MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1947 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE SEVEN CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates l.Oi AI- I'AIH IN AIIVANCK mil hut llino im 2A WuiiIh Tlirft '.illicit I.IHI lift WoiiU M Tlimn VI. 7A All tuid atar It imII lr tr waia IImh tuinibar wl Inwiiiwiia Una Month tun, ama cwpy, day rata Minimum than. 4ttr UtM lata IVr I aitlaU I Of llaatUr aila IM Una wiitiwum 4U liuplir ArfwiUltif Uilnt lima t I' M iitvua dr ! Ulgar, da; i i hall I titaviaua la pubilratliin. For Hlo IUsU Kolnlo jUIIKDROOM framed house oil Unci- Int. Sumo furniture goes, lii-iit Iiik und cooking stoves. Close in bus stop. Priced $3100 with M350 down. Cull ft till Render, All Suite Realty Co., 221 Greenwood. I'hoiiu I2M W, OWNER MUST SELL 2 bcdroum" modern humi' on corner lots. Plastered throughout, wired lor electric rungc. Vi'iiclliin blinds, hardwood lloors. lunili'il on oust side. Priced $100. Terms, lull lilll Ik-ndcr, All Stale Realty Co., 221 Greenwood. Phono 1293W. RIVEIl ACREAGE. Just north of I lui City 4 A. Modern 3 room Ilium' wllh shower, illulni; nnoli, wiied (oi' range, plenty nt wiiIim' f i mi pressure system, llnu river Wow, liiiul nil Uitll hIiIi'H u( Minim, your own private, fishing mill hiilhlng smjI. $IK00.0O. J. A. Dudley, Renllor, 533 lllll St., IIi-ihI. Ore. TWO BEDROOM modern house. 5 huge lols. 1031 E. Nth. Phone IM5 R. KOIl SALE liy Owner- 10 ucrc farm near Furost Grove - level. cult Ivnl Inn, ! A. hi'avy seeded -.tuiv, 5 room house, oil heat- hut wilier. L'.iii itnl, supply nk. electric in ) Myers water i sti'in (new), new won. Write or ll Floyd MiU'iiii. 1422 llhacu. L"i00 HUYS Sucre Unci. COl wa- 3-rnnm scml-modcrn homo. lit, Chicken house, garage, ims I slon 10 liny. C. V. Sllvls, 126 I IllCSOtU. ' T YOUR PROPERTY AT uf .BERTS REAL ESTATE. , nes. businesses, farm, old promptly and etfleleiitly. Gilbert hu served iwnd mncr una. i.H tvrt' Konl KutHte. 10 IS Wall. i."-' I'ATK, IIKNIVS l.AH(iT SKI. r.iai OK IIOMKS. KAItMS. IN- 1 W.l Ij I I V 1 ' I 1. 1 I I Hill ' H '' INKSS OI'IHIKTUNITIKS. TO IH'Y OK SKl.l.. UAI.I. AM. SPA'll-: RKAI.TV COMPANY. liKAI.TOHS. ::M CHKKNWtHin. I'HONK laiW-W. KIVK 'OMI'lv TKNT SAI.KSMKN TO 1IKLP YOU, - .......,. - TWO I.tVl'S, well rotmiriifli'd -I-itnri h'Hi-io. i-nncri'lc ruiiniliitltin, small hiiscincnt, cnncrcic gt-ptlc t.'uik, hot wati-r, kiiiiiii He wood f.l'd. lfinm or cn.Hli. lun Pavoiv purl. TllltKK CAI1INS on one lot. Two cahlns each 3 roonw ami one 4- jroum rahln with nhnwi-r, $40 ix-r month Income and your living ii'iartori. nil for S&iflO. See It at 'JiWi Ijifayetle. ,li Prntt, he I wren !:l!i and 8 p.m. 3 IIKIiKOOM Heml nindem hoiKe tin 'I lutu llnu hiillit-mttii fin flv. wren. Price S'JV.r0. Sioni) down. an an. DaiM'in, tii nuiii- i.eiiuy, ''1 f Ii'iinnVi'nrwl tihdne I'fl.'lAV FOR SALE -REAL ESTATE HOMES $ B.OlMI 2 bedroom modern home with fireplace. SO ft. front- lige. Keep lot with 40 ft. of frontage oil river. $ o,2n0 2 bi-ilionm modern home on West Side. Kxcellent condition anil about S years old, $ 7,500 Three bedroom home on West Side. All rooms mro large and newly decorated. Ilns full basement and 1 double gnrage. Terms tuny be arranged. $ 0,000 Owner must hnve linmeilhile sale. Reduced from $I0,A00. New lieaul If id two bedroom home located on K, Greenwood Ave. .Material and construction nro of the best. This Is a new homo and not a modern oraokor-ltox. $IO,nt)0 Itrniul new two bedroom home on Knstslde. Has automatic oil heal, dining room and basement. Insulated and very well built. $ 4,500 Two bedroom modern home with 4 lots on Westslde. lias attached workshop and large chicken yard. Terms. $ 2,850 One bedroom house close to mill, full basement. Also apartment on proorly now Im-Iiik rented. Knsy terms. $ 8,000 Threc-ltcilroom home on Knstslde. Good locntlnn. llns fireplace, dining room and full basement. Will I'll A. V 4,200 East Side duplex, elose III, good location. Completely furnished, lias renliil value of $75 er month. Easy terms. $ 8,000 Two bedroom furnished house on Kast aide, largo lot, double, garage, beautiful landscaped yurd. FARM ACREAGES $12,000 80 a s with spacious modem II room home, Has 80 shares of water. Crops all In. Large burn mid all cqulie nient goes will) place. Terms, $ 8,800 Modern six room house and bath, double garage, barn, chicken house and stone root cellar. 