PAGE SIX CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE !!8 Words One Tlmo 40c 25 Words Three Times $1.10 15 Words Six Times $8.00 ill wordi over 25 add Ic per word timet number of Insertions ne month run, him copy, H day rate Minimum charge, 40c rate 10c Capitals 0c Reader ads 10c line, minimum 40c Display Advertising Closing time t P.M. previous day. One half pare or larger, day jrevlous to publication. For Sulc Heal Estate BY OWNER: Attractive brick house, well constructed, conven iently arranged, on beautiful large coiner lot; excellent loca tiu:i, paved r.t reels, close in; 2 bed rooms and heated sleeping porch; basement, automatic furnace, fireplace. Full uriee $10,000; FIIA loan available; $.'1000 cash will handle. Address 1104 W. First street. Telephone 790-J or, if no answer, phone 282. THE DIRT MERCHANT AN 80-ACRE FARM all watered. Crops clover, alfalfa and spuds. Grade "A" dairy in operation, modern home all conveniences at gale equal to city service. Tractor una lull line ot equipment ana dairy cows. This, folks, is one of Central Oregon s choice locations, His take off from the dairy Is six to seven hundred per month. A ride In our tin wagon would be convincing. Price $.33,000. 1G0-ACRE diversified farm, 2 modern houses, fine large barn, machine sheds. Highway bound ary. Tractor and full line of equip. Crops in, excepting spuds. Cheap est water in Central Oregon. Price $40,000. I (50-ACRE RANCH, 100 a. water. A keen mod. 6-rm. home, beauti ful yard. Good barn, all outbldes. good. Tractor and complete line of equip, Price $25,000. R0-ACRE TERREBONNE farm, 76 a. water. Tractor and equip., 10 head of cattle. New large poultry house, milk barn. Residence not modern but you wouldn't expect It to be when you can buy this complete setup in the heart of the Terrebonne valley for $15,500. A HIGHWAY RANCH that Is some ranch, a home any lady would be proud to own. 65 a. wat er. Space will not permit a com plete description of this place, but wherever you are going you can't find one to match it. The price is $21,000. A COMBINATION RANCH, 820 acres, 128 a. Irrigated, 80 head cow permit loins the ranch in one of Central Oregon's best grazing districts. This place is served with RFD, school bus. Good 5 rm. home ceiled with firtex, 2 barns, milk barn, 20 stanchions, ' horse barn 24x50, large stock shod, hog equipment, slaughter house and two stock yards com plete with equipment. 90-ACRE RANCH on highway 97 between Redmond and Bend. 2 homes, numerous outbldes. 20 a. water. Mi a. strawberries. A keen little ranch. Including the equip. Price $6000. 120-ACRE RANCH, 100 a. water ed. New mod. 5-rm. home, 2 new barns. Well, we might just as well tell 'you all I he bldgs. are hew and it's a swell set-up border ing outrange opening into the pine timber. 22 a. alsike clover, 30 . a. new alfalfa. Price $18,000. 12,000-ACRE STOCK RANCH, 3 sets ot bldgs. and they are real ones. Ranch all fenced, borders highway. 400 a. free Irrigation, 500 a. farmed. 2 tractors and full line of equip. Price $8.00 per acre. 2700ACRE STOCK RANCH, 300 I. natural meadow. Perfectly fine home, all bldgs. good. Ranch all fenced and cross fenced with barbed and woven wire. Vj mile from hgwy. Will run 300 head of cattle. Forest permit. Wo would like to show somebody this ranch with our new red wagon which Is n leen. no hill too Steep. Price $17,250. IF ITS A HOME in Central Ore gon, in town or county, wo have It. Our time is yours, call on us. SHELLEY REAL ESTATE THE DIRT MERCHANT PHONE 206 REDMOND, ORE. NEED A HOME? Cheek the Deal of the Day .op KBND 8:45 a.m. Call today and inspect the list ings at Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. MODERN 21x34 pumice block house, 1 4i acre woven wire fence, city and C.O.I, water, landscaped concrete walks, curbing, elec. range, refiig., hot water heater. Furnished or unfurnished. 