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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1948)
'EDNESDAY. MAY 26, LASSIFIED ADS 1 llassified Rates fTAL PAID IN ADVANCE ords One Time 40c lords Three Times $1.10 lords Six Times $2.00 onw or v wora iudm umbr f lnMrUona i Booth run. aaaw copy, V, imj rite Minimaai chart. 40 Mno rate ler Capitala 10c adtr ada 10 lino, nlnimnm 40c Adtertlllnr Cbln( Una t P.M. uf dar On half aao ar larger, daj put to puaucauoq. - . ; BKNU LUUUG NU. 139 A. F. & A. M. Stated Communication Thnra., May 37, at 8 p. m. Vliitint Brethren Welcome C. E. Kernick, Secy. For Sale Real Estate BUYS 2-bedroom modern on Jefferson street; some s. C. v. suvis, oi uregon at. X00 BUYS 80 acres, 52 acres l jj. water, all land cultivated, 'i ( acres alfalfa, modern home, k and equipment. C. V. Silvis, iti Oregon St. SROOM MODERN home on cor ilrer lot, garage and garden, close tore and ous, jduu. uonsmer as part pay. inquire iud Fresno. f500 BUYS modern, clean, 4-bed- l om home on river, office space, Slirt of built-ins and closets. Beau ituul mirror pond view, also mountain view, mce yara, ga rge, electric water heater, wired I t range. Easy down payment. 6. S, Harmon. Phone 1054-J. 3 If ACRES, 3 acres C.O.I., city Wter, 5-room house, 4 ojhicken hottses, 2 brooder houses, barn a -4 garage, cellar. Troy Seiber, t tl, Box 7. Phone 4-F-3. J-TEDROOM modern furnished b- me, large garden space, $-1200. 1. M E. Second St. 'S JED A HOME? Check the Deal Of the Day on KBND 8:45 a.m. fVfi today and inspect the list l) at Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Vail St. A SNAP: 4-unit apt. paying y 16-00 per mo; 'a down, balance esy terms. Very close in. i-YEAR-OLD, 2-bedroom modern furnished, 2 lots, $1,250.00 takes p. session. S BEDROOM modern. 2 acres, 2 I ocks from city limits. $3,000.00 hardies. j BEDROOM modern, furnished. tJOO.00, some terms. J5-ROOM HOTEL and modern ttfe on 97 hiway. Building, stock ?nd equipment. 24-hour service. (2.600.00. A real business afaf al JJlOOM semi-modern. Elec. hot fcter heater. Garage. $500.00 jwn. P YOU are looking for 5 acres to up, we have it. 5b5O.0O ban !;s. Call Mr. Dubois VERN LARSON AGENCY 135 Oregon Phone 32 lipEDROOM modern partially : iirnished home located close in ojjl Franklin. Price $4,200.00 with Wjsy terms. MODERN 2-bedroom home. Va etnt, move right in. $3,750.00 ntn easy terms. VELY 3 - bedroom modern me. First class condition tnru- t. $5,900.00, good terms. E OF BEND'S BEST 2-bcd- lnm fully modern homes. Insu lted, weatherstripped, storm Windows and storm doors. 2 well wlscaped lots, good location. tiown by appointment. ' ACRES joins Deschutes riv JT close to Bend. Good building I lie. can De uiviaea. sz.auu.uu. I iOOD CAFE with late, modern i ttutiiment. Good location, doing I "(1 business. This is a money l laker. Couple can handle. in A CHICKEN farm, located 4 iiilcs out on Bend-Burns high- iv. Good mexfern home, gooa ntbuildings. Price $5,500.00 with fcrms. Call Mr. Loeklin VERN LARSON AGENCY 1.15 Oregon -Phone 32 FOR SALE OR TRADE: Large usiness bldg. on approx. 16 ere. two gardens, modern living uartrrs. Am leaving soon. Will I'll right. 2 Broadway, at Brooks If ice gate. Phone 31-J. f MALL HOUSE, furnished, and lots on E. A St. Cash $1,150. fee or write Eddie Allen, Red- lond, Ore. Gen. del. ISY OWNER: 3A highway front- PKe on South 97. west side of iiighway at 145 mile post, 1 5R. Iiollsn nnrl 9.P nnraoo house, new ijnstern and pressure pump, bath- loom fixtures but not installed. JiY OWNER: Attractive brick linusc, well constructed, conven fi'iitlv arranged, on beautiful Sn'ec corner lot; excellent loca tion, paved streels, close in; 2 bed rooms and heated sleeping porch; (basement, automatic furnace, ''Jueplace. Full price $10,000; FHA i"an available: $3000 cash will iliandle. Address 1404 W. First street. Telepone 796-J or, if no answer, phont :. I WO GOOD love! lots, corner Hth and Milwaukee, $275.00. Phone 1195W. J ARM and Business Heal Estate Loans made In Crook and De snhutes counties. 