0 acres of land with flvo shares of wuter. Located 3 miles from Clly Center. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $ 15,000 SMAI.I, FOUNTAIN I.UNCII. (iood tlenl for couple. Net for 1040 was over $11,000. $27,000 HARDWARE STORK In nil excellent location In cluding Inventory and fixtures, showing a net of $2,000 per month. ' $28,500 LOCAL TWO STORY IIUIMIINO In choice down (own locntlnn, at present occupied by tenants with five year leases, netting owner $285.00 per month. Excellent terms may lie arranged. $ 8,000 Ixx-iil second hand storo netting $1500 at present. Terms enn be arranged. $31,500 HOTEL $10,000 down. Could linvn 2 business rent als on lower flour and 20 room hotel on upper floor. $ 8,500 House and 5 unit apartment house in an Ideal loca tion 4 blocks from business section. Present rental re I ; ..turn $180.00. Till In better than 25 on Investment, LOTS Two 50 ft; lots on K .Eighth One 50 ft. lot on ICastsldc Six 50 ft. lots on Enslslde. V RIXE REAL ESTATE Ernie Klxe 321 Congress Phono 107-1 114 Oregon Av'enuo Room 1 Upstairs Phono 2H-M 1 nr Hull Ileal KKtnte 10 A. IimicATlCI). all level land, eiiHy to In itiate, 5 room home with llrcplncc, liarii, chicken Iioiihc and new clNtern. One cow, 40 chicken Ko. I 'i Ho SirlHKl, ternm. Call Mr. llallew, All Statu itealty, 221 (iltl-IIWOIMl, iiliono 12U.'t VV. OHADK A UKSTAUHANT AND COMPI.KTK FOUNTAIN ANO I.UNCII. (iHOSS 1NCOMK $7000 TO $SIM0 PKU MO. KXCKI.l.KNT UICA TION. PIMCK $10,000 I'l.DS INVENTORY. CAM. Hull MAY Kit, AM. STATIC KKALTY, 221 (iltKKNVVOOl), l'lIONK lMW. $ii.')00 IIUYS 3 lii'driiiim modern home, clono In, tinvvd direct, new er connection, 2 loin, furniture In cluded. Immediate pufmcsnlun. C. V. SIIvIh, 10 Mlnneiiolu. $r000.(K) WIM. 1IIJY M laitfe H room liloilein homo. Suitable for roomeiH and lioanler, or u linne family. For leiiim and apilnt uieiit. call Mr. Uichlln, DAVIS & LARSON Ai;KNCY. 121 Oitkoii Ave. H ACRKS 3 ncre C. O. !., 2 iH'dioom hoiiHe, water pri-HHiiie hynlein. Fair out liulldliiK. 3 liillen on llutler Market III Way. 1'ilec $.l!i:o.oo. Some terms. Call Mr. Uicklin, DAVIS & LARSON At.KNCY. 12 OrcKon Ave. 1 M M K D I A T K POSSICSSION. Clean modern two bedroom home, corner lot. lawn and ita nine. $SIHI down payment, reason able tei niM. 80 McKay. 1IJY A HOME FROM C.ILUERT: fTie honir you're UxiklnR for Is listed at Gilbert's Real Estate A tnsurnrir. 1015 Wall St. WE 'IAVK THE LISTINGS. CAI1IN CAMP In Redmond: 4 room dwelling. 10 rentals, no va cancies. Untie yard Id Kcass, shade trees, nice Kiuden, city wa ter. Year uround Income. Room for trailer enmp, one ucrc of tt round, other buildings, (j. K. LoiiKiiecker, Mountain View Cu bins, Redmond. RY OWNKR: S lwdroom modern plastered home, 2 lots, fenced iiwn and i.'ai'den, chicken house, wood shed, KnniKo. a nice roc k cel lar. See at 1341 Jacksonville. SMALL 4UNIT nutn court, lo cated on South hlKhwny. Plenty of room for expansion. Approxl mutely 7.000 fivt of lumber und mlMcciliineous bulldini! material, ItKiitiiiR eiulpment, linoleum, doors, windows, etc. Inquire at Three Sisters Cabin Court, phone OOKM. WA Rjftl S A lUWCJIES A. very loud selection of Central Ore dun's Ih-iiit farms A ranches now iviillnlile Now Is the 'ime to l)Pt in that (arm. Stop In and let us hnw von these farms. All Stale llenltv. 221. On-cnwood. phone IMW. HAVE BUYERS for 1. 2 or 3-bedroom homes. List your property wllh Davis & Larson for quick turnover. 124 Oregon, phone 32. N "e W 3B I'TMIOOM MODERN house, $l.'l.r0. Call between 10 and 12 a.m. or 4 to 7 p.m., 423 So. 4lh. ON DESCHUTES river, 2 bed room modern homo on two lots. Beautiful location on West side. 1714 Sleldl, phone 59-1. Too Tllden ' 431 S. Third Phono 1218-It I'linl JACK PINK and Jack I'lue hIiiIin; iiIho railroad lien lli'l". AIho wood miwlii)! wanted. I.. R. Car penter, l.'ll Albany. Phone '.