PAGE SIX Bloody Struggle For Okinawa Is Just About Over By Frunk Treiiialne " (United Press War CorrwiMjiidflit) ' Pearl Harbor, June 6 IU') The bloody battle of Okinawa was virtually over today, and Japan': Invasion jitters were getting . worse. With the fighting in Okinawa in the moDDine-up stage, a vie- tory" announcement from Ad miral Chester W. Nimitz was ex- nected any time now. He slgnifi cantly omitted any mention of land fighting from his regular communique. Japanese newspapers conceded the "isolation" of Okinawa, and warned the invasion of the Nip- ponese homeland itself was rapid ly approaching." Other developments in the Pa cific fighting included: China Chinese troops recap tured, Liuchow, former U. S. 14th airfofce base In central Kwangsl province. Liuchow was lost to the Japanese last November. Gain Six Miles Philippines The American 37th division gained six miles in Its drive up Cagayan valley in pur suit of the remaining 20,000 to 30,000 Japanese in northern Lu zon. Enemy opposition was very light. Pacific Fleet Carrier-based planes of the Pacific fleet sank seven Japanese snips ana damag ed at least six more in attacks ranging from the northern Kur lies to the southern Ryukyus. Any detailed reports on the ell mactic fighting on Okinawa were lacking at the moment. However, the sixth marine division was be- One Gallon does a Room a Gallon TUN! INI Th Kern-Ton. Mlracf Shew with DUNNINGER MIRACLE MENTAUST Vary Wtd. Night t:00-9:30 f. W. t. Hut Ntiwtrk I X Beautify V Your Hoot With f ACME QUALITY GRANITE FLOOR ENAMEL fit commanded for tntt- rior and Mml'txpoied tut facet of wood or concritt. George Childs Hardware Co. "A Pleaure to Servo You" Bond and Minnesota Phone 88 SVNOI'fllS OF ANNrilj HTATKMKNT OK TlK CENTRAL SURETY FIRE CORPORATION of Kansts City, in (he Btste ot Miucmrl. en ttir thirty Ural iUf of tiwtmb. ntt la Mir Iiisuianre Coniinlutuuir ot Uu BHU ot Uruii, ninuuit la law; Inoom Nrt premiums rrelI UI.M6.SS Tola! later mi. ill Mend end ril Hiate liioonit IB.fMT.ST . Jncoua (run other tuurttf 81. W ToUl Income 1 13T,tll IT Diabureements Nt amount paid iiolK-jrltoldera for f losses I 138.5lT.0f Low YMiuinient atpenwi lfi.iH5.liS AienU comtnlMloua or brokerage. , . , 43,011. U tfalariei and fart e'l.teri, dlreciora. liotut Bilk ctmil'im IS, IT ft. Of Taira, licenses and fata M.iWI.Tf liUUUmla paid to aickUo1dera t Jilldnda paid to policy holder. ... 0 All other ufWdlturM HUTtVl" Total dlsbursments $ JSP, I IIS I Admitted AMt Value Of ml MiaU oa-iid (uiaikat value) I Loam on moruaiM and collateral, lc Value of bnuda owiird (amortlsM.) C51,S9T.T Value of itock owDfil (market lalual 0 Caeli In batik and on liaiid W.KM SS J'tttnluma In e-iur of cullwtloa written alttc Xtptrmbar SO, 111.. 3I.3M IT Interest and rents Uu and accrual II. Other ftU (m) lft.3li.aT Total admitted tMMf t TM.SMI !M tUbilitiaa, Surplus ft&d Othar Tundi Total Ututd rlaltna t J1.131.4C KUmated lota adjuilmcnt aipenaa for unpaid claim! 4,106.2? Total unearned rrrmluina on all itn- aplrod rink tl.ttl.t: fUltrle. rente, einerm-a, bllli. ae- eounU. (eea, ft:., due or acmied 1,341. SO KM I mated amount due or rcruetl for UfM 18.5 WW OommlMloni. hmkerace, or other chart oue and accruri I.H 1C Tnltl tlitrlllllM, ttrept riltal,,. MT.OH.TC Capital paid up...,. I KU.iKW.oa Surplus over ail Ha te hum srr.soi.u fjarplaa MM reiardi pollrrholdera....! 6xf.30I.ft'; Total f TT4.3M.6! Bnsina In Oregon for to, Yrt Net premium! revetted I 1.3VS M Net icun paid CfiH THAI. SUKBTT T1KM OOKPORATXOZr It. K., frrMent O. T, Bmothen, HerreUrr Statutory mldant attorney for tanicw, Iniur not Commlli loner. W MIRACLE WALL FINISH Only VI 1 A Ma lfl mi i) 'wm lieved to have completed the cap ture of Nana airfield, best on the island and last held by the Jap anese, i C The seventh army division over ran Chlnen peninsula on tne southeast coast, capturing Intact an elaborate Japanese under ground headquarters. Japs Make Claim Tokyo, trying to salvage some propaganda from the Okinawa loss, claimed that American cas ualties in the battle totalled 150,- 000. That was far above the last official casualty report, covering the fighting through May 30, which listed 35,116 killed, wound ed, and missing. The Okinawa battle, which be gan G6 days ago, was the bloodiest yet of the Pucific campaign. Of the original enemy garrison of about 80,000, over 61,000 troops have been killed. Their totals in wounded must have been very high, too. With Okinawa about gone and fires still smouldering in Kobe, burned out yesterday by Super fortresses, the Japanese had grim reminders of what was in store for them and they admitted it. Time Mot Kipo However, a Washington dis patch indicated they might have to "sweat out" the Invasion of their homeland quite a while yet. It was pointed out by. military ob servers that it took 30 months to prepare the European invasion. Troops being redeployed from Europe will need from three to five months for travel, home fur loughs, and now training. D J day may even not come until next year, it was said. But the forces already were gathering for the big battle. The new Delhi radio reported two more Hrlllsh battle squadrons were on their way to join the Royal navy's Pacific fleet. THE BEND BULLETINJEND, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1945 Called 'Muddle'. By Ex-President Chicago. June 6 tin Former President Herbert Hoover praised President Truman today-for tak ing action to remedy what he called a "terrible jnuddle in the domestic food situation." Hoover said the president had laken a "wise step" in appointing Rep. Clinton P. Anderson, D., N. M., as secrctury of agriculture. He commended Mr. Truman for his plan to consolidate the war food administration with the de partment of agriculture. "But the most hopeful part is that we have a new regime tackl ing the problem," Hoover told a press conference. "Everybody wants the president to succeed, j Not To Take I'ost I Hoover denied rumors that he! would accept a government postj in connection witn post-war iooa relief. In answer to a question, he said: Bear In mind that I am soon going to be 71 years old. I was 47 when I had the food job in the last war. My position in the world Is that of an adviser." The former president said he had Just left Washington, where he had engaged in a discussion of our domestic food situation and the relief of the liberated coun tries of Europe. - Hoover said the principal mud dle "is local famines over the country due to maldistribution and black markets." Trouble Explained Hoover added: The badge of a Cfc. (CIVILIAN FIRST CLASS) PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY lour Business-Managed Poicer System "You can control prices but control is far different from freez ing prices. You can control water going into the city mains, but if you freeze the water, you will get nothing. That is one cause of the trouble." Continuing his praise of Tru man, the former president said his administration had taken ac tion that "should have been adopt ed four years ago" in planning a sugar control system similar to the "sugar equalization" program established In world war I. HOFFMAN ARRESTED London, June 6'lPi The Luxem bourg radio said today that Paul Hoffman, the man responsible for the creamation of nazl victims at the notorious Maidanek concen tration camp, had been arrested in Poland. Buy National War Bonds Now! NEW Martha Meade Family Recipes In Sacks of Sperry Drifted Snow Home-Perfected ENRICHED FLOUR 50 lb. Rack 2.29 KENWOOD GROCERY Salerno Veteran Is Bend Visitor Experiences of a Bend sailor, Frededrick Baer, RM 1c, while serving in the Mediterranean theater of war, were not confined to water, although W once spent seven hours in the water when his destroyer was torpedoed, it was learned here today. When not in action In the broad Medi terranean and its various seas and bays, Fred was serving on land, with rangers of the United States army. , Fred was a member of a navy unit attached to the rangers, and with, the Rangers he saw action at both Anzio and Salerno, two of the "hot spots" in the Medi terranean area. Most soldiers appear to believe that the Anzio beachhead battle was the hard est for the Americans, but as a sailor fighting with the rangers, Fred will cast his vote for Sa lerno. Covered Wide Area Fred wears four campaign rib bons, with a- fifth coming up. His action extended from North Africa to Sicily, Italy and France, and he was also in the Grecian area of war. His headquarters were at Palermo. Fred is home on a 30 day leave, visiting his folks, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Baer, 1655 Awbrey road. Before returning home, he visited the middle west, and did some fishing in the northern Minnesota country. At the end of his leave, Fred will report to a Pacific port. He has been In the navy four years. Buy National War Bonds Now! MEN! Announcing our new Rental Library ' BOOKS . on Sporting Subjects Read your choice of theMe titles for only a few cents a day. Bird Dog Training Made Easy, by Ozark Ripley. A Book on Duck Shooting, bv Van Campen Heilner. Camp and Trail Methods, by Kreps. Camp Cookery, By Horace Kephart. Camping, by Horace Kephart. Camping and Woodcraft, by Horace Kephart. The Canoe, by Robert Pinkerton. Come and Get It (outdoor cook book), by George W. Martin. De ShiHitinest Gent'man, by Nash Buckingham. Field Book of Fresh-Water , Angling, by John Alden Knight Fishing for Fun in Salty Waters, by Erl Roman. Fly Patterns and Their Origins (History of fishing flies), by Harold Hinsdill Smedley. Gun Care and Repair, by Charles Edward Chapel. Gun Dogs Afield, by Horace Lytle. Handbook of Freshwater Fish ing, byLeeWulff. HandlMMk of Suit-Water Fishing, by Ollie Rodman. Home Tanning and Leather Making Guide, by Albert S. Farnham. How to Train Hunting Dogs, by Wm. F. Brown. How to Trap, by Maurice H. Decker. The Hunting Kirle, by Col. Townsend Whelen. Junior Book of Camping and Woodcraft, by Bernard S. Mason. Iet's Go Fishing (for young boys), by Lee Wulff. Mark Right! by Nash Buckingham Modern Camping Guide, by George W. Martin. My Land and Your Land (Set of 4 conservation books for children). Northern Fishes (Upper Miss. R. region), by Eddy and Surber. The Outdoorsman's Cookbook, by Arthur H. Carhart. raclfic Game Fishing, by S. Kip Karrington, Jr. Pond, Lake and Stream Fish ing, by Ben C. Robinson. Practical Home Tanning,' by Maurice H. Decker. The Real Iig Caliin, by Chilson D. Aldrich. Salt Water Fishing. by Van Campen Heilner. Salt Water Fishing Tackle, by Harlan Major. Small Boat Navigation, by F. VV. Sterling, Lt. Com., USN. Spaniel Training. by Howard A. Mesnard. Striped Bass, by O. H. P. Rodman Sure You, Can Msh, by Harlan Major. Trapshootlng and Skect (his torical and statistical), by Jimmy Robini'on. Trout all about them. Upland Game Shooting, by H. U Betten. Woodcock, by John Alden Knight. Houk-Van Allen Home & Auto Supply 600 Wall su Fhone 860 TXOPl OP AXXCAL STATEMENT OrtUKXl. 8. BitANCtf THE UNION MARINE CRMPDKT iuo rr t tt" VS f Mirer:!, lii ui Kingdom f Ortat Brtult, Urctou, pursuant to law: v xneoat Toul Inters. dltldenoU 'tad' 'rial .' Incbuw from wUtr ounea.,,, , "' U,9or.t9 TotaJ liun....... $ 1.5T6.146.H ftet amount txia Lolk-moldera lur loam iMt adjuatuieiit esiwiuea Agents cuiuiulilotia or brokerage.. . Salarlef and (tea officer. m.rtora. 