THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEB. 22, 1947 PAGE SEVEN 1 CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates Lool Pld in Advene W Wnrtta One. Time Ufa n Word 'I'linw Time ... Hftoi u tturua run iiiiim All vfri attr M ftiM If r wi4 IImw Um III rum. tir. H 4I NU MInImmm Chart. Ilr IJM ! IN tIUU It Hllt I M lit. JtMllHM lt IIKMI LODGE, NoTl-iK, i.o.o.i-. Mccta Every Monday Nl)jlit l.O.O.F. Temple. Karl Wclier, Noble Grand IX Itay Miller, phono 107!)-W,Scc'y 2115 l-'i Kiiklln Avimiuu 1'iir Sale IUiiI IChIiiIo IF ITS REAL ESTATE. Hat wllh All Slate. Ilcnd In growing. Iielp iik place these new clllen In per manent home. For quic k uml ef ficient I to tut 1 1 n u of your prucr ty. lint with All State Realty Co., 221 Greenwood, phono 121)3. W. MUY A HOME KKOM GILHERT: The home you're looking tor In limed ut Gilberts Ural LMulti & Insurance, loin Wall tit. WE have the listings. list your property at giliierts heal estate. Homes, businesses, farms, told prumpily und c lllclciilly. Gilbert has served Itcnd since 1015. (j. bcrt'a Held Estate, 1015 Wall. FARMS & K A NCI I ICS. A very Kod selection of Central Ore gon's better farina und ranches now available. Now la tho Unit lo gel on that farm. Slop In mid 1H ua ahow you these farina. All Statu Really Co., 221 Greenwood. Phono l.'ua W. l-t)lt SALE hy owner: -I bedroom, iiKHiern, lurnlHlii-tl hou-i,.. double k'linilie. lariie eorner lot, on pavi- l near hlijh aehiMil, yi.'-IXI cn-th or ti rma. 2'M Jvtirraon olai-e, I phone Mo. ON Mlltltolt IH)NlTr'-jloTit" iK-ttullliil hum,-mi,.. ,., ,.,' lor K.ile on the I'oml. liKiulie nt l.UTi dalveatou. n i in ci loiorumTiiii'lir. Irarllve miKlern Kueat ioua and il-r (jaraire. iilao atoriiKe liheilrt. (iiHid lilllldmu alto. KHH E. Nth Si, SIK10. Kt'HITHin.r v v V ri Miuill down imytnent. Two-bed-1 room miKlern liouae with hae- mint. SelM't liM'Hitnn;- Rm-nRi iMallll.-j for lit Jyui. 4 lu 7 iveni Iiiki. -CTS Stale. 'J 10 ACHES. IS ( a. rea Tomaln wa-1 ter, 8 iNtlrnoin hooi,e wiih bath I 10 i.ih new nlfalla. IbK-khlll and otltrr herrlea. I aire ceitliiej .MarMiall KtruwtkTry plania. tMW now. $-n) nfter Ix-rri- 1 unnef 1 Mlilnii,! A p I. . ru.- liiV-A. Emm Tiimalo inllo went, turn 2 "lh-JK Jt I tit Tit AI U l nnni lw.,, JT.... ly (liil.Hheil Inside A out, fornbih. I ed or 11 11 1 lifll I-IhmI Id iruje for i e.irti uek or DA ("Mel -plllni'.' Will 1..1V ash dillt'rrnev. Call after i : !( in. 4(H E. Norton. SMA 1. 1. TtANCM. Iota of build Ink ttmlerial plomblni; on new hiHhfay iM-m.-.-n Ita-mi & e. niitnd. (lorKi-oos view. han S-'iHM rash. Henlatnln Itusset). owner. Ilii.x Uii, Keilmond. dento S2i)' Eloililu. HeniL Cin.SE IN MODERN 5 room Iioum- with furnace. Inqulru 252 tieoi'Kln, WANTED! We Will Pay Highest Prices (or Good Used furniture Square Deal Furniture Exchange 201 Franklin Phone 324 or 1224 See ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans On AUTO vnr LIGHT TRUCK Your PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. , M-333 2l7 0rocon Thono 52.1 For Buln Ileal Estate $57(10 IIUYS 10 ui'ii'H, large limine, 21 acres COI, iirri'M strawberries, lights telephone, 2 miles irum Hi-nil, paved load. C. V. bllvls, 120 ntiuuciiiiiii. $0MX llll YS .'HI uercs, nil Irrigated. GimkI 4-routn house and outbuild lugs, clohi! to school, puved road. I'lmnrNaiiui II) uays. C. V. Silvia, I2H niiiiiii'aolii. $25000 IIUYS 4H0 ut ra dairy ranch, largo modern home, Nwnl li'y water, close to town, linnio. male ii.Hi'iiiun. C. V. Silvia, I'M Minni'Kiila. $21110 CASH IIUYS 4-room semi modern honu on Federal, liuinn niatti possession. l:x) niiya 3 room aim J-rooni, corner lot, rJasl unit-. C, V. Silvia, 12o Mlimcsoiu. 75 ACHE KAKM, 21 n. COI wult-r, (inn. houac, wati'r prvKnure & fift'irlfiiy. 