THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1945 PAGE FIVE Local News TEMFEBATURE Maximum yesterday, B8 degrees. Minimum last night, 34 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p. m., 46 de grees; 10 a. m., 58 degrees. Ba rometer (reduced to sea level): 10 p. m., 29.19 Inches; 10 a. m., Jjtf.atf Inches. Relative humidity; 10 p. m., 87 per cent; 10 a. in., 53 per cent Velocity of wind: 10 p. in., 2 miles; 10 a. m., 2 miles. Prevailing direction of wind: North. A. E. Hill, deputy collector for the internal revenue bureau, has moved his office from the Des chutes county courthouse to the O'Kane building and has occupied rooms 22 and 24. Charles L. Tebbe, assistant re gional forester In charge of the division of state and private for estry, conferred here today with staff members of the Deschutes national forest. Tebbe, who said that this is his first, visit to Bend in 14 years, is making a tour of all national forests In the region. V. N. Johnson of Fossil, last night was a guest at the Pilot Butte inn. ' Mrs. Robert Pearl of Burns, vis ited Bend friends today. P. W. Clemens was a business caller here today from Burns. L. H. Andrews, director of the state apprenticeship council under the Oregon department of labor, was in Bend today from Salem. Mrs. Elmer Lehnherr left yes terday . for Salem to visit her mother, Mrs. A. D. Olson. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Schanno, 225 Vine lane, are Mrs. C. F. Schanno and grandson, Clarence Pangle, from Pasco, Wash. ' Second Lt. Chelsea Browne, for mer Bend resident who was listed missing in action prior to the end' of the European war, has bepn found in a German prison camp and released, it has been learned here. Lt. Browne entered the serv ice from Roseburg. ; " ' Miss Harriett Elliott, 20, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Farley Elliott, has returned to her home, 543 Florida avenue, after being a pa tient at the St. Vincent hospital in Portland for 30 days. She is reported recovering. The name of Mrs. Kilton Ka misky, sister of Frederick Arthur Raycraf t, reported missing in ac tion in the Pacific, was inadvert ently omitted from a list of rela tives appearing in yesterday's Bulletin. Mrs. Kamisky lives at Paso Robles, Calif., where her husband is stationed at Camp Roberts. The executive board of the i Bend Red Cross chapter will meet . at 8 p. m. ' Monday in the Red ' Cross office over the iBank of Bend, Mrs. R. W. Hemingway, ex ecutive secretary, announced to day. The Thursday Bridge club will One of the Three Greatest Entertainments Of All Film History Can Now Be Shown FOR THE FIRST TIME AT REGULAR PRICES FIRST SHOWING AT 12:30 THEN 3:08 6:01 and 9 P.M. Three Days'- ( "I da.not know how to kiss... but I shall learn to kiss you very well!" v SJWt SEE AN EARLY Wm'M ENDS ANN SHERIDAN TONIGHT "THE DOUGHGIRLS meet at 2 p. m. with Mrs. H. M. Thomas, 624 Congress avenue, it was reported today. Circle No. 4 of the Catholic Altar society will meet Wednes day at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Louis Wiehl, 1010 East Sixth street. Melvin Newhouse, PM 3c, who participated in the invasion of two Jima on D-day, is here spend ing a brief leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barnard Newhouse, of Route 1. l . Pfc. Carrel A. Boylan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Boylan, for mer Bend residents who now re side in Portland, has hwn lihor. ated from a German prison camp, it has been learned here. Mrs. Euia Parsons, ticket clerk, has been added to the staff of Pacific Trailways. Mrs. Lee Barnett arrived last night from Oregon City to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bircliaid, lb04 East third. Mrs..R. S. Walters of Sisters was a Bend shopper today. Mrs. D. Ray Miller will leave tomorrow fof Portland on a buy ing trip for Wetle's store. Mrs. Nina' -E. Kingsbury of Terrebonne is a Bend visitor to day. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Steele and son, accompanied by Philip Poff, are here from St. Helens visiting at the home of Mrs. O. M. Whit tington, 165 St. Helens Place. Mrs. Steel is Mrs. Whittington's daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gunderson and son, Carl Jr., were in Bend yesterday from Longview, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Prichard, formerly of Shevlin, left yester day for North Bend, where they will make their home. Lester Duncan, Mo MM 2c, is on a 30-day leave from the navy, visiting his wife, who lives in Redmond, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Duncan of Bend. Lester is in the submarine serv ice. . Mrs. Harold Hunnell has re turned to her home in Corvallis after visiting in Bend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hensley. Mrs. Hunnell attended graduation exercises of the Redmond high schoo), in which her daughter Mil dred took part. Mildred returned to Corvallis for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ormlston ar rived yesterday from Eugene for a visit with Mrs. Ormiston's moth er, Mrs. Daisy Brown, and other relatives in Bend. Mrs. Marion Stilwell returned yesterday from Inyo Kern, Calif., where she spent two weeks visit ing her husband, who is in the navy. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Jack Johnson, who had been in San Francisco for two months visiting her husband, a Seabee. , Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladies free. ' Adv. I ( t -f : . Notice: Members I.W.A. Local 6-7. Executive board meeting Sun day, June 3rd 2 p.m., local hall, 933 Bond St. 4 DAYS STARTING SUNDAY s AS 5 State Program Spokane. Wash., June 2 tP The executive committee of the recently formed Pacific north west development association met here today to establish a five-state program for the Co lumbia river drainage area. At a preliminary meeting last night, the committee emphasized that its main purpose was to op pose any measures which would usurp state and local govern ment powers over the resources of the Columbia basin. It pledged cooperation with all federal, state and local agencies and all other organizations interested in tne protection of state's rights, in cluding water rights. Members said tney were in ia vor of measures to provide full employment for inhabitants of the Columbia river basin by the development of its resources through existing federah state and local agencies. Members of the executive board are Les A. Colby, Missoula, Mont., " managing director for Montana. Idaho. Washington, Oregon and Wyoming, with head- . i- T-i ,i i r . t , - quarters 111 rw uauu, Compton, McMinnville, Ore.; A. L. Atherton, Seattle, secretary; J.- L. Driscoll,' Boise, Idaho; L. C. Bishop! Cheyenne, Wyo., and Frank Kendall, Spokane. Official Records MUNICIPAL COURT Arrested by state officers, four Dersons appeared this week be fore Justice of the Peace Wilson George. Friday afternoon John W. Jones, 56, a resident of the Shady on charges of assault with a ! nmK niiiii mull. wia aiiaiciicui dangerous weapon in connection with an altercation Sunday night in the Shamrock on Bond street, The warrant was signed by the jot .sms $750 cash bail. No date was rach hail Nn riato was I set for the hearing, as Haf fner is receiving medical attention at the St. Charles hospital for severe facial wounds and was un able to appear. Pelmar Young of Lebanon was,D(Jor o the Home fined $25 and $2.50 costs when he entered a plea of guilty to a charge of assault and battery in connection with an affair May 22 on the Sisters highway. The com plaint was signed by Albert Poole, resident of a Bond street rooming house. - ( Darrell H. Jorgensen, 212 E. Irving, drew a $2.50 fine for oper ating a Vehicle with four persons in the driver's seat, and Z. L. Braly, Route 1, Bend, was fined $5 for driving with no tail light. MARCUS ISLE SHELLED Sah Francisco, June 2 ui Radio Tokyo said today that an American submarine shelled tiny Marcus island, about 1,100 miles northeast of Guam, shortly before ; i midnight Thursday (Japanese time). ! No further details were given j in the' broadcast which was re ; corded by the FCC. CONTINUOUS Ends "DEAD Tonight0 END" NEWS OF SOCIETY (All society Items should be reported to The Bulletin not later than 10 a.m. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and - - Saturdays.) ' ' ; ' ' ' Women of Moose To Meet Monday Pictures wil be shown and foods and meal planning will be dis cussed Monday, June 4 at 8 p.m. in ths Moose hall, when the Wo men of the Moose present their chapter night on home-making. The nutrition class met at the Moose hall Thursday, May 31, for a wturp on meal Dlanning. color, textures and nutritive values. Rev cipes were given to ail laaies present. ' ' ' , ,. ' ' F Miss Laura Shipley,, publicity chairman, announced today thai her organization is seeking talent ed children to appear on chapter night programs. Parents may leave their names with Mrs. Va nilliea Woods at the Downing ho tel and appointments will be ar ranged, she said. Plans Completed For USO Outing All service men in Bend, and their wives are invited to attend the USO outing planned for Sun day at Kah-Ne-Pa hot springs, when swimming, games and a pic nic lunch will be enjoyed, Mrs. Craig Coyner.'USO director, ' an nounced. Junior hostesses have arranged the menu, and each guest is asked to bring a swim ming suit and towel. ' Camp Abbot personnel will meet the local delegation at 9 a.m. Sunday at USO headquarters In Trinity Episcopal church, ' when transportation will be provided to the Warms Springs country. Mrs. Coyner and Mrs. waiter Emard, Jr. hostess counselor, will i oe cnaperons. 1 j Hostess Group Named r klfinina Wednesdav ""'".. ." nounced today. The devotions will be given by Mrs. Carl Erickson, and the program is to be arranged by Mrs. Oscar Hanson. Group 2 will be hostesses, and the lesson for the occasion will be "At the Degree of Honor Plans Banquet Tuesday Night Mrs. Ethel Lindholm, state di rector, and Mrs. Minnie Davis Card, general organizer, are ex pected as guests at a banquet for members and friends of the De gree of Honor at 6:30 Tuesday, June 5, in the Pine Tavern, of ficers announced today. Tickets will be on sale at the Tower conectionary stand until Saturday night, it was said. The banquet will be followed by of ficial inspection at 8 p.m. in Sath er hall. ... Dessert Meeting Set Mrs. Bill Barton wil entertain members of the Jaycee auxiliary at 8 p.m. Monday at her home at 354 E Irving. Dessert will be served, and a program will be presented. Mrs. Harvey Field is program chair man. 2 DAYS STARTING TOMORROW SHOWS 13 5 7 9 FROM 1 P. M. PLUS CARTOON and "NAVY NURSE" "Circumstantial Evidence" SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight ?:00 p. m. Pupils of Mrs. J. R. Cowan, recital in Trinity parish hall. ' ' Sunday 9:00 a. m Jr. hostesses and Bend servicemen and their ladies meet at USO to leave for picnic. Monday 1:00 p. m. Bend Study club with Mrs. A. A. Symons, 611 Drake road. 7 ' 2:30 p. m. Episcopal "altar guild with Mrs. Phil V Brogan, 1426 Harmon. 6:30 p.' ml Soroptomist club, dinner meeting at Pine Tavern.' 8:00 p. m. Royal Neighbors of America, Norway hall. ' " 8:00 p. m. Jaycee auxiliary, dessert meeting with Mrs. ' Bill Barton, 354 E. Irving. '" ' 8:00 p. m. Advanced students of Mrs. John Anderson, piano re cital, parish hall.' ' ' ' ' ' ' 8:00 p. m. Women of the Moose, Moose hall. Tuesday 1:00 p. m. Triple Link club, luncheon meeting at IOOF hall. 1:00 p. m. Episcopal altar guild, potluck picnic with Mrs. Kees Brooks, 814 Harmon. 2:30 p. m Juvenile Degree of Honor, Sather hall 6:30 p. m". Degree of Honor, banquet at Pine Tavern 7:00 p. m. Social Pinochle club, Mrs. Joseph Egg. Wednesday 1:00 p. hi. H. E. club, Tumalo grange, Mrs. lelrance Moody. 2:30 p. m. W.S.C.S., Methodist church. 7:00 p. m. Young Adult Fel lowship, formal dinner at Metho dist church. 4 7:30 p. m. Men's Brotherhood, First Lutheran church, church parlors. ' 7:30 p. m. Pythian Sisters, drill practice at Norway hall. Thursday 2:30 p. m". First Lutheran la dles' aid, church parlors. Young Adults Plan Affair at Church ( The Susanna Wesley guild of the Methodist church will enter tain the young adult fellowship and their friends at a formal din ner In the church dining room at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening, Juno 6. In charge of arrangements for the affair are Mrs. Eurcel Sigfrlt, Mrs. James Crltcher, Mrs. Wally Johnson and Mrs. Jack Dempscy. Mrs. A. B. Lingerlelt, Mrs, Keith Langworthy and Mrs. Marlon Poor comprise the decoration com. mlttee. A program Is being planned for the occasion.