOW Exclusive Dealers and Distributors For BENZ AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK SPRINGS Wo Also Do Expert Automobile and Truck SPRING REPAIRING! We Have Plenty oi Steel JOE EGG BLACKSMITHING ' and WELDING MS Harrtman Phone 14M-W Stlckley, part NENW 15 15 13. Preston L. Young to U. S. Nat') bnk, lots 14 13, lair acres. Fremont S. Beall to U. S. Nat'l bnk lot 2, blk 3, Staats. P. G. Watklns to Joe Talbot, WM, sec. 27; all section 33; SWV4 34 J4 10; NWSW WV4NW 3 15 10; SEW 2; EWE'i NWNE 28 14 10. Mortgage Releases May 22 P. A. Erickson to Ronald E. Spaniet, lot 12, blk 14, Staats.' U. S. Nat'l bnk to Cleve Eu gene Clapp, partial, SWSW 21 15 13. Des. fed sav and loan to Law rence E. Clausen, lot 2, blk 3, Staats. . Deeds May .24 Marshall P. Bedlnger to Sam mle W. Bedinger, part SW 1 16 1. Fred Stabenow to City of Bend, lot 16, blk 44, Center. Michael Weiss to Michael Weiss, lots 1-2-3-4-5, blk 47, Redmond. Zola B. Hutchens to Edward R. Franklin, lot 1, ami N 25' 2 blk B Red. Ts S. 1st add. . Le Roy D. Aeschliman to Fran cis C. Jacquot, lot 3, blk 17, Park. . Mortgages May 24 Jean W." Hawthorne to H. E. Van Arsdale, lot 1 being NENE lot 2, being NWNE 2 17 12 and S'iSE SV1NE NWSE NESE 35 16 12 SWSW 25, SESE 25 all sec 36 16 12. Mortgage Release May 24 Bank of Bend to B. B. Gervals, tr 14, Virginia pk. - veeua May Z5 Ray Brown to Ethel McGreer Brown, part of lots 1-2-5-6-7, blk 20, Redmond. Ernest H. RIxe to Laurence E. Clausen, part lot 1, blk 16, Park. John Kamlo to Oliver Stelnley, lot 9, blk 5, Mill. Mortgages May zo Jack R. Gordon to Des. fed sav and loan, lot 25-26, blk 104, 1st add Bend pk. , Ralph K. Mooers to 1st nan bnk, W 31' lot 3, blk 4, Cntr. Mortgage Release May xli Des. fed sav and loan to W. F. Brewer, lot 13, W4 12, blk 18, Center. Deeds May 26 William F. Brewer to Elizabeth Huntman, lot 13 WMi 12, blk 18, center. James R. Forrest to Edwin S. Cripe, NVi lot 5, blk 2. Staats. . Mortgage May 26 Edwin S. Cripe to State of Ore gon, N'i lot 5, blk 2, Staats. George E. Windham to Laura Pittendrlgh, tr 4 and 6, Norwood. Mortgage Release May 26 Des. fed and loan to James R. Forrest, Nto lot 5, blk 2, Staats. Deeds May 27 Frank W. McCaffery to Law rence Twomey, lot 10, Railway ad dition. . . . . B. E. Lechncr to George H. Miller, NEK' 5 22 10. Adren Allen to Edmund E. Ba con, S'A tr 39 so. Moreland. Thomas H. Cork to George Coo ley, part of SWSW 16 15 13. Edmund E. Bacon to Mary Scribner, S'4 tr 39 So. Moreland. Mortgage Releases May 27 U. S. Nat'l bnk to A. W. Men- dcnhall, S!4 lots 4-3, blk 2, Ellin- gers. E. H. Stewart to Ben Davidson, lots 7-8, blk 16, Mt. View. Deeds May 28 Cora M. Mehl to Harry A. Hun ter part of SH 32 17 12. ' Horace H. Campbell to John Ramlo, lot 10. blk 19, Highland. Deschutes co' to Luther Metke, lot 10, blk 2, Lava. Deschutes co Mun. Imp. dist. to George Sllkworth, lot 1, blk 9, Rlv. terr. S. Deltrtck to' George Sllkworth, lot 2, blk 9, Riv. terr. Robert J. Gardner to William C. Crooks, lot 1, blk 8, Park. William C. Crooks to J. D. G. Dorr Jr., lots 1-2, blk 111, st add Bend pk. Grant A. Sharer to Kenneth E. DeShazer, WANE 15 18 12. W. W. Hutnley to June C. Dube Rumbaugh, lot 1, blk 11, Des chutes. Albert Shipley to Hazel W. Roy, EAGLE-PICHER HOME INSULATION four home will be warmer In winter, cooler1 In Hum mer with an Eagle-Picher Certified Insulation Job. Pava for itself with fuel savin n aa high aa 40. In stalled to factory engineered specifications. Up to 3 years to pay. , ' PHONE 34 FOR FREE ESTIMATE L H. CLAWSON & CO. INSULATORS PACIFIC COAST 135 Oregon Ave. BeniL Ore. Bennett's Machine Shop ..'' V'-.;' BILL BENNETT .