PAGE EIGHT THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, SATURDAY JUNE 2. 1945 Stocks Advance Under Rails' Lead By Elmer C. Walzer (United Press Financial Editor) New York, Juno 2 IP Stocks advanced under the lead of rails during the first part of todav's short session and then turned lr reRUlar on week-end realizing. Railroad Issues lost part of their earlv gains after their av erage had risen to a new high since Mav 8, 1937. Utilities also sagged following a rise to a new top since March 31. 1937 in their average. Declines In such issues as American Tobacco B., Du Pont, American Telephone and the lead ing steels brought a small reces sion into the Industrial average. Canadian Pacific again fea tured the market in turnover. It made a new high at 17, up , the best price attained by the issue since 1934 when It sold at 18 'A. New York Central was ac tive. The stock sold at a new high and later lost its fractionul rise. Other rails backed away from their best levels. Classified Rates I FOR SALE FOB RENT Local Paid In Advance 25 Words One Time .SiSc 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.35 . , r , , ,., .,, TWO ROOM furnished house, not ISO ft. and 8-week old New Hamp- , ,-.,.. j,.., '',.. snire cntt-Ks i-aun n juu w- them all. One, new 500 chick on All word oror SI arid le per word Homo j 1367 Elgin, Oao asonttt run. same eopr, V dor rata Muilnam Chart-, Sfre brooder. Young rabbits all sizes. I Dressed or on Joot. H. C. Sulton, NEWLY BUILT 5-room, modern Ii . n.l,i4nli, f vnii.'hnrl nrtnr LINE RATE lOo-CAPITALS 20o! "7T t ml . See this at CloutMtd AiWortUIno, Caah In ArivoDCO Dolly Cloolnv Tlno lltio r. 1212 Cumberland. MRETINO of LOYAL ORDER of U C0WS. MILKING. Route 1, Box MOOSE, Second and hourtn im 313 mile south Young's days, Lames 01 tne raoose r 11 si scn, and Third Fridays. age I 207 Riverfront. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Cpurt house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone tr or call 755-W. NICE LARGE bedroom with twin beds for couple of men or girls. Kitchen and telephone privileges If desired. Call 892-M. Gen. Eisenhower' Is Coming Home DANCE for members, families and candidates every Saturday night, no charge. BEND LODGE, NO. 128 1. 0. O. V. Meets Every Monday Night I. O. O. F. Temple 265 Franklin Avenue D.Ray Miller. Phone 1079-W, Sec'y D. R. Sullivan, Noble Grand FOR SALE PLANTS AT FANTON's Garden. Strawberries, pansies, perennials, cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, brus sel sprouts, head lettuce, some an nuals. Fanton's Garden, 829 Og-den. school, off Butler Market road. 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED semi modern house, indoor toilet. Call at 147 E. Olney. FACTORY BUILT Vagabond! 7 r00M MODERN house furn- Trailer house completely furnish ed. Good 16-Inch tires. Will trade for furniture. 350 Division. ished witlf garage, 3 bedrooms Inquire 144 'A Roosevelt after 3:00 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS THOR CERTIFIED WASHER SERVICE We have the experience and equipment to give expert service on all makes. Century Drive Serv ice Station. Phone 275-J. REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, lee SIO.00. Phone McMullin Camp Sherman 832. this closed and the Executor dis charged. DATED: at J3end, Oregon, 19th day of May 1945. WALLACE S. ALMQUIST, Ex ecutor of the Estate of Cora M. Almquist, Deceased. De ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys at Law, Bend, Oregon. 141-147-152-4C WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. T .ft 11a phpplr vnil monhlno obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 171 AOA WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now in load lots. Limbs or body. City or Countrv. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. SEED POTATOES, $2.00 per hun dred. Call after June 2nd at Bert Torkelson's, 1 'A miles east Brade- tlch's Dairy. Rt. 1, Box 200. 3-ROOM MODERN furnished apartment, private bath, electri cally equipped. Inquire 141 Geor gia or Phone 766. HAVE YOUR SEWING machine repaired now by your local repair man. nenaoie worK done, call 957-J or bring machine to 235 E. Franklin. . USED CARS Washington, June 2 (Hi Gen Dwlght D. Eisenhower, supreme commander of the allied expe ditionary f.vre, will arrive in Washington. June 18 from Eu rope, the war department an nounced today. Elsenhower plans to visit New York on June 19, and then ro to Kansas City, Mo., June 21. From Kansas City he will go to Abi lene, Kan., his home town, where his mother still lives. Annnnnmmanl rtf flirt nviii time of Gen. Elsenhower's nr- 50 NEW HAMPSHIRE Red Pull rlvnl In Wnishinplnn and of the etS, 3 months Old. Good Stock, program for his reception here Rt. 1, Box 467 or phone 314-M will be marie later, the war de. '29 CHEVROLET 2-Door $125.00; '30 Chevrolet 4-door $135.00; '31 Chevrolet 2 door $150.00; '31 Chevrolet 4 door $175.00. All priced for quick sale within OPA ceiling. 1929 Model A radiators and narts of all kinds. Acetylene welding outfit. All this can be seen at 136 Greenwood, RESTAURANT. Good location. Small down payment. Balance easy terms. Write Bend Bulletin No. 20. 2 BEDROOM MODERN plastered, near Kenwood school, attic finish ed in knotty pine, furnace, electric not water heater, wired for elec tric range, drilled well, garage. Priced at $3750. 1361 Federal St. part men t said. Major Putnam To Marry Soon Michigan City, Ind., June 2 UPi MaJ. George Palmer Putnam, for mer husband of Amelia Earhart, famous woman flier missing on a Pacific flight since 1937, will mar ry Margaret Haviland June 10. Maj. Putnam, who participated in the first B-29 raids against the Japanese from Chinese bases, re cently returned to the U. S. The wedding will take place In San Marino, Calif., where Miss Haviland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Haviland of Michigan City, is serving with the mobile service division of the USO. ' BRED DOES, one with young, four unbred does, one double, and one single self-cleaning hutch. Al so three quarter Inch galvanized wire for bottom of hutches. Call at 147 E. Olney. MAN'S GOLD POCKET watch, Swiss movement, size 012. Inquire 1588 Awbrey Rd. Phone 664-W. 12 GAUGE WINCHESTER Model 24 double shotgun, walnut stock with leather case and shells. 1361 Federal. 1 ELECTRIC FENCE; 2 17-inch tires and tubes. Very good; 1 two wheel trailer for car. Fruit jars, quart size at R. F. Jackson's, Boyd's Acres, Rt. 2, Box 269A. 36 V-8 2 DOOR SEDAN with healer. See after 6:00 p.m. Harvey W. Kldgeway, Rt. 1, Redmond. WANTED TO BUY SADDLE HORSES or ponies, 500 lbs. up. Must 'be gentle for kids or women. Write or leave description and price. Must be reasonable. Joe Garske, 1333 West 10th Street. LEAVE YOUR ORDER for that new sewing machine now. Also pay top prices for old sewing ma chines. Call 957-J or bring ma chine to 235 E. Franklin. NOW'S THE TIME to plaster or patch that room, build that chim ney and fireplace, have those con crete sidewalks. For your work call H. Heck, 504-W. THE CENTURY OIL Burner Service representative, Ray K. Bowley will be In Bend next week. Call 991-M for appointment. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 1 and Union High School District No. 2, of Deschutes County, State of Oregon, "that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETINGS of said Dis tricts will be held at the High School Building, Bend, Oregon, to begin at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m. and to close at the hour of 7:00 p.m. on the third Monday of June, being the 18th day of June A.D. 1945. .; This meeting is called for the purpose of electing one director for the five year term and the transaction of business usual at such meeting's. Dated this 2nd day of June, 1945. ATTEST: A. O. Schilling, Chairman Board of Directors. I. Cothrell, Clerk. 152-4c TO TRADE 1938 Chevrolet sedan delivery in good condition for late model pickup, no Fords. Inquire George's Radio Service. Phone 900. . 1 POTATO CULTIVATOR, one 2-way plow, 1 disc. Inquire Robert Koopman, Rt, 2, Box 173, 1 'A miles northwest of Tumalo. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., June 2 eipt Weekly livestock: Cattle 1300, calves 405. Compared week ago, fed steers and cows medium grade down 25 to 35c higher. other classes steady to 25c higher. Vealers fully 50c higher. Good $3500 BUYS NEW, modern 2 bed room home. East side. Immediate possession. $1850 buys 4 room modern on East 3rd street. Imme diate possession.. C. V. Silvls, 118 Oregon Ave. JERSEY COW. just fresh, nice White Face calf. W. R. Gerking, Rt. 2, Bend. 2 TWIN-SIZE BEDS complete with mattress and springs. One small chest, one double-size mat tress. 716 Broadway. FOUR ROOM MODERN house, two bedrooms, and breakfast nook, new roof and paint. Furn- lsned or uniurnlshed, ou it. lot jn lawn. Terms. Inquire 1107 Mil waukee. FIVE ROOM modern house on Delaware, completely furnished. Small down payment. Balance like rent. Inquire 404 Florida or Phone 915-M. HAVE WAITING list of respon sible people wanting to buy two or three bedroom modern homes. If you have one for sale and want quick action list your property with Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon. PLASTERING and PATCHING. Call 108-J. Redmond. WILL THE PARTY that rented Apartment 473 Riverside Ave., please call 892-M. FOR BEAUTIFUL long wearing Luk-Shu-Ri k nit rayon lingerie, stylish dresses, and Hoover uni forms phone Mrs. -Elsie A. Dunn, 615-J, No. 7 Westonia Apts. This week featuring dainty lace trim med white slips at $2.95. PRINTING WILL BUY equity or pay cash for 4 or 5 room partly furnished house. Write Box 8, Bend Bulletin. LARGE VANITY with mirror. 930 Broadway, Apartment No. 4. VERY NICE 3-room modern house close In. Full concrete base ment, pipe furnace, breakfast nook, garage. Phone 624-W or call at 540 Congress. and choice fed steers S16.00 to Oregon 18.00, outside equal to record high , HAM RECEIVER, like new. Na paid for three loads. Common to 1 .,, lurlB Nr. 144' . v.rnaApBat band. Short wave from 1.6 to 30 I NC. Inquire George's Radio Serv- BEDROOM SET, dining set, cook stove, and miscellaneous items. 511 12th St.. Redmond. Phone . SMALL UPRIGHT piano, bed dav- 113-Y. enport and other furniture. 433 1. W A T-T TO l.S'h Th"d SV In fine shape. J. j. Race. Chemult, GOOD, YOUNG GENTLE milk cow. Guernsey preferred. Ted Po vey, Rt. 2, Box 28, Phone 2-F-23. , LARGE SIZE gill's bicycle in good condition. Call 314-M. LADY COOK for. fishing lodge; also man and wife for cabin work. Inquire-U. S. Employment Service. GOOD ELECTRIC range. Phone 1176-J. Warren Wing, 54 Portland Ave. HELP WANTED 1 Ice. Phone 900. medium steers $12.00-15. Stock ers $13.00-15.00; common to med ium heifers $11.00-14.50, good fed heifers to $16.00 s canner to cutter cows $7.0010.00, fat dairy type i $1050 BUYS 4 10 $11.75 and over. Medium to em nouse. good beef cows $11.50-13.50; med ium to good sausage bulls $10.50 12.50, good beef bulls $13.00 13.75; good to choice vealers, top $17.00. Hogs. Unchanged and mostly at ceiling. All barrows and gilts $15.75, sows $15.00, stags mostly $14.50 with 70 lb. dock. Good to choice feeder plRS $19.00-20.00, heavies down to $18.00. Sheep 1950. Compared week ago market unchanged hut 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. Brand now pipe furnace. New ventian blinds. Wired for electric stove. Garage and wood shed. Nice yard. Lot is fenced. 362 E. Clay. 1038 R for appointment. ROOM semi-mod- Paved street, west side. Immediate possession. $2400 buys good 4 room modern, west side. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon Ave. BROOD SOW to furrow in July. 2'ii miles north, mile west of Tumalo. O. B. Twiggs. ADJOINING CITY of Redmond 40 acres with full water right. Six room modern home, large dairy barn, equipment and sheds for 2000 turkeys. A well located coun- late I try home priced at $10,000. reason- demand for feeders narrow. Good able terms. Frank McGarvey, 118 to choice wooled crop lambs Oregon Ave. $14.25, shorn kinds $13.25, med ium to good No. 2 pelt kinds $11.50 1o 12.50: good to choice spring lambs $13.75, medium grades I RABBITS: 4 DOES ones and one buck. 1 more. with little 1124 Balll- 13.00, common 47 lb. feeders $9.00 STUDIO COUCH, radio, baby bug good shorn ewes $6.50 to 6.75, gy, play pen and incinerator. Call wooled ewes to $8.50. I evenings 1214 Albany. SODA FOUNTAIN, back bar and counters. Call Sunday or evenings at 2 Broadway. MAN 25 to 40 years old to work in creamery. Good opportunity to become experienced creamery man and insure post-war employ ment. Must be willing to learn, sober, steady on the job. Good sal ary. 6 days per week, vacation with pay after 1 year. Chance for quick advancement. Write Bend Bulletin No. 79. Please give draft status. 1 LARGE CIRCULATING heater, used 5 months, walnut buffet, 1224 Milwaukee. FOR RENT FURNISHED LIGHT housekeep ing rooms in modern home. Gas for cooking. Use of Phone. Out side entrance. Also, sleeping room. Reasonable rent. Phone 46-M or call at 424 E. Kearney. NICE 3 ROOM modern house with rugs and stoves. Lots of builtins. Basement and screened In back porch. Nice lawn and shade trees. Wood house and ga rage, good location. $25.00 per month. Call at 1445 Cumberland or Phone 1057-J. BOARD nnd ROOM and cabins for rent. 803 Delaware. Call 31-W. "WANTED BY S. P. & S. Railway men between the ages of 21 and 45 to qualify for positions Brake men and switchmen. For informa tion inquire of local S. P. & S. Railway Agent." SITUATION WANTED HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work on ranch. Strong and willing. Write or come to 29 Terminal Place. Clinton Martin. LOST RATIONING BOOK, name, Kitty M. Bratton. Finder please call at 115 Hawthorne or Phone 155. TAN JACKET at East Lake, Wed nesday. Will the party who picked It up please return to Bond Street Food Market. RATION BOOK No. 3 issued to Martin Lane. Finder please return to Checkerboard Cafe. WW iQDSELTD WB VPfW HIGHEST IPWDOES Someone Needs Your Car! Many people urgently need dependable wartime transportation. If your car Is not vital to you now, sell it for a good cash price, put the money into bonds for a new car later. Drive in for an appraisal no obligation. Complete Auto REPAIR Service Lubrication Tire Service Tires - Batteries Towing WILL PERSON who took a brown zipper billfold out of jacket, please return It to Douth lis. No questions will be asked. FOUND 825 X 20 10 PLY GOODYEAR truck tire. Owner may claim by paying for ad and identifying. 164 'a E. Irving St. Between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS BEND WASHER SERVICE Genuine factory parts. Service on all makes of appliances. Monev back guarantee on all makes of washing machines Including Mav tag and Bendix. I'huf.; 583. 136 Greenwood. YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any ulze you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the coun ty court of the state of Oregon for the county of Deschutes ap pointed administratrix of the es tate of George M. Ericksen, de ceased, and all persons holding claims against said estate are re quired to present the same with proper vouchers to the under signed at the office of Ross Farn ham, attorney at law, in Bend, Oregon, within six months after the date hereof. -Dated and published first time May 26, 1945. MARIE S. ERICKSEN, Admin istratrix. Estate of George M. Ericksen, Dec. 147-152-4-10-C Notice of School Election Upon Question of Increasing Tax Levy Over Amount Limited by Section 11, Article XI, State Constitution Notice is hereby given that an election will he held in Union High School District No. 2 of Deschutes County, State of Oregon, at the Bend High School Building in said school district, for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters of said district the question of in creasing the tax levy for the year 1945-46 over the amount limited by section 11, article XI, of the Constitution of Oregon. The reasons for Increasing such levy are: To provide necessary funds for the operation and maintenance of the school of the district as pro vided in the budget for the school year 1945-46. The amount of lax, in excess of the 6 limitation, proposed to be levied for said year is $16,018.40. The polling place will be open for -the receiving of votes from 2:00 o'clock until 7:00 o'clock in the afternoon of Monday, June 18, 1945. Dated this 16th day of May, 1945. ATTEST: A. O. Schilling, Chairman Board of Directors. I. Cothrell, District Clerk. 147-152C State Guardsmen Plan For Shoot . Company B, Bend's unit of the Oregon State guard, is reactivat ing the old national guard rifle range at the brick yard, it was reported today by Capt. Ralph Graham, commander of the comp any. The officer said the range; nas been idle since 1940, and that he expected the men to have it ready for use in a short time. Sunday at 8 a.m., the company members were asked by Capt. Graham to report at the high school gymnasium, following which they will go to the range to work. At 2:30 p.m. Sunday, according to the captain, those members who have not qualified may take small bore rifle practice at the indoor range at West 14th Elgin streets. Britain Accused By Gen. De Gaulle Paris, June 2 tin Gen. Charles Dp Gaulle accused Britain today of fomenting the crisis in the Levant. He said France's position in international disputes is "to ne gotiate with all interested parties in a spirit of cooperation." De Gaulle's statements were made at a press conference. He said he saw no stumbling block to discussions with Britain, the United States, Russia and the Arabs. But he based France s willingness to negotiate the Lev antine issues on consideration of I the Arab world as a whole rather than this one specific sphere. He ended his conference with a plea for international good will in the interests of penpanent peace. Is StUl Hopeful "Despite the painfulness and in justice of the present series of incidents for France and me," he said, "I hope the affair will not have too far-reaching conse quences. "The countries involved have immense interests in common, but the main interest of everyone is peace. I don't believe there is a single human being on the globe who does not recognize that if this peace is not achieved through concessions and manifestations of solidarity, the future of the world will be very disquieting. "We must have peace. The world wants to live. You may be certain mat we win make peace,;' store and received a dress 72 sweater for $18 in worthl, paper. Another dry goods sto, supplied her with a $71 JJ! coat, for. which the New Yort bank failed to send the monev In another dry goods store sh. bought two suits,, leaving oi suit and a spurious check iH $43.50. Another dry goods toi er furnished Her with