THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON. TUESDAY. JUNE 5,' 1945 PAGE SIX Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 85c 28 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Time $1.85 Aircraft Shares Lead on Market By T. W. Klenlon (United 'Prean SUff Corrwpondent) . New York, June 5 mi A sharp rise in. aircraft shares and early strength in steels lifted the stock market fractions to around a point today. Trading was moderately active. Aircraft scored gains ranging to nearly 4 points in Douglas with Orumman up more than 2 points and fractional gains in aviation corp., Bell Aircraft and Boeing. The group responded to Wall street rumors ol an impending splitup in outstanding stock of Grumman and of a pending agree ment between Consolidated Vultee and Crosley corp. for either a manufacturing arrangement or a CLOSE IN( MODERN 3 room -rr-wD i-M. -rn ' i f-L2 i vi l i t- i i irii 1 nri n c in ,t n vi m ii 11 r in FOR SALE WANTED All wad ovar SS add ! per ward Haw. nambar of lnaartiona Ooa ajonth run. aama fopy. Va day rat Ulolmaai Cbarga, sac AUCTION SALE. 125 SaddleTO RENT Unfurnished modern Horses Sunday, June 10!h, 1945 , house. Two or three bedroom. Per to be held at the Klamath County 1 manent renter employed at The Fair grounds, Klamath Falls, Ore- Hend Bulletin. Telephone or write eon. Consisting of well-broke, gen- Mr. Brownhill, care Bend Bulletin. V. u lie, cias u '.' "' T ' "' j PLASTERING and PATCHING. LINE BATE 10c CAPITAL 20c Claiilflrd AdnrtbliK. Cah In Adranca D.IlT Chains Tim. 12:10 P. M. i om'inos. Pintos. Quarter horses, ! I well-reined cow horses. Shetland i 'ponies. A lot of high class, gentle (;oOD ELECTRIC range. Phone Call 108-J. Redmond. FOR SALE WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now in load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. mereer tieun. It was pointed out, in connection with the latter unconfirmed rum or, that Consolidated Vultee re cently has been mentioned in a number of rumors involving tie ups with various other manufac turing concerns. Infantry Show (Continued from Page One) room house, hardwood floor, dec trie plate, extra room in base ment, $1000, $400 down, $25 a month. Anne Forbes, 3G Oregon. Phone 36-W. 2 and 3 year old Fillies halter broke. This is an exceptionally good lot of horses. Every horse sold at this sale will be guaran teed as represented. Sale will start at 11 a.m. George Martin, Hail Hotel, Klamath Falls, Oregon. GIBSON REFRIGERATOR, unit needs some repair. Come and see this at 14G9 Newport. 1176-J. Warren Wing, 54 Portland Ave. TO RENT 3 bedroom house, un furnished, modern, good neighbor hoodwill lease with option to buy. Permanently employed by Bureau of Reclamation. Call Todd, 3(i2. I HAVE NUMEROUS good buys in stock ranches and farms of various sizes. If Interested see Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon St. lie address system. I Following a brief Intermission, during which a 28-plecc military band will play, a Jungle assault team, reinforced with machine guns, bazookas, flame throwers and other infantry weapons, will seize and destroy a Japanese pill box. In this attack the fighting men will use flame throwers, blank firing, hand grenades and demolitions. Owing to the element of danger and military regulations, no per sons will bo allowed on the field, according to A.L.O. Schueler, Des chutes county war finance chair man, who is responsible for bring ing "Here's Your Infantry" to Bend. Legionnaires will assist state aw', city police in keeping the field clear. Demonstrations of actual fight ing similar to the one to be staged here will be given by 28 groups from Fort Bennlng, Ga., in 600 cities in the nation. "Here's Your Infantry" was conceived as an in spiration In buying war bonds In the Seventh war fund campaign. For the convenience of those wishing to purchase bonds a booth will be maintained at the Held by Beta Sigma Phi girls. NEAR ALLEN school, 5 room modern home, unfinished up. stairs, drilled hole, $2600, $1100 down, $35 a month. Exceptionally well built 2 bedroom home, two lots, ' garage, garden, cemented basement, $2650, $600 down, $30 a month. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon, phone 36-W. ' 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. Brand new pipe furnace. New ventian blinds. Wired for electric stove. Garage and wood shed. Nice yard. Lot is fenced. 