PAGE EIGHT THE EEND BULLETIN, BENbJ OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1945 Parade on Sunday Planned By Lodge While stale officers of the Eagles lodge gather in Bend Sat urday and Sunday for their quar terly meeting, the Bend Aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles will initiate a large class of can didates and install new officers, it was reported toduy by W. M. Lov. president of the local lodge. The initiation and installation are to be held in the Elks hall Sun day at 2 p. m. Ten of the stale officers and their wives are expected to come to Bend for the occasion. They are to meet at 10 a. m. Sunday. A feature of the meeting will be a parade at 1 p. m. Sunday, the event being arranged by Ken C. Gullck of the Rim Rock Kid ers and Jack Vail of the Eagles, In the parade will be drill teams from Salem, Medford. Klamath Falls and Bend, and ttie mounted Rim.Rock Riders will parade wltn the marchers. To Install Officers Followine the parade, at 2 m.. the ladies auxiliary of the F. O. E. will meet at Sather's hall for Installation of officers. " Entertainment and luncheon will be served at the Eagles hall after the business meetings, according to Loy. Floyd Ellis heads this committee. Registration of guests, who are exoected from all parts of the state, will begin at noon Satur day, with Clair Barnett in charge. A free danco lor an tnose regis tered will be held in the Eagles hall Saturday night. New officers to be Installed for the Bend lodge are Ed Eastman, nresident: Rov Dover, vice presi dent; Ray Anderson, chaplain; Jacob Dahlin, conductor; Jacob Slemund, inside guard; W. M. Loy, secretary, and Ray Curtis, trustee. Thomas I. Powell Gets Silver Wings Marfa. Texas, May 23 Thomas I. Powell, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I. Powell of 1607 West Fourth street, Bend, Oregon, received his silver wings today when he gratiuatea as a flight officer from Marfa army air field, an advanced two-engine pilot school of the AAF training command, it was announced by Col. Henry R. Baxter, command ing officer. The new pilot, a, former resi dent of Bend, Oregon, completed a course in training in twin-engine aircraft. He was assigned here from Merced army air field, Mer ced, California. He is a former student of Bend high school, Bend, Oregon. THE TAXPAYER SPEAKS -4J 1 ....... in NIB. wise (l2) (UN) l" MICH. UMT MIKII. " OKI. ItAHO 0. (1941) ) - (1,41, (lJI (') uut. I Owl v . "" ' ",v- mwa ( VTH ,0,L; (mi) (i) ARIZ. -'tViWtf;f,. (l1l4):-'M;v-;--.-:? (1442) ..,,.,r;r.:;.... . y.....,...,vj.fl. &Jf-'Ajtf iiittirftiia'fi Ji rfli'till hti'i JlAil i)t THE FIRST STATE TAXPAYER ASSOCIATION ORGANIZES TO REDUCE UNNECESSARY PUillC SPEN0IN6 WAS STARTER IN 1914 IN ARIZONA. SINCE THEN, THIRTY-FIVE OTHER SROOPS NAVE SPftUM UP THROUGH THE NATION AND THEM COMBINED EFFORTS HAVE SAVED MANY MIUIORS OF DOLLARS FOR THE TAXPAYER. Red Under fire J3 I I 1 fe Jl k Ail Because he disbanded U. S. Communists as a formal politi cal party a year ago, Earl Brow der, above, No. 1 American Communist, has been blasted by Jacques Duclos, prominent French Red. Duclos charges Browder with abandoning "the revolutionary class war in the U. S. Browder urged "most re spectful consideration" of Du clos' charges. Milwaukee Chinese Is Buried With Pomp, Although Broke Milwaukee UR Chester Wong, a Chinese who lived here 20 years until his death, has started on the long trail which eventually will lead him to a reunion with his an cestors. Milwaukee's Chinese commu nity held funeral services for the 57-year-old operator of an import ing house who was found dead in a Chicago hotel room. But accord ing to Chinese custom, centuries old and more deeply rooted than a religious tenet, no matter how far a Chinese may wander from his native land, his bones must be returned to his ancestral home so that his soul may be at peace through eternity with those of his ancestors. The fact that Wong had no money and was In debt when he died made no difference to his friends who burled him with oron- cr pomp and ceremony, Including a procession to the cemetery in long, shipy limousines. candy 'Eased' sorrow At the Importing house there ments for shipment of the body soon after death. The latter pro cess costs about $700, whereas shipping the bones costs only $42. Once in every 15 years the Chi nese Consolidated Benevolent Assn. gathers the bones of its dead members throughout the United States and arranges ship ment to China. That was last done in 1935. send mm to. 953 Wall St. Allen Young, Proprietor Phone 4 Shower Bath Spray Gillette Type Safety