: t I..."" V . . - .v.v -: i Oteel Leads Mart Following Decline - f By T. W. Kienlen . (UDitcd rraaa bull ItorreBLKHMtant) v. New York, June 4 lPi Demand lor steel shares turned the stock v market irregularly higher today . alter an initial decline. Wall street quarters attributed the rise in steel snares to circu lation of an investment, council's prediction ol "excellent" future domestic and foreign demand lor -steel tonnage. . , General bullishness reflected a number of favorable news devel opments, including the decision pi the United faiates supreme - court upholding the right of stock holders to challenge orders ol the v securities and exenange commis- felon afttecting their companies. I Utilities, the largest group of , listed companies subject to SEC orders, rose to a new peak since March 31, 1937, on gains ranging .' to more than two points in sucn ' Issues as Columbia Gas and Elec tric preferred and Consumers 'Power preferred. ' , Wall street also was favorably , impressed by the statement of National City bank of New York v(that the recent reconversion re port of J. A. Krug, WPB chair man, reaffirmed America's faith . '. 'in free enterprise. Two Bend Sailors , Back From Pacific Two veterans of the Pacific war who were employed in the same ' plant in Bend returned, by chance, to this city over the week-end, on leaves from the United States jliavy. They are Kenneth Munk ers, radar man third class, and Robert F. Iler, electrician's mate, j second class. Before entering the - armed services, they were em ployed at the Associated service station on Wall street, as assist ants of Cecil Goodfellow. Both young sailors saw consid erable action in the Pacific, and Munkers, through binoculars, wit nesed the historic flag raising on 1 the Iwo Jima volcano. ? PORTLAND LIVESTOCK " Portland, June 4 ipi Livestock: Cattle, salable 16.50, calves 350, . market uneven, fed steers strong, five loads good to choice 18.00; few Ood loads lfi.25-17.A0: nnnri to choice fed heifers 17.00; other! .- cattle slow, steady to weak, com . mon-medium steers 12-15.50, heif i ers 11-14.50, canner-cutter cows t 7 9 50; medium-good beef cows 12 13 00; good beef bulls, 1313.50; sausage bulls, slow at 12.00 down. IGood-choice vealers 15.50-16.50, t ?odd to 17.00. 4 Hogs salable 250, mostly steady with feeder pigs unevenly high er, barrows and gilts 15.75, sows .. 15.00; stags 14.50, choice 84-pound i feeder pigs 21.00. t Sheep salable'900, market" ac--itlve, steady; good-choice spring ' lambs mostly 13.75; common 49- pound feeders 9.00; good-choice j ' io. x peit lamDs i6.zt; good shorn ewes 6.50-6.75; wooled ewes vf ' up to 8.50. TOBTLAND PRODUCE ! Portland, Ore., June 4 ill'i CI : vilian supplies remained scarce on the Portland dairy market today with prices generally unchanged. Butter Cube, 93 score, Vic; 92 score, 4214 c; 90 score, 42c; 89 score, 41'Ac pound. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA, large, 44c; A, large, 42c; medium, small, 35c dozen. LLEPHANTS WATCH CLOCK Kolla, Mo. tlPi Lt. Col. Morris Suhre, just back from building roads and airfields in the fiatlands of Assam, India, believes that ele phants have the most effective trade union In the world. The colonel said no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get an ele phant to work more than four hours a day. . GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! We Cherry at . ZILLAH, WASHINGTON No experience necessary. Age, 16 years or over. Housing and transportation fur nished. Cherry season from June 15th to July 4th. Other fruits following. Call or write Stade.mc.n Zillah, Washington or Hood Kiver, Oregon Spare Articles Cai Bjlirned Classified Rates Local Paid in Advanca a Words One Tims ta Words 'l'bree 'llmea l&o Zb Womb tilx linns . L35 All wttdj rr la mot lc ft nri Omm labu ! wurmiaa Ona want mu. u. v day ma muumum iarg, aaa LINE BATE Mo CAPITALS 200 uaaaUM Advanjam-, Caa m Aavanca itmtv Uaalac iuna iaua a. M. FOB SAUK STUDIO COUCH, radio, baby bug gy, play pei and incinerator. Call evenings 1214 Albany. FACT 0R Y BUILT Vagabond fraiier house completely lurnisn ed. Good lb-inch tires, will trade lor lurnuure. 3sU Division. :.. WOOD FUEL Order next wmter's luel now in loau lots. LimDs or body. City or country. Brookings Wood iard. Phone (67. . . . SEED POTATOES, $2.00 per nun ureu. Call alter June 2na at Bert iorKelson's, miles east Braoe ucn s Dairy. Hu 1, Box nix). CLOSE IN, MODERN 3 room room house, hardwood floor, elec tric piate, extra room in base ment, $1000, $400 down, $25 a montn. Anne iorDes, .36 Oregon. f hone 36-W. 12 GAUGE WINCHESTER Model 24 double shotgun, walnut stock with leather case and shells, ldbl Federal. 1 ELECTRIC FENCE; 2 17-inch tires and tubes. Very good; 1 two wheel trailer for car. Fruit jars, quart size at K. t. Jackson's, ioyd's Acres, Rt. 2, Box 269A. NEAR ALLEN school, 5 room m o a e r n home, unfinished up stairs, drilled hole, $2600, $1100 down, $35 a month. Exceptionally well built 2 bedroom home, two lots, garage, garden, cemented basement. $2650. $600 down, $30 a month. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon, phone 36-W. 1 POTATO CULTIVATOR, one 2-way plow, 1 disc. Inquire Robert Koopman, Rt, 2, Box 173, 1V4 miles northwest of Tomalo. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. Brand new pipe furnace. New ventian blinds. Wired for electric stove. Garage and wood shed. Nice yard. Lot is fenced. 362 E. Clay. 1038-R for ap pointment. SODA FOUNTAIN, back bar and counters. Call Sunday or evenings at 2 Broadway,, 3 ROOM SEMI-MODERN home, $800.00. 6 lots, full lawn, side walks, garage, woodshed, garden, 100 strawberrys, berry bushes, picket fence. Near Allen school, inquire 446 E. Emerson after 4:30 p.m. Kitchen remodeled. SEED SPUDS $2.00 per hundred. 6 miles east on Bend-Burns High way mile south. R. D. Stowell. Phone 9 F-22. FOUR ROOM MODERN house, two bedrooms, and breakfast nook, new roof and paint. Furn ished or unfurnished, 50 ft. lot in lawn. Terms. Inquire 1107 Mil waukee. OR TRADE for hay, about 1500 ids. nice seed potatoes. 2'4 miles southeast Carroll Acres Store. J. W. Jones Place, across big COI ca nal. $2.50 per hundred in your sacks. G. A. Sharer. Phone ll-F-15. 2 BEDROOM MODERN house, garage and woodshed. Winters wood and some. coal. Will sell cheap for cash. 1225 E. 3rd St. PLANTS AT FANTON'S Ga den: Petunias, asters, pansles, pe rennials, cabbage, brussel-sprouts, head lettuce, tomatoes. Fanton's I Gardens, 829 Ogden. Need Packers Fruif Co. Phone 21.10 Itione 1263 THE FOB SALE j BALL AND SOCKET trailer hitches, Colman gasoline lantern, electric radio, banjo, baby bug gies, baby s piay pen, battery ra uio, end tables, magazine racks, mirrors, dressers, metal or wood beosteaus, single or double coll springs, wash tubs, laundry tubs with stand, $2.b0, kitchen chairs, kitchen taoles oi all Kinds, foot stools, square stand table, occa sional chairs and rockers, buffet, aesK lamp, library tables, dark walnut dinette table, kitchen cab inet, ico boxes, sewing cabinet, dresser basec, dishes, lunch boxes, 9 X 12 rugs, choice $5.00, laundry baskets, shoe lasts and stands. Across street from 350 Division. BARGAIN, WEST SIDE, owner leaving, 4 room modern plastered house, garage, only $lb00, $500 down, $25 a month. Stoves can be purchased. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. 2 BEDROOM MODERN plastered, near Kenwood school, attic finish ed In knotty pine, furnace, electric hot water heater, wired for elec tric range, drilled well, garage. Priced at $3750. 1361 Federal St. NEAR KENWOOD school, new 4 bedroom modern house, new style bath fixtures, large attached garage, 3 lots, garden, $4250, $1650 down, $35 a month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon, phone 36-W. 3550 X 17 TIRES and tubes, bed springs, innersprlng mattress, 2 dressers, chest ol drawers, good wood cookstove, double rabbit hutch. 164 E. Irving. LARGE CIRCULATING heater, used 5 months, walnut buffet, 1224 Milwaukee. EAST SIDE modern homes, im mediate possession, new, two bed room, mountain view, $3500. 2 bed room plastered, paved street, sew er connection, $1800, $400 down, $30 a month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon, phone 36-W. i FURNITURE, STOVES, dressers, table, desk and chair,' 2 rockers, overstuffed chair, davenport. Makes full size bed. 1225 E. 3rd St. DAVENO and WOOL rug, almost new. Inquire 425 Columbia. . FOB RENT OB SALE 4 ACRES, 4 ACRES C.O.L water. 