THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1945 PAGE THREE Military Training In Time of Peace Backed By Grew Washington, June ' mi The state department today en dorsed universal peacetime mili tary training as "an essential part of our share in the United Nations proposals for world se . curity." . . , The department's unqualified endorsement was given by acting Secretary of State Joseph C Grew In testimony before . the house postwar military policy committee. Grew, speaking against a per sonal background of -20 years of service in Germany and Japan before the outbreak of two ware, " was the first witness as the long delayeVl hearings got under wav. The issue of peacetime military training is expected to explode into one of the hottest fights of this session of congress. j Backs Prosxam Grew said he believed strongly that American youth should have military training In time of peace. He said his view was based on 40 years of experience in foreign service, including 10 years in Germany Deiore tne last war and 10 in Japan before this one. "I believe it (militarv train- Ing) is an essential part of our snare in tne United Nations pro posals for world security," Grew said. Grew said the United States must be prepared to contribute its share to a United Nations military pool if it should . be called upon to do so when other steps fail to preserve peace. He said such a contribution would be determined by agreements yet to be made and by the serious ness ot tne tnreat to peace. "Yet it is decidedly clear that If we are to have that force ready when it is needed," Grew ' said, "it will have to be provided by whatever peacetime military and naval plan we decide before hand to carry out. Modern armies and navies do not spring into be ing overnight. Reserve Held Needed "We should accept, therefore, the judgment of our highest mili tary authority. And that au thority holds that unless a sys tem of universal military train ing is put into effect, we shall not have available the reserve of trained men required to make our air and sea and land forces adequate to meet any possible future threats to our freedom." Grew discounted complaints that compulsory military training would interfere with education' He said he believed young men Sample Flower Garden 50c COMPLETE, READY TO SET OUT, WITH SIMPLE PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS. A miniature gay colored flower garden to brighten some drab corner of your yard, delivered postpaid for 50 cents. We like to send out samples of our plants in every section of the country so folks can see what hardy, well-rooted specimens we raise, Here's what well ship postpaid for half a dollar: 1 MINIATURE BABY ROSE 1 MOUNTAIN PHLOX 1 ROSE DAWN PERENNIAL j. 1 LA MARTINE DELPHINIUM 1 RARE EVENING PRIMROSE . 1 SHASTA DAISY $LS0 You ffct Ihil $1.30 rail,, postpaid, life arrival a-uarantotd, for SOr. If too wink more than one plant of each variety, we will tend our super assortment consisting of five planta of each variety for 92.00 postpaid. Mar we send you details rtjrardina: other bargains In crowing perennial flowers? Check below and we will tell you about other amazing flower values. No obllga tion, of course. Write your name and address below. Inclose 50c and mail to CLARK GARDNER 734 American Bltfg. Western Office Seattle 4, Wash. Name .. Address U. S. War Loan HORIZONTAL 1 The U. S. A. is holding its Drive . 