,l I. "i 1 PAGE TWO Medford Wins Hayward Relays; Bend Is Sixth Eugene, April 17 (IP) Medford high's Black Tornado, coached by Bill Bowerman, today held Its sev ' enth class "A" Hayward relays .'.title. The southern Oregonians ..smothered all opposition in the .11th running of the state prep event in Eugene Friday. The Tor . nado ran up 62 points, nearly double that of second place Klam ath Falls which came out of the slaughter with 34 points. Rest of the 21-school field was ijeft far behind. Corvallis won -third place with 28 points and Benson Tech of Portland was . Jourth with 23. Franklin of Port--land scored 22; Bend 21, and Washington of Portland, 19 Mi. Ftrste Listed Medford won firsts in the 880 yard relay, the shuttle relay and the mile relay. Bowerman's Iclassy crew tied the shuttle relay record of :38.8 jointly held by jHillsboro and Jefferson of Port land. The Tornado failed to crack any other marks. 7 Benson broke the two-mile re- lay mark, touring the route in 8.18.9. The old record of 8:34.8 J was set by Jeflerson last year. , Medford also bettered the old time but finished second to Benson. Record Broken t The shot put relay mark was t broken by Grant of Portland with ' a total heave of 135 feet, 4V4 I inches. Old mark was 131 feet, 10 k inches, also by Grant. Corvallis set a new broadjump record of I 61 feet, 1 inch, breaking the old 57 feet, 7 Inches mark set by Klamath Falls in 1946. I Today the class "B" and class "C" high schools clash on Hay- ward field. . . . ' ; . BEARS TAKE POINTS . The Lava Bear team, coached by Bud Robertson, won points in six events at the relays, with a first place tie by Larry Standifer, Lowell Maudlin and Don Bushnell In- the high jump relay topping the Bears performances. Another good performance by the Bend boys was in the two-mile relay, where Vern Clark, Bob Brown, Tom Henderson and Don Bushnell finished- third. This event was won by Benson Tech of Portland in the record time of 8:18.9, 16 full seconds under the old mark. , Places Fourth In the discus, George Mansfield placed fourth with a throw of 119 feet, 6Vi inches. The everitwas won by Bob Johnson- of Spring - field at 132 feet, 1 (nch, a mari Mansfield , has" exceeded manjt times in practice this' year. ' The pole vault entrant from Bend, BUI Shcffold, came out third at 10 feet, 9 inches. The winner was LeRoy Cox of Franklin at 11 feet, 6 inches. Sheffold has beaten this mark a number of times, but was unable to find his form at the Hayward meet. Another point was won by Bob Brown, Don Bushnell, Tom Hen derson and Don Denning in the mile relay, winning sixth place, J. W. Rhoadcs also picked up a poit in the javelin event with a i throw of 139 feet, 10 Inches. That 1 WANTED USED CARS Drive in to Hal brook Motors, Your Friendly FORD Dealer, for it's here you'll get the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for your car. TRY US FIRST AND YOU'LL AGREE Your Car's Worth More Here lalbrook Motors That Friendly IS Dealer -1 Mercury doiiu hiiu iiiiiinesoia I.