THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 3 1, 1945 PAGE FIVE 'is Local News TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 73 degrees. Minimum last night, 41 degrees. TODAVS WEATHER Temperature: 10 p. m., 51 de grees; 10 a. m., 61 degrees. Ba- rumeter (reduced to sea level): 10 p. in., 29.84 Indies; 10 a. in. 29.98 indies. Relative humidity: 10 p. in-, 66 per cent; 10 a. in., 4.4 per cent. Velocity of wind: 10 p. m., 7 miles; 10 a. ni., 4 miles. Prevailing direction of wind: southwest. Mrs. Thorval Gribskov, of Junction City, and Miss Maren Gribskov of Bend, left Portland Tuesday, for Quantico.'Va., where they will attend exercises at which Russell Gribskov will re ceive his. commission as a second lieutenant in the United States marines. ' Russell, who was wth the Bank of Bend here when he entered the service, is a son of Mrs. Gribskov and nephew of Miss Gribskov. Miss Zola McDougall, dean -of girls at the Bend high school, left today for Yoncalla to spend the summer vacation with her pa rents. Delia Gates, member of the Bend high school teaching staff, left today for The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Over holser are spending two weeks in the John Day and Wallowa country, where Overholser is gathering material for another western story. . Mrs. Anna May Hoyt and Miss Margaret Morris went to Port land yesterday where they intend ed to spend several days before going to their homes at Roseburg and Cave Junction. Both are Bend high school teachers. Ronald L. Mock, who enlisted" in the navy last April, has reached the naval training station at San Diego, according to word received today by his mother, Mrs. Jeaneene Judt, 527 Frank lin avenue. Cpl. and Mrs. Ed McConnell of Klamath Falls visited Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Anderson Memorial day. Cpl. McConnell will report back to Ft. Lewis June 3. Mrs. Ted Walters, former Bend resident, was in Bend from Van couver, Memorial day. She was the guest of Mrs. Martha A. Brown. Frank and John Crampton of Ft. Rock and Harry Crampton of Bend left today for Couer d' Alene, Ida., where they were called by the death of another brother Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Walsh of I-akeview. are vacationing at their Paulina lake cabin. The Bluebell Bluebirds,' a Camp Fire Girls organization, will meet next Thursday at 1 p. m. in the Keid school, it was announced to-- m XEDQ 3 1 V.' " 1 I jfi i fk SAMUEL PLUS CO-HIT V ' ' FTf T sum 1 day. Members are asked to take their record books to the meet ing. Rodney W. Cozad, right-of-way buyer for the state highway de partment, was here today on busi ness from Canyon City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sannerud and- daughter, accompanied by Sannerud's mother, were in Bend from Silverton for Memorial day. Memorial day guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sauer, 425 Riverside, were Mrs. Sauers Darents. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Esgate, and her sister, Mrs. Clarence Bertrand, all of Klamath Falls. George J. Childs returned Tues day evening from a business trip to Lakeview. He was accompanied by Mrs. J. Alton Thompson, who visited at the home of her son, James Thompson and family. Miss Fern Grindle has been added to the staff of the Bend Furniture company, as a stenog rapher. Mr. H. S. Brown from Portland is visiting at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Anglin. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Harris and daughter, Roberta, are in Bend for the day from their home on Summer lake. Mrs. D. C. Silven returned last night from Baker, where she spent the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Heideman were in Bend this week on a bus iness trip, returning Tuesday to their home in Portland, where Heideman is owner and manager of an adding machine and type writer company. They own a ranch north of Bend. . Mr. and Mrs. John Holmquist, 320 Riverside, are the parents of a boy born yesterday at the St. Charles hospital. Keven Barry of Lakeview, to day was a business caller in Bend. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Loder of Salem, spent today in Bend. Loder is a prominent automobile dealer of the Willamette valley, and is well known in Central Ore gon. J. J. Bennett of Post, last night was a guest at the Pilot Butte inn. Mrs. Donald W. Coons of Lake view, yesterday visited Bend friends. Gail Baker, fire assistant in the staff of the Deschutes national forest, is. visiting friends in Port land. George H. Schroeder, district forest engineer for the Western Pine association, was here today from Yakima, Wash., conferring with Ralph W. Crawford, super ivsor of the Deschutes national forest. Robert Schwab, 17, recent grad uate of the Bend high school, and son of Rev. and Mrs. William Schwab, is, enlisting this week in the merchant marine. Rev. William Schwab of the Alliance church, today was grant-. ! ed a leave of absence by the i church board, and planned to i take a vacation for the summer. - nev." Daniel Hager, 325 Hunter 3 DAYS ONLY STARTING TONIGHT Sure I've got ice in my veins, lead in my heart . . . ana steel in my trigger finger . . . but you helped me get that way I SYLVIA SIDNEY JOEL McCREA HUMPHREY BOGART WENDY BARR'E CLAIRE TREVOR ALLEN JENKINS DEAD END KIDS MSTANTIAL 9 6 Discovered at last --'Perpetual Motion place, was selected to occupy the pulpit during Rev. Schwab's ab sence. Gertrude Zufelt, proprietor of the Betty Ross beauty shop in Bend, has been named district president of the Oregon Associa tion of Beauty Shop Owners and Operators, it was learned here to day. Mrs. ,G. G. Hathbrn and chil dren George and Donna, former Bend residents, are visiting here from their home in Sandy. They are guests at the home of Mrs. W. A. Collins, 254 Florida, and plan to return to Sandy the first of the week. . Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladies free. . - ;., . Adv. Dr. Pauline Sears will be out'bf town May 30th and 31st and June 1st and 2nd. j Official Records I DISCHARGE FILED I Myron J. Hunt is in possession !of an honorable discharge from , the army, according to a release I filed May 26 at the office of the i county clerk. 