106.JT5.S3 J43.WU.15 "" wiw eruniorea..., Tn, lU'enora and Ittt liliidenda nald to atocknoldera (Caili. W; iUck. tOL Ohidondt paid or cjrdlttd to wllcx lioldera All oilier exKendlturti....',,.V.V.V." ToUl dlibunementa , 1, v.i.u. - .Admltttd Aiiflti Uiw of real wiata oautd ( market aJ ,... ana on mortgages: and conVteial, etc. ValiM or hnn.1. . . 539. C 28. 5 J 111.200.00 C28.21t3.73 irj39.ii as, 75. 1 101.T00.ti Value or stneka ornird (market talue) taan in banks and on hand ' 'T'uiuim in courae of collection ' written since Heptembcr 30, iun., Interest and rents duo and accrued OUier aaiwu (net) 7htI..l,,Mted "-. t 4.MT.40T.W XUbUltlM Surplm nd Ottatr Pnnd Toul uni'ald claims $ T41.tl4.00 aajuaunent Mpenw lor unitald claim ToUl uiieaniMl premiums on ill un lulml risks Ualarid, rruta, rzpenaes. bills, ac eounte, ri etc., duo or accrued Estimated amtiuut due or accrued for Uses ' Coraraliilont. bmkiftge, or " 'other rharfea ilna i. 10.203. 00 7C0.218.18 41,043.00 139,061 DS is. 500. on .... -. iiiun 4V8.WS.Sff 4t9.501.!W ttjwi iiaouitles, earept capital 2. 189.087. M RUtulorjr drpoalt 6tW.000.00 Surplus over all - b"IU 1. 339.319. 3S Surplus SS rrgsrds pollcjrtMIders...t I.0M.819.5S ul, f BntlMH In Oreron for th Tr: et premiums received $ f t$t $f Net loiew paid . g,W6.7B Dbidend paid or credited to policy holders j TT. 8. Branch ' THB UNION MARINE ft OBHBBAA INSURANCB CO.. LTD. - T. J. Irvine, It. H. .Manajier T. P. Cuiinlngliam, Pcrrrtsry Statutory mldent attorn ey for senlec, Jnsur laca Commlsiloner. KANSAS CITY WHEAT MARKET . KANSAS CITY. May 28 (AP) Wheat I No. 2 dark and hard, 1.8; No. 3, 11.85 61.70; No. a red Sl.70, No. 3 (1.69H9 1.72: July il.iS, September l-aTa December 1.56, May 1.55. SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT of The New Brunswick Fire Insurance Company . or New Brunswick, In the state or New Jersey, on the 31st day of December. 1M4. made to the Insurance Commlsiloner of , Ihe itati ot Ofegon, pursuant to law: Net premiums received f 2, 188,729.97 Totaf interest, dividend! and ..-M real estate income 211,107.02. Incora from other aourcei 80,929.22) Total Income 1 12,480,789.24! Disbursements Mt ammint Tinlrl millcvhAlftra for losses T J1.053.983.S8 Loss adjustment expenses 67. 639.42 j Agt-nts' commissions or bra- Iternge 6o9,428.44 Bauncs ana rees oincerg, ai- rectors, home olce em- r ployes 189,484. 58 Taxes. licenses and rees .... 60,152.64, Dividends paid to stockhold- era (cash. 8130.000) 150.000.00 Dividends paid or credited to policyholders "OfJ? All other expenditures 116.849.71 Total disbursements Admitted Asaett Value of real estate owned (market value) $ 150,000.00 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc .'. none Value of bonds owned (amor . tlzed) 2,862,740.00 Value of stocks owned (mar ket value) 3,293,180.00 Cash in banks and on hand... 330,222.14' Premiums In course of col lection written since Sep- ... . tember 30. 1944 , 26,366.79 Interest and rents due and accrued 16.151.00 Other assets (net) ...(Minus) 4.32, Total admitted assets J5.678.83ft.87i Uttbllltlea. surplus and Other Funds Total unpaid claims 8 631,804.00 t pense for unpaid claims ... 29.300.00 t Total unearned premiums oo ! all unexpired risks 2,062,452.00' , Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, I accounts, fees, etc., due or j accrued 16,250.00. i Estimated amount due or ac- crutd for taxes 61,600.00' ; Commissions, brokerage or oilier charges duo and ac- 1 crued ntniei ! All .it her liabilities 208. 24 1 Total liabilities, except capi tal $2,701,614.24, Capital paid up Jl.000.000.00j Surplus over all liabilities ... 1,977.021.48) Total 85,678.635.67. Utislness In Orenod for the Y'-ar ' Net premiums received J. 554.40 Net losses nafd 2.596.99. 