Razor 39c was a plate filled, with small pieces of candy on the counter and also a book. In normal times the plate would have contained bits of Chinese brown sugar which is not available now. Each friend took a piece of candy and ate it, thereby sweetening and erasing the bitternes caused by the death of a friend. In the book they signed their names and the amount of money each would contribute toward the $336 required for a proper fu neral. Soon they also had an addi tional $45 to pay for a headstone inscribed with Chinese symbols. No speeches or prayers were ut tered only a Chinese hall and farewell, and then the procession started toward the cemetery. The grave was banked with flowers, Including a large blanket tied with i 848,880 less than 19 War Agencies Suffer Fund Cuts Washington; June 1 (IB The house appropriations committee today slashed more than $111,000, 000 from funds for 19 war agen cies for the year beginning July 1. It proclaimed that the reduction marked "the beginning of the end" for most of them. The committee approved legis lation providing $769,764,850 to operate the 19 agencies. This was $111,812,650 less than budget bu reau recommendations and $206,- Father, Daughter Funeral Planned Kansas City, Mo., June 1 IPi Ray E. Davis, 42-year-old Kansas City rurnuce repairman, will be burled tomorrow beside his eldest daughter, Luiu Mae, .21, whom he shot to death to end her ro mance with a war hero. Davis fatally, wounded himself yesterday with the same .38 cali ber revolver he used to slay "the best pal I ever had," as he des cribed her by telephone to a rela tive during a 36-hour police hunt for him. Thus, in the double funeral services, he will have realized a wish expressed in the same con versation that: ' "I want to be buried bv the time she is." Takes Own Life The thin-faced, slight father of three girls took his own life yes terday when he was cornered in the family's converted storeroom home. There the duel- tragedy began when Davis in a jealous rage tried to kill Pvt. David Sharp, 23, Tuesday night. Sharp, wearer of several mili tary decorations, was having his first date with his schoolday sweetheart after nearly three years overseas. He escaped the father's wrath when the eirl flune herself in front of him and Davis first shot went wild. Then Davis pumped a ' fatal bullet into the girl whom he had long denied male companionship. ' Faces Arrest ( VL , i mi -"safe Arrest by British military au thorities faces Palmiro Togliat ti, above, Italian communist Reader, . for addressing workers at Novara Aldo, Italy, in defl-'. once of specific orders by Allied military authorities. Pietro Nen ni. Socialist candidate for the Italian premiership, already is in custody for defiance of order. J) II Readv u 89c jHilMJJ Baby Pants ...... 49c. 79c ) ' IhTjjtj Waterproofed tUlllLtJ 9"TiPS 25c 4rMKZ f Crib Sheet 79c M rC Baby 0i1, sPecial- q11- I O - HiV Bott,e Warmer $2.29 ft TJ Klertrla if jit Even-Flo Bottle 23c f! -v. JmSr Complete 11 Y?fr 1y Snake Bite Kits... $1.75. $4.90 I &-rrri First Atd Ki,s 98c to 6,95 0 Dust Respirators $1.85 to $2.75 0 flSl TV i Cleans the nlr you lirenth wfe J &ypsy Cream 50c r 7 J' v Hexall, Tor Sunburn f TJnnic Acid Jelly 5jj Calox Tooth Powder 43c Squibb's Tooth Paste 37c Forhan's Tooth Paste 39c Listerine Tooth Powder... 33c Pepsodent Tooth Powder, 39c lodent Tooth Paste 39c orchids from the Koumintang, the Chinese national party, which sent three mourners from Chi cago. Nickel for Each Mourner A man holding a paper bag stood near the grave. Each mourn er filed past and took from the bag a nickel wrapped in a small piece of white paper. This was a good-luck omen. Without a word spoken the body of Chester Wong was buried to await reunion with his ancestors. Shipping the body to China is expensive, so friends of the de ceased will follow the usual cus tom here to wait 10 years after death to exhume 'the body. The bones will be sent to the homeland In a metal box, marked with the identity of the departed and the death and health certificates need ed to permit removal from this country attached. Wealthy Chinese in peacetime usually start back to China when they feel death approaching so they may die at home: others hav ing enough money make arrange- current year funds. l. During hearings on the legisla tion, however, the committee heard Rep. J. Buel Snyder, D., Pa., chairman of the subcommittee on war department appropriations, estimate that the war against Ja pan would last at least another two years. Long War Probable As the 1946 war production board appropriation was being considered Snyder told the com mittee: "Japan still has about 8,000.000 soldiers, about 2,500,000 in the is lands and about 5,000,000 in Man churia. I would say that I can see possibly a war of two or more years with Jupan." As reported by the committee, the appropriation measure marks a reduction for every agency ex cept the newly created office of war mobilization and reconver sion and the office of economic stabilization. Buv -National War Bonds Now! Car Washing Polishing and Cleaning Lubrication By an expert Overhauling and complete mechanical service by trained mechanics. Wheel Alignment Frame Straightening Radiator Battery Towing Tires W. B. Anderson Ncssli Co. M73 Wall Street Phone 700 Town Meeting Ing. On Okinawa, Sammons said, already 4,300 Americans have perished. ihe speaker Dointed out that in Oregon there is more than $3,000,000 in savings deposits' in me Danks, and he urged deposit ors to take part of this from the banks and invest in the "best security on the face of the globe war bonds." He said that over the nation persons have al ready invested 276 billion dollars in war bonds,, then compared this' ngure witn nearly 300,000 already slain in battle. Few Bonds Cashed Sammons said that it was grati fying to know that less than 15 per cent of the E, F and G bonds bought in the United States had been cashed, and called this con dition a "vital and helpful thing for the nation." He also praised price control and rationing as a safeguard against inflation. The exodus of workers from the Portland shipyards was de cried by Sammons, who called it "a crime to quit -the job before it is finished." "And I hope that the people on the financial front won't do the same thing," Sammons said. He then said that Oregon holds first place in the nation in the per capita purchase of E bonds, and said that Oregon depositors could easily purchase an addition al seven billions in war bonds. Savings Increase Localizing the situation, the banker told the audience that in Deschutes county savings ac- j counts had increased $75,300 in the past year. "It is well to encourage sav ing," Sammons stated, "but much i of these funds could be diverted from the bank vaults to the gov ernment by way of bond pur chases and help spare the lives of our boys and hasten the day of their return to us.' Sammons lauded what he called a "m'ost distinguished record" for Deschutes county in armed serv ices recruiting, noting that ap proximately 3,000 boys had gone to war from this county "and fought in one of the most famous divisions." Bill Support Asked Regarding post - war develop ment, Sammons said that voters should support the bill providing for $10,000,000 in state building, scheduled to be voted upon June 22. He said that this building pro gram would not ue assessed against real property, but would come from an income tax sur plus, and provide many jobs for returned veterans. He said that Gov. Earl Snell had called for a conference on June 8, at which time it was proposed that the state highway department would be commissioned to visit all po litical subdivisions of the state and take an inventory of peace time building plans. This, he explained, was for the purpose of coordinating work and pro viding necessary jobs. Homo Painting Due In this connection, he said that the Rotary clubs had made a sur vey from house to house and found that "millions will be spent in painting the homes after the war." B. A. Stover presided at the meeting, and prior to Sammons' talk introduced A. L. O. Schueler, Deschutes county war finance chairman, who told of the com ing on June 7 of "Here's Your infantry," a first-hand re-enaction of warfare. Sammons was accompanied to Bend by Estes Snedicor, federal referee in bankruptcy for Ore gon, and the two men planned to remain here a few days for . a rest. Sammons is a brother of Jack Sammons, of the Oregon Trail Manufacturing company here. Meat Shipments To Be Cancelled Washington, June 1 Wi The government will cancel all lend lease and foreign relief meat ship ments during July, August and September, it was learned today. The action is expected to in crease slightly the share for U. S. civilians.' Removal of meat from lend lease for a period of at least three months will affect Russia more than anyone else. During April, May and June the soviet union was assigned 300,000,000 pounds out of the lend-lease total of 325,000,000 pounds, mostly canned "tushonka." a beef and pork com bination. Called Disappointment Officials said the denial of meat for foreign relief would come as a "grave disappointment" to lib erated