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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1948)
SATURDAY, WAY 29, 1948 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON PAGE SEVEN CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE iinnlu One Time 4(W 85 Words Three Times $1.10 t& Words Six Times S3.04) All words aeer IS add le per word limes ; nnniber of Inaertlona One aonth ran, copy, H dor rite , Minimum charge, 40c Una rat 10c Capitala Jdc Reader ada 10c lino, Minimum eOe OUplar Advertieinr Cloilnt time g P.M. previoui dejvOne ball para or larger, dej prcrloue to publication. BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Special Communication wora in r. v. vegree l"JD' Bat.. Majr II, at 7:S0 . m. Viiltfn Brethren Welcome C. E. Kernlck, Secy, BEND LODGE, No. 218, I.O.O.F. Meets Every Monday Night I.O.O.F. Temple Fred Elligsen, Noble Grand D. Ray Miller, phone 1079-W, Sec'y 265 Franklin Avenue For Sale. Real Estate $6,000 5-ROOM HOUSE, good condition, hardwood floors, new picket fence, double garage, util ity room, near Kenwood. 1334 Columbia or Phone 55, Redmond, for Huth Freeman. MODERN 24x34 pumice block house, 1 acre, woven wire fence, city and COI water, landscaped, . concrete walks, curbing, electric hot water heater, furnished or un furnished. $6500 . unfurnished. Jones Road, 2 blocks east of E. 8th. Phone 1356-M. E. M. BUCKNUM, REALTOR Near Chamber of Commerce 1029 Brooks St. Phone 331 Evenings 796-R NEAR ALLEN SCHOOL, 2 nice level lots with large garage that could be used as living quarters. These lots are clear of rocks with water piped on. Good deal for $2650.00 $1200 DOWN for this 2-bedroom home on sewer. 1 block from high school. Excellent income proper ty. $3900.00 3BEDROOM home on West side. Completely furnished. New elec tric water heater; will take "41" model car as part pavment. $5100.00 WEST 4TH, new 2-bedroom home with attached garage. Automatic heat, lovely kitchen and bath, Ve netian blinds. Immediate posses sion. Carries G.I. loan, $7350.00 NORTH 1ST. 2-bedroom home in tourist commercial zone. 2 stoves and floor covering go. Very neat and clean. Must be sold immediately. Reduced to $5700.00 NEW 5-ROOM MODERN home. 2 bedrooms, full basement with' finished room, furnace, 52-gallon electric tank, utility tubs, fruit room, on 2 lots, near school, ga rage. Will sell furnished or un furnished. Has G.I. loan. 429 E. Franklin, by owner. NEW STUCCO HOME on West side. 2-bedroom, living room, kitchen with plenty of bullt-ins. Finished throughout in Firtex and linoleum on floors. Porch front and fear; concrete walks, fenced and lawn in. All this on 2 corner lots for $3500.00. J. A. DUDREY, REALTOR 533 Hill St. PRICE REDUCED for quick sale. 2 B. R. mod., very large living room, spacious service room,, wir ed for range, gas in house. Re modeled throughout. $4290 han dles. Some furniture. 344 E. Mar shall. HOME: In tourist commercial area on highway. Two-bedroom modern home on extra large lot on paved street. Price reduced for quick sale at $5750.00 at Gilbert's Real Estate. MOTEL: To trade for good home in Bend. CENTRAL OREGON'S best mon ey making cafe. Gross 1947 $100, 500. Small down payment. 2-BDRM., 1 year old, good view of the mountains. Price $10,500. CONTACT Earl Ewing. Huff Real Estate Co., phone 1331-J. Eve. ph. 1691-W. 57500 BUYS modern, clean, 4-bed-room home on river, office space, lots of built-ins and closets. Beau tiful mirror pond view, also v mountain view. Nice yard, ga rage, electric water neater, wneu for range. Easy down payment. 650 Harmon. Phone 1054-J. 314 ACRES, 3 acres C.O.I.. city water, S-room house, 4 chicken houses, 2 brooder houses, barn and garage, cellar. Troy Sciber, Hi. 1. Box 7, Phone 4F-3. NEED A HOME? Check the Deal of the Day on KBND 8:45 a.m. Call today and inspect the list ings at Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. . BY OWNER: Attractive brick house, well constructed, conven iently arranged, on beautiful largo corner lot; excellent loca tion, paved streets, close in: 2 bed rooms and heated sleeping porch; basement, automatic furnace, fireplace. Full price S10.000; FHA Joan available; $3000 cash will handle. Address 1404 W. First street. Telephone 796-J or, if no answiv, phone 282. J ARM and Business Real Estate Loans made In Crook and De schutes counties. 