4in interest. Midstate Realty Co., Rm. 11, U. S. at. Bldg., phone 405. See Don Peoples or Carl Llntli. . r pi 1948 For Sale Real Estate IF IT'S REAL ESTATE ITS ALL STATE FURNISHED 2-bedroom modern west side, level corner lot, fenced yard, clean inside and out, $5100 furnished, $4700 unfurnished. 2-BEDROOM semi-modern east side, plus large workshop and partly finished semi - modern house for rental on two level lots, $3000, $1000 down, balance $35.00 per mo. 4-BEDROOM modern west side, one year old. This home is priced right at $6400, $1900 down, bal ance terms, 4 interest. 2 HOMES on 1 lot. one modern, 1 semi-modern, full price $2950, $600 down, balance easy. COZY 2-BEDROOM modern home east side, wired for electric range, narawooa iioors, iirepiace, large light rooms throughout; utility room with laundijy trays and lots of built-ins, refrigerator, oil cir culating heater, electric range. rugs and curtains all en for $0YbU, terms. WEST SIDE 4-room modern, lev el corner lot on bus line, partly furnished, $2950, $1300 down, bal ance terms. FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! 40 ACRES. 30 water, fair build ings, one team and comDlete lino oi equipment, $5500, terms. 80 ACRES, 49 water, good build ings, $imw, terms. 160 ACRES, 73 water, good build ings, $ib,ouu. MANY OTHERS to pick from. ALL STATE REALTY CO. REALTORS 21 Greenwood Phone 167 ANNE FORBES, REALTOR 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W CLOSE IN, 50 ACRES: 10 acres water, 4-room furnished, clean house, ' pressure pump, some stock and machinery. $5500.00, terms. (I) ON PAVED STREET, 4-room neat house, $3150.00, $1000.00 down. 12) Immediate possession 5 rooms, 2 lots fenced, electric range wiring, $5500.00, terms. BY OWNER: 3-bedroom house on two lots. Fireplace oil-omalic furnace, hardwood floors, com Dletelv weatherstriuoed. base- ment with laundry tubs and fruit closet; partly finished upstairs, lot of chest and storage space Near Allen school. Price $10,500. Call 1028-J or see at 366 E. La fayette. MIDSTATE REALTY CO. Carl Lindh and Don Peoples Snecialists in Buvlns ..and .Selling Real Estate 'Real Estate Appraisals Rm. 11 U. S. Nat. Bldg. Phone 495 4 BEDROOMS. EAST 8th: Down stairs has hardwood floors and plastering, upstairs finished in knotty pine. One and one-half vears old. new addition lust com pleted, newly decorated. Two baths, attached double garage with sundeck, eledtric water heater, wired for range, utility, insulated, two large lots. Full price $13,000, includes Venetian blinds and drapes. Has 4 loan of $7000. Phone 1114-W for appoint ment. MODERN 24x34 pumice block house, VA acre, woven wire fence, citv and COI water, landscaped, concrete walks, curbing, electric hot water heater, furnished or un furnished. $6500 . unfurnished Jones Road, 2 blocks east of E 8th. Phone 1356-M. S.RnnM HOME in host location rlouoie p i u m d l n g, naniwoou floors and basement. Lovely yard. I rm litrinrt tl-iiim llrttfri f r-f-l it IV! $12,500, $4000 down. Call Mr. Bell', i T tt..ff r I IV . . - i,mi ,i, nun iuai i.aianj 1376-R. 4-BDRM. RUSTIC HOME, close in, largo living room with fire place, full dining room, walk-in cooler. $8500 with $2500 down Call Mr. Bell, 1331-J. Huff Real Estate Co. Eve. 1376-R. NEW 2-BDRM. HOME, living room, dining room, kitchen, util ity room, hallway, bath, laundry travs, oil circulator electric hot water heater. $7950, $3000 dn. 4-ROOM plastered house on paved street to trade on 3-bclrm. home. Living room, kitchen. 1 bdrm., bath, utility room and hallway. Good lot, single garage. CONTACT O. G. Nichols, Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minnesota, phone 1331-J. MOTEL: Will trade for residence in Bend. JEWELRY STORE: Excellent lo cation. $7000. 