Readers Suffer Drops in Value By T. VV. Kienlen (United Praia Surf CorreacoDdent) New York, June 6 IP The stock market had a shakeout to day and losses in the main list ranged to a pqint or more in such leaders as U. S. Steel, Chrysler, Dow Chemical and Santa Fe. Selling was described in Wall street quarters as a technical reaction to the recent sharp ad vance to new highs for around eight years. It was noted, more over, that as customary on de clining price movements in past months, volume dwindled during the day, although sales again opped a million shares. Corporation news was high lighted by an increased dividend for Marine Midland Corp., and declaration of an initial payment of 25 cents a share on new $2.50 capital stock of Pan American Airways. Businessmen also got good . news from the treasury which announced it wil - allow more liberal income tax deduc tions to firms engaged in recon verting to peacetime production. I Oregon Governor ;f inds New Home l Salem, Ore., June 6 HPi Ore- gon's Governor Earl Snell i breathed a sign ot relief today. After several months of look 5 ine, he's found a place to live! i The house in which the gov- Ibrnor is now living was sold re 7rntly, and he was "given notice." ' Since then, he has been searching for living quarters in Salem, where houses for rent are as rare as hens' teeth. " i Gov. and Mrs. Snell will move i Into their new home on July 15, u he said today. The house is in the same neighborhood as the one in which ihey now reside. . To Leave State , Gov. Snell will be absent from the state between the latter part of June and July ,10, at the an nual governors' conference at Mackinac island, in Michigan, he s paid. Between the 10th and the .. 15th,- he expects to live in a hotel. Oregon is one of the few states of the union in which a gover , nor's mansion is' not furnished. The last state legislature refused to appropriate money for one. in ' the final days of the session.',.. S PORTLAND LIVESTOCK 'n Portland, June. $ .'UV-Live'-stock: cattle 'salable 150, calves ' 25, market active, but1 supply mostly cows, odd head common Fleers 12.00; and few common to medium heifers 11-14.50: can- , ner and cutter cows 7-10.00; fat dairy type cows 10.50-11.25; medi um to good beef bulls, 12.25-13; choice vcalers quotable to 16.50. Hogs, salable 100, market ac tive, steady, barrows and gilts 15 75, sows and light stags, 15.00; i choice around 100 lb. feeder pigs, quoted around 21.00.. Sheep, salable 500, market ac tive, , steady, good to choice spring lambs 13.75 to mostly, 1100; good 71 Jo. feeders 12.00, , common 62 lbs. 9.00; No. 1 pelt shorn lambs quotable to 13.25, good shorn ewes 6.75; wooled i ewes 8.50. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., June 6 HP De mand for eggs continued to ex ceed the supply on the Portland dairy market today. Supplies were inadequate with prices un- changed. Butter Cube 93 score 42-c; 92, score 42Uc; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41'ic pound. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA large 44c; A large 42c; medium small 35e dozen. DIAMONDS 7th War Loan q s. Buy Double r- cc an EXTRA j War Bond 2 A. T. NIEBERGALL . Jeweler Nan ta Capital Theater Phone 148-R WATCHES See ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans AUTO LIGHT TRUCK PICK-UP On Youi Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirement Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Thonc 525 Spare Arti Classified Rates . Local Paid in Advene 25 Words One Time J5e 25 Words Three Times .76c 25 Words Six Times L85 All werda erer 35 add lc pr were: Omm bum bar l uwuusm One aonth run, aea copy, 4t day rata Muunwaa uiarse, aac LINK BATE 10c CAPITALS 20o Claaalliea ArlTcrUaiw. Ctah In AUraiice Dejlj CbMln Tuna II iM t. M. BEND LODGE NO. 130 A, b . & A. M. SDecial Communication Friday, June 8, 7:30 pjn. is. A. uegrees Also Examinations Geo go suuervllle, bec'y. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Hairy A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store FOB SALE WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now in load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood xard. Phone 767. . ' CLOSE IN, MODERN 3 room room house, hardwood floor, elec tric plate, extra room in base ment, $1000, $400 down, $25 a month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. NEAR ALLEN school, 5 room modern home, unfinished up stairs, drilled hole, $2600, $1100 down, $35 a month. Exceptionally well built 2 bedroom home, two lots, garage, garden, cemented basement, $2650, $600 down, $30 a month. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon, phone 36-W.. SODA FOUNTAIN, back bar and counters. Call Sunday or evenings at 2 Broadway. 3 ROOM SEMI-MODERN home, $800.00. 6 lots, full lawn, side walks, garage, woodshed, garden, 100 strawberrys, berry bushes, picket fence. Near Allen school, inquire 446 E. Emerson after 4:30 p.m. Kitchen remodeled. SEED SPUDS $2.00 per hundred. 6 miles east on Bend-Burns High way mile south. R. D. Stowell. Phone 9-F-22. OR TRADE for hay, about 1500 lbs. nice seed potatoes. 2'A miles southeast Carroll Acres Store. J. W. Jones Place, across big CO! ca nal. $2.50 per hundred in your sacks. G. A. Sharer. Phone ll-F-15. 2';j5Kb,ROOM . MODERN house, garage and woodshed. Winters wood and some coal. Will sell cheap for cash. 1225 E. 3rd St. PLANTS AT FANTON'S Ga- den: Petunias, asters, pansies, pe rennials, cabbage, brussel-sprouts, head lettuce, tomatoes. Fanton's Gardens, 829 Ogden. BARGAIN, WEST SIDE, owner leaving, 4 room modern plastered house, garage, only $1800, $500 down, $25 a month. Stoves can be purchased. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. NEAR KENWOOD school, new 4 bedroom modern house, new style bath fixtures, large attached earaee. 3 lots, trarripn. S4250 RlfiSn down, $35 a month. Anne Forbes, jt urcgon, phone 36-W. EAST SIDE modern homes, im mediate possession, new, two bed room, mountain view, $3500. 2 bed room plastered, paved street, sew er connection, $1800, $400 down, $30 a month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon, phone 36-W. THREE BEDROOM modern home witn good lurnace, well located on paved street. Reasonable terms can be arranged. Priced at $3000. Immediate possession. Frank Mc Garvey, 118 Oregon St. TRAILER HOUSE. 16 ft.' long, 7 ft. wide with built-ins, sink, and ice box, stationary bed, .inner spring mattress, and other furn ishings. Inquire 1604 East 3rd. A GOOD COUNTRY grocery store requires only small invest ment. Just the business for two people to operate. For details see Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon St. FURNITURE, STOVES, dressers, table, desk and chair, 2 rockers, overstuffed chair, davenport. Makes full size bod. 1225 E. 3rd St. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Office rhone 73 Bee. Phone 8l-W W. ri. Christian P. C. Whitehead INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING SPRAY AND BRUSH Phone 744-W cr 59-W 630 E. Quimby FOB SALE I HAVE NUMEROUS good buys in stock ranches and farms of various sizes. If interested see Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon jt GOOD USED DRESSES 14-16. one aressmaker suit nearly new, half price. Several pairs shoes 5 to and b. other articles. 1142 Jr- ederal. LARGE SUN FLAME OIL circu lator, complete with tank and feea-in pipe. Call at 38 Shasta. ... , 1000 to 1200 LB. TREATED seed potatoes alreaay cut and ready to plant, inquire Clarence tooya, rsuya Acres. TRACTOR MADE OUT of 2 ton 4-cylinder white. Sell as is or rear axie separately. DAVENO and WOOL rug, almost new. Inquire 425 Columbia. 4-ROOM MODERN partly iurn lsned, corner lot, garage and shed close to Brooks-bcanlon Mill. Good f ounuation and fireplace. Immedi ate possession $2dO.0O. Total price $750.00, cash balance month ly terms. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Ore gon Ave. , 4- ROOM MODERN: with 2 bed rooms. Wired for electric range. Underground water sprinkling. Good garden in. 2 Large lots. 4 blocKs from business district. Priced for quick sale at $1900.00, $700.00 down. Gilberts Real Es tate & Insurance. RHODE ISLAND Red Fryers. Phone 1-F-ll, Roy Haynes, it, 2, Box 259, turn left at mall box. FORTY ACRES with large new modern home; city water; also large new barn. Located short dis tance from city limits. This is a fine country home with all mod ern conveniences reasonably pric ed at $5,750.00. Requires $2,000.00 down payment. Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon. LARGE 2 BEDROOM semi-modern home, all furnished. Immedi ate possession, $2000. 3 Room m o a e r n. Immediate possession $1400.00. 4 Room modern. East 3rd St. $1850.00. 3 Bedroom home East 2nd St. $3000.00. 3 room mod ern furnished. 4 large lots $2500. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. FEW SACKS of small seed pota toes. Box 209, Rt. 1. John Bollman. The old Pruitt place. 7-ROOM MODERN, 4 bedrooms,, located tn restricted district and close to City Center; Two mmnWp hathrnnmc hard. wood floors, fireplace, nicely ar ranged for this.type of home, good heating plant can operate with oil or hog fuel. Double garage, cor ner lot and paved street. $8500.00 total price, convenient loan can be secured. J. S. Davis Cn . 194 rim. gon Ave. 2 THREE ROOM Houses on Riv erfront. One modern. Includes stoves. Garages, wood sheds, and boat house. Priced dirt cheap at $2625.00. Reasonable terms at Gil berts Real Estate & Insurance. 3 GOLDEN COCKER spaniels, and one white cocker spaniel, months old, registered, purebred, Inquire Evans Fly Co. ELECTRIC IRONS, electric ra dio, banjo, 4 piece bedroom set, ice boxes $5.00 each. Office desk lamp, baby buggies, baby play pen, occasional chairs and rock ers, bedroom chairs, fold away beds. Wood and metal bedsteads, good coil springs, buffet, dresser bases, wheel chair, magazine rack, mirrors, dark walnut dinette ta ble, kitehpn tnhlna nf all blr4c studio couch, davenports, kitchen cuoincis, vises, Dan ana socket trailer hitches, toilet stool with flush box. Wash hnarrls nnrl Inho Coleman pasnlinn laninrn ArmCa street from 350 Division. 2 ROOM MODERN: Between town and the mills. Completely furnished, including electrical ap pliances. Clean as a pin, large lot. See Gilberts Real Estate & Insur ance for terms. 4 ROOM MODERN: Close in with good basement. Cook stove and oil circulator. Wired for Electric range. 1V4 lots priced at $3250.00. A good house. Terms at Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance. 2 COFFEE TART.KS Son a. 720 Harmon Boulevard. 3 ROOM FURNISHED: with l',4 lots. A clean house and immediate possession. Priced at $700.00 with $200.00 down and $15.00 per month including Interest. Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance. ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS Delivered BAKER FEED CO. Phone 188X Redmond, Ore. FOB BENT OB SALE 4 ACRES, 4 ACRES C.O.I. water. 4 room house, chicken house, barn, garage, some berries. F. A. Pepper, Rt. 2, Box 261. FOB BENT BOARD and ROOM and cabins for rent. 803 Delaware. Call 31-W. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent Drive, yourself. Moving. Court house Service, U74 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. LARGE 3 ROOM modern furnish ed duplex, $20 a month. Inquire Schuman, Auto Electric, 316 Greenwood. ' - CLOSE IN, 3-room modern furn ished, newly cleaned house. Adults only. One 5-room 2 bedroom semi modern furnished, with Indoor toilet. Call at 147 E. Olney. AT LAVA Apartments. 3 room furnished. Modern, available June 13. Phone A. D. Lewis 684. 1503 Awbrey Road, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. 