The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 14, 1946, Page 6, Image 6

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Whereabouts Of
Marshall On Eve
Of Harbor Asked
Washington. Feb. 14 HP)- Rpd.
Bertrand W. Gearhart, R., Calif.,
said today that "the great mys
tery" of congress' Pearl Harbor
Investigation Is the whereabouts
of the army and navy high com
mand on the evening preceding
we attacK on Pearl Harbor.
He called for a "common dis
trict attorney's Investigation" to
establish how Gen. George C.
Marshall, 1941 army chief of staff,
and Adm. Harold R. Stark, 1941
chief of naval operations, spent
the evening hours of Dec. 6.
"This mystery has been going
on for five years and no one has
tried to make a common district
attorney's investigation to try and
help Gen. Marshall remember
where he was," Gearhart said.
Whereabouts Unknown
In questioning Henry C. Clau
sen, who as an army lieutenant
colonel conducted a special war
department inquiry on the attack,
Gearhart constantly reiterated
that the previous investigations
have failed to establish the where
abouts of Marshall and Stark at
that time.-
He re-read an assertion by an
army investigating board that
Marshall "failed" in not forward
ing to Gen. Walter C. Short, 1941
army Hawaiian commander, cer
tain "critical information indicat
ing an almost immediate break
with Japan."
Gearhart asked Clausen why no
efforts had been made to ques
tion Marshall's orderlies and
chauffeur regarding the general's
Sunsweet Dried Prunes . . .2 lbs. 33c
(Medium size sweet & tasty) ,
Macaroni, Elbow Cut ... .3 lbs. 25c
Fancy Rice, Dundee . .2 lb. pkg. 25c
Solid Pack Tomatoes . . .2 cans 43c
. ... (SpVnccr No. Vi s)
Dundee Peas . . . .'. ..... .2 cans 29c
Yamhill Cream Corn . . . .2 cans 29c
Dundee Green Beans .. .2 cans 29c
Heinz Spaghetti .... .... .jar 16c
Ellis Chili Con Carne . ..... .jar 22c
Alaska Pink Salmon . . . .can 25c
Oval Sardines .2 cans 29c
Spencer Tomato Juice No. 5 can 23c
Orchard Garden Grapefruit Juice .... .No. 5 can 34c
Standby Blended Juice . . . . No. 5 can 49c
H & D Orange Juice, sweetened No. 5 can 49c
Lake Shore Prune Juice quart 29c
Orange Marmalade 2" 35c
fbpf CCan et Ar'20na GrGPefru' dozen 59c
Ml 5C Pink Grapefruit ...dozen 59c
ni he, Carro$ 2 bunches 15c
f and Duds .
V Large Pkg. TumipS 4 lbs. 25c
Toife,isue Shellhart's Grocery
4 rolls 29c 929 Wn Free Delivery. Phone 24
Robert Duke, Kaj-e Dowd lai David
ComcsToBrroUya'Gkmoroni new
'That would be like checking
the little twigs on a tree when I
was supposed to go after the
trunk," Clausen replied.
Clausen, constantly urging
Gearhart "to be fair," told the
committee that he didn't consider
the whereabouts of Marshall and
Stark "the main mystery of
Pearl Harbor at all," suggesting
that the following questions
might be more important:
1. What information on Japan
ese activities did Washington of
ficials have?
2. What did they do about it?
3. What information did Ha
waii have and what did they do
about it.
The committee hoped to finish
with Clausen today but there ap
peared little chance It could com
plete hearings by tomorrow's
deadline. A request for a- two-
week extension appeared likely.
Street, in I scene from "An Angel
musical of adventure and romance
Being Shot At
No Joke, Salem
Dean Convinced
Salem, Ore., Feb. 14 UP-Dean
Ray L. Smith of Willamette uni
versity law school is wondering
today If he is the victim of a
practical joke or If someone is
really trying to "rub him out."
Dean Smith told police that an
unidentified man pointed a pistol
at him and fired twice when he
answered a doorbell ring at his
home last night. The man ran
from the porch and to a car at
the curb where another person
shouted: "that's him. Get him,"
the dean said.