( J alter r p. in. PINK IIODY WOOD, reimouahle prlreu, uny leiiKlh iIi-hIii-iI, iiiompl delivery. Phone H.T., J. Rot. Wood Yard, SlNtem, lru. (JOOD DRY body wood, liny leiiKlh, uny amount. Order now, iiroiupl delivery, $H ta-r cord. Phone 1.1.10 J unytline. SAWDUST & IIOXW(X)D for ale, Hpeclnl Hummer lulcu. Cull Will-J, IIUY YOUR FUKL now, mimmer rate. Prompt delivery city or country on body, limbs, Utah lump & Milker coiiIh. Uroukln;i Wood Yurd, plionu 707. I' or Hole MuuxIIiumouii MONARCH WOOD RANCK. cream enainel, hot water colla. $IIHHI. Full blJ- metal bed and hii Iiikh. Impilie 1-IJH lllll. OIL CIRCULATINC healer, very Kood condition. 741 Delaware. MONTACJ DUCIIKSS wimd ranee, like new. 40-1 K. Franklin. Phone 5Z1J. SCRKKN DOORS made to order, bottom plywood panel. Window screens anil li allies, unflnlslied furniture, chest Slfil. medium S14 .Ml, desks SIX.50 $2.r.00, kitchen iHillt'liiH. baliy wardrobe J-'-'. 00. 0s-n evenings. We deliver. Mil ler's Nude Furniture. 410 K. Km crson, 2 blocks luisl of Frcemun's Tuckle. McKKN.lK RIVKR IIOAT and trailer. Ideal for river fishing. 8 mm, Revere movie camera. 3.'1 mm. Ai'uus camera and case. IIrIiI meter mid case. Phone 5!I3 or 221 M evenhiKH. FANTONS GARDKN: Oreijon Itlunt piinsles, asters, lieluiilas. snaudraRons, African daisies, zin nias.' marigolds, cosmos, vciIxmiIu, IoIh-IIii, Kodetin, delphiniums, car nations, sweet Williams, Iceland popples, pinks, painted daisies. Shasta daisies, erennial phlox, lieums, cauliflower, broccoli, hrus sels sprouts, tomatoes, pcpicrs. ecKplants. 8J9 ORden. ON K 14 MONTH OLD Grade Hrown Swiss hull, or will trade for Rood dairy heller to freshen In fall. One young suw. not bred. Rock Ranch. t miles north on old highway. Phone 151 1J4. WKANKR PIGS for sale. Rt. Uox 2.r2. Phone 2 F-I1. ONE ONLY portable electric saw. New. $130.00. One portable paint spraying outfit, S!7.!)". Montgomery Ward Order Office, 812 Wall street. PICKETT GARDENS, it's plant ini: time for asters, snaps, the new tetra snaiis, petunias, zin nias, marigolds, and tomato 1 plants In Individual planting box-; es. lilll and Quimby. NEW LINOLEUM 9 & 12-11. yard- j age, 3 patterns. Open evenings. 1 mown supply co.. uike A Divi sion St., phone 1156. PRACTICALLY NEW all white enamel Dutch oven wood A coal range, full enamel oven, table top model at about half pi h o lit $79.50. 0M-n evenings. Easy terms. Brown Supply Co., Luke A Division St., phone 1150. NEW KNEEIIOI.E 7 (lrawe7riesk S.19.50: unfinished desk S17r.n: Jnew-5-pc. bedroom suite $117.50; new daveno A chair SK9.50: dav- olio only $59.50; new chrome di nette sets 519.50 up; new 6-wny floor lamps with marble base 529.50; new glass top coffee ta bles $12.50; new book cases 57.50 up; new 5-dniwer unfinished chest drawers $14.50; used vanity with large mirror A stool only $14.50. Easy terms. Brown Sup ply Co., Lake & Division St., phone 115(1. 40 or 50 SACKS of drop seed po tatoes, 1 year off from certifi cation, 51.50 per 100 lb. sack. Also a fat hog. Cull ll-K-15. USED FURNACE for sale cheap. Cnn he used for either wood or coal, 1155 Harmon Blvd. 7 RANGE COWS nnd calves; 1 purebred Hereford bull; pure bred spotted Poland boar pigs. Folmer Bodtker, Rt. 2, Bend. In quire Tumalo Storo. A FINE SELECTION of watch bunds for yellow, rose and white f;old watches, nt reduced prices. Jiillcs extension bands, $10 for $7.50; $6 bands $-1.50; $3 black cord for $2; men's $5 band $2.75; men's $10 band $7.50; $37.50 watches for $27.50, 17-Jewelled movement, guaranteed timers. Good selection of wntch straps, calf skin, pig skin, horse hide, the very best straps, $1 to $2, lilted to your watch. II. B. Moore, Wntch Repairing, Erlltsen's Sta tionery Store. FOR SALE Two slngle nxlc log King trailers, complete with front bunks. Trl County Equipment Co., Redmond, Ore., phone 205. FILL DIRT, top soil, . cinders. L. E. Brlce, 630 Quimby, phone 1306-J. CUSTOM BUILT and union made screen doors and window screens, finished, painted nnd lump,. I'hone l)it uviiilahle, please drop curd to P.O. Box 726, Bend. USED DAVENOS $19.50. Used red velour davenport and chair, late model, $39.50. Used cream enamel wood nnd coal range wllh reservoir, $39.50. 