THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1946 PAGE SEVEN Stocks Advance Up To 5 Points lly Flnier l'. Walter (IIiHUnI I'ivwi HiiHMt-lal YVillei) New York. Nhv. 1 mi - SliichM advanced I Id 5 points today with tlx' ki-iiitjiI average lit II new high since mid October. Volume iv ceded moderately from yester day's pare. Most stocks lipid gains from till! nlllng to till' ClllM A few Inrltiilltig lti'thlchein Steel uml American 'l''li'iliiini, had 11 perl, ml of weakness hut rallied later, A new hiiylnn Kiiiil JuhI before cloning 1 1 me lrt tin; IIhi at tlu day' Ih'nI li'Vi'l.s. Railroad ami utlllly slocks were nt their Im'h! 1v1h since Septem Ih'i' 17 In thi' iivi'i aiti-H wlillc I hi bullish In Ih well' hack to Del. 21 II ICI'M. Cotton ui nit'H nan ii mwinii in up and downs hut mnnngiil to hold imIiih ranging to $5 a bale. Extreme italnii had run to $10. Wheat gained about n i-i'iit to IWO CCIllS bushel. Other factors favorable to tlu marki't Includiil a new post-war high In auto muhlle production, earnings ki I " hv Standard (III of California anil lllram Walker, extra dividends! ny Maniiarii oil l in. J.I, ami muo nil; uml retail trade sales, 21 to 25 per rent almve the correspond ing week of Inst year. POKTf.ANO I.IVF.STOCK Portland, Ore., Nov. 1 mi -I.lveniiH-k: Cattle nahihlc Ml: calveH none. Ilolilover i-atth and calvt- iiround 1 .". Mont of Iily Ih'Iui; held for Monday. Mar let nominally Kteatly at tile wi-4'k'n divllne. I'rlivn t:,-''erully 2H03IK). Some cliissc 3.50 or! more lower than recent high ! lime. Suit top this week l..'ni lower ut 20.50. Unsold supply j niiwilymiillumi-owsiiiiilmiilliim to good stifrs. .rns njlvin lair. ly well rlenniMl up on nuiml.iy s close -with prices ut new low. I Very few grass calves iilmve 15 00, 1 but cholii Ih'bl veiilem ui to 1H.00 with odd heads IH.MI I tiui-silav. I Hogs salable 10; market not Ii'HIimI. Oni lot medium to good sous around 50c lower ul 22 50; late market on good to choice bar rows and gills mostly 20.25. Week's lop 26.50. Shi-cp s-ilalile 25; about steady wlih late Thursday. Good to chohv wooleil lambs 19.00; culls dtiuo in l'nn- i,u,ii L'..,krii,iM LMSIfKKl salable nround ! Boo fThe north Portland llvmiock market will he oh'ii to trading Armistice day.) PORTLAND I'ltom t F. Pom Und. Ore., Nov. 1 Itli ...pirfS( land area wholesale butipr quota tions ti'itialncd sternly today, fol liiwlnjt,' yi-slerday's 5ti-iils n iund decline which placi-d tile market in n firm position. Kgg prices remained unchanged Willi some distributors IndlcatlnR there llpM'aril to Im' ii stronger market tone with a better con stiuier demnnd. Prices on dairy piixluce: IltiltiT Prices to retailers: Grade AA cartons, Klc; A A prints. Kle; A prints, Hl-Mr; A cartons, h".'8le; II prints, 80 82c Miund. One-fourth Kiund cubes, cent higher. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA large, 6!k: A large, (U'62c: AA medium. 53c; A medium, 58 59c; A small, 41c doen. Former Gorman Liner To Be London Hotel Loin'ion nil The lS.OOOton Empire Doon. the former German Liner Pretoria, has n is'aiv-tlme task cut out for her as n Thames liver hotel. The board of trade and the travel iiKsmlatlon nre seeking to have the liner used to nsxlst Lon don's hotels during the trade fair next year. They nsk Hint the liner he moved off Greenwich us a floating hotel. Denmark wished to charter the ship mid moor her off Coiien hagen as extra hotel accommoda tion hut the board of trade said "we thought of It first." lillK, SPARK THAT AUTO! Duraligo, Col. illi A usable automobile Is precious, J. C. Giles crawled on his stomach across the floor of a burning garage, climbed Into his car and drove It through Hinoke and flume to safe ty rather than risk Its loss even though the cur was Insured, Sea ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans AUTO LIGHT TRUCK PICK-UP On Your Private Soles Financed Slmplo Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oragon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance place with wull constructed mod 'U Words 41no Tlmo ...85o ,., n 3 bedroom limine, some llvo M Words i'linw Tllllua ... Hfto Mock Hud machinery, $11,000 un to Word-Ml Time. fLDO j f mulshed, SI2.U00 furnished. 