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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1948)
PAGE SIX WEDNESDAY. MAY 5.1948 ADS Classified Rates LOCAL-PAID IN ADVANCE 2ft Word Cue Time Oe 28 WonteThree Times SI. 10 25 Words Mix Times ...'.... .$2.W Oa MMk inn, wa or, t4 4r nu JUm nt Mc Cpitb toe Be. to- Me Hue. mmiaiua 0c VupUr 4drrttiiv CloalB liw i P.M. piwiutu 4r. Om fcu p iir Uisw 4v piermu publication. For Sale Seal Estate E. M. BUCKNUM. REALTOR 1029 Brooks St., Phone 331 Days Near Chamber of Commerce ARE YOU TIRED of running the wheels oil your car looking lor a home? If you aie, then eall us for an appointment and we will pick you up at your door and show you our wide selection of fine homes. THIS IS A NEAT little home on Columbia. It has everything to give a lot of comfortable living. Very nice yard with small green house. $5,500. , WOULD YOU LIKE to be within easy walking distance of town? If so, then you should investigate this two-bedroom house on West 5th. It is a good buy at $6,300. TWO-BEDROOM home, very neal and clean. It has a basement with a. pipe furnace. New electric hot water heater, double garage, fireplace, Aile bath, and gas range goes with the house, A baugain at $6,850, , - BUSINESS MAN'S special. On West 4th. Just a few minutes' walk from town. - New two-bedroom home with an attached pa rage, $7,350. EAST NINTH, new two bed room home. Has hardwood floors, fully insulated, nice level yard with large garage. $7900, IN THE EAST EIGHTH district, ultra modern, California style type home. This home has every thing. It has 8 large picture win dow that commands a fine view of the mountains. It is a two bed room home with a fireplace. $11,000. WOULD YOU BE interested in a grocery store? We have one that Includes a nice three-bedroom home at the amazingly low price of $15,500, MIDSTATE REALTY CO. Carl Lindh and Don Peoples Rm. 11 U. S. Nat. Bldg. . . , Phone 495 ON CONGRESS, 2-bedroom mod ern recently redecorated; large living room with fireplace; din ing room; breakfast nook in kitchen; almost full basement, concrete floor, pipe -furnace; 75x140 lot, choice location, $11,000, . $4,000 cash, bal. at 4. In our opinion, this property is worth the price asked. 2 LOTS, Lafayette and 9th, $700. 2 LOTS on the river, $1260. WANTED Several homes at from $5000 to $8000 that are fair ly priced; we can sell them as we have clients waiting. For Bale Beat Estate 1-BEDROOM house, modern, all large rooms; furnished, lawn, ga rage, two-room furnished cottage on buck of lot. Will sell furnished for $4,000 or unfurnished for $3650. See to appreciate. Address 24 Hastings Pi. 160 ACRE ranch, all under cultl vation, 160 acres C.O.I. 75 a. alsike clover, good 4-bedroom home. This is a real set-up priced to sell. Call A. L. Bell, Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minn. Ave. Ph, 1331-J, eve. 1376 R. ANNE FORBES, REALTOR 36 Oregon, Phone 36-W, ONLY $500 down, 2 smull furn ished houses on river, drilled hole, septic tank, 5 garages, $3500. CLOSE IN 3 bedroom home, plastered, large living room, hard wood floors, electric range, also 3-room modern houae. Total price $7800, $2500 down. WEST SIDE, IMMEDIATE POS SESSION,. (1) 4 rooms, shower, clean, garage, $3500, $1000 down, $35.00 month. 12) Paved street, 2 bedrooms, dining room, stationary tubs, 2 lots fenced, $5500, $2000 down, $50 month. (3) 2 bedroomN, paved street, $3150, $1000 down. WELL CONSTRUCTED, clearf, 5 room modern, furnace, $5900 un furnished, $6200 furnished, some terms, . EXCELLENT buy, 40 acres, 27 C.O.I., modern home, equipment, cow, $6700. . 4 MILES from Bend, 40 acres, 27 C.O.I., 4-room modern house, 3 cows, farm machinery, $7,000, Shown by appointment only. 200 ACRES, all or part, 200 acres C.O.I. water, irrigated, level, fin est clover seed and potato soil. Large machine shed, brooder house for 1200 turkeys, chicken house, 15,000 bu. potato cellar, new six-room plastered house, fireplace, automatic oil heat,, five room tenant house, water well, oceans of water, old barn with stanchions, 70 acres clover, 26 acres alfalfa, tractor and full line of equipment, seed potatoes and fertilizer. Small down payment to right party, bargain, see owner mi. north V east Alfalfa store. IF ITS REAL ESTATE ITS ALL STATE FURNISHED 2-bedroom modern west side, 55100, terms. 