' THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 3 1, 1945 PAGE SEVEN V: 4 t Marain Rumors AireamarKer By Elmer C. Walzer (United Pro Financial Editor) New York, May 31 Pi Follow ing recent custom after a lew days of market rise Washington today circulated rumors that stricter margin controls were in the offing. Simultaneously stocks receded on reduced volume. Wall Street experts were un willing to concede that the re cession coming on top of the margin rumors was anything but a coincidence. They held that the list was entitled to a technical correction at this stage of the rise. Losses generally are small and partly recouped before the close. Recently strong railroad shares liad declines of as much as 2tt vjMnts in Santa Fe at the lows. ' f The latter came back part way. "s Several strong spots developed J among the high-priced rails. New :A York and Harlem ran up 4 points f and Norfolk and Western 2 points. I PORTLAND LIVESTOCK 1 Portland, Ore., May 31 IIP) ' Livestock: Cattle 150, calves 50. Active, steady; few grass steers a 14 50-15.00; common-medium hei Vfcrs 11.00-14.25; cutters down to 9 00; canner-cutter cows 7.00- 2 1000; fat dairy ype cows 11.00; jt medium sausage bulls 11.00-11.50; good-choice vealers steady, 15.00 ,"16 50.. Hogs 100. Active, steady; bar rows and gilts all weights 15.75; j sows weighing to 855 lbs. 15.00; t good-choice feeder pigs quotable i 19 00-20.00. f Sheep 400. Active, steady; '.-good-choice spring lambs mostly 375; common 47 lb. feeders 9.00; .' few shorn old crop lambs unsold; l common-medium ewes 5.00; good i shorn ewes quotable 6.50-6.75. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., May 31 UP '. Butter supplies were expanding x today with stock being forced into - storage through lack of consumer i demand. Prices were unchanged. ' Egg prices were unchanged. Butter cube 93 score 42c; 92 : ; score 42 lie; 90 score 42c; 89 score i 41'L-c pound. Eggs Prices to retailers AA J large 44c; A large 42c; medium " A 39c; small 35c dozen. .. The bursting strength of wet ' paper can now be scientifically v measured by methods developed V by the national bureau of stand l aids, which has also developed a ,4, testing procedure for evaluating i vthemical laboratory analytical Vs- Jailer P3!561-8- I;- TKOreiS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY 1 CORPORATION of dan PrnnplRTO. In U Suit of CallfomU. on ttm ihtriy-flrit day of Dpoaniber, 10H. m! to Jnauranra ConimiMiolicr of the 8Ul of 0r Kiin, pumia.nl to law: Z&ootno NH prrrhium rwhnl fl.0g,50i.3i Tola! iiilnwt. dltldenda and real rMal, inrome 31.030.T liu-iune from oilier ourcra ej.3I4.82 Total Income ,to.,ww. nil bnr amitl IS Net amount iiald polii-jhutdira for lttutm f S.MS,108.3J Ima tdjiuuuent eiptnaw SSMttr.Tf AiotiU w.ininliwkim or bruVeranr. . . I.01S.199.38 Kalariea and tut nfims. director, home office emiiluyea TuifH. llcciwrt and fraa Divi.lend. raid or cndlttxl to poller holttrra A 1 1 oUier ei.icudtturei 820.0S0.80 Total dUtfiirwmtmi I 7,619, Admitted Assets Value of ml lalo ownwl liuarkrt tatlif) I M Value of bndi ann-d (aroortlMd) C.T.'i. Value of tcki nwriMl inurkd tiluc) 4.m. Cash lit liauka and on hand 1.713, 337. flT 03a.:i7 orio.oo .272.81 ,406. IS ,359.83 l'tPiiitums In courw of collvtlon written nil if yfiirtnotwr 30, 144.. 