56500 unfurnished. Jones ltd., 2 blks. East of E. Sth St., lit. 3, Box 173, Phone 1356M. - ULTRA MODERN new 3-bcdroom on one floor. East side near schools and stores. The must complete home in town, $14,000, terms. Shown .bv appointment only. All State Realty, 221 Green Wood, Phone 167. SPORTING G6oDSshTr"tright downtown. It's a hot spot. Will invoice for more than asking price. Owner must leave. Step right Into a paving business for only $5500. All Stale Realty Co., 221 Greenwood, Phone 167. FARM and Business Real Kstntc Loans made In Crook nr.d De schutes counties. interest. Midstate Realty Co., Rm. 11. V. S. Nat. Bldg.. phone 495. See Don Peoples or Carl I.lndh. OWNER LEAVING, priced for Immediate sale: Lovely 2-U. It. modern home, partially furnish ed, redecorated. Shown between 2 and 4 p. m. only. 344 E. Mai shall. For Sale Real Estate 2 MOUSES on one lot. one has full bath, one has half bath. Kent one, makes payments oti both. $4200.00, terms. RANCH: 40 a., 20 acres C.O.I, water, 4 acres alfalfa, 6-ruom, 3 bedroom .modern house, located on oiled road. 2-BEDROOM, full basement mod ern home, good location, $K000.00. RAWLINS REALTY, 1054 Bond, Phone 1445-M. EQUITY In 2-bedroom 6 yrs. old, fireplace, rustic finish m living room, located on Milwaukee. In quire at Snappy Lunch, 836 Willi, 4-ROOM modern home, oarage, fenced yard, $2.00(1 cash. inquire 1220 Albany, after 5 p. m. TWO-ROOM house. 3 large lots, 30 R. I. Red laying hens, home rabbits. Must sell al once due to 111 health, very reasonable. By owner. 1447 Kingston avenue. PRICE REDUCED to $6250.00, 2- bdrm. modern home, living rm, kitchen, utility room, laundry trays, bath, good garden, shrub bery, on bus line, 2 blks. to store. S22.000: 80 ACRES. 75 acres irrl gated, 50 acres alfalfa, 16 acres seeded pasture, 5-room modern home, now grade A harn, silo, several other bldgs. 5600 acres Taylor, all fenced. CONTACT O. G. Nichols. Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minnesota Ave., phone 1331 -J. $30,000: VERY GOOD 5-unlt mo tel, all modern, oil turnace, elec tric hot water, living quarters. Will take good house in town on trade; CONTACT O. G. Nichols, Huff Real Estate' Co., 126 Minnesota Ave., phone 1331-J. 40 ACRES. 34 acres Irrigated". 12 acres alfalfa, certified potato seed arid fertilizer for 10 acres. 4-room house, pressure pump, good barn. $8400, one-half down. CALL MR. BELL, 1331-J, Huff Real Estate Co.. 126 Minnesota. Eve. 1376-R. AUTO COURT, money maker, service station and cafe. Excel lent location. Price $47,500.00. An nual aonrox. gross income. $45.- 000.00. Think this one over. Automobile agency Garage on 97 highway Grocery store Cafes Tell me what you want. I may have It. CONTACT Earl'F.wing, Huff Real Lstato Co., 12(Minnesota. phone 1331-J. Eveninrts phone 1691-W. RADIO-RECORP-MODERN test equipment and repairing In good Valley cly, employs 12, good franchise on radios and record players. $22,000, TERMS: Self - service laundry, new equipment, includ ing duplex of 1 1-bdrm. und 1 2 bdrm. $12,500, TERMS: Rooming house, 14 rooms, living quarters furnish ed, on 140 x 64 business corner lot. CONTACT Harvey Huff, Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minnesota Ave., phone 1331-J. LOVELY 3-BDRM. home on 4 riv er lots, large living rm., room with fireplace, lots of built-ins, breakfast nook and dining rm.. overlooking river. Full basement, automatic heal, double garage. $3500.00 down handles. Call Mr. Bell. 1331-J. Huff Ilea Estate Co.. evenings 1376-R. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Several auto courts, priced from $12,500 to $85,000. GROCERY business, fixtures $1000, plus Invoice RADIO business, $1500. NEW BUILDING, city center. self operating, $75,000, forms. MANY OTHERS to pick from. All State Realty, 221 Greenwood, Phone 167. 4-ROOM modern with 3 lots. Nice view of mountains. Located on S. 3rd St. Priced at $3500. $1500 down. All State Realty, 221 Greenwood, Phone 167. ANNE FORBES, REALTOR 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W ON RIVER, 2 small furnished houses, Immediate possession, drilled hole, septic tank, 5 ga rages, $3500, $500 down, $10.00 month. 5 LOTS, 3-room house, parti v fur nished fenced, plowed. $2500. $500.00 down, $30.00 month. WEST SIDE, paved street, vacant. 5 rooms, dining room, electric ranee wiring. 