THg BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY, 'JUNE T. T94S WSE SEVEN 4 I Railroad Shares Lead Recovery By Elmer C. Waller (United frm Finaocial Editor) New York, June 1 U" Railroad shares led a broad recovery on the stock market today alter further easiness In early trading. Volume, increased late in the day: Gains in the rails ranged to more than two points in some of the inactive Issues. Canadian Pa cific led the whole list in turn over and made a new high. Sev eral other carriers made highs bringing the average to within striking distance of the eight-year peak made a few days ago. Demand for the railroads re flected favorable earnings reports. Tj-aders brought the group after ick recent setback which did not progress as far as many had an ticipated. Railroad equipment issues rose with the rails. Ameri can Locomotive made a new high. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK.. Portland, Ore., June 1. iU" Livestock: cattle 25, calves hona Very active, strong at Thursday's late 25c advance; few medium steers $14.00; choice fed steers quotable tp Monday's top of S18.00; common-medium heifers S12.00-14.50; canner-cutter cows mostly $7.50-10.00; fat dairy type cows $11.75; odd beef cows to $12.50; good beef bulls $13.00; good-choice ve a 1 e r s quotable $15.50-16.50, week's extreme top $17.00. Hogs 25. Quotable at ceilings; butchers salable $15.75; sows $15.00; stags aronud $14.50; choice feeder pigs $19.00-20.00. .Sheep 110. Load mixed classes ff-om late Thursday available; full early clearance at steady prices; good - choice 84 -103 lb. spring lambs $13.75; odd deck good choice 99 lb. wooled lambs $14.25; medium-good shorn lambs $12.25; shorn ewes up to $6.75; wooled ewes to $8.50. Cobalt ore deposits in British Columbia are now under inten sive investigation, looking for ward to commercial production. See ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans AUTO ' LIGHT TRUCK PICK-UP On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 Here's Where to Go for fun for entertainmenf to soothe war weary nerves for fine foods and needed relaxation. DANCING NIGHTLY f Ort-Jiestra Saturdays POLLY'S CAFE Open All Nite Breakfast Orders Served 24 Hours a Day Gopd Coffee Fine Foods Good Service CAPITOL "THE BEST IN ENTERTAINMENT ALWAYS!" Continuous I to 1 1 Sat. Sun. Spare Classified Rates Local Paid in Advanc 25 Words One Time 85c 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times .$1.35 All wwrtm rar M uM Ic par wr4 tum naabte mt tnMrtiou Oat Month ran. eopr. 4fa dar nu M Inlaw Ctatf. M LINE BATE 10O-CAP1TALS tOo Clarified AdvtTtixinr, Cub In Advmncn Dnilr CImIm Tinw Uill t. M. MEETING of LOYAL ORDER of MOOSE, Second and Fourth Fri days. Ladies of the Moose First and Third Fridays. DANCE for members, families and candidates every Saturday night, no charge. BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. ..Special Communication.. Friday, June 1, 7:30 pan. F. C. Degree Also Examinations George SlmerviUe, Sec'y. FOB SALE PLANTS AT FANTON's Garden. Strawberries, pansies, perennials, cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, brus spl sm-outs. head lettuce, some an- I nuals. Fanton's Garden, 829 Og- den. '29 CHEVROLET 2-Door $125.00; 30 Chevrolet 4-door $135.00; '31 Chevrolet 2 - door $150.00; '31 Chevrolet 4 door $175.00. All priced for quick sale within OPA ceiling. 