The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, November 24, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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State Workers
Seek Increase
In Monthly Pay
' Salem, Nov. 24 tP The Ore
gon Stale Employes, association
today was prepared to ask for a
cost-of-living adjustment In
wages that would increase state
workers' salaries an average of
$42 a month.
Delegates from 35 association
chapters voted for the proposal
at the close of a two-day conven
tion here yesterday.
Present salaries were set up a
year ago. -
The proup also voted to recom
mend that wage advances based
on seniority be put into effect.
They rejected a suggestion that
they ask exemption from paying
state income taxes.
Itcsolutlons Summarized
Other resolutions approved call
Inclusion of the state civil
service clause in the state consti
tution; liberalization of the state
retirement law to give employes
lull prior service credits now re
stricted to 20 years; Increased
disability benefits under the re
tirement law.
4fie group also recommended
that emoloves working by the
hour be Daid on a monthly basis
and receive paid vacations and
holiday now given other em
ployes. A 40-hour week for all work
ers was recommended.
The group turned down a pro
posal that public - employes be
retired after 30 years of service
instead of at a retirement age.
Newbry Speaker
Principal speaker yesterdav
was Secretary of State Earl T.
Newbry. The delegation paid re
suects to the late Gov. Earl Snell,
Secretary of State Robert S. Far
rell, Jr.. and Senate President
Marshall E. Cornett, who were
killed last month in an airplane
Loren White, Salem, was elect
ed president of the association
succeeding .Barney Erickson.
White is employed in the state
Industrial accident commission.
Other new officers are J. E.
Morlock, Madras, a state hiphway
employe, vice-president; Miss
Ruth James, Salem, a public wel
fare department emplove. secretary-treasurer;
Virgil O'Noil,
highway department, public re
lations; Floyd Query. Salem, high
way department, legislative di
rector, and R. M. Smith. Algany,
highway department, civil service
by Hershberqer
jS A .
-t&RGB& ll-XtJ' I' ' COM .1547 IV UIA lliVlft-iHCT
isto: uTsfAt. off I
"It's an electric spanker to break Junior of squeezing the
toothpaste tube in the middle instead of at the end!"
Data on Home Life Compiled
By Pollyannq Statistician
lontaria Seeks
Earthquake Data
'ji Butte, Mont., Nov. 24 (IP-
v Stephen W. Nile, professor of
physics at Montana School of
'I Mines here, today called on vol
unteers throughout central and
western Montana to provide him
with more data on yesterday's
The quake tripped the accelero
graph on the strong-motion seis
mograph at the school of mines
for the first time since its instal
lation. On a more sensitive in
strument the quake pushed the
light beam off the recorder for
5'. minutes.
As far away as Spokane, Wash.,
the tremor jolted a needle off a
seismograph at Mount St. Mi
chaels laboratory.
By Virginia MacPherson
(United Press Hollywood .Correspondent)
. Hollywood, Nov. 24 Ui Did
you - know the average husband
kisses his wife five times a day
counting pecks and near-kisses;
62 per cent of 'em get a night out
with the boys once a week; and 49
per cent bawl at sad movies?
Or . . . for every hatchet-killer
running loose there are 12 nice
guys who dry dishes for the little
woman every night? That every
businessman in the U. S. is an
easy mark if you re collecting
dough for sick babies?
Digging up stuff like this is
how a Hollywood gent named Art
Baker makes a living. He rattles
if off to the housewives every
afternoon while they peel the po
tatoes in front of their radio. And
the ladies lap it up.
Bakers kind ol an antidote lor
all the gossip columnists who
print the dirt and scandal. He's
carrying on a one-man campaign
tp publicize nice people. Call him
a "Pollyanna" and he'll shake a
.heaf of statistics in your face to
prove his point.
He maintains the average Joe
will listen to a story about a good
deed as quick as he'll drool over
the inside facts on Hollywood sin.
And he has. nine years of broad
casting behind him to prove it.
.ji-fijaot. heHl listen gulcker,"
Baker contends. "The gossips keep
shoving sex down his throat, but
a survey has proved that he's
more interested in four other
things; doctors, babies, dogs and
Abraham Lincoln.
"I have a 'nice-pcop'.e' depart
ment on my 'Noteboook' show,"
Baker explains. "And I get thou
sands of letters every week tell
ing me about some anecdote that
proves the golden rule. Corny?
You bet!"
But it pays off. The housewives
(and the sponsors) love it.
Let him try to sneak a little sex
on the show, though, and brother,
watch the ladies jump on his neck !
"I've tried it once in a while,"
Baker groaned. "Every now and
then I get fed up with my 'Caspar
Milquetoast' personality that must
be about as exiciting as long un-
Bennett's Machine Shop
Phone 1132
BUI Bennett
1114 lioosevclt Ave.
General Machine Work
Specializing In
Crank Shaft Grinding Motor Rebuilding Cylinder Hcbortng
Crank Shaft Grinding In the Car
Rebalibltllng Service Line Boring
Brake Drum Grinding s
General Automotive Repairs Electric & Acetylene Welding
derwear. Just for my own benefit
I slip in a line that could be read
both ways. And I sit there in
front of the mike with a gleam in
my eye and chuckle to myself
and have a wonderful time."
