page six THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON MONDAY. MAY 17, 1948 Outside Help Is Nothing Unusual ' In Northern Italy , By Earl .1. Johnson Unitd l'rni Staff Correaiiondent) Milan; Italy, May 17 IH The men who run the factories in northern Italy have had outside help for so long that they have come to take it for granted. F'or that reason America's h"se Eu ropean recovery program is not the shot in the arm an American visitor might expect to And it in this region. The, big need here after the war was for coal. That important item has been supplied mainly by the United States since the United Nations relief and rehabil itation administration opened shop and is not a new element in the industrial picture. Ameri ca's KRP will keep coal coming and steel is expected to be more plentiful, too. Industrialists have assumed all along that these supplies would be provided and have made their plans accordingly. Government Stable If ERP ended suddenly, the howls of pain from northern It aly could be heard all the way to the plains of Lombardy. Gut the recovery program lias been underwritten by congress and in dustrialists here now base their optimism cut a new and more Im portant development, namely the fact, that at long last Italy ap pears to have a stable govern ment. The defeat of the communists in the national elections last month and the setting up of a firm administration this week by Premier Alcide de Gasperi has beon a great tonic, for factory owners. Their trade unions are dominated by communists and if the commies had gained a voice in government the industrialists would have been discouraged. ,Now they seem more willing to plow their own private fortunes hack into their businesses in stead of relying almost entirely on government financing as they did during the recent period of political uncertainty. You hear talk of full produc tion within a year. But full pro duction in the automobile and chemical factories of Italy does n't mean mass production on a scale comparable to mass pro duction by factories in Detroit or St. Louis. Latins do not drive themselves or their machines the way Americans do. Factories shut down frequently for church holt days. Italy has an uncommonly laige number of these. The standard work week is six days at six and one half hours a day. This Is called a 40-hour week. But scarcely a month pas ses without several fiestas. Another thing that may not be generally recognized about Ital ian industry is the amount of control the government has over it. Except for those in Russia, the Industries of Italy are the most thoroughly nationalized in the world. Through an Italian version of America's reconstruc tion finance corporation (it is called IRI hero Xor the institute of reconstruction of industry) and through other agencies the government now controls CO per cent of Italian Industry. Father-Son Arrangement Keeps Papa Dry In Rain Memphis, Tenn. tin Mrs. Henry Buxbaum looked out the window in the rain and saw a neighbor riding a bicycle. His 9-year-old son was on the handle bars, holding a red parasol over his father. Curious, she found that father and son had a working arrange ment that nets the boy 30 cents weekly. The father pedals the bike to the bus stop; the boy returns it home. In gnawing animals, teeth con tinue to grow throughout life. mm wmm 96. d Dowey for Fri. Cowi, 512 Dibs Ug, rorilond. Mph D. Mow w, Ort. flr. GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SERVICE ... Brake Relinlng ''.,'!:!'. V. -.:.v. '. Motor Overhauling Carburetor Adjustment TIRES TUBES BATTERIES Nelson & Zeek Garage 167 Greenwood Phone 240 Attention Home Owners We need all types of homes. Prices will never be better. Cash buyers waiting. We buy and sell equities. List today for a quick sale. FREE APPRAISAL All State Realty, Realtors 221 Greenwood Phone 167 YOU'RE DRIVING A SAFE CAR Let Our SPECIALISTS Aline and Balance your car's wheels Straighten your car's Frame and Axle , - : Check your car's Brakes and Shock Absorbers Check your car's Headlights We're pioneers In t ent nil Oregon for industry approved HEAR safety serv Ice. Thai's why you know your our '.s safe when yon lei lis check II over. In our modern shop we have all neces sary IIICAK equipment, and our me chanics are