THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, TUESDAY,' JUNE 5. 1945 PAGE TWO 2 More Gridiron Leagues To Give Up Play Chicago, June 5 (U'i Two more prolessional football leagues were buried in the "gridiron , graveyard" today as promoters scurried to get out oi the game ' while the getting Is good. . Abandoning milion;dollar post war plans, the Trans-America ; circuit and the United States ' Football league officially called It quits, joining the American league and olher pro groups which have failed to crack the - National Football league's grid monopoly. " . Post-war gridirons were sched- ulcd to be jampacked on the basis ' of plans a month ago, with the , All-America conference, the U. S. league and the Trans-America nrenared to compete with the 25- year-old National league. Even the American league was consiaeruig ' a revival on the west coast. Now only the All-America is left, IS'lirtitnmres NoUfil For the others, yesterday's dreams of plenty are today's nightmares. Their fate was decided when the N.F.L. met in New York dur ing thrf week end and announced that its Brooklyn Tigers wouia make Yankee stadium their home park in 1946. That action left the New York Giants of the N.F.L. in the Polo grounds, put the Tigers in the only other good Manhattan site and sounded the death knell to all but one of its potential rivals. Major league promoters feel they must have a team in New York to make a go of it. And from the west coast comes the report that the American league, which folded In mid-season last year, has given up hope of re-organizing. lucre still is a possibility, however, that the American may try to hook up with the old Pacific Coast league, j another professional grid group which went broke. One Kemaliis With three leagues out, only one challenger remains to luce the National league the All- America conference. The A-A took a blow to the chin Tigers were awarded stadium for it counted on Brooklyn Into its own league and thereby obtaining a tailor-made team and playing site ,ln New York. The All-America already has Out Our Way ByJ.R.Williams DOM'T GIT INSULTIW ABOUT MV AGE.' BUFFALOES WAS ABOUT EXTINCT 'FORE MV TIME LONG. BEFORE-" SO KEEP VORE V J THAT'S TH' ONLY WAV SUGAR WOULD EVER LET STIFFV THINK. HE KNEW . MORE THAN HE DID ABOUT ANYTHING.' (iM SO WES IS A-GOlN' W IN FER. RAISIW V X Hi BUFFALO BECAUSE Jl THEY'RE "POINT- . ) gy FREE" AN' TH' MEAT W BRfNGS A HIGH BUFFALO MEAT TASTE, 1 I " STIFFYr j , I THE 'COMEBACK-S" t .iouim ff- , J Today's Sport Parade By Jack Cuddy United Praia Staff CorrcapontlenO New York, June 5 (til Possl blities of the first supcr-duper outdoor boxing show since Pearl Harbor rest squarely upon the broad shoulders of Ike Williams, the 21-ycar-old negro from Tren ton, N. J., who Is recognized as lightweight champion throughout National Boxing association terri tory. To pave the way 'for this out door extravaganza, Young Wil- night. All three principals in volved are negroes. The betting favors Williams at 12-5, although Williams was de feated twice before by fast-stepping, smart-Jabbing Joyce of Los Angeles. Gresham Races To Open Tonight Six Teams Open Softball Season Six teams signed up for play In the newly organized Senior Softball league swung into action last night in abbreviated games on the Harmon diamond, after Mayor A. T. Niebergall pitched the first ball to "Skip" Wallen, American Legion pitcher. Pres ent for the twilight jamboree, marking the opening of the 1945 Seattle, Portland Battle for Lead (By United Pre) With slightly more than one third of the schedule completed, the Pacific Coast league pennant chase has developed into a Portland-Seattle battle for first place but that isn't keeping fans away from the ball parks. The four Sunday games pulled In 47,842 paying customers, with San Francisco, as usual, drawing the largest crowd 15,042 at Seals stadium. The fourth-place men of Lefty O'Doul should do' very well financially again this wek when they entertain the second-spot Seattle Ralnlers. The Portland Beavers risk their two and one-half margin when they invade the lair of the im proving Los Angeles -club. The series won't start until tomorrow night because of travel con ditions. . The Oakland Acorns, still In third place six games from the top, visit Sacramento, while San Diego gets a ehance to "enter tain" the tailend Hollywood Stars. Red Cross Drive Figures Are Given -KBNP- Voic of Central Oregon Affiliated With Mutual Don Lee Broadcattino, Syrtem 1340 Kilocycle! TONIGHT'S PROGRAM 5:00 Sam Hayes . .' . 