13 Hail! 14 Bird 15 Before (prefix) 16 Sell 18 Notion 19 Brazilian coins fl Pftmo in are your VERTICAL 1 with War Bonds 2 Level 3 Outlet 5 Three (prefix) 6 Conceal -t- . , OUI 8 Winglike part 9 Concerning 10 Unclose 11 Dry -" - II LflJ 22 Electrical unit,ornn 23 Buy War J7 Lairs 24 Greek letter ignower 25 We 28 Brown bread 29 Four dollars for three In ten 33 Help the effort 34 Garden tool 35 Mountain nymph 38 Obscure 40 Barium (symbol) 41 Mixed type 42 Poorly 45 Thus 47 Concur 51 Century plant 52 Seaweed 54 Buy and War Bonds 55 Soak 56 Marshy grounds 58 Porgy 59 War Bonds 2 1 Groove 23 War Bonds f" ji J3 I k k j b 18 fl I ii ft n pii " W -m w "ih"!F s aaaaaosaJ iFCSilCTOKl 5S- " ST?!1 5T !5r HI5r I ' 1 1 SJL.'23 41 4i hi r t: 13 P i nriX f , " II IIIp a II 1 I I I I I I I I u! No Lost Lough ( " (l'r 1 1 'T W I 1 Is 1 m William Joyce, the Lord Haw Haw of German radio, pictured m am bulance after arrest as traitor oy British near Plensburg, Germany. He was wounded by one of arresting officers when he moved as If to draw a gun. would gain rather than lose by the proposed one year's training. Relatives Seek' Woman in Bend Search was begun in Bend to day for Mrs. Alice Margaret Sher wood, believed to be residing here with her daughter Pearl, after relatives reported that they had not heard from the woman since she was in Astoria in 1882. The Bulletin is In receipt of a letter from Mrs. Bert Richardson, Jr., of Skamokawa, Wash., en listing the aid of the newspaper in the hunt. Mrs., Richardson said that Mrs. Sherwood was last heard from many years ago in Astoria, and that since that time a family friend, Cecil Corwin of San Fran cisco, has sought her. Mrs. Rich ardson said thbt she had under stood that the missing woman is in Bend with her daughter, but that she did not know the daugh ter's married name. Brother Is Dead Mrs. Sherwood is the daughter of George Washington Richard son and Emma Miller. Principal reason for locating Mrs. Sherwood is to inform her that her brother, Bertram Haldon Richardson, died last July, and that members of the family be lieved they should all be reunited. Any persons having knowledge of Mrs. Sherwood's whereabouts, was asked tq write to Mrs. Rich-' ardson, Jr., at Skamokawa, Wash.' Pleaie tell me about Other flower bargain Answer to Previous) PomIo 26 Numeral 27 Rowing stick 2H Exist tered side 44 Specks 45 Eastern European 46 Eye 48 Repetition 49 Ardor 50 Redact 52 Beard ot wheat 53 Bronze 56 Yes (Sp.) 57 Street (ab.) 30 Exclamation 31 r-oie 32 Observe 36 Competent 37 Periods of time 38 Health resort 39 Tall 42 Point 43 On the shel i S K I i HUtui or ;'; M AlRlc. isimia imi uninr ka iisi ' JN OlSflUsMWU ON IPCHS Tj w hl y QiRjcFI Allies to Confer On German Rule Paris, June 4 tlPi The four power Allied control commission, which vill decide how Germany is to be occupied, was expected to hold its first meeting today in or near Berlin. (Radio Paris said that the first meeting of the commission was held in Berlin yesterday. . t"The first task of ihe commis sion Is to draw boundaries of the various occupation zones," said the broadcast, heared by the FCC.) . Gen. Dwlght D. Eisenhower was understood to have left his Frank furt headquarters yesterday for Berlin to join field marshal Sir Bernard L. Montgomery and Mar shal Gregory Zhukov, the British and Russian representatives on the commission. MaJ. Gen. Jean De Lattre De Tassigny was the likliest, French representatives, although some quarters thought Lt Gen. Joseph-Pierre Koenig, military governor of Paris, might be on the commission. American . correspondents chos en to cover the historic meeting left here by plane for Frankfurt yesterday, and it was understood they would arrive in Berlin today. They were Joseph W. Grigg, Jr., of United Press, representing news agencies; Drew Middleton, N. Y. times, for newspapers; and Roy Porter for radio networks. Wf Bisds DO you want a cozy New England cottage? A rambling Western ranch house? A home with the charm of the old South? Take your pick. But don't just wish for it. Do something now to help you own it. And here's what you can do right now: Put your savings into War Bonds. You'll get back $4 for every $3 you invest a nice nest egg for that home you'll own someday. But 4? 4- ' Prefer a home of the old South? Then plan for it now by putting every spare dollar into War Bonds. BBS Bend Wac Wins Corporal Rating ; 'Ptc. Levanna J. Baumgartner, formerly Levannn Baldwin, daughter of Mrs. Orville G. Mor ris of Portland, has been pro moted to the rank of corporal and has been awarded the good con duct medal after a year's "effi cient and fuithful service" In the motor transport division of the Wac. Pnl Rmimpnrtnpr Is stationed at the First Wac training center, 1 Ft. ues Moines, la. ane was a resident of Bend for about 15 years, attending both grade and high school here. . , , 64 VETERANS RETURN Fort Lewis. Wash.. June 4 IP i Sixty-four officers and enlisted men from Oregon began rotation furloughs and leaves today fol lowing processing at the army reception center. , Representing a variety of army branches, the contingent com prises both European and Pacific war veterans. Included in the group return ing to Fort Lewis was Pfc. Dan nie C. Lowther, of Ashwood. He was in the European theater of, war. ' I KEEPS GOING FOR 29 YEARS Portland, Me. till Mrs. Eunice j Dunn sought a divorce from her husband Joseph because she said I he left their home 29 years ago.i saying, "I'm going down street. See you later." I She hasn't seen him since. in Koto-- ytrj,St T &f ' V x V -"'2 ' !S R $ w-iSth mLaa? even more important, the dollars you put into War Bonds do a vital job right now. They fight for you. Thoy are your share in Victory. Make it a big share. Invest all you can in the Mighty 7th War Loan. P. S. Show the house that appeals to yoo to your Architect or Contractor. He will help you plan it to fit your needs and pockctbook. American o $taitdavd Radiator attitai h-7 CORPORATION VUUlth AMERICAN-'Standard" heatins and plumbing products are available under Government regulations. They are told br Wholesale Distributors to your Heating and Plumbing Contractor. For your home of tomorrow, ArxKA.-ad.r- will offer the most advanced developments of research engineering and design. SUNBEAM Warm Air Furnaces end Winter Air Conditioner! will be available just as oon as the argent demands of war pro duction have been met. Weather Reduces Park Attendance New York, June 4 tut l.ow ilgures on the thermometer yes- teiday caused almost equally low figures on Ijasehall turnstiles, with only 111.103 spectators the lowest Sunday crowd of the year paying their way into eight major league doubleheaders. Philadelphia's Athletics, despite their tail-end position in the American league, drew the big. gest crowd, 25,151, against St Louis. , Service Squadron Wins Citation " With an Air Service Squadron of the Fifteenth Air Force Serc Ice Command, Italy . For Out standing service in support of combat operations, the meritori ous service plaque has been awarded all members of an air If you want a cozy New England cottage, save for it with W ar Bono's. mm your I ySift. Your rar Bonds can help yon buy this handsome ranch muse. Save for it now. Ouorantaad to jgjPlS! glvo quick r.llaf sLsT?' or your monoy back rSjf 10c, 50c ST $1.00 - If at all drug counter Sof J v ;j i service, squadron of a service group commanded by Colonel Carl E. Rankin, according to a re cent announcement by the com manding general or the Fifteenth air force service command. All members of the squadron may now wear the meritorious service wreath on their right sleeves. Among them Is Tech. Sgt. Dale V. Boucher, Redmond, Ore. Buv National War Bonds Now! BVaKorsia or annual 8TATinar or THIS' SOUTH BRITISH INSUR ANCE COMPANY., Limittd of Auckltiid. in tht Dominion of Ntw KnUtvt) on lb thlrty-nm day of Iterator. 