4-BPRM. home, close in. Close to Catholic church. $5250. CONTACT Karl Ewlng, Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minnesota, phone 1331-J. Eve. call 1691-W. RADIORECORD-MODERN test equipment and repairing in good Valley citv. employs 12, good franchise on radios and record players. $22,000, TERMS: Self . service laundry, new equipment, Includ ing duplex of 1 l-bedrm. and 1 2 bdrm. $12,500, TERMS: Rooming house, 14 rooms, living quarters furnish ed, on 110x04 business corner lot. CONTACT Harvey Huff. Hurt Real Estate Co., 126 Minnesota Ave., phone 1331-J. WANT It) SELL? List your prop erty with GILBERT. A square deal, and prompt, efficient, cour teous service l votirs nt Gilbert' Real Estate, 1012 Wail ZU For Sale Real Estate 4-ROOM modern house, insulated and wired for electric range, new flat top water heater, inlaid lino leum tn Kltcnen ana aining rooms, large cooler room, large garage on paved street. Full price only $4850, terms. See at 341 Florida. 32 SHASTA: Must sell quick. Liv ing room, 2 bedrooms, bath and kitchen. Good garden, lots of flowers, perfect view of moun tains. Terms. Gilbert's Real Es tate. 3-ROOM MODERN: Home on Daved street. $3000.00 with terms.. 3-ROOM MODERN: Home plus 2- room furnished cabin. $3750.00. 2-BEDROOM MODERN": Home In good condition. $5500.00. 2-BEDROOM MODERN: Home on West side, $3250.00. 2-BEDROOM MODERN: Furn ished home, $4450.00. GILBERTS REAL ESTATE, 1015 WALL. $5000, $2000 DOWN: 9 acres. 4 acres water, 5-room nice modern house near Bend. $5700, TERMS: 2-bdrm. modern home, eas furnace, water neater. garage, garden, fruit. Paved street, bus line, northeast loca tion. CALL Clyde Stewart, 1331-J, Huff Real Estate uo.. le Minn. Ave. Eve. phone 1048-J. E. M. BUCKNUM, REALTOR Near Chamber of Commerce 1029 Brooks St. Phone 331 Evenings 796-R $1200 DOWN on two-bedroom home witnin tnree oiocks oi nign school. Nice investment property, Full price $3900. JUST REDECORATED: Three- bedroom home, new electric wat er heater. $5100. NEW TWO-BEDROOM home on East 9th. Hardwood floors and electric water heater. $7900. BEAUTIFUL home and six lots on East 8th. Wonderful view of mountains. $12,600. WE HAVE building lots. PLENTY of nice Fuel QUARTERED body pine wood is now available ana delivery serv ice prompt. Do not wait for rush season. PRICE $9.50 per cord by the 4 cord load, delivered in Bend and vicinity. Hotz Woodyard, Sisters, Ore. Phone 825. EXCELLENT LIMBS, 1st grade for cash. Summer rate ends July first. Drv lack oine. body, lunf per. lump and stoker coal. Phone 767. Brookings wooa Yara. 16-INCH green slab wood deliver ed in Bend $14 per 2-cord load (2-cord load of 16" dry slab $19.) (You haul S5.00 per cord at yard, East end of A Street)'. Central Oregon Fuel Co., phone 201W Office 936 A St.. Redmona. For Sale Farm Products 73 SACKS of blue tag Netted Gem seed potatoes and 2 tons of 10-20-20 fertilizer. J. S. Reeves. Rt. 1, Box 337. Across road from air port. FARM Oli GARDEN sprinkler ir rigation equipment and supplies. Complete sprinkler systems large or small for immediate delivery. Benjamin Russell, Rt. 3, Box 313, 3 miles north on 97. FOR SALE: FEEDER PIGS, months old. Phone 1522-M. RED FRYERS for sale: 45c per lb. live weight. Phone 37-F-22 or 1-T4 mi. So. Richardson school, off Bend-Burns highway. Notice di rection signs. FRYER rabbits dressed on order. Roasting hens, , live or dressed. Phone 59-W or call first white house back Carroll Acres store. York's. Free delivery. GOOD MARE work horse, about 8 years old. Small size cream sep arator. Phone 20-F-12. WEANER PIGS, 8 weeks old. E. G. Rowley, Rt. 3, Box 151, 1!4 south first 4 corners on Burns highway. FOR SALE: Two-row Farmall 1 No. H. M. 238 cultivator for Mod el H tractor. Perfect condition. Wayne Endioott, Springfield, Or egon, Rt. 2. Box 114. Ph. 8674. STRAWBERRY plants, 2 and 3 in a cluster. Will bear half crop this year. Ground left on roots. $3.00 per hundred. First house south of Hiway Tavern, Rt. 1, Box 39-A. REGISTERED Jersey bull calf or wil trade for registered heifer of same class stock. Gordon Wilcox, Phone 1504-J-l. SADDLE HORSE. Well broken, safe for women and children, in cluding saddle and bridle $100. Phone 314-M. L. T. Mizc, Rt. 3. Box 75. WEANER PIGS: Erma Spur geon, Rt. 1, Box 171. Out So. 3rd, turn left at Carroll Acres store, turn right after crossing railroad, continue to left all way, across C.O.I, ditch, Trotter place. FOR SALE: Finest young fryers, 3 lbs. and better, dressed on ord er. Phone 5-F-22. For Sale Miscellaneous 1912 NATIONAL TRAILER house, 21 foot, S150.00 will handle. Balance terms. Phone 31-F-3 after 5 p. m. or see at D. & K. Boat Service on South highway. FOR SALE or trade for house In Bend: The Broadway f'reond Hand Store. We wish to farm. All articles priced to sell. Many be low cost. Come In and look around. Clothes at rummage prices. 