1929 Model A radiators and parts of all kinds. Acetylene welding outfit. All this can be seen at 136 Greenwood. F-20 FARMALL TRACTOR, good condition, and power equipment. Also horse equipment. Electric stove, bedroom suite, L. R. Rouse, 1 mile north Alfalfa store. Do not call before Thursday. NEED A HOME? We have some nice places priced from $1700.00 to $2700.00. You won't want to pay rent when you see what your money will buy at Gilberts Real Estate & insurance, xuia wan at. PRE-WAR FURNITURE priced reasonably for quick sale. Miscel laneous articles. Call at' 6-YEAR OLD BAY mare. Gentle, good for a lady. Priced reason ably. Call after 5 P. M. at 400 Sisemore. RADIOS FROM $5.00 to $35.00. Also man's Elgin wrist watch. Keeps time to the second. 117 La fayette. ' '' 936 FLAT-BED L.W.B. truck or trade for trailer house. Good 3 I year old saddle mare, green broke, !and saddle. L. R. Rouse, 1 mile north, of Alfalfa store. Call Thurs day. I.HOME ON HARMON: Facing riv- er. 5 room modern, hardwood floors. Wired for electric range, electric water heater. Basement nothing to shout about but has good furnace. A real home priced ! for quick sale at $3800.00 at Gil i berts Real Estate and Insurance. GRADE III TIRES. No ration cer tificate required. 650 X 15; 600 X 21; 700 X 20; 750 X 17.Houk-Van Allen Home & Auto Supply. Dine and Dance Fried Chicken Dinners Sandwiches Glen Vista Club 3'2 Miles North on Bend-McKemie Highway Phone 777-W FOUNTAIN Luncheons Sandwiches Home Made Pies OPEN EVERY DAY "Til 10 p. m. The Dairy Store I3S Minnesota TOWER ALWAYS 2 HITS Continuous I to 1 1 Sat. Sun. Articles FOB SALE 6 ROOM MODERN: with 3 bed rooms, 5 years old. 2 lots, dandy garden. Oil circulator and kitchen range. Garage, woodshed, work shop, and chicken-house. A nice place priced at ji3u.uu. lenra ui Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance. 50 NEW HAMPSHIRE Red Pull ets. 3 months old. Good stock. Rt." 1, Box 467 or phone 314-M. BRED DOES, one with young, four unbred does, one double, and one single self-cleaning hutch. Al so three quarter Inch galvanized wire for bottom of hutches. Call at 147 E. Olney. MAN'S GOLD POCKET watch, Swiss movement, size 012. Inquire 1588 Awbrey Rd. Phone 664-W. $3500 BUYS NEW, modern 2 bedt room home. East side. Immediate possession. $1850 buys 4 room modern on East 3rd street. Imme diate possession.. C. V. Silvia, 118 Oregon Ave. JERSEY COW, Just fresh, nice White Face calf. W. R. Gerking, Rt. 2, Bend. . .. 2 TWIN-SIZE BEDS complete with mattress and springs. One small chest, one double-size mat tress. 716 Broadway. BEDROOM SET, dining set, cook stove, and miscellaneous items. 511 12th St., Redmond. Phone 113-Y. 1500 WATT KOHLER light plant, in fine shape. J. J. Race. Chemult, Oregon. HAM RECEIVER, like new. Na tional type NC 144. Has broadcast band. Short wave from 1.6 to 30 NC. Inquire George s Radio Serv ice. Phone 900. $1050 BUYS 4 ROOM semi-modern house. Paved street, west side. Immediate possession. $2400 buys good 4 room modern, west side. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon Ave. BROOD SOW to furrow in July. 2 Ms miles north, '4 mile west of Tumalo. O. B. Twiggs. RESTAURANT. Good location. Small down payment. Balance easy terms. Write Bend Bulletin No. 20. ADJOINING CITY of Redmond 40 acres with full water right. Six room modern home, large dairy barn, equipment and sheds for 2000 turkeys. A well located coun try home priced at $10,000, reason able terms. Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon Ave. 150 6- and 8-week old New Hamp shire chicks 50c each if you take them all. One, new 500 chick oil brooder. Young rabbits all sizes. Dressed or on foot H. C. Sutton, 1367 Elgin. NEWLY BUILT 5-room, modern house, completely furnished, cook stove. Close to mills. See this at 1212 Cumberland. 2 COWS, MILKING. Route 1, Box 313 mile south Young's school, off Butler Market road. RABBITS: 4 DOESwTth iittle ones and one buck, 1124 Balti more. STUDIO COUCH, radio, baby bug gy, play pen and incinerator. Call evenings 1214 Albany. FACT" 3RY BUILT Vagabond Trailer house completely furnish ed. Good 16-inch tires. Will trade for furniture. 