1'otalo cellar ac aotnt' oiitOulliliiiKa, 4 '-a mill's fioin tnuMi on luillcr Mkt. ltd. $MW. Wayne llamhy. SIM) IIUYS new U room modern home, full cement haaemciit, plW lurnaee, 2 lota, Eaat altle. I'naHea. aloii koon. C. V. Silvia, 12U Mllllle hoIii. (iltlK'EKY STOKE on South highway, 1 'i nrrni with 100 ft. Ironlaue. 3-room furnished house In rear. I'llied for (ukk aale lit S.VM, $2.V)il down. Cull Mr. Ileliiler, All Stale Kenlly Co., 1 ireenwiKd, phone llilKi-W. CA ITI.E KANCIf. will run up lo 200 heail, 12H ni-rea COI, mouern 2cow niillt barn, 5-room houae. hay barn, many outlni'.lil'.n.js, XJl.VKI. Cull Mr. Ilender, All Slale Keally Co., 221 CIreenwood, ihoiie I21. AV. W E 1. 1- UHJATEI) 4 oedroom home, hardwood tioora, ttivpl.u-e, full cement baaement Willi lor iiare. PoHHeaNlon linmeOtateiv. l ull Hob Mayer. All Stale Kenlly Co.. 211 l,ieenwuod, phone 2 ACHES OK LAND with i mom house, at-iv ol water on Iiikii. Way 21 nilleR north of llcumoml. Will take car or truck ua down payment. See Walt Ouy at Kile lv, ne ixilca Kinu, call 12ti'J. SEM1M0DEHN 4 HOOM home with 2room houae 10 rent. Only S.1HI0. Close in on Wall Vieot. l!nlntdlltl ptmaeasion. Kor aiv poiiiiinehl cull Mr. Un-kll.i. .411 Statu itcally Co., 221 liieenwootl, phone 12WW. KOH gUICK SALE by owner: 3 beilnxiin home, baaement, mloty, lou ol 1)1(111 Ins. 2'i tola beuiitl.ul Uy.ii, lot.n.ol 1 lowers. R'trdi-o. 2 lllv ,'iniis,, t;aiaj.;v- Some- l-trui, I'lljine 12IH-W. 342 Knnt Clny Ave. NICK Jti.EAN "HiroraTlioine, new' lfli fixtucea, hirce living room H kitchen, located on idver front. True S-kXiO. Oill Hob May. !-, All Statu Realty Co. 221 UifenwiKxt phone 12SO-W. luel DKY HODY WOOD. $11.75 per cord, limntillate delivery on 14" and Hi": Any lciuith cut to ortler. Call ut 218 1'ui llund Ave. or phone 12.C W. DHY UODY nnd limb wootl, prompt delivery. $11.75 a cord, non u-wis, 4,j7 E. Heverc St., or phone J2M1.J. SLA 11 WOOD, delivered In Hend at $0.30 11 unit In 2-unll Iota. Cull Central Orrjfon Euel Co., Hed mond, phone lti-Y oil Ice, or real Ucnco 201-W. DHY JACK I'INE Blab und body pine, Hi" & 24", Alao wood saw lilK wanted. L. It. CariH'nter, 1324 Aloany, phone HM-J alter S p.m. DHY JACK PINE slab. 2 ft. und Hi-ln, $10 a cord. John Ho nek, Hend Wood Yard, 422 ileyburn, piiono 1230. HON or MILL ENDS. LarRo 1 nd ST). Immediate delivery, phone lMi. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on Hi Inch & 24-Inch Imdy wood, M1.75. Phone 333 or Inquire lioi;ers Scr vlv Station. Dave Nelson. l-'or Sale MIseellamHiUH USED WESTEHN KLYEH bike In excellent condition. See at Sic mil Service Station across Irum Park. CENUINE LEATHER bin rocker very besi condition; Perfection kerosene healer; breakfast table; chest of drawers; Hrunswlck vie l in In . At home Saturday & Sun day, lti-1 E. Norton. IKAHH1T HUTCHES for sale M Varco ranch Mi mile west and W mile Noulh from Plalnvlew school. KOH SALE: 2 wheel trailer, I Ires. Inquire 10!) Broadway. 616 KOR SALE: SptlnR Rye reed. Bided huy, straw; bnby cltix; Trl uiirIc mixed feeds. Greenwood l'eed Co., phone 78-J. LINOLEUM, Inlnid & print or yartliiRe i, 9, 12-11. wide, alec luree ussotinient rilRS 6x9 to 12x1:'), terms. Open evenitiRS. Brown Supply Co., Lake & Division St phone 1156. HOT POINT electric ratiRo, Into model, with deep well cooker, $150: Hoi Point electric votrlRer nlor, $150, Riiarunloed. Open even Iiirs & Sundays ! to 12 p.m. Easy terms. Brown Supply Co., Lake & Division SI., phone ll."6. KOH SALE: Hesiiiiiranl booths und tallies, slnRle & double: 41-11. of counler, hardwood construc tion, bakellte tops. See Murcn lirlbskov nt Pine Tavern. SINGER SEWING machines & olher.s, $15 up, terms. Oj)en even Iiirs iiikI Sundays from 9 lo 12 p.m. Phone 1156. Brown Supply Co., Lake & Division St. For Hula MIhcqIIuii'shm 1 DUTTON STEAM bollnr, nl.e 1U'"x50", Approved 30 I ha, preaaurv to aquut w Inch. Excellent conoiilon. Compieiu with alack, KAUKca, and ulxiut 40-11. of piie, vaiveH. etc. Puce iO, I'leioi,uiiu Creuniery Co., phono 41. HUMMAliE SALE by Catholic Altnr Society, circle 1, Mot-.tla), 'I'ucadHy unci Weoneailay ut No. 2 (ireenwotMl, houra 10 to 4. 