PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON SATURDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1947 Classified Rates LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE 25 Words One Time ....40c 15 Words Three Times $1.00 25 Words Six Times $1.75 All word over 2S add le per word timet number of InMrtiona 0ne month run, une copy, H dor rat Minimum chorve. tuc Lino rate 10c Capital iOc Beador ad 10c line, minimum 0e DhnlftT AdvertUlno- Cloiiii time S P.M. previous dor. One half pug or larger, dar prevloua to publication. . , ; BEND LODGE, No. 128, I.O.O.F. Meets Every Monday Night I.O.O.F. Temple Earl Weber. Noble Grand D.Ray Miller, phone 1079-W,Sec'y 2U& Franklin Avenue For Sale Real Eslaie THREE-BEDROOM modern fur nished homo, with 3-bcdrobm fur nished modern semi-basement apt., also 3-room modern furnish ed on rear of lot. Apts. rented. brings nice income. Price $11,- 000, $6,300 cash, balance $4,700 lil loan. Call Mr. kocKlin, Davis & Larson Agency, 124 Oregon, Phone 32. BEAUTIFUL 70'xlO0' lot facing East Eighth St. view; pine trees, level, good soil, no rocks. This is a real buy for $750 cash. Phone 1413-R. 3-BEDROOM modern, plastered home, all on ground floor. This home has fireplace and Is in good condition, located close in on pav ed street. Price $7,500. Call Mr. Ballevv, 1293-W, AH State Realty. TWO MODERN homes on one lot, both furnished, 1 six rooms, other 3-room rents for $40 per month. Full price SboUO, terms, call Mr. Shaver, Realtor, 1293-W, All State Realty. 80 ACRES, 52 acres of water, 10 minutes lrom downtown uend. 12 or 14 acres in alfalfa, about .40 In cultivation, 3-bedroom mod ern house, 2 cisters, cow and horse barn, separate. Room for 18 cows, could easy be fixed up for grade A dairy. Lots of out buildings, 2 garages. Price $7500 with $5,000 cash. Also '37 Ford truck with '40 Mercury motor. See Sharer or call ll-F-15. 2-BEDROOM modern home, gar age, gas cooking, wood heating, close in, $5,000. Terms. 2-BEDROOM modern home, gar age. located on Franklin, close in, $4,725. 80 ACRES, 40 cultivated, 40 pas ture, 6-room house, electricity, lots of buildings, close to school, church and town, located in Pow ell Butle area, $9,000. Terms. 2-BEDROOM modern home, util ity room, oil furnace, Venetian blinds, wired for electric range, garage. Built in 1947, $9,000. Terms. See C. E. Bush, Huff Real Estate Co., 1026 Bond. Phone 14I5-J. . BY OWNER: House for sale, re duced price. Also lots cheap. Make me an offer. 1434 Slsemore, one block south of Roosevelt. FOR PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE LIST YOUR PROPERTY . : WITH US The Ideal 1-hedroom home. Also has concealed Murphy bed. Hard wood floors, fireplace and auto matic oil furnace. Garage. Price $5,250.00. Terms. 2-Bedroom modern homo. Lath and plaster. Insulated and weatherstrlpped. Automatic oil furnace. Best location. Price $9, 500.00, $3,000.00 cash, balance FHA. Partly furnished 2-bedroom mod ern home on west side. Price $5,- , 000.000, $1,500.00 cash, balance terms. Call Mr. Locklin, DAVIS i & LARSON AGENCY, 124 Ore- gon. Phone 32. WANT TO SELL? List your prop erty with GILBERT. A square deal, and prompt, effeclcnt, court eous service Is yours at Gilbert's ileal fcstale. 1015 Wall Street. RANCH, 120 acres, all Irrigated COI water, 43 acres clover, 10 acres alfalfa. Well constructed potato collar, 35x80. 5-room house and other outbuildings. Good level land, no rocks, onlv slK.tioo, Terms. Cull Mr. Ballew, 1293-W, All stale Realty. 75 ACRES, 30 cultivated, 30 COI, good 5-room modern house, $9, 000. 190 ACRES, 70 cultivated, 83 COI grade A dairy barn, 8-rocm mod em home, fireplace $18,500, Terms. 10 ACRES, 4 acres COI water, barn 2 bedroom modern house. $6,000 cash, $6,500 terms. Ex change considered. See Ted Hnl llday. Huff Real Estate Co., 1026 ; uonu. mono i-i i:-j. WAREHOUSE, close in on spur just oft Franklin, 28x41), $3250 cash. Call Mr. Shaver, Realtor 1293-W, All Stale Really. 407 ACRES deeded, 85 acres wa tor, chance fur out range or ex pansion. Two 2-bcdronm homes, good barn and outbuildings, pi'le ed rleht. Call Leo Stllwoll, 1293-W All state Realty. 80 ACRES, 73 acres COI water 6-room home and outbuildings. Land lays in one field. Price $8800. Call Lee Stllwoll, 1293-W All State Realty. WEST SIDE, 1-ycar-old 2-bodroom home, oil furnace. 2 lots, gai range and hot water tank. Must see to appreciate, can Lee Mil- well, 1293-W, All State Realty. NEED A HOME 7 Check the Deal of the Day on KUND 8:45 a. m, Call today and inspect the list inis at Gilbert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall. ADS Tor Sale Keal Estate $1900 BUYS 3-room semi-modern home, some furniture, west side, close to paved street. Immediate possession. C. V. Silvis, 126 Min nesota. $9,000 BUYS large 7-room mod ern home, completely furnished, paved street, close in. Possession 30 days. C. V. Silvis, 126 Minne sota. $2800 BUYS 5 acres, 3-room house 4 acres water, on highway close to town. Immediate possession. C. V. Silvis, 126 Minnesota. $27,000 BUYS 320 acres, 143 acres COI water, large modern home, and good out buildings, immedi ate possession. C. V. Silvis, 126 Minnesota. THREE ROOMS, bathroom and utility; knotty pine finished In terior. Outside needs work. Gar. age and workshop; woodshed, 1454 Hartford Ave. BY OWITER: Nice semi-modern 3-room house. New built-ins and picket fence, garage, $1800.00. See at iizd Albany St. Fuel FOR GOOD dry body wood, phone 634-W or call at 44 Cascade. BODY WOOD. 16 inch dry $10.00 In 3-cord lots delivered in Bend or Redmond. Will deliver Prlne ville, Culver, Madras. E. L. Nor ton, phone 235-X, Redmond. DRY JACK Pine slab. 8 ft., 2 ft. and 16 in. John Hauck. Bend Wood Yard. 422 Heyburn. Phone 1230. 16" GREEN SLAB Wood $14.00 per 2-cord load (2-cord load of lb' dry slab $19.00.) (You haul $5 per cord at yard. East end of A street.) Central Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 201-W. Office H3b A St., Redmond. For Sale Miscellaneous ANOTHER Shipment lust arriv ed Singer straight suction vacu um cleaners, complete for $27.25. Terms: $5.00 down. $5.00 monthly. This is a wondertui ouv. Ander son Appliance Co., and Singer Sewing Center, corner stale and Tumalo. FOR SALE: Roasting hens at 30c per lb. live weight. Just south of Bend air port, Nevvland's Ranch. Phone 13-F-6. GIRLS' BICYCLE $20.00, slightly used .22 rifle, automatic, $25.00; electric motors h.p. $29.50; used show cases $5.00 and $15.00. Bob's Trading Post, South High way. WASHING Machine, in good working condition; rug, chairs, 2 bird cages with stand. Call after 5 p. m. 744 Delaware Ave., Bend. COOK STOVE, trailer or cabin size; size 12 men's new shoes, safety toes, 3 pr. only at $4.50 pnlr. Army OD overcoats $5.00 to $7.50. A . few wood heaters left from $7.50 to $17.50. 1 set 7.50x21 dual truck chains for $12.50. Al most new Gibson guitar with case; guns, tools, etc. Also good 4-wheei trailer witn gooti tires. 10 buy or sell, come to Addlngton's Second Hand Store, 2359 No. First. Phone 292-J. OAK TREE mistletoe $1.25 per pound at the Flower Garden, Bends Friendly Florist. la Greenwood. Phone 78-J. SIMMONS BED coll springs, in- nersprlng mattress $16.00; b-way floor lamp, electric heater w.w, new mahogany coffee table with shelf: nearly new innersnrlng mattress and ba-cou oox springs $35.00; 1 cabinet radio $4.00. 