12) All wvrda mttr II add ! Mff llH Mrabf f IneerlleM Dm mli fun, rir. H 47 ru MlnlMan Chirpe. II' IM rau IN CefluU IM Metder mU IM llae. mmimmi IM For rutin Itxal lule COMFORTABLE, MODERN 2 bedroom home close to pavement, bus line, store. Auk to see It, $-12110. Will sell some, furniture extra. J. A. Dudley, 533 Hill. ON BROADWAY, ti(M Vi'nllliin blinds, hardwoiHl floors, thernio. malic control furnace, stationary tuim, ii" range, large living und dining room, '1 neuronitis, J up. OIIIIIIU IlKIIO, I WCOI'IM, W if, rent tnii upxtalm, mid add to your income henldei. linvliiK u line home, on pavement, clone to evcrylnliiK. I'llcitl lor quick aulo. J. A. Duiirey, S3.I Hill I M M B li 1 A T iTlHWSES.SION iiully In 2 ImmIiooiii modern hoiua. Near Kenwood nctiool. I'aved Ntrt-et, 1315 Columhla. 50 ACHKS, neml-modern 4-room II1UH1, new 2 car euraiio & out- hulldiiiwa. C. Kllgorc, ht. 1, lioX llii-A. it mile aoulh of bend Trap club. WANT TO SELL? List your prop- ertv with GIL11EHT. 1't Clllliert mam your proiK'iiy "ino ii-ai of the liny" on KllND for a quick sale. GlLHKlt rs 1(1. A I KS1ATE t INSUItANCK, 1015 Wall. HOMKS & ACREAGES: For sale nt GILBERTS. BWore you buy, check the listings for homes, acre- "KV.SMrJL"" ii'l1 i'ca !- '15 J.JJj ' ' J l""'. vtAlb INSURANCE. 1013 Wall. 2 BEDROOM HOME: On the rvi.r ., btlixioma und sleeping .K)rc,, living room, kitchen with ,,,,, 0f IU.,M (indng roimi and km,, ut GlllKirt s Iteul E- tale. : - ,:T7TT, ,. , . j V E I KHANS ONLY: Part finished iifiiiitT h-i,i(ik ut-iu" i,',m,wi price, limited on t'jxnl 8th St. See GlilH-i t's Reul Estate, 1015 Wall. 1 3 R(H)M FURNISHED: With 4 lots In gmxl locution. A new home on Gri-cnwond Ave. Priced nt $1000 with li-rnis ut Gilbert's Heal luitute. I BI-STAU1UNT---Iltsil I lwJtlon In city, money maker, S5MX), $.1500 dwn, S100 month, 609 East First St., Ncwlx'rg, Ore., phone 31-M. HOME A INCOME, 2 modern and 3 scinl-modcrn homes on 3 lots, $1750 down will handle, Present rentals show 20V on Investment. k':,ll'Klp Itnllmi. All ttfnlu llitallu Co., 221 Greenwood, p h o n a 1293-W. LARGE 3 ROOM semi-modern home with double garage on Went side, $2100. Call Mr. Hallow, All Stnte Heultv Co., 221 Greenwood, phone 1293-W. NEW 3 RtHIM semi-modern home on Kast side, S1WXI terms. Cull Mr. Ilallew, All State Realty Co.. 221 Greenwood, phone 1293-W. SUBURBAN" 2BEDHOOM mod- ern home. 9 acres Irrigated, close in, price s:2:0. suoo down, bal ance $10 mt month. Call Mr. Ilal lew, All State Heultv Co., 221 Greenwood, phone 1293-W. INCOME AND HOME: (II 5 bed. 1 Rol Power Units. Heavy duty, 135 rooms, good location: 3-room cot- h.p., 1200 rpm, steel skid mount tnge. $10,500. (2 ) 2-bedrooni down- ed, twin disc clutch, power take stulrs uimrlmcnt, 3-room upstairs off, complete with generator apartment, electric ranges, sewer stnrter und all accessories. Imme eonnectlon, large work shop, diate delivery. Wire-write-phone SKiOO. Anne Forbes, Realtor, 36 Stnrr Machinery Company, AT Oregon. 1 water 7395, 801 S.W. Front Ave, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, re- lPAJlSH constructed house, -bedroom, 1 KITCHEN RANGE, all white en plastered, oil furnace, basement, : amel with small reservoir, like stationary tubs, 2 sets plumbing, new, $79.50, terms. 305 River wired for electric range, $8500. 1 front St., Bend. Anno Mil lies, Hcnltor, 36 Oregon, MUST SEIX. Very gooil location, paved street, near high school. 