But it doesn't last long.
"I always think nobody's gonna
get it," he winced. "I just throw
'em in there, fast; but the beefs
and protests start coming in be
fore I even get off the air."
He tried it again last week
just for fun. The studio switch
board was clogged for hours with
indignant calls. The letters and
cards came in for days.
Now Baker's sticking to dogs
and Lincoln.
Seattle Defeats
Tacoma Icemen
(By United Press)
Seattle returned to its winning
ways last night with a 6 to 2 vic
tory over Tacoma, increasing its
northern division lead in the Pa
cific Coast Hockey league to 11
points over the runner-up Rockets.
In the only other game played,
Los Angeles pushed San Diego
further into the southern division
cellar with a 4 to 0 triumph. It
was Goalie Vic Polich's first shut
out of the year.
San Diego .suffered - an - addi
tional loss as League president
announced tne inueiinite suspen
sion of Defenseman Joe Desson.
Thomas E. Turner, 414 River
front, was arrested by city police
Saturday on a charge of passing
another vehicle without sufficient
clearance. He was released after
posting bail of $2.50.
Henley Hornets
Defeat Madras
Madras, Nov. 24 (Special)
The Madras White Buffaloes
hung up their football uniforms
for the last time Saturday., fol
lowing their defeat at Klamath
Falls by the Henley Hornets by
a seore of 27 to 13.
The defeat threw Madras from
the state "B" team playoffs and
sent Henley Into the semi-finals
to meet Union, from far eastern
Saturday was the first time this
season that Madras had teen de
feated in class "B" play. Its'only
other defeat was bv Redmond, a
class "A" team. This year may
have been the last chance 'the
White Buffaloes had to take a,l
nlncc "IS' tttln . Ihn ratn nf
growth of the Madras high school
makes it appear likely that the
student body will pass the 150
mark and go into cla.' "A" be
fore another football season.
Ex-Chicago Giant
Signed By Padres
San Diego, Calif., Nov- 24
U -- John Ritchie, 23, foTmer
San Diego State college athlete
and Chicago Giant baseball play
er, has been signed by the San
Diego Padres, first Negro player
to join the Pacific Coast league,
Padre president Bill Starr an
nounced today.
Ritchie, who hit .378 last year
to lead the Negro American
league, will be sent to the Padres'
farm team, the Tacoma, Wash.,
Western International league club,
btarr said.
Bend Elephants
Get Attention
Mrs. C. E. Stranahan, of 720
South Fifth street, is the author
of an article entitled "Hundreds
of Elephants" which appeared in
the magazine section ol the Ore
gon Journal yesterday. The ar
ticle, illustrated with pictures,
several of which were, taken by
the author, is about a local couple,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dean,
and their unusual collection of
elephant figurines.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean operate the
Elephant Hobby shop south of
Bend on highway 97. .,
(By United Press)
W L Pct.Pts.O.P.
USC 6 0 .000 147 20
California .... 5 1 .833 135 84
Oregon 5 1 .833 94 49
UCLA 4 2 .667 124 39
Montana 2 1 .667 48 72
Oregon State 3 4 .429 92 123
Wash. State.. 2 5 .286 45 100
Washington.. 2 5 .286 66 86
Tdaho 1 4 .200 32 111
Stanford 0 7 .000 -53 52
Bulletin Classifieds bring results.
Sore, Stiff Muscles
When you're suffering from rheumatic,
lumbago or neuritis pains from stiff
lame muscles rub on Musterole for
fast, long-lasting relief.
Musterole offers all the advantages
of a warming, stimulating mustard plas
ter yet is so muck easier to apply just
rub it on. Musterole instantly starts to
relieve aching soreness and helps break
up the painful surface congestion. In
S strengths. At all drugstores.
you expect
in truly
fine gin . . . :
A Favorite in GIN
. 90 rroof Dlitlll.d from 100 Groin N.uirol Spirit.
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DIXIE gtiOTffli
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45 QUART 185 plvt
Save 25
C All Work Fully
Free Pickup and
Delivery Service .
Phone 1367-M
Vd's Repair Shop
1245 Jacksonville Ave.
Gunfire, Ends
Negro Game
Player Is Hit
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 24 UPi
It was just like the movies.
Two Negro schools, Booker T.
Washington high of Memphis and
Pearl high of Nashville were play
ing Saturday night. The score
was 0 to 0, late in the last quar
ter. Suddenly, a shot rang out and
Washington's star halfback,
Lewis Alc'.ridge fell to the ground.
The fans thought a madman
had broken loose, and fled Sul
phur Dell park In panic. The bulk
of the Washington squad also
fled, not leaving enough players
to finish the game. So Pearl n
by forfeit.