peoples. The only meat ex ports in July, August and Septem ber will be for the U. S.. armed forces. ; - The clamp-down on meat ex ports was seen as a move to ease the extremely tight situation here at home. During the present quarter-year civilians are getting meat at an annual rate of 110-112 i pounds, a new record low. Offi I cials said improved distribution is expected to make considerably larger quantities available in areas now suffering the worst shortages. . The- army ordnance armory Springfield, Mass., is condu.i;ii. four-year course, leading t0 -,i I expert toolmaker certificate. Th'jfe liwi'ui u.j ui-antai gi-Q SerViM. men are now taking courses l such s u.b j e C t s as engineering drawing, shop mathematics, shon trigonometry, gun theory, mJ lurgy and heat treatment, thread grinding, jig borers, first aid, f0 manship and management nn duction engineering, and shoptL ory. . IS EPILEPSY INHERITED? ,WHAT CAUSES IT?.- J A boolltl conlointna ll opinion offe! noul doctors on this Intcrttting itbtta b MM fftEE, whilo Ihty loll, 0 raoder writing to lha Educotionol DhiihJ 535 fifth Avo.. Nw York. NX. fj Buy National War Bonds Now! INVESTORS MUTUAL.INC. AN OPEN END INVESTMENT COMPANY Protptctut on nqutti from Principal Undmwrhw INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNNAPOlli, MINNIIOTA ELMER LEHNHERR Local Representative 217 Oregon Phone 525 IMPORTAN Chemical patcms, sonu8,000 in number, issued in American to ci tizens of enemy countries, were seized by the government early in the war and are now abstracted for the benefit of American chem ists and manufacturers; the bulk are German. , I 1 gg U Ij J Everything you need to make your home bright and sparkling and keep it that way. Acme Paints Kern -Tone JUST IN Paint Brushes Big, complete stock of all kinds of brushes." 35c to 16.00 Wall Paper Waxes Cleaners Old English Johnson's Liquid Sunshine Hardware Kitchenware Dishes SPECIAL King-Kraft Toy Wagons Clever little toys, made in Bend, while they last, Of C only .i. Sm Wall Street Hardware Xext to S ft N Men's Shop 037 WALL St. Phone 24 ami;! Jf&i2l ; The brilli ant Gem of Quality- center diamond is en hanced by the four large side diamonds SZ5I.H The matching fishtail style five diamond wedding ring. .. .S1II.II Unusual is this beauti ful Girland Ring sec with three fine diamonds $81.51 The truly matched wedding ring is also set with three fine dia monds..... 540.09 Gcorgeous is this Gem of Quality diamond ring with its brilliant center and two smaller diamonds in the mounting ..U7.SI The wedding ring has one fine quality diamond in the center. $31.51 When only the finest gift that money can buy is good enough, you find it in these Gems of Quali ty. Many other designs to choose from but only one high standard. 1 An exqui site center ' diamond set with two fine dia- J monds on the sides in a 14 K. ycl- t low gold mounting., $111.01 Individual in design, and perfectly matched is this two diamond wed ding ring ,...Ji:.W ''tie'll nevtr forgel this Christmas I If you make it a Garland Cm of yuamy njng. rrtaa jrom tjz.o Add 20 Federal Tax Symons Bros Jewelers ) "The House of Beauty" I 947 Wall Street Phone 175 Authorized Dealer far Garland Diamond Rings BUY MORE f WAR BONDS Naval Chaplain Anowfr to Prrvlonw Pn.nte HORIZONTAL 1,7 Pictured chief of U. S. naval chaplains 14 Palm trees 15 Mollusk 16 Males 17 Talking bird 19 Pigpen 20 Tantalum (symbol) 22 Price 23 Pint (ab ) 24 South Caro lina (ab.) 26 Perform 28 Parent 29 Postscript (ab.) 3t Vagrant 33 Splendor 35 Eagle's nest 36 Female Titan 37 Severe ?S Behind 39 Him 40 Thus 41 Lithium (symbol) 42 Southeast (ab.) 43 Chlorine (symbol) 44 Imprefser 48 Court houfe (ab.) 50 Duct 52 Cases 54 Self-esteem 57 One more 59 Layered 1.62 Chief of U S Army chaplains I 1.1 loklitll I Isle & E E N Q jj J LIONEL IcjAjg S "A H S 3JSEjS1be2 5 S. TiA I rjfe A Tig J LfetA S. BP-P rear 23 He recently toured the VERTICAL 1 Male sheep 2 Native metal 3 Turned 4 Out of (prefix) 5 Strike 6 Former Rus sian ruler 7 Excrescence ' 8 Musical instrument 9 Rodent 24 Stop (slang) lOKiloliter (ab.) 25 Greek island J 1 Greatest 27 Uncloses quantity 28 Decoration 12 Insects 13 French marshal under 32 Exist Napoleon 34 Land parcel 18 Sun god 43 Chilly 21 He is a 44 Space 45 Heated 46 And (Latin) 47 Bristle 49 Demigod 50 Jackdaw 51 One (comb, form) 52 Greek letter 29 Window glass 53 Courtesy tiUe 30 Cubic meter 55 Jellify 58 Peculiar 58 Thallium (symbol) 60 Half -em I 2 b It 15 16 17 B 14 110 U - j ir-ffn: s ir srTj3 r' Z 3i yis " " " -3 tl HJ f Wl is"; 16 fl , I M 31 TTSi"- i lizLijj H 1 I l lJ HOM CENf