1 1 THE 6EN0 6ULtETlM..tENB,.OgE66N,TUa&AY,' JUN6 J, 14S ' " PAGE SEVEN t 4 if? New Adding Machines New Typewriters Available Soon, without Priority Deliveries to be made as production schedules allow on the basis of orders received. . Place your order NOW for the business machines . you II need, and have your name at the top of the STOP AND ASK US ABOUT THEM. ERIKSEN'S STATIONERY and OFFICE SUPPLIES Next to Chamber of Commerce Phone 141 Highest Type of Auto Machine Work BRAKE BRUM GRINDING CYLINDER REBORING (Up to 72 in. bore) PISTON REFINISHING MOTOR REBUILDING BRAKE'S AUTO SHOP Behind Stage Depot 1058 Bond Phone 795-J Cc"fyi:itb OREGON'S : FINANCIAL USPONSIIIUTY LAW ,.a-.. at the LOWEST POSSIBLE COST s,oootio,ooo uiit intanr pt Dmw uunr For Bend and Vicinity ' -A- laNea : "- totira InUwIdir looUraMw $10.18 car $10.76 est . f MUIUS bIUIm Ml the reqaireaiMts Oregoa'a FUucial Rnpeeilblilry Law. Eugene M. Bucknum 1054 Bond St. . Phone 331 FARMERS AUTOMOBILE i.t.r I IN S U R AN C E ink..,. Truck Insurance 'Exchange yrNy iwwuuia yJsX OUR STOCK of BICYCLE ACCESSORIES SUPPLIES PARTS COMPLETE Carl Austin REPAIR SHOP 220 GREENWOOD We FIX Auto-Lite BATTERIES Complete line dependable batteries for every make of automobile. ''.' 'em! Complete Auto Repair To keep your car giving peak performance, bring it to us for attention while your troubles are 'still small. Motor, battery, radiator, transmission, 4ires, , or Just lubrication, we can do the job right. GATES TIRES - AUTOLITE BATTERIES Central Oregon Garage WALT NELSnMCADl "7ecif Greenwood & Harriman v Phone 240', : - - . . . ; , . ' ' ' I I PLJR'MEXT POOR. WEIGHBOR) WEIL,THE GRASS I I ( YES. I'VE NOTICED THAT IM m ic? owkiM I ruS g.. yLJ : ' rV5n TIME HE HAS ':p( 5ffl Q, 5?S( TIME .3 44, UPSTAIRS' r- i ; ; gyf1 11 ""' Jffl l)TZ!fl H u ,-u r,.r,VOUR JOSli I llTHE STREET AT SIX ,0 W ' . W W itljlj $t r y' ' " ? ' ' rl n"