underv. Besides describing the autn. mobile which the wom "bought" here, state police aS gave Mrs. Adams' description as being five ' feet four inches Z height, weighing -150 pounds m having light brown hair turtZ gray. - s Two Bend Men To Get Discharges The war Is 'over for at least two Bend men, according to a United Press report from- Fort Lewji Wash., today. They have bem handed their discharge papeB under the army's point program and were members of a groups 80 Oregon and Washington men thus released. Expected to return home soon are T4 David Ryan, 1035 Bond street, and Cpl. Kenneth F. U wards, 725 A Marshall street. TO TRANSFER HOSPITAL Medford, Ore., June 2 tin. Camp White's 1750-bcd hospital will be transferred August 1 to navy control on a basis which will make it available for army as well as navy personnel, It ii announced today. Bad Checks No. for the bears Oregon 1942 license 259-213, and that a search the vehicle might turn up mucn-wantea woman. I Makes Purchases After completing her ."realty transactions," the home deal on and I Georgia avenue, and obtaining! the fine coupe, Mrs. Adams, alias Bend Abstract Co. Title Insurance Abstracts Walt Peak Phone 174 Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST . 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Office Phono 73 Rea. Phone 819-W WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ; OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES SERVICE STATIONS NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing upon the final ac count of WALLACE S. ALM QUIST, Executor of the estate of Cora M. Almquist, deceased, filed herein will be held in the Court house in the County Courtroom In Bend, Oregon at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon on Monday, the 18th day. of June, 1945, and all persons Interested in said estate are notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why said final account should not be ap proved, the estate settled and LET A MECHANIC SERVICE YOUR CAR" Dyer's Auto Service George M. Dyer Complete Auto Lubrication Firestone Tires & Batteries Sales and Service UNION 76 Gasoline TRITON Motor Oil 1108 Bond at Greenwood Phone 87 AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert mechanical and electri cal work on all nuikes of cars and trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING TIRE SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to Hudson-Duncan 1327 Wall Phone 812 BEAUTY SHOPS Try a BRECK TREATMENT It's wonderful for conditioning. You'll lie amazed at the new beauty of your hair. EXPERT OPERATORS May Laura Ardelle Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 484 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone B24 CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Best of Materials Furnished Our periodical inspection will insure you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone 3HH W or ll-F-23 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights GE Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 98 WASHERS WRINGER ROLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS Service 011 all makes of wash ing machines and electrical ap pliances. , Bend Washer Service 136 Greenwood Phone 583 Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting New Work Repairing Home Water Systems Sump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing 822 Wall Phone 217-W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing: in Long Distance Household Goods Movement RED RYDER MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" IKS Awhrev Rl Tel. B29-H Refrigerator Service All Type$ of Mechanical Servict On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Rnd Minnow. Phmio SHI LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Doily Service Every DiT Of the Year Phone 544 INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO FIRE LIFE Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 821 Drake Road Phone 316 John W. Smith, Agent 1588 Awbrey Rd. Phone 6frt-VV FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP FARMERS AUTOMOBILE INTES-INSURAME EXCHANGE 1 TRUCK INS. EXCHANGE & FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE Be Sale Not Sony Insure Today Prompt Claims Senice Standard Forn rolloy Eugene M.Bucknum.Dist.Mgr 1054 Bond St. Phone 331 PAINTING Painting:, Spray or Brush SHINGLE PAINT Cedar or composition any color. Asbestos Roof Coating: Free Estimate Curtis Painting Co. Box 541 Phone 84 F-13 By FRED HARMAN WHO. A. j Ik. 3 VlJr-5V mF.PTHS.. J I ID COttE TD BETH, RED, i SS IdA6'r. I lAlOAItKtlJ-lnj 1 IJUCHF55: FSI XW v ANT 1 1 tr ,. IT MC JktvV. I ff it ilIsJ W. B. Anderson Nash Co. 1173 Wall Street Phone 700 -