PAGE TEN THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON Air Force Plane, 2 Aboard, Lost McChord Field, Wash., May 11 iipiA private plane carrying two men from the SpoKane air force base to Seattle has been unre ported since April 17 and may have crashed in the Cascades, air rescue officials announced here today. Maj. Paul Sander said the two men, Paul R. Jackson and William S. Burns, both of Seattle, were last reported April 17 at Ellens burg. They took off at 11 a. m. for Seattle in poor flying weath er, flying a Consolidated RT-13.- - . NOTICE . OF SPECIAL ELECTION On Mav 17. 1948 CITY OF BEND, OREGON NOTICE is hereby given that a special election has been called to be held in the City of Bend, on Monday the 17th day of May, 1948. The polls will be open from 8:00 o'clock A. M. until 8 o'clock P. M. The polling places are as follows: Precinct 1 Polling . Place Commission Room at City Hall. For ali territory East of the Deschutes River.. -Precinct 2 Polling Place Kenwood School. For all territory West of - the Deschutes River. Said election has been called for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters, a Charter Amendment authorizing the con struction of a swimming pooL and the issuance of bonds in the sum of Seventy-Five Thousand Dol lars ($75,000.00), a!! as provided in the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 216' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEND, OREGON, that the follow ing proposed amendments to the Charter of said City be, and the same hereby are submitted to the legal voters at a special city elec tion to be held as In this resolu tion provided. . . CHARTER AMENDMENTS ' SUBMITTED . .. TO THE VOTERS . BY THE CITY COMMISSION AN ACT To amend the Charter of the City of Bend adopted bv the vot ers at an election held October 16, 1928, as subsequently amend ed. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF BEND. OREGON that the Char ter of the City of Bend adopted by the voters at an election held Oc tober 6, 1928, as amended, be and the same Is hereby amended by adding -thereto Chapter XI, to read as follows: CHAPTER XI Section 1. The Commission of the City of Bend is authorized to construct and equip a swimming pool for the use and benefit of the people, of the City. The Conv mission is authorized to make BEND FOOT COMFORT SERVICE ' SPECIALIZING IN MECHANICAL FOOT CORRECTION WEAK ARCHES CAUSE FOOT TROUBLE. LEG TROUBLE. BODY TROUBLE Corns : Muscle Aches ' Fatigue Callouses-' Swelling; .' Back Ache Bunions Ankle Aches V Nervousness :. Ingrown Nails Knee Pains , Poor Posture .! Free ArchOScope and X-Ray Examination i Custom-Made and Stock Foot Appliances Orthopedic Shoes for Men, Women and Children Graduate Practipedlst, American School of Practlpedlcs, ; Chicago, 111., in Attendance Buster Brown Shoe Store X-Ray Fittings rules and regulations for the op eration and use of said swimming pool, - including the making of charges for the use of said swim ming pool. : For the purpose of providing funds with which to construct and equip said swimming pool, the Commission is authorized to issue and sell general obligation bonds of the City in the sum of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00). said bonds shall be dutcd, mature and be in such form as determined by the Com mission, and may be made sub ject to call prior to maturity. Section 2. The Commission shall make a special tax levy each year in a sum sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on said bonds as they fall due, which tax shall be in addition to the levy for all other purposes. Section 3. Neither the debt lim itations nor the tax limitations in the City Charter shall apply to the bonds hereby authorized or the said tax levy. - j RESOLVED FURTHER, that this resolution for proposed Char ter amendments submitted to the voters by the Commission be filed with the Recorder upon its approval by the Mayor for sub mission to the legal voters of said City for their adoption or re jection to be voted upon at- a spe cial election to be held therein, and which said special election is hereby called to be held on the 17th day of May. 1948: and it is RESOLVED FURTHER, that a copy of this resolution be forth with upon Its. approval transmit ted to the City Attorney who shall within five (5) days there after, provide and return to the Recorder a ballot title for such measure; and it is RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Recorder be and he is hereby Instructed to publish this resolu tion in full, together with the ballot title in The Bend Bulletin, same being a newspaper publish ed in the City of Bend, once not le3s than ten (10) days before said special election, and also by publication thereof once or often er in said paper within the ten (10) days immediately preceding said special election; and it is RESOLVED FURTHER, that the 17th day of May, 1948, be tween the legal voting hours on said date, that is, from eight o'efcek A. M. to eight o'clock P. M., is hereby designated as the time for holding said special elec tion, and the following polling places and the following judges and .clerks are hereby designated and appointed as the places and the- officials to conduct said spe cial election, to-wit: Precinct No. 1 All territory east of Deschutes River. Polling Place: commission Room at Cltv Hall; (1) Harriett Ryan, and (2) Ruby MeCann, Judges; and (1) Cora Creighton, (2) Florence spencer, ana ioj Ge nevieve