4 ROOM HOUSE, woodshed, ga rage and cellar, 2 large lots. Phone 30-F-5. A NICE SUNNY apartment house bedroom with twin beds; cooking and front room privileges if de sired. Call 892-M. WANTED WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell. Also some big Springer cows and will pick them up at your ranch. Phone 78-J or drop a card to W. R. Franks, Redmond, Ore. LITTLE CALVES about 8 or iO if Priced right. E. L. Groff, Rt. 1, Box 174. TO RENT Unfurnished modern house. Two or three bedroom. Per manent renter employed .at The Bend Bulletin. Telephone or write Mr. Brownhill, care Bend Bulletin. PLASTERING and PATCHING. Call 108-J. Redmond. TO RENT 3 bedroom house, un furnished, modern, good neighbor hood will leasp with option to buy.' Permanently employed by Bureau of Reclamation. Call Todd, 362. ' . . , ROOM and BOARD and care for baby 16 months. Will exchange references. Inquire 612 Federal or Phone 749-M. GIRL'S USED BICYCLE. Will pay cash. Inquire Rt. 1, Box 20A, Bend. TO BUY used furniture of -all-kinds. 350 Division. Phone il56. TO BUY CAR. 4lTEasT Green- wood. Evenings. Call 1134-W HELP WANTED "WANTED BY S. P. & S. Railway men between the ages of 21 and 45 to qualify for positions Brake men and switchmen. For informa tion inquire of local S. P. & S. Railway Agent." LADY COOK for crew only for fishing lodge, serve family stylo. Also man for outside work. In quire U. S. Employment Service. WOMAN COOK, part-time work. Inquire Bend Drug Company. USED CARS 1929 MODEL A sedan. Good condi tion. Within OPA ceiling. See Mr. Johnson, Pilot Butte Inn delivery entrance, door No. 1. Entrance on Newport. LOST IN CITY BUS, Billfold belonging to Ruby Robert, containing small change and identification papers. Reward offered. .Return to The Bend Bulletin. LIGHT TAN wool sport sweater, pocket contains sprinkler fix tures. Return to C. H. Bishop, 1107 Federal or Phone 867. Reward. 1 BROWN BILLFOLD at East Lake. Return to Joe LaPlant, 1469 E. First St. Reward. Phone 745-W after 5. GOOD HEALTH Toor Great esf Possession Regain l by being relieved el Hemonholda (Pilea), Fla-4 uiw, iiu,a, nerma IKup-l ttent without hainlbtl on. ration euoceaefufly tiaed J " IT: -"eroi credit terma. Call lor exajnlnollon at eand fee FBF.E booklet Opa frwimp, Hon., WW., M., 7 to , Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Pnyalc Ian ond Surgeon K. E. Cor. E. Btimrlde and Orand Ave. Telephone EAel 3818, Portland 14. Oregon RED RYDER lDIDfVI SEE 1 r I DOM'1 HANKER KILL A -J. Wi'J-R SAL iri COLD BLOOD, I, tlBT Z?-rk . a BOOKER- EVE FOR TH' Turned MISCELLANEOUS THOR CERTIFIED WASHER , SERVICE We have the experience and equipment to give expert service on all makes. Century Drive Serv ice Station. Phone 275-J. REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMullin, Camp Sherman 832. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Einier Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. NOW'S THE TIME to plaster or patch that room, build that chim ney and fireplace, have those con crete sidewalks. For your work call H. Heck, 504-W. BEND WASHER SERVICE Genuine factory parts. Service on all makes of appliances. Money back guarantee on all makes of washing machines including May tag and Bendix, Phone 583. 136 Greenwood. LAWNMOWERS sharpened. Also shears, grass shears, knives, keys made, saws filed, guns, locks pho nographs repaired, soldering, gen eral repairing. Henderson's Re pair Shop, 112 Minnesota, WE HAVE received a new ship ment of upholstering material. If those waiting for new material will call, we will be glad to show them. Harrison Upholstery, 365 Miller. KITTEN and PUPPY to give away. 1425 Kingston Street. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any uize you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given The Bulletin. LEGAL NOTICES I SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Equity No. 650(1 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Des chutes. Chase E. St. Clair and Lois St. Clair, husband' and wife, Plain tiffs, Vs. John F. Olson, Charles Stuart, Frank Malmquist, John M. Gates and Elwln L. Vinal and Grace T. Vinal, husband and wife, and also all other persons or par ties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in plaintiffs' complaint herein, Defendants. . To John F. Olson, Charles Stu art, Frank Malmquist, John M. Gates and Elwin L. Vinal and - rn irl..i u..u..n n .j ...if.. incite v mm, iiusudjiu ajiu wuu. and also all'Dtherpefrsons or parf ties unknown claiming any right, title, estate lien or interest in the real estate described in plaintiffs' complaint, detendants. , In the name of the State of I Oregon: You are hereby required i to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four Quickly ai. th. pain er your mon.y bock lOcSOe orft.OO at all drug counter AUTHORIZED Aflaytag Service , . . anil repair on all niakcH of huhIiits. . . . for a new Muytutf after the war plaee your order now. Jiit contuct . . . ELMER HUDSON Telephone 274 434 Kansas Bend Into Cask With a Want Ad weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and an swer, for want thereof plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in their complaint, to-wit; for a de cree of said Court declaring plain tiffs to be the owners in fee simple of the lands described in plaintiffs' complaint as follows: Lots 9, 10 and 11 in Block 4 of Northwest 'Townsite Company's First Addition to the City of Bend in Deschutes County, Oregon; Lot 2 In Block 5 of Keystone Terrace in the City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon. And for a further decree declaring that said lands be free and clear of any right or claim whatever on the part of said defendants or any of them, or on the parj. of any other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or interest In and to said real property, or any part thereof; and that each and all of said defendants, and any and all persons claiming any interest in said property by, through or under them, or any of them, be forever enjoined, re strained and barred from assert ing or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest whatsoever to or in said property or any part thereof, and that plaintiffs' right to said premises be forever quiet ed and set at rest, and for such other and further relief as the nature of this cause may require and as unto the Court may seem just and equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication once a week for four consecutive weeks in The Bend Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, by order of Hon. Ralph S. Hamilton, judge of said court, maae May 22nd, 1945, or dering first publication to be I made May 23rd, 1945. Dated and first published May 23rd, 1945, last publication June 13th, 1945. A. J, Moore, Attorney for Plain tiffs, Postofflce address, Bend, Oregon. 144 149 1.7c DISCHARGE IS, FILED Myrle Leon Murry, 429 State street, is In possession of an hon orable discharge from the navy, filed today at the oftice of the county clerk. WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIBECTOBV i V OF BKLIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES SERVICE LET A MECHANIC UNION 76 Gasoline TRITON Motor Oil 1108 Bond AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert iiiccliaiilcul ami oloctri cul work on ull inukcs of curs and trucks. COMPLETE OVEBIIAUMNO TlJtE SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next (o JIiidsiiii-Diiiican 1327 Wall Phone 812 BEAUTY SHOPS BRECK TREATMENT It'M wonderful lor coiidllloiiliir;. You'll ln ainucil at tile new beauty of your liuir. HXPKKT Ol'lCKATOKS Slay I.imru Ardello Powder Puff Beauty Shop riiono 4Ht CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Itcpuiix and Hut ISIorking Capitol Cleaners 827 Uull I'limm fiZ4 CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service , Cesspool & Septic Tanks Bus of Material I'lirniKiii-il Our periodical .Inspection will iiiNtirn you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son IMione 30(1 W or U-I-'-gS ! IF WE StND THIS I VlMSO BACK. OVER THE TRAIL WITHOUT I ..GHT