- Members of the Queen Esther group will serve the dinner. Luncheon Meet I'lanned The Trinity Episcopal ladles' guild will hold their last meeting ot the sea son on Tuesday, June 5, in the garden of Mrs. Rees Brooks, 814 Harmon boulevard. This meeting will take the form of a potluck picnic lunch, beginning at one o clock. Guests are asked to bring their own table service. 9 Luncheon Slated The Triple i Link club of the Rebekah lodge will meet for a 1 o'clock lunch-! eon Tuesday at the I.O.O.F. hall. A business meeting will follow, ac-: cording to Mrs. R. J. Leader, sec retary. , ; Bring Your Eyes Out of the Dark You can, by having us examine them and then make a pair of glasses fur you that will cor rect vision defects. Dr. M. B. McKenney OPTOMKTKI.SI' Office: Foot of Oregon Ave. Pntin 105-W See ELMER LEHNHERR For i i Lioerai Cash Loans AUTO LIGHT TRUCK On Your PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned" Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 Prineville Girls Sponsor Banquet Prineville, June 2 (Special) Girls of the World-Wide guild of the First Baptist church Tuesday evening complimented their moth ers at a banquet in the church basement, with Ms. LaSclle Coles as the1 principal speaker. Mrs. -oies Dasea ner tain on me Guild's' emblem, the rose. Places for 45 guests were ar-' ranged at beautifully decorated tables in the dining room. Miss Audrey Adams, Guild member, was toastmistress, and Mrs. Elon Wood offered the opening prayer. Miss Betty Davis gave a toast to the mothers, to which Mrs. Paul Breese responded. Musical num bers completed the program. A beautiful corsage was pre sented to Mrs. Frances E. Stearns, the oldest mother present. " T T Mrs. Phillip Grady Leaves To Join Soldier Husband Mr. and Mrs. Lornle Mills, 424 Harrlman, announce the marriage of their daughter, Wilma, to Sgt. Phillip H. Grady, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Grady, Sr., of Seat tle, Wash. The ceremony was per formed March 31 In Vancouver, Wash. For the wedding the bride chose a blue ensemble with white ac cents. Her corsage was of rose buds. Mrs. Grady, a member of the 1945 Bend high graduating class, left Wednesday to join her husband at Santa Mariu, Calif., where he is stationed. Drill Praellce SetThe Pythian Sisters will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wed nesday In Norway hall to practice for the convention which will be held in Bend soon. Ail officers and members of the staff are urged to i be present, Mrs. Eugene Ackley t announced today. . - a Club To MeetThe social pi nochle club will meet Tuesday evening for a. birthday party for one of the members at the home of Mrs. Joseph Egg. The card play will start promptly at 7 p.m., lt was announced. ' . II.-E. Club to Meefc-The home economics club of the Tumalo grange will meet Wednesday, June b. at the home ot Mrs. lelr ance Moody, for a one o'clock luncheon followed by a business meeting. Mrs. John Hopper will be assistant hostess. Dinner Planned The Soroptl mist club will hold Its regular dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. Mon day at the Pine Tavern, officers of the group announce. Sleeting Announced Mrs. A. A. Symons, 611 Drake road, will be hostess to .the Bend Study club at the regular meeting Monday at 1 p.m. Two Fliers Killed In Plane Crash March Field, Cal., June 2 U' March Field authorities today an nounced the names of three army men killed when their two-engine bomber crashed Thursday night near Lake Lucerne, Victorville, Cal., while on a combat training flight. Those killed Included Sgt. Or ville V. Ballon, 28, mother Mrs. Florence Burton, Tieton, Wash. "What's good for me is good for ail!" And that means a quart of milk per day for children a pint for adults. Order by telephone. Phone 37-F-2 BRADETICH BROS. Kitty Says: DIAMONDS 7th War Loan 0 . Buy Double- r- g an EXTRA War Bond 2 A. T. NIEBERGALL Jeweler Jj Ntit la rapftnl Theater 1'hon. 1( K WATCHES More Veto Rights San Francisco, June 2 (IP New uncertainty and potential contro versy was injected into the Unit ed Nations conference today by a Russian proposal that the "Bie fj' ' "'Jf,,1" the world security council cover a broader range of matters than heretofore contemplated. borne delegates frankly express ed apprenhension that the Rus sian plan might