Horstkotte, Clerks: Piwinnt No 1 All territory west of Deschutes River. Polling Place: Kenwooa scnooi. in rvi-!i r?niae nnil 191 Rpulah Bockman, Judges'; and (1) Louise Rrnoan 191 Fmma S. Hinman. and (3) Ruby Welcome, Clerks. , WHE.Kt.AS, It IS necessary lur the peace, health and safety of tne city tnat tne swimminK puoi for which the aforesaid bonds are to be issued be built and con structed at as earlv a date as pos sible; - NOW, THEREFUKE, 1- TUC C I ...!!! ICkir, i in preiorreu wniSKtty from Kentucky . is available again I NOW1 CI 3.60 45 or, Codo N. ' . riMlQJtWarUworTw 2.30 'PINT Enjoy the whiskey that's oid Sunny Brook RAND KENTUCKY WHISKEY A BLEND Rallonal "Distillers Products Corporation, New York 86 Proof 65 Grain Neutral Splrltj LONGEST zpmmm TUBE" now pipes calls East t iy Iff declared to exist and this resolu tion shall ginto force and effect upon its adoption and approval. MMo" Apri-rTmby the following vote: YEAS: six NAYSr None ' " Submitted to the Mayor, April 14,1948 w Approved by the Mayor, April K 1948..... . S HANS SLAUavubU, SPECIAL LOW PRICE MOTIIUS HAIR IT IHI MUtT mho. qsgntni Him mini LLOYD WHEADON mi BRISTLEC0MB i 4 2408 N. 1st St. Phone 694 Mayor. Attest: .IV,rIJVIII F i ne Daii'i uuc Amendment,, it will appear up- on tne uuium CHARTER AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS BY THE COMMISSION Shall the Charter of the City of Bend, Oregon, be amended by adding a cnapier pi-uvmmw TUESDAY. MAY 11,1948 the construction of a swlrmnin. pool, providing for the UsuaZ of Seventy-five Thousand tw lars ($75,000.00) bonds to pav t said improvement, and provid . a tax levy for the payment! said bonds. - , 1 100 YES. 101 NO. ' By order of the City Corrm,k slon of the City of BeSd T GEORGE SIMERVILI.E, -MMaMWOiaMWPJaW"WWrii TO. K) poid tor by Rob.rt A. Elliott, Oreoon Choirmon, SIOin for Presldenl Commitlw. tqultobl. Building, Portlond, 0,, 1. Imagine packing 500 voices together in a tube no bigger than a pencil and sorting them out distinctly at the endi That's what we're doing with coaxial cable. Radio -type waves whisk calls through pipes... instead of on wires. ..allowing one "co-ax" to do the work of a number of the more usual kinds of long distance cable. mamMliii m?ril. ,f'ftm fitJI . 11 M miAi i T ill ! m ri i It 2. We plant "co-ax" with giant plows like this. Every eight miles a " booster station" keeps calls going through clearly. For incredible as it seems high frequency waves fade so rapidly in the cable that all the sun's en ergy, if it could be funneled into the pipes, would not carry half-way across the country. 4. Millions of new working dol lars, needed to bring you more and better service, must come not from telephone bills but from' thousands of people who put their savings to work in the telephone business. To attract these working dollars, we must pay a' reasonable amount for their use. We can do this only if we sell our services at fair and adequate prices. 3. "End of the line". ..huge panels of equipment like this sort out the calls carried in one cable. Since December, calls have been going back and forth from the Coast to the East over 2300 miles of "co-ax." And we're adding still more cables to augment long distance service for the Coast's growing telephone population. The Pacific Telephone (jj and Telegraph Company More than 70,000 people working together to furnish ever-better telephone service to the West &um A O N THE (fttdml-(8e& PMlfff Md i .OTFR ." . ALL PACKARD-BELL' RADIO " r W I I I IV." I DUntlArDtDUC ADC ' MOPEL 1881B He.utUul period conaole lnfe . S l ' t-L 'T I I 'I rrlWriUWKArrla AKt w.lnul r finbh. A glorloui 1 Lfj TELEVISION READY! lwmMnt.rt.lnm. See our diiplar of othtr j dlitlnrulshed model.. , T ' PHONOCORO, I j ? m I Yes, right in your own living room you make records of your family's voices . .:. Sister's prize-winning poem' ."'.".Father's pet anecdote . . . everybody s favorite radio program. In fact, a whole new world of entertainment is in store for you with the Packard-Bell PhonOcord. You can save every gag at a party, or even send letters to lolks tar away. Whisper. . Shout. Laugh. Sinr? ... o o 'talking" Do anything you'd like to remember! Even a child can make a perfect record every time on the PhonOcord automatically! Don't forget . ... the PhonOcord is a marvelous radio-phonograph,, too. Truly the life of the parly ... the heart of the home. Come in . . . and see for yourself. Ries Radio & Record Shop JMvf Month lor Unlvtrtol Mokhtd Volume Fidelity. An Mctvsivt ntw Pockord-Btll development! Vjmvf ffloltt home tttwding aufMtottc , no watching, no foiling, no tpoiled ftcordi. wmvf males Alltic fforvetovi ... thrilling tonal dtplh and rictintti. FREE "-WITH . J BVERY PHONOCORD Thf PhoflOcofd Flaj-tKNiit -Kipli, Mend Ml. ond "fill, N.w lor K.toid. Molinj hn" (M 0 hllaritir Until. o olio conilnii. to ttcelv. Pockotd teU'i Swipl ol Ifc. Month" hnl "1 r. . ; Phone 801 ZS. JJ ' ' iaa, cow" M . IiAaUotsVTeJATTl I DOR-1 Tr BE calm T I fMy oucue was Tl 1 rlZZuJZrTJ?A Hutchin.S 1L;npcolled wficanohebemmnhdII HIH iiiMHI-f M i I 7236, ICALM-AND THEY'RE STILL 1 ";U ; Iadjust my brakes & ""' 'tfuA "!flCSiir-;y Oii: lJ "I ... -1 n NEW M ,PC JJ For Sale 11 For Sale - 1942 WILLYS COUPE Hilh Jtadlo and Urate A-1 Condition. Tmok MUD FLAPS 4.00 pr. Willys Paris and Accessories GUARANTEED AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SERVICE HAVE REPAIRS MADE ON OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN