) PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 29. 1948 Foe Of Chiang. Named To Off ice Nanking, April 29 miGen. Li TsungJen, one-time political foe of Generalissimo Chiang Kat Rliek, was elected China's first ' vice president under (lie new con stitution today. Lj, the insurgent candidate, de feated incumbent and official party candidate Sun Fo, 1438 to 3295, on the fourth ballot in the national assembly. His victory climaxed onl of the strangest political contests in the history of China, one in which all candidates withdrew only to re- . enter again at the request of Gen. Chiang, who was elected president In an earlier race. Last Sunday the 58-year-old Li, who rose from the ranks to be come a general, charged that the ballot was not free and that the powerful Kuomintang party ex erted pressure to defeat him. As sembly delegates, rebelling against the . Kuomintang. then staged a noisy demonstration aft- rr which all candidates announc ed their withdrawal, suspending the race temporarily. Gets New Support Li won with support from dele pates who previously had backed Gen. Cheng Chien, a candidate eliminated automatically on the third ballot. He told the Cheng delegates just before the final vote that China needed political reform. "Those who are in favor of such reform, and those whose will cannot be shaken, I request to go nlong with me," he said. LI will be inaugurated on May 5. Two Alligators Reach Seattle Salem, April 29 (lP)Baggag- men at the Southern Pacific depot here are quite familiar with alli gator in the bag, not on the hoof. Yesterday they got acquainted with the real McCoy two live, Six-foot alligators that worn shin. ped from Florida In crates. The repines are tor an aquarium at Delake. Condons Loyalty Report Sought Washington, April 29 B An gry house members threatened today to block new funds for the commerce department until It re leases an FBI loyalty report on Dr. Edward U. Condon. Sources close to the house ap propriations committee said the commerce -state -justice depart ment appropriation bill may be held up "Indefinitely" because of the commerce department's refu sal to give the letter to congress. "If . that's the way the com merce department and the presi dent want to act about it, we'll see how they feel if we decide to hold up their money," these sources said. Director of Bureau Condon is director of the com merce department's national bu reau of standards. He was ac cused by an unAmerican activi ties subcommittee of associating, knowingly or not, with an alleged soviet secret agent. The scientist has denied the charges against him with the full backing of his government supe riors. The department, acting un der direct orders from President RADIANT PANEL SYSTEMS Designed and Installed Steam and Hot Water Heating Systems Mastercraft Oil Burners DB LUXE HEATING CO. 258 IIIIlSt. Phone 1382 2,000 'Agitators' Arrested In Korea ' Kobe, Japan, April 29 it'll U. S. army Kobe base headquarters an nounced today that nearly 2,000 Korean and Japanese "agitators" arrested during recent Korean riots have, been turned over to Japanese police. The army said the arrests would continue. The army banned a parade scheduled by the Japanese Elec trical Workers' Union today on grounds It still was necessary to prohibit gatherings of more than nine persons. Meanwhile, Koreans continued Truman, also has refused to give up the letter despite an official house demand. BEND OIL HEATING ENGINEERS Oil Burner Sales & Service Cleaning- Adjusting Installing Repairing G. A. LOWES 808 Broadway Phone 1312 to make protests, although peace fully, to Japanese authorities about a law ordering Korean schools to comply with Japanese curriculum requirements. Trouble Expected The possibility of trouble was anticipated tomorrow or Satur day when police try to close down Korean schools which have re fused to follow the law. Lt. Gen. Kobert L. Eichelberger, commander of the Eighth army, said the occupation army was prepared to handle any situation that might arise on Ma day "if, for example, subversive elements attempt to take advantage of la- last' week end were fostered by bor demonstrations and Incite via- communist elements. lenee." " The army announced it has fur- A conyevor belt for carrying ther evidence that disturbances hot material is made of rubber and glass fiber; one used six months in carrying hot sand at around 400 degrees