1M. ru to Um Iniumac ComtnlulaQw of th Stat of Orttoa, uiutiuhl to la; Xnooins Nrt ttrfnUum ncvlitd 9 ttl.01T.ftf Total liitvml. dJuldtntla and rtat taUU In com ,,,,, U,4I1S1 lutomt from othor ourcca., 9.SIO.T0 Total Incotna ct,ih, Dlibnritmnta Nt amount paid pollajrlioldcra for 1mm t 11.51101 Lou aiUusiment tipaftirt.. . 8,441.13 Arciits oominlMloiu or broktl'afft... ef,A9T.(.5 HalarlM anU fia orrinra, dlrtctora. honM offlc nnplom...., 4.TM.0S Taxra, '.ltit-and fa All lh sindtluru 10.110.00 Total dlavbummtttta 9 II1.3M.U Admitted Aiavti Valua or bondi owned amortUrd).. l,0,9r5HS Cath In banfca and on hand 13.003.00 rmnlums in ccune of collection wrlltw ilnc. flstptrmber 3Ml)4., ID.lfO.SI Interrit and kiiu dua and accrued 14,811,1)9 OitMr iiicta (ntt) 93S.0S Total admlltrd anatla 9 IlablUUai, Sarplai and. Othar TwAb Total unpaid cblmi , 9 lf.9u.or Esllmatfd Inaa adluitntnt ttpanao for unpaid clilnu., 1.030.00 TvUI immlumi on all uonplrtd rilu 110.013.00 Biltrlft, renti, npcnirt, bllli, ac- coiinta. fra, eie.. due 'or anruvd S.sn9,41 CMlnialvd amount du or accrutd for Uira Mil, 40 Tivul llabllHlM, tnpt capital., .9 114.90111 fttititlory uwv..t 9 150,000.00 tluiplui ont all Ha- Ulltln Surplua aa ncardi pollrytoldcri....9 1,114. 0T4 It Total . .I l 3l9Mr IT Bntlntia In 0roa for tht Yuatt Ntt prttntumi racalnd,. 9 Ntt loiara paid 9.031 41 mm south amrrisH iNsvmAxoa CO, Llmltad Unltfd Kiatoa Uamiar and Altantf In Faot CJitittr C. Siuit taiutoir rwaitlMt aitoracr for atntiw. XT, Q. Fortntinii. Hiahtlna 8tdj., ltrtlind. Vn. John 11. Biufattl A 0mphi, dl.thct ania, WUcot Butldlnai, KorUaaA Oaaatt. TNOPSia Of ANNtlAI BTATKMBNT OK TUB CONCORDIA FIRE INSURJINCE UUMrAn x or MUwauttM, in mt thlrtr-llrst dar of Utombtr. 1044. mada t tht Iniuranc commiiaiiHiea; wm piuauant lo law: a Tnooni4t Nrt pnmluma rtcahtd I 9,915,984.99 Total Inltrtat. dhldtndi and ftal eatata limuna 184.671.80 Inntma from otlier aourou Sl.tOO.Tf Total Inooma I Diiburtamtiitt Mt amount nald uullchlldtra fof loaaca 9 1. Lou adJuMmcnt tpfnua Aianta commlaalona or brokerage.... Salariea and fata oMctra, dlrtvtora. homo tmployea Taiti, HcMiMa and fea DlvMtnde paid to atockholdtn Dlvfdtndt paid or credited to polio- holdrra All other atptiidlturaa.... es 1.001. TP TI.UT.04 1TT?90T.W 10fl.fll6,(r 100,000.00 187.9U.M ToUl dUburaMntnla 9 U99.S90.9f Admitted Allt Valiit of real aetata oaneU tuiaikrt raliiel t 4.OO0.00 lana on morUagat and collateral, He Valut of bondi owned (market or amortlied) l.43r.4Tf.l? Value of atneka owned (market ralua) J.BU0.540.00 Caah In hanka and on hand 1119,1199.99 lrotultima In eniiraa of collection. written alnco Hei(emler 30, 1044.. 408.390. (f Inieieat and rente dua and accrued. . lM.039.ft Other aaaeU (nil) BO.Ka.O? Total admltttd aaaeta 9 5. 59(1. 134. lit XaUblUtloa. nrDlna and Otbor Pnndt h Total unpaid claluti 9 S97.00S.9l EiUmaled lota adjuatmtut atpanaa for unpaid clalmi 90,000.00 Total unearned premluma on all tin- eiplrvd rUki l.IBJ, 020.0 BalarlM, renU, eipetitoe, bills, ac- eounla, feea, eto., due or accrued., 1,000,09 Bitlmated amount dua or accrued for taiea 99,000.94 Commlialona. brokeragr, or olhtr charier dua and accrued f. 000.00 All other llabllltlca t Total llablllUnf, except oap1UI.,..9 1,049,01(1.90 Papiul paid up 9 1, WW, 000. 00 Surplus oter all lla- bllltlea 1,(4S.!17,T5 Suriiiui ai regard) puIli7holdera,,,.9 9.019,117.79 Total 9 5,S0.S54.6r Buiinoss In Or off on for tht Tn N'i't prnultima recalled 9 T9.Ttt7.00 .Net loMt paid 99,110.77 CONCORDIA riBB XHSUBANOB COMPACT Wtu. K. Wallaegtr. ITealdent a. 0. llougltUin. Kecritarr HliluloiT reildent attorney for atnlet, dgar Stoteni, nrsovHin or anntiaij statement Of TIIJ5 THE EUREKA-SECURITY F. & M. INS. CO. of Cincinnati. In tha 8Ut of Ohio, on tha thirty, first day of December. 