4 whecl trailer. Broadway Second Hand Store, 2 Broadway at Brooks office gate. Phone 31-J. 5 BLADE LAWN MOWER with carrier in pood condition. Phone 11S1-W alter 6 p. in. THE BEND BULLETIN. For Sle Miscellaneous USED BEDS, springs and mat tress, stoves oi au Kinas, cumui nation radio in good condition, used davenos, good cabinet nith radio, 3 wave lengths, like new; good used washing mach ines, coffee tables, end tables. P. & E. Furniture, 5th & E. St., Red mond, Ore. NEW 5-PC. DAVENO sets Includ ing platform rocker, ottoman, oa- veno and 2 pillows, $183.50; also 2-pc. daveno sets, or 3-pc. with platform rocker; numerous styles and price range in platform rock ers, $29.50 up; innerspnng mat tresses iM.5U, Dearoom suites, j rv eastern hardwood furniture, apt. size gas ranges, apt. size elec tric stoves; 5-pc. chrome dinette sets, $59.50 up. P. & E. Furniture, 5th & E. street, Redmond, Ore. wmn RANGE with coils, in good condition, $10.00. Also 1936 generator, uau 4i-w or ioau w gin. RI.ACK AND WHITE registered cocker female pup. Excellent ped igree. Phone 1USD-K, oo( uuu Lane. 1 19.00 FOR 42-GAL. water heat er including wiring; ioa.uu ioi- water heater including range ana water heater wiring. Bend Elect., 644 Franklin. Phone 159. U-WASH LAUNDRY and dry cleaning business on Main btreet 1628 Springfield. Ore. 13 -FOOT PLYWOOD boat and trailer. See at 334 Lee l-ne. uau 747-J. KIRBY VACUUM cleaner, latest model, with all attachments. Same as new, bargain. 1204 East 3rd. Phone 743-K. PEAT MOSS and turkey fertili zer mixed, line ior lawn ana shrubs. Phone 611-W. VACUUM CLEANER. Eureka, all attachments, including electric waxer, excellent shape. 525 Broadway, 624-J. MALL CHAIN SAW, new condi tion, used only 3 weeks, chisel chain, some tools. Sacrifice at $395. See at Olmstead's Garage, Sisters. ELECTRIC RANGES new and used, wood, coal, kerosene and gas ranges, wood, coal and oil heaters, kitchen and dinette sets, library diner table, davenports and chairs, davenoes, occasional chairs and rockers, 4-piece bed room suite, beds, springs and mattresses, vanities, dressers and dressing tables, desks and library tables, bassinets, baby buggies, washing machines, umbrella clothes lines and clothes racks, coffee and card tables, floor and table lamps, radios, sleeping bags, and air mattresses. Square Deal Exchange, 201 E. Franklin. Phone 1224. NATIONAL TRAILER house, 1942 model, sleeps 4, -21-foot, at $1400. See at D&K Boat Rental Service on So, highway. Phone 444. - - ' ? uiNt; FuwiiK lawn mower, new, one hand mower almost new. bee evenings at Felix Apts, 313 Kansas. COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD fur- nishings: New and used bedroom suites, mattresses, springs, dav enos and davenports, swing rock ers, club and occasional chairs, roll-away beds, kneehole, rolltop and drop leaf desks. Beautiful kitchen cabinet, dinette sets, trash burners, Ice boxes and many oth er items. Take a look- before spending that inflated dollar. call 11S3. Lake and Division. FANTON'S GARDEN Petunias, snapdragons, asters, marigold, cosmos, clarkla, verbena, peren nials, cauliflower, broccoli, brus sel sprouts, dill, garlic plants: also cabbage and head lettuce at iac aoz. wj ugden. CLOSE OUT entire stock of Na- son paint, save from 20 to 50 on this special sale. DO YOUR SPRING PAINTING NOW AND SAVE MONEY. Square Deal Fur niture to. RADIO TUBES Complete stock Phllco and other nationally known oranas. luoes tested. Bend. Fur niture (JO. SHELLEY'S NURSERY now of- fers the following northern grown, high quality ornamentals for immediate delivery: Ever greens such as Pyramidal and Globe Arborvitae. Junipers. Cy press and Yews. Many varieties oi Deautuui iiowering shrubs, Perennials such as Chrysanthe mums, rniox, carnations, Sweet William, Tritonia. Hybrid Tea Roses also climbers; hardy 2-yr. field grown. 