4 room house, chicken house, barn, garage, some berries. F. A. Pepper, Rt. 2, Box 261. FOB RENT NICE 3 ROOM modern house with 'rugs -' and stdves.-i.otsi' W built-ins. Basement and screened in back porch. Nice lawn and shade trees. Wood house and ga rage, good location. $25.00 per month. Call at 1445 Cumberland or Phone 1057-J. BOARD and ROOM and cabins for rent. 803 Delaware. Call 31-W. TWO ROOM furnished house, not modern. Garage if desired. Apply 207 Riverfront. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. NICE LARGE bedroom with twin beds for couple of men or girls. Kitchen and telephone privileges if desired. Call 892-M. 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED semi modern house, indoor toilet. Call at 147 E. Olney. 7 ROOM MODERN house furn ished with garage, 3 bedrooms. Inquire 144 'A Roosevelt after 3:00 p.m. 5 ROOM MODERN house, large yard. See at 1404 Galveston. LARGE 3 ROOM modern furnish ed duplex, $20 a month. Inquire Schuman, Auto Electric, 316 Greenwood. WANTED GOOD, YOUNG. GENTLE milk cow. Guernsey preferred. Ted Po vcy, Rt. 2, Box 28, Phone 2-F-23. HORNBECK Typewriter Co. Authorized Agent for ROYAL Sales and Service Roytype Ribbon and Carbon It. C. Allen Adding Machine Ail Makes Typewriters Serviced Phone 12 122 Oregon Av. Clarence Bush says: It Doesn't Cost a Cent The President's Protective In vestment Plan ... a safe, flex ible means of providing Income for the future . . . doesn't cost a cent if you die within 20 years, berause all deposits you have made on It will be return ed to your fandly and the prin cipal amount of the contract paid to them. FOB DETAILS SKK C. E. BUSH Bend Phone 235-W The Franklin Life Insurance Company SprintrflHd. Illinois Distinguished Nervlre Since 1881 BERD BULLETIN, BERP, ORE60N, WOKIDAY, 'JUNE 4, WANTED LITTLE CALVES about 8 or 10 if Priced right. E. L. Groff, Rt. 1. Box 174. TO RENT Unfurnished modern house. Two or three bedroom. Per manent renter employed at The Bend Bulletin. Telephone or write Mr. Brownhiil, care Bend Bulletin. PLASTERING and PATCHING. Call 108-J. Redmond. . LARGE SIZE girl's bicycle in good condition. Call 314-M. i GOOD ELECTRIC range. Phone 1KO-J. warren wing, rui uauu Ave. HELP WANTED MAN 25 to 40 years old to work in creamery. Good opportunity to become experienced creamery man and insure post-war employ ment Must be willing to learn, sober, steady on the job. Good sal ary. 6 days per week, vacation with pay after 1 year. Chance for 11. aAiianrnmarit Wrltd Rnd !.( II 1 V. I. UU Ul'LV I ! " V. ....... . . Bulletin No. 79. Please give draft status. MAN AS PATROLMAN of irriga tion district. Call at Tumalo water office, or residence just west of water office after 5 p.m. "WANTED BY S. P. & S. Railway men between the ages of 21 and 45 to qualify for positions Brake men and switchmen. For informa tion inquire of local S. P. & S. Railway Agent." LADY COOK for fishing lodge; also man and wife for cabin work. Inquire U. S. Employment Serv ice. PERMANENT STATE positions for skilled workers: Key Punch Operators, Tabulating Machine Operators, and Senior Tabulat ing Machine Operators. Get ap plications from Merit System, Council, 616 Mead Building, Port land 4. Final filing date June 23. Positions in Salem. SOCIAL WORKERS advanced opportunities for positions with the state. Staff Assistant I, II (Multnomah County), Field Rep resentative. Get application from Merit System Council, 616 Mead uiiuinE, 1 iioiiu i, yicSull. rr nal filing date June 23. Positions in Portland only. SITUATION WANTED HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work on ranch. Strong and willing. Write or come to 29 Terminal Place. Clinton Martin. USED CABS 36 V-8 2 DOOR SEDAN with heater. See after 6:00 p.m. Harvey W. Ridgeway, Rt. 1, Redmond. MISCELLANEOUS THOR CERTIFIED WASHER SERVICE -We have the experience and equipment to give expert service Ij un an manes, century unve serv ice Station. Phone 275-J. REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMtillln, Camp Sherman 832. ' WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. HAVE YOUR SEWING machine repaired now by your local repair man. Reliable work done. Call j 957-J or bring machine to 235! E. Franklin. I LEAVE YOUR ORDER for that ! new sewing machine now. Also i pay top prices for old sewing ma- j