THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1945 PAGE FIVE Local News ' TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 68 degrees. Minimum last night, 38 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p.m., 46 de crees; 10 a.m., 66 degrees. Baro meter (reduced to sea level): 10 p.m., 30.06 inchest 10 a.m., 30.03 Inches. Relative humidity: 10 p. in., 84 per cent; 10 a. m., 50 per cent. Velocity or wind: 10 p.nv, 2 miles; 10 a.m., 2 miles. Pre- vailing direction of. wind: South' west. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dyer and two children, were in Bend today from Portland. The Dyers for merly lived .here when he repre sented an oil company. He is on a business trip for the same company. Lt.-Col. Fred H. Loomls, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Loomis, ar rived in Bend yesterday from an army hospital in Spokane, where he has been hospitalized. Col Loomis wears the distinguished service cross and other decora tions, for service in the European theater of war, where he was twice wounded. Lt. (j. g.) and Mrs. Bert Hagen are spending part of a 10-day leave in Bend as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Hill, 930 Broadway. Lt. Hagen is stationed at the naval air station in San Pedro, Calif. This is his first leave in three years. Lawrence J. Sohler, formerly a Bend resident, is assisting the United States forest service in training smoke-Jumper crews at Missoula, Mont., if has been learn ed here. About 200 trainees are taking the course, which will in clude seven practice jumps from Sohler's plane. Marffflrpf TTamhv Whlfn nf Bend, has graduated from the Washington state college with a B. A. degree in English, accord ing to 'word received here today. Mrs. Albert E. Allen, accomp anied by her son Warner, re turned recently from Portland and Seattle, where she visited her husband, Pfc Albert E. Allen, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Allen of Seattle. The young soldier has just returned from 15 months in the Panama Canal Zone, and is enroute to Med. A. D. M., O. C. S., Carlisle Barracks Penn. Miss Jackie Hahn left yester day for Seattle to spend the sum mer 'with her grandmother, Mrs. Hattie M. Brown, and her sister, Miss Helen Hahn. Clarence Edwin Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sutton, 147 E. Olney, left yesterday for Portland to be inducted into the navy, Clarence was sworn in April 2, and has been employed at the ordnance shop here. Bruno Rath is in Los Angeles on a buying trip for Rath's dress shop. He expects to return next Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Washburn, 1071 Federal, have just received word that their son, Russell, has been promoted to signalman 1c and will be given further instruc tion at the naval station at Treas ure island. The word came a O NOW O Continuous Tomorrow NN SHERIDAN - ALEXIS SMITH IACK MRSOH JANE WYMAH . IRENE MANNING CHARLIE RUGGLES NEWS CARTOON TWO FEATURES O NOW O Continuous Tomorrow THE GREATEST GANGSTER THRILLER , THAT EVER EXPLODED FROM THE SCREEN! SAMUIL GOIDWTN PLCS feSi COmT CIRCUMSTANTIAL MAI W Af I "CO -J.'iSylvia Sidney l - if Joel McCrra : ' j Humphrey i-V Tjf Bogart COURT IS IN SESSION! week after Russell completed a leave spent with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Givan have returned from Los Angeles, where they spent two weeks. Givan was on business for Pa cific Trailways. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Woods and daughter Leda left yesterday for their home in Herlong, Calif., after spending two weeks as guests of Mrs. Woods' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lornie Mills, 424 Harriman. Woods is supervisor of the Sierra ordnance depot in Herlong. Mrs. Elizabeth Haeman ar rived yesterday from Willamina and is the guest of her niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Workman, 335 E. Quimby. After a visit in Bend, she will go to Brothers with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Meeks. Mary Lou Cazier of Elv. Nev. who recently purchased the Wa hee court at 1450 Southeast Third street, has arrived from Nevada and taken possession of the prop erty. One of the first acts of Mrs. Cazier after arriving was to join the Bend chamber of com merce. Mayor A. T. Niebergall was In Portland today on business, and expected to return to Bend to night. J. E. Parsons of Multnomah, a representative of the secretary of state's office in Salem, was a Bend business caller today. August Lindstrom of the West ern Pine association, was here today from Portland conferring with local mill officials. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stockton and daughter of Prineville, last night were guests at the Pilot Butte inn. W. R. Alvin, representing the state land board, was here today from Salem. Mrs. E. M. Brattain and A. E. Brattain of Fort Klamath, spent the day in Bend. I Winston D. Purvine of the Oregon state division of voca j tional education, was here today jfrom Salem. W. G. Forrester of Redmond 'transacted business in Bend to ; day. Lawrence Wiley, examiner for ! the state motor vehicle depart ' ment, will be in Bend June 5 and ,6 to conduct examinations for I drivers and chauffeurs licenses, i Secretary of State Robert S. Far i rcll, Jr., reported today. Wiley will make headquarters at the city hall. i Thomas L. Craven, attorney and ranch owner of Nevada, and i former U. S. district attorney for that state, is in Bend to spend the summer. He is making his headquarters at the Wahee cot tages on south Third street. I Members of the congregation of the First Christian church will meet in the church dining I room immediately following the ' morning service Sunday, for a , pot-luck dinner, it has been an nounced. I Harold (Tysme) Smith, gradu ate from the Ilend high school with the class of 1JH5 and presi dent this past season of the HOME LIGHTING SYSTEMS Motor Driven Gas or Diesel Water Driven Wind Driven Every size from "portable" units for cabins, etc., to complete farm light and power plants. ASK US Bend Electric Co. mm Lava Bear Letterman's club, has been called into service and left this morning for Fort Lewis, Wash. Harold, son of Mrs. Emilia Smith, operator of the Deschutes Auto court in Bend, enlisted in the army reserves last year. Janet Schultz was In Bend Thursday from Redmond. Charlie Brown, Wayne Houston and Newt Morris were among the Bend visitors from Brothers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Emery were in Bend yesterday from Silver Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Tackman from Brothers shopped in Bend Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jenkins. former Bend residents, now liv ing in Portland, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Filey. J. Alton Thompson, county school superintendent, planned to attend closing day exercises at the Deschutes school this after noon. Walter Kittrldgo of Silver Lake was in Bend yesterday on busi ness. Mrs. E. W. Williamson and daughter Margaret Ann, returned last night from Burns, where they visited relatives. Mrs. H. V. Webber of Warm Springs shopped in Bend yester day. ' 1 , Mrs. J. A. Wercshkul of Port land is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brooks, 516 Drake road. Mrs. Carl Glllenwatcr of Red mond was a Bend visitor Thurs day. Sgt. Gordon L. Erickson, army air corps, arrived Tuesday to spend his furlough visiting his mother, Mrs. Irene Erickson, 404 Federal. Sgt. Erickson has been stationed in Texas, and will re port to the base at Fresno, Calif., June 11. Mrs. Maurice Hitchcock and daughter Kathleen of Sisters, ac companied by Mrs. Hitchcock's mother, Mrs. A. J. O'Larey of Redmond, spent the day in Bend shopping. The O'Lareys recently moved to Redmond from Grand view, Wash. Maj. Raymond S. Sifdol, train ing officer for the veterans' ad ministration guidance center at the University of Oregon, was Sheep Guano Heat treated to kill weed seed 40 lbs. 1.29 Minialur Hoikomttl 49c MOTKAPS Olva protection from frost, storm, Insects. Assnroa earlier crops. Iscreuaa yields. Bait 'Em Kills cut worms, earwigs, sow bugs pkg. 98c ioo fjpli lb. bag tB 3.70 18-Foot Soil Soaker, 1.89 Houk-Van Allen Titestonc Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St riiune 860 in Bend this week on veterans' husiness. returning to Eugene Thursday. " . , . Miss EllzaDew ooeciui, uvv j ..inn noont loft Thurs- day afternoon for Corvallis to at tend the annual home extension council meeting, one was ac companied by Mrs. Charles Chris- Eby of Redmond, Mrs. Jane Knapp, home ageni zor county, and two members of Ba ker county extension units. Word has been received by Mrs. Lucille Wood, 1415 Davenport, that her husband, sagi. Jimimc avnatprl tn hp pnfOUte.tO the States May 4. Sgt. Wood, who had been a prisoner oi w In Germany since Jan. 21, 1944, was released by British para troopers May 2. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Wood of Portland, are former Bend resi dents. Wood was co-owner or the City Cleaners. Mrs. Waldeen Upp, Bend grade school teacher, is in Klamath Falls visiting relatives. Mrs. Wilfred Conklln and children from Marcola are vlsit- t D ,h hnmn nf Mrs. Conk lin's mother, Mrs. Marvin Jones. Mrs. Irene Casey, recenuy oi Portland, returned to Bend Mon nH TWcriHV momincr as- uaj o" - J , sumed her duties as manager of the Montgomery wara oraer ui f ice here. Three years ago, Mrs. Casey served in that capacity for about 15 months. A guest of Mr. and Mrs. George n.ioolnr 33R Pnneress. is their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Vernon Buegler of Seattle, Wash. Major Vernon Buegler Is with the army in Germany. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladies free. , Adv. Dr. Pauline Sears will be out of town May 30th and 31st and June 1st and 2nd. Officio! Records Honorable Discharges The following honorable dis charges are on file at the office of the county clerk. William J. Baer-of Bend, army, May 29; Rob ert James Wetle of Bend, navy, May 31; William Young Marsden of Redmond, navy, June l. . Marriage License Arthur J. Miller of Redmond and Elizabeth Hansen of Bend re ceived a marriage license today at the office of the county clerk. Washington Column i By Peter Edson (NEA Staff Correspondent) San Francisco, Calif. To say that California democratic leaders ! are delighted with the way things j are working out in Washington; puts it mildly. j President Truman's scheduled visit to San Franpisco to close the i United Nations conference gives, the whole West a chance for bet ter acquaintances. Truman made ! a vice presidential campaign j speech here last year, but it at- j traded little attention and so didj he. But as President, with both JUST IN DICKIES All styles and colors. 1.79 to 3.10 k Truman Confers NEA Telephoto) President Harry a Truman (left) shakes hands with former President Herbert Hoover alter 45-mlnute White House conference during which Hoover was believed to have urged drastic overhauling of the machinery lor providing relief to Europe's starving millions. the war and the peace efforts centered on the Pacific and with three good westerners just named to the cabinet, the West is getting a political lift such as it has not had in years. Already requests are being made to have President Truman put in a few political appearances on the side. Older heads in the democratic organization, are counseling a gainst too much of a purely po litical party celebration. They re alize that Truman is still in his political honeymoon and too much partisan whoopee might be a bad thing. But there seems to be no Incli nation to feel that the future of the democratic party died with Roosevelt. In fact, just the op posite. . . While Roosevelt kept a number of diverse west coast elements inside the dempcratic party, there was always a lot of factional jealousy. And it was not at all uncommon to have various in dividuals going around the state party leaders to take issues di rect to the White House. All this era of short circuiting political machines by direct pipe lines to 1600 Pennsylvania aven Glen Vista Club Open as usual, but NO MEALS SERVED Until about June 10 Mrs. Ann Zubar, our famous coolt, has been called fo Chicago by the death of her brother. Until she returns our kitchen will be closed but the rest of us will be on hand to serve you. Dancing Nightly Orchestra Sat. Rath's Of pnng presses Save Y4 to now priced .95 to Every Scle Dress Plainly Marked With Original Price and Sale Price. Here is your chance to really save on the dresses you want new 1945 stylos at reduc tions of !4 to 'j! Choice styles, colors and materials, on sale to make room for new arrivals. Choose several. Also on sale Maternity Dresses RATH'S "For Stylo and Economy" 331 Wall Phone 282 With Hoover V ue, now seems to be ended. The amateurs, the crackpots, the labor politicians now appear to be in the position of having to work through the party machine or pass out of existence. Nationally, the California demo crats gained five congressional seats in 1944 to give them a rep resentation of 17, to six republl cans. Washington representation Is, of course, important, but what the California democrats would particularly like to see is recognl tion of their own machine here In the west. There are over 150 federal agencies with state or regional headquarters hore ln San Francisco. Key personnel In many of these agencies don't -even know each other. If western democrats could get n ripnut v .TllnVp Vinson PRtahllKhnri I here to serve as what State At torney General Bob Kinney calls "a great oilcloth shoulder" on which they could all cry when ever problems of particular in terest to the west came up, it would make a great many peo pie happy. Buy National War Bonds Now! Annual Included are lovely sheors, smart gabardines, rayons in plains and prints, a few ging hams. Siios 9 to 15, 10 to 44, in one- and two-pioco styles, in such colors as rod, .-renn. gray, chartreuse, whilo, blue, molon, otc. STORE YOUR FURS nidi liath's nafn, depend able, eeoniinilral fur wrvlce. 595 tut VJ 1 1 WW HARPER'S VOGUE MADEMOISELLE CLAMOUR (ARM SBVENTKEN 223 l 5 L,t 'ill 1 I J' . i mm : n 1 &eafued in DAXAAR 8p In dashing, dazzling white! The deep, deep square cut neckline and short, short sleeves are banded in the lace1 that squares off the kirt. White Butcher Lyn spun rayon, sizes 9 to 15. 5295 CHOOSE A ccATiinrn l M ' v-y. i cm unci hi !VpIflIEEN! li "KaveMcf Drawstring neckline and sleeves... nipped In waistline atop a full shirred skirt. ..a dream ef a dress In Sugar White Nassau Spun Rayon. Sizes 9 to 15. 70 644 FranVIin Phone 1 59