2 lots fenced. $5500. $2(KM) down. EAST SIDE, excellent location. close In, paved, shown by ap pointment only: (1 4 bedrooms, fireplace, wired for elect lie range, good for tourist home $K5(X1, $2 100 down. (21 Furnished 4 looms $1750. (3) 3-room rurnlshed $4200, $1200 down, $30 month. ACREAGES: (1) Near Sisters, about 3 acres, new 2 bedroom, ce nient basement, outbuildings, al falfa, $350. (21 Excellent buy 3 miles out, 50 acres, 10 acres wat er, 4-rnom house, electric pump, 1-VMt Mt riu-h,,i-vl,,u ,,lf'lf,i double garage, 5 tons alfalfa hay, Chevrolet pickup, some furniture, $5500. ATTRACTIVE 4 room modern house, 40 acres. 27 COL, pres sure pump, 3 cows, team, farm iiim-nincry, oniy sattw. WANT TO SELL? List your prop, erty with GILBERT. A square deal, nntl prompt, efficient, cour teous service Is vours at Gilbert's Ileal Estate, 1015 Wall St. For Sale Ileal Estate 4-ROOM modern house, Insulated and wired for electric range, new flat top water heater, inlaid lino leum in kitchen and dining rooms, large cooler room, large garage on paved street. Full price only $1H50, terms. See at 341 Florida. E. M. BUCKNUM, REALTOR Near Chamber of Commerce 1029 Brooks St. Phone 331 Evenings 790-R $1000 DOWN, $30.00 per mo. for this completely furnished, 2 bed room home. Plastered and cement foundation. Priced right at $2900.00. VACANT, very neat 2-bedroom home, large living room and kitchen. New electric water heat er. House fully insulated. Part basement. $i:xjo.uo $1500 DOWN buys this complete ly furnished 2-bedroom home. Corner lot. Paved street. Close In. $-1900.00 2-BEDROOM home on the high way. Tourist commercial zone. Very attractive for $6700.00. EAST 9TH. New 2-bedroom home. Hardwood floors. Nice built-ins. Large garage. Shrubbery In. . $7900.00 EAST 8TH. 2-bedroom home and 6 lots. Beautiful view. Large liv ing room with picture window, fireplace. Master bedroom ap proximately 18x20. Small down payment. $12,600.00. 80-ACRE, 62 acres Tumalo water, 22 alfalfa, 7-room modern home. 20-cow stanchions, 100-ton hav barn, milking machine. Tumalo district, this farm is real good and priced right. A SNAP on 5 acres real close in, small house, turkey burn. $050.00 down. DAIRY RANCH 3Vi miles out, new equipment, stocked and un der production. Whole milk quota. 2-BEDROOM modern, two lots on pavement. $5,500.00. Some terms. 2-BEDROOM modern, fenced on pavement across street from Ken wood school $4725.00. Some terms. Call Mr. Dubois VERN LARSON AGENCY 135 Oregon, Phone 32 $8,000.00, $2,561.96 CASH, bal r HA at $46.92 buys a beautiful 2- bedroom modern home on West Second. Shown by appointment only. $3,750.00 FULL PRICE with $1,800.00 cash and $30.00 per month. 2-bcdroom home on E. Franklin, pavement and sidewalk. $5,900.00 WITH TERMS. 3-bed- loom modern. Located on Hill and Delaware. Pavement and sidewalk in. $1,450.00 WITH ONLY $750.00 cash buys a 2-room partially, fur- nisneu home. . ( $3,700.00 WITH ONLY $685.00 Down win secure a z-oedroom modern home, on West side. $6,000.00, $3,024.00 CASH. bal. GI at $35.00 per mo. Beautiful 2-bed room modern home on Galveston Ave. $5,750.00 BUYS a new 2-bedroom home located close In on West side. Some terms. Call Mr. Locklln VERN LARSON AGENCY 135 Oregon, Plume 32 FOR SALE BY OWNER: New 2 bedroom plastered home, $5750.00 -1 lot $425.00 at coi ner of Union and Milwaukee. 2 lots at 9th and Newport $1100.00. Inquire Brooks, i;hj!i .mi. Fuel EXCELLENT LIMBS. 1st grade for cash. Summer rate ends Jtilv first. Dry Jack pine. body, iuni- per, lump and stoker coal. Phone i(i7. Brookings Wood Yard. FOR GOOD DRY bodv woo.I. phone 1570-W for prompt deliv ery, i 16-INCH green slab wood deliver- ed in Bend $14 per 2-eord load (2-cord load or 16" dry slab $19.) (You haul $5.00 per cord at vard. East end of A Street). Central Oregon Fuel Co.. phone 201VV. Office 936 A St.. Redmonn. For Sale Farm Products ONE WHITE BOAR, 11 months, one cream separator, 500-11). ca pacity. 2 miles N !ii mi. west Tumalo. O. B. Twiggs. a" WHEEL STOCK TRAILER with 2 stanchions. New tires. $75,00. 