Later, the Washington coach
swore out a warrant against
Charles Whitfield, who had boon
drooped from the squad in favor
of Aldridge. Coach James Boone
said he thought the shot actuallv
had been aimed at him, but hit
15-year-old Aldridge instead,
slightly wounding him in the leg.
Police arrested Whitfield in con
nection with the case today. '
Encampment 61
Plans Meeting '
The Central Oregon encamp
ment No. Gl will elect officers
for the 19-18 term, at the regular
meeting to be held Wednesday,
Nov. 2G, at 8 p. m. at the I.O.O.F.
hall on Franklin avenue. Special
entertainment is planned for the
social period following the meet
ing, and refreshments will be
served. All visiting patriarchs will
be welcome to attend, officers an
nounced. A delegation from Prineville
encampment No. 97 is expected
to be present.
Northwest Grain
Outlook Is Good
Portland, Ore., Nov. 24 iU"
The' Pacific northwest's 1948
wheat crop outlook was the
brightest in the nation today as a
result of weeks of rain which has
turned the area into a green sec
tion on an otherwise dreary map.
The U. S. department of agri
culture here described the situa
tion: as "unusually favorable."
But old-time ranchers rated the
prospects the best they can remember.
Use classified ads m The Bulle
tin for quick results.
Sales Training
Course Planned
Registration for a course In
sales training, open to anyone
interested and required for vet
erans who are on the Job train
ing for the sales field, will take
place at the first meeting of the
class, to be held Tuesday at 7:30
p. m. in room 219 of the high
school. Any veteran may enroll
for the course under his "G. I."
rights, and a small charge will
be made for non-veterans.
Instructors for the course will
be Fred Thunberg, of the J. C.
Penney stores, and I., W. Lund,
of Woolworth Stores, Inc. The
program was planned by the ad
visory committee, consisting of
Clark Price, William Albright
and Glenn Gregg, assisted by
James W. Bushong, Wilfred Bur
gess and J. W. Bllycu.
Sport Parade
By Oscar Fraley
(UnlU-il Press Sports Editor)
New York, Nov. 24 iu One
if by land and two if by sea
add. them all up and you're sure
to have three.
Three in football stands for
triple threat and that's what the
college boys had Saturday as run
ning, passing and kicking com
bined for a nicely-balanced after
noon in which victory was divided
among the arm, the toe and the
The far west went pass happy.
Southern Cal floated Into the
Rose bowl as Jim Powers whipped
a 32-yard touchdown heave to
Jack Kirby which provided a 6-0
win over UCLA. Meanwhile, Jack
Jensen and Paul Keckley teamed
up on an 80-yard pass play for
Why not give your loved one
a perfect gift for
A Baldwin Piano
can be had In different
styles and finishes.
Baldwin Dealer
65 Gilchrist
Phone 1087
the touchdown which gave Cali
fornia a 21-18 victory over Stan
ford. But in the other sections, the
lads tried everything. To-wlt:
Bobby Williams roared to the
first two touchdowns as Penn
State finished unbeaten with a
29-0 climax triumph over Pitt.
Harry Gilmer threw one and
ran two, from 92 and from five
yards out, as he led Alabama lo
the Sugar Bowl and a 41-21 con
quest of LSU.
Bob Chappuis scored one and
his passes set up another as
Michigan copped a bouquet of
roses with a 210 win over Ohio
Doak Walker came closer to the
presidency with a 16-yard field
goal, set up of a touchdown and
an extra point in downing Bay
lor, 100.
Bud Hausken of Minnesota's
radar squad went 40 yards with
an Interception to start the Goph
ers toward a 21-0 victory over
Lulu (Bambino) Gambino scored
twice and flipped for another T.
D. on Maryland's 20-6 upset of
Ken Kcuffel of Princeton toed
the two points which downed
Dartmouth 13-12,
Charley Justice choo-chooed to
a pair of TD's and heaved one in
North Carolina's 210 shutout of
Rex Grossman booted the 20
yard field goal which provided In
diana's 16-14 unending of Purdue.
Seed for trees and shrubs sold
in New York state are now under
state control by recent legislation.
7s7;' : of
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Enjoy good vision and freedom
from headaches . . . you can
not be sure your eyes are per
fect unless you have them ex
amined. Consult us now!
Dr.M. B.McKenney
908 Wall St. Phone 3 12-M
James. Sliiek, of Bend, was ar
rested Sunday morning by city
police on a charge of being drunk.
He was released after posting
$15 bail. ;
L. A. Williamson, J. C. Barker,
W. L. DePree and R. H. Keaton
have paid overtime parking fines,
according to city police recoids.
Citric acid, the stuff that makes
lemons sour, is present in human
The Journal Is the complete business
dally. Helps you protect your Income
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Send this ad with (5 to Pacltlo Coast
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Flowers For
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We Telegraph Flowers
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you tcske to the road
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driving on your speedometer bring your car
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winterize service and check up.
Winter driving hazards put great strain on
your car holiday traffic is an added
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Don'i Tcske Chances . . .
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Second Drive Carefully !
(Vim owe II to yourself, your family, your friends.)
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Victorian I, line,
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