6 piece dining room set with buffet, $79.50. Lois of other bargains. Open evenings. Easy terms. Brown Supply Co., Luke and Division St. Phono 1150. CECIL'S" SUPPLY &"rEPAIiT Lawn mowers sharpened; new lawn mowers, handles A rollers, grass catchers. Vlgoro, sprink lers, garden hose, nozzles, hose couplings. 320 So. 3rd. I'ur Kale Miscelluiieoim TWO IRON IIKDS'IKADS und splines, $10 each. Three burner Rasoliue range with oven, $10. One Wheeler A Wilson sewing machine, good condition, $IT. One 2 volt caliluet ladlo, wllh balle iles, $l.r. G. S. McCurlney, Route 2, Uox 1 l.'l, Tuinalo. I ' SAW MANDKKL, Pierce Gov. 2 circle saws. 2 self aligning Tim ken bearings saw, Inline and lieiieh. Hot water lank. 1110 Union. Phone 1274 J. I.ARGK DUTCH OVKN coal und wood combination range like new, while enamel. $7.ri.00. luipiire 1 Fresno Ave, bond, or phone 401 W. 4PIF.OF. SOLID OAK unllquc ril,-,llii.-r. ,.,.,.,UI,..,,.I l,l,-u I round end table, 1 coffee table at 'ft original cost. 0Hn evenings. Binwn Supply Co., Ijike und Di vision St. Phone 1150. HKAUTIFUL ANTIQI'K hanging lamps, some early American fur niture; cut glass and pattern glass; hand painted china; Straf fordslilre and SikhIc plates; col ored glass. Old Wagon Wheel An tlque Shop, 1841 Lust 1st, north highway. A SAW MILL complete with Chrysler Industrial engine. 1000 lb. horse. See Arthur J. Sherman, Gilchrist, Ore. FOR SALE: Irrigation canvas, 4, 5, G and 8-foot widths, any length. Fred Hodecker Potato Warehouse, Redmond, Ore. COMPLETE STOCK of radio tubes Including Philco and other nationally-known makes. Get the best performance from your ra dio. Bond Furniture Co. FARM A GARDEN portable over head sprinkler systems. Gas or electric pumps and motors. Ben lamln Russell, one mile south Redmond. Ore., on new Dalles California hlRhwny. Phone 927-M liend or 12-R-2. Redmond. CLEAN WITH P.EXA1R. the combination air conditioner, hu midifier, und vacuum cleaner Works through water. Phone 594 for demonstration, Immediate de livery possible. FULLER BRUSH CO.-s Bristle comb hair brushes are available in adult, pocket, and baby sizes. For a full line of personal and household brushes, mops, etc., phone 504. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl. Bend. SINGER VACUUM cleaners are here, no waiting. Most powerful motor driven brush cleaner ever made. See-them ut Singer Sewing Center, cor. Slate und Tumalo. 1SV11 FORD TRACTOR and 2(?f7. utility trailer with upper decks and loading shoot. Exceptionally clean both truck und trailer. Will sell for small down payment or trade for car. Call 3727 Salem at my exiionse for particulars or write Roy Lindsey, 3157 Portland Rd, Salem. FACTORY REBUILT vacuum cleaners. Same us new, with new machine guarantee. Eurekas, G.E.'s, Westinghouse. Save over one-half at Singer Sewing Center, cor. State and Tumalo. RED FRYERS: Llvcweight. Elder Ranch. 7 miles north on old Red mond highway. Phone 1306-W1. MA PLE-IU ' FEET sVo.SoTemueT wood range, $17.50; small range. 59.00; good sturdy kitchen chairs; real good buys in luncrspring and cotton mattresses; bedsteads; good coil springs; also flat springs; dresser with bed to match. $12.50; library diner table; round and oblong coffee tables. $3.50 to $7.50; smoking cabinet; tied with springs. $5.00; baby bed; occasioal rockers.. We have more used furniture coming in every day. Drive out and see what we have to offer. Cliff's Bargain Spot, 18-11 E. 1st, nofth highway. DOG FOODS Bend's largest as sortment of sizes and brands. We have Gaines and Friskies in 25 pound and 50 pound bags. Also Austin's old fashioned dog bones and kibbled in bulk. We stock Kendall's, Calo, Mankind, Vita food, Trixie, Boenomore, and Spratts. Our prices are right. Have you tried Dog Yummies, a tasty snack for your dog? We have them, also harness, collars, leashes and other pet supplies. Visit our pet department today. Gilbert's Feed and Garden Store, 15 Greenwood