1 Dividends paid or credited to ' policyholders non Name of company. The New Brunswick Fire Insurance Company. Name of presi dent. Harold V. Bmlth. Name of secretary, I Harrv II. Bchulte. Statutory resident altor-v i sey lor service, Keith iUiodea, BTNOrsi, Or ANNUAL 8TATTHENT OS rilK CENTRAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF BALTIMORE of Ilalllmore. In tlis State of Maryland.' -wi the day of Deocmber, 1944, made to the Inauranre Commissioner of tho Sute ot Ortfon, pursuant to law: Xnconia Net prvmlums received 8 1,519.656.78 Ti4J InttTfM. dhidendi and real e(ete Income 1T8.573.9T Ineoaie fruro oilier sources 24,924.24 Tola Intone 8 l.TW, 153.09 Disbursement! Nat amount paid policyholders for losses ...9 177,080.48 Inw adjustment eipensea ST. 008,71 Asents eomm Unions vtr brokertfe... M3.t37.S4 Salaries and fee officers, directors, home office employee 116.835.82 Taxes, licenses and fees 56.404.96 Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash, . ST3.OOO.0O; stock, 'ft) 75.000.00 Dhtdenda paid or credited to poltej- holders 0 All other eipcndllures 237,318.77 Total dltburwments t 1,603,488.84 Admitted Asset . Value of real estate owned tmareat x Tslue) t 850,000.00 Loans on aortsaei and collateral. itiue) M. ITS. 00 Vslee of bonds owned (, 1.S01.M6.SI Value or stocks owned (market value)' J.SiS. 757.3 Cash In banbi and on hand 719.110.03 Premium! In course of eultectlua vrttUo since September 30. 1(44.. 212.20205 Intertwt and rents due and accrued fl.0S2.Sl Other aueti (net) 15.U4.t9 Total admitted assets f 5.032.937.1) tlablUtles, Surplus and Other Puade Total unpaid claim I 330.CW.04 kUttaated Ion adluatment expense or unpaid Halm 13.S30.00 Tola! unearned premium oo all un- eiplred rUks 1.321.431 2 Ralarlea, rents, rtpenset. bills, ac counts, feea. etc., due or accrued 9.4B0.00 Ctimaied amount due or accrued for tarn I8.0M.N Gwnml talon, brckeraa. or other ehartee due and accrued f.956.00 All flfher ltabllillea 6 Tola: llaMlttlea. except capital... 8 1,945.37.92 Capita paid up 8 I.OOO.OOfrM Surplus orer all lia bilities 2.16M49.M tturplue as recardo pollcTholder.... 8.lor.4t.98 Twal 8,l.tT U Buslneet la Ororoa for the) Yean Net omniums receited t T.18 Net losses paid IT I II Dlrldenda paid or credited to policy- holders $ CBlfTKAX. llfSTJBANCB COXTAHT Of BALTnUORl Chirlea II- Roloeon. Jr.. Prealdeat ' Tboaaas Huihet, secretary St tin to ry resident attorney for aertVe, Incur anre CommlMlooer. Nrth America (Vwnpanlet, Atnerlcan Bank Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. sTNorsit or annual statement OJt TUE SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY U luuru,.-. Cumlu0o U 1 UU Ore gun. KU.UUlt tO KM ciTOlpm. rtaiM "" Toul UltiuL dl.WOKto ,.!. innla, m S"'lT lo&u Irwa fcUwi umn. ",IJ-JI Io,.l toco..." J ...3S.Mt.33 TJlsbursexuents . .. for - 851.860.55 151. 753.84 5TU.UW.53 S82.128..W 2a,T37.IS 350.00 00 1U2.33.T loam Lom adjuatniaiit eipenaes Agents eoiutnlMlous or twoktragt... 1, tUlanes and t a-:fleers. dlntttors. home office emploje Taxes, liana a and fees JJUkleiids paid to stockholders (Cash, ia5U.Wi0.0UI All other expenditures... r taXA dlsbursamentl 8 8.44C.B7S.M Admitted Assets Value of real estate owned ttnarket talus) 1.030.2M.8C Loaus on tnortjajes and collateral. 58.031. IT C VbIum af hnmls owned iamortlud) A. 893.31 2.03 Vli at atiirka owned IcoutenUOD) I.3T1.164.W Caih In banks end on baud 1.10S.4C3.39 l'remlums Id course or coilectua wiltien since September 90. IV.. Interest rod rents due and accrued OUu-r asat'U (net) 1.003,092. 18 31.747.55 118. 