11 EDS, SPRINGS, innif.eaaca, chalra, cheata of drawera, NorRe, inanKKs etc, iuvu Auto court, Jrj und J-rnnklln. NOW YOU CAN BUY "OreRon Hied" chlcka from OrcRon Siute liutchery hi Klamath ruua, Ore., 1 ton) your own local aloro. Place your orucr touuy wnn orcenwood reed Co. at l.lccnwoou at Divi sion St. In tieno. BEARDLESS SPRING Rye aecd tor aule at 314c per lb re cieancd. j, t. inoinpaun, o nnlca wcat ol tuinulo 011 biatcia hlxnway, phono 28 r -22. COMPLETE STOCK of radio tub ea InclunlnR Phllco and other nu jionuliy-Known makea. Oet the ueat M'i lortnance iroin your ro uto. Immiu rurnnuru Co. KAKM and OAHDEN overheaa tprlnklcr ayituma; gaa or elucuic pumpa anu motor, for imoritm. uon write Itcpnmontuuvo Uenjav mm Kujuwll, iteutnoiul, oro. VACUUM CLEANER purta, all mukea, all kinds. Moat complete line 111 Central Oregon. Any muke vacuum cteuner icuuneu or re built, j oe Anucraun, auiRor Sew 111K ccuier, cor. btuio unu I uiimlo, uvna, pnonc bt2-vv. KOR CHAH1S Foundation Cur menu, Rirdlea und bruaalera, wruo inu t crum, General oeuv-ci-y. iteuinouu or pnone 2biKJ, itetimonu. ELEC1HIC WASHER. Inquire slaters Cure, Slaters, Ore., phone 7(2. 11UN1EHS! SprliiRer. pups lor aide. Mack Cocker stud service. 1 1111 s cocker Kennels, 3 miles on aoulh hlRhwny. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, com bination console mouei radio & lu-record automatic player. Its uuilt in a beuutnul manoRany cuHC. When not in use It iooks line a taoio or caolnei. ''It's the ruulo thai hcicu win the war." kil the cnKiuccrinR of recent years has roiiv 11110 this machine, l-ret- trial in your own home. It you hear It you will want to own one. trade in your old radio. It s equal to any S-XX) set in tone qual ity or beauty. Easy terms. Special 2D.So. lit own Supply Co., Lunc Division SL, phone 1156. 1JALED STRAW 1 mile west of Petersen KocK (Jarucns. Aitred MiKkelsen. SINGER AUTOMATICJ000 wutt 3-siK'Od Irons with cloth control :i.:f3. ThtB is the finest Iron ever mailt'. Hulit and Ruaranteed by oinKur. inRer bewinx center, Slate und 1 utnalo, phone 862-W, HABY CHI X Every Wed. New 1 lamiishlres. Rock Hamoshlres Cross, while LeRiiorns. Write lor circular. Hurts' liutchery, Beaver- ton, ureRon. AN EXCELLENT oil circulator. Can be seen at 67 Hawthorne. IS TONS SECOND CUTTING No. 1 nlfalfa, $40. Also 15 tons No. 1 blut'Rruss, clover and allalla mix ed, $3S. Will d.fliver within 15 nines. Hurry crampton. 1200 Ual vealon, phone 1107-J. OR TRADE for Rood used cur, Tucker Snow-Cat demonstrated at lloo-Doo Ski Bowl last week end. See at Eddie's GnrnRc, Bend. Dun Pinch, owner, Ochoco Inn, iTIne- V1IIC. KOH SALE: Apartmcnt-slzc elec tric stove, completely recondi tioned with new burners, new wire, ele. Like new. Call Hed- mono li-E-56. K. D. Minson, Ter rebonne. FOR SALE 7 It. red mountain cednr posts, very Rood quality, Cull Bend 6H5-W alter 6 p.m. REBUILT RADIOS SPECIAL KOR $9.95. Your AC radio con sole or phonoRrnph combination will be completely overhauled us follows: Up to three tubes replac ed If needed, also resistors, colls, condensers, or power transform er If required, plus small Hems as setlhiR record chunRor mech anism, replacinR dial llRhts, dial cords, knobs, ulso minor cabinet flU-l.l,,. ..u D..t-..l..l...u neer, etc. A factory time Ruaran tec on the completed job. 2-1 hour service on most radios. Sets pick ed up and delivered, $1 extra. Only Riuduatc technicians will work on your radio. We reserve the liRht to refuse radios doctored by novice. Open until 9 o'clock even InRs. Phone 1336-W, Clint's Radio und Sound Service, 37 HastinRS. GOOD BIG POTATOES, $1.75. Will deliver. W. G. BurlelRh, phone 30-K-13. SPECIAL SALE. SY3 complete 5 piece bedroom set; a 5-drawer chest; vanity & bench; night aland & full sized bed. Locally made, sturdily built unfinished furniture. Also furniture made to order. Kitchen buill-ins and book eases. 