Ave., phone 78-J. REBUILT RADIOS SPECIAL FOR $9.95, your AC radio console ir phonograph combination will ae completely overhauled as fo lows: Up to three tubes replaced If needed, also resistors, coils, con Jensers, or power transformer If required, plus small Items as set ting record changer mechanism, replacing dial lights, dial cords, knobs, also minor cabinet finish ing as scratches, loose veneer, etc A factory time guarantee on tlu completed Job. 24-hour service on most radios. Sets picked up and delivered $1 extra. Only graduate technicians will work on your ra dio. We reserve the right to re fuse radios doctored by novices. Phone 1336-W. Clint's Radio and Sound Service, 37 Has tings. Open until 9 o'clock eve nings. 15 FEEDER PIGS, purebred Ilerefords and Hampshire-Hereford cross breeds. Some nice gilts for brood sows. Fat' sows and brood sows. J. H. Johnson, 3 ml. west of Tumalo. For Sale Used Cars 29 NASH. Inquire 305 E. Sew ard. '31 CHEV. COUPE wllh utility bed, good running condition, good 16 Inch tires. Phone 1072-R or call at 1120 Milwaukee before 5 p. m. '3IS PONTIAC COUPE, radio nnd heater. 404 E. Franklin. Phone D23-J. For Kale Used Cars 1035 INTERNATIONAL pickup, good condition, pi li ed to sell. Ten bSMils No. 12 galvanized barbed wire. Good saddle horse and sad dle. Last on highway No. 20 to i mile iKist, turn left, second house on left. L. D. Main. Hl.'ll MODEL A pli kuD for Ts-st offer. 14.14 Hill. Phone 100H. '40 NASH, radio and extras. Will take old model car as part trade. R. C. Valentine, Box 17, Madias. A BARGAIN: 1U33 4-door sedan, radio, heater A seal beam lights. All new tires Including spare, $235715 Colorado, Apt. 4, '35 CHEVROLET Standard, looks and runs like new. Can be seen ut 215 Riverfront. For sale by prlvutc purty. 1942 FORD dump truck, new Mer cury motor, 2-speed Eaton rear end, good box A hoist, $2000. In quire Green Trailer at Oils Cot luges, Ochoco Highway, Rt, 1, Box 191, Prinevllle. 1936 FORD 4-door sedan, new mo tor, tires, und paint Job. Also sealed beam headlights and heat er. Call ufter 8 p.m. Saturdays or anytime Sunday and weekdays. 3-16 Bond St. EQUITY FOR SALE In 1940 Chev. rolet. Good motor, paint Job, A tires. Call at 725 E. Marshall. For Itent TWO- FOUR ROOM houses for rent, not modern. See J. Lynn, 1917 W. 2nd. PASTURE FOR RENT: 25 acres alfalfa, clover and hluegrass pas ture. Will accept 20 head cattle 90 days beginning June 15. Reas onable price. Good water and shade. M. M. Whitmore, 11 miles N.E. of Bend opposite Pleasant Ridge Community Hall. FOR A GOOD money maker huy stock and lease of Mobil service station on Highway 97 in Red mond, 6th and Ash, phone 175-J. BEE HIVE SYSTEM. Trucks to drive yourself anywhere, no re strlctlons. New 1946 Dodge van for good clean hauling. Court house Service Station, corner Wall A Bond, phone 458 or 1368-W. NEW (I.AItK HEAVY DUTY SANDER. FIMtER & POLISHFU SINGLE OR COMBINATION RATES. EASY TO OPERATE. 1'IIH SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., 125 OREGON AVE., PHONE 21. SLEEPING ROOM In modern home, close In. Also have garage. 640 Congress. Wanted SMALL FURNISHED or unfur nished house or apartment by young couple, no children or pets. Phone 683-J after 5 p. m. BOARD & ROOM for mother and 2 boys, 7 and 9. Write No. 131, care The Bulletin. GOOD. CLEAN cltv and sururhan homes 2. 3 and 4-bedrooms mod ern. Cash buyers waiting for this better tvne nropei'lv. Call Mr. Shaver. All State Realty Co.. 221 Greenwood, nhone 1293-W. 1 or 2-BEDROOM modern home within 10 miles of city limits, north or south of Bend, on one or more lots or small acreage, from private owner. Write R. R. Blevins, care U. S. F. S., Foster, Ore., contact at Fish Lake. WANTED, HOUSE or apartment to rent, preferably furnished. Must nave place immediately. Permanent for small family. Phone 44 or 958, W. J. Eagan. ANY KIND oi cattle, also milk cows freshening soon. Will pick up at ranch. No commission to nay. Write or phone W. R. Franks, 78 Redmond. DEAD OR WORTHLESS stock picked up free of charge, phone collect 9-F-25, Redmond. Behy mer & Myers Rendering