HOT) i JLJnUrli mm SPORTS GENERAL NEWS ' CENTRAL OREGON'S DAILY NEWSPAPER Volume LV THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 28, 1946 No. 71 Boston Braves ToSianBi! Sumas, Wash.. Feb. 28 p Washington State college basket ball star Gall Bishop was expect ed to sign a contract today to play professional baseball for -the Boston Braves of the National league. Bishop, 23-year-old former Ail American court ace, said he had tentatively agreed to play for the , Braves In a telephone conversa tion yesterday with Boston scout Johnny Moore. He said he would . report for spring training in Flor ida after signing a contract. .'. He said his agreement with Bos ton was a last-minute move and followed negotiations with the. New York Y a n k e'e s and the,. ' Brooklyn Dodgers. Bishop said he also had offers from the Phila delphia Phillies, .Chicago Cubs, Detroit Tigers and St.. Louis Cardinals. ". ' . . ' Gets 185 Points ' . Outstanding in both baseball and basketball, Bishop returned to college from the army in mid season this year and scored 185 points in only 10 games to be come high scorer in the Northern division of the Pacific coast con ference. - He , was spotted by the big league ivory hunters while play ing service baseball with the Ft. Lewis, Wash., Warriors where, he batted a solid'. 400 average. He was an outfielder with the army team. .-. . Sugar Robinson Knockout Victor St. Louis, Feb. 28 P Ray (Sugar) Robinson, New York, un crowned king of the welter weights, counted his 61st victory in 63 bouts today after knocking out Cliff Beckett, Canadian mid dleweight champion, in the fourth round of a scheduled 10 round fight. . The Harlem negro, weighing in at 147 pounds compared to Beck ett's 151 to, had the Canadian box er on the canvas six times before putting him down for keeps in 40 seconds of the. fourth round last night. . . Robinson knocked Beckett down for a count of nine in the first round and again for a two count in the second. He cut loose-with a series of right and left jabs in the third that dropped Beckett for four nine-counts be fore coming back in the fourth to finish the job. A crowd of 6,991 fans ' paid $14,886.25 to see the match. 42. , BASKETBALL RESULTS (Bit United Pres.) DePaul 75, Long Island 51. Akron 54, Case 45. ... ,., . . Lebanon Valley 54, Gettysburg Detroit 47. Wayne U 24. Syracuse 62, Canisjus 32. West Virginia 73, Washington and Jefferson '42. NYU 72, Baylor 57. ' Tulsa 59, Crelghton 42. Cincinnati 53, Xavier U 39. Toledo 77, Marshall 60. Bulletin Classifieds Bring results - NOTICE - TO YOU BOWLING FANS We Will Be Open SATURDAY AFTERNOONS From 1:00 P. M. To 12:00 P. M., Spend an enjoyable afternoon with your -family or. friends at this best of indoor ... ' ": sports-. - BEND RECREATION 744 Bond Bob Dowsett Phone 883 Out Our Way By J. R.Williams HMP.' ALLOWlM' 'THAT OL JUNK PILE TO SPOIL TH' BEAUT V OF THIS PRETTY ESTATE.' TOO LAZY TO MOVE EK. BURN! IX GUESS J 71 SENTIMENT, MY CALLOUS FRIEND, SENTIMENT A SHOWING OF RESPECT FOR. THE OLD FOLKS AND . DAYS THAT akc gone; HA-HAMIM-MfM t FOR. LOVE OP WlK u KAN PAW THOUGHT THEY'D SAVPD Mic; BOOTS AN' OL PLUG HAT. kUl TORE H5 DIED TH LJLr MAN! K.NTAJ THEY'D AVED 'CKA JUST TO LAUGH r-S. r. AT.' THE COMIC. 2-28 5T".R.Wil.UAMS M LEAGUE STANDINGS Christian 0 First Presb. .....8 ' 0 ' Methodlst"A" 0 West Presb. .... 1 1 . Methodist "B" .........1 1 Lutheran .. - 1 1 ' Baptist .-...I 1 Catholic .....0 2 Episcopal ...... ;.. 0 ' 8 Naiarene .0 i Today's Sport Parade I-. By Oscar Fraley ! , ; (United Press Sporu Writer) Savannah,, Ga., Feb. 28 (ID Rambling through the American league red book for a peek at the rookies who might make major league headlines this summer and getting closer to them by the minute: . Boston Red Sox Pitcher Earl Douglas Johnson ot San Mateo, Calif., one of baseball's real war heroes. Up once before from the St. Mary's college campus, Earl was awarded the bronze star and a battlefield promotion and doubled during the battle of the bulge with the silver star and promotion to first ' lieutenant. And third baseman Ernie Andres, ar. all-American athlete at In diana university regarded as a basketball ace. , Starred for Mickey Cochrane at Great Lakes for two years. Chicago White Sox Pitcher Doyle Marlon Lade of Fairbury, CONSERVE YOUR CAR! Wait and you'll