THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON. SATURDAY, "JUNE 2,-1945 PAGE TWO Yanks Fine Home Team, But Road Record Not Good By Carl Lundqulst (United Pre Suit Correspondent) New York, June 2 ili'i Yankee stadium, the huge pincers-shaped baseball palace that has caught many a pitcher In Its grip, would be Just the place to win an Amer ican league pennant, manager Joe McCarthy of the Bronx Bombers reasoned today If only his team could stay just there. The Yankees at home are more menacing than a pyromaniac in a match Xactory, but the same op position which trembles at the thought ol lacing them here has little lear o them on the road. Coming home after a sorry road trip In which they won only two out of eight games against the western clubs, they did an Imme diate about-face and picked up 10 victories in 12 starts, starting off their stand with an eight-game winning streak. Detroit Wins Pair Detroit was the only club to cause the Yankees trouble in their home diamond, picking up two victories in a series of three. But New York got back ' in. stride against new opposition yesterday and defeated the Cleveland Indi ans, 9 to 2. The Yankee record at home to date is 16 won and four lost, a pennant winning pace in any cir cuit. The only catch Is that on the road, including appearances against the so-called weaker east ern teams, they have won seven and dropped nine. Against two Cleveland pitchers they made 14 hits good for 22 bases, making It a simple matter for Floyd Bevens to win his fourth game against one defeat, a neat-five hit job. That enabled him to equal his 1944 record of 4-1, which he established after coming up late in the season from Newark. Kcd Sox Win Two ''free runs," forced in on walks with the bases loaded, gave the Boston Red Sox a 6 to 4 vic tory over Detroit. Emmett O'Neill, j Red Sox pitcher, assured his vic tory with a three-run homer to pace the winners. Sigmund Jnkuckl turned in his best effort of the season, blank ing the Athletics at Philadelphia for a 4 to 0 Brown victory. Rookie pitcher Walt Holborow walked In the winning run in the 11th at Washington to give the While Sox an 11 to 9 victory. Frank McCormick's three-run homer broke up a 13-inning mara thon with a 6 to 3 vlctdryfor the 1 Reds over the Dodgers at Cincin nati. ' Phillliw Defeated Pittsburgh, helped by the five errors of the sieve-like Philadel phia defense beat the Phillies, 6 to 5. The Cards rallied In the ninlh to hand streaky Ilii Voiselle of the Giants his third straight loss, 4 to 3, at St. Louis. Voiselle had won eight in a row prior to his defeats. Mort Cooper, making his sec ond start for the Braves, was leading the Cubs, G to 1, In the fourth when rain washed the game off the books. Tony Cuccinello 'Holds Bat Lead New York, June 2 HI1" Creak- ine Tony Cuccinello, Chicago .White Sox Infielder, who appar ently is bent on having the best . season In his Ki-ycar major league . career, picked up six points in the past week to maintain his lead .among American league batsmen with a mark of .303, the weekly averages disclosed today. Cuccinello, whose specially is getting on base with singles, lias made 41 one-base hits, 10 two bag- ; gers, a triple and a bonier. Another veteran, Tommy Holm- es, slumped from his .407 mark iof the previous week, but a .3l"i average was good enough for the Boston Braves' outfielder to stay atop the pack in the National league. m hm.iS ') li) T OutOurWay Portland Beavers Win 5 to 0 Game (By United Trou) Pacific coast league hurlers turned In two shutouts last night as the Portland Beavers defeated Seattle 5 to 0 and the Sacramento Solons shellacked the