Fahrenheit showed little signs of wear or damage. VENETIAN BLINDS W. ara caapbtolj tqalppcd ta Man factara, nadl ar repair all trpaa af Vaaatiaa BUnaa. Wa Inrlta m ta Utt aai m Boaara .bap at or aarliwt ajsvwUmca. w New Blinds Custom Made Wood Steel Aluminum Old Blinds Completely Benovated Drapery Boxes Made to Order REASONABLE PRICKS FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN GIADL'Y BEND VENETIAN BLIND MFG. CO. Located in Bend's New Industrial Site. 538 Glenwood. . , Off of Fifth Street. PHONE 1484-4 BLACKTOP PAVING We are equipped to take care or your individual need; whether you own restaurant, service station, auto court, etc., or need a driveway for your home. Guaranteed blacktop surface at a new low price. Get a free estimate today. The season Is short. COAST BLACKTOP PAYING CO. P.O. Box 770 Phone 1208-W It's the BOLD LOOK! America's Own at STOVER-LEOLANCim HWSW'i It's the new bold look. It's the new look that Identifies the American man wherever he may be ... walking down Washington's Pensylvania Avenue, New York's Fifth Avenue ... or maybe crossing our own Wall Street. It's a new and distinguished look brought to you by STOVER-LeBLANC, Inc. BOLD LOOK SHIRTS in BOLD LOOK in SOCKS BOLD LOOK in SHOES A fine broadcloth or oxford cloth by Wilson Bros, with short and bold wide spread collar points. Comfortable long wearing socks ' in handsome color combinations, pastel colors and plains. Jarman shoes built for wear and comfort . . . with extra heavy bold soles. SEE THE NEW BOLD LOOK IN KNOX HATS TIES SPORTSWEAR STOVER-LEQLANC inc. Bold Look in Suits Suits that give you self confidence because they 're tailored right and fit better. fl MAN'S STORE" The .JOHN WETLE COMPANY READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. 2ND FLOOR Farmers' Day Specif Ladies' Dressy Dresses Silks and rayons In fall, winter and spring; styles. Cheaper than a house dress. Buy one or more at this redlcuously low price. . ... . Values $10.95 to $39.60 ' $C Ofl YOUB CHOICE 3a70 Use Our Lay-Away Plan Nationally Known Merchandise Carried In Our Ready-To-. Wear Department NELLY DON MARTHA MANNING CAROL KING BE A YOUNG BABS JR. FRANCES DEXTER GAIL CARNOGY L'AIGLON TERRY ROGERS furs by ed Hamilton JOSELLI INWOOD HOBBETTE PETTI MADEMOISELLE BETTY HILL DANNYBROOK Fur Coats Specially priced for Farmers Day. Use Our ' Lay-Away Plan New Spring & Summer Ladies' Coats Shorties and full length coats in the year's newest styles and shades. $22.95 to '59.50 Ladies' Dresses Silk, rayon or faille dresses In the newest patterns. Prints and plain colors, .lu ll lor sixes 9 to 15, ladles' sizes III to 52, half sizes 14 "i to 821i. $5.95 to '49.75 Ladies' Suits Cotton Dresses The newest flattering shades and styles for spring and summer. Junior sizes 9 to 15, regular sizes 10 to 42. '25.00 to '79.50 In holh regular and larger sizes ... all In the newest styles ami colors for spring ami summer wear. Sizes 9 '2.98 to '14.95 Visit Our MILLINERY DEPT. Styles and sizes to fit every head . . . and to compliment your ipriiiR and summer ensemble. 2nd Moor. Ladies' Extra Heavy Chippewa Coats 100 wool coal In' block plaids. The No. 1 coat for outdoor weur. '12.95 Girls Cotton Dresses Fancy trimmed cotton dresses In an assortment of the newest spring colors and styles. Sizes 7 to 12. '2.98 to $4.95 Farmers' Day Special Girls' Spring Coats filrls' all wool coats In new shades and styles lo choose from. ta"1:!'! $7.98 EST..!' $3.98 DRY GOODS DEPT. Farmers' Day Special No Mend Hosiery Full-fashioned nylon hosiery ... 45 gauge, slightly Irregular. $1.65 Value OQ SPECIAL OC Farmers Day Special COHOMA FABRIC New hankasheer. This Is a new and Im- troved version of a famous Cohoma name completely restyled n keeping with the times. A washable fabric with a beautiful array of appllqued type border suiting. All ray- QQ on, 38" and 39" wide. $1.39 yd. value. OC yd, BENBBKG SHEER FABRIC In pastel colors for spring. A Rosewood fabric, washable, cool and nice for $ jLQ summer. 40" wide laOT yd. Sew and Save with POLO SUEDE 100 wool coating sponged and shrunk. Make your own coat and see what you save. Available in Kelly Oreen, Red and Beige. $i AC 58" wide f.73 yd. BLACK BENGALINE faille, popular for suits and skirts. Rayon Faille. 