1-160 Baltimore, Plume 1378-W. FOR SALE: Farm tools, one 2 way plow, one potato planter, one cultivator, 2 mowers, one set of harness with collars, one roll-lop desk. Inquire George T. Michael son, 924 Riverside or phono 553 AV. FOR SALE: Purebred Jersey hull, 8 mus. old. Harrv Kerns, Arnold district. 8 mi. S. E. Bend. Phone 11F-21. RED CEDAR fence posts. Write J. C. Menalia, McKenie Bridge, Ore. FRYER rabbits dressed on order. Roasting hens, live or dressed. Phone S9-W or call first white house back Carroll Acres store. Yolk's. Free delivery. For Sale Miscellaneous GOOD USED WASHER. $10.00, Can be seen after 5 p. m. at 425 Columbia. F ANTON'S GARDEN--Petunias, snapdragons, asters, marigold, cosmos, clarkia, verbena, peren nials, cauliflower, broccoli, hrus sel sprouts dill, garlic plants; also cabbage and head lettuce at 15c do.. 829 Ogdcn. DAVENPORT and chair, tire-war, very good condition. 1655 West 2nd. Call between 6:30 and S pm. THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON For Sale Miscellaneous OUTBOARD MOTOR $29.50. elec tric washer, runs very quietly, 100-lb. Ice box $12.50, chests of drawers $9.00. pair of brand new goose down pillows $15.00, knee- hole flesk $15.00, ail enamel elec tric range, a real buy, what-not shelf, electric heaters, ironing boards, electric roaster $12.50, oil circulators, 90 ft. of heavy duty extension cord, dining room Fulte, table, 6 chairs and lovely china closet, gas heater, walnut dinette table, magazine rack, 2-wheel trailers, pack sack, Briggs-Strat-ton gasoline motor. Cliff's Bar gain Spot. 1841 E. 1st. N. High way. Phone 1534-W. Open even ings. DRIVEWAY PUMICE, good. clean pumice, mason sand, fill dirt. Harold Jackson, 438 Rail road st. Phone 682-J. ESTATE ELECTRIC RANGE, 4 burner, table top, thermostat con trolled oven. Phone 847 evenings or mornings before 9 a. m. NEW CRANE corner wash basin. George Pactschat, 405 E. Revere, FOR SALE: New single shot 20 gauge shot gun. Phone 1655-W or call 472 E. Marshall. DAVENPORTS ami chairs, dav enos and sectional davenports, desk, vanity, dressers and book cases, overstuffed and occasional chairs, rockers, tlining and kitch en chairs, bassinets and buggies, electric, gas and wood ranges, wood, coal and oil heaters, bed room suites, beds, springs and mattresses, floor and table lamps, coffee, card and library tables, electric water tanks, hoes, rakes, shovels and garden hose. Square Deal Exch., 201 E. Franklin, Phone 1224. ONE 50-GAL. electric hot water heater. Price $109.95 for Immedi ate delivery at Montgomery Ward. ONE 5-FT. Leonard de luxe model refrigerator. One vacuum clean er 2 setting hens. Call 1522-J. FISHING WORMS, packed in handy carton. Open Sundays and evenings. Manson's Grocery, 418 Bond. PIANO TO BE SOLD at a sacri fice price for immediate sale. Benson Piano Company, 65 Gil christ. Phone 1087. HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN General Electric vacuum cleaner with attachments, pre-war, used very little; just like new. 410 Franklin, evenings, Saturday p.m. and Sunday. Phone 438. 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. VACUUM CLEANER, Eureka, all attachments, including electric waxer, excellent shape. 525 Broadway, 624-J. REG. POMERANIANS, sacrifice broods males, puppies half price, $25.00 while they last. Box 413, Burns,- Ore. Phone 3974. 16-FOOT lapped siding boat, fac tory made, needs some repair and repainting, $25.00. 611 Drake road. NEW OR USED FURNITURE for living and dining rooms, sew ing machines, washing machines, trash burners and hundreds of other useful articles. Lake & Div. Trading Post, Tel. 1183. Also boat, Lvlnrude motor and trailer. NUMEROUS good used console radios, three used bicycles, very reasonable, one used 46 model Evlnrude outboard motor. West ern Auto Supply, 845 Wall street. NEW WHITE FORMAL, size 14, nice for Rainbow or Eastern' Star. 303 Riverfront. REGISTERED COLLIE pups. Farm bred. Tri or sable. Excel lent for work, show or pets. Fol mer N. Botltker, Rt. 2, Box 260, Bend. First house past steel bridge on Tumalo reservoir road. LYON'S FLOWER GARDENS ASTERS, marigolds, petunias, zinnias, lobelia and many other annuals, strawberry and vego plants, rosebushes, pansies and other perennials, rockery and bor der plants. 