San Diego Padres by the same score. Southpaw Roy Helser stretched the Beavers' league leadership to a comfortable four and one half games as he set down the second- place Rainiers down with five hits. It was Helser's 10th victory of the season. Gone Babbitt of the So lons held the Padres to four bing les, while In Los Angeles 18-year-old hurler Ken Hieks turned in another four-hitter for a 9 to 2 win over Hollywood. Seals Win Again In the remaining league con- ! test manager Lefty O'Doul's un-; clerdog San Francisco Seals won their fourth victory in five starts with 5 to 2 victory over Oak land. ! - ..!,...,' Infield errors and a muff by San Diego pitcher Bob Ferguson gave the Solons their first run, anotlipr error and hits by Llllio Marcuccl, MeElreath and Ted Greenhalgh net ted them three ' i.iuic.,, iiik null Diuilfrfl. Gus Suhr, who got three hits I In as many times at bat, and Neill Sheridan, whose double in the fourth scored the second run of the Inning, led the attack against their former teammate, Sam Gib son who was forced to retire in the seventh. Fight Results Illy United Now York, (Madison Square Garden) Taml Mauriello, 200, New York, knocked out Steve Du das, 192, Edgewater, N. J. (1). Jacksonville, Fin. Freddie (Red I Cochrane, 147 li, Summit, N. J., knocked out Pete Lello, US'-.!, Chicago, (2). Boston -Harry Jeffra. 130, Bal timore, outpointed Sammy Gar cia, VM'.a, Qulncy, Mass, (10). Worcester, Mass. Johnny Cool, 13"), Worcester, outpointed Fran cis (Corky) Davis, 13ti, Worcester, (10), Providence, U. I. Bobby Zollo, 117-Vi, least Providence, knocked out Tony Sonve, 111, II. S. ma rines, (M. now is the time to i ' us help you own a home, flsfe or details. C 1 YOU TOLP ME DISTINCTLY ; A ; TO GO OM AMP NEVER -Yv,m, MIMP THE DISHESBUT 1 I VOU LET HIM STANDOUT 1 1 V THERE P2ATTLINJC5 THEM ; J- j ASA HlrsJT THAT I SHOULD I DO SOMETHING IN RETURN) ' JL I . FOR. YOUR HOSPITALITY EE . ' . j--U-L I I KNOW p. - I WHY MOTHERS C5ET GRAY '""y t-t J Today's Sport Parade By Jack Cuddy (UnlU-U I'row Staff Correspondent) New York, June 2 (IB A whirl on the sports-go-round: A horseman whose dope is usu allyally out of the right feed bag reports from Kentucky's hard- boots country that Col. E. R. Bradley is so set on winning his I fifth Derby with his well-named colt Burning Dream, that he is lining up . the services of the greatest money jockey in the bus iness, Eddie Area lo . . . dark and dangerous Eddie has won the blue grass gallop twice before, in 194V when he set the Derby rec ord of 2:01-25 for the mile and a quarter on Whlrlaway, and in 1938 on Lawrln. . . . If the Washington Senators donf want rookie pitcher Walt Holborow after his lapse In walk ing home the winning run against the White Sox last night, the New York Department of Sanitation will be glad to have him back. Holborow, who has appeared; three times in relief for the Nats,' was a star fllnger for the White- wings and their big game with the police department is coming up. ... in the first big league game Mike Trcsh of the White Sox ever jvuuuni, lmi-uimiik ill Willi LIllCUKO back in 1928. he suffered a flnmr,.ninn i injury. Thut taught him a lesson about handling pitchers and since that day he never has had an- oiner nana injury, lie auriDUies his luck to the big, well-padded j mitts modern-day catchers USO. i I which he says the pitchers don't llike because the ball doesn't ! whack loudly when their fast ball zips in. But that doesn't bother Trcsh as long as the "pillow" can keep him from getting the Kiuuicu iLiuua CI1U1 acici 1SUCS Ol veteran caicners. . . . Pitcher Dave Ferriss of the Red Sox, probably the most