2 HOMES on 1 Jot on river $2950, terms. 1- BEDROOM modern west side, $2950, down, 2- BEDROOM modern east side, close in, $5500. terms. 3- BEDROOM modern, east side, close in, $5500, terms. 2- BEDROOM modern, east side, close in, $2800, $1000 down. .- 3- BEDROOM modern on Dela ware. $7350, terms. . s r 2 BEDROOM semi-modern, east f irst, i lots, ikswu. 4-ROOM furnished modern, 3 lots, nice view of mountains, $3500. TRAILER house, 3 rooms, factory built, tandem wheels, front dolly. electric brakes, butane range, oil heat, first class condition, $2450. down. ALL STATE REALTY 221 Greenwood Phone 167- For SaleSeal Estate GET IN the ice cream business, new equipment, with an excellent side line. $12,500.00. MOTEL, must leave Central Ore gon. $12,000.00 down. 4 BDRM., just outside city, low taxes, large garage could be con verted into another house. $7500-00 Is reasonable. 3-BEDROOM house In Sisters. $3000.00 or will trade on acreage. CONTACT Earl Ewing, Huff Real Estate Co.. 12b Minnesota Ave Phone 1331-J. Eve. 1691-W. $1800. $500 DOWN, buys good 3 roora house and 5 lots. $3500, $1200 DOWN, 4-rm. mod ern home on cor. lot, price re duced for quick sale. $6000, 3 A. WWATER, 1-5 and 1 2-room houses, good 97 highway frontage, barn and other out buildings. . , CALL Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minn. Ave. Ph. 1331-J. $1250 DOWN, 2-bdrm. mod. home, good location, wired for range, asement, easy payments. 640 ACRES, 132 cultivated and Irrigated, 15 cow stanchion barn, 5-rm. house, basement and furnace, $12,000 wgood terms. CONTACT Clyde Stewart, Huff Real Estate Co., I2tt Minn. Ave. Ph. 1331-J. eve. ,4048-J., , t , LARGE '5-ROOM modern home with basement, furnace, air con ditioner, utility porch, fenced yard, large garage, newly redeco rated, inside and out. $5600 fur nished, $5300 unfurnished. Imme diate possession. Some terms. In quire at 1133 Elgin, Phone 574-J. 2-BEDROOM modern plus sleep ing room up. Close in on pave ment and side walk. Price $3,750.00. $1,800.00 cash, balance $35.00 per mo. GOOD west side location, 2 bed room fully modern home in first class condition. Owner has left Bend and says sell. Price $3,700.00 $685.00 handles. BUILDING LOTS In good dis tricts priced from $200.00 up. 2-BEDROOM ' suburban home with city water and fully modern. Priced at $5,350.00, $2,106.00 han dles. Call.Mr. Locklln VERN LARSON AGENCY 135 Oregon, Phone 32 2-YEAR-OLD 2-bedroom furnish ed cement block, stuccoed and plastered home. 2 level landscap ed lots. Double garage. $4,987.00 with $1,260.10 down. Good loca tion. 2-BEDROOM modern furnished, $3,500.00 some terms. 1- BEDROOM Bml - modern, $500.00 down, $2,100.00, FOR A HANDY MAN, 5 A. with 2- room house. $650.00 down. Real close In. Call Mr. Dubois VERN LARSON AGENCY 135 Oregon, Phone 32 BY OWNER: Ireland's cafe, building, lot and all equipment. 4 room apartment and double gn rago. $6500 cash if taken this week only. Inquire in rear of cafe, 1800 North First. riumMir PROPERTY: Chicken and rabbit business, 2 acres; 1 u.ia r n t hfliTip Mrwlnrn fur nished cottage renting. 8-bodroom modem home on pavea street, just off highway 97. Phone 59 W for appointment. FARM and Bustncst Real Estate Loans made in Crook sr.d De schutes counties, 4H Interest. Midstatn Realty Co., Rm. 11, U.S. Nat. Bldg., phone 403. See Don reopies or can i.inuii. 4-BEDROOM: Modern home, pric ed to sell, well arranged, stone constructed home near schools. Wired for range, basement, pipe furnace. Joazo.uu at unoerrs neai Estate. 4-ROOM MODERN: Furnished home on paved street, very ciose In, City sewer connection, utility room, oil heat. For quick sale at $5250.00 at Gilbert's Real Estate. GARAGE and business, also property located corner Green wood and East Second, priced to sell. See owner any hour. Phone 1235 J. John Thomas. 