1914, mada to tha Iniur anoo Ojmmlwloner of Oregon, buriuant to law! Inooma Net (MemiiiOil recetttd 9 9,780,910.99 Total I nt creel, dividend! and rial MtiU Inrome 919,153.00 Income from other aourcei... 109,12S.T1 TuUI Income 9 4,100,091.14 DUbttritinonts Nn amount paid 10 pcilcjibttldora for louea 9 l,Hi.!M ,M Ism adjustment eipeuan 10R.3gt.3J Ag-etiti commliilona or brukersge.,. 1,118,311.34 Ha)erles and fete offlreri. directors, lifitDt offlca cmolores Tan-e, llitnsea ami feea 100,3111.01 Dhldtfids paid U) 1 lock holders 0 Uhl'Iendi paid or credited to jiej- holderi , t All other eipendlluera J II B, M0. 31 Total dUbursementa 9 3,t3,7TI.Cl Admlttad Aaioto Vslus of real eauta owoed (maiket (lutl 9 t fene on mortgagca and collateral, etn. t Valua of bonds owned (amortlwl, . , 0.30.131 .90 Value of itocka owned (market tUue) 1,177.100.00 rraeli In hanks an d'in hand 083.501 40 rrcmluttis In (yiutae of ollortloa written llnca IVita-mbar 30, 1914.. 901,110.14 fntereet and rente due and accrued M,570.r,T Other amta (net) 10.001 T7 Total admlUed atatts 9 I.4IPMT.S7 aClabllltloi, Surplus And Othar Fund Tulal ut.pald claim 9 OI3.17g.00 Karlmatad nas iduitment aipanaa for unpaid dalmi 97.134.00 TnUl unearned premiums on all un tiplrert rUki 4,007,710.89 Bslarloe, rents, trptat'S, Will, ac munta, feat, etc., dua or accrued 15,107.00 EatlmaUd amount duo or accrued for taiea 111,419.09 CoDimlMlone. brokerag, or other chaneo due and accrued 97.901 Ot All other lUbllltlea 14.180,39 Total UMIIttea, tgcapt pltal. . t 4,907,150.04 Capital paid up 9 1,000,000 00 N'ifpina our all lie- hlllllea t.161.371.3.1 SuriJlua aa r-garda prilcyU(ilders...9 1.403.171.99 T-rfal 9 . V. 37 Baalneaa In Orafon for tht Yaart Nat nMnlums recehed 9 1" 3"0 4t KH Ineeea paid Il,7tt9 tl Olttderla paid or cerdltad la policy- hnMrra , t TH1 ORHXA.B.BCTjmTY T. U U. IKS. CO. O. ft. Carlaeon, TVeiMadt Adam Senug, VecraUry FAJfltV SERVES NOTICE Selma, O. Uh Look out Wash ington, D. C Mr. and Mrs. CloviS Dillon have three daughters In the Selma high school. Gwenda has been elected president of the freshman class. Norma has been elected president of the Junior YNorais or annual iTAmrm Olf TUB WASHINGTON NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY of Eiaiutori. In lb Bta! of Illinois, oa Ut thirty-tint dar of Doctmbrr. 1041. mada u tbt Ibiuranca Cotumlailonar f tb flat f Onpsm. punuaut to la; Amount of capital atock paid ut.. tnoomt Total prarolum lo'comt for tht mr. .919.4M.t4T -99 lnttmt. dlttdtoda and KBta raoalrcd durtng tba rear 999,419.19 Incotn from otlier aourcta rtoili! durlns tha year 1,099.909.41 Tola llncoma .....929.43u.f 95.14 Dlsbnriimontc Paid for oltacs. tndowmrnia, annul tlra and surrender valuta 9 8.199.490.54 Dlildcnda paid to polloboldm dor liif tha )Mr 4T.99T.49 Dlvldcndi paid on aapltal 1100k dur , titf tha raar 910,900.09 Cummliilona and aalatlea pad! Our- Ini tha jtar .,, 9.99A.0S9.19 Taxta, Uctnacc and ftti pahl f'urlng tha rear 481.lS9.4f Amount of all olhtr aicandlturaa. . 4.HHW4.W Total eiwoJltuire 9U.0&9.8B4.S9 Anota Value of ml tstatt owned (market value) I 1 53. OR II lanaiia on mortgage! and collateral , et 11. 590.310. 57 Valua of bonda owned amortlied.. 10,400.480.51 Valua of atochi owned (market nlua) 8M.000.00 Premium note an dMU-y loana..,. tOT.t01.09 t'aah in banks and on band Mlt.T04.lf Inlrmt and rente dua and airurd 147.001.19 Ntt unooltecttd and defeired prera- tuma Other aaseta (net).. 9t.9U.9a.94 Total admitted aeaeta ....991,030.594.91 LUblUtlat Net reacm 1t,4SS.319.5t flroM claims for Iomh unpaid I,4!9,A!.S9 Ail other HablllUra 94.713.743.f9 Total liabilities, txrtpt capital. . .999.011.91194 rsptlal paid up 9 4,000,000.00 Surplus etcr all lla bllltlca Intl. contln genry reaent 9,009.090, IT Stiiplua ai regards pollcyholdrn... .9 t.OOJ.8M.4t ToUl 904. 