1.3M, Inirmt and inH dua and accrued lf, UUier acwt tnct) 1. Total admlttfd aiirta $14,108,487.30 Ziabllitlns, Bnrplui and Other Fnndi Total uniiald claims S 7,3.13,913. IS Loilinati-d l"W aditidtmant etprnaj for Uiii'ald rlaiiaa 828.687. 55 Tetal iineaniM premluini on all expired rU' 1.30S.462.00 Salark. renia, eiiienwu. hllla, ac- rnimt. fe , due or cmird 84.761.M tcilmaird aiununt dun or accrued for taxM.., 319,813.73 fnmmtaotonv l)rikrrar', or ethrr rliaraea duf and aivnu-d Si.2.fi.V!W All otber liaMIKIi-a S99.1T7.R9 TnraJ llMhlllllpa. eirept racial. . .$10,094,812.80 Parlra fMld up $ I.Oti.oi.i.OO Hnriilua tntz all IU- lilllllr. 3.nn.r,-,i :,0 Sun'lua aa iwda pnllolioldrra. . .$ 1,110.454 Sfl TW.I fl4.2nS.49T 30 Bnlness in Oregon for tha Tear: Xm prviitmrn, rtil I SIT.I 3 Npf In... pld fi4,S3P.3S Ihl,l-itlit paid of crflllwl to pulln- hohl'Ti lttlJS ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION 1.. H. SI'.irtiMtl. PrMlrtMit . I. P Ardfr.n. HWrr ftt.lutnry mtdatt attorney for ocnlcr. Iblila ' H. Carrtll. Summer Flowers featuring PEONIES GLADIOLI and other cut flowers. Corsages for All Occasions Funeral Designs A Spoeialty PICKETT Flower Shop & Garden Phone 530 629 Quimby -" We telefrreph flowers anywhere. Spare Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance 25 WordsOne Time Me 26 Words Three Time .75c 23 Words-Six Times $LS3 All nrde mr II mM 1c ver were timm lanbtt ! ijurtioD On MODth ran. wn copy. t amy nn Hlnlmnni Chan IU LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c ClawMcd Advertialrta Ouh In AdTeace Deilj ClMlnc Tub Mill P. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F, O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store MEETING of LOYAL ORDER of MOOSE, Second and Fourth Fri days. Ladies of the Moose First and Third Fridays, . DANCE for members, families and candidates every Saturday night, no charge. ' BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. A A. M. ..Special Communication.. Friday, June 1, 7:30 p.m. F. C. Degree Also Examinations George SlmervUle, Bec'y. FOR SALE PLANTS AT FANTON's Garden. Strawberries, pansies, perennials, cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, brus sel sprouts, head lettuce, some an nuals. Fanton's Garden, 829 Og den. RHODE ISLAND RED Fryers. Phone 1-F-ll or call at Rt. 2, Box 259. Turn left 4 miles out on But ler Market Road. 3-ROOM MODERN house furn ished on St. Helens Place on paved street, immediate possession on ly $1400.00 or will divide lot on lesser price. J. S. Davis Co.. 124 Oregon Ave. 4-ROOM MODERN partly turn ished situated on corner lot close to Brooks-Scanlon mill. Good ga rage and shed. Possesion in fif teen days. $2500 on terms. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. $1850 BUYS MODERN 4-room, East Third Street. Immediate pos session. $3000 buys 3-bedroom modern, East 2nd Street. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now In load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. 6-fclECE DINETTE set, twin bed set with one bed, new mattress and springs, and twin-size spring and mattress. Side walk skates. Call 924-J or 850 Division. CLOSE TO ORDNANCE SHOPS, one hall block olf South Third Street, large 5 . room modern home,, basement, double garage, nicely arranged for comfortable living. Owner leaving and will sell for only $3500. Good loan obtain able on reasonable terms. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. LARGE FAT hens, 3'-i miles east on Bend Burns Highway. Phone 37-F-13. E. L. Walrath. '29 CHEVROLET 2-Door $125.00; '30 Chevrolet 4-door $135.00; '31 Chevrolet 2 - door $150.00; '31 Cheyrolet 4 - door $175.00. All priced for quick sale within OPA ceiling. 1929 Model A radiators and parts of all kinds. Acetylene welding outfit. All this can be seen at 136 Greenwood. 2 STORY, ULTRA modern, 4 bed rooms, 2 bathrooms, equipped for oil or hog fuel, weather proofed, sun room, hardwood floors and good fireplace. Situated in fine district on paved street. Large lot with double garage. Owner leav ing city and will sell at $3500.00. Convenient loan can be secured, possession within 30 days. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. ONE CIRCULATING heater, One kitchen range. Good as new. Call evenings 1310 Cumberland. FEW SACKS seed potatoes. $2.00 per sack. 1-. A. pepper, Kt. 2, Box 261, Bultler Market Rd. 1 JERSEY MILK cow fresh 4 months. Inquire 1 mile west of Cox's Service Station. B. C. Straughn. 4 ACRES, 4 acres COI water. 4 room house, chicken house, barn, garage. Some berries. F. A. Pep per, Kt. 2, Box 2U1. COMPLETE RIDING outfit. In eludes saddle, bridle, chaps and spurs. 53O.0U. 6m t,. Kearney, lei, 1101. Fully Equipped For Modern Drugless Treatment Spinal Adjustment Physio Therapy Tox Eliminator niairnrHtK X Hay and Heart Graphing Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chiroprartlr Phylcln 124 Minnesuta Ave. Fhone 794 Articles THIS CURIOUS WORLD AND THE ABISTOiSRAThi CAL.LA 1.II-V BELOIsKb TO THE SAME RAWIYI FOB SALE MAN'S BICYCLE, In good Shape. $30.00. Lloyd Maynard, 1220 Divi sion. After 5:00 o'clock. F-20 FARMALL TRACTOR, good condition, and power equipment. Also lorse equipment. Jtaecmc stove, bedroom suite, L. R. Rouse, 1 mile north Alfalfa store. Do not call before Thursday. NEED A HOME? We have some nice places priced from $1700.00 to $2700.00. xou won t want to pay rent when you see what your money will buy at Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance. 1015 Wall St. PRE-WAR FURNITURE priced reasonably for quick sale. Miscel laneous articles. aii at ?uu aise more. ' 6-YEAR OLD BAY mare. Gentle, good for a lady. Priced reason ably. Call after 5 P. M. at 400 Sisemore. - REGISTERED and GRADE brown Swiss heifers and orie bull. C. L. Braly, 1 mile south Brade tlch Dairy. i RADIOS FROM $5.00 to $35.00. Also man's Elgin wrist watch. Keeps time to the second. 117 La fayette. 1936 FLAT-BED L.W.B. truck or trade for trailer house. Good 3 year old saddle mare, green broke, and saddle. L. R. Rouse, 1 mile north of Alfalfa store. Call Thurs day. HOME ON HARMON: Facing riv er. 5 room modern, hardwood floors. Wired for electric range, electric water heater. Basement nothing to shout about but has good furnace. A real home priced for quick sale at $3800.00 at Gil berts Real Estate and Insurance. GRADE III TIRES. No ration cer tificate required. 650 X 15; 600 X 21; 700 X 20; 750 X 17.Houk-Van Allen Home & Auto Supply. 6 ROOM MODERN: with 3 bed rooms, 5 years old. 2 lots, dandy garden. Oil circulator and kitchen range. Garage, woodshed, work shop, and chicken-house. A nice place priced at $3750.00. Terms at Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance. SEED SPUDS $2.00 per hundred. o mnes east on uend-uurns High way '4 mile south. R. D. Stowell. Phone 9-F-22. 