factory truliicd In Its use (hey do the Job quicker, easier, heller. Bear Wheel & Brake Service Kenneth C. Cale 117 E. Greenwood Phone 1243 Straus Dismissal Request Is Made Washington, May 17 UPiChalr man I-'orest A. Harness of a house executive expenditures sub committee Friday asked congress to force the dismissal of Reclama tion commissioner Michael Straus and California regional reclama tion director Richard Boke. The Indiana republican recom mended that the house interior appropriations subcommittee for bid use or any ueparimcm iunus to pay either a reclamation com missioner or a regional director who is not an engineer. Neither Straus nor Boke is an engineer. Under Investigation Harness' subcommittee on pub licity and propaganda has .been investigating the reclamation bu reau. Public hearings started last week with Sen. Sheridan Downey, D., Calif., as first witness. Harness made his recommenda tions to Rep. Ben Jensen, R., Ia., chairman of the appropriations subcommittee. In addition to the provision affecting Straus and Boke, Harness proposed that the fiscal 1949 interior appropriation bill direct the president to appoint reclamation commissioners and regional directors. He said the actions were neces- jsary "to restore the bureau of j reclamation to the Inevitable po sition it has long enjoyed as one of the outstanding construction agencies of the government." Harness charged that before Boke became regional director he was "totally lacking In adminis-j tratlve, engineering, reclamation, and irrigation experience." He said Straus was occupying a po sition held only once before by a person who was not an engi neer. 10 Actions Cited He sent Jensen a list of 10 "ac tions" by Straus and Boke based on what he descrioed as "unde niable facts." They related to Straus' recommendation of Boke for his present job, a personnel report which . Harness said de scribed Boke as "clearly unquali fied," alleged misuse of funds, al leged lobbying by StrauB in Cali fornia against army engineer con struction of Folsom dam, and a "tremendous campaign of public ity and propaganda" by the bu reau In California. Wheel-Chair Veterans Excell in Basketball- Chicago IIP" A basketball team of crippled veterans scored 27 straight victories without a de feat for one of the best records posted by any cage squad during the 19-17-48 season. All paralyzed from the waist down because of spinal injuries, the Cizz Kids basketball team of the paraplegic ward at Hines hos pital defeated some of the top fives in the mid-west, including the Chicago Stags professional team. With both teams playing on Dr. Grant Skinner DENTiST ODonnell Bldg. Office Phone 73 Residence Phone 819-W TOP SOIL FILL MATERIAL DRIVEWAY MATERIAL DIRT LEVELING ROCK OR DIRT EXCAVATION PHONE 1459-W wheel chairs, the .paraplegics off set the superior shooting ability ci their opponents with their ex cellent wheelmanship. The op posing fives, feeling like fish out of water, fqmd the two-wheeled vehicles clumsy and unmanage able. The Hines players rode them with the same familiarity and unity of a polo player and his pony. The only natural hot springs in Britain are at the city of Bath. CONGDON LEADS Tacoma, Wash., May 17 IT Tacoma's Chuck Congdon, Wash ington state professional match play golfing champion, held a five-up lead today over Ted Long worth, Portland, Oregon title holder. Congdon shot a sub-par 68 here yesterday in the first 18 holes for the Washington-Oregon match play title. The two golfers LAWN SUPPLIES Garden' Hose Vigoro Lawn Mowers Endo-weed Vigoro Spreader for Rent Weed Sprayer for Rent HOUK-YAN ALLEN 916 Wall St, FIRESTONE STORE Phone 860 QUICK. PERMANENT LOW-COST CONSTRUCTION Get the Facts Today! EUGENE STEEL BLDG. CO. 523 Lawrence St., Eugene, Ore. Seaton H. Smith 100 Drake Road Bend, Ore. VENETIAN BLINDS New Blinds Custom Made Wood Seel Aluminum Old Blinds Completely Renovated All work is quickly done at our factory located In Bend. FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN GLADLY Bend Venetian Blind Mfg. Co. Located In Bend's New Industrial Site 538 Glemvood Phone (Off of FUth Street) 1434-j WE ARE NOW Exclusive Dealers and .. Distributors For BENZ AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK SPRINGS We Also Do Expert Automobile