446 East Emerson, two blocks east of Krecmun's Tackle, M 1 1 1 c r's Cabinet Shop, phone 562-J. NEW LARGE oil circulating heaters; 600x16 tire, 6-ply; oil burners for coul & wood ranges & heaters; castings for all makes of stoves & heaters; coils made to order. Guaranteed work. Baker Stove & Furnace Repair, 856 Og den Ave., phone 459-W. LARGE SHIPMENT of new lino leum rues. $6.95 and uu. Also 6-ft. yardage. Brown Supply Co., Lake Ac Division, pnone 110b. For Wale Haiti Cars 11)42 STUDEBAKER Commander, 4-door, clean, overdrive, heater, dofroatcra; 1041 Pontine, 5-paas-onuer couix-, radio, heater, de froster, perfect: 11)10 Hudson, 4- door sedan, low mileage, extras; I'J.H uina., ua is, :o; i:u. ui Salle. Bond. $275. Two-wheel trail er, $35. Johnson Bros., Al'a Mobile Sta., cor. lit It He E Sta., Hedmoad, 1941 CHEV. 5-pusnenRer coupe, radio & heater, other extras. Cleanest used car In OrcRon. Du prec Motors, lit It & C, Redmond. ONE 1940 DODGE 4-door sedan, excellent condition. Phone 611-M. WILL TRADE 1946 Kord tudor, for older model car '40 or '41 mod el. 627 OROen. SEVERAL GOOD used cars lor sale. Used rar lot, corner East 8th and Greenwood. '41 AMBASSADOR C sedan, or trade for pickup. Motor Just over hauled and Rood tires. 245 Mc Klnley. For Kent SLEEPING HOOM. 640 ConRress. ROOMS for RENT. Twin beds. Gentlemen only. Pnone MO W. 58 Greeley. BEE HIVE SYSTEM. Trucks to drive yourself anywhere, no re strictions. New 1946 Dodge van for good clean hauling. Court house Service Station, corner Wall & Bond, phone 458 or 755-W. RENT THE NEW Clarke waxer and polisher for your floors. See The Sherwln Williams Co., 125 Oregon St., phone 21. ONE HOOM furnished cabin, oil heat, water and llRhts furnished. $30 per month. Phone 501-J. l.AKi,!-. modern housekeeping room, also sleeping room. 513 Lava Road. NEWLY REDECORATED room wllh private kitchenette In mod ern home. Furnace heat day and night. Close in, $25 month. M5 Delaware St. Wanted WANTED GOOD. CLEAN city and suburban homes, 2, 3 and 4- tM!rrnma mnHnm t'acH tmum waiting for this better type prop- nrfv Citll Mr Qt,i,i,r All C,u, Realty Co., 22i Greenwood, phone 1293-W. ANY KIND of cattle, also milk cows freshening soon. Will pick up at ranch. No commission to pay. Write or phone W. ' R, rranits, la Kedmond. 4 or 5-KOOT SHOW CASE. What have you? 1193 Wall or 1490 New- port. WE BUY old sewing machines. Singer Sewing Center, phone K-H,- RESPONSIBLE PARTY wants to rent farm. Been farming In Des chutes county for 10 years. Write mvw. care ucno tsunelln. . LET US BUY or sell your car. Top prices lor clean, used cars. Johnson Brothers, Al's Mobile Station, comer 6th & C, Redmond. WANTED: 3 OR 4 BEDROOM HOUSE CLOSE TO GRADE SCHOOL. WILL RENT OR LEASE WITH OITION TO BUY WITHIN 6 MONTHS. GIVE DE TAILS OF HOUSE AND SELL ING PRICE TERMS. WRITE OR WIRE G. W. DIBBLE, 732-E EAST 42nd. McLOUGHUN HTS.. VANCOUVER, WASH. VETERAN and MOTHER need 2 or 3-room modern house or apart ment. Permanent, relitblc. Take good care of property. Phone 605-R. WANT TO BUY furniture of all kinds, one piece or a house full. Highest cash prices. 