5:15 Superman 5:30-VTom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Jimmy Fidler ' 6:30 American Forum of Air. 7:15 News , 7:30 Red, Ryder ' 8:15 Al Trace's Orchestra . ' 8:30 Dave Elman's Auction Gallery " 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Rex Miller . - 9:30 Chaplain Jim . . 10:00 FUlton Lewis, Jr. 10:15 Russ Morgan's Orchestra WEDNESDAY, .JUNE 6, 1945 7 00 News 7:15 Smile Time 7:30 Spotlight on Rhythm 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News 8:00 John Kirby's Orchestra 8:15 News 8:30 Take It Easy Time " 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board . 8:50 Sing for the Seventh 8:55 Lanny and Ginger " 9:00 William Lang and the News 9:15 Morton Downey 9:30 Rationing News 9:35 Old Family Almanac 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Something to Talk About 11:3d Lady About Town Deschutes county exceeded its total Red Cross quota by over $2,000, according to Bruno Rath, chairman of the county chapter, who reDorted that a total of S25.- 028.29 was subscribed throughout 10:30 Music and Lyrics the county, with 514,591.49 to be retained for use locally. The re maining $10,436.80 has been sent to area headquarters. ' ' The granges In the county con tributed materially to the fund. Their donations follow: Redmond grange, $175.80; Plainview-Clo-verdale, $143.28; Tumalo, $102.02; Alfalfa, $67; Eastern Star, $50; Pine Forest, $39 and Terrebonne, $35. Auto Repair Men To Meet June 6 perlorlty of "Champion" Williams over challenging Joyce and pave the way for a title-deciding bout between Williams the n.b.a. rhnmn nnd Cnl. Finn Mnntpom- sunk about $3,000,000 In players, ery 0( Luke field, Ariz. who is coaches and franchises and It In tends to keep going. A doyble-A official said the New York team in his conference would use the 30,000-capaclty Trlboro Municipal stadium in its bid for New York fans which Is taking second best. fight Results (By United Treaa) Baltimore George Kochan, 168, Akron, O., knocked out Red dy Evans, 169 It, Hackensack, N. J., (8). Philadelphia Wesley Mouzon, 337, Philadelphia, stopped Jimmy Joyce, 131, Gary, Ind., (0). Providence, H. I. Pete De Ruzza, 158, New York, stopped Ralph Zannclli, 150, Providence, H. I.. (4). Holyoke, Mass. Minion Ochoa, 364, Havana, drew with Joe Red dick, 165, Paterson, N. J., (101. Miami, Kla. Billy, Lima, 116, Havana, Cuba, knocked out Jackie Blount, 124, Jacksonville, Fla., (3). recognized as champ in New York and affiliated states. , . Promoter Mike Jacobs believes that a bout to settle the title dis pute could be arranged between Williams and Montgomery for a big outdoor show if Williams Battling Nelson In 63rd Round A meeting of all Bend automo I tive repair service men has been Gresham. Ore.. Juno 5 (U'i mm-klnc the nneninu nf ihr 1!M! called for tomorrow night in the Purses totaling $1900 were posted season, was a large crowd. war price and ration offices in the for tonight's opening of thel Games started bv the six teams 1 library building, to hear James tne district ura neaci- Portland, explain new 1I...V.C .... K,.t U n mum on.l whenthoii,i. a,i i.,rt ih at M,nn iwinwesi jocney ciuu li-mgnt ! last night w 11 be f n shed later sager of Yankee 1 sflnre parrien Krlrlav nleht Such ! t,l'rse racing program at the in the week.. Here are the results 1 quarters in luring .i,,mV,h ..,i,i in.uoiV. th ,,. Multnomah county fairgrounds of the jamboree oneners: regulations here. Feature events will be the in augural, with $400 in prizes, and the last race on the eight-event program will carry a $300 purse, Camp Abbot All-Stars won from the American Legion team, 7 to 1, with the Navymen colecting 7 hits to three by the -Legionnaires. the Camp Abbot Navy Rene- with $200 in prizes for each ofigadcs won from the Ordnance six other events. The finai event. will be six furlongs, with the othrt-s scheduled for' five. I . 7 Mont of the horses entered are new to Oregon tracks. Post time for the first race each night is 8:15 p. m. League Standings (By Unltal Trcaa) American league and National league, both unchanged from yesterday. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE L 24 26 31 32 34 33 33 Pet. .619 .581 .523 .492 .485 .48-1 .484 42. .333 'INVENTS ltAIIKIT FEEDER San Diego, Cal. HI'" - A poten tial boon to rabbit raisers h:is been uncovered in the feeder in vention of Howard Stanley of San Diego. The new feeder, ac cording to Stanley, practically, will eliminate food waste through a funnel device mounted on a shaft about five inches above the rim of the loeding pan. The funnel prevents the labhlls from getting their feet into the 1an und scratching the food out. Chicago, June 5 lll'i The bell rang today for the 63rd round in i no uie oi isauung iNeison, nox- vy ing s gaiiani ngniweignt eiiam-, Portland 39 pion of more than two decades Seattle 36 , IOakland"""Z""!"!;!34 Nelson, born 63 years ngo lnsan Francisco 31 CoKnhagen, Denmark, now is a San Diego 32 postal clerk in Chicago's main j Sacramento' 31 postoffice. He rooms in a little, !T,s Angeles 31 rundown Clark street hotel Hollywood "1 where he lives tleep in the mem-1 1ZZZ1'H1 ory of former fistic glory-hack! r I in the early HMO's when he ruled! UXDIOSIOnS fllT ftw, lli,htu'nlht rlU.ii .. ' sucn lamcu ring warriors asi VfiiiniT rv.t-iuit ii. ....... i,..:.. .... ih,. rmnr..,i in.. i: L I Paris, June 5 1 1 Rescue work The fight game hasn't changed :";s,!IUK '".'' b'.","'S ,nC V,"bl,le much," he said. "Great fighters :"f IJl'm("s American military come and go and althougli there! K"vo''n!",',,t lnli,ln'inK' "here two might not be great fighters in the ; j,"1!'1 1',u,s 'VlV iy lightweight division today, there k (1 15 "ml lnJurod 80 will he after the war." - other Americans and Germans. Although he's slightly stooped' 'iher or Germans still and gray at the temples, Nelson T V '"'''"'"l ou'il,il the de still weiehK In .ii 1(1 .mis. the same weight al which he rose! ,. Tlu mili,ai'.v government of- to ring Klorv from l!Mir. II. -,,., h "" icumiii.v neaoquaricrs l '1 K'l 111,1 l were wrecked. Shops 1 to 0, with the navy boys getting only one nit. the Ord nance men got a pair of hits. The Jaycees Won from the Elks 9 to 6, with the junior chamber men collecting five hits to six for the Elks. To riay Tonight The American Legion and Navy All Stars will conclude their game tonight, and the Navy Renegades and Ordnance Shops will finish their session on Friday night. Elks and Jaycees will bnttl on Wed nesday night. There will be a meeting of all team officials and captains Thurs day night, at the diamond. Cir cuit officials stress that all team representatives must be present. j Allied Building 1905 llmmtOi ' i;rn. beats Joyce impressively SS detachments, Friday IT" mmm Order Now While We Have It! Phone CHARCOAL FOR BROILERS GASCO BRIQUETS FOR BROODERS Bend Storage St Transfer Short and Long Distance Hauling, Agent Bcluni Transfer Lines 218 Irving Ave. Phone 444 FOUNTAIN SERVICE LUNCHEONS HOME-MADE PIES A SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS DOUTHIT'S POINTS BECOME GOO Vancouver, Wash., June 5 '111 If your ration book Is low on red points, read this sad story: A truck was destroyed by fire today near Vancouver, including its cargo of 70 cases containing 60 pounds of butter each, 20 cases of cheese and some cans of iee cream mix. The goo was six inches thick over the highway. to become effective soon. The meeting was set for 8 o clock. According lo OPA officials here, new regulations governing the jobs and amount of time to be spent on all passenger cars, be come effective June 14. Sager is scheduled to clarify these. 11:40 News 11:45 Traffic Safety 12:00 Walter Preston 12:05 Today's Classifieds 12:10 Spbrt Yarns 12:15 Grand Piano Twins 12:30 News 12:45 Farmer's Hour 1:00 County Agent 1:15 Elsa Maxwell's Party Line 1:30 Never Too Old 2:00 News 2:15 Anapolis Graduation 2:45 OPA Talk 3:00 Griffin Reporting , 3:15 Famous Belgians 3:30 Miniature Concert 3:45 Johnson Family 4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 4:15 Rex Miller 4:30 Sketches 4:55 Central Oregon News 5:00 Sam Haye3 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 Brownstone Theatre 7:00 Music for Millions 7:15 News 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 Here's Your Infantry 8:30 Fresh Up Show MOTORIST IS FINED Pleading guilty to a charge