090,304.91 nalnaia In Ortoron for tht Twvi Net priHnlunia and aitnultlea rectlrad during tha year 90.179.99 bhldenda paid during tha year.... . 4IT.41 Net oletea and tlalma, andnwmentl. urrendera, and annuities paid dur tng the year lO.ftSM WiSHUfQ-rOX VATXOIf AIi ' MSUJIAKCjI COM FA ITT (1. n. Kendall, rrealdeni James P. llamer, ftecrelary Matutnry resident attorney for aenlca, flnmho Insuranca Agency. Lewis building. Iurtland 4. YNOrstB Or ANNt'AU 0TATKUVK Or TIIH PROVIDENT FIRE INSURANCE CO. organised under tht lawa or tha Stat of Hew Itampihtre, on tba thirty Hrrt day of Oaceobrr. 44, mada to tha Inautaoca CUrminlaalonar of tha State of Oregon, pursuant to law. Inooma Nat premiums recched 9 l,B8t,T99.ST Total Intareil. dividend and tal' eatata Income 97.911.74 Income from other eourcta 1T9.94 ToUl Income 9 1.4TT.T90.1I Slatanraomanta Net amount paid polkjhuldera tor Iaa adjuatmtnt txptnaea Agents oommlaalona or broktrago. . .' Ualarlea and fee ofNcera, director, homa offltt tmployea Tales, llceuies and fees , liltldetids paid to stockholders pltldends paid or ottdlted to policy holdera All other tipandliuNi 959.949.91 17,011.04 411.080. 9i 9t.3T.t3 30,811.91 0 fl 99.790.41 ToUl dlabursements 9 l.K9.0tf!.9l Admlttat) Aneti Value of rati eitatt owned ( market laliie) 9 ' t tViaiia on mortgages and collateral. etc t Value of biml owned lamnrilse.ll.. 1,509.607. 14 Value of atiKks owned (market iBlue) 6)13,4(15. Op Cash In banks and on hand 101. 407.01 Premiums In course of collection written ilnco HeiitemlN-r 80, 1044 1IIT.3M.84 Interest and rents dua and accrutd ll.Ul.go Other asseU (net) 1.130.01 Total admitted aaaels 9 l.TOMSl.lf ZiUbUitlaa, Snrplai And Othar Punda Tutsi uiil'ald dalma 9 983,9l)t.3T Katlmated hiss adjuttinent aipetisa for unpaid claim., 9,041. IT ToUl unearned premiums on all un- Biplrtd l,lR0,0T1.9e Salaries, renU, aspensfS, bills, ao- ctiunti, few, etc., due or accrued 9,989.97 Estimated amount dua or accrued for Uiei 10.117 99 CutntnlMlons, brokeraga, or othar i-harges dua and accrued H.M4.H All other llabUlllf i.511.31 Tots) llabltlilta. ticept capital. ...9 1,801.039.37 rapllal pi Id up 9 MUU.OOu.Otf Uurplus ottr all lla- hllllle 901,418 85 Surplus aa regards policyholders. .9 1.081,419.111 ToUl 9 9.7G3.433.II Bnalntaa in Oragon for tht Taan Mvl pitrinluina recelied 9 IT. Oil. IT Net losie paid Oltldanda paid or rredlled to potlcr holders f rSOVIDBNT Till IKS U AW CM COMPANY K, W. Wwell, rrcaldmt llarrr llalprln, dtrcretary ntatiitory rraldent attorney fur lenka, A. D Trunkey J'ortland, Oregon. STNOfHIH OF AXKPAI. BTATE11KMT Of THE PROTECTIVE INDEMNITY COMPANY af New Tork, In tht Huts of New York, on tht thirty tint day of Dn-etnl-er, 1044. mada to the Inauranra Commlai loner of tha SUtt of Oregun, puisuant to law, Xnoome Net premiums reorlttd during tht year 9 1.107,310.91 Interest, dhldtml and renU rrveltad during Ue year 99.0tl.4t InmnM from other eourtea racalTtd during tha year 55,001 SO Total Income 9 1.390.000.91 Dlabnraamenti Net laet paid tluring the j.r In clmhng adjuitinent einenmi 9 813,014.07 CommiasiiffiB and saUiles paid dur ing (ha year 14S.T93 S3 Taira, flnansea and fees paid during tha rear 30,0m. IT Dhldtnda paid on capital stock dur- Ina the year M.OOO.OO Ithtdnt'lt paid to pollc)hoideis dur ing tha year t Amount of all other nprndltiuea. ., 100.1U.S3 Tola! mpetKlltiirea 9 I,14, Admfttod Anati Valua of hondi ownotl (sinortlll . .9 l.I-0,J ll.M Value of sto"ksoMned (market value 1M.5.W00 Cah In liankt and on hand irg, I'reniluma In ctrurat of collection wrltien si nrt fl"ptemhr