160-1 West 2nd. corner of Portland. LAWNMOWER GRIND ING Our precision grinder is now in operation, d separate grinding op erations. Guaranteed to cut like new. No advance in prices. New and used mowers. We trade. Carl Austin, Bond and Greenwood. IRRIGATION canvas. 4. 5. 6 and Sfoot widths. Any length. Also seed potato cutting knives. Fred Hodecker Potato Warehouse. Red mond, Ore. RADIO TUBES Complete stock Phllon and other nationally known hrnnds. Tubes tested. Bend. Fur niture Co. SHELLEY'S NURSERY now of fers the following northern crown, high quality ornamentals for Immediate delivery: Ever greens such as Pyramidal antl Globe Arbfirvitae, Junipers, Cy press antl Yews. Many varieties of beautiful flowering shrubs. Perennials such as Chrysanthe mums, Phlox, Carnations, Sweet William, Trltonia. Hybrid Tea Roses also climbers; hardy 2-yr. field grown. Q"r nursery stock Is hardy anil well adapted to lo cal climatic conditions. Shelley's Nurserv. 164 Fast Greenwood. BEAUTIFUL walnut console GE radio, push button dial, a bargain at $39.75. and a table model radio and automatic record changer for only $19.73. Anderson Sewing Machine Center, phone 862-W. TTrwtF c!trt ,nvi?vi I CAN NOW give you substantial allowance for your old piano when buying a new Baldwin. I will not be undersold. Can meet any competition. See me for the best buys In new and used pianos. Also piano tuning bv real tuners. Your Central Oregon piano deal er. 63 Gilchrist, Phone 1087. - For Sale Used Cars FOR SALE OR LEASE: K-7 In ternational dual-drive, long wheel base truck, like new; 825x20 rubber, 3-speed Brownie and 5 speed trans., new motor without a mile, hydrovac brakes, double frame, price $3750.00 or lease. Ph. 1579R. USED CARS WOULD YOU LIKE the best 1938 Plymouth coupe, very good tires, heater, 51,000 true miles, one owner, motor never touched and runs like new. Clean as a pin. $745.00. Ph. 1579-R. 1935 CHEV. coupe. Fair cond. $210.00. 222 Canal St., Bend. 1937 FORD PICKUP, new tires, heater, new paint, metal cab on back with windows, near perfect shape in appearance and condi tion: does not use oil. $695.00. Ph. 1579-R. 1932 FORD V-8 coupe, 650-16 tires. $265.00 cash or can be fi nanced. 438 Railroad St. 1927 CHEV. COUPE, sealed beam lights, five good tires, new bat tery. Call after 5 p. m. at 402 Georgia. 1946 DODGE 2-ton truck. 2-speed axle, actual mileage 11.000 miles with excellent stock rack 14 ft. long. See at 615 Ogdcn or phone 709-W. 1948 CROSLEY station wagon, 800 miles, $1000, terms. 1943 CHEV. 1'4-ton truck. BATHINETTE and electric bottle warmer, both for $5. Also swing with stand that can be used as car seat, $6.50. 341 Florida. '29 CHEVROLET 4-door, com plete extra motor, very cheap. 313 Riverfront. '47 Plymouth 5-pass. coupe '41 Chev. 5-pass. coupe '41 Chev. panel '39 Ford sedan '37 Plymouth sedan '34 Dodge sedan '33 Plymouth sedan '30 Model A coupe pickup '29 Model A coupe '29 Model A coupe pickup '30 Model A ton pickup '36 Chev. truck 1 4-Wheel trailer 1 Horse trailer 1 House trailer ' 1 Motorcycle 2 Saddle horses 1 Oil stove SPARKEY WALKER, North Junction, Bend. 1933 CHEVROLET 2-door. Good running condition. Price cheap. 2305 Awbrey Rd., Phone 1585-R. USED CAR LOT, corner E. 8th and Greenwood. 1940 Stude. Champion coupe. R. and H. 1936 Pontiac 4-d. sedan. 1942 Int. K-5 truck, steel box, mo tor change 1935 Terraplane 4-door sedan. Open week days. Phone 774 1938 LA SALLE 2-door sedan in good shape. Call 212 Hill St. after 5 p. m. 1937 LA SALLE 4-door. Shell Service, corner Bond and Frank lin, Phone 642-J. FOR SALE BY OWNER: 1936 De Soto sedan. Good tires, radio, heater, spotlight, good general condition. 244 Woodland. 1948 NASH Like new. Will ac cept older car as trade-in. Call 332-R. or 1446 W. 1st. For Rent FOR RENT: Clean, furnished 2-room semi-basement apartment. Adults only. Close in. 623 Hill. ALBANY Convalescent Home for Invalids and elderly folks. Large sun porches and lawn, good care guaranteed. 