4Z SPECIAL!!! GREATEST NEWS SHOTS EVER FILMED OF THE CAR RIER FRANKLIN AS IT LIMPS INTO PORT REFUSING TO DIE, COMPLIMENT OF 3000 1100 CASUALTIES, 800 BUR IED AT SEA. GREATEST AIR BATTLE AND DISASTER ANY SHIP HAS EVER SUFFERED IN THIS OR ANY OTHER WAR. SEE IT! ! NOW o CONTINUOUS SATURDAY Changes Planned j In Bus Schedules The addition of several new schedules was announced today by Pacific Trailways, to be effec tive tomorrow. A new schedule to Portland is included, with the bus leaving Bend at 11:30 p. m., arriving in Portland at 6 a. m. An additional bus to Eugene will leave at 7 a. m., arriving there at 11:30. It will return at 2 p. m., reaching Bend at 6:05. The new Boise bus leaves at 1 a. m., and the Klamath Falls bus at 1:15 a. m. Both are round trip schedules. The Eugene buses are tempo rarily being routed over the Clear lake junction road, because of the condition of the McKenzie pass, the management announced to day. . , , Vaccines for typhus and influ enza are being procured from half-hatched eggs, whose embryos produced the antigens after being needled with virus injections through the air-cell end of the egg. SYNOPSIS OF .ANNUAL BTATKMKXT OF THK RHODE ISLAND INSURANCE COMPANY of PrnvMriK. In the Hnit of It hots liland. on thi tiilttr-rirtt lar 'of Dvemlrr, 1941. mailn to lha Insurance Com ml ml oner at lha Slat of Ore gon, jtuituant to law: Income Nf mtnfutm rwlveil .( 4,311,000 flf Tula) luirrrat, dh idcwti anil real cMnbt incline I ST, 270. If Income from oilier source,.t: Toui Income .1 (.aco.gtia.ri Dlilmr ft amenta Nrt amount pid polio lioldtra for Imm I.MI2.!17 Ia adJuM merit eirwntea , ARtmia cumnnUilmii or tiTOKerafi,, S-iU.0XI.6T Salarlca and fcfl off kern, director. home office emiitnye 448,01707 Tain, licences and fee 221,401.00 Dividend paid to atorkholdm (Caill, Jll.l.l.tMMiO; atorlt. none I 118,000.00 llt Menda fiald or credltil lo poller - holdm ft All oUier eipendlturtw Iift3.534.7fl Total dI.bun.fTn.tiU 1 J.UM.nt.ot Admitted Aita tain, or ml ratal, ovwied (market , '"" I ' t 1-o.n. on mortgage, and collateral, n vain, of bond, ownrd itmok raliw) 3.M9..V.7 IF. Value fif auka owned (tv-ok" 1W I'Mh lo bank, and on Ii.ikI t.wt3,U'l23 Prndinna In onurw or rnw-tlo written aim-, tl.r'l'mri.r 3. lull.. U.W,3;n.nT lnu ret and rnita rtit. and artrvM 12 r,M r.l OUi.r aiarte (ml) I.MC.tlI.41 Total admltM IMI .(lt..3(H.IIl.5.1 .laMUtlajii, Burplui and Other Tnada) ;i f . iM ." "" ha-lmaMd Ifaa adluMment rxpenw tor unpaid rt.lru ft Total iinparurd preralunta on all tut- '"I'-O 'l;k S.WI.9U.0. Halarl... renla. eirMoiaea. hllla, an- . f.. nr., du. or aromrf l-.BM F.-itmatid amount du. or atvrued for uoa I7't:q0f)f -'mninl..lona. brokerate. or otnr H.araM dM and anrruod oon on All uu,.r ,l.l,.Ue. ylgZZ ripHal paid uu l.Ko.u'rt.trt Burrlna mar all l- . lutwu. ai n-iard. r.llrrl.oldm.. . I l.tu. 571 III Tntal ' k" ..t i.. p.M . :!'