11 Total admltud ssseU LlablUtlee, Surplus and Other Fonda Total uupald claims S J, 822, 757.00 intimated loss adjustment expanse for unpaid claims 87,430.04 Total unearned preinlumi on all un , expired risks 6,435.870.03 Halarlca, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, feaa, etc., due or accrued 15,000.00 Cstluiaiod amount due or accrutd for Uses 240,000.00 Cointnlsaiuoi. brokerage, or ether charges due and accrued 25,000.00 All other liabilities 1.62,31i.4I Total lltbllltles. except eaplta). .810.230.302.1C Capital inld up 8 3.300.000.00 Hurpliis oter all 11a bllUles Surplus as rvfsrds poUeiboldars.,..8 7. 300,000.00 Total 117,739.3(2.10 Business In Oregon for tha Tear: Net oremlums recelted 8 41.714.08 Net losses paid 15.22f.50 SECURITY UrSTJRAHOsl OOMPANT Peter J. Berry, President W, A.. Thomson, Secretaiy Statutory resident attorney for set-rice. H. B. Kwan. This and Trust Bldf., Portland, Oreson. BTN0PS18 OF ANNUA STATKKTENT I OP THK ' DETROIT FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY of Detroit, la the Bute of Michigan, on ths) thlrtyrlrat day of December, 1044, made to ths) Insurance Commissioner of the 8tata of Oracoa, pursuant to law: - Income Net permlums received 8 1.861.880.88 Total Interest, dividend snd real estate Income 1M.430.14 Income from other sources.., 44.808.82, Toul Income 8 1,478.714.81 Disbursement! Net amount paid policyholders for lours 8 578.702.18 Loss adjustment expenses. 83.3Sri.2S Asents commissions or brokerage. . . 330.873.11 Salaries and fees oflcers, director!, home office employes. 77.034.9 Taxes, licensee and rees 60,457.51 Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash. 8100,000) 100,000.00 Dividends paid or credited to policy holders 0 All other expenditures... 118.323.Si Total disbursements $ 1.20,47.48 Admitted Assets Value of real estate owned (market value) 8 888.468.88 Loans on mortgages and collateral etc . 0,911.01 Value of bonds owned (amortised).. 2,263,178,00 Value of stocks owned (market value) 1.808.706.00 Cash In banks and on band 158,616.24 Premiums In course or collection written since September 30, 1044.. 118,128.0 Inturest and rents due and accrued 10,902.11 Other assets (net) 83.48 Total admitted assets 8 4.666,283.41 Inabilities, Surplus and Other Funds Total unpaid claim 8 201.300.00 Kstlfluted loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims 6,000.60 Total unearned premiums on all un expired risks 1.190,505.48 Sal ar Ice. rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, fees, etc., due or accrued 10.000.00 Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes 68.000.00 Commissions, horserace or other charges due and accrued tO.000.AO All other liabilities 091.85 Total liabilities, except capital. . .f 1.486,803.28 Capital paid up 3 Surplus over all Ha- - bllltlei 3.100,480.33 Surplus as retards policyholders.... 83.160,480.33 Total 8 4.650.S83.61 Business In Oregon for ths Yean Net premiums receiied 3 4,558.47 Net losses paid 1,370.14 Dividends paid or credited to policy holders 6 UBTROIT TIRll fc' jaTARIITB INSURANCE COMPANY I William n. Koop. President Daniel R. Ackernun. Secretary On the basis of , ecember 31. 1644 market etiolation for all bond and stocks owned, this Company's total admitted assets would be In creased to 84,840.310.61 and , policyholders' but Plus 10 83.350,507.33, NO. 38-35 Synopsis, of Annual Statement of tha Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company of Indianapolis, in the State of Indiana, on the thirty-first day of December, 1944, made to the Insur ance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received, $2,715,&63.43. Total interest, dividends and real estate Income, $168,226.48. Income from other sources, $68,013.73. Total Income. $2,953,002.66. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyholders for tosses, $1,214,926.06. Loss adjustment expenses, $51,700.51. Agents commissions or brokerage. $511,579.99. Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes, 8221.W4 62. Taxes, licenses and fees. $119,014.71. Dividends paid to stockholders, None. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. $378,497.28. All other expenditures, $196,447.83. Total disbursements, $2,894,830.80. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value), $267,759.31. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc., $61,050.00. Value of bonds owned (amorUzod). $3,045,414.05. Value of stocks owned (market val ue). $536,092.00. Cash In banks and on hand. $568, 901 34. Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 19V, $320. 462 25. Interest and rents due and accrued. $25,504.54. Other assets (net), $46,048.03. Total admitted assets, $4,870,831.04, LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS ! Total unpaid claims, $313,783.00. Estimated loss adjustment expenses for unpaid claims, $14,000.00. Total unearned premiums on all un expired risks, $2,424,871.52. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, fees, etc., due or accrued. $. 000.00. Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes, $100,000.00. Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and accrued, $89,000.00. jjgjj11", cpt capital. $a.. Capital paid up. None. Surplus over all liabilities, $1,830,. Surplus as regards policyholdera. $1,920,177.01. 7 Total. $470,831.54, BUSINESS IN ORTGON fOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $33UJL Net losses paid. 84.880.97. Dividends paid or credited to poller holders. $2,373.32. v Name of Company, Indiana Lumber, mens Mutual Insurance Company, Name of President, I. O. Saltmarah, Name of Secretary, K. Van Matre. Statutory resident attorney for ser vice, Insurance Cominlsatoner H Ore- fOSk .. TNOPSii OT ANOTAL STATEMENT '. 09 TUB ( ASSOCIATED FIRE & MARINE , INSURANCE COMPANY J iZ.'.?:ii i " - .bo. punuMl u U.: xncom. . , ... ,. pnmMIM wdno.... ..' toul lncm. iUiWcikI, wm Ml ..,,, ,. inoa iiiail ' Una mm UM ttamn T.l ; Nrt unouut I11 POlloUuia.1. fc j0MSl bo .lJu.lm.Vl "euxuM-.-... 1'J!H! Hturlrt md !r.t-fnc. dlritcuirt. num. oldc. raployn ".JJ Tw-.fc JIcium wid f.M ll.wi.w U,. WI0 cralluH U polio- ,,,,,,, Mom ;!!;;; All oUwr Mpendliuru Toul dlibuioli Sf8,8.3.J Admitted AM.t9, ol bond. oMited l.ioortld).., Ml.f)T.8 Cub In buka ,nd on band 215.350.04 Jremluuu In ooum of .oollwllon . rlllin linn 8.ptnobEr 311. 1HI. t3.T7?.!J Intnul nd renu due nd tnwl .M0.0O 01n turta (n.t 3,195. If TolU tdmltt turt. f ITejlS-M X.UblUtl.1, Bnrplu. .nd Olhn ruda Toul unpaid el.una a 31.400.ia . bitunatnl lota adjuattnent .ipauM L ,of unpaid tdalmi t.WMT ' Total unMmrd pnmluma on all un- tiplnd rlaka S03.31100 Salatlrt, rent,, .ipenan, bllla. ic count., feaa, etc., dua or accrued S.Sir.SS Eatluialed amount. due or accrued for uiea 16.333.SS Cunitnlitluna, brokerage, or olber cliargr. due and accrued 13,843.53 All otber llabUlllea lOl.fS Total llablllUea. eicert capital..., 8ri.391.C9 ' Capital paid up $ 30U.OUO.00 . Surplua oier all Ua- buttle. J05.!1 Burplua a. regard, pollcynoldera. ..$ 803.434.94 ToUl 9 7.tinM Bnaln... in Or.gon for th T..rt Net premium, rtceji.d f 4e,300.03 -. Net loam paid fi.SOO.Ol Dlrldenda paid or credited to policy. bolder 3.153.54 ASSOCIATED riBB M-ARINB HtSUBAMOS COMPANY U 8. Hoorbcad. Preeldenl -'I " O. O. Andeison, Becrcterr . Statutorr realdent attorney for eerrlce, . l'blll. 8. Cirr.lL No. 51-49 Synopsli of Annual Statement of thai York.hlre Indemnity Company of New; York of New York. In the State of1 New York, on the thirty-first day of December, 1944. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon.! pursuant to .law: . I . CAPITAL . tJ . J Amount of capital stock paid up, 1750,000.00. INCOME Net premiums received during the, 1,280,414.09. . Interest, dividends and rent! receiv-, d during the year. 180.281.50. Income from other sources received ' during the year, $12,808.02. Toul Income. 