4'-4 interest. Midstate Realty Co., Rm. 11, U. S. Nat. Bldg.. phone 495. See Don Peonies or Carl Linrlh $!V)0 BUYS large 4-bedroom completely furnished modern home, corner lot. paved street, rinse In. Possession soon. Phone . 898, C. V. Silvis, 81 Oregon St. For Sale Real Estate ANNE FORBES. REALTOR 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: -iean 4-room house, shower, elec tric hot water tank, electric range wiring, large lot, mountain view, new cnneretA rnnlr AriUaA $3650, furnished, $1000 down, $40 nionm. uniurnisned, same terms. ILLNESS MUST SELL: 40 acres, u u.u.l. part in crop, 4 room house, orchard, 3 milk cows, $7500. $3500 down, might consider IraHe for Shown by appointment only. NEWLY RENOVATED: 3-bed- room house, excellent location, full haspmpnt flirnnna 1 U. Inlc $12,500. S3600 down Shown hu appointment only. SMALL HOUSE, 2 rooms and summer kitchen. 2V4 lots. Past Ponderosa mill on East A St. Cash $1,150. See or write Eddie Allen, Redmond, Ore. Gen. deliv ery. IF A NEW 2-BEDROOM fully modern home with 4 beautiful landscaped lots is what you are looking for. here it is for onlv $8,750.00.. $2,550.00 cash. Balance r ri A. $2,250.00 WITH ONLY $500.00 DOWN buys a 3-room home, also double garage that has 2 finished sleeping rooms. Good location. $3,670.00 WITH ONLY $1,200.00 DOWN allows you to move right in a 1-bedroom fully modern fur nished home. West side location. 2-BEDROOM modern home, base ment, furnace and garage. This is a good buy as owner has left Bend and savs sell. $3,700.00. Cash $1,492.61, balance GI at $35.00 per mo. NEW 2-bedroom pumice block modern home. Wired for elec. range, has elec. water heater. Price $5,750.00 with good terms. Call Mr. Locklin VERN LARSON AGENCY 135 Oregon. Phone 32 BUSINESS LOTS on North High way. Sale or trade. IMMEDIATE possession, 1-bdrm. home, living room, kitchen and bath with shower. Newly redeco rated, hot water heater, lawn. $2750.00. CONTACT Mr. O. G. Nichols, Huff .Real Estate Co., 126 Minne sota Ave., phone 1331-J. BARGAIN: 4-rm. mdn., double constructed house, two level lots in worth District lor sale, lileet. hot water tank, el. range, oil circ. heater. Assorted berries, garden in, all for $5250.00. EVERY THING NEW. GILBERT'S REAL ESTATE. ....... 320 A. DEEDED. Sub-irrigated. 80A oats and rye. 3-bedroom house, large barn. 10 cows, 15 calves, new Case tractor, all Im plements. $9,000.00 takes all. 10A, 2-BEDROOM house. Pres sure system. 500 chicken house, cow barn. Alfalfa, berries, iog, 24 chickens, some implements. 2 mi. out. School, mail and milk route. ' $1,260.00 DOWN takes 2-bedroom modern 2-vear old cement block. stuccoed house. Garage, 2 lots landscaped. In good location. $3,675 BUYS 1 5-foom and 2 3 room houses with only $1,475.00 down. Call Mr. Dubois VERN LARSON AGENCY 135 Oregon, Phone 32 2-BEDROOM MODERN: Part furnished home on paved street nnut c.hnnl A rpjt hliv at $3500.00 with $1500.00 down or $2800.00 casn. GiiDerrs ncai es tate. WANT TO SELL? List your prop erty with GILBERT. A square deal, and prompt, efficient, cour teous service is yours at Gilbert's Heal Esiate. 1015 Wall St. 32 SHASTA: Must sell quick. Liv ing room, 2 bedrooms, bath and kitchen. Good garden, lots of flowers, perfect view of moun tains. Terms. Gilbert's Real Es tate. 3-ROOM MODERN: Home on n.nA fimni with tnt-ma 3-ROOM MODERN: Homeplus 2- room lurnisnea caoin, jwou.uu. 2-BEDROOM MODERN: Home in good condition, $5500.00. 2-BEDROOM MODERN: Home on West side. $3250.00. 