1019 E. 2nd. 1,7 A MT rpf CG-f 19 1 I t unite nmn. n nil I ' ' . umi jwm. t' f trty with GILBERT. A square aeai, ana prompt, cim-u-m. i-uui-teous service Is yours at Gilbert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SPORTING goods store. $5500, terms. , AUTO COURTS priced from $42,- i9 ii3,uov, terms. NEW BUILDING, self-operating, 4 rentals, net $7500 per year or 10 interest on your investment. It's yours free and clear in 10 years. Good terms. ALL STATE REALTY 221 Greenwood Phone 167 THE BEND BULLETIN, .BEND. OREGON ' : 1 j I Miscellaneous For Sale Mlsrallaneuns I For Sale Miscellaneous I Wanted " BROWN covert cloth girl's suit, size 12, good condition; one light blue gabardine suit, matching coat, size 10. like new. Phone 1324-W after 5:30 p. m. $6950. TERMS. 2-bedroom mod ern home in good district, 1 fi acre tract, city water, elec. hot water, oil floor furnace, located Just off East 8th St. on Jones Rd. 3rd house on left. Call at house or phone 1327-W. Central Oregon Real Estate & Ins. Co., 1039 Wall. 50 ACRES, south city limits, 25 water, 16 aiiajia. 4-room semi modern house, near bus and stores. $6500, Ed Losch. Phone 488-W, Rt 1. Box 16L FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2-bedroom stone house, garage and storage room, nice location, 1 lots, furnace and automatic hot water, wired for ranee. Address 334 E. Kearney. Phone 1244-W. FOR SALE: In Sisters, 2-bedroom modern house and garage, 2 lots 40x111. Priced at $3500.00. In quire for Geo. Carroll, Sisters, Ore. FOR SALE: By owner, 2-bedroom modern, built in '41, immediate Cssession. Inquire Sna ppy unch, 836 Wall St. NEW 2-BEDROOM modern plas tered home East side, electric range, on circulator and Venetian blinds; $7,000. terms. All State Realty, 221 Greenwood, Phone 167. $5250: GOOD 2-bdrm. home close in. Elect, water heater, garage, partly furnished terms. Call Al Bell. Huff Real Estate Co.. 126 Minn. Ave. Phone 1331-J, eve. wio-n. NEED A HOME? Check the Deal of the Day on KBND 8:45 a.m. Call today and Inspect the list ings at Gilbert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall St LOW DOWN PAYMENT: Two bedroom furnished home near grocery and bus line. $2500.00 with only $600.00 down at Gil bert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. 3-BEDROOM: Modern home near school. Gas water heater, and oil heat, laundry trays, and part base ment. $5500.00 at Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. 2-BEDROOM: Modern home on corner lots. Clean as a pin, and exceptional construction. Half block from bus. A real buy at $5800.00. Gilbert's Real Estate. Fuel 16" AND 24" DRY limb wood, loneer burning, ideal for cook stove ' and heater, $12.50 cord. Phone 59-J.. DRY body pine, $11.50 per cord, call 348, if no answer call 1592-W. WOOD will be higher this coming winter. Order now. Scott & Nell, Phone 583. . . 16-INCH sreen slab wood deliver ed in Bend $14 per 2-cord load (2-cord load of 16' dry slab $19.) (You haul $5.00 per cord at yard. East end of A Street). Centra Oregon Fuel Co., phone 201 W. Office 936 A St.. Redmond. PHONE 39-F-21 for extra good dry body wood. DRY body pine wood. J. Rotz Wood Yard. Sisters. Ore. Phone 825. ' For Sale Farm' Products LARGE Guernsey cow, fresh 3 weeks, milking 6 gallons day, 5 years old, $225.00; also gentle saddle horse suitable for children, 2 feeder pigs. Out Burns high way to 4 corners, V4 mile soutH, v mile west. Arftoia rtergoust. Please call after 5 p. m. GIANT Nathan raspberry plants, 5c each. One mile north Sisters Junction, old Redmond highway. 800-LB. c a p a c It y. Montgomery ward cream separator, practically new, $100.00. Al Cazler, second house on right across from air port entrance. Phone 13-F-21. FRYER rabbits dressed on order. Roasting hens, live or dressed. Phone 59-W or call first white house back Carroll Acres store. York's. Free delivery. For Halo Miscellaneous ROUGH lumber. 