4-rooin house and 2-rnom house on same lot. Septic tank. Only $.1500. Anno Forbes, Realtor, 36 Oregon. EXCELLENT BUY, owner leav ing, 3 large rooms and bath, Quaker oil circulating henter, other furniture, only $2750. $1000 down, $25 month. Qualified for GI loan. Anne Forbes, Realtor, 36 Oregon. CAFE WITH GOOD Income. Counter und booth service. Well equipped, books open far Insure. Hon, $3750. Owner leaving, uc - count oi uiness. Anne Forbes. Realtor, 36 Oregon. WANTED! We Will Pay Highest Prices for Good Used Furniture Square Deal Furniture Exchange 201 Franklin Phone 324 or 1224 For Haln Heal Entitle A I Mi L' A i -liU. Ill A fin. f-fllllll-U u inlleH Iroin uenu. a alien wnn 5 ucrc COI. 2bcdroom clean house, outbuildings, good cistern, fenced, herrlin, only S2750, SltXJO down, $.W mouth. Anno Forbes, Realtor, 3d Oregon. MODKHN 1-BEDROOM home, clone In Went Bide; purl basement, double Karaite, very clean. Only $.11175. $1500 down, balance cany. Or will taku cur us iiait payment. For further iletallM call Mr. .Shaver, All Stall Really Co., 221 Orvcuwood, phonu 12II3-W. S HOOM MOD1CHN, nciilii handy mnn'a touch to completu founda tion, yourii for $W5u, oiiL-hnlf T , lwn, Wm eay. Why puy "'"l Cull Mr. Shaver, All Slule Healty Co., C,ic-enwood, phone IzzZL LOVKLY MODKHN 1-bedroom home on paved ntrect, Went side, ucroiM from school, clone to everything. U's yours for $39(10. For furllier detiillN cull Mr. Shaver, All State iU-nlly Co., 221 Cireenwood, phono 12W3-W. HOME BUYERS attention! We are fortunate to hnve a selection of homes to pick from. One, two, three and four bedroom homes. Modern und si'ml niodern. Prices "'; '"" up, to $10,000. For further Information cull All Stale Realty Co., 221 Greenwood, phone 12113-W. GOOD BUILDING. 12x15. at Camp Abbot. Reasonable price. Phono 1242. $6800 BUYS 4.bedroom moilern home, (Hived strtift, terms. Imme diate possession. $.H000 buys new ! .Tbcdrixim homo close to whool. Immi-dlalp Kssession. C. V. Sllvls, , 126 Minnesota. $20,000 BUYS 200-scre grade A diitry ranch. Including 14 milk cows, all ranch and duiry equip- m e n t. Immeillate ssesslun. C. V. Sllvls, 126 Minnesota. r'lt iitljC 'Oeiinxjin liiooein plastered house on pavement. Priced right lor Gl loan. Inquire 525 Federal. 2 BEDROOM MODERN, double garage, chicken house, chickens u some furniture. Some terms. 213 E. Revere. Fuel GOOD DRY limb wood, $11.75 per cord. Prompt delivery. Phone UF-I anytime after 5 p.m. LIMB WOOD delivered by load, $25. approximately 3 cords plus. You have It sawed, $1.50 cord. Phone lab, - r"llf SEASONED lack pine slab, 8-ft. lengths. Bend Wood Yard, 422 Hcybiirn, phone 1230. 14 and IB-INCH BODY WOOD, 57 iht cord In the woods. Box 601, bisters. For Snlo Miscellaneous NICE RED FRYERS .also mut i ton sheen. J. A. Elder. Rt. 2. Bend, , Out old Redmond highway to Des- ' chutes-iuinulo road, turn leu to mile. NEW STAR No. 4 SAWMILL. 48" hcndblock opening, 2 1516'' saw mandrel, heavy duty anti j friction bearings, 20' carriage. Im mediate delivery. Also New Le .1 GOOD M1I.K rflWS eonlle tor women or children; 3 docs, 1 buck, 2 largo double deck self-cleaning hutches. II. C. Sutton, '.i mile east ot Golf Club gate. Phone 1300-WL KITCHEN RANGE, green enamel Moiling, Into model, $59.50, terms. 901 Ogden, phone 1237-W. Also small range, $39.50. PRE-WAR SHOE Ice skates, size 4, chrome plated lobulars, worn 3 limes, like new, $8. 1515 W. 4th. LARGE SIZE wood circulating healer "Estate," like new, cost I $150, special $69.50, terms. 901 1 PKden, phono 1237-W. SINGER TREADLE sewing mw chine, price, $19. Cun be seen nt Mrs. Buscho. Rt. 2. Box 96. See- ond house pnst Glen Vista Club on old Redmond hlgliwny. FLOWERING SHRUBS & trees, shade & fruit trees, cun be Plant ed now. I hnve some nice stock ot the same. Mv evergreen stock will be in earlv surine. Haines ' Nursery, 735 E. Norton Ave. nnd 8th St.' phono 965, Bend, Ore. BUY YOUR Christmas cards now with or without scripture text. Deluxe lolders. 