0"r nursery stock is hardy and well adapted to lo cal climatic conditions. Shelley's nursery, mi tast Greenwood. LYON'S FLOWER GARDENS ASTERS, marigolds, petunias, zinnias, lobelia and many othe annuals, strawberry and vege- pianis, rosenusnes, pansles and other perennials, rockei v and hor- der plants. 1604 West 2iid, corner oi Portland. LAWNMOWER G RIND ING Our precision grinder is now In operation. 3 separate grinding op eratlons. Guaranteed to cut like new. No advance In prices. New and used mowers. We trade. Carl Austin, liond and Greenwood. HOW TO SAVE MONEY! I CAN NOW give you substantial allowance for your old piano when buying a new Baldwin. I will not be undersold. Can meet any competition. See me for the best buys in new ami used pianos. Also piano tuning by real tuners. Your Central Oregon piano deal er. 65 Gilchrist, Phone 1087. WE BUY furniture, dishes, guns, saddles or most anything and pay cash. Addlnqlon's Second Hand Store, 2359 E. First St.. No. hiway. Phone 292-J. TOP SOIL."' fill" dirt. gravpFanil sheep fertilizer hauled by the truck load. Ph. 5U-J. BEND. OREGON For Sale Miswllaneous USED BOATS AT A BARGAIN 12' Marine plywood boat....$ 49.50 12' Marine plywood boat.... 65.00 12' Plywood boat, semi v- bottom 69 50 13' Folding boat 50.00 14 Boat & Trailer, ai ior.. iu.uu Used Outboard Motors at neat Bargains 5 Horse Johnson $ 79.50 Mi Horse Johnson tn.uu 'a Horse Johnson 75.00 5.4 Evinrude Zephyr, like new liu.uu 5.4 Evinrude Zephyr, late 1947, new guarantee .... loo.oo 2 Horse Lawson 85.00 2 Horse Evinrude Sports- man, like new So.uu 22 Horse Johnson motor with Don Flowers rac ing hull, complete 425.00 Practically new. FREEMAN TACKLE CO. on So. Highway. Phone 362. NEW $59.00 BICYCLE, used 2 weeks, a real BARGAIN at $32.50. Innersnrine and cotton mattres- ses, 39-inch coil spring and mat tresses, bedsteads, dressers, chests of drawers $12.50, dresser vanity with extra large mirror and bench, child's hi chair, white enamel kitchen range, 100-lb. ice box $12.50, bookcases, almost new snring-filled platform rocker, a ren Buv lor 24.3U. coiiee taoie, buffet, kitchen table and 4 chairs $12.50, round mahogany dining room table ana 3 cnairs a.ou, dinette table, combination radio and magazine stand, kitchen tables, dresser base, nardwooa nlte stands $4.00 each. Cliff's Bargain Spot, 1841 E. 1st, North highway. Phone 1534-W. Open evenings. OR TRADE: Modern white enam eL fuel oil range for two-wheel trailer or sleeping nags, tent, sew ing machine, etc. ' 1633 W. 11th St., Phone 623-M. For Sale Used Cars HAND MOTOR CO. 183 E. Greenwood 'Come See Us Before You Sell Your Car." 1947 Frazer Manhattan $2495 1941 Ford Panel del 1195 1937 Ford Tudor 445 1937 Ford Tudor 375 1935 Plymouth Coupe 445 1935 Ford Coupe 375 1934 Ford 4-door 1933 Chevrolet Coupe 275 1930 Model A 175 Kaiser-Frazer Dealer Ph. 1121-J. 1935 CHEV. SEDAN, good condi tion, reasonable. Folmer Bodtker, Rt. 2, Box 260, Tumalo. 1940 V-8 CONVERTIBLE, $675 cash. See Harold Rogers, Brooks- Scanlon camp, -Bend, Oregon. 37 CHRYSLER 4-door sedan, ra dlo and heater. 404 East Franklin Phone 523-J. t ( CROSLEY station wagon iwlflv only 800 miles. $1,000. terms. 341 Florida. FORD LOGGING TRUCK with steady job, now working. Will take car or pickup in trade. Phone 623-J or inquire at 1325 Jackson ville St. OR TRADE: 1941 Chevrolet Spe cial DeLuxe 4-door. Excellent run ning condition, for '34-'39 pickup. Route 3. Box 113. !i mile east of Trap Club, Arnold road. DEUPREE MOTORS 628 6th Street, Redmond ....A Deupree Buy Will Satisfy.... 