1 and 2-Inch, 4 to 10 Inches wide, 10 ft. long. In quire Time Service Station, So. highway 97. Phone 1516-W-4. LATE MODEL, deluxe Hotpolnt electric range, deep well cooker pot. timer clock ana mmp. etc. 138 St. Helens. NEW & USED lumber. Corner 15th and Hartford. Inquire ut aluminum house trailer. . KT.fVHIC3 n A urtCM f'A.nia PAlllun J m n ii i. . " - Oregon glunt pansies, snapdrag ons, pclUlllHB, ixTii'iiiiiuia, luvn nl.l.,A oui'Kn nlftnfu' other annuals and- vegetables Soon. cw uguen. GOOD SWING rocker cheap. Call mornings. 1425 Lexington, Phone 1045-w. ELECTRIC, WOOD AND GAS nil uimirl nnrt (Vull hpnt. . i .... KnwAa wnahlno mnnniti fin, 1 t uuAin, ............. - ---, davenports and chairs, davenos, occasional cnaira nu luinui card and coffee tables, floor and table lamps, ainciie ami urenn- 1UBI 0Tl, liumij ........ rakes, shovels and water hose, dooks ana dook rBim, w-niui, chHlrs and buffets, 7 ft. G. E. re frigerator, neas, springs nnu mat tresses. Square Peal Exchange, rraniwni, i nunc APARTMENT - SIZE electric washing machine, floor lamps $1.50, electric heater, magazine rack, radio, kitchen chairs, wick er rocker, kitchen stools, portable vk-trola, mirrors, dressers, birds eye maple vanity dresser, chests of drawers, metal' ice box, hot water tanks; wheel chair, night stands. Cliff's Bargain Spot. 1841 North First, North highway. Phone 1534-W. GLASS SHOWCASE, 4-foot Web er, fine condition. Also baby strol ler, like new. Telephone 729-W or 1927 W. First evenings. 11-FT. PLYWOOD BOAT, seml-V bottom, oak outside keel and chimes well built. $60.00. 324 So. 3rd. Phone 3035-W. USED EASY washing machine, only $45.00. Houk Van Allen, Firestone Store. DEEP FREEZE, jtwo wells, less than 2 years old, $295.00. 341 Florida. REMINGTON portable typewrit er. almost new, breakfast table and 2 chrs., model A Ford motor complete, winfield head and transmission. Phone 1538. SMALL electric vibrator, like new. Call at West Side Barber Shop. 10-INCH tilting arbor table saw, used one year. Complete with dato blades and 2-horse motor. Also 6" joiner with 43" carriaee. with or without motor. See or call after 5:30. Cascade Boat Shop on N. highway. Phone 1443-J. MODEL 95 Winchester rifle and Stevens double 12 ga. Both go for ao casn. Also au ran. oi ammo, goes. Phone 771-W or call In per son at 18 Oregon between five and six, evenings. WESTTNGHOUSE 4-burner elec tric stove. Drawer space. Automa tic oven. Excellent condition. S95. Call 1443-J or see at 2055 N. high way evenings alter :au. RUMMAGE SALE. May 10 and 11.- at Eddie's Sales & Service. Ladies' Trinity Episcopal Guild. FOR SALE: New Hughes Keean crane, all power controlled, capa city 4 tons, weight 5200 lbs. louici pe mounted on truck or sled for loading logs, etc.- Cost $5,000. Will sell for $1,600. Can be seen at Redmond Motor Co., Redmond, Ore. RADIO SPECIALS Floor Samples 8-TUBE AM - FM, trouble-free changer, mahogany cabin"! with record storage space, was $269.50 now $199.50. 7-TUBE blonde model Phono.- Comb. Was $199.50, now $149.50. 6-TUBE table radio, wood cabinet, AU-UC. was $37.05. now S27.05. 6-TUBE AC radio, solid mahog any cabinet, was $52.50, now $40.00. WIRELESS record player In port able case. Was $37.50, now $30.00. ' USED RADIOS JUKE BOX mechanism and cabi net, no amplifier, excellent for game room. $20.00. KCA 8-tube combination, $115.00. WESTINGHOUSE 7-tube combin- HALLiCRAFTERS S41G, $35.00. All radios reconditioned and guaranteed. RIES RADIO. 624 Franklin SINGER SEWING machine, 7 d rawer, electric motor can be at tached; two wood circulators, good as new. Kresky range oil urner. 856 Ogden, Phone 459-W. EASY mangle-in very eood con dition. Phone 1682-W. SHELLEY'S NURSERY now of fers the following northern grown, high quality ornamentals for immediate delivery: Ever greens such as Pyramidal and Globe Arborvitae, Junipers. Cy press and Yews. Many varieties of beautiful lowering shrubs. Perennials such as Chrysanthe mums. Phlox. Carnations, Sweet William, Trltonla. Hybrid Tea Roses also climbers; hardy 2-yr. field grown. Our nursery stock Is hardv and well adapted to lo cal climatic conditions. Shelley's Nursery. 