362 E. Clay. 1038-R for appointment. SODA FOUNTAIN, back bar and counters. Call Sunday or evenings at 2 Broadway. THREE BEDROOM modern home with good furnace, well located on paved street. Reasonable terms can be arranged. Priced at $3000. Immediate possession. Frank Mc Garvey, 118 Oregon St. GOOD USED DRESSES 1416. One dressmaker suit nearly new, half price. Several pairs shoes 5'4 and 6. Other articles. 1142 Federal. BABY BUGGY like new, collapsi ble, metal frame. Reasonable. In quire 239 Louisiana. LARGE SUN FLAME OIL circu lator, complete with tank and feed-in pipe. Call at 38 Shasta. 3 ROOM SEMI-MODERN home, $800.00. 6 lots, full lawn, side walks, garage, woodshed, garden, 100 strawberrys, berry bushes, picket fence. Near Allen school. Inquire 446 E. Emerson after 4:30 p.m. Kitchen remodeled. SEED SPUDS $2.00 per hundred. 6 miles east on Bend-Burns High, way 'A mile south; R. D. Stowell. Phone 9-F-22. Adair to Serve Some 15,000 Men OR TRADE for hay, about 1500 lbs. nice seed potatoes. 2 Mi miles southeast Carroll Acres Store. J. W. Jones Place, across big COI ca nal. $2.50 per hundred in your sacks. G. A. Sharer. Phone ll-F-15. 2 BEDROOM MODERN house, garage and woodshed. Winters wood? and some coal. Will sell cheap for cash. 1225 E. 3rd St. PLANTS AT FANTON'S Ga den: Petunias, asters, pansies, pe rennials, cabbage, brusscl-sprouts, head, lettuce, tomatoes. Fanton's Gardens, 829 Ogden. Albany, June 5 HP) The war de partment has approved the reac tivation of sufficient facilities of Camp Adair as an replacement depot to care for twelve to sixteen thousand men, according to a telegram received here today from U. S. Senator Guy Cordon. The depot will serve as a pro cessing point backing up the ports of Portland and Seattle, said Cor don, iroops will start as sembling as soon as arrangements can be made. The average force probably will average 15,000 men, he said. BARGAIN, WEST SIDE, owner leaving, 4 room modern plastered house, garage, only $1800. $500 overseas down, $25 a month. Stoves can be purchased, Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. NEAR KENWOOD school, new 4 bedroom modern house, new style bath fixtures, large attached garage, 3 lots, garden, $4250, $1650 tiown, $jd a month. Anne Forbes, ou'uregon, pnone ab-w. LARGE CIRCULATING heater. used 5 months, walnut buffet, 1224 Milwaukee. at - 4 I; Q0 W. H. Christian F. C. Whitehead INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING SPRAY AND BRUSH Phone 744-W or 59-W 630 E. Quimby WHITE BUCK RABBIT with pen. Inquire 1124 Baltimore. 1000 to 1200 LB. TREATED seed potatoes already cut and ready to plant. Inquire Clarence Boyd, Boyd Acres. ROOM and BOARD and care for baby 16 months. Will exchange references. Inquire 612 Federal or Phone 749-M. HELP WANTED MAN 25 to 40 years old to work in creamery. Good opportunity to become experienced creamery man ana insure post-war employ ment. Must be willing to learn, sober, steady on the job. Good sal ary. 6 days per week, vacation with pay after 1 year. Chance for quick advancement. Write Bend Bulletin No. 79. Please give draft status. MISCELLANEOUS BEND WASHER SERVICE ui-iiuiue mciory parts, service on uu manes oi appliances. Money uacit guarantee on all makes ol washing machines Including May tag and Bendix. Phono 583. 136 Greenwood. Ontario Premier 11 Wins in Election LAWNMOWERS sharpened. Also shears, grass shears, knives, keys made, saws filed, guns, locks pho nographs repaired, soldering, gen eral renalrlnp- T-TtminrcWu r?a. pair Shop, 112 Minnesota. WE HAVE received a new shir meni oj upnoistenng material. II j Toronto. June 5 (IB Ontario Premier George Drew and his progressive conservative govern ment were solidly, entrenched to day following an overwhelming victory in yesterday's provincial elections. The triumph of the progressive conservatives heightened interest in Canada s approaching lederai those waiting for new materia i election. Although Ontario is the will call, we will be glad to show mem. Marrlson Upholstery, 365 Miller. . PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any ulze you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. MAN AS PATROLMAN of irriga tion district. Call at Tumalo water office, or residence just west of water office after 5 p.m. "WANTED BY S. P. & S. Railway men between the ages of 21 and 45 to qualify for positions Brake men and switchmen. For informa tion inquire of local S. P. & S. Railway Agent." TRACTOR MADE OUT of 2',i ton 4-cylindor White. Sell as is or rear axle separately. FOR RENT OR SALE 4 ACRES, 4 ACRES C.O.I, water. room house, chicken house, barn, garage, some berries. F. A. Pepper, Rt. 2, Box 261. FOR RENT BOARD and ROOM and cabins for rent, 803 Delaware. Coll 31-W. TWO ROOM furnished house, not modern. Garage if desired. Apply 207 Riverfront. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. LARGE 3 ROOM modern furnish- ed duplex, $20 a month. Inquire Schuman, Auto Electric, 316 Greenwood. CLOSE IN, 3-room modern furn ished, newly cleaned house. Adults only. One 5-room 2 bedroom semi modern furnished, with indoof toilet. Call at 147 E. Olney. LADY COOK for fishing lodge; also man and wife for cabin work. Inquire U. S. Employment Service. SITUATION WANTED HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work on ranch.' Strong and willing. Write or come to 29 Terminal Place. Clinton Martin. LOST IN CITY BUS, Billfold belonging to Ruby Robert, containing small change and identification papers. Reward offered. Return to The Bend Bulletin. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the coun ty cour of the state of Oregon for Deschutes county appointed executor of the estate of Albin Peterson, deceased, and all per sons holding claims against said estate are required to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Ross Farnham, attorney at law, in Bend, Oregon, within six months after the date hereof. Dated and published first time May 29, 1945. CHARLES E. JOHNSON, Exe cutor Estate of Albin Peterson, de ceased. 149-154-6-12-C Lt. DeWitt (Continued from Page One) LIGHT TAN wool snort swmtor pocket contains sprinkler fix- j Japs the southwest Pacific. he would like to forget. He would rather remember the days at officer candidate school in Australia, when he won his com mission, and talk about the other Bend boys who played a major role, as a unit of the 41st, in stop ping the southward sweep of the stronghold of the "middle party,1 its electors soundly defeated both the liberal party, which controlled the last national parliament, and the left-wing cooperative com monwealth federation. The progressive conservatives won at least 66 of the provincial legislature's 90 seats to establish a majority government. Drew was the head of a "minority" gov ernment until yesterday's elec tion, wth his party holding only 38 seats in the legislature. The worst defeat was handed the CCF, which was sure of only nine seats in the new legislature, compared with 34 in the last. The "conservative" liberal party also lost seats, winning only 11 for sure against 16 in the last legis lature. Four seats still were in doubt. i Both Claim Gains National headquarters of both the progressive conservative and liberal parties professed to see in the election a return to' the two party system and an end to the sensational gains made by the CCF in the last few years. -, Progressive conservatives said the returns heralded their seizing control of the national govern ment in the coming election. . Prime Minister Mackenzie King, national leader of the lib eral party, expressed confidence, however, that his 7onps. Definition of the bound.W- ,oc nf those zones aDDarentfy awaited a decision on the size of the western zone to be occupied by France. D. A four-power control com mission, withr headquarters in Ber lin, to rule Germany indefinitely. It is a military commission now. Later it may become a four-power civil administration, but not for a long time. E. Greater Berlin will be admin istered jointly by the four powers. F. Each of the four occupying nations will hold a veto power over all decisions of the control council, since the council will act only unanimously. G. A separate agreement will be made in the future to establish long-range policy for the rule of Germany. H. The four-power council, with each country represented by a commander-in-chief who will take a turn as head of the council, will transmit its decisions to a 13 division control staff, which will carry them out throughout Germany. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, June 5 U') Livestock: cattle, salable 100, calves 25. Mar ket active, steady, steers scarce, eight loads good to choice .steers Monday, at $18.00: few common medium heifers $12-14.00; canner and cutter cows $7-10.00; fat dairy type cows $10.50-11.00; medium good sausage bulls, $10-12.00; beef bulls salable to $13.25; good-choice vealers salable $15.5016.50. Hogs, salable 50, market steady, barrows and gilts $15.75, odd quo table 370 lbs. $15.50, good sows $15.00; feeder pigs, under 120 lbs. quoted $19.50-21.00. faheep, salable 400, market ac tive, strong; good-choice soring lambs largely $13.75, top $14.00; common light springers, down to $9.50, medium to good shorn lambs $11.50-12.50; good shorn government ewes $6.50-6.75, wooled ewes quo- tures. Return to C. H. Bishop, 1107 reaerat or pnone 8b7. Reward. 1 BROWN BILLFOLD at East Lake, Return to Joe LaPlant, 1469 E. First St. Reward. Phone 745-Vy after 5. r MISCELLANEOUS AT LAVA Apartments. 3 room furnished. Modern, available June 15. Phono A. D. Lewis 684. 1503 Awbrey Road, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. EAST SIDE modern homes, im mediate possession, new. two bed. room, mountain view. $3500. 2 bed- j room plastered, paved street, sew- ;er connection, $1800, $400 down, $30 a month. Anno Forbes, 36 i Oregon, phone 36-W. FURNITURE,. STOVES, dressers, table, desk and chair, 2 rockers, overstuffed chair, davenport. Makes full size bed. 1225 E. 3rd St. DAVENO and WOOL rug, almost new. Inquire 425 Columbia. TRAILER HOUSE, 16 ft. long, 7 : ft. wide with built-lnx, sink, and ice box, stationary bed, Inner spring mattress, and other urn. i ishlngs. Inquire 1604 East 3rd. A GOOD COUNTRY grocery store requires only small Invest ment. Just the business for two people to operate. For details see Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon St. TRACKS LIKE A SNAKE That means your wheels are out-of-line. Your wheels wobble and your steering wheel jerks. Bear equip ment will give your car the proper alinomont and wheel balance. You will save tires and incroase gas mileage. Act now . , . drive in for a Bear Wheel alinement. Eddie's is Central Oregon headquarters. Complete Repair Service Keep that car running and keep it in the best possible con dition. Eddies's completely equipped repair shop can do any job, large or small, to factory specifications. Let us help you to keep your car running. Remember "Right's Right at Eddies" EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE 390 Greenwood CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Phone 64 4 ROOM MODERN furnished house, ' garage. Good condition, clean, close. No children, no objec tion to couple with baby. $16.00 in cludes water. Inquire 80-1 W. 12th. 4ROOM HOUSE, woodshed, ga rage and cellar, 2 large lots. Phone 30F-5. A NICE SUNNY apartment house bedroom with twin beds; cooking and front room privileges if de sired. Call 892-M. 2 and 3 ROOM HOUSES furn ished, with water and lights. Close in. Modern apartments with water and lights furnished. Call at 168 E. Irving. Phone 843. THOR CERTIFIED WASHER SERVICE -We have the experience and equipment to give expert .service on all makes. Century Drive Serv ice Station. Phone 275-J. ' REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMullin, Camp Sherman 832. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. HAVE YOUR SEWING machine repaired now by your local repair man. Reliable work done. Call 957-J or bring machine to 235 E. Franklin. LEAVE YOUR ORDER for that new sewing machine now. Also pay top prices for old sewing ma chines. Call 957-J or bring ma chine to 235 E. Franklin. More than 25 members of Bend's Co. I, it is estimated, have won officers' ratings. By chance in Bend, Lt. DeWitt met a fellow member of Co. I of old days he had not seen since Feb., 1944, Second Lt. Dale Gib son. Hardly had the pair met up" in Bend when they learned of three other Co. I soldiers who are here Lt. Bob Hudson, SSgt. Paul Reltlel and TSgt. Bob Chambers. All five got together for a Co. I "reunion." Lt. DeWitt Was detached from the 41st alter receiving his com mission, and is now with the 32nd, the Red Arrow fighters. In Bend, the young lieutenant is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gibson, and is also vis iting his grandfather. James H. DeWitt, of Bend, and his uncles, Chester DeWitt, Bend, and Floyd DeWitt, Redmond. Just at present, Lt. DeWitt and Lt. Gibson are planning a mis-j are going fishing on the Deschutes. would be returned to power, "Pro vincial elections are one thing, and the federal elections another," PORTLAND PRODUCE he said. Portland, Ore., June 5 tin Drew and the progressive con- Quality eggs were in extreme servatives campaigned on their shortage on the Portland dairy record. Nationally the progressive market today, with the possibility conservatives favor all-out prose-: of a slight improvement after cution of the war against Japan, Thursday when selling prices go including a draft of able-bodied , up two cents a dozen and the'legai Duying price one cent. Very few chickens are reach ing the live poultry trade. Butter Cube 93 score 42c; 92 score 42?4c; 90 core 42c; 89 score 4H4c pound. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA Germany Rule (Continued from Page One) large 44o; A large 42c; small, 35c dozen. 'mediiu "Don'tFenceMS ''Yeah, I'm busier 'n a one-anuj paperhanger these dayjbn I'll do my darnedest to kaep customers 'rolling!" Make an Appointment and I'll Take Care of You! Just give me a break PH0NB FOR AN APPOINTMENT - and I'll have our trained mecnamcs save time to Keep your car or . truck "on the job!" Prompt, dependable service factory-engineered parts rea sonable prices you get all these at . . . Central Oregon , Motor Co. Distributor: Dodge-Plymouth Passenger Cars Dodge Job-Rated Trucks .1. L. VAN HUFEEL 835 Bond St. Phone 2t i sians have occupied exclusively so far. 4. A statement announcing to the other United Nations that the Big Four will consult with them in connection with their exercise -of authority over Germany. Highlights Given Hero are the highlights of the blueprint for Germany's future as outlined in those documents: 1. complete demilitarization-and disarmament. B. Reduction of the reich to her pre-nazi borders. C. Occupation of the Big Four powers in specified, separate Buy National War Bonds Now" WANTED WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell. Also some big Springer cows and will pick them up at your ranch. Phone 78-J or drop a card to W. It. Franks, Redmond, Ore. NO.W'S THE TIME to plaster or patch that room, build that chim ney and fireplace, have those con crete sidewalks. For your work call H. Hock, 504-W. Bend Abstract Co. Title Insurance Abstracts Walt Peak Phone 174 Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Office Phone 73 ' Rea. Phone 819-W LITTLE CALVES about 8 or 10 If Priced right. E. L. Groft, Rt. 1, Box 171. PILES? Try this "SPEEDY" Way tT?t A fosl-ncting formula for ilistrosa of lW'i. .Sjune na usi'd ly ihu'lorn niljuno tviy nl iitit.M. Thornton ft Minor Clink. I'alllttttve relief uf eorftimi no lJUICK. usrrs ar cmjirldt-... Jlt-los na ture tu'iU raw piirt; shrink swtlllnns. Hot tub of Thornton ft Minor s KertaL Ointment or Thornton A .Minor ltvftal aSupuiutltorlfa. If ir dolU;htotl with this (ituforj' way and the astonishtntc toiiy nUof. tht luw t-ont refunded on requent. At all booU drug stores everywhere. lOll UEAUTIKUL long wearing Luk-Shu-Ki k nit rayon lingerie, stylish dresses, and Hoover uni forms phone Mrs. Elsie A. Dunn, 615-J, No. 7 Westonia Apts. This week featuring dainty lace trim med white slips at $2.95. - If you need to BUIVS OP RGO B&0GD! Due To Monthly Losses If you tost so much durlntr monthly periods that you feel so weak. "draKKea out" this may bo due to low blood -iron o try Lydla E. Pink ham's tablcts one of the greatest blood-Iron tonics you can Duy. r.nkham'a Tablets are fuso famous to help relieve svmptoms of monthly functional disturbances. Follow label directions. Ivdia I Pinkham's TAGIC7S Bring Your Eyes Out of the Dark You can, by having us examine thorn ami then nfaltc a puir of glasses fur you (hat will cor rect vision defects. Dr. M. B. McKenney OPTOMETRIST Offices: Foot of Oregon Ave. Phone 48S-W Summer Flowers mil featuring PEONIES ' GLADIOLI and other cut flowers. Corsages for All Occasions Funeral Designs A Specialty PICKETT Flower Shop & Garden Phone 530 629 Quimby We telegraph flowers anywhere. Bend's Complete FOOD STORAGE SERVICE w New Services: f O Retail Meat Case m Fresh Meat in Any Amount f O Quick Freeze Room 1 1 O Controlled Smoke I Ovens O Sausage Kitchen y Here you will find a ready market for dressed meats as well as your livestock! Ask us. We will install another room of lockers of latest design available for use in September. Rent a locker now for use when you need it most! BEND DAIRY 37 Greenwood Meat Department Phone 361 ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS Delivered BAKER FEED CO. Phone 1RSX Kctlmoml, Ore. RED RYDER By FRED HARMAN WDER SET-llA WHE'5 I HEARD SC JFiNV) - r -NlOtHIrt' 1C-T 1F1 GOT Vhac T f v i L