21 for $1: smu box 12 for 50c. Central Oregon Hook und Bible Store, 735 Va Col umbia. '35 FORD TRUCK; '35 Chevrolet truck; '37 Ford coupe; '40 Ford coach; electric stove; shotgun; horses; trailers. Sparkcy Walker, Bank of Bend Bldg. POULTRY or Horticulture Pent Moss, cedar tow, baled straw. Baker Feed Co., Redmond, Ore. 1 COUCH nnd chair, $50: also 1 while luce formal, size 15, com plete with while slip. Worn Just three times, $5. Phone 421-R. CANARY SINGERS & hens. 1313 Cumberland on city bus line, phone 1007-J. For fettle Mlweiinneimn 2 WHEKI THAILEK, Rood box I & ruck, iiM. l wheel trullcr, extra ; tire si lube, luctory made, ut norm oi oien visia iuo, on nign Hlverf ront St., bend, Ore wuy No. 20. W. (J. Capllng. FUSED SKwiN7 machines, $30 ' MAKE YOUR CHILD happy for up, terms. IKJl 0den, phonu 1&I7-VV. AUTOMATIC HKCOHD chancer, plays 1(1 and 12 Inch records; table model radio. Inquire ut Klkhorn, , um ouui l nn il, purine iz;i. USKD SIN(;LK & double coll springs, Hat sprlnKS and several uwil niuiirusw'S, useo oressers, 4IO to cnesi ui urawein, uvui lumps, table lutiifiH. See them ut D01 OKden or 305 Riverfront, phono 1237-W. ' AUTOMOHILK accessories, elec tric appliances, table model ra dios, liber seut covers for most cars, all wool auto robes, 120-Kiil. ' electric hot water tank, bargain price; glass 10"xl2" panes, new j 2nd hand 2-whccl trailers, 8'xlO' tent. Oiien until it p.m. Bob s Trad-! Inu Post, across Irom Bruin Field on South Third. I FANCY WORK both In needle- ..,-..l nn.l n...1... I'Ulliv D..f u nil. I inwrKi.u iinroim' mwel ii.' mid ' many other ui tides. uuven port. NEW MERCURY Dlsston chain saw, model GAY 37 less than 30 hours operation. 7-h.p.. set. gauge, extra chain saw, spark plugs, lull set tools, box, gas can, $620. This suves you $68. Write C. J. Allen, Kt. l. box iu., iseuvcrton, ure., i phone bchollg 8JbJ. FARM and GARDEN overhead sprinkler Bystems; gas or electric pumps and motors. For Informa tion write Representative Benja min Russell, Redmond, Ore. 100' WOOL blanket for $1 up. Dolls, panda bears, fine dresser sets, $130, many other articles for nice enristmas guts, cull at 147 East Olney. 3-YARD ALL STEEL dump truck bed witn notst. can alter b p.m. ; . . . . or Sunday afternoons. Cabin No.lNtW DIAMOND T 4-ton dump 6, O. J.'s Service, So. Highway. ' r 100'A WOOL blankets for $1 up. Dolls, panda bears, fine dresser sets, $1.50. many other articles for nice Christmas gifts. Call at 147 East Olney. 1 - ....... ; OR TRADE Simmons coll spring single bed and mattressi's or will trade for walnut chest of drawers or consider trade on bedroom suite. Call 1297-M after 5 p.m. 122a Albany. 8-PIECE WALNUT dining room set, extension table, 6 chairs, buf-1 fet like new. This set would cost about $300 today. Special at $139.50, , terms. 901 Ogden Ave., phone 1237-W. NEW INNERSPRING mattress and box coll springs to match. $79.50 pair, or innorspring mat-1 tresa $19.50 & box spring $32.50, ii'nnsi 901 ogden or toa River- t.A 101-7.11 front, phono 1237-W. WOOD & COAL circulating neut er, $25. Wood burning water heater, $14. 1360 Cumberland. 20 GAUGE BOLT action repeat ing shotgun, new, with shells. Also 30-30 carbine with shells. Fred A. Moore, 1022 Union. SPECIAL for this week on watch straps. Sure Grip spring type, reg- j Wall & Bond. Phone 458 or 755-W. ular $2, fitted to your watch, $1. 1 - ..., ; ; Metal Wrlstmastcr $130 for $2.25. NICf CLEAN sleeping room to Embossed leather $2 for $1. As-' employed couple. Will consider sortment of leather watch straps KHchen privileges. Close to trans to clear at 25c. One guaranteed , Portalion. 1374 Fresno, Bend. service watch 17 Jewels water-1 SLEePIn'g ROOM with shower G 1 h wAil'Ln?-;1" 1uict home Ior working worn- H. B. Moore, Watchmaker, Enk-an- pnone 650-W. M.TI3 OUUIUIIL'l Y, LARGE BABY BUGGY In A l condition, $15; also my double dress form, like new, $15; several pairs baby hard sole shoes, $1 1 pair. 924 Hurrimun. - - LOVELY hand embroidered, ap- pltaucd blouses nnd anions: nig ger dolls; children's hand painted benches; large assortment Christ mas gifts. 