- .. ,; " ' . . OUT OUR WAY IMLY JOUFOOL , .OH.IVEALLUS ffifaf KN'T BE BESM AWFUL FER HELPIN' HIM I I PUTTIM THINGS OFF 1 j.: pragidur I an' besipes, one J- ipiittt! FEET-PUT MORE TO HELP : -jON TH' BRAKES-1 I TAKE TH' SIAPPIN'S fZ-f.,1 fS?V " ' ThL V. vvOULD HELP "SOtrrTnT" AJI17 THE "THREE BAGGER . tmun- . CO iki r ti arcl WC . I event was won by Chuck Missfeldt of Mllwaukle at lb5 feet, 7 lncnes. Los Angeles Goes Into Tie For Top San Francisco, April 17 HP) Rain and a fourth straight vic tory over the Sacramento Solons today put the Los Angeles Angels into a technical tie with San Fran cisco for the Pacific Coast league lead. The Angels . were trailing by four percentage points in the standings, but were ahead by a half a game a one of the freak occurrences which , sometimes crop up in baseball. ; ' Los Angeles crept past Sacra mento, 6 to 5, last night, despite two homers by the Sac's Joe Mar ty, who drove in the five Solon runs. The Angel win came in the last of the seventh when Ed Sauer singled home Dom Dallesandro. Oakland Moves Up : Oakland, league favorites In many a winterbook, crept into the first division with the clean sweep of a doubleheader at Seat tle, winning the first game, 6 to 0, on the four-hit pitching of southpaw Earl Janes, and the sec ond game, 3 to 2. Rain halted the scheduled bat tle between San Diego and San Francisco in the first inning, wilh the Seals ahead 2 to 0. A double header between Hollywood and Portland in the Oregon city was also postponed due to the weather. ' DESCHUTES BOWLING LANES "A Pleasant Place to Bowl" . 6 lanes open bowling. Prizes for both high and low score bowlers. Learn to bowl we leach you how. Open 2 p.m. Sat & Sun. 0en 6 p.m. rent of week. Phono 148 J AL LUNDSTUOM, Trop. 21(1 Oregon Ave. Upstairs Lincoln .'hone (MO By J. R. WILLIAMS Bowling Title At Stake In Bend Games The Central Oregon "bowler of the year" will be crowned tonight after the last twb matches of the tournament sponsored by Don Thompson. The matches are sche duled for 7 p.m. at the Cascade bowl. Laurie Redifer, of Redmond, Is leading but he will have to main tain It in two four-game matches tonight. John Stout Is In second place and will meet Redifer in the first match. Redifer meets Dave Altier in the second match and Stout tangles with Fred Baughn. Sammy Bluchcr, Altier and Baughn have less than two points difference. Blucher pushed his way past the other two in the last two matches. Also in the running are Bill Cerveny, Ray Wise and Lee Logan, but all will have to be "torrid" tonight if they want to be in the first four places. Mi LIVESTOCK AUCTION Every Tuesday The Edwards Livestock Commission In Bend. Across the Street From the Bend Stock yards. ' . FURNITURE, PRODUCE and POULTRY Sale Starts Promptly at 10:00 a.m. LOTS OF GOOD FURNITURE FOR TUESDAY SALE At 1:00 p.m. We Sell Livestock 1'at I'oiMler and Dairy Cows. Stooker and Feeder Cattle. Veal and Drop Calves. Some Good ((unllty Springer Cows. Wcaner, Feeder nml I'ut Hogs. BRING IN ANYTHING YOU WANT SOLD For Information . . . Or See Us At Brooks-Scanlon Quality Pine Lumber Brooks-Scanlon Inc. Shevlin Quality PONDEROSA PINE Lumber and THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON UiliBiWIIinimummnoimmfliniffliiuiiiiiiifl Voice of If DVm 1340 Central Oregon " I. D 11 U'" Kilocycles Affiliated With Mutual Don Lee Broadcasting System ntinu i iiuuii i muiiiiui jjuui iu ON THf KBND This evening at 6. another popu. lar Hawaiian steel guitar 'music program from our studios featur ing Jim and Florence Breedlove. Gabriel Heatter's "Behind the Front Page" program tomorrow evening at 7 salutes the Holly wood Citizen-News, the film Cap! tars evening paper lor the role the paper has played In civic de velopment. 