Police could find no trace of
bullets and theorized that it might
have been a practical Joke. Dean
Smith said it "wasn't funny."
Friday & Saturday
3 cans
lb. jar
n ii. t
A ID. BOX lilt I HI
Senators Confer
With Truman On
Ickes Successor
Washington, Feb. 14 (IB Presi
dent Truman held a series of
brief conferences today with
western, senators and congress
men to discuss a successor to
Harold Ickes as secretary of in
terior. Rep. Compton I. White, D., Ida.,
said he urged Truman to appoint
a "western business man" to the
"The president agrees with
me. White said.
Other callers Included Sen.
Carl A. Hatch, D., N. M., chair
man of the public lands commit
tee to which Mr. Truman's nomi
nation will go; Sen. Burton K.
Wheeler, D., Mont.; Sen. Joseph
C. CMahoney, D., Wyo.; Sen.
Elbert X. Thomas, D Utah, and
Sen. Abe Murdock, D., Utah.
CIsrk Is Proposed
Wheeler said after the meeting
with the president he would like
to see former democratic Sen. D.
Worth Clark of Idaho get the Job,
but would not admit that he sugr
gested Clark s name to the presi
dent. . &
"We ought to have an out
standing man from the west,"
Wheeler said.
Asked whether he was a can
date himself. Wheeler said "I
wouldn't take It if It was offered
to me."
White said he told 'the presi
dent that "the Interior depart
ment deals largely with the west
and ,a thoroughgoing business
man from the west is needed as
"It was very encouraging to
find that the president not, only
was Interested in but understood
the importance of developing the
Wants Business Man
White said the president did
not tell him If he had any par
ticular person in mind for the
Job. . ,
"But he agrees with me- that a
Dusiness man a western Dull
ness man Is needed," White
added. - j
Hatch said he "did not submit
any particular name, but several
i ncmes were mentioned during our
"I got the impression that the
president has not made a choice
but is weighing qualifications
and wants to get the best possible
man for the job," Hatch said. '
He would not disclose the
names-mentioned in his talk with
the president. Hatch and
O'Mahoney both said they too fa
vored a westerner for the job.
Dinner Planned
For Scout Troop
. Scouts of troop No. 24, their
parents and members of the troop
committee will be guests at a
dinner to be served at the Catho
lic parish hall tonight at 7 o'clock,
with Richard Armory, senior pa
trol leader, as master of cere
monies. This dinner, in connec
tion with the observance of Boy
Scout week, has been arranged
as a get-together for the scouts
, and their parents.
Leo Herbrlng is scoutmaster of
the troop and Uil Moty is his as
sistant, with Thomas Hutchinson
chairman of the troop commit
tee. Fathers Hyland and Con
leth of the Catholic parish will
be special guests at the dinner,
as will Harold Talley, assistant
scout executive.
Chewing gum on an airplane is
said to help relieve the ear pres
sure ot quickly changing alti
tudes, i
Districts' (except school),
cities, towns and counties ,
' that employ five people or
more for at least 600 hours
each per year, mm t notify the
Park Bldg., 729 S.W. Alder
St., Portland 5, Ore., not .
later than May 1, 1946, at
required by chapter 401,
Oregon Laws 1945, if they
eleot to exclude their em
ployee from the state re
tirement tyitem.
See -
Carroll Motors
for New Friction
Bumper Jacki
182 Greenwood
Additional Society
Junior Auxiliary
lo Be Urganned
All eligible girls who are in
terested in membership in a jun
ior American Legion auxiliary
are invited to attend a meeting
scheduled for 4:15 Monday after
noon in- the Methodist church
fireside room, It was announced
today by Mrs. Allen Ryman, jun
ior activities chairman fnr ihn
local auxiliary. Refreshments
win De servea ionowing the meet
ing. Girls between the ages of six
and 15 years, who are daughters
or sisters of world war veterans,
are eligible for membership. Two
age groups will be formed, with
separate officers and activities, it
was announced today by those In
Mrs. Ryman Is being assisted In
the Drelimlnarv nrcanlTatlnn hu
Mrs. Craig Coyner, state depart
ment junior activities cnalrman.