164 East Greenwood., FRUIT TREES .shade and orna mental trees; everbearing straw berry. St. Regis raspberry, and asparagus plants. Shrubs 25c up. Nice hedge plants. Gates Nursery, mile north Bend city limits. Phone 1508-W-2, on 97. LAWNMOWER GRIND ING Our precision grinder is now In operation. 3 separate grinding op erations. Guaranteed to cut like new. No advance In prices. New and used mowers. We trade. Carl Austin, Bond and Greenwood. IRRIGATION canvas. 4, 5, 6 and 8-foot widths. Any length. Also seed potato cutting knives. Fred Hodecker Potato Warehouse, Red mond, Ore. . RADIO TUBES Complete stock Phllco and other nationally known brands. Tubes tested. Bend. Fur niture Co. GLADIOLUS bulbs, roses, pan sies, flowering shrubs, Red Lake currants, Plxwell gooseberries, etc. Phone 1619 J-4. James Price, New Redmond highway. HARTS CHICKS Every Wed. year 'round. New Hampshlres, Roek-Hamp. cross. White Rocks, White Leghorns and Parmenter Reds. Harts Hatchery, Beaver ton, Ore. , PULLETS Parmenter Reds for May. $30.00-100. Harts Hatchery. Beaverton. Ore. IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC motors, gas engines, pumps, exact engineering. Com plete irrigation systems. $500 and up. Also lawn sprinklers, domes tic water systems and water pu rifiers. Call or write Benjamin Russell, 3 miles North Highway 97, Bend. Ore. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS STEELE'S Jumbo pansy plants. Carnation, delphiniums, lupines, painted daisies and other peren nials, rock plants, annuals and vegetable plants in season. 1604 West 2nd, corner of Portland tve. FOR SALE: At a reasonable price, all the machinery in jny cabinet shop. W. A. Jacobs, 616 Florida Ave., City. Tel. 1265-W. For .Sale Used Cars The Hand Motor Co. Invites You to Buy With Confidence 1942 Plymouth 4-door ......$795.00 1939 Olds. 2-dr. 5-pass. sdn. 695.00 1939 Ford 2dr. 5-pass. sdn. 795.00 1938 Buick coupe 895.00 1935 Plymouth 275.00 1935 Ford 2dr. 5-pass. sdn. 450.00 1935 Plymouth. '46 motor, new tires . 450.00 1942 Plymouth, 4-dr. 1295.00 1934 Ford ' 445.00 HAND MOTOR CO. Kaiser Frazer Dealer Phone 1121-J 183 E. Greenwood nt nsunnnr &.i ihinc 80 rubber. $675. Boy's bicycle. $35.00. 1936 Buick motor, 1937 Chrysler motor, 1939 Chevrolet moxpr, au overnauiea ana guar- Service, South Highway across ' fmm Ivino-'s Mi-lct WANTED TO PURCHASE: 2 acres adjudicated water under Morgan. Phone 37-F-3, Rt 1, Box 375. TOP AND FILL Dirt cinders and driveway pumice, scoopmobile and dump truck work. T. F. -Biflkesiey. Phone 1405-J. BACHELOR would like to contact rancher who has room or cabin for i-ent and who would board two huntini? dogs. Rejerences. Write 1933. The Bend Bulletin. MOVING. Crating. sh packing, p oraie. hauling. Use Cascade most any J""- ,, r- 'Z run Ar Storaee. Call 1G42-J. Cas cade Transport. WANTED TO BUY: A good used Ford or Chevrolet pick up. Please call 324. WANTED TO LEASE: Gram land; you raise it. we harvest it . 1305 Elgin a'e., Bend. Phone 768-M. HOUSE being moved out from under us, couple with two chil dren need 4-room house. Phone 1328-R. "VELL AND DRAIN HOLE drffl ineL A. Holman, 108 Tumalo Ave. Phone 199-W. LEO L. RECORD PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEER of livestock and farm sales. Prinevillc, Oregon. RENT or lease house in or near city by May 18th. Will do repairs and keep property in A-l condi tion. Mr. J. B. Butler. Phone 447 R or 1048-W. LET US do your moving, local or long distance, insujeu Hunt Transfer and North American. We move houses and buildings, large or small. Ouen all day Saturdays. Holman Transfer & Storage. 201 Irving, Phone 987. COAT HANGERS: Will pay good price. Inquire Bend Auto Couit DEAD and worthless stock pick ed up free of charee. Phone 1517-W-3. Bend, or 9-F-25, Redmond, collect. Behymer & Myers Render ing Plant TO RENT: Unfurnished two-bedroom house for business man and wife and 10-year-old girL Phone 357-W. WE CLEAN windows, wallpaper. .... i Mln, unnpHsn blinds and upholstery; floors cleaned and waxed, janitor servitc """Tr", compound, new Venetian bunds. Call Suttoa 1368-J. 1 '37. FORD truck for sale, large rack, good tires, also 1 brand new sawmill, has never been uncrated. The first $800 takes both. Logan Trowbridge, Sisters, Oregon. MODEL A Ford sedan. 