'Those Websters" tomorrow 3 to 3:30 p. m. finds Dad and Mother Webster following a suggestion from their children that they re new their romantic ways of yes teryear as part of a wedding an niversary celebration, and It sets the stage tor another hilarious session. TONIGHT'S PKOGRAM 5:00 Relax with Rhythm 5:10 Remember When 5:15 Jack Lawrence 5:30 True or False 6:00 Music from Aloha Land 6:15 This Is Music 6:30 Sons of the Pioneers 6:45 Hazel Scott 6:55 Club Corner 7:00 Vocal Varieties 7:30 All Star Western Theater 8:00 Keep Up With the Kids 8:30 Hawaii Calls 9:00 News 9:15 President Truman 9:30 Stop Me If You've Heard This 10:00 Jimmy Blass Orchestra 10:15 Morton Downey lu.'du Music iTeierred SUNDAY, APRIL 18 SiOO-rBack to God Hour . 8:30--Volce of Prophecy 9:00 Salt Lake City Choir 9:30 Lutheran Hour 10:00 News 10:15 Decision Now 1Q:30 The Forgotten Letter 11:00 First Baptist Church 12:00 In Your Name 12:15 Canary Pet Show Phone Bend-1420-W Redmond -93 Madras - 452 Prineville 7217 Sisters - 991 Venetian Blind Manufacturers P.O. Box 687 t Bend, On. , Hunt t nth , and Mllwaukle FrelKM htaaWtn all'tnill .rdtn, ., Wholesale & Relnil Phone Bend 1269 The Yards. Box Shooks 12:30 Ave Maria Hour 1:00 House of Mystery 1:30 True Detective Mysteries 2:00 The Shadow 2:30 Quick As a Flash 3:00 Those Websters 3:30 Nick Carter 4:00 Concert Hour 4:30 Old Fashioned Revival Hour 5:30 Time for Time 5:45 Newscope 6:00 Meet Me at Parky's 6:30 Jim Backus Show .7:00 Behind the Front Page 7:30 Quiz of Two Cities 8:00 First Methodist Church 8:30 Jergens Journal 8:45 Sheilah Graham 9:00 News 9:15 Background for Stardom 9:30 Chicago Theater of the Air 10:30 Griff Williams Orchestra 11:00 Sign Off MONDAY, APRIL 19 . 6:00 Band Music 6:15 Farm Reporter 6:30 Variety Hour 6:45 Riders of the Purple Sage 7:00 News 7:15 Popular Music 7:30 Rex Miller and the News 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:50 News 7:55 Morning Melodies 8:00 Shoe Time 8:15 Morning Roundup 8:30 News 8:45 Bulletin Board 8:50 Airlane Melodies ' ' 9:00 Kate Smith Speaks ' 9:15 Victor H. Llndlahr 9:30 World News 9:35 Novelties . 9:40 Mable Cook 9:45 By Popular Demand 10:00 News 10:15 Fashion Time 10:30 Claudia 10:45 Lullaby Lane 10:50 Meet the Band 11:00 Man About Town 11:05 Tune Time ' . 11:10 News 11:15 Happy Gang 11:30 Queen for a Day 12:00 Noontime Melodies See ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans 0.1 AUTO Youi PICK-UP Private Sales Financed ', Simple Credit Requirements' Complete Privacy 15 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 Perfectly Beautiful! VENETIAN BLINDS Call H. C. Sutton 13 68-J 1367 Elgin Ave. Bond, Oregon, for estimates on new blinds. Also cleaning and repairing. See Sample in Sherwin-Williams Paint Store Window. ALLEY OOP - - ;-JSt m i - ! ' By V.T.Hamlm r "HT1M -1 VS'LL HNS CE"M5 E!3Tfl Vrti nAJri'i. v!. I HEH.' I (3UE5S BY G,DFRY Mi ivnv i i i ii l i it r -. r- i r j rni it x i i i j. ; 12:05 Today's Classifieds 12:10 Noontime Melodies 12:15 Sport Yarns 12:20 Noontime Melodies 12:30 News , ' 12:45 Farmers Hour 1:00 News of Prineville 2:00 Hearts Desire 2:30 Hollywood Favorites 2:45 Symphonic Swing 3:00 According to the Record 3:15 Home Demonstration Agent 3:30 Latin Serenade 3:45 Northwest News 3:50 Music 3:55 Central Oregon News 4:00 Fulton Lewis 4:15 Frank Hemingway 4:30 Passing Parade 4:45 Modern Melodies 5:00 Relax With Rhythm 5:10 Remember When 5:15 Superman 5:30 Captain Midnight 5:45-Tom