2-BEDROOM MODERN: Furn- GILBERTS REAL ESTATE, 1015 WALL. MIDSTATE REALTY CO. Carl Llndh and Don Peoples Specialists in Buying and Selling Real Estate Heal Estate Appraisals Rm. 11 U. S. Nat. Bldg. Phone 495 a nrnwnnMQ TTASTfith? rmun. stairs has hardwood floors and plastering, upstairs linisnea in knotty pine. One nnd one-half years old, new addition Just com- t....i nnu'lir Hoenrntpfl. Two baths,' attached double garage With SunaecK, eiccmc water heater, wired lor range, uuiuy, i .ii.u1 tu'n Inrop Into.. Full price $13,000. includes Venetian blinds and drapes. Has 4 loan of $7000. Phone 1114-W for appoint ment. Fuel PHONE 39 F-21 for good dry body wood. EXCELLENT LIMBS, 1st grade for cash. Summer rate ends July first. Dry lack pine, body, lunl per, lump and stoker coal. Phone 707. Brookings Wood iaid. Fuel GOOD DRY JACKPINE wood. 2 ft. and 4 ft. lengths. Phone 1570 W for prompt delivery. 16-INCH green slab wood deliver ed in Bend $14 per 2-cord load (2-cord load of 16" dry slab $19.) (You haul $5.00 per cord at yard. East end of A Street). Central Oregon Fuel Co.. phone 201W. Office 936 A St, Redmona. For Sale Farm Products FEEDER PIGS: 3 months old, good strain Chester Whites. Phone 1522-M. ONE BAY SADDLE MARE, 8 years old. Phone 1357-W. 2004 E. 8th street, after 6 p. m. FOR SALE: CERTIFIED and common seed potatoes. Quanti ties limited. Fred Hodecker Pota to Warehouse, Redmond, Ore. GUARANTEED "Oregon - Bred" chicks. U. S. Approved, U. S. Ful lorum controlled. Hatches every Monday and Thursday. Prepaid prices $18.00 per hundred. 19c in smaller lots. You can beat the high meat prices and make mon ey with eggs by filling your brooders with fine "Oregon-Bred" chicks. Some of our customers re port 3-lb. fryers In 9 weeks. 1 Oregon State Hatchery Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon FARM OR GARDEN sprinkler ir rigation equipment and supplies. Complete sprinkler systems large or small for immediate delivery. Beniamin Russell, Rt. 3, Box 313, 3 miles north on 97. FRYER rabbits dressed on order. Roasting hens, live or dressed. Phone 59-W or call first white house back Carroll Acres store. York's. Free delivery. FOR SALE: Finest young fryers, 3 lbs. and better, dressed on ord er. Phone 5-F-22. For Sale Miscellaneous 3 FEEDER PIGS. 150 Rhode Is land hens, also pasture' for rent r lease. Rt. 1, Box 312, Butler road, turn right at Youngs school house, third house on left. ONE WALNUT bookcase, one Axminster rug, 7 f t. x 9 ft., round oak dining table, small chest, soup plates, beautiful bedspread, small camera and 2 films, black leather lady's purse, man's all leather billfold, ice crusher, man's one-pant suit and one overcoat (both size 36) clothes hangers. 1595 Awbrey road. GIRL'S BICYCLE, almost new. $22.50. Set of Oregon Trail bunk beds with box springs $32.50. Kneehole desk $15. Sale on hard wood night stands $4.00 each while they last. Radio-phono graph combination $32.50. Dress er, chairs, innerspring mattress. new condition, ironing boards, dresser base, bookcases, occasion al and platform rockers, coffee table. Cliff's Bargain Spot. Phone 1M4-W. '-" " "'"" SMALL UPRIGHT PIANO in good condition, recently tuned. pnone I3i-w. WE BUY AND SELL used dishes, colored or plain; kerosene lamps, all kinds used furniture and mis cellaneous articles. Phone 1070 W or come to 147 E. Olney. CHOICE BEEF for your locker. Black Angus baby beef, raised and grain fed by the Bradetich Bros. Only 50c per lb. by the half or whole, at Mid-State Meat Co., 37 Greenwood ave., Bend. 1942 NATIONAL TRAILER house, 21 foot, $450.00 will handle. Balance terms. Phone 31-F-3 after 5 p. m. or see at D. & K. Boat Service on South highway. WE BUY furniture, dishes, guns, saddles or most anything and bay cash. Addington's Second Hand Store, 2359 E. First St., No. hiway. Phone 292-J. NEW KENSKILL Komnact Trail- er Coaches: Here it is .folks, iust wnat you nave Deen looking lor, a home of your own, save rent small down payment balance In low monthly payments come and let us show you this beautiful trailer. We also have the new Sport Rover for your vacation or fishing trips priced to warm a Scotchman's heart. 