50 NEW HAMPSHIRE Red Pull- ets, d months old. Good stock. Rt. 1, Box 467 or phone 314-M. BRED DOES, one with young, four unbred does, one double, and one single self-cleaning hutch. Al so three quarter inch galvanized wire for bottom of hutches. Call at 147 E. Olncy. ELECTRIC RADIO, $12.50. Kitchen cabinet, writing desk, small ice box, 3 burner gasoline range, dishes, dresser bases, gate leg tables, occasional chair. Boys bicycle $17.50. Baby lay pen, col lapsible baby buggies, wood or metal bed steads, good coil springs, magazine racks, mirrors, roll-a way beds, end tables, bat tery radio, 9 X 12 rugs, your choice $5.00 each. Shoe last and stands, round kerosene heater, gas bathroom heater, new fish tackle boxes, wash boards, single laundry tubs, pitch forks, scoop shovels, axes. Across from 350 Di vision. j MAN'S GOLD POCKET watch, i Swiss movement, size 012. Inquire 1588 Awbrey Rd. Phone 664-W. i $3500 BUYS NEW, modern 2 bed i room home. East side. Immediate possession. $1850 buys 4 room modern on East 3rd street. Imme diate possession.. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon Ave. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evening! by Appointment Offife Phone It itee. Phone 1.W IfZZL DOES NOT 1 9 I KNOW OEFINirEUr I I WHAT CAUSES THE al I MOONS CRATERS. J . J . H i-frs&Cf i:r LARSEST KNOWN J A I .tfr.x.-a.. . X CM THE MOON, tea mm in QtjamOcfc& Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad By William Ferguson 'A COW CAN KICK THE BUOXEf AT NI6HT AND 5TIU- felVB rntis NEXT ANORNIN6f FOB SALE JERSEY COW, Just fresh, nice White Face calf. W. R. Gerking, Rt. 2, Bend. 2 TWIN-SIZE BEDS corrtplete with mattress and springs. One small chest, one double-size mat tress. 716 Broadway. BEDROOM SET, dining set, cook stove, and miscellaneous items, 511 12th St., Redmond. Phone 113-Y. - 1500 WATT KOHLER light plant, in fine shape. J. J. Race. Chemult, Oregon. CLOSING OUT SALE slightly used Ladles dresses ind spring coats. Children's clothing, men's extra pants, ladies and men's shoes,. 25c to $1.00. Across street from 350 Division. 4 LARGE WHITE DOES with Tiuitches. All for $10.00 22 Lake Place. NETTED GEM seed potatoes. Turn left at Carroll Acres store. 5th house on-the left. Formerly; Cram's Dairy. Rt.;-.l, Box 156, Phone 488-WX. HAM RECEIVER, like new. Na tional type NC 144. Has broadcast band. Short wave from 1.6 to 30 NC. Inquire George's Radio Serv ice. Phone 900. $1050 BUYS 4 ROOM semi-modern house. Paved street, west side. Immediate possession. $2400 buys good 4 room modern, west side. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon Ave. BROOD SOW to furrow in July. 2Mi miles north, Mi mile west of Tumalo. O. B. Twiggs. RESTAURANT. Good location. Small down payment. Balance easy terms. Write Bend Bulletin No. 20. ADJOINING CITY of Redmond 40 acres with full water right. Six room modern home, large dairy bain, equipment and sheds for 2000 turkeys. A well located coun try home priced at $10,000, reason able terms. Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon Ave. 150 6- and 8-week old New Hamp shire chicks 50c each If you take them all. One, new 500 chick oil brooder. Young rabbits all sizes. Dressed or on foot. H. C. Sutton, 1367 Elgin. NEWLY BUILT 5-room, modern house, completely furnished, cook stove. Close to mills. See this at 1212 Cumberland. 