147 E. Olney. PR. MEN'S black shoe skates, size 9'.-j. battery, used very little; baby buggy, large; bassinette; grease gun. never used: pair nam bier 4-power field glasses; Delco starter, sot new seal beam llgnts, used Graham parts; ixmco gener ator, Chevrolet. 311 Riverfront. SINGER Sewing machine, draw er, first class shape. Xmas trees, small and medium size, oak mis tletoe, oil circulator. 856 Ogdcn. Phone 459-W. TWO PAIRS men's shoo skates, like new condition, sizes 8 & 10. 1220 Lexington, Bend. BEDROOM SUITE. 3-uc. water fall design, like new. Inquire 1012 Delaware. MOTOROLA car radio. 6-tube, will sell or trade for table model radio. See Bob at Carl Austins Repair Shop. CHRISTMAS TREES, by V.F.W, on free parking lot on Bond St back of Skating rink. uuud bicycles, one new one at half price. Louis Gibson ia45 Hesno. ONE GRAY mohair davenport oak table and 0 dining chairs. l'honc hi j or 230 Delaware. STACK of OAT STRAW for sale. E. W. Paul, IVi miles south of l Coi ners, phone 74(. BEAUTIFUL black male Cocker Spaniel pups, 4-months-old, AKC registered, c. r. Patterson, Hox o, Redmond, Ore., phone 20H Z, west out E St. across canyon, fol low sign. FUR CHUBBY, size 16-18, red and dray fox. Never been worn in Bond. See at 655 Ogdon Ave. NEW ELECTRIC refrigerators for Immediate dellverv. Also gas oline Maytag washers. Maytag Appliance store, next to cham ber oi commerce, i'none jrit. LIVE TURKEYS: Toms 35c per pound. Hens 45c per pound Dressed 10c nor pound extra. At the Elder ranch. 7 miles north I on old Redmond highway. Phone For Sale Miscellaneous 1947 MODEL Eureka vacuum up right, all attachments, used only a short time, ti regular price. 1212 Davenport. POWER SAW New condition with two bars and chains. Priced reasonable. Good falling job goes with same. Consider Model 'A' or other car in trade. Call at 215 Greenwood. 3 GOOD USED Radios, console models. Am. Bosch, Phllco, Delco, your choice $25.00. Rles Radio & Record Shop, 624 Franklin. Phone 801. AM OFFERING someone a gold mine. Due to other Interests am offering my lease and stock in well located cafe. Will show pos itive $600.00 monthly net. Any one interested write Box 4126, Bend Bulletin. 9x12 WOOL Rug, gas range, used less than 1 year; davenport, post er bed and coil springs. 1414 Aw- prey rtoau. TRY OUR Chef's chili. Hamburg ers, "meal on bun," including French fries at same price. Chef's inn cate, so. 3rd. FOR SALE: Pullets, about 400 New Hampshire Reds, 4 months old, will be laying In a month or 6 weeks, $1.45 each. Take your pick. Also red lryers 38c lb. live, 6 or more 35c lb. 48c lb dressed on order. Drop card or call at Route 1, Box 364. Deliveries on Tuesdays and Fridays. Tom Bur ton, Burns highway to first 4 cor ners, turn left, directions on sign. KID'S Palomino oonv. SVi miles out on Alfalfa road. D. C. Rcnno, Rt. 1, Box 293-B. FOR Christmas Gifts: Purehred Collie pups, weaned. Reasonably priced. Rt. 3, Box 113, i mile east of Trap Club. 2 8:25 x 20 12-py tires and tubes, nearly new. Also 1 7:50x20 new recap, tube and Chev. truck wheel. Brice, 630 Qulmby, Bend. - $200 BUYS the gift of a life time a 1947 model Coldspot refriger ator, just three months old with iive-year guarantee. A deluxe model with plenty of storage space witn an ine leatures or a refrigerator selling for $300. This is a real bargain and must be sepn to be appreciated! See at 114 Ad ams Place tonight and all day Sunday. , ORDER Your Xmas turkeys, ducks, geese, or chickens alive or freshly dressed. Turkeys Vj or whole, free delivery. Drive out 7th house East Carroll Acres store on left. Phone 608-R. Also weaner pigs. One steer, locker size on