1302 Da MOTORCYCLE for sale: 1947 In dian, Bonneville Chief, fully equipped. 1114 Ogden or phone 945-R. . 1934 FORD V-8 Tudor, new motor, good rubber, body in good condi tion. Call at 378 Georgia, Phone 774. . 1940 DODGE 4-dr. sedan, radio and heater, low mileage, one own er, top condition. Ph. 1579-R. $1145.00. 1929 LINCOLN 4-door sedan, good mechanical condition, good rubber, clean job throughout. Excellent-fishing car, $250. 365 E. Greenwood. Phone 1027. . FOR SALE at Sisters. 1937 De SotQ 4-door sedan, good shape. Price $550.00. Inquire for Geo. CarrolL AT SISTERS: 1929 Chevrolet pickup, steel dump bed and semi. extra 4-speed trans, with power take off for dump box. Good rub ber. Priced at $175.00. Inquire for Geo. Carroll, Sisters. Oregon. '36 CHEV. farm truck, good con dition. Phone 1602 W-3. or 9 mi. out E. 20, 1 ml. to left. Chas. varco. 1947 VELOCETTE hopped uo 21 cu. in. 2400 miles ago this ma chine cost $775. Excellent condi tion. Full price $460. 664 E. Penn., Phone 1310. 1941 DODGE coupe, radio and heater, 5 new tires, good paint, mechanically very eood. Court. house Service Station, 1194Wall. '36 PACKARD sedan, overhauled motor and front end. $450.00. '35 Chevy tudor, $325.00. 1327 Wall St. Phone 812. AT UNDERHILL'S, 1327 Wall St. 47 HARLEY 74 O. H. All equip ped. Bargain priced $775.00. HARLEY 61 O. H. Fast extras, line machine. 425.00. HARLEY 45. Squirrel's machine. Flanders bars, etc... only $160.00. inuian 74 with lots of extras and good condition for $395.00. For Kent 2-ROOM furnished apt. for rent. No objection to small child. 54 Lake PI. or Phone 1518J-2. 3 ROOM apartment, adults only. una h.. beeond street. RIDING STABLES. 1435 Albany St. Horses for hire, excursion trips by appointment. For Infor mation call Mrs. Ken Gulick, manager, at Gulick's Corral, Phone 790-W. VERY LARGE, desirable room, twin beds, evcrvthine modern. close In. Phone 368, 138 St. Hel- BEE HIVE SYSTEM Trucks you drive yourself any where, no restrictions. 1946 Dodce van for good, clean hauling. Court House Service Sta., corner wan and Bond. Phone 458. or 981-M evenings. WELL LIGHTED otflce. 12x25. street entrance, call at Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minnesota. FLOOR SANDING made easy. Rent the new Clarke Dread naueht electric floor sander and edger. New equipment, low rates. Floor polishers and hand sanders also for rent. We carry all materials necessary for the finest reflnishlng lob. see the Sherwin-Williams Co.. 125 Oregon Ave.. Bend or Phone 21. Wanted WANTED: Experienced man to lease malor oil Co. service sta tion In. Redmond. Capital for in ventory required. Phone W In Bend. iinnn. A IPMWai nr rnnstlder other cheap car. Can have truck bed on back, rnone g-K. LOCAL business man needs two or three-bedroom modern home In good location to rent or lease with option to buy. Excellent local references. Phone 325-J after 6 p. m. TOP PRICES Paid for any kind of cattle at your ranch. Please drop a card to W. R. Franks or call 78. Redmond. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED combination fry cook and waitress. Apply Smoke Shop. WANTED: First class mechanic. Must be expert welder. SL50 hr. Apply in person. 183 Greenwood. PART-TIME MAID: Cozy hotel. Apply in person alter 3 p. m. No phone calls. " I WANT a trustworthy man un der 45 for steady work. Good wages. If you are not steady, don't apply. H. C. Sutton. 