.':" b"w.' " " "'"' , J'.M H. M,,.. p,e,i(tP,tt nHh, Ttad. ,',,. ?Or.; ; HYPERACID V DISTRESS ffff- lotl niUHt get fanf, pffrclive UK I, IKK wi.h T KKS IN from in.M'rahlo dlwomfnrt, nr ymir mnry hwk, Hot fee liifornmtlon on TKBSIN Tomtpr or Taltlf-tN. in Brncl at BranrtU Thrift Wine Dnis: 1020 Wall Stiwt Plione I7 Lulu J. Carter i Now in Manila Manila, P. I., May 31 A Bend, '. Oregon, servicewoman recently promoted to technician fourth grade in the Women's Army; corps is Lula J. Carter, daughter! of Mrs. Gladys Ogletree, 5 Nor-1 ton avenue, Bend. T4 Carter i has served in Australia, New' Guinea and now in Manila, where' she works In the personnel pro curement section of the adjutant; general's department, headquar ters, U. S. Army Far East forces. Formerly in stenographic work with a tractor company, at River side, Calif., she joined the Wacs in April 1043, and was stationed at Camp Campbell, Kentucky, be fore coming overseas last Juno. Jake L. Nugent Gets New Rating An Eighth Air Force Sorvlce Command Station, England, May di ttecentiy promoted to ser geant was Jake L Nugent, of Pineville, La., an aircraft supply clerk at this important strategic air depot where battle-damaged Eighth Air Force fighter planes are being repaired. Sgt. Nugent entered the AAFin June 1912, and served at Keesler Field, Miss., and Walla Walla, Wash., Air Base before going overseas in December, 1943. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Nugent of Pineville. His wife, the former Miss Margie Deatherage, and their daughter, Shirley, live at Hend, Ore. General Clark . Chicago Visitor Chicago, May 31 Uf' Gen. Mark W. Clark, credited with routing the from Italy, was in full spiritual possession of Chicago today. The general and 52 of his 5th army heroes dropped out of the skies yesterday and captured the hearts of Chicagoans. - Clark was the first to step from the silvery transport which set its wheels down in Chicago i u si 28 hours after taking off from Paris. WHAT MOitK IK) TI1KV IV A NT Harrisburg. III. !-- Itesidents of Saline county have been Hy ing lo locate Hie man who be longs to ti letter received in the local postoflice. The ittltiiess reads: Mr. Ci. M. Sloan, Saiine County. Illinois I Lifelong liaptls! Democrat liaises Lxcellent Sor ghum Molasses). ' 1,0)2 TKXAS OH. I 1KI.I1S 'Austin, Tex. HI'i -Texas' oil in I dusti y has 73 pipe lines in op eration, with a total lengin oi 34,323 miles, and requiring 0,000, 000 barrels of crude oil lo fill the lines. The state's 101,121 produc ing oil wells are located in 1,012 fields in 140 of Texas' 254 counties. When the war began, we enlisted in the homcfront fight against Influtlon. We milled down prices and. we've kept them nailed down at pre-war levels. You pay no more today for nationally advertised drug store products than you did in 19S9 and for some, you actually pay less. Our prices never went to war which Is why you enjoy peacetime economy today' and every day when you shop at Brandls' for health and beauty aids. McKesson's Aspirin 2 Bottles of 100 for 49c WELL IN HAND The 1000 prescriptions we have filled Ixtir tiwtlmony to the dept-ndnlilllty of our conipouiiding service and to the. ..confidence . physicians and the public have In it They guarantee (pnUKy, In. sure accuracy. They tell you that your health is "well in hand" when you hand a pre scription to our registered pharmacist. He'll give It his immediate and