PAGE EIGHT THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON Watch Labels On . Fertilizer Bags, King Advises ; When buying fertilizer look for the label that tells the minimum amounts of plant food nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash that are contained in the sack. This suggestion is made by Arthur S. King, O.S.C. extension service soils specialist. He says the current shortage ,of fertilizer, particularly nitrogen, has result ed in a general price rise. Much brought about by high transpor of the increase is legitimate, tation and production costs. In some instances, however, the in crease in price is purely specula tive. The general scarcltv of fertlli- , zer has made it possible to sel' material that falls below a speci fied grade, or, even worse, to sell material that carries no guaran- tee as to the plant food content. . Under Oregon law, King points out, dealers are expected to reg ister their various grades of fer- ' tilizer with the state department of agriculture. The law a'so re quires that all fertilizers be plainly marked with a label show ing the minimum amount of the three plant foods, nitrogen, phos phorus and potash which are con tained in it. ' Dealers Reliable Established dealers conscien tiously live un to the renuire ments of the law, King states. ; Thus, buyers mav safely eomnare the fertilizer values on the basis of the label. Because of the in creased cost, farmers can well af ford to be more particular than ever about the da it food content of the material. If the material contains the needed n'ant food, the use of fertilizer will be nro fitable recardless of the higher ' prlop. King states. There are a number of mpiwF of evadinu the law, however, and ""'many types of material un b" . sold for ann'lcation to the soil without carrvlnR the necpssary guarantee. It poi'ld nn orw,o"s ; to evervone, Klnp emohasizes. : that material that rioes not oarrv the standard label should be look- : ed upon with suspicion. EXPLAINS ERRATIC DRIVING Atlanta, Ga. Ui Police won dered why there were so many "drunken" drivers along two blocks of Piedmont Ave. Investi gating, they found that novice operators of the city's traffic marking machine had let slip too often and painted a badly zig zagging lne down the middle of the street. The motorists were following it too faithfully. Tumato Tumalo, April 23 (Special) Alta Mae McFall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen McKall of Tumalo, left April 21, for Pendleton where she was to be installed as state historian of the Future Home makers' of America at the an nual meeting of the Oregon F. H. A. association. ' Alta Mae a sophomore at Redmond union high school, was chosen as one of two nominees by a state com mittee, following which all Ore gon chapters, 67 in number, voted naming her the winning contes tant for the office. There are 3900 members of the F. H. A. In Oregon. Helen Suhre of Tumalo will also attend the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baker and family picnicked at Warm Springs a week ago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson and children Donna and Dickev and Mrs. Thompson's father Joe Johnson, returned home the first of the week from a month's trip through the midwest. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson left their chil dren with ttielr father and went on to Chicago for a few days. visiting urand Coulee on the return trip, the party en route east saw the grand canyon, went ihrough California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, then drove north through Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas. Iowa. Nebraska and South Dakota, stopping off to visit relatives at several points. The Sagawana 4-H cooklnc club, composed of a group of i umaio graae scnool ooys, met in the kitchen in the school base ment on April 5. Demonstrations on the making of baking powder biscuits were given by Jack Al ley ana ny Eric Sandwick and Dwayne Suhre. The next meet ing of the group will be on Sat urday, May 1, when" the boys will have an all-day outing. The fol lowing boys were present at the last meeting: Jack Alley, Jack Schneider, Virgil Armstrong, Bob White, Bud llanneman, Jerry Nash, Pat Nash, Dwayne Surhe and Eric Sandwick. The Sagawana 4-H poultry club will hold the next meeting of the group In the school basement fol lowing which the boys will in spect the flocks of chickens of the various members. Jack Al ley has 72 chickens, Burton Schneider 100 and Jack Schnei der has 23. Tumalo Extension unit met April 27 at Tumalo grange hall, with Mrs. Dora Cooper, Deschutes county home demonstration agent, in charge of the program which was on "Kitchens." A pot luck luncheon was held at noon, 17 ladies being in attendance at the meeting. Election of officers was held, Mrs. Arnold Sandwick being named president, Mrs. Fred Sheperd, vice president, and Mrs. Emmett Maine, secretary treasurer. The lecture hour for Tumalo grange Friday evening was ar ranged by Vern Hartford and con sisted of the following: A film, entitled "Twenty-Four Hour Serv. ice," presented by the Pacific Power & Light company and ac companied by a talk by Mr. S. E. Skelley of the Portland olf Ice of the P. P. & L Co. Walt Stauf facher, manager of the Redmond office of the P. P. & L. Co., played several selections on the piano. C. H. Kelley of the Bend office also attended the meeting. Bus iness transacted at the business session of the meeting consisted of electing Arlene Chaney as lady assistant steward .to fill the va cancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Joe Henry, and of vot ing in favor of a resolution to be sent to the county court asking that some action be taken in cleaning up tin cans and other debris which has been, and is be ing, dumped along our highways and country roads. Grangers feel that the scenic beauty of our county is being marred by this practice of dumping trash promis cuously along the roads. Tumalo grange is having a par ty at their hall Friday evening, April 30, to which grangers and members of their families and friends are invited. A clean-up day for the Tumalo cemetery has been set for the grange for Saturday, May 15, at whlcn time anyone willing to as sist with this work, is invited to come out and help. Guy Keller is in charge of the clean up. J. h. Jones attended an execu tive meeting of the 4-H club lead ers of the state recently in Port land. Jones was appointed to represent all of southeastern and Central Oregon at this meeting. Vern Hartford spent a couple X-RAY and Physical Examination Early Detection of many ailments Is necessary to successful treatment. If yon are not enjoying' full health HAVE A rilVSICAL CHECKUP Drugless Methods may solve your Health Problems i Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chiropractic Physician Phone 104 We aro hero to serve 124 Minnesota Bend, Ore. lop r&rf of days In Portland for a physical check-up the first of lust week. Vern flew down, returning home by car. Tumalo grade school baseball teams went to Sisters last Friday and the girls team won over Sis ters, 16 to 2. The boys' game scored 1 to 1 when the game was rained out. The week before, both Tumao teams were victor ious over Terrebonne teams which made the trip to Tumalo lor tne games, bcores lor ine games were 9 to 4 for the boys and 20 to 7 for the girls. Tumalo grange voted to dis pense with the next regular meet, mg Friday, May 7, in order to keep the hall clean for the Po mona meeting to be held on May a. The group also voted to do nate $5 to the cancer fund. 'Take :fj2t2 Care Twi of ; Your limkA Eyes Enjoy good vision and freedom from headaches . . . you ean not be suroyour eyes are per fect unless you have them ex amined. Consult us now! Dr.M.B.McKenney. Optometrist 908 Wall St. Phone 342-M Old Purse Trick Used In Portland Portland, Ore., April 26 u"i Portland police were looking to day for a man and women richer by $200 because of an old confi dence act known to the trade as "pigeon drop." Miss Hattie Hamilton told po lice she met the couple downtown just as they found a purse in a t utter. They opened it and found 2,000. Next, they offer to cut Miss Hamilton in on the money, FROZEN FOODS LOOK FOR THE BP'lriT YELLOW PACKAGE but she would have o put up $200 In "good faith." She did. The pair went off to check with a so-called "boss." "They didn't come back," said Miss Hamilton. Tungsten deposits in central Australia will soon be exploited; there are good prospects of fa vorable returns. . . POETIC JUSTICE Indianapolis Ut Patrolman James A. Miller has handed out hundreds of parking tickets. Then another policeman got him for illegally parking his motor cycle. Without saying a word, Miller shelled out $2 at traffic court. .' . Bulletin Classifieds bring results. TUESD7YAPRILj7j HAVEN ran nr..,.. "nuiKS Atlanta, Ga. ilPi D "? seem to have the Inside Jobs with the state highw.1 partment, Chief engineer Neel complained. Neel saw011 maintenance staff of i arj? 61 ployes is such a political diW Biuunu mai ouen we ean'i t some uninterested worker -stays drunk half h n-:.. fc demands top condition Time to see us for a spring check-up -J 4 Come In . . and we will Check spark plugs battery, tires, flush radiator and make complete under-car inspection. We'll lubricate chassis with long-lasting MARPAK, the tough lubricant that gives you "cushiony" driving. Protect gears with proper grade Texaco lubricants. Drain and refill crankcase with HA VOL INK, the modem motor oil that CLEANS as it lubricates. -, And we'll fill your tank with SKY CHIEF, the luxury gasoline for those who want the best or FIRK CHIEF, the motor fuel for utmost power at regular gasoline prices MISSION TEXACO SERVICE Glen Phillips Bond and Franklin Phone 340 FALLING OF THE 4LASS" IS A SHIP&TERM J TRUE -ALSB " ' - C 1 AUWIMMM ITHPICAW. to. Sulls fricndly Is our term for service. We take a friendly in terest in each and every customer to make certain of complete satisfaction. Let us serve you soon. No Matter Where You Have A Locker . . . Slaughtering Is done for you in a most clean and economical wuy in our