612 Maple St., Al bany, Ore., phone 231-L Albany. BEE HIVE SYSTEM Trucks you drive yourself any where, no restrictions. 1946 Dodge van for good, clean hauling. Court House Service Sta., corner Wail and Bond. Phone 458. or 981-M evenings. CLEAN SLEEPING rooms day or week. 853 Wall St. by THE NEWEST and finest in port able electric floor sanding equip ment: The Clarke Dreadnaught: Quick! Easy! Cleaner! Rental rates are low, so wny not no your own floors and save? Electric floor polishers antl hand sanders available also at low rates. Ev erything necessary for beautiful floors see or call The Sherwin Williams Co., 125 Oregon avenue. Bend. Phone 21. Wanted OPENING A CONVALESCENT home al 1910 E. 3rd. Good beds and meals. Prices reasonable. Phone 1545M. SOMEONE to put In potatoes on shares. 5 to 15 acres. Phone 9G0-R or see Earle Moorman, after 7 evenings at 210 E. Franklin. TO RENT: Modern 2-bedroom home, furnished or unfurnished. Couple with one child. Phone 1585-R. RUSINESS MAN. permanent, wife ami 2 boys went to rent or lease 3-bedroom unfurnished modern, home at from $50.00 to $100.00 per month. Phone Acker son at Pilot Butte Inn. WANTED to rent: Two or three bedroom home, furnished or un furnished. Call or see Al Erlksen at Eriksen's Stationery. DEAD and worthless stock Pick ed up free of charge. Phone 1517 W3. Bend, or 9-F-25. Redmond, collect. Behymer & Myers Render ing Plant. TOP PRICES Paid for any kind of cattle at vour ranch. Please drop a card to W. R. Franks or call 78, Redmond. Help Wanted SINGLE MAN who wants home on nice small farm, Bend city limits, light general farm work. Route 1. Box 176. East 10th. just beyond sawdust pit. MAN OR WOMAN to take over '...(fihlL'hoH rnlltn nf Coin Onf'I'at- ed Radios, in Restaurants, Tav erns and Beauty Shops. Can earn up to $4bU per monin spare time. No radio experience necessary. S695 required. Write 2293, The Bend Bulletin. ! WANTED: Middle-afied woman for cooking and some nouscwurK. References required. Good wages. Call 92 mornings. - EXPERIENCED service station operator for night work. Contact Stillwell's Service. .Situations Wanted VETERAN, age 22, wants part time work, one week mornings, one week evenings. Anion Olsen, 937 E. 3rd. Phone 651-M BUILDER, 40 yrs. experience, will do contract or day building anywhere. Phone Redmond 82 fir write' D. F. Dubois, General De livery, Redmond. Services LAWNMOWERS 'sharpened, guaranteed to cut like new; keys made, saws filed, shears, knives ground; phonographs, locks, door closers repaired. Open evenings. Henderson's Shop. 1376 East 2nd. NOTICE: Tree moving is my business. I have the equipment to do the job safely. Also move rocks, stumps and small houses. Winch Truck Service. Phone 1405 VV (Wiley Ellis), 1107 W. 15th. LEO L. RECORD PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEER of livestock and farm sales. Prineville. Oregon. WELL AND DRAIN HOLE drill ing. L. A. Holman, 108 Tumalo Ave. Phone 199-W. RUG and upholstery cleaning at the same prices we have always charged. Rugs 6c per sq. ft. Da venport and chair $11.00. Call Sutton, 1368-J. WE CLEAN windows, wallpaper, kalsomlne, paint, Venetian blinds and upholstery; floors cleaned and waxed. Janitor service, sweeping compound, new Venetian blinds. Call Sutton. 1368-J. WASHING MACHINE Service and wringer rolls for all makes., Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 1033 Brooks. MOVING, Crating, uish packing, storage, hauling. Use Cascade Service. Equipment to handle al most any job. Agents for Lyon Van & Storage. Call 1642-J. Cas cade Transport. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, Sand er belts, band saw blades, new handles hung in tools. Sexton Supply & Ssw Service, 1195 Wall Street SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J D. W. Grimes. 