358 E. Marshall. CIRCULATING-TlEATER, pipe nnd floor board included. Call 716-J before 12 D.m. or nfler 4 p.m., corner Revere & Division. SADDLE HORSE, strawberry roan, gelding, flnx mnyne nnd tail. Gentle for lady or children, well, reined. Good road or cow horse, Phone 7242 Prlnevillc. CHESTNUT SORRELL pony, mare, ideal child's pony with two months old horse colt ot pure bred Arabian stallion, also ninto colt coming 2 years old. Phono 7242 Prlnevlllo. WE STILL HAVE some more of those good potatoes nt $1.50 per 100 lbs. T. II. Moody, 7 miles north on old highway at Pes-ehutes-Tumulo crossroad. 2 HEAD BLOCKS, ruck and pin Ion, with set works. Dogs, trucks nnd track. 52-inch Svmons saw; 1 Humer dog. 1259 13th Baltimore. FAIRBANKS-MORSE hammer mill, 6-Inch model 40, $125, with out motor. 1498 Newport. POTATO DIGGER and sacking machine. New this fall. A-l con dition. A. M. Turner, Rt. 1, Box 39-1, 3 miles south Brudetich Dairy. FOR SALE nt Rite Rate Sales Ring Tuesday, Nov. 5, about 60 head good white tuce fat cattle, some milk cows, good weaner white face calves, horses, fat hogs, weaner pigs, 200 bunches of shin gles, 40 bales new barbed wire, quantity of good used barbed wire, chicken wire nnd hog wire, spring toot 11 harrow, load of good juniper 'posts,-' several sets harn ess, used saddle, 2 overstuffed davenport & chair sets, ladles dresses, suits, clothing of (ill kinds, dishes, furniture, load of potatoes, a great many other ar ticles not listed. Starting Nov. 5 sale of misc. articles will start nt 10 o'clock. Livestock sale starts ut 1 o'clock sharp. Rite Rate Sales Ring, phone 1269, Tor Haln Mlsrellitneoini HOfiS, 8 to 10 wet-ks old, 2 fat hog; ulso fat turkeys, first house I Christmas. Iliiautilul 2H-mcli doll, I moveable Joints, eyes close, real Icurley hair, very nicely dressed, t ,.w condition, 'ihls type cannot . be bouiht now except at bin prtc- m iroin collectors. Call 232 dur IiiK day. KMAI.r. IISEII OIL. circulator. Ul UIn ad i,.drum of oil. Wiliard jesltt, Sisters. YOU CAN GET the best of nuts and save some money too at 544 Newport. Also some nice dehy drated prunes and other Items. WALNUTS, soft-shelled medium 15 lbs. $5; 50 lbs. $16, F.O.B. Van- couver. Wash. Express collect. Rt. 3, Box 63, Vancouver, Wash., or phone 18U-M, bend. r; - ;, - . J ACTORY BUILT 18-ft. trailer """- Also luggage rack for car "P anu .-c'PaHity Milwaukee dull motor Just like new. 935 Al bany Ave., apartment upstairs. " LI VE HOGS. See them at Nick wiiuse place in i-uiioii mit-s. ui see Gohrke at Gohrke's Market. 1- y .11 A VANITY, BENCH, bed, springs and mattress, good condition. Call alter 7 p.m., 825 Federal. TWO Nw 9xl2 b, , .Hi2 f-nlllmhia . Coiumb!? bt WOOD OR COAL circulating heater; chest ol drawers; mov able laundry tubs. 434 Federal St. For Kale Used Car 1930 CHEV. flat bed truck, 10 ply tires and overloads & stock rack. Ready to go. 1470 E. 1st. II A RLEYDAVIDSON "80," motor overhaul, new paint, need I money for racing bike. See at Ore- ' n..n '1 Unln.muln fn aUnr, nn Greenwood. trucks. Built to gov't specifica- nuns. irucK model. ivo. miz. ner- emeu motor model RXC, 4' in. bore, b-ln. stroke, 6x6 drive. 11 wheels and tires, 900x20 - 10 ply. o.P.A. ceiling S7150. Our price 5.1950 F.O.B. Long Beach, Calif. . 1 f . I tlHVI A-r.Ai Av ' h K (-,,, uiowu " 1 P"0"" 1929 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, ,k tires. 1929 Durant coudc These cars are ready to go. Call at 378 Georgia, phone 774. 1934 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, good running condition. 7 2 new. Call at Lx Adams. 1936 PICKUP EXPRESS, good conaition. ward Motor co. 1927 DODGE PICKUP, motor In good condition. Call 240 McKin- Icy (Just oil Roosevelt) 1935 FORD SEDAN, In good con dition, good tires. 