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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1948)
THURSDAY, JUNE 3. 1948 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE THREE 1 Miss Derrick Wed in Reno A recent Reno wedding of In terest here Is that of Miss Mavis K. Derrick and Gordon William Ifagen, both formerly of Bend. The ceremony was a church af fair May 22 in the Nevada city. with Rev. Brewster Adams offi ciating at the double-ring service. The bride is tne daughter of Mrs. Fred Wolfe, of Bend, and W. C. Derrick, of Columbus, South Carolina. The bridegroom is the son of the late John Hagen, of Bend. Miss Ernestine Cotta, of VI- salia, Calif., was the bride's at tendant', and Robert C. Hagen act- d as best man for his brother. The bride was lovely in a suit of white wool gabardine , with lilack accessories. Her corsage was of orchids. Miss Cotta chose a ballerina dress of green and white print, with brown accessories. A reception was held after the ceremony in the Skylight room, in the Hotel Mapes. On Honeymoon The bridal couple are honey mooning at Lake Tahoe, and after trio through southern Califor nia, will make their home in Sis ters, where Hagen is an employe iOf the U. S. national forest service.. The bride was graduated from :T 1 U 1 U 1 1 tInnH 1- graduate of Oregon State college, tiwhere he affiliated with Alpha ipigma Phi fraternity. He is a vet eran of world war II, having com pleted four years of service in the ' H.ivy. ANNUAL PICNIC PLANNED I Trinity Episcopal guild's final J Bieetlng before the summer re jess will be the annual picnic, to 'be held next Tuesday, June 8, at ,'toie home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ,McCabe, in Lapine. The outing .?will be a family affair, and mem 5bers and their children have been tasked to meet at 12 noon at the church, where transportation will tkl provided. Each woman should .'bring a picnic lunch, officers announced. jl CARD PARTY HELD Redmond, June 3 (Special)-Mr. .'jnd Mrs.Lester Knorr.entertained f i ioi ids at a pinochle party Satur day evening. Guests included Mr. .'Bnd Mrs. Joe Tuekfield, Mr. and Wis Harold Kilgore and Mr. and s,klrs. Raymond Jones. Prizes were Mvon by Mi s. Jones and Tuekfield, -fiigh, and by Mrs. Tuekfield. Re ijjieshment's were served after the ;-acard game. -S (Horses Offered y '.To Aid Europeans 8 Marsing, Ida., June 3 (U'i The lOwyhee County Cattlemen's asso- 000 wild horses in this sprawl- ig county, for European relief. ihe association adopted a reso- ut ion at its annual meeting yes- terday requesting the Idaho State "attlemen's association to ask the proper agency in Washington to ... remove the wild horses. It was 1 suggested the meat might be can ned and distributed to hungry Europeans. Bend Soroptimhts Install f F ' Sf- aar. ftKW)ilMS IftfftfBSfln Myrick Studio New officers of the Bend Soroptlmist club were photographed last night in the Pine Tavern garden, following a formal installation ceremony held in the dining room. From left to right, they are: Mrs. H. R. Wightman, Mrs. Homer R. Smith, Mrs. A. A. Symons, Mrs. Almeda Hoist, Mrs. M. E. Millsap, Mrs. H. E Beach and Mrs Earl Zeek. Social Calendar SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT Tor the year ended December 31, 1947 01 ine THE HANOVER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Df New York. In the State of New York, made to the Insurance Com- imlssloncr of the State of Oregon, roursuam to jaw: f INCOME lJct premiums received 17) $17,497,409.47 Total Interest, dividends ana real estate income IS71 . nin mi Rit wncome from other sources (28 to 37) 2.284.433.43 Total Income (38) $20,652,407.73 . JNet amount paid for I losses (14) S 7.987.082.10 adjustment ex- penses (IS) 400,584 85 Jnderwrlting expenses vi D.ufa.iio.w dividends paid to stock- iiuiaers (casn. S4BU.UUU; slock. $01 (401 480.000.00 Mvldends paid or cred ited, to policyholders . ""icr expenditures I Jf (In eluding Investment W exDentM CI nni pin m to 41 EvM in m, aii tmt ntK ni Jtolal disbursements (441 $16. 490.460.75 Value of real estate ownca (market value) it, $ 0 fci-oans on mortgages and fl collateral, etc. 2-3 0 Jvalue of bonds owned glamortUcdl 4-20-49 14.428.713.00 j 1 ui iiocks ownea 1 value) 4-26A- JCaiih In banks and on ic nono a-o-7 3,393,182.08 atTcmlums in course of '""non wruwn I nee September 30, ' 2,300,260 08 jlnlerpst and rents due r ".iu accrued (241 62.B05 32 o ,-M3eU not 10-11-13-13-14-38 1,000.828 67 rout admitted assets 43 $33,009,407.13 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND '., , UTHFft FUNDS M ""Paid claims 14 . 4.484.637.00 l i ."1 l0" adjust- I pense tor un- -Paid claims (IS) 215.000 00 i1 unearned prem- AllAtK 13.951.021.18 i njn Cr """UUei 19 to 4.213.209 78 To'"' "labilities, except Cap.l' 3.3ld- $22,863.926 96 En".?,.37 M.000.000 00 500.000 00 P'us funds: ' uiuniary Unanin- ""ins isur- iSuroiu. . 