Plant. Help Wanted YOUNG MAN for light delivery truck driver. Must know city and have chauffer's license. Good hours and wages. State, age, ex perience and all qualifications in first letter. Write 404 The Bend Bulletin. .. . . k, . . . . DENTAL RECEPTIONIST. State age. education, qualifications and experience. Write No. 163 care of Bend Bulletin. Situations Wanted MAN WITH JEEP would like light tractor or stationary power work, also would be interested in mechanical or electric work. Call 1319-W. ELDERLY WOMAN would like work in a motherless home in the country. See me at 1135 Cumber land St. or phone 943-M. Lost LOST ONE EARING brilliants with 2 pendants, at Carroll Acres grange hall Saturday night. Find er please return to 326 Georgia. LOST GREEN JERSEY belt with black flowers, up town. Finder please return to 610 Colorado. The belt has 2 rings and ties in front. RED RYDER GAltll -jjfv fJ I -out LOST at KriekKon Store or be tween Erlckson's and the First National Bank, $30.00 wrapped in yellow pas-r with the name of Mrs. F. W. Bcrglund. Phone 1012 M. Mrs. Earl G. Gregg. LOST COIN PUR.siTconlaliilng currency Sat ui day forenoon in downtown IK-nd. i Inder return to A. McLauchlin, Rt. 2, Box 207-A. Rewuid. Phone I F 21. Found GLASSES In brown case Sunday, downtown Bend. Owner may nave by idenlilying und paying lor ad. LOST, small gold Lady Bullova wrist watch with douole c o r a band of brown leather; broken gold clasp. Return to bulletin ol lice lor reward. Servlcen BUTTONS, BUCKLES, eyelets covered. Buttonholes made. Most complete line in the male, many slya-s to choose lrom. bee Joe Anuerson, Singer Sewing Center, cor. stale anu Tuinaio. We buy old machines. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE moving. Household goous moved any piace in tne L. a. A.; also House moving. We are agents lor uums Van unes. Holman 'irans ler Ac Storage, 201 Irving, pftune Ml. VENETIAN BLINDS Refinish ing, painting, repairs. Phone aa-V. Free estimate. WASHING MACHINE SEKV1CL. imiu oiiu lepaiin lor most nunc ea. tecu'U. tuiu acetylene weiuuig oi an iiieiaia. tteua Washer sei vice, iuj nuriiiuii A Utuvesiuu uu ice ax3. residence 12o-J. REFRIGERATION kerosene or electric 110-v. 32-volt deep Ireeze units; Delco light plant service, sales, repairing; deep and shal low well pumps; gas and diesel engines, sales. H. S. Hawthorne, ru. i, box 44, ttenu. On Klamath Falls bena hignway. SEWING MACHINES, repaired or rebuilt. Cabinet refimshing. We repair any make machine. See Joe Anderson at Singer Sew. ing Center, cor. State and Tumalo. We buy old machines. iCall Sutton 1368-J- for Cleaning. W E CLEAN: windows, wall paper, kalsomine, painted wans, IwoodworK, outsule oi buildings, .Venetian blinds and upholstery. We clean and wax floors wiih 1 heavv pnulnmpnt- Wp fin lamtdi . . i , - . --- i service. Free estimates on new Venetian blinds. Quick delivery. We manufacture and sell Pine Sweeping Compound. We have been in this business In bend since 1933. Satislaclion guaran teed. LA WNMOWERS sharpened, cut ter bar ground on two siues, reel ground to fit bar, oiled A aujust ed. Kcvs made, saws Hied, shears. 1 knives, henuerson's Shop, 112 Minnesota. PAINTING, interior, exterior, plaster patching, renovating. Rea sonaoie prices. 1-ree estimates. Wm-th 1-nrehpr ji44 1 .Plau-nt-o j Phone 8tfc)-J. VACUUM CLEANERS, repaired lor rebuilt. We repair all makes. (Most complete line of parts and I attachments in Central Oregon. Make this your Vacuum Cleaner Headquarters. Singer Sewing Center, cor. State and Tumalo. WASHING MACHINE SEKV1C1.' and wringer rolls lor all makes Let us check your machine no obligation. Maytag Appliance Store, next to Chamber ol Com merce, phone 274. WELL & DRAIN HOLE drilling. L. A. Holman, 108 Tuinalo Ave., phone 199-W. ATTENTION Cesspool and Sep tic tank owners. We specialize in pumping septic tanks and clean ing drains any size, any place. Prices reasonaDle. Grimes A Gis kaas. Phone 1252-J or 1167-J. EXPERT RADIO SERVICE now available at Claypool Furniture Horse Show (Continued From Page 1) as they raced up and down the field. Sid