sensation - jnl rookie ever to break into the'snn Francisco uik tiuii-, limy uu ingiii ior me first time when he seeks to com plete his cycle of beating every club in the American league bv facing the Senators at Washing- ion, rorriss, who nasn t met the Senators, Is a confident kid who feels (lint the only thing that may boat him is his old bugaboo, nsthma, which caused his dis charge from the army air forces. In his last two games, the dust of the diamond caused him to "choke up" physically but not mentally. Mannger Joe Cronln was ready to relievo him both times hut the youngster insisted on finishing, winning one of the FOUNTAIN SERVICE LUNCHEONS HOME-MADE PIES SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS DOUTHIT'S DANCING Every SAT. NIGHT Music by Dan & June Wilson NO COVER CHARGE Until 9:30 Steak and Chicken Served Nightly By J.R. Williams games job. . . Ike Williams, holder of the Na tional Boxing association light weight crown who meets Willie Joyce in a non-title bout at Madi son Square garden next week, has something in common with Bob Montgomery, besides a champion- ship (Montgomery holds the New York state version of the title). Both lost their last fights before winning the crowns. Al (Bummy) Davis dropped Montgomery with one of the quickest kayo's on rec ords 63 seconds of the first round shortly before Battlin' Bob took the title from Beau Jack. Williams lost to Joyce be fore taking the N.B.A. title from Juan Zurita in Mexico. So he'll have a score to settle. ... League Standings (Uy United Prcim),, (Ily United Preiw) W 'AMERICAN Pet. .639 .594 .529 .515 .472 .438 .429 .389 .684 New York 23 13 13 16 16 19 18 20 22 Chicago Z.Z"!Z".!!l8 .Kt I.MIlic 17 Cleveland 14 Washington 15 Philadelphia Z""""'.14 NATIONAL New York 26 12 Pit tuKurrrh Ol HI st. Louis 21 17 Brooklyn 91 17 .568! .553 .553 .529 .471 j .394 .250 ! I .633' .576 .51(1 .500 .492 .476 .459 .350 Chicago 18 16 i Cincinnati " 16 18 Boston 13 20 U'liiladclphiaZZZZlO 30 PAril-'ir 1'OAiT IPnrtlanH 38 34 32 30 30 .......30 28 21 22 25 30 30 31 33 33 39 Seattle :n;ik - iimH Sacramento San Diego Los Angeles . Hollywood ... "Amphibolos Orukter" was the first steam dredge and is the grandfather of present dredges and the Army's amphibious "duck" used on land and water; built in 1805 to dredge the De limiter river, it also could run on land or water. with a grand one-hit ALLEY6oP ' t 3vv7THAMLlr7. ( MY STARS, WHATA TAKE. IT EA6VO00LA- WHAT r A DOCTOR VOU EVEN V THAT li MOST f MLL BE . HER E A G&s ( ALLEY ) I HAPpENE6 "TO J WE-RE DOING ( SAID. DOC. ) NEED. BUT KNOCKEd REMARKABLE.' SI6HT AW'7 6V-V.I ALLEY? V ALL WE CN A HE "TOOK J AN UNDER- CLEAR OUT..X 0 TS JTl X F0R H1M ' VT 33.000 Jft, WER-; BUTALL HE T xfTT r ' t'T 'jft - f SEEMS TO SIMPLE? LOGK.PcX,"' f HOWEVER. MOT A VEy A ;i.,iva.,TOV N - . ' " I I BE A CASE NOT EVEN YOU I'LL AGREE M APPROPRIATE L II -- "'.t- AM TH" k ALLEY OOPS LUCK IN I M OF SIMPLE C AN TELL ME A ' THE WORD POES CRAC AT HAS THE Jpfn2 I 1 OPERA THE V" UJ-NSHOCJ 33.000-VOLT SHOCK DESCRIBE ?THIS f Ha",' ) PATIENT Xb"'i&gg?J TIME-WACMiNE SPIRATION'SrV IS "SIMPLE".' THE PATIEMTS J( TIME.' I 7 EXHIBITED .SXS"- 5 SEEMS NOW TO OPP , BUT HEAET'S V . , MENTALITY.' rr ANY MENTAL C&C ' HAVE LEFT HIM V NORMAL AND I ) J V. 7 7 f!EfAT,PlS TV n -lh - AS COLP AS THE V, NO SI&N OF : lT y RECENTLY? A--tS- ML S' i hmmw Hlwm M Wm rlm WiwM ' ' xxmWy ' Twilight Softball Play Plans Made Action in Bend's newly-organized Senior Softball league will open Monday at 6:45 p. m. on Harmon -playfield, with a . jam boree to be the feature of twi light play. All teams are sched uled to play in curtailed action, making it possible