cnines. can yoY-j or bring ma chine to 235 E. Franklin. NOW'S THE TIME to plaster or patch that room, build that chim ney and fireplace, have those con crete sidewalks. For your work call H: Heck, 504-W. RED RYDER uTJ Wtf-Zm- f tjat-s a,c YOUR RANCH, . ' VV NOfcais t? ef SS,1ff uiHi5!D WElvEeIw'AsYli voe dontc hwe to f IVO 6E A 6HEm, WORSE IF A posse S'aSkI T3SanjH- ( AHC5TAGE,TH;pyCHES? ) ECHER. VOlTH BETri A FOR ASYTHlrtS TOt HIT OUR TRAIL TOO cash aw mjg, y-zJ; i could nx rreo happetoaJ sooN.Wir MISCELLANEOUS FOR BEAUTIFUL long wearing Luk-Shu-Ri k nit rayon lingerie, stylish dresses, and Hoover uni forms phone Mrs. Elsie A. Dunn, 615-J, No. 7 Westonia Apts. This week featuring dainty lace trim med white slips at $2.95. BEND WASHER SERVICE Genuine factory parts. Service on all makes of appliances. Money back guarantee on all makes of washing machines Including May tag and Bendlx, Phore 583. lo6 Greenwood. ,; , LAWNMOWERS sharpened. Also shears, grass shears, knives, keys made, saws filed, guns, locks pho nographs repaired, soldering, gen eral repairing, henderson's Re pair Shop, 112 Minnesota. WE HAVE received a new ship ment of upholstering material. If those waiting for new material will call, we will be glad to show them. Harrison Upholstery, 365 Miller. LOST WILL PERSON who took a brown zipper billfold out of Jacket, please return it to Douth its. No questions will be asked. 1 BROWN BILLFOLD at East Lake. Return to Joe LaPlant, 1469 E. First St. Reward. Phone 745-W alter 5. FOUND 825 X 20 10 PLY GOODYEAR truck tire. Owner may claim by paying for ad and identifying. 164 hi E. Irving St. Between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. fULNTLNO YOUR LETTERHEADS can he made any uize you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. LfaGAL NOTICES SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Equity No. U498 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregonjor the County of Op sehutes Ben C, Garske, Plaintiff Vs. !,, IViuol nlnoo lUr .Uar. ZH3uhZ' Martha E. Patterson, Mrs. Freece Roberts, Mrs. Hurley Hartman. Hosea P. Heller, Stacy Heller, Freas Heller, Frank Heller, John W. Heller, Mrs. Mary E. Hunyon, Mrs. Eliza Lyons, P. F. Fritz, Mrs. J. B. . Keefer, Mrs. Delia Fritz Ruckle and all other heirs un known of William R. Rhone, de ceased, and all other persons un known claiming any right, title, estate or interest in the real estate described In plaintiff's complaint, Defendants. To the above named defendants and each and all oi you and all other persons unknown claiming any right, title estate or interest 'in the real estate described In Plaintiff's Complaint, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE bRDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS Delivered BAKER FEED CO. Phone 188X Redmond, Ore. T9'4$ STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby required iu npprar anu answer me com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and i juu uu so iu appear and an swer, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court lor the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit ; for a decree of said Court declaring plaintiff to be the owner in fee simple of the lands described in plaintiff's complaint, as follows: The' Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Three in .Township Eighteen South, Range Twelve East of the Willamette Aleridian in Deschutes County, Oregon. And for a lurther decree declar ing that said land be free and clear of any right or claim what ever on the part of said defend ants or any of them, or on the part of any other persons or par ties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in and to said real property or any part thereof; and that each and all of said defendants, and any and all persons claiming any interest in said property by, through or un der them, or any of them, be for ever enjoined, restrained and bar red from asserting or claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or in terest whatsoever in or to said property or any part thereof, and that plaintiff's rlRht to said prem ises be forever quieted and set at WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DlltECTOKK OF RELIABLE BUSINEfcMj AND PBOFESSIONAL OFFICES SERVICE LET A