1 .383.503.61. DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid during the year in-: eluding adjustment expenses, $474,-1 432.88. , , ... Commissions and salaries paid dur ing the year, $481,057.75. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year, $37,662.02. ...... ; a Dividends paid on capital stock dur ing the year, None. .... . Dividends paid to policyholders dur ing the year. None. Amount of all other expenditures. 107.919.81. '' Total expenditures, $l,06i. 062.24. rV AhMTTTF.D ASSETS Value ot real estate owned (market I value). None. .... Loans on mortgage, and collateral. ic, none. . , i Value of bonds owned (amortized). $2,818,211.62. value of stocks owned (market val ue), 11,158,072.66. Cash in banks and on hand, $43z 91.92. ., ., Premiums in course of collection written since September 30, 1944, $282, B0O.45. . . Interest and rents due and accrued, $17,093.28. Other assets (net), $10,047.72. Total admitted assets, $4,718,917.65. LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses unpaid. $1,- 068.596.96. Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks. $735,847.13. Due for commission and brokerage, $a1 397 52 All other liabilities, $381,573 5.1. Estimated amount due .or accrued for taxes. $211,987.43. Voluntary Reserve. $250,000.00. Total liabilities, except capital. $2, 701.402 59. Capital paid up. $750,000.00. Surplus over ail liabilities, $1,267,- Surplus as regards policyholders, $2,017,515.06. Total $4,718,917.65. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during the Tear, $1,637.03. Net losses paid during the year, $500.00. Name of Company, The Yorkshire Indemnity Company of New York. Nam. of President, H. F. Ellen. Name of Secretary, H. W. Rudolph. Statutory resident attorney for ser vice. Insurance Commissioner ot the State of Oregon. No. 50-4S Synopsis of Annual Statement of the United States Casualty Company of New York, in the State of New York. ?n..,he thirty-first day of December,; 1944, made to the Insura!"1 commis sioner of the State cf Oregon, pur suant to law: INCOME Net premiums received, $8,213,009.77. Total interest, dividends and real! estate Income, $408,622.74. 42982me rm ,h!r 'ourees, $335,- Total Income, $8,957,062 33 DISBURSEMENTS iJlet V?"' P! Policyholder, for. losses. $3,243,588.02. I Loss adjustment expenses, $752,951.56. $1 Ma 672 gfmmlsllon or brokerage. Salaries and fees officers, directors' nome office employes. $444,121 47 Taxes, licenses and fees. $566,004 02 $67D5ar$6.5d00,00',OCkhOrder,(C',!!h' Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. -All other expenditures. $728,399.94. Total disbursements, $7,556,437,64. , ADMITTED ASSETS vaTu'e?,' $O428r250100eSU,e Wnel ,B0k trKlMs"10"808" nd C0,,tw"- W7,955571 bnd Wned ,Book). 'n'- 12U4lo'oO,,OCk, 6Wn'd Book valu'. ash in banks and on hand, $1,081.-' .I.r.emlum' ,n course of collection! M0 338ni9 September 30. 1944, $1.-; w'm'im' nd "nt dU nd ccrui'i Other assets (net). $315.251 62. riar?,d,mit.tS2 ,SMt'- I7.416.454.M. LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims. $7.234.919 53. estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims, $78,510.00. Total unearned premiums on all un xpired risks. $3,334,524 08. ,.arle!' rent'- expenses, bills, ac $52,50ooo'Ce, et0" d"e or "crued- t.sJm$340dOMnooUn, dU ' 'CCn,ed ,0r, ..""i''0""-, Brokerage, or other .t?" due "nd accrued, $374,722 67. tI. iV?i'.1.labU'tlM- 101U78 58. 416 454 B6 xceDt "piul, $12.- Capital paid up $1,000,000.00. 000 00P Ver liabilities, $4,000.- Totsl. 17.4ie.454 86 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received, Nona. Net losses paid. None. a..DJv,den.d' P"1 or credited to policy holders. None ' C.'SlSSlV c'0mCD'r,y,"n,, Un"d SU,e, NmJ S5 Pre"d.i. Arthur Nelson. Name of Secretary, Walter D Owens. Statutory resident attornev for ser- Tlce, Insurance CommlsslonM.