7:00 p. m P. E. O. Sisterhood,
dinner at Pine Tavern, followed
by meeting with Mrs. Hod Rich
ards, Butler road. ,
7:00 p. m. Lions club members
and guests, sweetheart party at
Pilot Butte inn. .
7:30 p. m. Christian Fellow
ship Bible Study group with Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Luckenbill, 444
East Qulmby. -
10:30 a. m. Boyd Acres exten
slon unit with Mrs. Hubert Bart-
lett, Boyd Acres.
1:15 p. m. Friday Bridge club,
luncheon at Pilot Butte inn.
2:00 p. m. Westminster Pres
byterian Sewing circle with Mrs.
George Freeman, 404 East Third
street. . : .
8:00 . p. m. Women of th
Moose, Moose hall.
8:00 p. m. Young School P.
T. A. at school house.
8:00 p. m. Ladies Auxiliary of
Canton Deschutes No. 19, 1. O. O.
nan. '
8:00 p. m. V. F. W. public
pinochle party, veterans' hall.
8:00 p. m. Methodist "A-l"
class, Valentine party with Mr.
and Mrs. J. Harvey Drake, But
ler road. :
8:00 p. m. Berean and Mizpah
Grangers Grow Social Crops
.St.. . c;v .. .
v V- V"f 1
SMOOTH OPEN ROADS from farm to market
had their beginning in Grange-sponsored legislation.
Today countless farm trucks speed their produce
over hard-surfaced or well-gravelled Oregon roads.
The movement for better rural roads as a part of
the Grange program is as old as the organization. It
will continue to be a basic Grange policy as long as
the need exists in any part of the State.
; Projects of this nature are as vital a part of Grange
activities as better agriculture itself. That is why 28,000
progressive farmers belong to the Oregon State
Grange why membership continues to grow why
the Grange is a dominant force for social progress.
Information about the purpose
and accomplishments of the Ore
gon State Grange Is contained in
a booklet "Let's Look at the
Record", Contact your local
Grange for copy, or write direct.
1115 S.E.
classes, Valentine party at First
Christian church.
9:00 p. m Pine Forest Valen
tine party for members and
friends, grange hall.
7:30 p. m. Townsend club,
business meeting at labor temple.
8:00 p. m. Sons of Norway,
Valentine box social at Norway
halt ,
: Sunday
. 2:00 p. m. Royal Neighbors
of America, drill team practice
at Norway hall.
2:00 p. Tn. W. B. A. auditing
committee with Mrs. Clarice Nel
son, 74 Portland avenue.
4:19 p. m. Junior American
Legion Auxiliary at Methodist
8:00 p. m. Royal Neighbors of
America, Norway hall. -
8:00 p. m. A. A. U. W. with
Mrs. William Nlskanen, 525
2:00 p. m. Rebekah Past
Noble Grands' club at I. O. O. F.
hall. ,
Polio Fund Gets
Party Proceeds
Grange Hall, Feb. 14 (Special)
A benefit card party for ,the
Infantile paralysis fund was given
last Thursday night at the Carlin
Matson ranch. Proceeds from the
affair netted $11.70 for the polio
drive, it was reported by the East
ern Star home economics club,
sponsors of the affair.
Six tables of pinochle were In
play. Prizes for scoring went to
Mrs. Christine Tapken and John
Franks, - high, and Mrs. Frank
MacDonald and H. R. Miller, low.
Traveling prizes were presented
to Mrs. MacDonald and John
Franks. .
Women of the Moose will meet
tomorow at 8 p.m. In Moose hall,
when Nadlne Wells will present:
the program. A class of candl-j
dates will be initiated, and all of
ficers and escorts are asked to
wear formal dress. Refresh-:
ments will be served after the
- It is estimated that the freight
ing concerns backing the Pony
Express lost $100,000 on the enter
prise, i .
that benefit
all Oregonians
Sanson St, rortlaad 14, Ortfea
A A. V. W. Books
Symposium Team
The monthly meeting of the
American Association of Univer
sity Women will be held at 8 p.m.