2334 N. 1st or call 1269, Walter Gay. WANT SHOW for Atkins rhain saw. Wllke E. Sieh, 7655 N. Pen Insular, Portland 3, Ore. Help an.W-tl FARMER WITH equipment nnd IriiRatlon experience to operate farm of 350 acres, 338 acres wa ter, near Sisters, on shares. Phone after 6 n.m. or write Mrs. Mere dith Bailey, Sisters, Ore. WANTED: WOMAN lor full or part time work in local Insurance agency. Should be proficient .in shorthand. State experience and approximate salary desired. Write No. 66S5, Bend Bulletin. MAN for GENERAL farm work. 2-room house If married; cabin and board if single. Mrs. E. D. El rod, Rt. 1, Box 46, Redmond, pnone a-F-2. ' NIGHT CLERK wanted, .Marley Hotel. . , STRAYED or STOLEN from near Carroll Acres, 2 large wbitc milk gouts. Reward for return or In formation regarding whereabouts. Li, uraii, Kt. 1, BOX 1(4. MAN'S, BLACK, zipper wallet recently. Contained driver's li cense, lodge Identification, etc., some money. Contents "valuable to owner. Please return to The Bend Bulletin office. Reward. Pound 8-lb. SLEDGE HAMMER. Stan ley Gray stamped on hammer. Owner call 84 or City Police. Services ARE YOU MOVING? We 'will move your household goods AJNi WHERE in dust-tight padded vans. Courteous service, Insured carrier. BEND STORAGE & TRANSFER COMPANY, 218 Irv ing Ave., phone 444. Agents for UEKtNS padded vans. . INTERIOR nnd exterior decorat ing. R. Wonettu, phone 1170-J. Mental Health Requires Lies, Says Scientist Hollywood. Feb. 22 Hl" If vou. like George Washington, cannot tell a lie. VOU're a likelv runrllrliit lor a menial hospital, a psycholo- gist said toduy. I Alice ivere sa d tnat mavbe back In the lHth century the fath- er of hl country could go 67 years I wnnout letting a lie. But men and women In the 20th century could-1 n t keep mentally and physically j healthy without white lies or part " 1? th ihJ!,T P?1?," , "People who make a fetish of j oLrHif. 1 .V , " . "'l,? '?' rc' ?-r .. "'"V " cause others or themselves, are candidates for Insane asylums," she said. "NotxHly can tell the truth all the time without enmeshing him self and others in a maze of con flicts and tensions that eventual ly lead to telling lies. That goes for George Washington too." Highway Fund Transfer Backed Salem. Ore.. Feb. 22 mo-Secre- T tolvT, H,8" Farre"i ' HarryT PrinevlMe ce'n" fcJL ZSZttt tt"?iWh with 14 points. funds from the highway commls-1 sion to the state police to increase efficiency In policing highways. in a letter to tne ways and cans Committee Farrpll tnnk !. sue with statements made by J. M. Lara, iiiKnway comnitssion at torney, who said there were legal barriers to such a move. The secretary of slate declared his proposal did not violate the constitution because it provided the highway funds could be used time clothing drive?" was pre for "policing" public highways. sented to Sens. Morse, R., Ore., and Cordon, R., Ore., today. Enough plastic artificial eyes Mrs. Benson remembered giv are now being made to replace all , ing the coat away in 1943 to the human eyes lost through acd-! clothing drive for the needy in dent and disease. Europe. ; Last month Mrs. Bill Baker of Services Sevierville. Tenn., wrote her that WARHTNr: MArmNF. SERVICE, she had ordered a $4.95 coat from w -- " . --- parts and repairs for most man - ITS. .iutju iu unu ttwijitriK; vciuii(K of nil metals. Bend Washer Ser - vice, 633 Harmon & Galveston.! Office 583, residence 1295-J. 1 CARPENTER WORK, remodel ing and repair.- Large or small jobs. Phone 1021-WX or 1320 Hartford. fSEWIN'G MACHINES repaired or I ft bullt. Cabinets reflnlshed like new. All work fully guaranteed.1 Complete line of parts. We have casts. "Safe-guards for America," everything available. Joe Ander- presented by the Supreme Coun son Singer Sewmg Center cor. cl, of (he Knlghts Columbus State and Tumalo, Bend., phone and sponsored locally by the Fath- : ; : ELL AND DRAIN hole drilling, A. Holman. 