210 Davis Ave.. Bend. TOP AND FILL Dirt, cinders and driveway pumice, scoopmobile and dump, truck work. T. F. uiakeslev. Phone 1405-J. Long-Bell Sawmill Work Is Resumed Longview, Wash., May 18 nil Production is on again today at the Long-Bell and Weyerhaeuser sawmills here with the return of nearly 5,000 workers who have been idle for nearly five weeks. Part of 600 striking boom men and rafters In the northwest, who have affected the operations of other lumber mills from the Can adian bolder to Salem, Ore., de cided to ;;j back to work at t!io former wage scale of $12.75 per day. Nellie L. Selde Rites Wednesday Funeral services for Mrs. Nel lie Leota Selde, who diet! Mon day in St. Charles hospital, will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. from the Niswonger and Winslow chapel. Rev. G. R. V. Bolster will officiate. Interment is to be in Greenwood cemetery. Mrs. Selde had been a resident of Bend for 27 years. Survivors include her husband. Andrew II. Selde, and a daughter, Mis. Helene Van Landuyt, of Bend. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., May IS mi Livestock: Cattle salable 200: calves 33. Market opening slow; about steady; top Monday 30.50 for one truck lot good and choice grades. Bulk medium to low choice steers Monday 28.00 30,25: good heifers 27.00 27.50:, canner and cutter cows today 16.0019.00; common cows up to 20.00; good beef cows Monday up to 25.50. odd head 26.00. Hogs salable 150. Market open ing very slow, few sales good and choice around 200-220 11). bar rows antl gijts steady at 21.00. some held higher; moderate sup ply good 76 141 lb. feeders 25.00. 26.00; ofld good sows 18.00 19.00. Sheep salable 300. Market about steady, active on spring lambs; others slow. One lot good and choice 94 Ih. springers 25.00; good No. 2 pelt shorn lambs 22.00; good and choice No. 2 pelt ewes up tot 10,50. Ill MUST MOV1K PLEASES Champaign. III. mi Isaac Pha res, 86, whose lifelong poor eye sight was remedied by an opera tion, has seen his first movie. He said he likes them and plans to become a regular fan. Profit Taking Strikes Market By Elmer C. Walzer (Unite;l I'rewt Finunulul Editor).. New Yurk, May 18 dl'i A wave of profit-taking hit the stock mar ket just before closing time to day, driving down prices in all sections. The list had moved in a narrow ly irregular course with the lead ing shares showing losses of a few cents. Tickers fell behind the market shortly after 2:30 p.m. Stock after stock was forced to new low ground for the session. Oil shares, strong earlier in the day, gave up gains. Pure oil, one time up 2 points, fell to a small net loss. Santa Fe was wide lower in the carrier issues. Steel issues ruled steady most of the day slightly) below their previous close. Motors added to parly losses. Airlines turned down. PORTLAND PKODUCK Portland, Ore., May IS mi, Portland butter and egg prices were unchanged today. Butter Prices to retailers: Grade AA prints, 85c; AA- car- FOR SALE -REAL ESTATE HOMES $18,000 Brick Apartment House, close In, 'completely furnish, ed. Has rented units and owners' quarters. Gross In come $217.00 per month. Terms. $1 LOOP Oregon's! finest vacation land, Metolius River. Tear round or summer home. 2 bedroom modern, unfinished upstairs. Guest house, garage, wood shed, fireplace, pined heat. $ 8,400 Will F.KA 8 Bedroom Home. Excellent location on Awbrey Road, redecorated, and new furnace. $ 7,850 Modern 2 Bedroom Home with semi-finished attic. Good basement, paved street and 2 lots. $2,950 down, palance at 4. Located at 135 Florida. $ 7,800 3 bedroom and 1 bedroom modern homes near school Good terms. ' ' 7,500 Fine modern 4 bedroom home on river and paved, street. Good location. Terms. $ 7,250 3 Bedroom Modern Home located at 465 Newport Fireplace, hardwood floors, pipe furnace. Excellent terms. ( 7,000 Modern 2 bedroom home located at 1904 West 2nd St Excellent terms. i 6,800 3 bedroom modern home at 1320 Newport, property 100' x 300'. Drive by for inspection, then call for ap pointment. Excellent terms. , $ 6,000 2 bedroom modern homo with additional utility bed room. Basement, furnace, paved street, West Side on bus line. $ 4,500 3 Bedroom west side home, 2 lots, one block off Century Drive. $ 4,250 West Side S 100m modern home In very good condi tion. 2 lots. $ 2,650 Excellent 4 Room home all finished in knotty pine. Large garage, fhl-s Is a very good buy. , $2,500 1 4 room