Modern, Refrigerated Plant. Bring your niiimuls to us or call us to pick them up. OUR SERVICES AKE PUBLIC IN EVERY. SENSE OK THE WORD. LOCKERS TO RENT MEATS WHOLESALE Slaughtering, Cutting, Curing, Smoking, Grinding, Wrapping, Quick Freezing, Storage. WE BUY BEEF, VEAL, PORK AND HIDES Answer: True Means the mercury In the barometer is falling. Better Than Ever In '48 The New Kaiser and Frazer Cost No More Than Before Moke a list of the things you want most in your new car! Then look first at the Kaiser or the Frazer! After that look at any car on the market and we'll wel come you back. See the new Kaiser or Frazer, drive it and you'll buy it! Undisputed style leadership, exceptional performance and economy, and a ride so smooth you'll never forget it these ore but a few of the reasons why a Kaiser or a Frazer will be your choice in 1948. You Pay the Regular Price O No Trade-in Necessary O Honest Allowance On Your Old Car , Buy With Confidence Complete stock factory parts and accessories. Factory-approved service and tepair in a modern shop un der management of "Ernto" Darst. . Hand Motor Company 183 E. Greenwood W. R. "Bill" Hand. Owner Phone 1121-J Our hhmvriMiui K tiion cn-ry week niuhl 'till 9 p. m. and from 2 In .VHO p. ni. Smuta)- Otto Kassner, Clyde Ratliff and Don Ratliff, Salesmen EFREE FOR A LIMITED TIME $25.00 noise limiting antenna Installed on your home when you buy an Admiral Console. ' Model "65" Walnut Automatic RADIO. PHONOGRAPH OO 95 BLONDE MODEL with MIRACLE Tone Arm The greatest improvement in RCCORD PUYIN6 since the invention oj the phonograph! New Miracle tone arm uaes no coil, no crystal, no filament, no special tube. Evon your oldest ttc ords come to life with vivid brilliance ... on marred by needle scratch, or other surface noise. QCB0 0QDOO0 &: New, Improved chonger ploys vp to 12 records AulomolI(sl!y dianjjos retards In 3V4 seconds New pull-out panel for oaiy record loading 7-iube, straight A.C. Superhit radio Continuously variable tone control Powerful Alnlco dynamic speaker Gorgeous "picture frame" dial Walnut veneer cabinet; also mahogany V bJoadt at slightly higher prices Ries Radio & i ' : I) Record Shop 624 Franklin Phone 801 WHO'S WHO In BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES I: CESSPOOL SERVICE Cesspool & Septic Tanks Complete Service Best of materials Furnished Our periodical inspection wHl Insure you more efficient operation. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone 366-W or 716-W Scptir Tanks Cesspools CLEANED INSTALLED AH Materials Furnished Expert Service. Bend Septic Tank and Cesspool Service - 526 Harmon Ph. 1184 W CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone 534 . ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights GE .Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 98 ELECTRIC MOTORS Jerry's Motor Shon ... . . . r cieciric Motors Repaired Armature Re-Winding Minor Repairs or Rebuild i DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION SS Revere Phone 1446 W EBNER'S ELECTRIC SERVICE All Types of ELECTRIC .MOTORS -and GENERATORS Rewound and Retired NEW and REBUILT MOTORS 1116 Wall phone 353-J MONUMENTS For Monuments and Mark ers in world's finest gran ites. We guarantee satis faction. Ray Carlson 354 Georgia Phone 388-M Refrigerator Service All Typos of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS HOUSEHOLD COMMERCIAL Oregon Equipment Co. 165 E. Greenwood Phone 888 NURSERY STOCK Drciduotu. Shd, Ornamtnut. A Fruit trc. Flowerinf Shrub.. Rom, Vl hnlira. Screen., Border. A Windbreak!. Ererjreen.. Co.iferi, Bro.dleaf., Hed. ft Vlnea. Free l.nd.c.plnt ntimatea Plantln book., Ural Nur.erjm.n knowi what rrowi. Phone 965. Haines Nursery 735 B. Norton Are. near K, 8th ROOFING SHINGLES - . SIDING INSULATION ROOFING Free Estimates Given Use Our Easy Payment Plan Central Oregon Roofing Co. 832 Bond Phone 1270 SERVICES DEwTTT'& DUNCAN Drilling Blasting Concrete work of all kinds. Concrete Septic Tanks Installed. 1 III dirt and Top soli. Hourly or Contract Rates. . Phone 713 MM & HcviTe or 8S6 E. loth 3ERVICES Willie's Repair Shop I 1621 Newport Phone U Repairs of all kinds on ail make of car. Electric al acetylene welding. Also ami . painting. Fast & economical service.- All work guarant4l upen evenings. Bend Cabinet Shop 616 E. Bumside St, Phone 164BW John Crlpe Harold Cliauiwl Custom Cabinet Work Sad Door & Screens Store FiJ ures. Free estimates. No i too big, no job too small, w are in business to please y PURI.If! STRNOr.KAPHEB I Herbert W.White, Jr. ,1 member of Natl. Shorthand , Reporters Assoc. OFFICIAI. COURT REPORTER . COURT HOUSE MAniiRcriniH Tvncd Copy and Report Typlnff Exncrt Stenncrunhlc ServiM Phone 68 or linJ Parrish Radio Service 21 Hour Scrvico Work Guaranteed. Free Pli up Si Delivery Scr. 01 parts & Tubes. Full 11 Open 0 a.m. lo 9 p-i"; . 059 Newport Ave. at Win Phone 1301 -.1 AAA SERVICE ANYTHING AN'YTM.ACE ANVTlMfl Homo and Commercial Properties. BEND GARBAGE CO. Phone 151251 Commercial Printing of Quality PHOTOGRAPHIC OFFSET LETTERPRESS THE BEND BULLETIN Phone 58