WALK! Last-minute repairs are often not enough to keep your car running. If you depend on your car, let us keep it run ning efficiently. Be a wise motorist. Take a friendly tip and have your car serviced today! It costs less to conserve your car.' CHEVROLET and BUICK DEALERS IBESKIID) S AIR AE (S. South of Pott Office Factory Trained Tire .Specialists Phone 193 Neb., a fugitive from a railroad. Out of the coast guard after near ly four years service. And in fielder Chester Hajduk, a Chicago boy of Polish extraction who had planned to play professional ice hockey. .Thought: better of it after two .years under Cochrane at Great Lakes. Cleveland Indians Pitcher Ralph Berbert McCabe, a young Irishman from Napanee, Ont., who once wanted to diamond drill for gold. The six foot, four inch hurler figured money came easier on the diamond. And catcher John Sherman Loller of FayetteVille, Ark., the "Cinder ella Kid.'' Played semi-pro ball two years ago and yet in 1945 was the International league's leading hitter with a .367 mark and its most valuable player. -Detroit Tigers Outfielder Wal ter Arthur Evers of Collinsvllle, 111., better known as "Hoot." A team mate of Dick Wakefield at Beaumont in 1942, Wakefield win ning batting honors with .345 and Hoot i being second with .322. Home from a long stretch in the army. And outfielder John Jo seph McHale of Detroit.. Call out the subway alumni he's an ex- Methodist Quint Makes Biq Score 1000 1000 1000 MM S0O 800 BOO 000 000 000 The Methodist "A" quintet of the Bend Church league continued its winning ways in this week's games, rolling up the highest cur rent score in ueteating tneir smal ler brothers, the Methodist "B" team, 57 to 20. Three teams, the Christian, First Presbyterian and Methodist "A" quintets, remain undefeated in second half play. Results of this weeks games lonow: At Allen Lutheran (22) ' (19) Episcopal McCann Id F 3 Schwab Copeland 2 F 2 Robblns Winans 4 C , 4 Erikson Bergstralh G 10 Abbott Voss 1 G Lutheran subs': Freeman 5. Adams. Bowling Sports-today's sport parade. Notre Darner. New York Yankees Pitcher Rinaldo Joseph Ardizola of San Francisco, who was born in'Italy. A husky right hander who came out of the army last November and may be some of the medicine needed in Yankee stadium. And another hurler, Clarence Wesley Marshall a lucky man. He had planned on being a sports writer. Bellingham, Wash., his native heath, Is proud of the improve ment. k - Philadelphia Athletics An. other hero in pitcher William Wiert Connelly of Alberta, Va. Landed on Iwo Jima with a navy detachment and was shot through the face 18 days later. Bill ad mits that the navy "did a marve lous repair job." And infielder Eugene Handley of Sacramento, father of a six-year-old daughter and three-year-old twins and a brother of the Pirates' Lee Hand ley. St. Louis Browns Inflelder John Berardino, another Italian prospect who hails from Los An geles. Attended the University of Southern California, where he was a Phi Kappa Tau. Entered the army as a pilot, left the air force and entered the navy. And outfielder George Washington Bradley of Memphis, who lives up to his given name. He once Methodist B (20) (57) Methodist A Moody F..i 16 Fagg Holllday 6 F.. 8 Allen McS'.nna 8 .... C 11 Benson Johnston 2 ....... G... 8 Johnson Berrigan 4 G 14 Abbott Meth. B subs Rhoton, Fogel-qulst. McCann Sign Co. had high ser ies 2,371 last night on the Bend Recreation alleys. Edna Roats of McCann's team had high game of .198 and high series ot 523. McCann's won two games from Trallway clippers,. Bend Recrea tion won two from Gregg banner bakery, the Oasis took three from Wetle's and St 11 well's took three games from Ward Motor Co. - Ward motor: : Handicap, 321. Musgrave 292, Calder 403, Weerz llecki 337. Absentee 297, Webster 316. Total, 1966. Stllwell's: Handi cap, 354. Rice 304, Barrett 442, Davis 273, Garlington 389, Alt 483. Total. 