and Truck SPRING REPAIRING! We Have Plenty of Steel JOE EGG BLACKSMITHING and WELDING 945 Ilnsrlmun Phone 1466 W mm. liniltlltliUlilt-liTTiITlTTTiTTrm H. L TONEY J. H. SPEEDLING DENTISTRY Dr. H. E. Jackson Office At His Residence 230 Lava Road it Block North of Delaware Take East Side Bus ALL DAT PARKING 230 Lava Road Phone 134 will play the final 18 holes som. time next month at Fortlarrf. Waverly Country club. ! tm Take &li9 Care of Your 1 Eyes ST U5 PV1 CCTDnlEkllf K1 FS? hormone cream r , nrt Rn CTAA Anr pa 1.00 IS?4 HtNU UKLJti CIO kl JJ . Jims Rexall Store Phone 4 WRINGERS, ROLLS & PARTS FOR ALL MAKES Buy Where You Get Service Maytag Appliance Store 'ELMER HUDSON 10SS Brooks St. Phone 274 Enjoy good vision and freedom from headaches ... you can not be sure your eyes are per fect unless you have them ex amined. Consult us now! Dr.M.B. McKenney Optometrist 908 Wall St. Phone 842-M L00KIT ME W 1 cat lots or ice v-ream Fresh Every Day From The BEND DAIRY It's Full-o-Sunshine "Big Boy" is going to have his ear repaired at Brow n's Automotive Inspection and Tune-Up Station if I have to carry him down there. ' WHO'S WHO In BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES CESSPOOL SERVICE Cesspool & Septic Tanks Complete Service Best of Materials Furnished Our periodical inspection will insure you more efficient operation. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phono 366-W or 716 W Sepllc Tanks Ccsnoo1s CLEANED INSTALLED All Materials Furnished Expert Service Bend Septic Tank and Cesspool Service MB Harmon Phone 1184 W CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and lint Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone 24 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights G E Mazda l-amps All Work tn.urnl .nil t.uranlrl Smith's Electric 1IH.1 Wall Phone AS ELECTRIC MOTORS Jerry's Motor Shop Electric Motors Repaired Armature Re-Winding Minor Repairs or Rebuild DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION M Revere Phone 1440 W ELECTRIC MOTORS EBNER'S V ELECTRIC SERVICE All Types of ELECTRIC MOTORS and GENERATORS Rewound and Repaired, NEW and REBUILT ' MOTORS Illfl Wall Phone 353-J MONUMENTS For Monuments and Mark ers in world's finest gran ites. We guarantee satis faction. Ray Carlson 354 Georgia Phone 388 -M Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS HOUSEHOLD COMMERCIAL Oregon Equipment Co. 165 K. Greenwood I'hone 888 ROOFING SHINGLES SIDING INSULATION - ROOFING Free Estimates Given I'se Our Easy Payment Plan Central Oregon Roofing Co. 83'? Bund Phone 127ft SERVICES DEWITT & DUNCAN Drilling Blastinff Concrete work of all kinds. Concrete Senile Tanks Installed. I'll! Dirt and Top Soil. Hourly or Contract Rates. Phono 7 IB 6th ft Revere or 866 E. 10th SERVICES Willie's Repair Shop 1621 Newport Phono 1420-.I Repairs of all kinds on any make of car. Electric and acetylene welding. Also auto painting. Fast & economical service. All work guaranteed. Open evenings. Bend Cabinet Shop S16 E. Burnside St. Phono 1646 W ' tlohn Cripe Harold Chaunrey Custom Cabinet Work Sash, Door & Screens Store Fix tures. Free estimates. No job too big. no Job too small. We arc in business to please you. Parrish Radio Service 24 Hour Service Work Guaranteed. Free pickup & delivery service. Full line of parts & tubes. Open 9 a.m. lo 0 p.m. 059 Newport Ave. at 10th Phone 1301-1 AAA SERVICE ANYTHING ANYPLACE ANYTIME Home and Commercial Properties. BEND GARBAGE CO. Phono 1M3-W5 COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY PHOTOGRAPHIC OFFSET LETTERPRESS The Bend Bulletin Phone 86 UR TIRE PROBLEM! Keep air pressure up and speed down. Recap as soon as treads are worn smooth. When you choose new tires buy the best. mtty 077 - , , A.-I 3 h''W- 3 ti Whether you select the Gillette Ambassador, The Gillette Tire or the Gillette Bear you get all four. SAraTTI High' ten tile ttrenfth'cord protect, tfalntt bruise brcftkt and blowouts. IONO WUUtl. Gillettt' expertly engineered tread adds milet to tire life. QUICK ITQMI Husky, sharp edjfd ribs all around the tread protect against skid. ' QUAirrr-TUTHH Tested In the laboratory and on the road to assort uniform hign quality. HI ' ITfl rmiltim I BEND AUTO PARTS 69 Oregon Complete Tire Service Dlst, Macmlllan Oil Phone 009