MONDAY. MAY 24. 1948 Local News BEND FORECAST Bend and vicinity Fair today and tonight; high today 82; low tonight iZ. . TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 77 degrees. Minimum last night, S8 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 pan. y ester- If day, SI degrees; 10 a.m. today, 67 degrees. Baromeier treaucea to sea level): 10 p.m., 29.99 Inches; 10 am., 80.03 Inches. Relative hu midity: 10 p.m., 68 per cent; 10 a.m., 46 per cent. Velocity of wind: 10 p.m 3 ndles; 10 a.m,, 8 miles. Prevailing direction ol wind: variable. . , Mr. artd Mrs. W, E. Sanders, 232 Florida, returned yesterday from The Dalles where they had gone to attend the funeral of LeRoy Smith In that city on Fri day. Smith wag a brother of Mrs. Sanders. . After spending several days in Bend as a guest of Harry Wal dron Carl Procope, a resident of Helsinki, Einland, who represents a group of American business firms In the Scandinavian coun tries, left for San Francisco by plane over the week end. Procope and Waldron are distant rela tives. . ' , , Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dahlberg Hi Eugene were visitors in Bend Saturday, Dahlberg is associate professor of speech and drama at the University of Oregon, and has been making weekly trips to Central Oregon, conducting an ex tension class in public speaking at Prineville each Friday evenine. Thursday evening, he addressed the graduating class of Redmond high school, at the commence ment exercises. The V.F.W. auxiliary meeting scheduled for Wednesday has been postponed, it was announc ed today. A joint social for the post and auxiliary will be held Friday at 8 p.m. In the VFW hall. Two Central Oregon boys who are ROTC students at Oregon State college have been authoriz ed to attend ROTC summer camps, Col. Maylon E. Scott an nounced recently. Miles Ketner, Bend, will attend regular ground force camp at Fort Lewis, Wash., with the infantry unit and Paut Breazeale. Gilchrist, has been authorized to attend the air force unit camp at McChord field. Wash. The Rlmrock Riders will hold a special meeting tonight at 8 p.m. in the cavalry bains, officers have announced. Plans and nreD- arations will be made for the norse show in Redmond. June 6. , Allen Young of, the Bend Erui company Is in Portland attending the regional meeting of the Rex all Drug Co. Young left for Port land over the week end. The Degree of Honor juveniles will have a practice for inspection INVITING COMPARISON . . . DAILY FRESHNESS BEND DAIRY ICE CREAM IS YOU CAR READY FOR VACATIONING It's doubly important to have your car's wheels and front end parts checked over before you begin your vacation trip. Our check up will give you greater drlv . Ing pleasure, Increased gas and oil mileage and less tire wear. VJV with Wheel Alinement and Balance On Precision BEAR Equipment Frame and Axle Straightening By Experienced Mechanics O Brake and Shock Absorber Service Islng I'ERMAFISE Brake Lining Adhesive Headlight Adjustment Scientifically Corrected Bear Wheel & Brake Service Kenneth C. Cale 117 E. Greenwood Phone 1Z43 Tuesday at 4 p.m. In Eagles hall, officers have announced. . A boy was horn today to Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Hamby, 255 Sisemore. The baby weighed 7 pounds and was delivered by Cae sarian section at St. Charles hos pital. . . Mrs. Harvey Latham, of Port land, is in Bend for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Raymond J. Le Blanc, and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Simmons, at Red mond. Mr. and Mrs. George Francis, 518 E. Second, are parents of a boy born today at St. Charles hos pital. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces. Miss Doris Thompson is in Bend to spend the summer vaca tion from her studies at Powell hurst college and Bible Institute of Portland. The executive meeting of Wom en oi tne Moose wui be held to night at 7 p.m. with drill practice to follow at 8. Everyone Is re quested w De present. James Donahue. Redmond. Al fred Heston, Redmond, and Ja'c- queiin uryant Madras, are among high school students who have received state scholarships io uregon state college, Dr. D. T. Ordeman, registrar, has announc ed. Raymond J. LeBlanc went to Seattle yesterday by plane to at' tend market week activities there today for Stover-LeBlanc men's store. William Jappert, S. P. & S. fore man in Bend, is a patient at the bt. Charles hospital. -, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Axtman and daughter, Catherine of