1941 CHEV. 5-passengcr coupe, original paint, 907 rubber, very clean car, underscat heater and defroster, spot light and back-up light. EASY TERMS 1941 PONTIAC streamliner 4 door sedan, new motor, radio and heater. BANK FINANCING 1938 CHEVROLET coupe, new paint job. INSURANCE 1938 OLDS 4-door sedan. BANK FINANCING 1937 FORD 4-door sedan, will wholesale this one. 1945 FORD Vi-ton pickup, me chanically perfect, body rough, will wholesale. BANK TERMS 1910 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan. 1912 LINCOLN 4-door sedan with overdrive, radio .and heater. WE WRITE our own contracts and insurance, no wailing or de lay. DEUPREE MOTORS C28Jilh St. Redmond 1941 DELUXE PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan, clean as n new dollar and just as good. $1295.00. 313 ureenwrifid. I'lione 307-W. 1937 FORD SEDAN, in good con dition. East Revere, turn north 'in -ltd. 1st house on county rd. Vein Stevenson. TRACTOR, new Miiineapoiis-Mo-II lie, Universal Z, used only 150 hours. L. G. Kinkado, l'j ml. So. Madras, highway 97 K-5. J 940, International truck, with exceptionally good low flat bed. mile north, half mile east Alfalfa store. For Rent BEE HIVE SYSTEM Trucks vou drive voureelf nnv. where, no restrictions. 1946 Dodge van for good, clean hauling Court House Servlre Sta., corner Wall and Bond. Phone 458. or 981-M pvetilngd RIDING STABLES, 14.15 Albany rtl. noises lor hire, $1.00 per; hour, $5.00 per dav. For Informa- I tion call Mrs. Ken Gulick, Manng-1 er, Gullck's Corral, Phone 790 W. j ALBANY Convalescent Home for S Invalids and elderly folks. Large sun porches and lawn, good care guaranteed. 612 Maple St., Al-1 bany, Ore., phone 231-L Albany. For Rent FOR RENT: 3-room apartment, not modern. 1258 E. Second St. THE NEWEST and finest in port able electric floor sanding equip ment: The Clarke Dreadnaught! Quick! Easy! Cleaner! Rental rates are low, so wny not ao your own floors and save? Electric floor polishers and hand sanders available also at low rates. Ev erything necessary for beautiful iioors see or can ine bnerwin- Williams Co., 125 Oregon avenue, Bend. Phone 21. CLEAN SLEEPING rooms day or week. 853 Wall St. by Wanted TO BUY: House trailer for cash if priced reasonable. Phone 2fa-r WANTED: Buffet or china closet, must be large. Phone 703-W. P. O. Box 1081, Bend. EMPLOYED MAN wants to buy car or truck, low down payment and $30.00 per month. Write P. U, Box 1126, Bend. TWO OR THREE BEDROOM house for couple with 2 children. Phone 1441-w. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3-bedroom house for 4 adults, Phone 539. WANTED TO BUY: Geese. Gor don Wilcox. Phone 1504-J-l. WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE: 2 or 3-bedroom un furnished house by Bend Bulletin employe. Mo pets; best of care; local rels. call Rice at Bulletin or Phone 308-M. USED DISHES, colored or plain Kerosene lamps, all kinds used lurmture and miscellaneous. Phone 1070-W or come to 147 E. Olney, between 1st and 2nd street. LIVESTOCK of all kinds, top market prices. Phone bend 12b9, DEAD and worthless stock pick ed up free of charge. Phone 1517- W-3, Bend, or b-F-25. Redmond, collect. Behymer & Myers Render ing Plant. TOP PRICES Paid for any kind of cattle at your ranch. Please drop a card to W. R. Franks or call 78. Redmond. Help Wanted ELDERLY COUPLE who wants home on nice small farm, Bend city limits, light general farm work. Rt. 1, Box 176. Phone 5-F-22. SALESMAN: Wholesale, exper ience preferred, ior local selling. Give complete information first letter. Write No. 2544, Bend Bul letin. MAN WITH CAR between 24 and 40 for district manager, 58-year-old organization, writing Lite, Health, Accident, Hospitalization, .Monthly Franchise and True Group, free scnooiing and train ing in the field: salary, bonus. commission and overwriting with a heiplul advertising program and direct leads will be furnished. For full details, write Roy Stew art, Slate Manager, Box 771, Sa lem, Oregon. COOK and housekeeper for two men on ranch 42 miles south of Prlneville. modern conveniences. Call 15-F-14 Prlneville. FIRST CLASS automot-ile me chanic in established auto agen cy and garage. Call 87 during day. 522-R evenings. Situations Wanted TO DO WEEKLY IRONING, cleaning or will do baby silting. References. Phone 