house, large garage, west side. "'., BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $80,000 MOTEL ULTRA-MODERN. Recommended by Dun can Hines Travel Book. Excellent location, well estab lished, known by tourists throughout the West No monthly rentals, dally rates only. Excellent terms. $65,000 9 UNIT EXCELLENTLY FURNISHED MOTEL Close in. Landscaped and all units in excellent condi tion. Books open for inspection to interested party. Ex cellent terms. $39,000 HOTEL with 5 year leases. Net Income of over $500 per month. $10,000 down. $35,000 8 UNIT MOTEL with service station and groceries. Will average $1200 net per month. $35,000 DESCHUTES RIVER RESORT. 160 Acres. Beautiful setting among the pines on upper Deschutes River. 10 Cabins, Home. Store, Boats; all new. Located in the Heart of Central Oregon's finest fishing and hunting country. Good terms. $25,000 TRAILER COURT will accommodate 80 trailers, completely modern, 1 cabin, apartment and 5 room modern home with double plumbing. 6 acres of land with 150 ft highway frontage and city water. $25,000 HIGHWAY TAVERN. Includes frame building, all equipment large walk-in box, 250 ft of highway front age, modern 3 bedroom home. $11,000 down. $22,500 SUPER SERVICE STATION on south hlway. High gallonage. One of the best locations in this area. No phone Information. Call in person at our office if in terested. $14,000 GENERAL STORE, 6 lots, doing good business. In cludes $3,000 inventory and modern 6 room living quar ters in rear of store. 811,500 CITY CENTER SERVICE STATION and cabins in Crescent, Ore. Gas station with living quarters. Good gallonage, also 9 cabins witli monthly rental of $215. $ 9,500 GROCERY STORE in Crescent, Oregon. Price In cludes good building with livlur; quarters, all equip ment and inventory of $2,000, or more. Net of over $5,000 for 1947. Terms. $ 8,500 GROCERY STORE. Includes all fixtures, delivery truck and Inventory. Leased building at $80 a month. $ 6,500 RESTAURANT Well equipped. Fine location on Wall Street. Doing good business. $ 3,800 FOUNTAIN LUNCH with good equipment. Now doing very good business. Excellent in summer months. $ 3,150 4 acres insldo city limits. Good Industrial site. Rail road borders property. $500.00 down. FARM ACREAGES $15,000 110 Acres, 75 Acres Swalley water. Crops all In. Mod ern Improvements. Grade A Dairy barn. $14,500 80 acre farm. 75 acres water. Very nice 4 bedroom modern home. Terms. $14,000 80"aere irrigated dairy ranch bordered by Deschutes river. Complete dairy equipment Included. Terms. $12,600 80 acres, city limits, 67 acres COI water. Can be pur chased In tracts of 5 acres up. 1400 ft highway front age. Good business property. Terms. $ 6,500 40 acres. 32 acres of water, 2 bedroom house. Tumalo District $ 4,750 8 acres Just off Butler Market Rd, l'2 miles from town, 6 room home, raspberries, strawberries, alfalfa . and pasture. $ 4,725 10 acres with 900 ft frontage on South Highway. May also be purchased In a 4 or 6 acre tract $ 1,800 buys 5 acres irrigated, Just outside city limits on highway. Art Rlxe Phono 215,1 loe Tllden Phone 1218 It Kite home loans am a ea. W W aM I 001 Bond St. TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1943 tons, 6c; A prints, 84c; A tons, 85c; B prints, 80-81o. car. h'ASls Prices to retailer, Grade AA large, 58-59c dozen-1 large, 55c; AA medium, 55c-' A medium, 52c; A small, nomL, Cartons 2c additional. Bulletin CJassmeds bring resuiu FOR SALE Stockmen, We have 5,000 aero Taylor g r a z I n g, Bunchgru, land, with Modern home and 80 A. Irrigated place, Owner says SELL. (HICK, Ask abou It clone to Bend, has neari, everything. , . OCCUPY OB REPAIR and sell this well constructed i room home on level lot WEST SIDE, see to appreciate th possibilities. $3800.00. Fine Building Lot on VV 12ih $3150.00. a FIVE MOUNTAIN VIEW LOTS, on 10th, .lust right for exclusive home site, City Wle there, also nice stream, $1350. Down. J. A. DurJrey, Realtor 533 Hill St. Phone 1355J Bend, Ore. J Rob Douirlass Phone 1283-W F. Duborko hone 1107 K insurance Phone 535 H 1 1 I CHI I H m .CearMajmKtTCJiMtV