Mix 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 This Is Music 6:30 Cote Serenade 7:00 Mysterious Traveler 7:30 Cisco Kid 8:00 Let George Do It 8:30 Charlie Chan 8:55 Billy Rose 9:00 News 9:15 Here's to Veterans 9:30 Make Music Your Hobby 9:45 Henry J. Taylor 10:00 Fulton Lewis 10:15 Salon Serenade 10:30 Music Preferred 11:00 Sign Off ' FIGHT RESULTS (By United Press) Hollywood IU1 George Millich, HG'i, Sacramento, outpointed Marvin Liddell, 170, Oklahoma City (10); Butch Maxwell, 131, Los Angeles, outpointed Ronald Cannon, 136, Chicago (4). Night-flying insects seem' to be more attracted by white and blue lights than they are by red or yellow ones.- Enjoy good vision and freedom from headaches . . . you can not be sure your eyes are per fect unless you have them ex amined. Consult us now! Dr. M. B. McKenney Optometrist 908 Wall St. Phone 312-M :S5nJI Take Care L TTT of Yur Eyes For a Beautiful Roof . . . Quality Products THREE TAB COMPOSITION SHINGLES Green Red Gray Slate MINERAL SURFACED ROLL ROOFING Inexpensive Colorful 90 Lbs. Plan Your Roof Now From Our Complete Stock The Miller Lumber Co. 821 Wall Street Junior Baseball Practices Booked American Legion Junior base ball practices will get under way about May 10, according to Dean Tate, who will coach the Bend team this season. Interest In the team is running high among high school boys and Tate ls'anticipating a large turn out. Any boy who did not reach his 17th birthday before January 1 is eligible to play on the team. The summer schedule of prac tices and games will be arranged to accommodate boys who work in the summer but still want to play. Scheduling of games is now un der way and letters have been written to Redmond, Prineville, Madras, Warm Springs and Burns, all of which are planning junior teams. . Halbrook Gets Uniforms ' Co-operation from a number of Bend sources made plans for this season's junior, team possible. Jack Halbrook purchased 16 uni forms to be used by the team and other equipment was bought by the Stevens-Chute Legion post. Valuable equipment was also re- Auto Repainting Body & Fender Worfc , Upholstery Repair & Glass Replacement We're one of Central Oregon's oldest auto body and fender repair shops, and our mechanics have the right combination of experience, skill and modern .. equipment and materials to assure you of superior work. Drive in today and let us give you a free esi-mate. Modern Shop CARROLL'S Body and Fender Service 940 Harriman Phone 180 CEDAR ENDURING SH FS ASBESTOS SHINGLES SHINGLES "Your Home First" SATURDAY, APRIL 1 7, 1 948 ceived from the Elks basehaii team. Financial aid to assist! coaching the team has been askM from the city government In the near future Tate wtu call a meeting of all boys intw ested In playing this season. St. Francis Team Moves To, League Top BEND GRADE SCHOOL SOFTBALL LEAGUE W. L. P-1 St. Francis 3 0 10M Kenwood 2 1 AUen .U....... 1 ' 8 t Eighth Grade 0 3 ' St Francis moved into the lead In the grade school softbaS league yesterday afternoon bv rallying in the last inning to di feat Kenwood grade school 52 The score stood 2 to 1 for Ken wood before the Saints came to bat in their half of the final in ning to break loose with a four, run rally that won the game. General George Washington Is said to have instituted the Purnli Heart. " You'll Pat Yourself on the Back when you come to us for Quality Materials Phone 166 r X