for fans to get acquainted with teams and players. Only players 21 years or older will be eligible to play in the new league, with the exception of service men home on leave or furlough.. On the teams that will swing into action Monday night will be many players familiar to fans. Stars of other years will include Sonny Joanis, . Bob Douglass, Walt Douglass, ' Elmer Brown, Bud Russell, and many others. There are also many new com ers who turn in a top notch brand of ball. ' Navy to Play The Camp Abbot navy squad has a star studded aggregation headed by Izzo, hard hitting out fielder, and others who are ter rific, to say the least. They will be tough to beat, local fans con cede. v Managers of the various teams are being asked to have their money on hand Monday night. On Tuesday night, the first two teams playing Monday night will finish their game. Wednesday, the second two teams playing in the two-inning jamboree games Monday will finish their contest, and on Friday the last two teams will fight it out to a finish. League contests will be played thereafter on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays, with all games set to start at 6:45. There will be no admission charge to the games, and the public is being invited to join in the twilight fun, it is announced by Pope McCarthy, publicity manager for the new Senior soft ball circuit. Dynamite Fisted Fighter Injured Chicago, June 2 ilPi Elmer (Vi olent) Ray's climb to fistic star dom was temporarily halted today as he nursed a broken finger suf fered in winning a 10-round de cision over heavyweight Larry Lane of Trenton, N. J., at the Coli seum last night. Ray, a dynamite-fisted negro heavyweight from the Florida everglades, broke the little finger of his left hand in the second round of the fight. But he went on to batter and maul Lane into a daze and win the unanimous de cision. It marked his 30th straight vic tory and enabled him to remain undefeated in three years of pro fessional scrapping. The injury forced his manager, Tommy O'Loughlin, to cancel Ray's scheduled 10-round bout against Gunnare Baxland in St. Paul next Friday. Buy National War Bonds Now! For Health and Recreation! LYDICK'S Bowling Alley Open Weekdays 3 p.m. to 12 Saturday-Sunday I to 12 - UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT i -KBND- Voice of , ; Central Oregon Affiliated With Mutual TONIGHT'S PBOGBAM 5:00-News 5:15 Canary Pet Shop 5:3GWSymphony of the Americas 6:00 Jean Goldkette's Orchestra 6:30 Leave it to Mike 7:00 Tony Pastor";: Orchestra 7:15 Treasury Salute 7:30 Red Ryder 8:00 Chicago Theatre of Air 9:00 Glenn Hardy News -9:15 Organ Music . ' 9:30 George Olesen's Orch. 9:55 Mutual Reports the News 10:00 Ted StraeteiJs Orchestra : SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1945 8:00 Wesley Radio League 8:30 Voice of Prophecy 9:00 Pilgrim Hour 9:30 Lutheran hour 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Silver Strings 10:30 Sweetheart Time 11:00 Baptist Church 12:00 News 12:15-Voice of Dairy Farmer 12:30 Hookey Hall 1:00 Your America 1:30 What's the Name of That Song? 2:00 Father Brown 2:30 Nick Carter 3:00 Quick as a Flash , 3:30 Ave Maria Hour 3:45-Dick Brown 4:00 Calling All Detectives 4:30 Here's to Music 5:00 Golden Melodies 5:15 Pentecostal Mission 5:45 Gabriel Heatter 6:00 Voice of Missionary Baptist 6:30 Erwin Canham 6:45 Moonbeam Trio 7:00 Earl Wilson MCA presents and His ORCHESTRA with MUSIC FOR MODERNS IN PERSON At , ROLLER Ballroom Friday, June 3 9to1 I JI N SMITT ! Ailin. $!.")() per iH-rson, iiul. lax ' I i 1340 . Kilocycles , " Don Lee Broadening System' 7:15 This Is Helen Hayes 7:30 First Christian Hour 8:30 Dinner Music 8:45joe Reichman's Orch. 