Pros- ser, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. George Adolf and daughter, Bev erly of Grandview, Wash., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Donahue. Mrs. Axt man and Mrs. Adolf are sisters of Mrs. Donahue. Miss Edith Haynes, who is mov ing to Prineville with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Haynes, will be guest of honor at a .farewell party at the Eastern Star grange hall on Thursday evening, at 8 p.m., with the young people of the com munity In charge. Friends of Miss Haynes are being invited to at tend. NOTICE TO CITY WATER USERS Please irrigate only on proper dav as shown below: 1. Even numbers Irrigate on even numbered days. 2. Odd numbers irrigate on odd numbered davs. 3. Even numbers irrigate 5 a. m. to 12 noon on dlst. 4. Odd numbers irrigate 12 noon to 9 p. m. on 31st. 5. Wasting water should be avoided at all times open hose or fixture prohibited. 6. Turn water off at sound of fire alarm. 1 . 7. Irrigation hours 5 a. m. to 9 p. m. Violation of Ordinance NS-121 carries up to S10 fine. Your co operation, will make more water ior everyone. aav, 2 o OUR SPECIALISTS . . . are equipped and trained to positively locate trouble spots and show up dangerous conditions that will save you money and perhaps your life. To avoid disaDDointment place your order for Decoration flowers early. Frieda's Flowers. Adv. Services Are Held For Ex-Bend Man Portland. May 24 (in Funeral services for Charles L. Isted, 71, were held at the Colonial mortu ary here today. Isted, for many years manager of the Shevlln Hixon Lumber Company at Bend, died of a heart attack at his home Friday. - He moved to Portland after re tiring four years ago. Isted had been associated with the Bend company for 40 years and was manager for 18 years. He was a director ot the Western Pine association. Dick Hoffner, Dies Richard E. Hoffner. an old-time Central Oregon freighter and a resident oi Bend tor the past 23 years, died early this morning at the St. Charles hospital, aged 84 years, as a treignter, Mr. Holt ner in early days covered the rut ted Shaniko-Prinevllle road. One of the old timer's recollec tions was that in Dioneer davs. freighters hauling wool from the interior counties to Shaniko, then end of the rails, at times crossed muddy roads in the Grizzly coun try by ripping open sacks and filling seemingly bottomless ruts with wool. Mr. Hoffner was a native of Prussia. He came to the United States in 1884. From 1921 to 1924 he was a resident of Prineville and then moved to Bend in 1925. There are no known survivors. Funeral arrangements have not yet Deen made. Thomas J. Fields Dies In Redmond Redmond. Mav24 Thomas Jef ferson Fields, -77, died Friday at his home In Redmond. Mr. Fields was born in Wellsville, Missouri, January 27, 1871 and had lived in Oregon 47 years. He was engaged in farming here for 27 years com ing to Redmond from Portland. Funeral services will, be held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. from the neamond cnnstian church with Rev. D. L. Penhollow In charge. Burial will follow in the Redmond cemetery. Zacher mortuary Is handling arrangements.- Mr. Fields is survived by his wue.-Hitta M. fields, Redmond; three daughters, Blanche Rodg ers of Phoenix, Ariz.,' Ona Du laney, Richmond, Calif., Fern KU- lingbeck of La Grande; three sons, Glen . Fields of Bonanza, Ned Fields of Redmond and Thomas Fields of Redmond, and three brothers, William Fields, of Mills City, Ellsworth Fields, of Pleasanton, Kansas, and Arthur Fields of Oakland, Calif. Son of Pioneers Illness Victim Frederick G. Merritt, 57, a son of a pioneer Central Oregon fam ily, died Saturday evening at the home of his brother, Edward Mer ritt, 110 Revere avenue, after an Illness of several months. Mr.. Merritt was born at Sum mit prairie In Crook county. Sur vivors also Include the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Rose Johnson and Mrs. W. H. Harris, of Bend; Frank Merritt, Selad, Calif.; Mrs. Catherine Anderson Seattle; Mrs. Edna Smith, Ash land; Mrs. Anderson Forks, Wash., and Mrs. Lula Max. well, of Albany. The body is being forwarded to Albany today by Niswonger and Wlnslow. Funeral arrangements have npt been completed. DENTISTRY Dr. H. E. Jackson Office At His Residence 230 Lava Road 'i Block North of Delaware Take East Side Bus ALL DAV PARKING 230 Lava Road Phone 134 Pioneer Freighter, Bennett's Machine Shop BILL BENNETT 1114 Roosevelt Ave. Phono 1132 Bend, Oregon General Machine Work ' Heavy Machine Work Gears