42" wide $1.49 yd. Heavy Faille, 48" wide $2.50 yd. BLACK BENGALINE 40 worsted, 60 ray- $) AO on. 48" wide ata70 yd. Black and white MOIRE, 45" wide $1.98 yd. Most Complete Line of Yardage Goods in Central Oregon Sew ana Save Farmers' Day Special Girdles and Pantie Girdles Values to $15.00 REDUCED 25 . Brassieres and Garter Belts Values to $1.50 79c EXPERT CORSETIERES AT YOUR SERVICE Munsingwear Girdles Two-way stretch girdles with the famous Munsingwear name. '2.25 Gossard Corsets Gossard front lace corset with short or long skirt. Firm sup port for women with 28 to 86 Inch waist. '6.50 to '12.50 Just Received Chippewa Jackets "She's Good" 100 Wool FOR BOYS, MISSES & LADIES Just the coat for cool nights ... to wear wherever you go, indoor wear or out-of-door sports wear. In brown and white, black and white, or black and red block plaids. '5.95 BOYS' DEPARTMENT Boys' Sweaters Wool and part wool sweoters slip-over and coat styles. Values to $3.98 $1 70 . SPECIAL I . 7 . . . Invites you, the people of Central Oregon, to visit ttiis modern ladies' and children's department store whenever you are in Bend. For 25 years a Central Oregon institution carrying nationally known merchandise at reasonable prices, WETLE'S is proud of its many friends throughout this area. Old friends and new ones are always welcome at WETLE'S, where it is our aim to serve you efficiently, courteously and in a friendly maner at all times. You'll find it saves you money when you shop at WETLE'S, too hereiswhy 1 SPORTS DEPARTMENT Ladies' Farmerettes Something new, something different. Just like lady's overall only all dressed up with nail head trimming around pockets. Zipper side fastener. In pastel denim. Ideal for outdoor wear. Sizes 18 to 20. '5.95 Boys' Tumbl-Tog Coveralls Blue and white pencil stripe coveralls for boys. Short sleeves, drop seat, belted model with' snap fasteners. Sizes 2 to 6. Nnnforlzod. '1.98 Tumbl-Tog blue chambray coveralls. Prop seat, belt style, snap fasteners, short sleeves. Sizes 2 to 6X. '1.59 , Farmers' Day Special Cotton Pants Boys' extra heavy cotlon slacks and pants. Sizes 12, 14 and 16 only. Values to $2.98 Only '1.39 Dress or Sport Shirts Boys' long sleeve shirts for dress or sHirts wear. An assortment of patterns to choose from. Sizes 10 to 14 only. Values to $2.20. Polo Shirts leavy white knit polo shirts. Sizes small, medium and large. $1.89 value. While they last. 98c Bull Head Jeans Sanforized, guaranteed not to shrink or rip. A new pair If they do. Twill Slacks Navy blue cotton twill slacks, sanforized for certain fit. Sizes 10 to 20 and 40 to 44. '5.50 Overalls Ladies' pin check denim over alls. Ideal for spring and sum mer wear. '4.98 Ladies' Strutter Slacks Ladies' slacks styled in Hollywood by Campus Modes. In aqua, grey, copper, navy, brown or green, with belts to match. Sizes 10 to 20. '5.95 Sizes 2 to 6 . Sizes 6 to 16 .$1.49 .$1.89 Dress Shirts Blue or tun broadcloth only. Long sleeves and short sleeves. Sizes 2 to 10. Values lo $1.39. 79c SHOE DEPARTMENT Farmers' Day Special' Ladies' Dress Shoes Broken lots of ladies' dress shoes in black, brown, red or green. Values to $8.90 $ AQ YOUR CHOICE A.07 '1.39 Infants' Sweaters All wool, embroidered trim, white, pink and blue. '1.89 to '3.49 Baby INFANTS DEPARTMENT RinnifAtc uresses alIIMl Brown Oxfords Peters Weather Bird brown leather oxfords for women. Welt sole, rubber lifts, combi nation last, flexible arch. For outdoor wear. '8.50 Black Kids Krippendorf Foot Best Shoes, nationally advertised. Black kid, gypsy tie, arch support, combination last, covered Cu ban dress heel. Sizes 6'i to 10. Widths B to A AAA. '9.95 Warm spun Bunny Ksmoml baby blankets. Blue, satin bound In pink or pink, satin bound In blue. , '1.98 to '2.98 North Star baby blankets. An Ideal girt. In pink, blue, gold or white. '4.95 to '7.95 Madertu hand made white dresses with embroidery trim and Philippine dresses with embroidery hand made In the Philippines. '2.98 to '3.98 Friendly Sports Shoes Nationally advertised footwear for women and misses. Brown, two-tone tan, brown and white, and butterscotch oxfords; sand als In white, butterscotch, red, green, tan and black. '6.95 and '7.50 Infants' Soakers Knit all wool soakers in pink, while and blue. '1.19 to '1.98 INFANTS'. CHILDREN'S SHOES IN ALL STYLES AND SIZES All Sales Final on All Sale Merchandise No Refunds No Exchanges SEE OUR WINDOWS WO IE OH PLACE TO TRADE Many, many items in the store with special sale prices which will be on tables and counters marked with special sale cards.