1368-J, Window Cleaning Business. FIRTEX APPLICATORS, Red mond grade school, Redmond, Ore. NEED CAT driver and ratchet setter. Contact M. D. Stilwell at Still well's Service Center Satur: day before noon. WANTED: A young woman to clean cottages. No phone calls, please. Apply "Cascade Motor Court 846 So. 3rd, MARRIED MAN to work on ranch, general farm work. Would consider single" man. See Geo. Simmons at Foster Ranch, Pow ell Butte. A l MECHANIC, able ' to take complete charge of shop, salary or commission. Crescent Motors, Crescent. Ore. Phone 796 Cres cent 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. SALESMAN: Earn while you learn, experience not necessary. I will train you. Salary is com mission, earnings unlimited. Year around work. For interview, call Mr. Monroe, 34. AT PAULINA, Oregon, ranch cook for 4 to 6 people. Phone Redmond 123-X or write A. J. Scott Paulina. , EXPERIENCED outside sales man in roofing and insulation needed by local company operat ed store. Age 3545, must have car. Salary and commission basis. Non-experienced need not apply. Write particulars and experience to 1617, Bend Bulletin. Situations Wanted LADY WISHES work in auto court. Phone 1630-W. LADY, capable, good cook, wishes work in motherless home or cook's helper on ranch. Write No. 996, Bulletin. Lost LOST: Black Pandora medical bag. Return to Bulletin office for reward. Services LET RICHARDSON do your up holstering. You may grimace at the initial cost, but you will smile in the long run. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Richardson's Upholstery. 707 Columbia. Phone 148.7-J, Bend. Ore. BULLDOZERS, large or small, dirt moving, logging and land clearing. Dachtler and Davis. Phone 1502-W-l or 1545-J. SEWING SCHOOL NEW CLASSES are starting now for mornings, afternoons and eve nings. Morning classes 10 A. M. to 12 Noon, afternoon classes 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., evening classes 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. Make the coat, suit or dress of your choice while learning. 16 hours of Instruction for only $10.00. These courses are open to every one. Enroll now at the Sewing Machine Center, cor. State and Tumnlo. Phone 862-W. SAW FILING, gumming, ham- tnri ur wpldine. sand- er belts, band saw blades, new handles hung in tows. Supply & Saw Service. 1195 Wall Street rTTI V. nRTVEf .1 hie Have Guests welcome. For reservations fvint.-ir-t Mrs. Ken Gulick at f? lick s Corrat I4i Albany St NOTICE OF SALE I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of Ordinance No NS346 of the City of Bend. Onv gon, a municipal corporation, the undersigned will on the 20th-day of May, 1948. at the hour of io o'clock A. M. in the City Commit sion room in the City Hall, sell to tne nignesi maaers lor cash the followlne described real prowm located in the City of Bend. li. schutes County, Oregon provided no bid shall be accepted for lest than the amount set opposite each respective parcel, which it the minimum appraised price fixed by the Commission of the City of Bend: Parcel No. 1 AH of Lots 1. 2, and 3. Block 7, Center Addition, lying Westerly of ripht-of-wav of Pilot Butte Canal, $250.00 Cash. 128-134-14CC PORTLAND PRODUCE . Portland, Ore., May 5 1Pi Portland butter and egg prices re mained unchanged and steady for the third straignt day. Butter Prices to retailers: Grade AA prints; 87c; AA cartons, 88c; A prints, 86c; A cartons, 87c; B prints, 8S3-S4C. Use classified ads In The Bulle tin for quick results. RUG and upholstery cleaning at the same prices we have always charged. Rugs 6c per so,, ft. Da venport and chair $11.00. Call Sutton. 1368-J. WASHING MACHINE Sendee! and wringer rolls for all makes. I T st its rhmlr vnni- mnphln. ! obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone : it! iujj urooks. FIX FLOOR SERVICE FLOORS LAID, sanded and fin ished. Oak and fir flooring for sale. Estimate glvpn with no ob ligation. Phone 37-F-i. SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, drain1 holes shot. Free estimates Phone : V252-J D. W. Grimes. 