HAVfc- ACCIDENT, War Bond Show (Continued from Page One) county quota of $1,141,000. The chairman was especially gloomy In discussing the sales of E bonds, reporting that approxi mately $395,000 remain yet to be sold, or a total of $20,000 dally to go over the top. "While the bankers themselves are urging depositors to turn their savings accounts into war bonds," Schueler commented, "I cannot understand whv nnr ' not InvpMt mni In tVilo nr.,,. ment security. It is a well known fact that savings accounts In the Bend and Redmond banks could well put us over the top with a bang. The way things look now we will have failed by 30 per cent in making our quota in E bonds, and I cannot help but believe that our Deschutes folks will feel rather poorly about this when our boys come home and ask 'why?'" . FVcon 12, dlfluorodlchlorome thane, used for several years as a refrigerant in quick-freezing units, was little known to the pub lie until employed in Insect-killing bombs by the armed services. Need Dessert Ideas? SEE OUB Jam Session Recipes At Our Display of CPP-DDV DRIFTED SNOW Home Perfectod FLOUR 50 lb. 2.29 The DAIRY STORE STATIONS SERVICE YOUR CAR" Dyer's Auto Service Georgo M. Dyor Complete Auto Lubrication Firestone Tires & Batteries Sales and Service at Greenwood Plume 87 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wlrlnir Appliance lU'palr Klcctricnl Supplies I''ltior!8CKiitLlKht (li Muzda Lamp Smith's Electric 1183 Wull Phone 08 WASHISKS WKLNGEB ROLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS Service on all makes of wash ing machines and electrical ap- , pllunces. Bend Washer Service 1,'tH Greenwood I'luinw l83 Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Sleani I ltlliiK New Work Repairing Homo Wain' S.vslems Hump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing 822 Wall Phono Z17 VV Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing in Long Distance Household Ooods Movement AT BOSS V Ik! fiifmfi: ryj fLi Woolen Outfits ; Due in Autumn Washington, June 6 (U?) Inex pensive woolen suits, coats and dresses were promised today by the office of price administration ; lot the late fall. Price chief Chester Bowles stopped pleading for OPA's un fetered freedom before congres sional committees long enough to put a pricing plan into effect de signed to have that result. Effective June 9 mills turning . out cloth for woolen and worsted suits, coats, dresses and other ci vilian clothing must return their average prices to 1943 levels. Buy National War Bonds Now! HORNBECK Typewriter Co. Authorized Agent for . ROYAL Seles and Service Boytype Ribbons and Carbon li. C. Allen Adding Machine. All Makes Typewriters Serviced Phone 12 122 Oregon Ave. INVESTORS MUTUAL, INC. 3fi AN OPEN END INVESTMENT COMPANY rVntpeef ut m raqtw4 from . Principal Underwriter INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNIAPQtlt, MINNItOTA ELMER LEHNHERR Local Representative 217 Oregon Phone 525 MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" Iff.Sfl Awhrwy Kit. 1V. waO-M j Refrigerator Service All Type of Msehanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bwitl WnrumntH Mhmi KJM LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Dy Of the Year Phone 544 INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO F1UB LIFE '$ Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. I 321 Drake Road Phone 310 IJohn W. Smith, Agent 1A88 Awbrey Bd. Phone tiftt-W FARMERS INSURANCE OROUC FARMERS AUTOMOBILE INTER-INSURANCE EXCHANGE 1 TRUCK INS. CXCKANGE i, FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE Bt So Not Sorry Injur t Today Prompt Claim Srrdct Standard For Pelky Eugene M.lluekiiuni.IHst.Mirr. 11154 Bond St. Phone 831 PAINTING Painting, Spray or Brush SHINGLE PAINT Cedar or composition any color. Asbestos Koof Coating Free Kntlmato Curtis Painting Co. Box Ml Plume 31F-12 Bv FRED HARMAN JSBa;--.-.'ll. tANK. 0FP TH1 BRAKES JUST FDR LUCK OUR LUCK'