undivided at tention. War Cost Data ' Go Into Trillion Washington, May 31 HI'J Di rect war costs of all countries 'so far in this conflict exceed a trillion dollars. That Is $1,000, 000.000,000 a thousand billions, a million millions. Money spent on tills war since Germany began arming in 1034 BYNOI-HIH or ANNItAL HTATKMRNT OK THK UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY of Phllailtllilila, In tin- Klat. of IMiu.rlraola. on the tlilrlv-rir't .Inr "I liiwnlnli.r. mil. mad" lo ll. C'liiioilialotiDr of 111. Stat, of Or'-auU, pur.uant to 1a: Income rtrrtulum. rKI."l t XA.VVl Total, dultlonila nfl alal ltu.,o). ai,.l.a.2 fnniiii. from otlirr anuttxa jT.!iail.--. Total fnooiii. I I.Ml.tttV.ftt XlUbursatiiants Ni't amount p.ilil imllrtiolili-ia lor lnu.-. f HH.O!.t ia i l!ii :tl.r..l tj A-nt . tooinil.-alon. or liruarraa.-. . , .5't.Uijtl. II ttalarlr. at.. f,i irffli.ra. illiarloii. houi oil,. Miiiilnyr. I lt.ll Trt Tale. Iii.,i'. .ml Ta IUis-lT ItltlilMiil. I.lil to od.lii.titi I. (Cam, $l'ii,,iii. mi al'h. t-iii'l ... . loa.lctO.M lihlili-tnl. rat(l or tndlUNl to F-Hry- oulilr I fl Alt ollior cllieinlllur.I IjT.OOl.J T-Ul il(l(iirnin; 4 Admitted A naett Valit of roa) uith (iHtifl imarkrt ...,-, f : Iiati mttgtt and culliUral, t'C RM1I 27 VtUtK Of h-rttflu otrjii-tl (mortlfrtli . , 5.6.T 7M Oft Vahia of hi ii1 tunrmt .aluf) .'.(i.W ITath In l(4tik mritl rm linn) $!,: t. 2 i iBiuii.t in i-'uri of r'illf-tt'iii ntltim al-irt Mrtfni'ir .'(.i. IU4 S1 1. SIT 1 I ni- ttft r,i rttn tin aixl nrtw4 H.'t'H 5 Ottitff aU ! T'! a-ltnltiM a. rli ! .VW.3'fi.0 riablUtfei, urjlu and Other Fnitd T-iUl iiinjj laii.4 lU.HolW fc.tKnili f! fr "J;-it'fiitilH !.. f-r uoi.t.I italti.. I.U fS.tW Totnl itii'tnu'l triiilittiui il uu- tiitrcl rl-fc l.HT.JItVO) Salafl-i. iniit, M-1, l..ll, f'.tir,!. (, nr., d-i it M'.ft-A 1.2V-M) IUinaU'J ani'.unl rt a nr l.i,, Bl.T'-OW (rnnif.,i. Itmli rue-, '.r fitl.r rtiatica rl i t -I a'i-fitd AH ''tiiM linMI'M" 1".1.Ur. T.-Ul HahiiHic. nit rr1 - 12.IVi.WJ.f fijiitnl f.4n iifi I l.fJfci.ifKi lit 1 nri-lin fj't all II titlltlM 1.HT,MB1 Jurtiliu aa riaaiJa pol)C)li--Jlari...f 2.3IT 74."-l T"(I ,v:..v ft Builni In Ortfron (or tf Tn St .r-i-anm I I-1 "I l l-i. n-l -"'5 1 :n 1-fid . twlfl ( Vi 'U'fi ! f f- 1.1 r VWITED riREMKH'B HTSURANCH COMPAKV T. i. liMni, rtrntji-iil i. V. I'liim ir.fii H ifraff Hiifi'irr Tliliit aiu.nifj It .tanUr, "li-ut-an- (.''imjnll'ii'r. alano-n t irifUnd, I'"' , i!' '.cl At"i. Till Trutt Hi da . r rtJUil 4. Of. fut ouud Uu k Bid., Tacuuia 1, Waalt. $1 Jergen's Lotion, 79c 50c Vanrine's Lotion 39c $1.00 Sea Breeze.. 89c $1.00 Pacquin's Cream ........ 79c 50c Luxor Cream. . . 39c Balm Argenta 49c & 98c $1.00 O-M Tablets. . 89c $1.25 Creomulsion $1.12 $1.25 Petrolagar... 89c $1.00 Halo Shampoo 79c 60c Murine........ 49c $1.00 Zonite ...... 