MONDAY, MAY 10, 1948 New Home Run King Takes Place In Big Leagues By Car Lundqutst ; i (United Pres. Sport. Editor) .' New York, May 10 in There was big news in the big leagues today, news about a rag-bag ball club and its 85-year-old "miracle man" manager, news about a new home run star, and about a pitcher who found a way of shut ting out the slugging New York Uiants. - i But to Connie Mack and his as tonishing Athletics went most of the plaudits. The A's, now pos sessing the longest victory string of the campaign, trimmed the Ti gers, 10 to 5 and 5 to 3, yesterday to make it eight in a row. Con nie's kid pitchers and his castoff lineup shone brilliantly all the way. Joe Coleman pitched his second victory , of the season in the opener. In the second game, rookie Lou Brissie won his num ber three triumphs, but it took a four run rally in the eighth to put it away for him. Kelter Gets S Homers ' The new home run star was "Klutin' Ken" Kelter of the In dians, who hit three round trip pers in a double victory over the Red Sox at Boston, 4 to 1 in 10 innings and 9 to 5, giving him nine for the season and the ma jor league leadership. Cleveland took the league lead by eight percentage points but the A's were half a game to the good in the won and lost columns. The pitcher who distinguished himself was Russ Meyer o the Cubs who held the jolting Giants to three safeties in a duel with Dave Koslo that was scoreless un til a pair of unearned runs in the eighth gave Chicago a 2 to 0 de cision. Single Ruins Record The cocky Frank Shea seemed well on his way to a no-hitter for the Yankees against the White Sox at the stadium when Bob Kennedy broke it up with a dinky single in the seventh. Shea went 5on to win, 8 to 0, on five hits, but he definitely eased up after that. The Senators topped the Browns at Washington, 3 to 1, getting all of their runs off rookie Ned Carver in the first inning on a two run single by Johnny Sul livan and a steal of home in a double theft by Mickey Vernon. Walt Masterson, with help won his second game. , ""-j .,,..,. cards. aiov.jup' The Cardinals took over first place in the National, following Harry Brecheen's great one-hit job Saturday night with a 6 to 4 victory over the Braves at St. Louis yesterday. The Phils got excellent south paw pitching and terrific hitting to beat the Reds, 14 to 2 and 8 to 0, at Cincinnati, pushing the los ers into last place. Ralph Kiner's two homers and a good relief job by pitcher Rip Sewell gave the Pirates a 10 to 8 triumph over the Dodgers after Brooklyn won the opener, 14 to 2, at Pittsburgh. Cse classified ads In The Bulle tin for quick results. SPECIAL LOW PRICE LLOYD WHEADON 2408 N. 1st St Phone 694 QUICK, PERMANENT LOW-COST CONSTRUCTION Get the Facts Today! EUGENE STEEL BLDG. CO. 523 Lawrence St., Eugene, Ore. Seaton H. Smith 100 Drake Road Bend, Ore. WRINGERS. ROLLS t PARTS FOR ALL MAKES Buy Where You Oct Service Maytag Appliance Store ELMER HUDSON 1033 Brook St. Phone 274 Irrrrrml ) Mlliixj BRISTLECOMB uut.f.i, T?prm& - .tlllllM' JfW SAtON . mm w wiirtWji Bow, mg Gilchrist and the Wood-Butchers of Brooks-Scanlon played a special match game at the Cas cade bowl Sunday afternoon, with the Wood-Butchers coming out on, top after being all tied up with exactly the same number of pins knocked down for the three-game series. Gilchrist went out In front at the end of the first game by winning with an 86 pin margin. The second game was very close, Gilchrist winning by a single pin, and this gave the Gilchrist Tim ber Co. team an 87 pin lead, going Info the last game. The Wood Butchers just had to win one of the games and this was It, and they won it by 87 pins which gave both teams a total of. 23lK pins knocked down for the three game series. The tie was played off by rolling one extra frame, and the Brooks-Scanlon team "marked" in every frame while" the Gilchrist team was only able to pick up two "marks." Louise Keown had the high game of 194, closely followed by Lew Dutton with a 193. Melvin Mayes had the best series of 533. Scores follow: Gilchrist: Rumble, 4.68; Ernst. 