W. 1944.. fnierr.t and rents dua and acrrued 9,A41 S3 Other asieU (UH) I.4.I3 TVittt admlKed aert 9 l.tcr.ow 5t Llabllltloa, Burping and Othar Fonda Utrm Hal mi fur haws unpaid S 6X1,391, It Amount of unearned prtunlumi on all outiutuiing rtitu oia.nou II P;o for efmmlMlons and brokerage 04, Oil. Of All other liabilities. U1M Hi'slee. rent, eipentea. Mils, ao- emints. Me 1.TI9.79 JC-ilmjt1 amount duo or accrued for taiea 34.411 TnUI llahllltlee, ticept csplfal. . . .9 1.144.448.3? Capital paid up 9 1.0X0,000 00 rtiirriiiii oitr ail ila- MIHIm flTMtt.TI Buiplui as tegarda policyholders.... 9 l,7f,,VTI T'Hal j l.uW.OfTO.29 Set preml inns rcrelrrd during the 'he yar .9 w.trg u Uti h--w tM d'lrttit Uie mr. . . 1 '.11.17 FROTPCTIVB Iff DEM WITT COMPANY Itdwln B. Ackerman, Prwaldeot frank Kchaap, ftacretary tstutory realdent attiroey for aenlca, Intuf sn-t Cirmmleeloner. Tste. Weitenfelder A llerc, Inc., Ill Wile BulJdlog. rortiand, Ortgon. closs. Bonnie has been elected president ol the senior class. Their father is president ot the school board. SYNOPSIS Or ANNUAL STATEMENT -. OF THJC JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Boston, la the BtiU of UaaaechusetU, on tha -thlrty-flrat day of Itavcmbur, 1044, mada lo tha Insuranca Commlatluuar of tba BUU of Oregon, pursuant to alar: 1 OApitot ' Amount of capital stock paid up.-.. V 9 Inooma Twi crtmluma Incucua far tba -mr 4i7I.W4.UO.S9 : lottrast. diildanda and root ra oIed during tha year 90,677,919-11 income from other aoui-caa race! red during tha mr S9.9v7.19a.8t toUl lncoma. . .... ...... , , . .9390.809 131 90 , Uiabunamanta Paid for loasei, aodowmenu, annul ttea and tvurundw laluaa and discount 999.009,799.91 Dlddends paid 10 policy hoi dare dur ing tat jaar 99,719.309.34 DMdeada paid on capital Block dur ing tht year . OuDunlailona and aalarlaa paid duy lot tha year (Inoludlnt branch of- Htaum,.,., , , r,Oi,i1B.0a Star. llcvuiei and fiea paid dur- a.OTi.iaa.OT Amount of all other aspondiuiraa.. 98.701.400.99 ToUl axcandlturti... .....9191,118.09104 Aaata Valua of ml aattu owned (market - ' taltlt) A. ltd t at Loans on uortgagta and ooUataral. w- lM.lB5.Mt.ll aluo of bonda owned amortised) 1,1T4.BT3-I00 tt Valua of atoaka owned (market lua 97.730.903. 4T Irtmlua notes and policy loans... ga.73S.0Ti 11 Cub In banks and on band 84.461-090-71 Interest and renta duo and accrued 14.311.UT-1T Net unouUeattd and deferred praov lun 94.199.94S.M Other aiaau (ntt) and asseU ao4 -T.451.701.4t ToUl admitted assata l.l.l.791.0e Urnta dalma for loasai unpaid,.,,,' r',901. 854.tT Ail outer liahUitita,, .......190,fito r04 94 Total UahttlUaa, ticapt capital. 91. 48l.BCl.4M.fl Os pltal paid up 9 t e Surplua ant all lla- bllltlea 141.S0 4.311. 3S Surplus aa regard pollaboldan...9141,9fl4.911.9t Total .....91.e91.130.T01.09 uatnaia in Oraron for tha Taart Net utemliiui and annuttlaa rectlrtd during the year 9 9Tl.59f.4S Dividend paid during tha rear... 41.IU.9C Net liwa and claims, endowments. aurrendsra, and annuities paid dur- Ing tht year 131. HP. Of JOHlt HAKOOCK XT7TUAX. XKSUJVAHOj. OOMPAVT Paul F. Clark, PTMldent Xlmer I French, Secretary Statutory realdent attorney for aenlca. Iniur- inoa Commluloner. VTNOpaiS OF ANNDA1 BTATKMKNT OF TI1K UNlTKIl RTATKB IMUNfll BRITISH GENERAL INSUR ANCE COMPANY, LTD. at London, Knglsnd. on tha thlrly-flrst dar ot December, 1044, mada to the Insuranca CummU alonrr of tba SiaU of Oregon, pursuant to lawt Inooma Net tirenduma received 9 411.0M.W Total Interest, dhldends and rtat aeUta Inooma 40.91B.Ot Income from other sources. , 9.451,09 . Total lncoma 471.01t.01 OUbnnamants Net amount paid polluyhuldarg fnr . loaaee , 9 104.t7MS toes adjustment tipansta... 