108 Tumalo Ave,, lone 199-W. ,'E-AREj NOW equipped to nTddeTand ir ana cmciem service, uei its give . . ... . . . , Vou an estimate. Storage avail able. Agent for Hunts nationwide Van Lines. Holman Transfer, 201 Irving, phone vol. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Maytag Electric, next to Chamber of Commerce, phone WE CAN DO your Inside Paint ing and Papernanging now; wau paper sample books. Simpson Point COj Huph Simpson. Phone KEYS MADE, saws filed, guns, phonographs, door closers, locks, safes repaired. Knives, shears. tools sharpened. Soldering, braz ing, skates hollow ground. Hen derson's Repair Shop, 112 Minne sota. CALL PAT KRESS for complete painting service., bpray painting, also brush work. Farm buildings preferred. Free estimates, 17 years experience. Phone 768-W. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Drains and pipes opened. Immediate ser vice. Allowance if uncovered. Prices reasonable. Will go any place. Bend Septic Tank Service. Phone 1184-W, Res. 526 Harmon. BUTTONS, BUCKLES and Eye- lets covered. Over 50 styles and! shapes to choose from. 24 hour; service. Most complete line in1 the state. Joe Anderson Singer: mwutK center, cur. otaie auu lumalo, ucna, pnone tso-w. PIANO TUNING and repairing. Complete line for general repairs. A, J. Hobble, 811 Nashville Ave., phone 95-W. PRINTING letterheads, cnvel- ooes. business and ruled forms, offset printing. One of Oregon's 1 most completely equipped shops, j Estimates eiacuy given, ine ocna Bulletin, Phone 56. ATTENTION Cesspool and Sep tic tank owners. We specialize in pumping septic tanks and clean ing drains any size, any place. Prices reasonable. Grimes & Gis kaas. Phone 1252-J or 1167-J. RED RYDER ri vi ciTN.v.'': . arn- Lakeyiew, Burns The Piinevllle Cowboys' baskct- Ba 'earn reiurneo nome looay Dy way of Hend after defeating Burns tnuraoay niam oy a score 01 and Lakeview last night 34-29. ! The two Prlneville victories sew-'. ea up tniro place in tne central Oregon leaRUe for the Cowboys, but left Lakeview and Burns tied for fourth place and a playoff Ba1mo WJ Lbe,?,ece,;sa7ut0J,dV!fr; mine which will enter the district I ',mnamn, ' Kcomonu next m-, i"".''"l."' . The playoff game has been set .ZfSJJXrSZ. ViMif Jriit. h J,T;, i , j 1 '.l .1 . j it! Bend In the first round of the tournament. Redmond and Prlne-1 vllle are pitted for the other first round game. Prlneville had little trouble de feating the Burns team Thursday night with Bergstrom, Prineville forward, leading scorers with 14 points. However, they trailed Lakeview throughout most of last 1 L.n L" B.u" . .'u..?. , T lf OOfuO1 fO iteaf c OrfOlCJe VOSe JT - 1 Relief OOO Klamath Falls, Ore., Feb. 22 The strange case of Mrs. Eve Benson's tan coat, or "How did a Tennessee woman buy it for $4.95 from a mail order house after Mrs, Benson donated it to a war- 1 j. r ,,, v-i i.n.... n 1 , 'V-"' "'":."" . l r T . . 1 i iMrs. Benson s address. "I am well satisfied with it." Mrs. Baker wrote "and think it sure worth the money. Do you have any more to sell?" Democracy Topic Of Broadcasts The first of six natrlntle hnvxl. er Luke Sheehan council will be heard at 4:30 Sunday over station KBND. The central theme of the series of dramatic sketches Is the between conditions of under American democracy "-"? f tabor, rejig - ion am utfr?