Elliott was the winner in the men's division. He rode for Redmond. Juanita Clark, Red mond, won in the women's divi sion and John Rosebrook, Bend, was victor in the children's divi sion. In the flag relay race, Ken Gregg, Bend, was winner. This was another thrilling event, with riders jockeying to remain up right on the slick earth. First honors in the Tennessee walking horse contest went to Marjorie Van Gilder, of Wasco, who rode "Chief Boy." One of the several features of the after noon was the display of colts at halter, in two divisions, under and over six months. Carmen Talbot on "Ajax" won the jumping event, with horses crossing four obstacles. Second honors went to Ann Ellis on "Uncle Bud" and third place to Al Epenbaugh's "Seablscuit." In Hie chill of the unseasonable June afternoon, the horses were not very eager to cross the high bar riers, but finally warmed up to the contest. The old time rodeo favorite, a musical ropes race, was held in three divisions. Shorty Gustafson, who once rode the Fort Rock ranges and competed Sunday un der Redmond Saddle club colors, won first In the men's division. Ann Ellis, of Redmond, was first for women, and red-shirtcd Allen Steele won first for children. In the five gaited horse exhibi tion, Glenn Inompson, of Prine vllle, was up on his proud "Lucky." It was in this event. No. 12, that the host club presented a massive make-believe horse, at. Patrick s Mistake, powered by four feet that appeared very human. This pony, which would pass for a colt sired by the famed wooden steed of Troy, cantered out into the field, took a bow, danced a bit, got all excited when a real horse entered the area. and finally waltzed off the field. Real horses didn't appreciate this critter, and several bolted. Event No. 13 proved to be a lucky one for Carl Campbell, as he raced home on "Delight" lor first place, in a quarterhorse race. Scott Smith's "Cricket" was second. Junior riders received full rec ognition In the program, and one ot the events that was entirely their own was No. 14, featuring Junior horsemanship. Because of ihe close competition, Judges Schueler and Long were forced to break the event into two di visions. In one division, Robert Osborn won first place and tiny Donna Stull was second. In the other division, the Rosebrook twins, Doc and Butch, up on the same horse, were first, and "Cow poke" Stull was second. - Junior riders had another event all to themselves in a sack roping contest, won by Allen Steele, with Eddie Gardner taking second spot One of the hardest events for the Judges to decide was the three-gaited event, matched pairs. In this, a mother and daughter combination, Mrs. Murl Lucken bill and Doris Luckenbill, up on "Smoke' and "Midnignt," won first honors. Final event of the day was a saddle horse race, won by Carl Campbell of Sisters, with Frank Filey, Bend, second. Earlier, Fi ley, accepting a special prize for the Bend club, became owner of a low-geared 'donkey, which he saddled and rode out of the arena. Also, in mid-afternoon, Filey won a special race. Robert E. Isham Heart Victim Robert E. Isharm, 46, a resident of Bend for over 15 years, died yesterday in Portland, where he had lived since 1945. He suffered a sudden heart attack, according to information received by local rela tives. Crematory services were being arranged, and a memorial service will be held later at the local Pentecostal church. Mr. Isham and his wife, the former Jean Lakin, of Bend, moved to Portland several years ago, shortly after their marriage. He was operating a boat building business there. He came to Benu in about 1927, and was employed by Brooks-Scanlon, Inc., as a worker in the box factory. He leaves' two daughters and a son, Mrs. Walter Marken, Mrs. Charles Sullivan and Robert E. Isham, Jr., all ol Bend. They were planning to leave today lor Portland, to attend the services. Other survivers include his mother, Mrs. Elna Isham, of Port, land; two sisters, Mrs. Vernon Taylor, of Seattle, and Louise Stewart, ol San Diego, and a brother, Charles, ol Vancouver. Recent Visitor To