foot, or phone 488-W. PURE BRED Cocker puppies. ready to go. Ideal Christmas gift. ion uaiveston. SAVE $10 on that Christmas watch, new models, 17 jeweled, bracelets for new model watches $5.00 style for $3.50; $10.25 ex tension watch bracelets for $7. These models have basket wpavp ends, extension center, H. B. Moore, Watch Repairing, Erik- sens stationery. JUNIPER Lights $2.75 and up, pottery, horses, deer, guns. Shop The Elkhorn, 1115 S. Third. Open evenings and Sundays. LADIES' Blue tailor made-suit, size 12, $20. Brown covert cloth topcoat, size 12-14, $25. Men's sport coat, gabardine interlined with leather, size 42, $25.. Two skinned martin neckpiece, $25. Ar ticles like new. At Downing Ho tel, between 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. BATHTUB, (with legs) comDlete with fittings; corner wash bowl, complete. Phone 706-J. GALVANIZED hot water tank 12xb0, used only 14 months, $10. Call after 5 p. m. 337 E. Emer son. HIGHEST PRICES paid for all kinds livestock. Also dairy cows ior sale, win pick up and deliver. Pat Parker. P. O. Box 154. Phone a-K-b, Redmond. FOR SALE: Chihuahua puppies. loasunauie. .iusc rigni tor ennst- mas. 1213 Albany Ave. SENTINEL Radios, low as $21.00 $1.00 down, $1.00 weekly. 6-tube supernot, nuut-in aerial, power- IUI S-lnch dynamic sneaker, olonv vision slide rule dial, beautiful walnut or Ivory finish. See Singer Sewing Center and Anderson Ap pliance Co., corner State and lumaio. JUST Arrived, Coolcrator triple purpose deep freezers, with large shape freezer compart, 15 cubic feet in all. $30.00 down, with easy monthly terms. Anderson ppiiance co., ana singer Sowing Center, corner State and Tumalo. HAIRBRUSH special Fuller Brlstlecombs, spiral and regular at reduced prices. Ideal for Christmas. Lloyd Wheadon, 2408 i'x. isi, pnone ayi. NEW TUFTLESS double and twin Seeley mattresses with h,,v springs, complete, $50. Pilot Butte inn. nee or can Mrs. Bartlett housekeeper. ' For Sale Used Cars 39 CHEV. 4-door sedan Mum. DeLuxe, radio and heater. 1222 Davenport. 1929 MODEL A, 5 now tiros now motor. Del Lammors, Fort Rook, 1931 MODEL A Ford roadster, IB In. wheels, good rubber in condition. See at 31 Hasttntro. Place. 1930 OLDSMOH1LE sedan, good K'-t TV,?' Tv pain, l"'lcc $22;i. Roland Prattler, 1 block S and 1 block E. Johnson's store! Sisters, Ore. ' 941 CHEVROLET panel with 194b motor, for sale, $1,195. Kllne Malhos Apt. 3, 1015 Bond St. For Sale Used Cars 1940 CHEV. Master DcLuxe 2 door sedan. R & II. 1941 DeLuxe Plymouth 4-door "sedan. Bank terms. Vene Williams, 313 Green wood. Phone 307-W. EQUITY In '38 Packard 4-door sedan. Good rubber, excellent con dition. Inquire libs federal. 1946 PLYMOUTH sedan. 1941 Buick sedanctte, 1937 Chevrolet coupe. 1935 Chevrolet tudor. Linse's Used Cars 1930 MODEL A sedan, good rub ber and motor $175. Cabin 4, Pine Tree Auto Courts 1937 FORD sedan, price cut for a quick sale. Inquire D & D. 927 Bond St. 1946 BUICK Roadmaster sedan, ette, like new, radio, heater. 1428 Hill. 1947 Ford Super DeLuxe sedan, maroon with extras. 1946 Dodge tudor, radio and heater. 1946 Chev. convertible, radio and heater. 1946 Jeep with power wench, $1595. 