6,245.480.19 10.745 480 19 Ir I Bl,SINBSS IN ORHOON FOR 11 Net ,., THE YEAR "el "TS. 'vcl t 210.796 31 I . - r"u "r crea- PrtiEJ lcyh"''ers .... 0 Principal ollica In Oregon ' r f n Uimh f . ... . " -""iny, Ida iirrpn nr, If " hnd. Orrraa Tonight 8 p. m. Neighbors of Wood craft, Norway hall. 8 p. m. Junior Civic league, with Mrs. H. K. Edmondson, 902 Broadway. Friday 1 p. m. Ladies Golf club, lun cheon at country club. v 1 p. m. Town and Country iiib, luncheon with Mrs. Edgar Hubbell, 1366 Kingston. 8 p. m. Jay H. Upton camp and auxiliary, courthouse assem bly room. 8 n. m. Women of the Moose, oublic card party, Moose hall. 8:30 p. m. Pupils of Mrs. J. R. Cowan, recital at library auditor ium. Saturday 9:30 Sons of Norway, dance at Norway hall. Tuesday 12 noon Trinity Episcopal 9;uild members meet at parish hall for transportation to picnic. 2 p. m. Sunshine club with Mrs. R. D. Ketchum, 740 Silvis 'ane. 2 n. m. F i r s t Presbyterian '"wing eirHe. vit,h Mrs. Peter Vn'lev, 85 Shasta. 6:30 p.. m. Decree of Honor, "lanquet at Pine Tavern, followed y meeting at Eagles hall. Degree of Honor Plans Banquet A banquet at the Pine Tavern md ritual work at Eagleshall vill be features o the formal of ficial meeting for members of De gree of Honor, to be held rot Tuesday evening, June S. State officers who will be present for the occasion are Mrs. Eth"l Lind holm, state director from Port land; Mrs. Minnie Davis Card, of Portland, and Mrs. Dora Gales, of Bend. The banquet will be held at 6:30 p. m., officers announced. Reser vations must be made before Sat urday with the president, Mrs. Clifford Brown, phone 1023-J. The meeting at Eagles hall will convene at 8 p. m. Participating in the program will be the lodge's drill team and glee club. - Registered Nurses of district No. 14, OSNA, will sponsor a rummage sale Thursday, June 10, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. In the offices of Pacific Power and Light company. Gold Star Lapel Buttons Available Gold star lapel buttons to pro vide an appropriate identification for widows, parents and certain next of kin of members of the armed forces of the United States who lost their lives in world war II during the period December 7, 1941, to July 25, 1947, have been authorized, Hie local navy recruit ing office announced today. The buttons will be furnished free of charge 4o the widow, wid ower, mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, mother through adop tion or father through adoption of deceased personnel. For the son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, son by adoption, daughter by adoption, brother, sister, half brother, or half sis ter, the gold star lapel button will be issued. at cost price. The gold star lapel button will be issued from the navy depart ment and will be engrayed, free of charge, with the recipient's initials before being Issued. Application forms for the gold star lapel buttons may be obtain ed from the nvy recruiting sta tion, P. O. building, Bend, by call ing in person or by mail request, a One-Year-Old Has Birthday Party Mrs. Lee Barnett entertained a group of friends last week at a party celebrating the birthday of her son, Richard Lee, who was one year old. Guests included the following: Mrs. Ralph Remington and son, Gary Bruce; Mrs. David Wind ham and daughter, Sharon; Mrs. Larry Larson and son, Bruce William; Mrs. Vernon Cox and daughter, Carolyn; Mrs. Edna Swager, Mrs. Earl Birchard and Mrs. William Gibson. Use classified ads In The Bulle tin for quick results. i Don't Wait . . until you look like this to get rid of those extra pounds. The Tammea Table will holn vou lose the quid: sura way. lio strenuous, tiring exer cises. MAKE jIN Al'POIN'l'MENT TODAY AT Helen's Beauty Saion L A! Beauty Services , and SWEDISH MASSAGE Room 11, Penney EUtj. Phona 484 ich coffee always tastes better ..and EDWARDS is. always rich coffee! . REGULAR DRIP PULVERIZED Featuredat SAFEWAY STORES TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SQUARE DEAL'S ANNSVEtiSAISY SMl 4 Piece BEDROOM SUITE BED CHEST VANITY BENCH 11 49. 5 Other 4 Pc. Bedroom Suites Priced 159.50 179.50 O 199,50 6 209.50 INHSPRING AAATTRESSB b BEAUTYREST - - 59.50 DEEPSLEEP .... .. .....39.50 7 PIECE DAVEK'O ! trsK 2 END TABLES I e. baulk LAmra m 9 COFFEE TABLE Jfr OCCASIONAL i CHAIR 139. I EASY TERMS STORE tig -smm'j WD I REDUCTIONS ! ! Ssve mm 10 f 50 si Year Ffiar&iitur Needs FRIGIDAIRE Electric Range . .. 170.75 y: 111" .l j" - ff f 11 I PURCHASE ANY ARTICLE ON CONVENIENT TERMS Krceh?er Davenport and Cbair 149.50 OTHER 2 PC. SUITES 169.50 189.50 199.50 209.50 229.50 H.G.RAINEY L.E.RAINEY DCND - REDMOND - EHMIJEVILLC