of failing to make a boulevard stop at Franklin avenue and Bond street, Cecil Reuben Henry, 25, of Route 1, Box 61, was fined S2.50 in municipal court last night, po lice reported today. Lane Appeal Case Heardin Salem . .Salem, Ore., June 5 IP The case ofFullerton vs. the Des chutes Lumber company, an ap peal from the Lane county cir cuit court, was to-be heard by the state supreme court today. the case challenges the con-, stitutionality of a state law which sets a six months limitation upon certain kinds of cases brought under the federal fair labor stan dards act. I The suit was dismissed in Lane county, because the court ruled Fullerton had not started action within the statutory time limit. ; f j i u ' ' i n 'I i' 1""ifi 1" - n IT TASTES $0 GOOD O 144, LYONS-MAGNUS, INC 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Cecil Brown 9:30 Northwest Neighbors 10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10:15 Claude ThornhiU's Orch. Coming Saturday J DANCE miB'S-TAVlOR AMD 8 "SSirei" Andrews DAKCE MUSIC BY WESLEY TUTTLE . And Mis Ten Texas S'ors ROLLER BALLROOM LIQUOR CHARGE FACED ! Ernest Davidson, 67, a sheep herder from Shaniko, today ob tained his freedo.m from the city jail on $15 bail, following his ar- DEMPSEY THIRD MAN Longvicw, Wash. June 5 nil Cmdr. Jack Dempsey, former j rest last night on a drunk charge, world heavyweight boxing cliam- Davidson was found in an assert pion, will referee boxing events od intoxicated condition in the al here Thursday night as a feature! ley between Bond street and Lava of the Seventh war loan drive. road, police said. Buy National 'War Bonds Now! f 9 a.m. I Monday thru Friday f. -: VSIW This is MUTUAL Network for News Set Your Own 7ih War Loan Employee Quota From This Table Col. I Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Average Average Average Maturity Wage Subscription Weekly Yalue of Per Needed Allotment Bonds Bought Month (Cash Value) 7th War Loan $250 & up $187.50 $15.63 $250 225-250 150.00 12.50 2C0 210-225 131.25 10.94 175 200-210 . 112.50 9.38 150 130-200 93.75 7.82 125 140-130 75.00 6.25 100 . 100-140 37.50 3.13 50 Under $100 18.75 1.57. 25 'This would include present allotment plus extra special 7th War Iamii allotments and extra cash purchases for 12-week period In April, May, and June. FORMULA (At Aftffrt'Nin ivrrme war" rn1 of company inrl number of employer. (Il Mullin'y number of empltree hy figure in Column 2. This will cite (he rompany' tola) grona Seventh War l,nan (junta in doll art Mo arrive at u.uo(a in tcrma of maturity value in Itunda uc ficure in Column 4.) , (C) To nnrerlain NET amount to he rained, deduct exneeted allotment! from April, May, and June (rum total (rota quota.. Space Courtesy Broolcs-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. and The Shevlin-Hixon Company ANNOUNCING THE FORD FISHING DERBY: I have heard so many stories about how big they ar'e and I have seen so ' . , much of that hand spreading game' that I mentioned not long ago that I thought I would do a really good deed and make honest men out of the fishermen. So I will put up a prize of $25 for the biggest trout caught in Central Oregon waters within a radious of 75 miles of Bend. The prize to be payable September 1st to the person who has recorded the biggest fish caught. We will, of course, ask that the fish be brought in here for recording and reg istration. The prize will be paid on a basis of weight but in case of a tie we will pay the prize for the longest of the two. Floyd Umbarger, our engine, over haul foreman, started the procession with a 5 lb. 9 oz. German Brown meas uring 25" long. He is our candidate for the champ fisherman. When we can get metal we will have a suitable trophy. Who's who in' the fishing world? Jack Halbrook. Ialbrook Motors Friendly That Dealer Mercury Bond and Minnesota Lincoln Phone 680 For Health and Recreation! LYDICK'S Bowling Alley Open Weekdays 3 p.m. to 12 Saturday-Sunday I to 12 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ALLEY OOP ' JTedOD! LET'S HOPE . (GREAT CAESAR! H C s&Hi. TH- X-RAvW lHLAl ) THIS IS THE MOST S '' )) -s --7 ' 3v V. T. HAMLIN 'WHV, DOCTOR, NOTHIMS THERc,' Of- COURSE THEftE -. ISM'T. POM'T TELL civ ME VOU EXPECTEP I AB50LIIT NflTIJlMr.l TOFWOA s , v . y miff t "vffiW jj B Yt II ( i vWk-