1940 Olds 5-passenger coupe, radio and neater, special ar nba. Deupree Motors, 6th and C streets, Redmond, pnone 24H or. u-K-8. USED CAR LOT E 8th and Greenwood 1937 Olds 8 sedan, radio and heater. New '46 motor, a nice car. - 1935 Plymouth sedan in running order, as is 2uo.uo. 1930 Model A pick up. 1931 Pontiac coach. DODGE Motor, complete, (mod el 1944) newly reconditioned; one tnree-ton hydraulic lack (new.) 363 Miner. Phone 7M-J, '39 FORD truck. Eaton rear end. 8.25 rubber, good motor $675.00; 35 Chev. tudor, good body and tires, motor fair $175.00. Bob's Trading Post, South Highway, For Rent ROOM in private home, private bath, automatic heat, private en trance, suitable for l or 2 men. $30.00 per month. Write 4114 The Bend Bulletin. BEDROOM: Everything furnish ed for keeping house but food. Lady living alone. Phone 1562-J. FOR RENT: Cattle pasture, $5.00 per head per month during winter months. Will take up to 500 head. Write Robert Coshow, Antelope, Oregon. FURNISHED 3-ROOM Modern apartment, adults only. 236'a E. Irving. NICE, LARGE, well furnished room adjoining bath. Three Sis ters Rooms, 744 Colorado. Phone 172. 3-ROOM Cottage, furnished. Wa- hee Cottages. South Highway. A COMPLETE Floor sander rent, al service. Our new high speed floor sander'and edger do excel lent work at low rates. Complete line of floor finishing materials, paints, sealers, fillers, varnishes, brushes. Investigate today at the Sherwin-Williams Co., 125 Ore gon Ave. Phone 21. BEE HIVE SYSTEM Trucks you drive yourself any where, no restrictions. New 1946 Dodge van for good, clean haul ing. Court House Service Sta., corner Wall and Bond. Phone 458, or 981-M evenings. WE NOW Have a limited num ber of rooms available for per manent occupancy. Call or con tact Thomas Co'eman, Mgr. Pilot Butte Inn. UNDER New Management. Clean, steam heated rooms at reduced rates. Leibleln Hotel, 853 Wall Street. Wanted WE WILL DO your ironing in my home, also lovely used cloth ing for sale. Children's garments coming In now. Some like new. 358 E. Marshall. WILL BUY and pick up any kind of cattle you have to sell. Just drop a card to W. R. Franks, Red mond or call 78 Redmond. DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock picked up free of charge. Phone 9 F-25 Redmond, collect. Bchymer & Myers Rendering Plant. Help Wanted WAMTPn -.,11,.... U... ------ loiit-ia auu uucm-is. Good winter show. Fir timber. otart aoout Jan. 5th. Must have own tools. Write No. 4135 co wno uuuetin. LADY TO Take full charge of small home. Wages, room and board, one pre school child. Call at 256 Delaware. Phone 1286-J. NATIONAL TRUCK Equipment distributor needs experienced, en ergetic salesman. Must have sold heavy duty truck equipment or trucks in past few years. This position is a wonderful oppor tunity for the right party to earn big money. Salary, commissions, traveling expense and car expense furnished in exclusive territory. Salesman can headquarter from own home or from distributor's office in Portland, whichever is most convenient. All replies will be kept strictly confidential. This position will be filled by January I. Answer Immediately If inter ested. Reply to Box 7276, The Bond Bulletin. LOCAL EMPLOYMENT. We are offering an excellent opportunity to ambitious men who want a salary, liberal commission and over-ride. After a short training period you can earn from $400 to $1,000 or more monthly with a gradual monthly increase and a future you have always wanted. Experience not necessary. No shoppers need apply. This work Is permanent year around work. CJ1 "5 from 9 to U a. m. or 11S5 J evenings. Situations Wanted PERMANENT resident wishes employment by first of year. Col lege graduate with experience In merchandising, advertising and sales. References. Phone 315, ask for Mr. Yeomans. Lost WOMAN'S Elgin yellow gold wrist watch with gold expansion bracelet. Reward. Contact Bulle tln office. Services SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, drain holes shot; Phone 1252-J. D. W. Grimes, 210 Davis Ave., Bend. ALTERATION Work, dressmak ing; ladies' tailoring, custom draperies, pattern alteration, measuring charts. All work guar anteed. Singer Sewing Center, corner State and Tumalo. Free parking. WE CLEAN windows, wallpaper, kalsomine, paint, Venetian blinds and upholstery; floors cleaned and waxed. Janitor service, sweeping compound, new Venetian blinds. Call Sutton. 