LbMLiuljuluj 162 Greenwood Ave. We Invite You to Attend Our SATURDAY, MAY 1 We're proud of our newly enlarged and remodeled garage and dis play room for the great DeSoto and Plymouth automobiles, and we invite you to attend open house tomorrow from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p. inspect our modern home. See our conveniently arranged parts department stocked with a complete line of Chrysler's MOPAR parts and accessories for all DeSotos and Plymouths. See our new enlarged .... . : repair shop and its modern equipment for diagnosis and repair of all car alignments. See our redecorated offices and display room, and see the 1948 DeSoto and Plymouth. . . . and during your visit ask us for your free ticket for the valuable prizes to be given away tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 p. m. YOU MAY WDN One of these VALUABLE PRIZES 1. TABLE MODEL RADIO 2. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC TOASTER 3. ELECTRIC CLOCK There's no obligation You need make no purchase You need nor be present at the drawing to receive your prize DRAWING 3:30 P. JUL - DESOTO - PLYMOUTH