337 C Street, Redmond, Oregon. BAND SAW, table saw, drill press, wood lathe and tools, belt sander, wood cook stove, copper colls and water tank, circulating heater, steam table, 3-burncr gas grill, counters and stools, 1931 Chev. pickup. Inquire The Elk horn cafe after 5 p. m. 1115 So. 3rd. USED WASHING machines as low as $24.50. Used freezer; used Hotpolnt ranee. Oregon Equip ment Co., 165 E. Greenwood. Phone 888. CAMPING TENT 11x9. Umbrel la type. Perfect condition. Sewed in floor. Zipper screen door. Wat er proof. Folding camp bed. $40.00 for both. 661 McKlnlcy Ave. Bend. A BARGAIN YOUR CHOICE of two new beautiful 5-piece bedroom suites, walnut and one bleached walnut. Price $110.00 parh Mnot hn conn to be appreciated. Call at 147 E. uiney. 7CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR In excellent condition. $150.00. Ph. 754-M. 1518 W. First. SHELLEY'S NURSERY now of fcrs the following northern grown, high quality ornamentals for Immediate delivery: Ever greens such as Pyramidal and Globe Arborvltae, Junipers, Cy press and Yews. Many varieties of beautiful flowering shrubs. Perennials such as Chrysanthe mums. Phlox, Carnations, Sweet William.. Tritonla. Hybrid Tea Roses also climbers; hardy 2-yr. field grown. O'-r nursery stock Is hardy and well adapted to lo- Ml ftllmnttn rnnrlltlnno Chnlln.,'. ! Nursery, 164 East Greenwood. For Sale Miscellaneous TWO 14 months' old . purebred English springer dogs, 1 male and one female. 18 Oregon Ave. or phone 771-W. USED WASHERS: Maytag, Easy. rvivtiir C9d 1 nnrl I in Two used kerosene refrigerators, 6 cu. ft. and 1U CU. II. usea ireezera, iw- Sain prices we need the room, iregon Equip. Co.. 165 E. Green wood. LARGE overstuffed red leather nUolt. fii entn oveellent Condition. also dark brown mohair daven port. 1454 Harttora Ave. ONE R D-6 Cat. Phone 1502-W-l or 1545-J. FREE LIGHTING fixture with purchase of $7.50 or more in nx imps Henri Electric. 644 Frank lin. Phone 159. m.irif ANn WHITE registered cocker female pup. Excellent ped igree. Phone 1085-R, 357 Dell Lane. U-WASH LAUNDRY and dry cleaning business on Main atreei, 1628 Springfield, Ore. ELECTRIC RANGES new and used, wood, coal. Kerosene ana gas ranges, wood, coal and oil heaters, kitchen and dinette sets, lihrarv diner table, davenports and chairs, davenoes, occasional Chairs and rockers, 4-piece bed room suite, beds, springs . and mattresses, vanities, dressers and dressing tables, desks and library tables, bassinets, baby buggies, washing machines, umbrella clothes lines and clothes racks, coffee and card tables, floor and table lamps, radios, sleeping bags, and air mattresses. Square Deal Exchange, 201 E. Franklin; Phone 1224. FANTON'S GARDEN Petunias, snapdragons, asters, marigold, cosmos, clarkla, vetberia, peren nials, cauliflower, broccoli, brus sel sprouts, dill, garlic plants; also cabbage and head lettuce at 15c doz. 829 0gden. RADIO TUBES Complete stock Philco and other nationally known brands. Tubes tested. Bend. Fur niture Co: LAWNMOWER GRINDING Our precision grinder is now in operation. 3 separate grinding op erations. Guaranteed to cut like new. No advance in pricesNew and used mowers.- We trade. Carl Austin, Bond and Greenwood.) LYON'S FLOWER GARDENS . ASTERS, marigolds, petunias, zinnias, lobelia and many other annuals, strawberry and vege plants, rosebushes, pansies and other perennials, rockery and bor der plants. 1604 West 2nd, corner of Portland. HOW TO SAVE MONEY! I CAN NOW give you substantial allowance for your old piano when buying a hew Baldwin;, j I will not be undersold. Can meet any competition. See me for fhe best buys in new and used pianos. Also piano tuning by real tuners. Your Central Oregon piano deal er. 65 Gilchrist. Phone 1087. USED BOATS AT A BARGAIN 12' Marine plywood boat....