371 1 Louise Keown, ' 477; Larry Keown, 357; Mayes, 533; total, 2306. . Wood Butchers: M. Huffman, 436; Lou Dutton, 450; E. Huffman, 445; H. Hagen, 474; W. Koller, 501; total, .2306. Hodges VV7ns Marble Title Robert Hodges of Allen school again displayed the championship form that carried him to third place in the state last year by winning the class "B" jity mar ble tourney held Saturday morn ing at Kenwood school.. Billy Gilt ner of Kenwood, another No. 1 shot, gained runner up spot and the right, with Hodges, to repre sent Bend In the state playoffs to be held in Portland Saturday, May 15. In the class "A" division for the 6-12 year olds. Dale Snelson of Reid, won the championship from a host of contenders, but was hot ly contested by Dennis Trent, of Kenwood. These two boys will al so represent Bend In their divis ion Saturday in ortiana. The Portland tournament, held at Jantzen beach is sponsored by the Young oregonlans ciud ana the V. F. W. The state champion will be taken by the V. F. W. to Salt Lake City, in June, to com pete in the national marble lour- There is a huge untapped source of edible oil in the palm forests of South America. NERVOUS crank 'even month'? At you troubled by distress of female functional periodic disturb ances? Does this make you feel so tired, high-strung, nsrtoiu t such times? Then m try Ljdla 1. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to niters such symptomal Pink-ham's Com pound Is made especially or women. It also' has what Doctors call a atiwnaotale tnnlfi effect! An, rirussttre. LYDIA L PIHKHAM'S tnSm If you need cosh now for gome special purpose, come In and let us arrange a loan for you. Yon may take 13, 16 or 20 months to repay In amounts to suit your present Income $25 to $300 ON YOUR FURNITURE LIVESTOCK FARM MACITINERY UP TO 500 ON AUTOMOBILES PORTLAND LOAN CO. Norbert D. Goodrloh, Mgr. Rm. 8, Penney Bids., 1010 Wall Telephone 178 BEND. OREGON State Licenses SIM) M321 ALL SERVICE WORK Quaranteed WARD MOTOR COMPANY Bond and Oregon Bend Elks Win From' Burns Y By Lowell JIaudlln The Bend Elks baseball club opened Its home season yesterday on a wind-swept field, defeating the Burns Elks 7-2 with a 12-hit attack. - The Bend team took a lead in the first frame when Gordon, Elk center fielder, came across home plate, forced In by a walk. He scored again in the second inning betilnd catcher Wally Kremers, when they were both driven in by a triple from the bat of Bob Douglass, smooth-fielding short stop. The second inning was the most hectic one for Burns' pit cher, Roy Terry, for he faced eight men before retiring the side. The two runs garnered inJ that stanza were the winning scores. Piland Looks Good Cliff Piland, who started on the mound for the Bend Elks and was winner of the game, set the visi tors down in cut and dried fash ion in his three-inning stint, al lowing only one hit, That hit, by third baseman Ellis Mason, was nullified a minute later when he was cut down on a throw to sec ond, Kremers to Douglas. All in all, he faced only nine men. . Jim Farmer took the hill in the fourth inning and also worked three . Innings. The Burns club nicked him fop three hits one In each inning and one run which was scored on an error. :. Paul Gehrman took up the pit ching duties in the seventh frame and flashed all the fire that he showed last year, allowing only one hit. One unearned run was scored during his stay on the mound. Gordon Leads Hitters Jack Gordon was the leading hitter for both teams, clubbing out two singles and a double in four times at the plate. He was VENETIAN BLINDS New Blinds Custom Made Wood Steel Aluminum Old Blinds Completely Renovated All work Is quickly done at our factory located In Bend. FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN GLADLY Bend Venetian Blind Mfg. Co. Located In Bend's New Industrial Site 6S8 Glcnwood Phone (Off of Fifth Street) , 1434 J SICKS' DONT TAKE CHANCES! Know That Your Ccr's Brakes Are Good What ever your car's brakes need to keep them in top con dition we are equipped to give them expert attention. For Brake adjustment, relining or fluid see the Ward Motor Co. Be sale have us check your car's brakes NOW! GMAC PAYMENT PLAN PONTIAC GMC OF BEND THE BEND BULLETIN, followed by his own teammate, Bob Douglass, who also lashed out three hits, one of which was a triple, but he was officially at bat five times. Joe Decker, one of the three Hrlneville men on the squad and the Bend right fielder, got a double and a single In four times up s The top Burns sticker was Ma son, who hit two-for-four. All pf the visitors' hits were singles. Second Victory Winning this game made it two straight for the Bend club over the easterner's, having dropped them 14-3 last Saturday at Burns. The next Elk baseball game will be under the new park lights next Saturday night at 8 p. m. against the Portland All-Stars. That game will be followed the next day by another between the same teams, which will begin at 2:30 p. m. , R H E Burns ..... 