713 Colorado from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. For Kent GARAGE. Inquire at 831 Federal Street. AUTHORIZED U-DR1VE Trucks. Truck & Trailer rentals. Court house Service Station, corner 2 SLEEPING ROOMS In modern home. Kitchen privileges. Suit able for 2 or 3 adults 1225 Al bany or call 1297-M afar 5 p.m. 1 Wanted USED CARS, highest prices paid at till times. H. R. McDaniel, 1 mile south of Redmond on Bend highway. WANTED, ANY KIND ot cattle, also milk cows to freshen soon. Will pick up at ranch. No com mission charge. Write W. R. ! Franks, Redmond, phone 78-J. ! WILL CARE for children in mv home days or evenings. See Mrs. Valentine at first white house south Elephant Hobby Shop on South highway. ' BARNYARD FERTILIZER, will do own hauling. Phono 743-W, ! write 209 E. Greenwood, VETERAN, WIFE and 3-months- old son desire furnished or un furnished modern house or apart ment before Nov. 15. Call 942-W. nnip WAWTPn ThAn la n buyer for every home. List today mm stun paciing. xi n s real es tate list with Ail State Realty Co.. 221 Greenwood, phone 1293-W. WOULD LIKE to rent 2 or 3-bed-room house or apt. furnished. Call 1278-R. Help Wanted PARTY INTERESTED In taking down large Dine tree for the wood. Believe high climbing outfit nec essary. 164 Hawthorne, phone 1UO-K. RED RYDER f VJHV5 WunVriArVkKI OTt f WtUW CHIPS FS 11 1 fX ( 'SIClSS. V 1 ) rAVOI yiDU'lL6yeVJR?Sffill autSWrl Hlrt AW -MEjA Il VT3! ( JrR? a0T 10", Help Wanted EXPERIENCED Smoke Shop. WAITRESS at WANTED, registered anaesthe tist, maintenance If desired, facil ities close to hospital, $300 per month, base pay. Write P.O. Box 048, Klamath Falls, Ore. PIN BOYS WANTED. Apply Bend Recreation Bowling Alley tonight at 6 p.m. POTATO PICKERS over 16 years of age, for Saturday, Nov. 2. Will pick up at Post Office at 8 a.m. JANITOR good oav. freauent Increases. Excellent working con- dltions. Ask for Mr. McCollum. The Pacific Telephone and Tele-j grapn company, 841 uon a si. Bend. PIANIST TO PLAY for regular 11 o'clock Sunday Services. Phone 614-J. AIRPLANE MECHANICS. United Air Lines has permanent Jobs at its San Francisco Opera tions Base for mechanics. Ail types: line service, overhaul, ma chine shop, sheet metal, etc. (no A & E licenses required). Single men only. Transportation to San .j. - .. "Fi"7 -j- (Employment Service, Court ; L'hhM fuFn ch Ann!., II C I House, Bend, Ore. RELIABLE COUPLE to live at j Block 159 and Lots 10, 11, 12 and ' ( i0) , Block (2) Cozy Hotel. Woman to work at B,lockJ' al1 fS? BKND. in the City of Bend, Coun hotel, man elsewhere. References liogJ F, Pa rk" IvSoXSt I V ol Deschutes and State ol Ore required. Apply in person before c2?io tAJLiX ia 1 8on- 10 a.m. or alter 6 p.m. No tele- fjW" j6o2Cash ee J Lou One (1). Two (2), Three phone calls. i tZ a o in I (3). Four (4) and Thirteen (13), PART TIME MAID. Apply Cozy P.m. No phone calls. YOUNG LADY wishes office posi- tion. ExDerienced in tvDine. die- taphone, and general office pro-, ceaure; also law experience, ex cellent references. Write No. 2618, The Bend Bulletin. HIGH SCHOOL BOY would like after school and Saturday work. call 702-M between b and 8 p.m. Lost LOST THURSDAY afternoon. pfrl'x pinups In a brown IpalhAr case, together with an Eversharp ! goia ana DiacK iouniain pen. Name Carolyn Graham engraved on tne pen. Finder please return to high school or Bulletin oflice or call 707-J. Reward. Services WASHING MACHINE Service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. CARPENTRY and REPAIR work of all kinds. Weatherstripping. E. J. Gardner, 1404 Galveston, pnone izsj. SEPTJC TANKS and cesspools cleaned and repaired. Well drains oI November. 1946, at the hour of opnedVLowst Pris: S?vev 10:00 a.m., which is the time fix calling Bend SenUc Tank Service, by tne County Court of the Phone 1184-W. Residence 526 state of Oregon tor Deschutes Harmon Blvd. , County, for the settlement of said WKT.I. ANnnRArwhnirtriuin L. A. Holman. 108 Tumalo Ave phone 199-W. - . : . "" " I'LL SAW your 853-J alter 4 p.m. wood. Phone PRINTING letterheads, envel opes, business and ruled forms, offset printing. One of Oregon's most completely equipped shops. Estimates gladly given. The Bend Bulletin, Phone 56. SEWING MACHINES, vacuum cleaners, all mattes repaired or rebuut. Cabinets relinlshed like new. Singer Sewing Center at State and Tumalo. nhone 862-W. rrr, ,rPinra. CT i i j j j j r j iooij laid, sanded and finished. 