$ 49.50 12' Marine plywood boat.... 65.00 12' Plywood boat, semi V- , bottom , 69.50 12' Folding boat 50.00 14' Boat & Trailer, al for.. 40.00 Used Outboard Motors at Real Bargains , 5 Horse Johnson $ 79.50 4'4 Horse Johnson , 89.00 114 Horse Johnson 75.00 5.4 Evinrude Zephyr, like new 110.00 5.4 Evinrude Zephyr, late new guarantee .... 160.00 2 Horse Lawson 85.00 2 Horse Evinrude Sports man, like new 85.00 22 Horse Johnson motor with Don Flowers rac- ' ing hull, complete 425.00 Practically new. FREEMAN TACKLE CO. on So. Highway. Phone 362. For Sale Used Cars 1935 PLYMOUTH sedan, radio, heater, seal beams, fog lights, good motor. 1465 Fresno. Phone 491-W. '48 FORD Pickup '47 WILLYS Station Wagon '42 PLYMOUTH Sedan '41 PACKARD Sedan '40 FORD Tudor 40 NASH Sedan '39 OLDSMOB1LE Tudor '39 OLDSMOB1LE Sedan '36 CHEVROLET Tudor '35 CHEVROLET Tudor '37 GMC Truck LINSE'S USED CAR LOT at Sig nal Station. DEUPREE MOTORS t 628 6th Street, Redmond .. .A Deupree Buy Will Satisfy ... 1941 CHEV. 5-passcngor couiip, original paint, 90 rubber, very clean car, underseat heater and defroster, spot light and back-up light. 1942 .CHEVROLET 5 passenger coupe, radio and heater, a black beauty. 1941 DODGE 5-passenger coupe, Luxury Liner, has a new motor and lots of extras. . BANK FINANCING 1938 CHEVROLET coupe, new paint job. INSURANCE 1938 OLDS 4-door sedan. BANK FINANCING 1937 FORD 4-door sedan, will wholesale this one. 1945 FORD ',4-ton pickup, me chanically perfect, body rough, will wholesale. BANK TERMS 1940 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan. 1942 LINCOLN 4-door sedan with overdrive, radio and heater. WE WRITE our own. contracts and insurance, no waiting or de lay. DEUPREE MOTORS - , 628 6th St. Kedmqncj For Sale Used Cars 1947 155-H. P. CADILLAC motor with 140 miles: set In a 1938 La- Salle chassis. Body wrecked. Ori ginal cost ol new motor 5ob3.ou will sell whole works $350.00. 159 E. St.. Redmond. Phone 207. COLVIN AUTO SALES Leads Again in USED CAR VALUES Clean Dependable Cars Priced Right 1947 CHEV. Fleetline 4-door, low mileage. A new car priced to sell. 1946 PLY. 4-door. Perfect inside and out. 1942 PONTIAC Silver Streak, in Saturday Mem. 1941 PLYMOUTH 4-door, R & H. In Saturday nlgnt. 1941 CHEV. -ton pickup. 4- SDeed transmission. 1939 OLDS. 2-door. Here Is a comDletelv rebuilt car. 1938 CHEV. 2-door, with a very good motor. 1937 PONTIAC 4 door. A one- owner car. OPEN SUNDAYS. 11 A. M. to 4 P. M. , .. Buy Your Car From Central Oregon's Finest Selection of Used Cars COLVIN AUTO SALES 517 E. St. Redmond, Oregon ' '36' FORD SEDAN, good general condition, good tires. Phone 1292 W or 235 Broadway. 39 NASH sedan, good condition. good tires. See at 2042 Hill St. be fore 5:30 p. m. ... ... USED CAR LOT CORNER, E, 8th and Greenwood. isiis int. r.-a irucK, iwm motor, dump bed, no hoist, good condition. 1940 Stude Champion coupe, R. 1936 Pontiac 8 Sedan, new motor. Good tires, body in good shape. 1935 Terraplane Sedan, cheap. 1935 Ford Tudor sedan, $250.00. Phone 774 1936 FORD 2-DOOR, new rubber and good paint. $470.00. Phone 1524-W, after 5:30 p. m. ; - 1940 V-8 CONVERT.. '46 motor, body needs some work. $675 CASH. See Harold Rogers at B-S camp, SislCTs of call 892 P.O. For Bent CLEAN furnished 2-room semi basement apartment. Close in, adults only. 623' Hill St. LARGE 3 ROOM unfurnished apartment, no children over one vear old, no drinkers. Phone 1656- W ROOM AND BOARD in private home. 707 Delaware. all" utilities furnished, 'weekly rates. Apply 517 So. Third. Phone 1204. GOOD COW PASTURE, also electric separator for sale. See it at 4 corners, 2 miles East on Burns highway or call 37-F-12? VERY DESIRABLE sleeping room in all-modern home, close in. Telephone privileges. Inquire or call Tele. 294. BEE HIVE SYSTEM Trucks you drive yourself any where, no restrictions. 