2 5.3 Bend 7 12 3 Batteries: Burns r Terry and Rameriz; Bend Piland, Farmer (4), Gehrman (7) and Kramers, McConnell (4) and Fosdick (7); GILBREATH WINS RACE Paradise Valley, Wash., May 10 HPi Seattle's Paul Gilbreath held his second silver ski cup today after racing to victory down Mt. Rainler's stormy slopes In the event's 10th annual running here yesterday. ... Bulletin Classifieds bring results. Sicis'Select BEER - -.MtowwisjsiuA. lirWINO COMfANY, UUM, OH. turn i AVAILABLE Phone 1595 Ills BEND, OREGON Medford Entry Skids In League Medford skidded from third place to sixth In Far West league standings yesterday while the Marysvllle Braves and the Red ding Browns were moving to within half a game of the league leading Santa Rosa Pirates. Medford lost to the Klamath Falls Gems, 15-12, in a game liber ally sprinkled with wild pitches,, walks, errors and base hits. Five walks, two singles, a double and two wild pitches scored six-runs for the Gems in the seventh inn ing to clinch the game. The Redding Browns' defeated Marysvllle, 9-5, despite five errors by the winners and the genero TRAINED DIESEL MECHANICS NEEDED! THOUSANDS OF SKILLED MEN NEEDED FOR POSITIONS IN THE U.S.A. AND FOREIGN t COUNTRIES Construction . Logging Special to All If yell are mechanically Inclined and detkrt to train far petition In this wide open, lueraUra field, fill out the form below and : mail at bnco. ,. -.7 INTERSTATE TRAINING SERVICE DIESEL 4 HEAVY EQUIPMENT DIVISION 1 WRITE BOX 50-X, BEND BULLETIN 1 want to enter the tractor and toolpment field. Pleaia farnUh m foil Informa tion aboat you tralnlfir and placement ervtc. 1 am particularly interfiled Int .. ( ) Operator ' ( ) Dieiel engineer ( ) Parteman ( ) Demonstrator ( ) Tractor Dleeel Name , . Addreia , City Are Preeent occupation Employed by My ihlft la ......a.m. or ...p.m. give specific 'direction!: FOR sity of Pitcher Harry Chrlstensen, who gave up 11 hits. Pittsburg Wins Jimmy Nunns pitched the Pitts burg Diamonds to 4-2 victory over the Santa Rosa Pirates. He spac ed 10 hits well enough to shut out the Pirates until the eighth. . At Orovllle, the Willows Cards were buried deeper in the cellar, losing, 7-6. The Cards thus far have won only one game in nine starts, . , : MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS - (Br UnlUd Prau) , American League ' ;. . w. l; Cleveland 10 4 Philadelphia New York Washington St. Louis Boston Detroit ..... Offer QI's ( ) Serf lea man ) Bervlce manager ( Trouble Shooter , . .-. Phone , s . , , Slate... , Bait time to aee me It (check one) If yea Hto an RFD or In the country ....1. LIFE INSURANCE EVERY BUSINESS AND PROFESSION ' amOTssam ' m LIES I N VisMwiMtfiM TIMBER Timber is a crop, Once harvested, another crop can be grown. Oregon has 23.000,000 acres of timber the greatest stand of any state in the union. This great industry employs 76,000 workers. More than that, 1 it supports not only lumbermen, but mer chants, professional men, farmers and workers of all kinds. ' But even an industry as great as this is only temporary unless we look to the future. However, the forest industry of Oregon can be made permanent by the use of plain business , sense: KEEP OREGON FOREST. LANDS GROW ING FOREST CROPS. The forester calls the orderly production of forest' crops "SUSTAINED YIELD." u FOREST y CONSERVATION, L Hotel Osburn, Eugene, Chicago .:. S 11 . National League W. L. t : Chicago 1 iv . National League Cincinnati.: . -. 113 .850 St, Louis J .1 W V 467 Bulletin Classlf ieds bring result. New York 117 .611 i Pittsburgh 10 7 .588 W F t fl mJT Brooklyn:... 9 9 .600 fTv'Ji '"Wi 4 Philadelphia 9 10 .474 V n I twitb . i I TONITE & TUES.! :gTUESJ HIT RETURNED I ililt St, Louis 10 5 New York 117 Pittsburgh 10 7 Brooklyn 9 9 Philadelphia 9 10 58 mo-K m -6 7 .46s II SS " anii orul l I I . V VS I . tiHJJiiDF1) I hit no. g L- ? f J sssSSiM (Eiutt iMnut. ma. xmm 1 Iv&Vv sfTwFxPi m extra if ks -?:jl i LILiK , K COLOR CARTOON . I .JT fj jjl m -irrxiwic: j Color Cartoon & News! Our timber industry can have a perman ent supply. The answer is simple keep Oregon's forest lands growing forest crops. Already federal lands are managed for permanent forest production. This plan of "Sustained Yield" will insure a permanent supply without interfering with our overall lumber industry, if pri vate forest lands are similarly managed. Forest Conservation, Inc. organized by a group of far-Bighted timber operators, offers you ' facts on "Sustained Yield." Learn for yourself the importance of a permanent timber supply for continued prosperity. Write today for detailed information. Oregon it the Greateti Timber State Help Keep It Great. PAGE THREE .214 Boston 8 10 ,414 In tha Nation INC. Oregon