throw a new and serious snag into the already de layed progress of the conference. The plan was outlined In the So viet Union s long awaited inter pretation of the Yalta voting for mula, presented to the confer ence's "Big Five," meeting late last night. T Delegation Meets The American delegation, meet ing this morning, spent 10 min utes discussing routine conference matters. Then it adjourned to the penthouse apartment of : Secre tary of State Edward R. Stettin lus, Jr., atop the Fairmont hotel to discuss with him the Russian interpretation prior to a session of the "Big Five." That group de cided last night to meet daily un til tne conterences log Jam of undecided Issues has been broken. Advisers to the Big Five had spent most of the night studying the Russian Interpretation, of wnicn oniy a lew copies were available. They scrutinized it into the smau hours of the mornlne. then rose again after only a fev hours sleep to resume their stud ies. ' , ' ' Clarence Harvey Dies in Vancouver Clarence R. Harvey, 62, a resi dent of Central Oregon for many years, died last night at Vancou ver, Wash., following a lingering Illness, friends here learned to day. Mrs. Harvey was with her husband in Vancouver, where lie had been employed before taking ill. lie nad been hospitalized there the past three months. Mr. Harvey was horn In Grass Valley May 15, 1883.' In 1895 he i came to f rlnevllle with his par-: ents. Me was married to May Mount on Jan. 8, 1D05, and the; family lived In the Bend com- munlty since 1919, making their home In the Eastern Star district. 1 Survivors Include his wife. ; May; two sons, Sgt. J a m e s Harvey and Sgt. Edgar Harvey,! notn serving with the army m the south Pacific; one daughter, Mrs. John Ledahl of Vancouver, and five grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are pending. Burial will probably be in Prineville, it was said. The average life of a 60-watt incandescent bulb is 1,000 hours of burning. Increased Pacific Trailways Schedules Now Effective . . . PORTLAND There's a convenient sclle.lule to !Nrtlnml anil all points north, will) four north bound Trailways buses avuiluhle-selei't the one, that best meets your plans. Leave Bond: 7:00 A. M. 1:15 P. M. f:ir P. M. 11:33 P. M. Arrive Bond: 1:45 P. M. 6:45 P. M. 12:15 A. M. ( two SeelluiiM Convenient Schedules to All Points Aililllionul sehednles lire now avuiliihlo to oilier Orc-Kon point. Check with your near est Trailways agent for complete. Information. Randi R.Reitan, 92, DiesBend Mrs. Randl R. Reitan, 92, a resi dent of Bend the past 23 years, died yesterday at" the Cottage hos pital. : Funeral services will be held from the Niswonger and Wlnslow funeral home at 2:30 Monday, with Rev. Morris Thomp son of the first Lutheran church in charge. Burial will be in Pilot Butte cemetery.'"" "' Mrs. Reitan was born In Tron- . ham, Norway. She is survived by two sons, Oscar Reitan of Prineville and Arthur Reitan of Bend; ope daughter, Mrs. George Hilson Of Colfax; Wis.; eight grandchildren' and five' great grandchildren. J ' Peace Parley N To End on June 6 Washington, June 2 (IP Presi dent Truman has been notified that the San Francisco conference definitely will not end on June 6 as scheduled, the White Hous: said today. White House Press Secretary Charles G. Ross said the presi dent Still intends to address the parleys closing session, but the date of that session cannot be de termined yet. " Ross said the conference ad Journment now was expected some qays alter june u. Truman's ti'lD to San Francisco. originally' scheduled to meet the expected June 6 adjournment' of tne conterencg has been post poned.1 " '' ' ' ' Ross said that in view ol the delay In ending the "parley, the president has ' not decided defi nitely on the exact itinerary of his trip, which Is to include a visit to Olympla, Wash., at the in vitation pi Gov.' Mon C. Wall gren; ' ' ' Poison Ivy, poison oak and poison sumac all contain urushiol. Which s the Irritant. r.e-ppenjna, June 2 White Tower Lunch 1036 South Third Chicken Dinners a specialty Phone 1194 for lleseryarjons . . ; : Hours 1 1:30 a. m. to 10 p. m Closed Mondays . ' , WalhlnftMl ' I f " sLMOMOBP JOHN DAT I P ' 7 CALIFORNIA I 1 i L . . 1 . MM 'W.I .' IIP 1