1946 Dodge van for good, clean hauling. Court House Service Sta., corner Wall and Bond. Phone 458. or 981-M evenings. THE NEWEST and finest in port able electric floor sanding equip ment: The Clarke Dreadnaught! Quick! Easy! Cleaner! Rental rates are low, so why not do your own floors and save? Electric floor polishers and hand senders available also at low rates. Ev erything necessary for beautiful floors see or call The Sherwin Williams Co., 125 Oregon avenue, Bend. Phone 21. CLEAN SLEEPING rooms by day or week. 853 Wall St. GENTLEMEN.: Attractive, new ly furnished room, private en trance, opposite Mirror pond. Ga rage available. 878 Riverside Blvd. ALBANY Convalescent Home for invalids and elderly folks. Large sun porches and lawn, good care guaranteed. 612 Maple St., Al bany. Ore., phone 231 -L Albany. Wanted WANTED: Roughdry washings to do In my home at only 8c lb. You bring and pick them up same day on nice days. Address is 1245 Jacksonville. HORSE WANTED: Age 3 to 5; gentle hut spirited, gelding, no bays, preferably sorrel. Will pay around $150. Call at 1375 Harmon Blvd. or phone IS90-J. TWO OH THREE BEDROOM house for couple with 2 children. Phone 1441-W. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3-hedroom house for 4 adults. Phone 539. WANTED: LIVESTOCK! LIVESTOCK of all kinds, top market prices. Phone Bond 1209. TOP PRICES Paid for any kind of cattle at your ranch. Pleasp drop a card to W. R. Franks or call 78. Redmond. Help Wanted MAN WITH CAR between 21 and 40 lor district manager, 58-year-old organization, writing Life, Health, Accident. Hospitalization. Monthly Franchise and True Group. Free schooling and train ing in the field; salary, bonus, commission and overwiiting w ith a helpful advertising program and direct leads will be furnished. For full details, write Rov Stew art, S'ate Manager, Box 771, Sa lem, Oregon. Help Wanted LOCAL SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN to sell our National ly Advertised Underwriters' Ap proved Fire Extinguishers direct to Schools, Hotels, Restaurants, Boarding Houses, Churches, Pub lic Dance Halls, Night Clubs, Tav erns, Summer Resorts. Hospitals, Lumber and Building Concerns, Theaters, Country Estates, Home, Farmers, Auto, Truck and Bus Owners, etc. Not sold by stores. Thousands of prospects. Fear of fire greater now than ever before. Straight commission basis. We deliver and carry the account. Profits mailed weekly. Opportu nity for large earnings. Company estublished 30 years. "Be your own. Boss." Build up a business in your home city and vicinity. Write for free details. THE FYR FYTER CO., Dept. T-7. Dayton 1, Ohio. GIRL OR WOMAN to do repair work. Rainbow Cleaners, Phone 1157-J. GIRL for general office work, typing and shorthand essential. Must be steady. Contact Mr. Rainey, phone 324. SALESMEN: Earn while you learn, experience not necessary. I will train you. Salary is com mission, earnings unlimited. Year around work. For interview call Mr. Monroe, 34. COOK and housekeeper for two men on ranch 42 miles south of Prineville, modern conveniences. Call 15-F-14 Prineville. Situations Wanted GENTLEMAN will do janitor work or part time work between hours of 6 and 10 p. m. Phone 977-J. BUILDER, -i 40 yrs. experience, will do contract or day building anywhere. Phone Redmond 82 or write D. F. Dubois, General De livery, Redmond. STRAYED Roan calf with brown markings, 4 months old; last seen near Forest Service Nursery on Deschutes Rd. Phone 29-F-ll. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN with gold cap left on desk at post of fice Tuesday afternoon. Valued as keepsake by war mother. Please return to Bulletin office for reward. Services LAWNMOWERS sharpened, new handles, rollers, tires for low ers. Kays made, saws filed, grass shears ground, locks, phono graphs, door closers repaired. Henderson's Shop, 1367 East 2nd. WOOD SAWING. Leave orders at 133 Broadway. BLACK TOP PAVING. Phone 1208-W. P.O. Box 77Q, Coast Bluck- lop.aving uo - . .. WELL AND DRAIN HOLE drill ing. L; A. Holman, 108 Tumalo Ave. Phone 199-W. NOTICE: Tree moving Is my business. I have the equipment to do the job safely. Also move rocks, stumps and small houses. Winch Truck Service. Phone 1405 W (Wiley Ellis). 