2 COWS, MILKING. Route 1, Box 313 mile south Young's school, off Butler Market road. RABBITS: 4 DOES Willi little ones and one buck, 1124 Balti more. FOB KENT BEEHIVE TRUCKS" for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. 3 ROOM MODERN home with cook stove. 1314 Union Street. No children. See Mrs. Wuthrlch, 1445 Cumberland or call 1057 J. ORDER QUALITY , BABY CHICKS POULTS Delivered BAKER FEED CO. Phone I88X Itodmorul, Ore. FOB KENT WITH OPERATOR D-7 Caterpil- iar ana aozer. jrnone Keamond 73. FURNISHED HOUSE, 2 rooms with bath and garage, also 2 room furnished apartment, wood, wa ter, and lights. Phone 1083 or call at 623 Hill Street. . 3 ROOMS and BATH, unfurnish ed; suitable for couple or bache lor. Woodshed but no garage. See Johnson, Bend liealty, 957 Wall Street. 6 ROOM MODERN furnished house with electric washer, vac uum sweeper, completely electric kitchen. Available June 1. Phone 1184-J. MODERN BRICK house, furnish ed. 7 rooms. 856 Portland Ave. Possession about June 4. Phone 857-M. Before Saturday. 1-ROOM FURNISHED house in cluding wood and water, $8.00 a month. Inquire 634 Arizona. After noon or evenings, i 3-ROOM MODERN furnished apartment, private bath, electri cally equipped. Inquire 141 Geor gia or Phone 766. 2 and 3 ROOM HOUSES, furn ished with water and lights, close In, $10 to $16 a month. Call 168 E. Irving. Phone 834-W. WANTED WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bed room modern house by responsi ble couple with girl 11. T. Bitwn- hill, Alpine Lodge or Bulletin composing room. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for gqod used radios, lieorge's Radio Service. New loca tion, 038 Wall St. Phone 900. WANT TO BUY all kinds of used furniture, stoves, beds, springs and mattresses. Phone 324. IRONING TO DO ip my home. Charges reasonable. Inquire 611 W. 16th Street. TO BUY SADDLE HORSES or ponies, 500 lbs. up. Must be gentle tor kids or women. Write or leave description and price. Must be reasonable. Joe Garske, 1333 West 10th Street. VACUUM CLEANER. Must have attachments. Good condition. Call 1091-J. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell. Also some big springer cows and will pick thqrh up at your ranch. Phone 78-J1 or drop a card to W; R. Franks, Redmond, Oregon. TO TRADE 1938 Chevrolet sedan delivery In good condition for late model pickup, no Fords. Inquire George's Radio Service. Phone 900. HAVE WAITING list of respon sible people wanting lo buy two or three bedroom modern homes. If you have one for sale and want quick action list your property with Frank McGarvcy, 118 Orc- igon. PLASTERING and PATCHING. Call 108-J. Redmond. WILL BUY equity or pay cash for 4 or 5 room partly furnished house. Write Box 8, Bend Bulle tin. A GOOD ELECTRIC range. Call 960-J. HELP WANTED LADY COOK for fishing lodge. Inquire U. S. Employment Serv ice. "WANTED BY S. P. & S. Railway men between the ages of 21 and 45 to qualify for positions Brake men and switchmen. For Informa tion inquire of local S. V. & S. Railway Agent." SITUATION WANTK EXPERIENCED GIRL will care for children evenings. Mondays through Fridays. Call 2U8. THE OASIS Opens Friday, June 1 Short orders and good foods the way you like them. We sperfaliie in Chinese Foods, fried chicken, fried oysters, sandwiches, soups, pics, etc. Private Dining Room by reservation only. Open from 6 p. m. to 2 a. m. Closed on Wednesday. 