Monday, Feb. 18, at the home of
Mrs. William Niskanen, 525
Broadway, when the program will
be provided by the University of
Oregon symposium group.
This meeting has been schedul
ed in place of the regular month
ly date to coincide with the itin
erary of the Eugene dlscursion
team. The subject will be Pan
American relations.
Assistant hostesses for the
evening will be Mrs. Almeda
Hoist and Mrs. George SlmervlUe.
Soroptlmlst Club will sponsor
a rummage sale at 10 a.m. Satur
day, Feb. 16, in the Montgomery
Ward building, it was announced
today by Mrs. Phil Buckingham,
Friday Bridge 'club will meet
for a one o"clock luncheon Feb.
15 at the Pilot Butte inn, with
Mrs. Arthur Stipe, Jr., as hostess.
Bridge will follow at the Stipe
home, 2005 West Sixth street.
Royal Neighbors of America
drill team members and officers
are asked to attend a practice ses
sion at 2 p.m. Sunday, Mrs. Lucy
Billadeau, oracle, announced to
day, i '
Congress' Week-End Specials
6 Selected Cereals . . . 25c
Grade A Large -
2 J 89c
Fresh Smelts
Cheese . ...
10 lb. bag
Beef Steak lb. 32c
Shoulder cuts AA grade
Beef Short Ribs . . . . . . lb. 23c
Boneless Stew Beef .. lb. 37c
Pt. Kraut, lb. Wieners, 49c
Pork Steak ......... lb. 37c
Shoulder cuts
Frozen Foods
Sliced Peaches, pkg. 36c
Apricot Halves, pk. 30c
Apple Sauce, pkg. . 24c
Spinach, pkg 30c
Cauliflower, pkg. . 36c
Spaghetti Dinner .pkg. 37c
Chef Boy-Ar-Dee
Kraft Dinner . . .3 pkgs. 29c
Wax Paper .125 ft. roll 19c
2I0 Congress
Official Records
Unnnrahlo rilsrharees from the
army were filed yesterday at the
office ot county cier wkh
Dacey for Bertram W. Moore,
Vornnn E. Aprorstrom. Bob C.
Hollamon, Ernest A. Dunn, Perry
H. Hudson and Kooert l uien.
Navy releases were recorded for
DioH.i. T Rnlri Rnzpna L. Stew
art, Calvin Urell and Abe Hall.
Marrlncrn llppnspS Were ISSUed
Wednesday by the county clerk
to James Udell Jones and Ruth
Imogene Frazler, both of Mit
chell, and to Roy Bowman and
Alpha B. Grandon, Dotn oi eenu.
Paris, Feb. 14 IB The French
news agency said today that 276
killpd bv an earth
quake southwest of Constantlne In
Algeria Tuesday. The dispatch
said rellel parties naa , reaencu
the scene by muleback.
where you feel it-rub Mltf C
throat, chest and ll VK9
wck with time-tested WVafoRui
Syrup, ...i gal. 89c
Maple-Leaf Breakfast syrup
Honey . .5 lbs. 1.39
Pure strained
Cocoa ...i lb. 11c
Tree Tea, fib. 59c
Mince '
Meat . . .2 lbs. 39c
Pep ....3pkgs. 29c
. . . .2 lbs. 25c
Dundee Cut Beans, 2 cans . 29c
Diced Carrots, 2 cans ..... 25c
VegAII, No. 2 can ........ 19c
Walla Walla Peas, can .... 17c
Palmdale'Yams, No' 2 ..... 27c
Whole Kernel Corn, 2 cans . 35c
Del Monte
Tomato Juice, No. 5 can ... 27c
.2 lb. loaf 79c
Spread '
2 lb. box
Sea Foods
Pismo Claims, i's - 35c
Royal Chief Clams
i's 25c
Merrimac Salmon, 25c
Chile & Beans, pk. 15c
Phon. 360
Phone 387