1368-J. DILLON Building & Roofing Service. Remodeling and repair ing. Wallboard and asbestos, and brick siding. Also wall and floor tile. Cement and painting work. All work guaranteed. 25 years experience. James union, can 1409-J. 2255 E. First Street, Bend. WOOD SAWING. Also slab wood sale, any length. Leave orders, Aune's Feed Store. HEMSTITCHING, picotlng. but tonholes, custom made belts, cov ered buttons and buckles. Over 100 styles to choose from. Singer sewing center, corner state and Tumalo. Free parking. We buy old sewing machines. WELL AND DRAIN HOLE drill ing. L. A. Holman, 108 Tumalo Ave. Phone 199-W. SCOOPMOBILE and dump truck work, cinders, nil dirt and top soil for sale. Blakesley & Michael. Phone 1420-W. HOME OWNERS NOTICE. Insu lation and weather stripping in stalled immediately on budget program. Gives you comfort and saves itself in fuel. Call for free estimate of your Job. L. H. Claw- son, 124 Oregon, phone 392-J. WASHING MACHINE Service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274, 1033 Brooks. LINOLEUM and carpet laying, 25 years experience. Venetian blinds, window shades. Jack Boone, phone 241-J. 780 Newport. ALTERATION and Repair work of all kinds. Hand and machine sewing. 542 Arizona, next to Oasis. PIANO Tuning and repairing. Alf. J. Hobble. Phone 1485-J or 481. Write P. O. Box 848, Bend, Ore. SLIP COVERS, Draperies, cus' torn made. Expert workmanship, free estimate. Also alteration work of all kinds; hemstitching, buttonholes, covered buttons and buckles; custom made bolts. See your Singer Sewing Center, cor ner State and Tumalo. Free Park ing. Deschutes AAA Leaders Named H. P. Eby. of Redmond-Terre- bonne, W. W. King, of Cloverdale Tumalo, and Rodney Rosebrook, of the Eastern Star-Alfalfa com munity, were elected to serve on the county AAA committee for the coming year, at a meeting held yesterday at the office of County agent Gene Lear, in Red mond. Raymond Knowles, of South Redmond, and Floyd Hoik, of .southwest Redmond, were named first and second alter nates, respectively. The three committeemen will meet some time within the next week to se lect a chairman, vice chairman and secretary from their number. Voting delegates present at the meeting yesterday were Sher wood M. Nicholas, of Cloverdale, chairman; Rodney Rosebrook, Eastern Star; Joe Howard, Terre bonne; Wesley McCulloch, Tumalo, and B. E. Harrison, Red mond. Use classified ads In The Bui letln for quick results. Attention Home Owners We need all types of homes. Prices will never be better. Cash buyers waiting. We buy and sell equities. List today for a quick sale. AH State Realty, Realtors 221 Greenwood Phone 1293-W RED RYDER " " " - - By Fred Harman ' f M Machinists Start Repair Of Vessel Carrying Arms Vancouver, B.C., Dee. 20 IB The Independent International Machinists union walked through picket lines today anil started re pair work on the munitions ship S.S. Colima, subject of a bitter controversy over shipping arms and ammunition to Chinese na tionalist forces. Alf Dyer, business agent of the IIM, said his men were going ahead with repairs since he did not want to be "involved in a po litical fight." Picket Lines Form Meanwhile, the Vancouver la bor council and other groups formed a picket line around the Burrard dry dock to protest the shipment of munitions and mili tary equipment to China. The Colima was scheduled to load $1,200,000 worth of surplus royal Canadian air