-. - 1114 Roosevelt Ave. i Phone 1132 ; Bend, Oregon General Machine Work . - ' Heavy Machine Work Gears Sprockets made to order ."" Crank Shaft Grinding " , . Motor Rebuilding : Line Boring Cylinder Rcborlng ' Crank Shaft Grinding in the Car Electric and Acetylene Welding . General Auto Repairs SEE IT IN ACTION!! OID(33III21BQaEEffi ( rinses to I T"3r I . .. .-.Mliiiff I OSm I 5WBHl-aillCHi6 I - ... - I cleanliness j MMP-DRIESl ready for ironing I Hera In the G-E Alio Automatic it every- thlnc you've always wanted In an automatic washer. You set the controls the washer does alt the work. Clothes are washed amaiingly clean . . . and to thoroughly damp-diied that many, : pieces are ready for ironing. G-E Activator Washing! All the clothes are waihed gently, but thoroughly, with this correctly designed O-E Activator. It hai three sones oi washing action gets out 11 the dirt from heavy work clothes or delicate lingerie. Come in and see the O-E All Automatic Waaher in action. A dem omtration will show you that it's "automatic waihing at its finest." Trfe-mirk ha. U. t. Nt. OH. '69.98 Down BEND ELECTRIC CO. 644 Franklin Phone 169 part of tract C of tr 23, Virginia Pk- Max A. Cunning to 'Hazel W. Roy, part of tract C of tr 23, Vlrr glnla pk. Mortgages May 28 Cliff Bishop to U. S. nat'l bnk, E 65' of W 145' tr 46, Sothman add. Ted E. Hayward to U. S. nat'l bnk, lot 10, blk 69, Redmond. R. E. Lynds to U. S. nat'l bnk, S 100' lot 4, So. Moreland ac. ' J. J. Fairfield to Pac' 1st fed sav and loan, lot 5, blk 13, Mt. View: George Sllkworth to U. S. Nat'l bnk, lots 1-2, blk 9, Rlv terr. Kenneth E. DeShazer to State of Oregon, W14NE 15 18 12. Sen. Capper, 83, Plans To Retire Washington, June. 7 IB Sen. Arthur Capper, 83-year-old Kans as republican, said today he isn't seeking reelection because -30 years in the senate "is about long enough." , The veteran prohibition advo cate, whose fifth senate term ex pires at the end of this year, an nounced last night that he has "decided not to run for reelec tion." ' Capper Is the oldest man In the senate, and Is second only to Sen. Kenneth McKellar, D., Tenn., in length of service. McKellar has a 32-year record. " . ' Capper gave no explanations in the formal announcement of his -.;- See. . ELMER LEHNHERR '' For, Liberal Cash Loans ON YOUR- AUTO LIGHT TRUCK PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 15 Months to Pay Quick Service . ' Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. . . M-833 " 217 Oregon , Phone 525 retirement. But he told the United Pi-ess In an Interview: Does His Part "I guess I've been here about long enough. I've done my part . . . now I want to take life a little easier." He said he plans to return to his home in Topeka at (he end of this session of congress. . One of a reputed six million aires in the senate, Capper owns extensive publishing, and broad casting Interests In the midwest, Including 10 newspapers, three COAL MINE PRICES EXPECTED TO RISE JULY 1ST. We have several carloads on order for Lump, Special and Regular Stoker coats. . Place your order today and save money. Brookings Wood Yard Phone 767 , radio stations and several maga zines. : ..'; GETTING SNOOTY, HUH? Harrisburg, Pa. lUWThe maes tro of Wambach's wax works points out that "disc pilot" is the correct expression not "disc joc key." "We operate on the air, not a race track," explains Pete Warn bach, staff announcer of Radio Station WKBO. . TilE DEVIL BREWED ITt THE NATIVES USED ITt'. . WHITE MEN PURSUED ITI A STRANGE LOVE POTION! UNCIVILIZED PERHAPS ... . . . BUT WOULD YOU REFUSE PITURI? Spring has been most tempting through many a west ern high school window. .. and now that the "Big Day" . .' is close at hand, thousands of young men are murmur. ' ' ing, "Me for the outdoors. After graduation, I'm going to relax... for a little while"... Not