Oregon Dead Ancil Kitteiman, 72, brother of Mi's. Ola Denton Clover and John H. Kitterman, both of Bend, died Sunday at 8 p. m. at his home in Ottumwa, Iowa, it has been learned here. He had come to Bend May 2, for his third visit in three years with his brother and sister, and shortly afterward suflered a paralytic stroke. Rela tives from Iowa joined him here and accompanied him to his home two weeks later. He leaves two sons, Robert and Maurice, both of Ottumwa. Mr. Kitterman was born In the Iowa town where he spent most of his life. He operated a farm, before retiring several years ago. He was a member ol the Masonic lodge. Funeral arrangements were pending. Keep scissors from rusting In damp weather by wrapping them In waxed paper. AFL Convention (Continued From Page 1) J. T. Lebor; education, May Dar ling; ways and means, C. W. Crary; officers' reports, Henry iNewcombe; rules of order, Don Ryan; grievances, Frank Easter- dahl, and audit, W. C. Oxford. Heading of resolutions was scheduled lor this afternoon and tomorrow. The proposed state sales tax will be discussed tomor row morning together with other matters of legislative policy, ac cording to S. Eugene Allen, choir man of the committee on law and legislation. He predicted almost unanimous opposition to the tax. Allen, who is the son of County Judge and Mrs. C. L. Allen, is editor of the Oregon Labor Press. Delegates Welcomed Clarence Briggs, business agent of the Central Oregon lumber and sawmill workers, opened the convention and welcomed the delegates to Bend. The Invocation was pronounced by Rev. K. A. Tobias and Mayor G. W. McCann made a welcoming address. Police chief K. C Gulick and Jack Hal- brook, president of the Bend chamber of commerce, likewise welcomed the delegates to this area. County Judge Allen gave a welcome on behalf of Deschutes county. Veto Requested By unanimous vote the conven tion of the Oregon State Federa tion ol Labor asked President Truman to veto the Talt-Hartlcy bill. Text ol the federation's com munication to the president fol lows: "Oregon State Federation of Labor, assembled In annual con vention at Bend, Oregon, earnest ly requests that you veto the Taft Hartley bill. Oregon Labor and Oregon employers have demon strated by years ol practice that the way to industrial peace is through voluntary bargaining by management and labor, and not through coersive legislation. The Oregon way will prove elfective il applied on a national scale. Your veto of this measure will be vin dicated by coming events." Weston Speaker Ed Weston, president ol the Washington State Federation ol Labor, was guest speaker at the Oregon federation convention this morning. He outlined the legislative progress that the AFL unions have made in the state ol Washington and urged strict ad herence to a non-partisan politi cal policy. He questioned the wis dom and elfectiveness of making political endorsements but urg ed labor unionists to "deleat their enemies." Weston recommended that AFL labor movements in the eleven western states join forces in the establishment ol a Washington, D. C. ollice to protect and pro mote the interests of labor unions as well as the communities in the west. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., June 9 HP) - Portland butter prices were un changed and lairly steady at opening of the week's trading to day. The market carried a sen sitive undertone with the trade keeping purchases to a minimum. Egg prices also were unchanged and steady. Top quality eggs car ried a strong tone. Butter Prices to retailers: Grade AA prints, 66c; AA cartons, 67c; A prints, 64 and 65c; car tons, 65 and 66c; B prints, 61 and 62c lb. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA extra large (certified), 60c; AA large (certilied), 48 and 59c, un certified 2c dozen less; A large 55 and 56c; AA medium, 55c; A medium, 51 and 52c... A small, 45c dozen .cartons 2c additional). Bulletin Classifieds bring results. WANTED! We Will Pay Highest Prices for Good Used Furniture Square Deal Furniture Exchange 201 Franklin Phone 324 or 1224 By Fred Harman