MECHANIC UNION 76 Gasoline TRITON Motor Oil AUTO REPAIRING. AUTO REPAIRS , Expert mechanical and electri cal work on all makes- of cars and trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING TIKIS SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to Hudson-Duncan 1327 Wall I'hone 812 BEAUTY SHOPS Try a BRECK TREATMENT It's wonderful f'ir ciimlit Inning. You'll Ihi aniuwd at (lie new beauty of your liulr. EXPERT OPERATORS Muy Luura Arilello Powder Puff Beauty Shop -none 41 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 8'j7 Unll Plume RU CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Best of MiileriulH I'linilslied Our periodical liispeetinu will insure you nioic efficient op eration. , B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone 3UII W or 1 1-1--23 If 1 fYOU WON'T LOSE ) 1 f7 Saipan Chief Rear Admiral E. M. Whiting, above, of Wntertown, N. Y., is the new commander on Saipan, relieving Mnj.-Gen. Sanderford Jarman of the Army who, ac cording to reports, is slated for . another important assignment l rest, and for such other and j further relief as the nature of this I cause may require and as unto STATIONS SERVICE YOUR CAR" i .,..,rr. Dyer's Auto Service George M. Dyer Complete Aufb Lubrication Firestone Tires & Batteries Sales and Service 1108 Bond at Greenwood Phone 87 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring - , Appllunce Repair Lluctrlcal Supplies . Fluorescent Lights UK Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric llH.t Wall Phone 98 WASHERS WRINGKlt ROLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS Service on all makes of wash ing machines and electrical ap pliances. , Bend Washer Service 1HH fireenwood Phone BHS Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Mtllng , New Work Repairing Homo Water Systems Sump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing Si2 Wall Phono 17 W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839Colurribia Specializing In Long Distance Household Ocods Movement 1DU PSSE SEVER the Court may seem Just and equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication once a week for four consecutive weeks In the Rjanri DiillntU """"iiii a newspaper oi general circulation printed and nilhlleho1 In Qa r County, Oregon, by order of Hon. Ralph S. Hamilton, Judge of said Court, made May 12th, 1945. or derlng first publication to ba made May 14th, 1945. Dated and first published May 14th, 1945, last published June 4th, 1945, .... , A. J. MOORE, Attorney for Plaintiff. PncMfrira d , Oregon. 136-142-148-153a CLINIC DATES SET Three clinics have been an. nounced for the week by the coun ty health department as follows: Tuesday, June 5, immunization clinic from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. at the Crook county courthouse. Prinevllle. Wednesday, June 6, crippled children s clinic by referral only, Prinevllle grade school. , Friday, June 8, regular immu nization clinic, Deschutes county courthouse, Bend. S.WAN COLLECTION WINNEB Waterloo, la. (Ul Mrs. Den Swan really lives up to her name -.. .v., wans oi au types, class, ehinn ntn H,,t nn n..-l her 24-swan collection recently --.... m iiuuuj-ouvn fJlie. MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "'The Monument Man" llfflft Awiirey tut. iyi.mil. M Refrigerator Servicw All Types ot Machanical Servic On. - REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Htintl X MlnnwotH Phwia (MS LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Dy Of the Year. Phone 544 INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO FIRE LIFE t Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. S'il Drake Road Phone 316 I John W. Smith, Agent 1388 Awbroy ltd. Phone Wtt-W V FARMERS INSURANCI ROU FARMLRS AUTOMOBILE INTER-INSURANCE . EXCHANGE 1 TRUCK INS. EXCHANGE It FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE Bt Salt Not Sony Imuro Today Prompt Claim Stnlct ttmdartf Form Foliar Eugene M.Bucknum,Dlst.Mirr. IM Bond Kt. Phone 881 PAINTING i PalntliiK, Spray.or Brimli SHINGLE PAINT Cedar or composition any color. AhIirnUw Roof Coating ! I ron Kdtlniate Curtis Painting Co. Rox&ll Phone 8 I F13 By FRED HARMAN AM' TH' DUCHESS 60 AFTER ' SHERIFF, LITTLfc pEANEK- n c-a N'ia bee ihat NOiHIN HAPPENS. TO BETH'