1x4 B and better Fir flooring in stock. Phone 37-F-4. OIL HEATER SERVICE and in stalling. General repairing. OWL Repair Service, phone 1245-VV from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. FOR INTERIOR painting and Kemtone work call 883-J. H. R. Bostelman. Miscellaneous FULLER BRUSH CO.'s mops. household and personal brushes wear longer, and are more satis factory. Try all-purpose cleaner and save soap. Lloyd Whcadon, 1714 Steidl, Bend, phone 594. W ATKINS PRODUCTS. Complete assortment ot quality merchandise lor home cleaners, extracts, toilet articles, medicines and spices. For farm mineral compounds, stock & poultry prep-! aratlons. Leonard Primley, 707 ! South Third St., phone 784-W. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING j Notice is hereby given that the i undersigned has tiled with the; county court ot the state of Ore-1 gon tor Deschutes county her ii-! nal accounting as executrix of the estate of Flora E. Wiest, deceas-i ed, and that the judge of said court has fixed November 25, 1946, at ten o'clock a.m., at the, county court room at the court house in Bend, Oregon, as the time and place lor hearing ob jections to and for settlement! thereof; and all persons interest-' ed are required to appear at saida"ant ,ne Hwise granted to hearing and show cause if such i undersigned by order of the there be why said final account-1 above entitled Court in this mat Ing should not be settled and , ,er' tne undersigned guardian ot allowed and the undersigned dls- tne csiate of said minor will, from charged from her trust. ani Saturday, the 23rd day MARION WIEST COE, Execu- ' November, l!lo, proceed to sell trix. Estate oi Flora E. Wicsv Dec. Ross Farnham, Attorney. 120-126-132-137-c NOTICE OF 8AI.K Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the County Court of Deschutes County, Ore gon, entered on the 16tn day of October, 1946, the undersigned ' nneilll win on iiu; m uy ui November, 1946, at the hour of ,en o clock A.M., at the I r o n t door of the Court house In uend, Oregon, sell to the highest bid ders lor cash or terms as here- inalleS "",ed' he 'ollowlng cle-j scribed real property, located In Deschutes County, Oregon, pro- "- i" , county Clerk in and for the Coun less than the amount set oooosite . . . less than the amount set opposite each respective tcact, which is the minimum price fixed in said order: plus costs of sale, etc. Parcel No. 1 Lot 13, Block 27, Lapine. $10.00 Cash. Parcel No. 2 Lots 13 and 14, Block 114. First Addition to Bend Park I20'down, balance In mn Ihi ,.,,, tos on each r?,2?L. Parcel No. 3 Lots 9 and 10. U. Block 132. Second Additlo'n rena ruin., iw.uu casn. "f r,ni"i3r.r.i ments thereon to purchase such ! property within 20 days alter no-i lice ot such sale. C L. McCAULEY, Sheriff. 120-126-132-137c . NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing upon the Final Ac - count of I. Jonn Bell. Adminis- trator of the estate of Jonn S. O'Connor, deceased, filed herein, urill ha halri in the r-nili-t hmica in the County Courtroom in Bend, Oreson. at the hour of 2 O clock! in the afternoon of Monday, the - -jlii iwy ot ntHcmuw, ""ito nena, uregon, ana mat parx all persons interested in said es- i 0f the vacated alley in said Block taie are nounea 10 appear ai saia time and place and show cause, if 1 any they have, why said Unal Account should not be approved, the estate settled and closed, and the Administrator discharged. DATED and first published this 25th day of October, 1946. L JOHN BELL, Administrator. 120-126-132-137C NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT A II persons shall file their ob iections. it any. to the Final Re- jport of the Administrator of the De- I ,c i h,.in th 2i;th Hav (Final Report. and the County nt pbamh, Court Chambers in Bend. Oregon, is the place fixed for hearing of said account. GEORGE M. DAVOS, Administrator. M. W. Wilkinson, The Dalles, Oregon, Attorney lor Estate. 