1107 W. 15th. RUG and upholstery cleaning at the same prices we have always charged. Rugs 6c per sq. ft. Da venport and chair $11.00. Call Sutton. 1368-J. WE CLEAN windows, wallpaper, kalsomine, paint, Venetian blinds and upholstery; floors cleaned and waxed. Janitor service, sweeping compound, new Venetian blinds. Call Sutton. 1368-J. WASHING MACHINE Service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 1033 Brooks. MOVING. Crating, dish packing, storage, hauling. Use Cascade Service. Equipment to handle al most any Job. Agents for Lyon Van & Storage. Call 1642-J. Cas cade Transport. SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J D. W. Grimes. 210 Davis Ave., Bend. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, sand er belts, band saw blades, new handles hung In tools. Sexton Supply & Sew Service. 1195 Wall Street NOTICE OF FINAL IIKAIIING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In the counly court of the state of Ore gon for Deschutes county his fi nal accounting as executor of the esiate of Martin K. Rogers, de ceased, and that the fudge of said court has fixed June 7, 19-18, at ten o'clock a. m. at the county court room at the courthouse in Rend, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to and for settlement thereof; and all persons interested ale requir ed to appear at said time and place and show cause If such there be why said accounting should not he settled and allowed and the undersigned discharged from his trust. EDWIN J. ROGERS, Executor, Estate of Martin E. Rogers, 1 cc. 131137M.IM9C notice to KKnnoits NOTICE Is herebv given that letters of Administration, uilh the Will annexed, uiirm Ihe estate, of PETER J. CORI'STLIN. de ceased, have been Issued to me out of and under the seal of the Counlv Court of Deschutes Coun ty, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are re quired lo nresent them, with proper vouchers, at the office of mv attorneys. DeARMONI), GOODRICH FOLEY. U. S. Bank Building, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the date Redman Takes s mntt a; s r ok (NBA Telephoto) George Gillette fleft, foreground), chairman of the Port Berthold Indian Tribal Business Council, covers his face to hide teaxs as Sec retary Krug signs a contract by which the tribe sells 155,000 acres in North Dakota to the government. After signing away some of the tribe's richest farm land, Gillette said "Right now the future does not '. look too good tot us." Marshall Warns Against Soviet Peace Advances Portland, Ore.,' May 29 (U") Secretary of Slate George C. Marshall warned last night that Russia's peace "propaganda" is designed to weaken public sup port of a firm foreign policy. He described the recent soviet peace overtures as a deliberate . . . cynical' propaganda -cam paign" to knock the U. S. off the true road to peace on which it is making "excellent progress. in an address to some 4,000 persons at the general Federa tion of Women's clubs conven tion here, Marshall took note of criticism which the state depart ment has received for slamming the door on two power "peace talks." Nation Cautioned . He cautioned that the emotion al fear of war and yearning for normal conditions "must not lead us into 111 advised and trustful actions which hazard the future of this country." "I feel certain!", he said, "that the continuation, 'of the , firm course we have been' 'following will lead to the solution of the worst of our difficulties and will eventually clear the way to a sound basis for peace." . "I am absolutely certain," he went on, "that only such a firm and determined course can save the situation for the democra cies." . Security Basis Sought Marshall said he is just as ea ger as anyone else .to find a basis for peaceful security and world prosperity, but he added gravely: "It