526 Arizona LOST RATIONING BOOK, name, Kitty M. Bratton. Finder please call at 145 Hawthorne or Phone 155. MONDAY IN BUSINESS district, tan billfold containing 3 pictures of children, $20 in currency. Find er return to Bulletin for Reward. TAN JACKET at East Lake, Wed nesday. Will the party who picked it up please return to Bond Street Food Market. RATION BOOK No. 3 issued to Martin Lane. Finder please return to Checkerboard Cafe. MISCELLANEOUS BEND WASHER SERVICE Genuine factory parts. Service on all makes of appliances. Money back guarantee on all makes of washing machines including May tag and Bendix. Phore 583. 136 Greenwood. THOR CERTIFIED WASHER SERVICE We have the experience and equipment to give expert service on all makes, (.cntury Drive Serv ice Station. Phone 275-J. REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMullIn, Camp Sherman 832. WASHING MACHINE service, and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED. Also shears, grass shears, knives, keys made, saws filed, guns, locks, phonographs repaired, soldering, general repairing. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. HAVE YOUR SEWING machine repaired now by your local repair man. Reliable work done. Call 957-J or bring , machine to 235 E. Franklin. LEAVE YOUR ORDER for that new sewing machine now. Also pay top prices for old sewing ma chines. Call 957-J or bring ma chine to 235 E. Franklin. ATTENTION HARD OF HE Ail ing. Fine factory reconditioned acousticon at half price. See Mr. Mitchell, Pilot Butte Inn, Thurs day, May 31st. rNor.iis or annual statioiiest nh- Tiir OLD COLONY INSURANCE COMPANY tt Ho Inn. In tli ptale of MaaurliuM-tU, on Ihr thlriy-flitt day nf Dnwinlrar, 11)44. made In the Imuraufe Comnilialonor of Ui Bute of Orci.ua, ; jHirtuant to laMi Income Net premlumi rf-eliod .1 3, 1 17,001.3s Total inlneat, ditttlrndj and real mate fm-oitie 423.40 04 Income frum oilier ouri'ea lfrli.T04.54 ToUl Inooine I H, 707,303.0 J Dliburitmant Net amount paid pollt-jrUuldeit for likaara 093,r,T8,4f Lnaa adjuatmetit espenaej 41, WIS. 41 Aut-nta mmuuiftlniia or brokerage.., 653.137.60 8 !rie and (Yea nrriccxi, (llreeton, hiirite of Nee emiiloyea l9R.H0S.nft rXit, Itivn-ea md fw lBJUUO.OJ bhlilemlR jiald lo atockltnldera (Caati, IX'ifUioU; atork, Dune) H,W.fWlfl.fM All uUirr exfftidllurfi 4M,NU8,ll? Tula) dUliummtnte I H.TIS.Htua Admitted Aixat Value nf hnntta uud (maiae!) I 4.931 .S.'O.H Value of Work, imtH-d (market ,u) 6,fjl),4T1.I)n rnuli In lianka arid nn hand 049.318.0fl 1'rnitiluiil tii miine uf nillclln wilt i. ii alme KeftenilMrr HO, 11)44.. XH.IMflP liitrreal ami rrnta due and arrnicd 3J.nHfi.ftf) Ullier aaarU (net) 83,034. SJ TnUI admitted bi-!i tlt.PH2.0M.il Liabilities. Surplui and Other Funds Total uiiull (Uliiu fASMO.13 Kailinatrd lnaa etljiuitnciiL rliMime for imralil da Inn S3. 000. Of Total miiarnrtl n rut I unit oil all UN- eil'lrrd rl-.k... 1, 095, 09 Balarlra, Tenia. eiimUNre, hill, ac count1, frri. ttf, due or atmied 7,100.00 IviMnialed amount due or acinurd fur tain BI, 8.10,00 Cuinnjlitl'iiit, br ok 1010, or otlief rln rife due and ao riird IS.ftftfl Of All outer IWltltlLie M7, 76.0? T-.tal MahllltlM, ttctpt raidtat f 3,300,113.80 Capital paid Ut I 1,000,000.00 Hurpiua ottr all hllliKi T.1TS 72.81 Hurt'lm ward, nolle) h.iMTB,...t I.TS.HTl SI Total Itl.m? ttRt ft! ButineH In Oregon for the Yenr: Nn pr-mltinia receited 14.11'. SI Net iMiPt pei.1 12.036.17 lll1lf.rt tiald or mdlted to polt.