force mater ials for use against Chinese com munists yesterday. However, loading operations were halted when the vessel was moved into dry dock for repairs. The vessel was moved out of dry dock earlier today to make room for another ship requiring repair work when the boilermak ers' union refused vlo. work the Colima. It was then shunted to a yard pier where repair work was now under way. Will Rush Work W. J. Wardle, manager of the Burrard dry dock, said in view of work to be done on the Colima it was unlikely the craft would be out of the yard before the be ginning of next week "provided all unions worked the ship." The munitions shipment comes under terms of a $10,500,000 Can adian-Chinese agreement cover ing 170 war planes equipped with guns and ammunition and hun dreds of tons of air force ground equipment. The Colima is bound for Woo Song, a port near Shanghai. Steel'And Motors Lead On Market By T. W. Kienlen (Unltoil Press Financial Writer) New York, Dec. 20 ill') Steel and motor shares led a rise in the stock market today as Wall Street turned bullish on President Truman's message to congress on European relief. Street quarters emphasized that the white house request for $17, 000,000,000 in aid to Europe was highly Inflationary and therefore bullish. Another possible source of demand, it was indicated, was probable switching out of com modities into securities, as a re sult of the congressional probe Into commodity speculation. The rise in prices today extend ed the late bulge of the previous session and gains were concen- For Sale FINE HOME,, CHOICE LOCA TION, MOUNTAIN VIEW NEAR PARK. Fine lawn, shrubbery. 3 Iied r o o ms, fireplace, Venetian blinds, furnace, inlaid lino leum, plastered, weathcrstrlp ped. Shown by appointment only. Triced at $9,500.00. J. A. DUDREY Realtor 533 Hill St., Send, Ore. Phone 1355-J trated in rails, as well as the steel and motor groups. Motion pie lure shares were firm despite the failure of the London talks to reach any kind of compromise on the 75 per cent British tax on U. S. films. . ' Snyder Boy (Continued From Fage 1) of commerce who were anxious to bring Christmas cheer to the cell where the youngster is held while waiting for a hearing. He has made few requests, but said he would like to have his school books. The school superintendent supplied the texts, and Cecil was catching up on nis stuuying tins morning. Father Buried The boy's father was buried yes terday in Greenwood cemetery, after a sparsely-attended funeral at the Niswonger and Winslow chapel. There were flowers for the service, and Rev. K. A. To bias of First Baptist church con ducted the rites. Investigation of the ease has been conducted jointly by county, city and state officers, The boys father, Joseph V. Snyder, 59, died Friday, Dec. 12, at the St. Charles hospital, where he was taken after becoming vio lently ill, when he ate part of a cheese sandwich on which strych nine had been sprinkled. Cecil told officers that he put the poison on two of four sandwiches which his father had prepared to take with him for luncheon to a con struction job in Bend, where he was employed. Cecil and his father lived alone in a squalid, filthy three-room shack about five miles east of Bend in the Arnold district. Seven other children who survive left home as soon as they were old enough. Cecil's mother died- 11 years ago, when he. was born. DRIVER FORFEITS $25 Sherwood K. Jerome, 815 Har mon, forfeited $25 bail in munici pal court yesterday afternoon on a charge of violating the basic speed rule. Harold C. Still, of Lapine, forfeited $10 bail on a basic speed charge. JOHNSON IMPROVES New York, Dec. 20 iU'j -Herschol Johnson, deputy United States delegate to the United Nations, who suffered a heart attack early this week, was reported "very much improved" today. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HOMES $18,000 Four bedroom home completely furnished with $4500 worth of furnishings. Corner lot, double garage. Excel lent location, $10,500 Modern large 3 bedroom home. Automatic heat, eleetrie hot water, fireplace, double garage, and In ex cellent condition. Located close to school and paved street und west side of town. Terms. $ 9,000 New Modern home on Eastslde. Automatic oil heat, two bedrooms and large utility room. Your terms. 5 8,400 3 Bedroom Home. Excellent location on Awbrey Itoad, redecorated, and new furnace, . $ 5,900 2 Bedroom Modern Home Vi mile out on South High way. $2300 down, 4 Interest on balance. $ 5,750 Modern furnished 2 bedroom home on east side. $1500 cash, balance good terms. $ 3,700 One bedroom home on Westslde. Paved street and close to school, $1000.00 down. Beautiful new three bedroom modern home. This Is the executive's homo for life. All on one floor and every modern convenience possible. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $35,000 AUTO & TRAILER COURT. 11 units with office and living quarters, also 5 room modern home. Terms avail able. $36,250 SUMMER LAKE LODGE. Completely modern, 11 sleeping rooms, dining room, kitchen and lobby. This is an excellent hunting lodge and is well known throughout Ore., Wash, and Calif. $20,000 AT SISTERS, ORE. Modern service station, 6 room house, 4 room house and one entire block of property. This property may be purchased separately. Call at our office for terms. $12,600 AUTO COURT. 11 furnished cabins. At present on monthly rental basis. $245.00 per month gross income. This Is an excellent return on investment. $2500.00 will handle. $12,500 CAFE, SERVICE STATION, TRAILER COURT, 2 CABINS on highway 97 In small town close to Bend. $5,000 down. $ 8,500 GROCERY STORE. Includes all fixtures, delivery truck and Inventory. Leased building at $80 a month. LOTS 2 Lots on river. Excellent location. $5,000.00 173 x 125 ft. frontage on highway 97. FARM ACREAGES $12,500 325 Acre Turkey Ranch completely equipped. 8 room furnished modern home. Beautiful setting between Deschutes Rivers. . $ 3,500 Down buys 120 acres. 99 acres Irrigated, good build ings and corrals. Unlimited out range. RIXE REAL ESTATE AccountingInsurance REALTOR 114 Oregon Avenue Room 1 Upstairs, Phone 28-M Joe Tllden 431 S. 3rd Phone 1218-R Divers To Hunt , For Girls Body Blue River, Wis., Dec. 20 UP Two divers said they would use dredging equipment and a high pressure hose today in an attempt to find the body of 8-year-old Georgia Jean Weekler at the bot tom of the Wisconsin river. Buford Sennett, 22-year-old farm youth convicted of killing a University of Wisconsin student, has confessed also that he and an accomplice kidnaped the girl, kill ed her, and threw her body in the rjver. A barge was anchored in the river to divert ice floes from the area where the divers were work ing. Girl Kidnaped Sennett said he and his com panion whom he refused to name weighted Georgia Jean's body with a block on concrete. Of ficials believed that it had sunk deep into the mucky bottom of the river. ' The girl was kidnaped from a lane near her Ft. Atkinson, Wis., farm home last May 1. Sennett confessed after he and Robert Winslow were convicted of killing Carl Carlson, a university student, and raping Carlson's sister-in-law, WANTED! We Will Pay Highest Pxices for Good Used Furniture Square Deal Furniture Exchange 201 Franklin Phone 324 or 1224 Ernie Rlxe 1070 Columbia Phone 215-M