10.501,14 Agenta rommlsrinna or brokerage. , . , 101,326.01 Salariea and feet ofTlrera. directors. noma office employea U.139.99 Tts a. licensee and foea 17.994-47 Dhldends paid to stockholders, ... t IMUdenda paid or credited to poller- holder ,,,,,,, 0 AH othar. npendlturea 77.907.41 Total disbursements 9 40T.t43.G9 Admlttad Aaiata Value of real riUta owned (market laluel , 9 ' ' " t Luana on morlgageg and collateral. etc. ' ii.m.oo Value of bonds owned (amort I ted) 1.01M1M1 Valua of atotktowned (market ralue) 911.430.00 Cash In banks and 011 hand 95,171.01 lremluma In course of oollivtlna written slnct Hcittomber 90. 1014.. ' 03.311.95 Intereit and rents dua and accrutd T.llfl.AO Other awls (net) -t.01t.Tr Total admitted asssts 9 I,3t1.tl8.09 XiUblUtlos. Surplus nd Othar Funds Total umald cUluu 9 74.36. 00 Kstiuiati-d losa adjustment expense for unitald dalms 4,333.00 Total unearned premluma oil all un- ei j.l ted risks , 43T.t9T.91 Salaries, ren'j, eipensca, bills, ae- rounti, fees, etc., due of ace.ued 1,400.00 Ettimatrd amount dua or actrued for tales 13.UO.00 Cninm Is Inn, brokerage, or other charges due and accrued.., 9.000.00 All other llablllliea 8.731.00 Total liabilities, except capital... 9 ,043.017.81 Statutory deposit 9 lW0.0O0.0t Surplus our all, lla bllltlea 3tg.tOO.91 Surplua aa regards policyholders.,.. 9 919,900.91 Total , 9 l.aoi.tll.fl Bualnaai In Oraron for tht Taart Net premiums recelted 9 3.757.49 Net loeses ld 3.313.89 BRITISH OllfBRAL IN8VKAH0JI COM PAH T, LTD. K. W. Koccksrt. l. S. Manager Bialutory resident atturney fof asrvloe. Insur ance Commissioner. nvNorsis or annual statement or tub MICHIGAN FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY of Detroit. In tha State of Michigan, on the thlny-rir-A day of December, 1014, made to tba imuranct CitnniiMiucwr of tba Stala of Oregon, pursuant to law: InoomfB Net. premium! rerelred 9 9,(35,049.03 Tout inwreat. dhldends and raal eatata Income 197,670.19 Income from othar aourcoa 10,009.57 ToUl Income 9 9, ,011.400.77 ,117.311. 39 Cl.017.01 TJlibnra?manta Nat amount paid polio bolder fr II. Loei adjiutuent atpanata Agents cumtnlMlona or broktrago.,..' Hatarlee and fees -itfkera. diractors. 5D9.003.6T 117. 900.1 1 Itoma otMoa employe Tf, llcvnsea and feet.,.,. UMdeuda paid to s(ckruMtrs (Caab, lUO.niMj.W); stock, nunt) Dliitlfndi paid or credited to poUcy- holders 0 900.894. TS All otlier tipcndlturct , ToUl disbursements 9 3.413.040.14 Admlttad Aaaatai Value of real ntuu owned i mat Vet ttlue) 1 Loan on morigagea ana eoiwettl. l.lfll.Tlu.Sf r.08.1St M 130. 103.01 300,811.31 21,998 31 0 Talut of bonda owned (amortised).. im of stM-ks flwnod (market talue) Cisn In banks and on hand rnmlums In course of collection written slnct Hrtl tuber SO. lull.. Intemt and rmu dua and accrutd Other AsarU (nelt TrHal admitted aetta I ZiUbilltiag. SnrDlua and Othar Tnnds 1uii unpaid r-ninn 4W.99.JI Kitlmstcd loss adjuaiment erpenaa for unpaid etalrns 31.000.00 Total unearned premium 00 all un- tiplred rltk 1,131.929.10 Salariea. rents, niwfifet, bills, to- emtnts, fee, etc., due or accrued I.0O0.OO foilmstrd ami'init dua or accrued for Uica. t3.Sv0.0t GnunlMlHis, brukerage, or other chargea due and accrued 9 000 00 All other lUblliUto Tnul llahllltlrs, atcrpt capital. ..9 1,735,031.4 Tapiul paid up 9 1.000,000.00 Surplia out aU lla- hllltlea t,71R.90fl,99 Run tui 1 regarda lmtlrrholdeia. , . J l.TflH.MO.OS trt .9 5.504.15130 Builnaaa In Oraron tat tha Tear: Nil prwilums m-eltod ......9 1I.MB.? Net losses paid T.CJfT Dlild-nd paid or credited to policy- D-iMcre MXCHIOAK Fntsj tj XAKX1TB INSUaVAKCB COMPAtfT . Walter B. Outtenden. Praaldent William T. Henallaca. Secretary . Htatubfry resident attorney for aerrlce, A. T Ifoldcn, Jr., 431 iftad Building, Porilaud, Ort-goo.