is my official duty to see by lis emotions Into commitments that this country is not misled or action which would threaten our future." The secretary accused the Rus sians of "completely distorting" the meaning of U. S. Ambassa dor Walter Bedell Smith's state ment on American policy to Sov iet Foreign Minister V. M. Molo- tov early this month. Must Faco Facts Marshall said these are the facts we must face: 1. Russia has sought; to create Ihe Impression in the so-called "peace talks" that il sincerely wanls settlement lo stabilize the world. Actually, the United States has tried since Ihe war lo reach settlement al many conference tables nnd Is slill trying but Russia has refused lo cooperate. 2. The world is in a "torment of the first publication of this no-1 tlce. ! DATED and first published this 15th day of May, 1918. j WARD II. COBLE. Administra tor, with the Will annexed, of i the Estntc of Peter J. Corpsteln, J deceased. I 13711.3-149154-C : WANTED TO BUY Used Furniture WE PAY CASH Phone 1224 or 324 n t fc"'1 aAVJJftU I Another Loss 1 a"-' i V I ilTmntl -B 1 1 " "ift' '"iTTiiti -y -ilit-l -Tirtftnmiriri'i m--- -rv of profound unrest" nd Its mil lions oi ni-iavoreo masses pre sent a "fertile field for those who advocate violence as a corrective measure or action for ulterior purposes." the U. S. policy Is to tackle this problem at the source by reviewing the world's econ omy. - Fear Expressed 3. Europe has the constant fear that the U. S. will shift policy without notice, that it will sud denly reject the European recov ery program. Once we have de- . cided on a policy, Marshall said, we must not give the impression of wavering. After spending the night at Vancouver, Wash., at the home of a longtime friend, Atty. Er skine Wood, Marshall planned to leave today for Sun Valley, Ida., where he will spend the holiday week end. He will return to Washington probably on Tues day. Weather Report Lack Criticized Washington, May 29 HP) Sen. Wayne R. Morse, R., Ore., today asked the civil aeronautics board for an explanation on the lack o adequate weather reports at certain airports In the Pacific Northwest. . Morse said his Inquiry! was prompted by the CAB report on tne cause of the plane crash in which Gov. Earl Snell and three others were killed last October between Klamath Falls and Adel, Ore. The report said the pilot did not request or receive any infor mation concerning weather. "I am at a complete loss to understand why weather report ing facilities are so limited in the Pacific Northwest that it would have been Impossible for the pi lot of the plane to obtain a weather report without having to telephone from Klamath falls to Seattle," Morse said. Horse Sense Bridce Lessons bv Sam Gordon, The Kibitzer. Pilot Butte Inn, Blue Room, May 31, June 1, June 2. Three lessons, two dollars. Adv. Use classified uud in The Bulle tin for quick results. FOR SALE MOUNTAIN VIEW WOODED LOTS, on IC. lOlli, 125'x220' Choice site for EXCLUSIVE HOME, City water, also Nice Brook, $13i)0. Terms, i 2 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, cleared, on Revere, near 8th Ave, 1IM' frontage, $550.00. 2 BEDROOM MODERN HOME, on Kast side, just be ing completed, see us for price and terms. FARMS THIS FINE DIVERSIFIED FARM, in ALFALFA DIS TRICT, KunI or BEND, 80 A. 8 COI Water, all level for FLOOD IRRIGATION. 80 A. additional grazing land, 10 A. New Alsike seed crop tills harvest, II A. Alfalfa, seeding more, II A. Spud (iiotu, U ISKDKOOM MODERN home, Vi .Stanchion barn, oilier out hld'gH 'i M. to paved road, tirade uml llluh School Bus. This year's crop should pay over j the tutui price of $18, 000. 80 A. full wilier right, 3 Bed room .MODERN home, new Milking Hani, New Double (inruge, CHOP of ALFALFA, Hurley nearly all settled, IN- I.I l:i Wil li THIS FINE RAM II, nlmut FIVE THOU SAND AI RES GRAZING, on Deschutes. jj.J2,Su0.00. Some terms. J. A. Dudrcy, Realtor 533 Hill St. Phone 13554 Uend, Ore.