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Rex Miller 9:30 Human Adventures 10:00 Old Fashioned Revival . MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1945 7:00 News 7:15 Smile Time 7:30 Spotlight on Rhythm 7:45 Morning Melodies , 7 55 Jcws 8:00-Shep Fields' Orchestra 8:15 News 8:30 Take it Easy Time 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Cote Glee Club 8:55 Lanny and Ginger 9:00 William Lang 9:15 Songs by Morton Downey 9:30 Rationing News 9:35 Old Family Almanac 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Something to Talk About 10:15 Luncheon With Lopez 10:45 News of Prlneville 11:35 Lady About Town 11:40 News 11:45 Lum 'n Abner 12:00 Williard Amison 12:05 Today's Classifieds 12:10 Sports Yarns 12:15 Charles Magnante 12:30-News 12:45-Farmer's Hour 1:00 Johnny Pineapple 1:15 Elsa Maxwell's Party Line 1:30 Never too Old 2:00 Home Demonstration agent 2:15 Melody Time 2:45 Jerry Sears' Orchestra 3:00 Griffin Reporting 3:15 Concert Hall Deschutes Pry Flies. Ted Merrill Troll Flasher 75c Freeman's Tapered Leaders .each 60c Tapered, 7'; toot, SMALL as a hair, STRONG as a cable Large Davis Flashers $1.50 ' Line Divides 25c Flat Fish, all colors, sizes 6-7..,...: , . each 95c Flat Fish, all colors, size 4 , .....each 1. 10 Crafty Fish,. Troutoreno, Bassoreno, Peachoreno, Snell Hooks, Sinkers, Tackle 'Boxes, Fly Boxes, -Reel Cases, Line Dressing, Dry Fly Oil, Canvas ' Creels; ' Salrhbh Eggs,' Canned Minnows. TREBLE HOOKS WOBBLERS ' ' ' Boat Cushions 3.15 Oars 7 ft. pair 3.95 Canoe Paddles ... .each 2.10 ' Sevenstrand Wire Leader 2 foot 20c 3 foot 25c 25 foot coil 55c Ammunition 30-30 34-40 JUNIPER Novelties Beautifully turned and pol ished Juniper candlesticks, bowls, dishes, ash trays, etc A big selection, priced right. GUN REPAIR ' We have an expert gun smith let's keep lilni In Bend! Our Business is built on your demand for the best. Make your sporting goods dollars pay dividends shop at FREEMAN'S TACKLE CO. On South Highway, Leaving Bend 404 E. Third St. . Phone 673-R II 3:45 Johnson Family 4:00-iFulton Lewis, Jr. 4:15-Rex Miller 4 : 30 Letter Carriers 4:45 Sketches 4:55 Central Oregon News 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 The Better Half 7:00 Soldiers of the Press 7:15 News 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 Michael Shayne 8:30 Music for Millions 8:45 Ray Herbeck's Orchestra 9:00 Glen Hardy News 9:15 Cecil Brown 9:30 The Feeling Is Mutual 9:45 Mutual Musicale 10:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 10:15 Frankie Carle's Orchestra How They Ran New York, June 2 (IBHere's how Kentucky derby candidates fared yesterday: Darby Duluth third in three quarter -mile race at Churchill Downs. Sandslinger second in threfr quarter-mile race at Churchill Downs. Tough Target also ran in three-quarter-mile race at Lincoln Fields. Day won three-quarter-mile race in 1:16 at Lincoln Fields. Burning felled elm trees and slash, and all' elm trimmings, helps control the Dutch elm dis ease that has already destroyed many thousands of trees in the northeastern section of the United States. Buy National War Bonds Now! They're Biting! Fishing good in East and Pau lina, Twin lakes, Deschutes, Me tolius! Troll, bait or fly get your tackle at FREEMAN'S! .2 for 25c Night Crawlers Largo and Fresh Carton 40c For Farmers 25-35 etc. AGATES Cut and polished agates, mounted in rings, necklaces, lavullers, pins, etc. For both men and women. ROD-REEL REPAIR We buy old, worn out rod parts. ..A Club ederalSavings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Redmond