()irai iiixnv in inp ion and personal liberty in the U. S. S. R. and in Soviet-controlled lands, council members said. The first sketch is a re - enact - ment of the arrival of Lenin in Moscow during the first World war, the early days of the revo lution, the birth of the dreaded Cheka and its effects upon the lives of Russia's patient millions. "Although presented In drama form, every incident portrayed is authentic and key portions of the text are exact quotations from Lenin, Stalin and other commun ist leaders," council officials ad ded. The second program In the ser ies will be an exposition of the conditions of labor under the com munist regime. The broadcasts are offered to the public, accord ing to Grand knight J. S. McDon ald, as a patriotic feature of the organization's observance this year of its 65th anniversary. CASH FOR TAXES '25 to $300 ON YOUR SALARY FURNITURE LIVESTOCK FARM EQUIPMENT OR Up to $500 on Automobiles PORTLAND LOAN CO. Norbert D. Goodrich, Mgr. Bio. 8, Penney Bldg 1010 Wall Telephone 173 BEND. OREGON State Licenses S186 M821 1HT WTt RED RIDER'S S1EAL-LVA FROfA AAISSY NEVA Beau Jack Loses In Janiro Bout New York, Feb. 22 mi Brown skinned Beau Jack, the little Geor gia shoe-shine boy who became the greatest gate attraction in Madison Square Garden history, wag carrwi out of the Garden ring on a stretcher last night af- u,ho, h. u hu ,, rf,..i-i ih. r 0u, o( tne rin ' he wag rarrcd tnncjprly after he had suffered a tPchnical knockout at 103 of the ourtn round n his wei'tPrweRht contend,.' hattie with the bahy- laced Tony Janiro of Youngstown, q , e Ax a near-capacity crowd of 18,- '062 looked on In-mizzled aston- lh-.n, ,h. H,mi m AUKU.I., C. suffered the first Kayooi nis career wnen nis "incK ; knee gave way under Janiro s ,confidPnt attackf Teddy Bears Get Firm League Grip CENTRAL ORF-fiON GRADE SCHOOL LEAGUE W L Pet. I .7 1 .875. ..7 2 .777 .6 3 .666 .-5 4 -JSaoi 1 8 .111 .1 8 .111 Bend Prineville Terrebonne Warm Springs Powell Butte ... Redmond The Bend Teddy Bears took a firmer grip on first place in the Central Oregon league when they defeated Terrebonne 45 to 16 on the local floor yesterday. The first quarter ended with a 5-5 tie with Bend moving ahead to a 15-7 lead at half time. In the second half, led by D. Craig with 12 points, the Bears ran up 30 points. Lineups: . L. Bears (45) pos. (IB) Terbne Toole 110) f (6) E. Magill Terlisner (5) J V. Magill D. Craig (14) ....c (2) Kuhn B.Craig (4) g 12) Miller iHalligan (6) ..g (2) Hershey ( tiuuauiuuuiia. ixhu ivaiai IWyatt (4), Mitchell; Terrebonne Skidgel (2), Rice 12), Weigand. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland Ore.. Feb. 22 iui Weekly livestock. Cattle: for five davs. salable 2.b3o. total 3.337: calves 272 and 376. Compared week ago, market mostly 50c higher. Trade active throughout but slightly less interest late. Lower grade she stock about up to recent hih. Medium to good'rmrted at a regulat meeting of fed steers iaOO-22.00, two loads good to choice 23.00: medium to good heifers 16.00-20.50, odd head 21.00: medium to good beef cows iVulicui- a 9.60-II.OO, ' increased supply fat I dairy t- cows at 12.00-14.00. I Holstelns to 15.50. Good beef bulls ! 15.50-16.50: pood to choice veal- I ers 22.00-24.00. several selects , 24,50-25.50. latter new high Hogs: for five (lavs, salable 911 hitc- inr Tiro itivc cmar ; total 5311. Market around 50c higher; good to choice 180-250 lbs. 1 largely 27.75, few choice lots : 2735, highest since October. Heav- ier and lighter weights penalized unevenly, mostly around 26.00- 26.50; good sows 21.00-22.00, light weights to 23 CO: good to choice feeder Digs 25.00-2550. Sheen: for five days, salable 996. total 2.229. For week prices around 1.00 lower with extreme top 150 but quality less desirable. Few good to choice, mostly good, wooled lambs 21.00-21.50, medium to good lots 19.00-20.00, common 17.00 down. Four decks good to choice fed shorn lambs Monday 21.2o; few thin feeders 12.o0-lo.00 good to choice slaughter ewes S.50-9.00; culls down to 3.00. FOR SALE -REAL ESTATE CITY HOMES WEST SIDE: VIEW HOME, 4 bedroom, stone-brick con struction. An excellent value at $12,500.00. WEST SIDE: Three room bungalow with bath $4,000.00. WEST SIDE: Three room house on corner lot, completely re decorated. Priced at S4.000.00. WEST SIDE: Two bedroom, modern home with full base ment, automatic oil heat. $6,600.00. WEST SIDE: Large 5 bedroom, furnished home. Can be used for home or rooming house. $8,400.00. WEST SIDE: Four room Bungalow, modern and newly decorated, $3800.00. $1400.00 down, balance $30.00 per month. - RURAL PROPERTY 75 ACRES, 5 room house, 21 shares of water $3,000.00. 