1091-W. BUILDER, 40 yrs. experience, will do contract or day building anywhere. Phone Redmond 82 or write D. F. Dubois, General De livery, Redmond. Lost LOST: Red billfold containing Calif, driver's license and other identification cards. Lucile Reiter, 118 Oregon Ave. or phone Bend 17. Reward. GOLD, small link bracelet with blue sets, in downtown district Tues. or Wed. Valued as keep sake. Reward for return to The Bulletin. Services LAWNMOWERS sharpened, re paired, oiled, cut like new; shears, grass shears ground, keys made, saws filed, sales opened, 24-hour service. Henuerson's Shop, 1367 East 2nd. KEMTONING Expert work. Phone 1427-W. and enameling. Free estimate. BLACK TOP PAVING. Phono 1208-W. P.O. Box 770, Coast Black lop Paving Co. WELL AND DRAIN HOLE drill lug. L. A. Holman, 108 Tunlalo Ave. Phono 199-W. FOR SALE Sl'MMKK IIOMK, I lledromii Modern with additional guesl rooms, located ullliln easy dis tance of liesl fishing tinif hunt ing, lots of green (rees, shade, and lawn, lids Is worth Inves tigating. $3,000. WKI.I, I.O( ATi:i) OS Ksr SI 1 110. Large 2 bedroom home, (his In one nt the older WKI.L IH ll.T houses. SI one found!! lion, fair paint, wired for range, water and llnhls. (lose to stores, etc. $2,H0ll. J. A. DurJrey, Realtor 533 Hill St. Phone KIM .1 Ore. Item!, Services NOTICE: Tree moving is my business. I have the equipment to do the Job safely. Also move rocks, stumps and small nouses. Winch Truck Service, Phone 1405 W tWiley Ellis), 1107 W. 15th. RUG and .upholstery cleaning at the same prices we have always charged. Rugs 6c per sq. ft. Da venport and chair $11.00. Call Suttoir, 1368-J. WE CLEAN windows, wallpaper, kalsomine. paint Venetian blinds and upholstery; floors cleaned and waxed. Janitor service, sweeping compound, new Venetian blinds. call button. 136B-J. WASHING MACHINE Service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation, Elmer Hudson, phone 274, luaa Brooks. MOVING. Crating, ulsh packing, storage, hauling. Use Cascade Service. Equipment to handle al most any lob. Agents for Lyon Van & Storage. Call 1642-J. Cas cade Transport. SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J D. W. Grimes. 210 Davis Ave., Bend. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding. Sand er belts, band saw blades, new handles hung in tools. Sexton Supply & Saw Service, 1195 Wall street. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland. Ore., May 26 IP Portland butter and egg prices were unchanged today Butter Prices to retailers: Grade AA prints, 85c; AA cart ons, 86c; A prints, 84c; A car tons, 85c; B prints, 80-81c. . Eggs Prices to retailers Grade A A large, 58-59c dozen: A large, 55c; AA medium 55c; A medium, 52c; A small cartons 2c additional nominal; FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE HOMES $11,000 Oregon' finest vacation land, Mctollus River. Year round or summer home, i bedroom modern, unfinished upstairs. Guest bouse, garage, wood shed, fireplace, piped heat. $ 8,400 Will F.HjV. S Bedroom Home. Excellent location on Awhrey lioad. redecorated, and new furnace. $ 7,850 Modern 2 Bedroom Home with semi-finished attic Good basement, paved street and 2 lots. $2,950 down, balance at 4. Located at 135 Florida, vi- ?w, $ 7,800 3 bedroom and 1 bedroom modern homes near school. Good terms. 7,500 Fine modern 4 bedroom home on river and paved , street. Good location. Terms. $ 7,250 3 Bedroom Modern Home located at 465 Newport' Fireplace, hardwood terms. I 7,000 Modern 2 bedroom home located at 1904 West 2nd St. Excellent terms. i 0,800 3 bedroom modern home at 1320 Newport, property 10(1' x 300'. Drive, by for inspection, then call for ap pointment. Excellent terms. $ 6,000 bedroom modem homo with additional utility bed room. Basement, furnace, paved street, West Side on bus line. 4,500 3 Bedroom west side home, 2 lots, one block off Century Drive, $ 4,250 West Side 5 room modern home In very good condi tion, 'i lots. $ 2,150 4 room house, large garage, west side. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $80,000 MOTEL ULTRA-MODERN. Recommended by Dun can Hint's Travel Book. Excellent location, well estab lished, known by tourists throughout the West. No monthly rentals, daily rates only. Excellent terms. $65,000 9 UNIT EXCELLENTLY FURNISHED MOTEL. Close In. Landscaped and all units in excellent Condi 's tion. Books open for inspection to interested party. Ex cellent terms. $35,000 8 UNIT MOTEL with service station and groceries. Will average $1200 net per month. $35,000 DESCHUTES KIVEU RESORT. 160 Acres. Beautiful setting among the pines on upper Deschutes River. 10 Cabins, Home, Store, Boats, all new. Located hi the Heart of Central Oregon's finest f lstihig and hunting country. Good terms. $25,000 HIGHWAY TAVERN. Includes frame building, all equipment, large walk-in box, 200 ft. of highway front age, modern 3 bedroom home. $11,000 down. $19,000 APARTMENT HOUSE. Income. 811,500 CITY CENTER SERVICE STATION and cabins In Crescent, Ore. Gas station with living quarters. Good gallonage, also 0 cabins with monthly rental of $215. $ 0,500 GROCERY STORE In Crescent, Oregon. Price In eludes good building with living quarters, all equip ment and Inventory of $,000, or more. Net of 'over $5,000 for 111 17. Terms. $ 3,800 FOUNTAIN LUNCH with good equipment.. Now doing -very good business. Excellent in summer months. $ 3,150 4 acres lusido city limits. Good industrial site. Ball road iMirilers proiierly. $500.00 down. ' FARM ACREAGES $15,000 110 Aires, 75 Acres Swalley water. Crojw all In. Mod ern Improvements. Grade A Dairy barn. $11,500 80 acre farm. 75 acres wator. Very nice 4 bedroom modern home. Terms. $14,000 80 aero Irrigated dairy ranch Itordered hy Deschutes river. Complete dairy equipment included. Terms. $13,000 3 bedroom modern home, partly furnished. Also 3 room modern home renting tor $35. Two acres close In, fully equipped poultry and rabbit business netting $300 per nioiitii. $(i,(IOO down. $12,600 80 acres, city limits, 57 ncres COI water. Can bo pur chased in tracts of 6 acres up. 1400 ft, highway front age. Good business property. Terms. $ 0,500 40 acres. 32 acres of water, 2 bedroom house. Tumalo District, $ 4,750 8 acres just off Butler Market ltd. Vt miles from lown, 5 room home, raspberries, strawberries, alfalfa ami pasture. $ 4,725 10 acres with 000 ft. frontage on South Highway. May also be purchased In a 4 or U acre tract. $ 1,800 buys 6 acres Irrigated, Just outside city limits on highway. E. E. Kessler Phone HI I.I -I lon Tlltlen Phone 1318 It home loans I 001 Bond St, PAGE SEVEN Stock Market Turns Higher By T. W. Klenlen (Unlu-1 I'rtws Financial Writer) New York, May 26 (IPi Rising hopes for peace in the automobile industry turned the stock marwet higher .today as buying developed in Chrysler and General Motors. General Motors moved up i points late in the d.y to a new 1948 to, in a second-,!ay reaction to announcement oi an agree ment on wages with the CIO auto mobile workers and Chrysler ad vanced more than a point on in dications of a possible settlement ' of Its walkout within four days. Lower-priced motors advanced with G-M and Chrysler. .Stude baker moved up more than a point and both Nash-Kelvinator and Willys-Overland were ftp ma jor fractions. Hayes Manufactur ing also firmed fractionally. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., May 26 MPI Llvestock: Cattle salable 300; calves 100. Part of Supply consists of cows , and calves from nearby flooded islands; these being offered as stockers. Slaughter classes open ing about steady, but some cows held higher. Odd good fed steers 30.00-31.00; canner and cutter cows 16.00-18.00; common cows Including fat dairy type kinds 19.00-19.50; some held higher. Bulls scarce early. Vealers weak; few good and choice 27.00-30.00; commons down to 18.00. Horse Sense Bridge Lessons by Sam Gordon. The Kibitzer. Pilot I Kuttn Inn. Blue Room. May 31. I June 1, June 2. Three lessons, two dollars. aav. floors, pipe furnace. Excellent 5 Rentals, $285 per month Bob Douglass Phone 1283-W I''. IHlborko Phono 1407 B insurance 1 Phono 635 JCTO C3 a