2255. Trallways: Hanclcnp, 570. Har ford 345, Thompson 312, Gray 264, Reld 306, Carfctt 367. Total, 2164. McCann sign: Handicap, 384. Mc Cann 337. Moore 301, Smith 369, Hiley 355, Roats 525. Total, 2371. Banner bread: Handicap, 345. Bright 341, Loree 348, Judy 352, Grino 407, Moon 401. Total, mst. Bend Recreation: Weber 276, Jen nings 299,. Blucher 332, Abrego 335, Ives 402. Total, 2129. Wetle's: Handicap, 343. Zim merman 316, DUDOIS ai8, UOW cett 360, Davidson 261, Lee 338. Total, 1888. Oasis: Handicap; 366. Andrews 364. L,. state 6x, m. Slate 303, Knouft 377, Roberts 460. Total, 2226. At High School Christian (29) (23) Baptist fanned five times in a row but came back with five ' straight singles. Washington Senators Have the minor leagues' player of the year in outfielder Gilbert Fitz gerald Coan, who hit .372 with Chattanooga last year to lead the Southern Association. . From Rosman, N. C, doesn't seem to miss the thumb gone from his left hand. And, further fostering Fan-American relations, the Sen' ators still like the rhurnba. The additions are pitcher Gaspar Del Monte and catcher Aneres Angel tieitas, ootn oi tuba. Stick around a while, fellers! Portland Eagles In Second Place (Br United PreM) ; Portland's Eagles elbowed their way Into second position In the . Northern division . Pacific coast hockey league race last . night by ousting the Seattle Iron, men with a 2 to 1 victory on the Seattle ice. r The only Southern division con test saw the Hollywood Wolves spurt to an overtime 7-6 victory over the Los Angeles Monarchs. Portland's win gave them the inside track in the post-season fi nals as the two teams move to the Oregonians' home ice to wind up the season with one game to night and a finale on Tuesday. .- Wingman Aubrey Webster handed the Eagles last night's triumph when he bulled his way through the Ironmen to rap home an unassisted goal two minutes . betore the game ended. , Seattle manager Frank Dotten pulled goalie Al Rollins out ot the cage and played all six men on the open ice for the balance of the game In a vain effort to pull the contest out of the fire, Mitchell 4 F. 8 Fowler Hall 2 !......F...- 6 Hodges Standlfer 16 C 2 Taylor Waterman 3 ...G 5 Burden Svmons 4 G... ... 2 Keyes Christian suds: Knos, Keinnart, Nickels. ; Nazarene (25) . 127) First Presb. Robinson 2 F. 2 Longballa Day ;...F. 8 Miller WelBser 6 C . 6 Lockoff Chrlstensen 8 ..G 6 Whitson Hawes 8 G...: S Hogland Nazarene subs: Kiel. Catholic (8) Stenkamp ..... Mlhelich Crawford ...... Wilcox 2 Another Shipment Spring Hats, 7.50 to 10.00 ' , ' Tans, browns, greys, greens by Castle . Knox Society Club Just in Duck Stag Coats - Pants . Medium weight duck, fine for fishing, etc.. all sizes Pants, 5.95 -- Stag Coat, 6.95 Men's Fine Lisle Sox, pair 55c in white, brown, grey, black, sizes 10 to 12 Pants and Shirt Hangers, 1.25 by Berkley Wood Products moody's men's wear til w.o Phon 283 Fishing Season Coming See Us' For The Best In fi FLIES Complete selection of patterns and sizes Mucilin Imported Fly Dressing REELS BAM Lines Fly Boxes Nylon Leader Materials Spanish Gut Leaders Silk Gut Leaders Yes,Wetlae Scabbards Guns Holsters Sleeping Bags DOUTHIT'S 9I3 Wtl Street Phone SI (48) West Presb, ..F... 21 Mowery ..F 5 Henderson ..C." 7 Boyd ..G 1 Brown G. Baer G 7 Spencer Catholic subs: Luthe 6, Walters, B. Baer, B. Roney, W. Wilcox, B. Stelnkanp. West Presb, subs: Carroll, Burton 3, Rhodes 4. Portland Beavers1 Manager Happy San Jose, Calif., Feb. 28 IP Portland manager Marvin Owen was wearing that satisfied look today as the busy Beavers hustled onto the training diamond for an other workout. : .'! , . Owen said he was "much Im pressed, with the condition and general' all-around hustle ot the Beavers this season." He elabo rated by saying that the return ot many veterans from the serv ice had all hands bearing down in an effort to grab a first-string berth. Latest arrivals at the Beaver'3 lard-renderlng project were pitcher Roy Helser and his bat tery mate Eddie Adams, who checked' in yesterday.- ,; ;,. CLOWN PROVES TROOPER Elkhart, Ind. UPi In the best tradition of the . theater, Earl Davis of Elkhart, a clown, refused to halt his act on a recent victory loan drive show here, even though a "bomb" burst prematurely and burned his face. ; - ' Another Big Shipment Weed (Soactf Many tell us it's the huski est, longest wearing, most comfortable logger they have ever worn. Heavy oil tanned leather, solid leather sole and heels. 8 inch .... 10 inch ... Calked ... ... $12.95 ... $13.95 ... $14.95 Rainier Logger Built by Currin-Greene a big favorite lit Bend. 105 FREE DANCE for VETERANS Roller Ballroom -- Fri. Nite Bud Russell's Orchestra S N Men's Shop 945 Wall Street . "We Dreit The Town" Bend, Oregon