Sprockets made' lo order v Crank Shaft Grinding Motor Rebuilding I.lae Boring Cylinder Reborlng Crank Shaft Grinding In the Car Electric and Acetylene Welding General Auto Repairs aJsSS Hlil2j 4w&s H. L TONEY THE BEND BULLETIN. Lebanon Refuses To Free Nationals; Stiff Reply Due Washington. May 24 PThe state department prepared a stern reply today to Lebanon s refusal to release the 41 Ameri cans removed from a U.S. ship at Beirut. . .. Diplomatic quarters made it clear that this government is not backing dbwn and will threaten to hale Lebanon before the United Nations security- council if she persists In her refusal. The state department revealed last night that the Lebanese gov ernment had rejected the first U.S. request to free the Palestine bound Americans on grounds they were going to the holy land to join Jewish forces in their struggle against the Arab world. The Lebanese note rtferred to the Americans as "illegal immi grants" and said that "far from claiming American citizenship and protection (they) glorified in obedience to the state of Israel," Charge Is Made' 'It was manifest." the note said, "that the able-bodied among tnese illegal immigrants were go ing, as thousands of others who have preceded them, to join ele ments of trouble and anarchy In Palestine. And to attack the Leb anese forces which have inter vened with Arab forces to re establish order and put an end to tne violence and acts of terrorism committed by the Zionists." The note was relayed to the de partment by Lowell C. Pinker ton, U.S. minister in Lebanon. It was in reply to an American pro- . . T-..-J 1 . .. iei ui rnuay against tne re- mpvai oi tne Americans from the American Exnort Hiwr Mar. Ine Carp two days before. Twenty-nine other nationals also were taiten on tne vessel. Votes Tabulated In Judge Contest In thl mntnet for nli-nnlf ivai(,ii o. namuion, tsend, won over A. J. Moore, also of Bend, 4.108 to 1.737 mmnlnln in,.m.l returns, from the three counties hi me xatn judicial district, Des. chutes. Jeffprson iuuay. juoge Hamilton Is the Incumbent. ln Deschutes county, Judge i"ieu i, votes; in jifiierson, ww and in Crook, 793 the- Official' ratiirn Moore, Deschutes county dis- .uurnsy, got 1,2 votes in Deschutes, -244 in Jefferson and Women Injured m Lar Wreck Mrs. M.;E. Callander and Beii . ,5, ""in ui noise, were injured Sunday, afternoon when fhfl PQK In ... 1.11. .1 ... ..... ..... ,,, ,,.- iney were Mdina hit a soft shoulder and overturn! . ... v.rinitu uregon niglv way a few miles west of Millican; ce oW0 women ,wcre brought Jiuspitai Dy ambu : V. ""'"'""ii was report ed as good today. Mrs. Callander suffered head lacerations and Mrs. Diner a shoulder injury, t The car was badly damaged and was towed to Bend. ; REDMOND HAS FIRE ! Redmond, May 24 (Special) Redmond fire department answer ed an alarm from a warehouse at the airport at 9:30 last night. Mat tresses and bedding stored in one of the buildings were destroyed, but little damage was suffered by the building. Bulletin Classifieds bring results. TOP SOIL FILL MATERIAL DRIVEWAY MATERIAL DIRT LEVELING ROCK OR DIRT EXCAVATION PHONE 1459-W J. H. SPEEDLING BEND. OREGON CENTRAL OREGON FARMERS' MARKET Today's Central Oregon mar ket, with prices quoted those paid by buyers to. producers, follows: Butterfat: Premium 84; No. 1 83; No. 2 79. Eggs: Case lota 44-47. Poultry: Heavy hens 28-29; springs, 2-8 lbs. 81; over S lbs. 37-38. Leghorns: Over 4 lbs. 28; un der 4 lbs. 19-240. Roosters 12 14. Feed grains: Wheat 2.25; barley $70 per ton; oats $72 per ton. Michael A. Foiits Of Tumalo Dead Michael A. Fouts, 69, a resident of the Tumalo area for the past eight months, died yesterday af ter a sudden neart atiacn. Mr. Fouts Is survived by his wife, Cora, and a son, Calvin A., of Tumalo. and a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy West, of Arlington. The family came to central uregon from Alameda, county, Calif. In addition to his immediate family Mr. Fouts is survived by two brothers, James, of Grant, Mich., and Earl, of Houghton, S. Dak., and a sister, Mrs. Ruby Gradv. of Portland. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, at 2 p.m. from the Niswonger and Winslow chapel, With Rev. Wesley C. Baker, of Redmond, ofifciating. The body will be forwarded to Portland for cremation. Rasmussen Rites To Be Wednesday Funeral services for Heroert L. Rasmussen, who died suddenly at his home In McCloud, Calif., Wed nesday night, will be held from the Niswonger and Winslow chapel in Bend Wednesday at 3:30, members of the family an nounced today. Services will also be held at McCloud, on Tuesday, and a pastor from the northern California town will be In charge of the Bend rites. Pilgrim commandery, Knights Templar, of Bend, will assist with the rites here. Mr. Rasmussen was a former Bend resident and was head filer for the McCloud River Lumber Company. ' Clubmen View Baseball Films Sound films of the 1947 world baseball series were the feature of the Kiwanis noon luncheon program at the Pine Tavern to day. Don Conner was program chairman and the films we're pro vided 1 through the courtesy of George Taylor of Redmond. Bob Gamage was In charge of projec tion. CLAMS FOR INLAND Minort, N. D. (U'i Only 65 miles from the geographical center of North America and thousands of miles from any ocean, clam shells measuring four and five Inches in length were found. by well dig gers at a depth of 50 feet here, Lawn and Garden Supplies GARDEN HOSE LAWN MOWERS SPRINKLERS GRASS SEED GARDEN TOOLS FERTILIZERS VIGORO SPREADER FOR RENT WEED SPRAYER FOR RENT HOUK-VAN ALLEN 916 Wall St, FIRESTONE STORE GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SERVICE... Brake Relining Motor Overhauling Carburetor Adjustment TIRES TUBES BATTERIES Nelson & Zeek Garage 167 Greenwood VENETIAN BLINDS New Blinds Custom Made Wood Steel Aluminum Old Blinds Completely Renovated All work Is quickly done at our factory located In Bend. FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN GLADLY Bend Venetian Blind Mfg. Co. IxH'ated In Bend's New Industrial Site BS8 Glcmvood Phnno (Off of Fifth Street) 1131 . 1 RED RYDER VOo SOLO US TrESE kND &0C- TO SEARCH FCk red a encn THE1 FltVS AN ANGQY CROWD OP WiME(?S IN Tit; QH05T TOWN STREETS AND T I CSuV S'AKcD fc 7 E3E ThE CLAIMS Jt SAL E .4 J 53.' J M3 L. WITH TV Jl B.H.S. Seniors (Continued from Page 1) Hemingway science scholarship went to James deBroekert, with Janet Cook named as alternate. Two awards to outstanding mu sic students are the .Captain Beard band trophy, which went to Irwin McCuen, and the Carl Lindh trophy, for the outstanding accompanist, which was present ed to Marjorie Tobias. Girls Ut Casn The Elks lodge provides two cash awards for outstanding stu dents in the commercial depart ment. One went to Georgia Blinnt and the other Is shared by Doris Morlev and Shirley Gibson. The wenz memorial cup, ior the student outstanding in drama tic Interpretation, went to Juanlta Carroll. Mariorle Tobias received the Eastern Orecon college of educa tion scholarship, and the nursing education scholarship, offered by the Business and professional Women's club, went to Joyce Riekman. The junior high school music award went to Audrey Howe. New Cub Pack Plans Meeting Cub pack No. 23, sponsored by Trinity Episcopal church will hold its first regular pacK meet ing tonight at 7:30 at the church hall. - Brian Thompson is cubmaster of the new pack, and will lead the group meeting on an Indian theme. Bobcat badges will be pre sented to 22 new Cub Scouts and their parents at tonight's meet ing. All parents of cub age boys in the mid-town district of Bend are urged to attend tonight's meet ing and take advantage of this op portunity to enroll their boys in the Cub Scout program, leaders said. Meetings will be held on the fourth Monday night oi each month from now on. Fire Damages Roseburg Plant Roseburg, pre., May 2'4 itl'i A week end fire caused $500,000 damage to the Roseburg Lumber Co., but officials said today they expected to have the sawmill op erating again within a few days. The fire destroyed 1,300,000 board feet of lumber and two dry ing kilns. Kenneth W. Ford, company president, said ho expects the mill to resume operations in two or three days, "although repairs may require several wens. WILL CALL BID Redmond, May 24 (Special) Bids for the Redmond's John Tuck school gymnasium-auditorium will be open next Friday eve ning at 7:30 p.m. at the grade school. The construction of tills unit will complete the new build ing construction, as the main building is nearly complete. Phono 860 Phono 240 ME? WHV. PEUERS.I OON'THAVE A ThiNG TO DC; WITH YAS eoCKSKlW TALK PS.ST.t S. AeOuTTKA,TlaoCKSKiMJ Dr. Logan Billed As Local Speaker Dr. Leslie a. Logan, associate general superintendent of the Temperance League of America, will be the guest speaker at a community meeting to be held In Bend tonight at 8 o'ciock, at tne First Methodist church. The meeting will be sponsored by the Anti-Liquor League of Oregon. Dr. Logan is a Metnodist