210 Davis Ave., Bend. ; FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE HOMES S18 000. Brick Apartment House, close In, completely furnish ed. Has 7 rented units and owners' quarters. Gross In come $217.00 per month. Terms. $U.00P Oregon's finest vacation land, Metollus Elver. Tear rovnd or summer home. 2 bedroom modern, unfinished upstairs. Guest house, garage, wood abed, fireplace, piped heat. $ 8 400 Will F.H.A. S Bedroom Home. Excellent location on Awbrey Road, redecorated, and new furnace. ' $ 7,800 S bedroom and 1 bedroom modern homes near school. Good terms. $ 7,258 3 Bedroom Modern Home located at '465 Newport Fireplace, hardwood floors, pipe furnace. Excellent terms. $ 7,000 Modern 2 bedroom home located at 1904 West 2nd St Excellent terms. . $ 6,800 8 bedroom modern home at 1320 Newport, property IOC x SOW. Drive by for inspection, then call for ap pointment Excellent terms. f 6,000 2 bedroom modern home with additional utility bed room. Basement furnace, paved street, West Side on bus line. $ 5,250 Modern 2 bedroom Home with pipe furnace. Also 3-room modern house now rented at 35.00 per month. Terms. $ 3,500 4 Room Modern Home close in, located at 210 East Franklin on highway. $ 2,500 4 room house, large garage, west side. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $80,000 MOTEL ULTRA MODERN. Recommended by Dun can Bines Travel Book. Excellent location, well estab lished, known by tourists throughout the West. No .monthly rentals, daily rates only. Excellent terms.. $65,000 9 UNIT EXCELLENTLY FURNISHED MOTEL Close in. Landscaped and all units in excellent condi tion. Books open for Inspection to interested party. Ex cellent terms. $39,000 HOTEL with 5 year leases. Net Income of over $500 per month. $10,000 down. , $35,000 8 UNIT MOTEL with service station and groceries. Will average $1200 net per month. $35,000 DESCHUTES RIVER RESORT. 160 Acres. Beautiful setting among the pines on upper Deschutes River. 10 Cabins, Home. Store, Boats, ail new. Located In the Heart of Central Oregon's finest fishing and hunting country. Good terms. $25,000 TRAILER COURT will accommodate 30 trailers, completely modern, 1 cabin, apartment and fi room modern home with double plumbing. 6 acres of land with 150 ft highway frontage and city water." $25,000 HIGHWAY TAVERN. Includes frame building, all equipment, large walk-In box, 250 ft of highway front age, modern 3 bedroom home. $11,000 down. $22,500 SUPER SERVICE STATION on south hlway. High gallonage. One -of the best locations In this area. No phone Information. Call in person at our office if in terested. $14,000 GENERAL STORE, 6 lota, doing good business. In cludes $3,000 inventory and modern 6 room living quar ters in rear of store. 111,500 CITY CENTER SERVICE STATION and cabins in Crescent, Ore. Gas station with living quarters. Good gallonage, also 9 cabins with monthly rental sf $215. $ 9,500 GROCERY STORE In Crescent, Oregon. Price In . eludes good building with living quarters, all equip ment and Inventory of $2,000, or more. Net of over $5,000 for 1947. Terms. , $ 8,500 GROCERY STORE. Includes all fixtures, delivery truck and Inventory. Leased building at $80 a month. $ 6,500 RESTAUR ANT Well equipped. Fine location on Wall Street Doing good business. $ 3,800 FOUNTAIN LUNCH with good equipment. Now doing very good business. Excellent in summer months. $ 3,150 4 acres inside city limits. Good Industrial site. Ball road borders property. $500.00 down. FARM ACREAGES $14,500 80 aero farm. 75 acres water. Very nice 4 bedroom modern home. Terms. $14,000 80 acre Irrigated dairy ranch bordered by Deschutes river. Complete dairy equipment Included. Terms. $12,600 80 acres, city limits, 57 acres COI water. Can be pur chased in tracts of S acres up. 1400 ft highway fron age. Good business property. Terms. C'SM '0 seres. 32 acres of water, 2 bedroom house. Tumalo MLstrict $ 4,750 8 acres Just off Butler Market Rd. IV, miles from town, 5 room home, raspberries, strawberries, alfalfa and pasture. 4,725 mV? ?CIXk wlth 00 ft frontago on South Highway. May also be purchased In a 4 or 6 acre tract "!0.40 Ac;es."'"nalJ house, barn and ehlcken house. 29 snares of water. Water alone worth the asking price. Terms cash. $ lm highway5 irr'sacd' Just outside city limits on Art Rlxc Phone 215-J Joe Tllilen Phone 1218-n S7 home loans Bob Douglass Phone 1283-W F. Duborko Phono 1407-B 901 Bond St insurance Fhone 535