a bad idea, young man! And, if you haven't yet decided where you are going from here . . . think about it while yWre relaxing. "-.' If it's a job you want ... a real career that'll offer you '' security, travel, regular advancement, top pay and- opportunities for training in dozens of fields ... consider . a "job" with your Army or Air Force. Talk it over with the fellows at your neighborhood recruiting office ... probably you know them. They'll give you all the details of careers with a future for yo Room 20, O'Kane Bldg., Bend, Oregon Safety! Cord, stronger than ever before, protects against blowouts. Long Wear! More rubber to road contact makes Gillette "A Bear for Wear." Quick Stops! Sharp edges on the tread bite through slippery road film for sure traction. . Quality-Tested! Constant tests in the lab oratory and on the road assure uniform top quality. CONSIDER THE EXTRA VALUE THAT YOU GET FOR YOUR TIRE DOLLAR... In comparison with the 1939 tire, you now get a much finer tire in every way at practically the same low prices. l COMPARE THESE GILLETTE TIRE PRICES AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Gillette 4 Ply 1939 Price 6.00-16 15.47 6.50-16 18.50 7.00-15 20.711 7.00-16 21.29 1948 Price 15.25 18.50 20.80 21.30 BEND AUTO PARTS Complete Tire Service nisi. Marmillan Oil Jim Carroll's GtiiFVLOSOPHiBS Would you mind drop ping down and seeing what the excitement's about at ' ' ' ... .: : . YOITLL FIND PLENTY here to get excited about! Gas and oil that make your, car leap out from under you and a lubri cation job by our experts that give you the smooth est ride you can Imagine! Bring your car in today! lil'H.l I53 f0 J - Ever Green w Ever Cool Now's the time to swing northward (by plena, train, bus or car) to the cool Evergreen Playground just a few hours away, Youll be so downright comfortable morning, noon and night! There are so many things to do in this climate made for doing. VACATION UNDER TWO FLAGS This is an International Playground with no red tape crossing the border. Vancouver and Victoria are as much yours to enjoy as Tacoma and Seattle. So, too, are all the wonders of magnificient British Columbia -its scenic grandeur, superb fishing, old world atmos phere, cordial hospitality, and excellent food and accommodations. ENJOY COOL DELIGHTS It's fresh and green everywhere in the Ever green Playground. Giant firs cast cooling shadows. Soft, salt-laden breezes come from Inland seas. Snow-crowned mountains are ' mirrored in sparkling blue lakes. Waterfalls cascade into crystal-clear, trout-filled streams of snow-pure, refreshing water. CRUISE MOONLIT WATERS Be sure to include a cruise on the sheltered inland seas of Puget Sound and British Columbia. Sunsets are flaming, never-to-be-forgotten spectacles. Comfortable ferries and steamers threat! their way through a maze of entrancing, wooded islands. Giant ocean liners slip silently by. .Light houses cast their friendly beacons. TIE INTO A FORTY POUNDER There is fine lake and stream fishing throughout this cool wonderland. But ' perhaps your biggest thrill will be when a fighting forty pound salmon hits your hook. Boathouses everywhere can sup ply you with equipment and tell you where to go to get the big ones. BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY There's something for everybody here. It's such a refreshing change. Evergreen Playground vacations are the kind you live over and over again for yean. tutlllillcclJ PLflYGnnU D SCATTlt AND TACOMA Washington VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA British Columbia Evtrjntn Pliyjround, Room 1B-F SI 5 Columbia $! Se.Hle, 4. Pltm send mt your fret llttritwa Noma Addrttt ... I I f t 69 Oregon Phone 909 Cfy . . Mi7i.a,T. Sf of .