min ister, having served a number of the larger churches, Including St. Paul church, Pueblo, Colo.; Park hill church, Denver, Colo.; First church, Newton, Iowa, and the First church of Portland. Since relinquishing the Port land pulpit, Dr. Logan has travel ed over 275,000 miles in 41 states. An invitation to attend the meet ing is extended to all interested. The Bend Ministerial associa tion is sponsoring the meeting lo cally. Boys Make Trip To Wickiup Area The all boy class of Christian church Bible school joined on an overnight trip to Wickiup Friday. The evening was spent in boating and fishing, but, the boys report, the boating was far superior to the fishing. Around the campfire that night. Rev. Len Flshback, teacher of the class, told African jungle tales as the boys grouped around a bonfire. . Boys who made the trip were Paul Congdon, Jimmy Dumler, Bill Baker, Larry Kribs, Beldon Webber, Richard Nichols, Peter Bue and Dickie Flshback. Transportation was provided by Robert Breckenrldge, Al Dum ler and Rev. Fishback. Clubmen To View Football Pictures Highlights of the 1947 football season at the University of Ore gon and prospects for the 1948 season will be outlined by Jim Aiken, head grid coach, at a Joint service club luncheon at the Pilot Butte Inn Wednesday noon. The Rotary club Is host organi zation for the meeting and has in vited Lions, Kiwanians. Jaycees, alumni of the university and others to attend. Ernie Traxler, Rotary secretary, announced to day that reservations will not be necessary. : , . - Outstanding events of the 1947 football season will be reviewed in motion pictures. Aiken will be accompanied by. John Warren, head basketball coach, and Leo Harris, athletic director. Bulletin Classifieds bring results. Sewing Machine Center Bargains No Waiting free delivery anyplace. ' New washing machines $10.00 down, $8.00 monthly. New Wllcox-Gay Rccordlos $10.00 down, $8.00 monthly. New re frigerators -$28.00 down, $10.00 monthly. New vacuum clean ers $5.00 down, $5.00 monthly. New radios $5.00 down, $5.00 monthly. ANDERSON SEWING CENTER Open Evenings Until 9:00 P. M. - Corner State and Tumalo rhone 862 W WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL You ccr get fetter pictures .7. easier 'CAMERA Symons Bros Jewelers "The House 017 Hall VOO SALTED THOSE OAWiS, WADE AND ME, AlC WiTm ALL THESE MINERS PAGE FIVE 3 Man In Chicago Chicago, May 24 IP A gambl ing and recording company repre sentative was shot to death today by gunmen who chased him until he became exhausted and fell. , His wife witnessed the chase. The dead man was Leo (Little Sneeze) Friedman, 33. Police fear ed the killing marked a new out break in a "juke box war" in the Chicago underworld. It was car ried out methodically with "per fect gangland precision," they said. - Friedman was a convicted bank robber. An inquest into his death was delayed while police started an Intensive investigation of his background for clues to his slay ers. - Gunmen Take Time . He was an agent" for the Mer cury Recording Co. and ran. a Loop restaurant. He was shot to death by two or three gunmen driving an incon spicuous old model car. When their first shots missed, the gun men patiently let Friedman run until he tripped and fell over a fence from exhaustion. Then one of the gunmen step ped from, the car and pumped three slugs Into the side of. his head. MOTORIST ARRESTED Cars owned by Guy Durham and James M. Chase, both route two, Bend, were Involved in an accident at Deschutes place and Hill street Saturday evening. Chase was arrested by state po lice officers following the acci dent on a charge of being drunk. He is held in the city jail with ball lodged at $150. POSTS TRAFFIC BAIL Charles F. Ross, 1435 Fresno avenue, has posted bail of $2.50 In munclpal court on a charge of failing to stop at a stop sign. QUICK. PERMANENT LOW-COST CONSTRUCTION Get the Facts Today! EUGENE STEEL BLDG. CO 523 Lawrence St., Eugene, Ore. Seaton H. Smith 100 Drake Road . Bend, Ore. Ill Its many built-in features stamp this superb picture maker as a, leader in its price field. The big ground glass finder makes it easy to compose and focus your pictures. The twin Kodak Anastlgmat f3.5 Lenses are both Lumenized, both highly corrected for definition and color. Has Flash Kodamatic Shutter with 7 speeds to 1 200. Rigid die-cast con struction. Takes Kodak 620 t!l I -i ... -1 ' mm. ibi us snow yg mil fine "r.Aex" today. DEPARTMENT of Beauty" Phone 175 By Fred Harman (VOO .-Sa1 f J BUCK-SKIN'S CULTl 1