120-126-132-137-c NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been ap pointed administratrix ol the es tate ot Robert Milo Huston, de ceased, by Hon. C. L. Alien, Coun- I ty Judge, and ail persons naving I claims asainst said estate are re- I 9."" ? Pres?nt .them. ulX. Y6 i ued to tne unaersignea at ine oi- fice ot De Armond & Goodrich, Bank ol Bend Building, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the date of the lirst publication of this notice. Dated and lirst published this 11th day of October, 1946. RUTH K. HUSTON, Adminis tratrix, DE ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys. 108-114-120-126-C IN THE COUNTY COURT OF: THE STATE OF OREGON FOR , DESCHUTES COUNTY No. 1315 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the Matter of the Guardian ship of STANLEY ANDROS BROOKS, a Minor. Notice is hereby given that pur- Time to Change Your Furnace Air Filters Research Rip-Clean Air Filters SAVES DUSTING SAVES FUEL SAVES YOUR FURNACE Bend Metal 838 Wall St Bend. Ore. at Prlvale a'e lr cash all of the rignt, title and Interest ot said minor In and to that certain real property particularly described as lollows: Lot Three (3), In Block One (1), except the North 65 leet thereot in bend, Deschutes County, Ore gon, together with a tract ot land in tne aouinwest 'a ot the North- cas of Section 32. 'lownshlD 17 South, Range 12 East of the , Willamette Meridian more oarti. IrlPri'tZ. cuarly described as follows: Be ginning at a point which is the ooutnwesterly termination of the N,r.(.t11..D.ta.-li, hAiiulnn. I r, 1 Ui(x.k x ol t'ne original plat of as ertlIid plat thereoI onie m the OIllee ojg said boundary having a course oi South 38" 33' 30" West; thence on a continuation of said boun dary produced South 38" 33' 30" West ior a distance of 29.46 feet; thence South 51" 26' 30" East for 19.13 feet; thence North 5 33' 30" East for 35.13 feet to the point of iy ox viuorv aou oiuie oi vjieHOll, beginning in the City ol bend. i" ' " jnr NOKmD. " v . ' - "r the Northeast 4 of 'stion . scnoeo as louows: beginning at Lhe Nortneast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, of North Addition to Bend, according to the recorded ' P'at tnereoi; tnenee iMortn jo 1 33- 30" East for 51.18 feet; thence South 8a" 57' 41" West for 255.91 j feet; thence South 38 33' 30" j West for 51.18 feet; thence North 89 57' 41" East for 255.91 feet to I point of beginning, in the City of 1 tiend. County ol Deschutes and CJ . . rv.. Lots Numoered Five (5). Six IRl and Seven 17) in Hlnrk Num. bered One (1) of North Addition one tl) described as lollows: AU that portion of said alley lying northeasterly from the line be tween Lots Seven (7) and Eight 18) of said Block One (1) as pro duced northwesterly, being more specifically described as lollows, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast cor- ' Rlrvtr Drui 111 tUnrth AHHitinn to Bend, Oregon, thence South 38" 33' 30" West lor One Hundred and thirty-five one-hundredths 1100-35) feet along the northwest erly line of said alley to the southerly corner of said Lot Thir teen ( 13) ; thence South 51" 26' 30 East lor Twenty 120) leet to the westerly corner ot Lot Seven (7) of said Block; thence North 38 33' 30" East along the southeast erly line ol said alley ior one Hundred Sixteen and thirty-one one-hundredths (116.31) leet to the northwesterly corner ol Lot Three (3) of said Block; thence South 89" 57' 41" West lor Twenty-five and titty-nine one-hundredths (25.59) leet to the point ol beginning. Offers tor the above-described property will be received at the office of the undersigned guar dian at 926 American Bank Build ing, Portland, Oregon, all sales subject to confirmation of the County Court ot the State ot Ore gon lor Deschutes County. Pauline Brooks Hollern, Guar dian. Date of First Publication Oc tober 25, 1946. Date of Last Publication No vember 22, 1946. 120-126-132-137-143-C VOTE DUNCAN McKAY FOR COUNTY JUDGE Pd. Adv. DwrhatM Countr Rrpublican Central Commute Leali H. Rom. Bend, Ore. & Heating Co. Phone 278 By FRED HARMAN