6 ACRES, 6 room modern house, good out buildings, 5 shares of water, $9,500.00. 400 ACRES, 7 room house, 85 shares of water, $18,000.00. BUSINESS INVESTMENTS SERVICE STATION, Fully equipped, $8,950.00. HOTEL, Furnished, doing very good business, $35,000.00. SERVICE STATION and THREE HOMES with one square block of city property. Very good location for an auto court. Priced at $27,500.00. Arthur A. Rixe Accounting and Real Estate Service Room 1 Phone 28-M U. S. National Bank Bldg. Res. 1145 Harmon ' Mitt" il "MkR fHUrtoeR' 1 f s.rX2SS?..MSS; Long Shot Wins For U. O.Quint Seattle. Feb. 22 IIP Dick Wll kins, lanky Oregon forward, un corked a last-gasp howitzer from mid-court with 13 seconds to play to give the Oreoon Webfoots a 49-48 victory over the University of Washington Huskies here be. tore 6,500 fans last night. The win moved the Ducks past the Huskies Into third place In northern division standings. It was a long, uphill battle for the Ducks who trailed through the entire second half and didn't catch the Huskies until the last minute of play when Wilkins jotted the count at 46-all with a one hander from the side, Score Is Tied Boody Gllbertson. Washington forward, put the Huskies ahead 4746 with a free throw with 40 seconds to play, only to have Stan Williamson, pint-sized Oregon guard, tie It up with another free throw five seconds later. Once again the Huskies went ahead as Gllbertson connected with another free throw with 25 seconds to go. The ducks took the ball out of bounds and Wilkins castoff as he The halftime score was Wash ington 25, Oregon 20. Bob Jorgensen, Washington guard, led scoring with 16 points. New Member Prizes Offered Prizes were announced today for the first half of the Deschutes County Sportsmen's association membership drive which got under way in full swing the past week. The first half of the member ship drive is to last until March 25 and will result in the awarding of 20 prizes to members signing up the greatest number of new members in the organization. The second half of the drive is to be . conducted through April and May with fewer and larger prizes to be given. John Smith is chairman of the ' membershio committee conduct- Ing the drive which aims at hav ing 1.000 persons signed up In the organization oy tne end of May. Progress of the, drive is to be re- the association in the courthouse assembly room Monday at 8 p.m. rnws t.isrro me following are tne prizes being offered in the first half of the contest ending on March 25: Fifteen dollars cash. Consum ers Gas corporation; set of fog' 111113. ,ioiwiwvr luuiuia W V V I blanket, Wetles; fly reel. Dou- thit's; hunting knife and sheath. West Side hardware; So in mer chandise, George's Sporting goods. Five dollars in merchandise, Erickson's food market; $5 cash. The Ecnd Bulletin: $5 cash. Pa cific Power and Light company; tackle box. Freeman Tackle com ma nv: creel. Western Auto; plas tic fly box. Wall Street hardware; $2.50 merchandise. Owl Pharma cy; S2.50 merchandise, O'Donnell meat market. Ten gallons gasoline, Vic's ser vice station; 10 gallons gasoline. West Side service station; trouble light and cord, Bend Garage com pany; $2.50 in trade, Mastercraft cleaners; S2 groceries, Lyon's cash market; $1.50 merchandise. West- Tro Cream and Food Mar. I ket. By Fred Harman