350 Division. I MAN'S PRE-WAR bicycle. Tires i in A-l shape, $25.00. 4-cycle gas I engine $15.00. 232 Willmington. Turn right tap Aubrey Rd. After 5 this week. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now In load lots. Limbs or body. City or i Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. ' BOY'S BICYCLE $17.50. Colum ; bia victrola, good condition. Cabi I net radio, $12.50. Occasional rock er, small ice box, buffet, dresser, j vanity dresser, baby buggy, child's play pen, like new, maga zine rack, dark walnut dinette ta Ible,' kitchen cabinet, kitchen ta bles, some real buys on used dav enports. Dresser bases, end ta bles. Single or double coil springs, wood or metal bed steads, roll away beds. Library tables, sew. jing cabinet, 10 gal. milk can, 30 gai. Kdsuiiiiu uai rui, sicp jaauer, I ball and socket trailer hitches, j new and used meat saws, new car chains, half price. Across street from 350 Division. SEED POTATOES, $2.00 per hun dred. Call after June 2nd at Bert Torkelson's, 1 'A miles east Bradc tich's Dairy. Rt. 1, Box 200. Clarence Bush says: If Doesn't Cost a Cent The President'! Protective In vestment Plan ... a safe, flex ible means of providing income for the future . . . doesn't cost a cent If you die within 20 years, Genuine all depoKita you have made on It will he return ed to your family and the prin cipal amount of the contract paid to them, FOR DETAILS SEE C. E. BUSH Bend Phone 235-W The Franklin Life Insurance Company Springfield, Illinois Dlstuiculshed Service Since 1884 Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad FOR SALE UPRIGHT PIANO in good condi tion. Phone 1085-W or call at 357 Dell Lane., 2 BEDROOM MODERN plastered, near Kenwood school, attic finish ed In knotty pine, furnace, electric hot water heater, wired for elec tric range; drilled well,- garage. Priced at $3750. 1361 Federal St. 12 GAUGE WINCHESTER Model 24 double shotgun, walnut stock with leather case and shells. 1361 Federal. ELECTRIC FENCE; 2 17-inch tires and tubes, very gooa; two whaai i-ntiop fnr rar. Fruit 1ars. quart size at R. F. Jackson's, Boyd's Acres, Rt 2, Box 269A. 1 POTATO CULTIVATOR, one 2-way plow, 1 disc. Inquire Robert Koopman, Rt, 2, Box 173, IMi miles northwest of Tumalo. FOUR ROOM MODERN house, two bedrooms, and breakfast nook, new roof and puini. Furn ished or unfurnished, 50 ft. lot in lawn. Terms. Inquire 1107 Mil waukee. ' FOB KENT " BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. 3 ROOM MODERN home With cook stove. 1314 Union Street. No children. See Mrs. Wuthrich, 1445 Cumberland or call lUoT-J. FURNISHED UPSTAIRS mod. em apartment, private bath, wood, water and lights included. Phone 1083 or call at 623 Hill. NICE LARGE bedroom with twin beds for couple of men or girls. Kitchen and telephone privileges if desired. Call 8!tt-M. 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED semi. modern house, indoor toilet Call at 147 E. Olney. 7 ROOM MODERN house funv ished with garage, 3 bedrooms. Inquire 144 '& Roosevelt after 3:00 p.m. WITH OPERATOR D-7 Caterpil lar and dozer. Phone Redmond 73. 6 ROOM MODERN furnished house with electric washer, vac uum sweeper, completely electric Kitcnen. Available June l. .Phone 1184-J. MODERN BRICK house, furnish ed. 7 rooms. 856 Portland Ave. Possession about June 4. Phone 857-M. Before Saturday. 3-ROOM MODERN furnished apartment, private bath, electri cally equipped. Inquire 141 Geor gia or Phone 766. USED CARS 36 V-8 2 DOOR SEDAN with heater. See after 6:00 p.m. Harvey W. Ridgeway, Rt. 1, Redmond. WANTED WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bed room modern house by responsi ble couple with girl 11. T. Brown hill, Alpine Lodge or Bulletin composing room. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 WaU St Phone 900. TO BUY SADDLE HORSES or ponies, 500 lbs. up. Must be gentle for kids or women. Write or leave description and price. Must be reasonable. Joe Garke, 1333 West 10th Street. Sample Flower Garden 50c COMPLETE, READY TO SKT OUT, WITH SIMPLE PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS. A miniature gay colored flower garden lo brighten some drab corner of your yard, delivered iKwtpald for ao rente. We like to send out samples of our plants In every section of the country so folks can see what hardy, well-rooted specimens n 0 I ill SO Here's what we'll ship postpaid for half a dollar: 1 MINIATURE BABY ROSE ... $ ) 1 MOUNTAIN PHLOX " - 1 KOSB DAWN PERENNIAL "'" '' I LA MAKTINR DELPHINIUM . """ ' mi ""k'kKiVnT.I'.Nl ''" "' l",,i. In ,rnln,t i.r..ill K .1 m'wI. "'" "" '""" nuuin No oI.I.k.. Write your name and address below, Inclose r0c and mall to CLARK GARDNER 734 American Bldff. Weniorn Km , Addreii . .". j RED RYDER I- fl At f?l!A5. Nl fi WANTED TO TRADE 1938 Chevrolet sedan delivery In good condition for late moaei picKup, no roras. inquire George's Radio Service. Phone 900. HAVE WAITING list of respon sible people wanting to buy two or three bedroom modern homes. If you have one for sale and want quick action list your property with Frank McGarvey, lis Ore gon. PLASTERING and PATCHING. Call 108-J. Redmond. WILL BUY equity or pay cash for 4 or 5 room partly furnished house. Write Box 8, Bend Bulle tin. A GOOD ELECTRIC range. Call 960-J. GOOD, YOUNG GENTLE milk cow. Guernsey preferred. Ted Pc vey, Rt. 2, Box 28, Phone 2-F-23. LARGE SIZE girl's bicycle in good condition. Call 314-M. HELP WANTED LADY COOK for fishing lodge. Inquire U. S. Employment Serv ice. . "WANTED BY S. P. & S. Railway men between the ages of 21 and 45 to qualify for positions Brake men and switchmen. For informa tion inquire of local S. P. & S. Railway Agent." LOST RATIONING BOOK, name, Kitty M: Bratton. Finder please call at 145 Hawthorne or Phone laa. MONDAY INUNESS'tricZ tan billfold containing 3 pictures of children, $20 in currency. Find er return to Bulletin for Reward. TAN JACKET at East Lake, Wed nesday. Will the party who picked it up please return to Bond Street Food Market. RATION BOOK No. 3 issued to Martin Lane. Finder please return to Checkerboard Cafe. LAST WEEK in downtown Bend: Lady's silver wrist watch mount ed on lapel pin. Return to Bulle tin lor Reward. . WULL PERSON who took a brown zipper billfold out of Jacket, please return it to Douth its. No questions will be asked. FOUND 825;. X 20 10 PLY GOODYEAR truck tire. Owner may claim by paying for ad and identifying. 16414 E. Irving St. Between 9 a.m. anir 4:30 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS BEND WASHER SERVICE Genuine factory parts. Service on all makes of appliances. Money back guarantee on all makes of washing machines Including May tag and Bcndix. Phore 583. 136 Greenwood. THOR CERTIFIED WASHER ! SERVICE Wo have the ; experience and equipment to give expert service on all makes. Century Drive Serv ice Station. Phone 275-J. REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMullin, Camp Sherman 832. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. Office Seattle I. Wash. I'lraae (til me about Olht-r fiowrr lia ritlL.i AUNTY bad MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOUR SEWING machine repaired now by your local repair man. Reliable work done. Call 957-J or bring machine to 235 E. Franklin. LEAVE YOUR ORDER for that new sewing machine now. Also pay top prices for old sewing ma chines. Call 957-J or bring ma chine to 235 E. Franklin. WE HAVE JUST received a beau tiful new style in the popular rayon Luk-Shu-Rl Knit Ladies Pa- Jamas. Also men's fine rayon pa jamas in size c. Available this week. Phone 615-J or see Mrs. El sie A. Dunn at No. 7 Westonia Apartments. For fine lingerie and dresses at reasonable prices. Rep resentative of the House of Charm and Distinction, the C. & D. Co, of Grand Rapids, Mich. NOWS THE TIME to plaster or patch that room, build that chim ney and fireplace, have those con crete sidewalks. For your work call H. Heck, 504-W. THE CENTURY OIL Burner Service representative, Ray K. Bewley will be in Bend next week. Call 991-M for appointment. PRINTING YOUR LE'lTERHEADS can be made any ulze you desire, with any pruning you like. 'Estimates gladly givea The Bulletin. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned administra trix of the estate of Hurry Wal lace Baker, deceased, has filed her Final Account in said estate and that pursuant to an order of the court, duly made and entered, hearing upon said Final Account will be hold at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., of Wednesday the 20th day of June, 1945, at the courthouse in Bend, Oregon, and all persons interested are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and show cause if any they have why said account should not be approved, the estate settled and closed, the administratrix dis charged and her bondsmen re leased. MERIBEL E. PARKER, Adxln Istratrlx. 140-146151-3c mm South of Post Office DUCHESS - ' WriCH A(lf RED, YOU'RE vN DD THEY SO,) N rtO COSDrtiOrt LITTLE- xlVTO FOILOVO'EJV mrcs 1 PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., June 11 IIP! Butter continues in liberal supply today with most of the surplus being accepted by the govern ment. Prices were unchanged. Egg prices were unchanged. Butter Cube 93 score 42c; 92 score 42 &c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41 Vic pound. Eggs Price to retailers: AA large 44c; A large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen. Solid carbon dioxide (dry Ice) is so much denser than gaseous carbon dioxide that It can be used to extinguish fires outdoors In high winds, even gasoline-fed fires in wrecked airplanes. GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! We Cherry ZILLAH, WASHINGTON No experience necessary. Age, 16 years ' or over. Housing and transportation fur nished. Cherry season from June 15th to . July 4th. Other fruits following. Call or ,, write i- Stadelman Fruit Co. Zllluli, Washington or Hood River, Oregon KEEP YOUR CAR ON THE JOB! That ear of yours should be treated with care to in sure its continued good performance. From reports, you will be driving your automobile for a good long while. Our shop is completely equipped to factory specifica tions our workmen are trained and you have our full assurance that the job will be done right. It's our part in the war-effort to help you. PARAGE c. BEETLE MEETING PLANNED Redmond, June 1 Control of potato flea beetle in this area in 1945 will be discussed with farm ers here on June 6 and 7, with the arrival of Bob Reider, extension entomologist from Oregon State college, it was reported today. County agent H. G. Smith said that there was a possibility that a change In the dusting program might be made, owing to the shortage of rotenone. 14 SHIPS BAGGED Washington, June 1 lift U. S. submarines in Japanese waters have sunk 14 more enemy ships, including five combat vessels, the navy announced today. Need Packers Phone 2130 Phone 1263 Phone 193 By FRED HARMAN V l'rt NOT HURT TOO fiAD TO DO ) THIS JOS.PUCHESS 1'?. GOlf jn and f