-jr. b-Mf 0 OLD COLONY INHUBAtJCH COMPANY Ht.rt ft. lt1(. I'fi-.lflM.t Krnaal ! Uoodiid. H.tt'ary HUfulnry rr aidant atu-ruaj fee eenlfle, J. C. Yeajle. Phono 1143 PRINTING YOUR LE1TERHEADS can bf made any ulze you desire, with any printing you like. Estimate! gladly givea The Bulletin. 'Sill' WITH PLEASURE . Strother Field, Kan. CUV-"Sirs" will fly thick and fast when Cecil A. Laxton, Jr.,' and Cecil A. Lax ton. Sr.. of I-nko Huohm i-al meet again. Cecil Laxton, Jr., is u urai lieutenant ana his father a private first class somewhere in the South Pacific. JOB STAYS IN FAMILY Farmington, Me. (inFrom the date of its establishment, the West Farmington railroad station has had only two agents Ed ward Butler and his son, Ernest, who has served in that capacity for the past 50 years. URGES AIB KUI.ES REVISION New York (LH -"Sweeping revi sion" of the "hundreds of cum bersome. Conflicting nnrl n,,t.f date rules and regulations" that iiumpur aviation must take place if DOSt.War nvintinn la in Svrlrll'V Npshltr nlxm-art ..-.n' sales manager of Lear, Inc., and a member of the newly formed civil aviation joint legislative Congress Values Flour 50 lb. 2.29 Wheaties ........ .pkg. 11c Cheerioats . . ...2 pkgs. 23c Wheat hearts . . . . .pkg. 25c 11 I 113 ffrArSk pig Medium Wj Vt 3 bars.. 20c ffflr H Q3t Large mamir 3 bars . . 35c Tomato Juice . .No. 5 can 25c . Sacramento ;i SI'ECIAL COFFEE Nestlen lb. jar 29c Duffs Ginger Bread Mix . . .pkg. 27c Or Waffle Mix Staco Beans 2 cans 5 Points Can Sweet Peas 2 cans Preferred Stock Kidney Beans No. 2 Cuas .can MEAT SPECIALS Jmmdiir-J Weiners, Franks... lb. 29c iyl T-Eone Steak lb. 49c sirloin Steak.. lb. 43c s M.. jar Salmon Halibut 73c Fresh Oysters Womens Girls Sun Suits Glamorous sun suits for women, 2 pioce in flowered rayon, red, J E brown, blue or green i . 3 I , One-pieco seersucker play suits, can be used for swim suits, blue O (jQ or rod stripes " I Cotton florals for little tots, sites I to 6, two stylos ...i 1. 93 and Charming littlo sccrsuckor suits for tots I to 3 . . FOOD MARKET L-J 210 Congress committee,- said recently. The committee is co-operating with both houses of congress to im prove legislation regulating pri vate flying.. -i Digging sticks and spade-like implements were used for plant ing by American Indians before white men brought the plow; the plow is an old-world device. Cacao thrips, Selenothrips Ru brocinctus, a native of tropical America, now occurs In most cacao-growing countries and is a real pest In the West Indies, West Africa and Brazil. Before producing flak aprons and armored vests for United States fighters, designers studied King Arthur-style armor borrow ed from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. do FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip?. FABTJDBTH, an Inprmd txnreir M be sprinkled on uppr or lower pl&tee, holds falea teeth more fli-tnly In plaoe, , ro not elide. Blip or rock. No gummy rooty, poaty taate or feeling-. FAB TEETH li alkaline) (non-acid). Doe not eour. Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). Get FASTEETU at any drua Fri. and Sat. Hemo ......... .lb. jar 59e Royal Pudding.. 3 pkgs. 23c Waffle Syrup 2 lbs. 27c Dude Ranch Kraft Dinner.... 3 pkgs. 29c 29c 29c 14c 1.98 Phone 360 WmA cans CD 14c