79c Add 20 Federal excise tax to Cosmetics PSOMASIS SOfftR. CRS try on bottle of Siroil, If not complexly Mtiified with reiulti, I your money will bt r. ' funded would, t divided up, give more than $500 to overy man, woman and child in the world. Researchers of the American university he:o came up with these estimates today after months of study. In the goat family, a good doe produces in a single lactation pe riod milk weighing ten times her own average weight. " BYNOrHlS Or ANNUAL BTATEUtNT ' or TMK PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY nf ! Aua-Hfi, in lha Miala of (.lirninla. on thi Uihir-flral flar of l-awnlMU, 104. made Ui lha InaiiiaiH OmralMloniT of tha HtaU of Qrettn, tiiirauant to law: Capital Amount of caulUl at-wk paid up. ..f I.OM.600.M Income Tulal (iretnlmn Inmuw fr Ui mr. l2T.T15.43i.4J ImrtrM, rtlrlildul anil rtnU t- cWi-.1 diill'H Ilia rar 10, 391. OS. II Iin'oiii Ifntn oilii-r tmum ira-lnd tlmini lha yrar ,STO.T30.f11 ToUl Immne m,b0..54.3I Dlabunements I'alil fur !'. mi.lfntD'1llt1 iiiiul- t)M amt mrtnnlrt- alur f 19.910,103.11 IHmlfii'l a1 to (ttilh-jlioliW dur- Ini tlm fr 133,709 it 1U. itl mil al'l on jjUt tVKi. dur ing Hit Ciititili')iit and aalarlai tM dur- It, a ), jrar 3. 123. 37 ft. VI Ton1, Iti-nuna and Iwi paid dur tut rh joar 40,310 HI A tumuit if all o'.hat cifivudltuitt. . T.ttiJ.Bin 6t TUl eipcndi''irr. (.Id. '-10. M 41 of rcjl tt,uiv um1 (Ixtik II0,34.9;i B yini rm mfig4a and mlUtaral, 03. 314. 191 V Val'ia of btiiid (-..! (rottlwll . . 1H.1W. H" 1 1 ai no til t ' iff ' '"-"It ralna) .2'iV3(.W Pi lum n-i 1 ut ntam Id, wis. 11 CuM lo Iwiika and on lian a.tHJ.lM 0" li.t-rrt ai 'l rtn dua and ar.n.Kl ,45.0rt3 77 uiiM tM lf I and !'" Inn, I.:I.!M.T O'lcr ar: hwt).. 1.110 3:il 0 Total ailniltti! i .:W.8'((i,M.T X.lnblUtl9 N-t rrw.e jj;:. ".!"'. n tiff Hulnit f"f 1v ttottalil l.WT.SIH M AW i.;)rt ll('lJiM-i, Uf. lHtl- ni'f.u wri t'-. I.laiiilltiri nf A'tldai.t md Ileu'lh nil i rirpr,rtT- Amtim'a S4 lit Iflt H T'.ul (lahimlt-a. nvt fat'lt"! IW.ail.Ma.ST f'4itf4l .id up I H'irvhi mer all ILa hiiit R.filH.STI.KI ttiirplua aa rrard iHifhj'hMldefa... t 9 -'Irt.Jl.M T'.ll . -m.WKMh 07 Butlnaa In Oron for th Yri ht imtriitiiia ai 'I aii'.nli-i r": rl-.rtm Hit Jar... H" ruit'l i'l fa'd dtirtna tf:a yr.. . 1,107.9! X t ioM.a and ctmlon nd""nni. v 'rrfitl i. ai.d anm.lUi paM Our- U,i thp rar 197.711 1 PACIFIC MUTUAL IiIPB IWVBACB COMPANY A . Am V. Call. I'n'ildtnt w nofatd . n.idltjr. Hwi-ftaff Jt'itiilt-tr rnlitmt ailumar fuf unlit, loiuf t.(4 t uiomlialouar. nnncm for Quftk .HWo . 100 DR. WEST'S Mirack-'Jiit KX-SKNATOK CONMItMEI Washington, May 31 aiThc senate today confirmed the nomi nation of Lewis B. Sch we 11 en back, former senator from Washington state, as secretary of labor suc ceeding Krancls Perkins. He is now a federal judge. Buy National War Bonds Now! VNiirHItl or ANNITAfi HTATKM1WT OK TUB LN1TKU MTATKS BHAXCB UK THK LONDON & SCOTTISH ASSURANCE CORP.. LTD. of Uii-tnii, KnttlatniJ, un (he tMltir fliol day nf IVn-ni'fr. 11. t lrrm Oim- liil.iii of the SUU of Ortun, purauaal U U ; Incomt . N- t piTinliima nwlt I 3a,03a. T'-tal titlcraat. dlildotula end real (U( Imvitna 44.936.3? Im-nina from oUiof aoyrce W.2W.U . Total bitwnn 4HU63.05 Slibnriementi Kt't amount lutld iwllt-jti.ilJr for t IQt.Wfit I,ih ailliiHlimnl amwiiM'a. 9..MH f Ab-iiI" fnmtililiiia f. Iirokatai lW,80al! tMlaHn anl let nlflcrr. dlrretara, Ik.iii" t-nilr fniplirTaa a.t'-S.l.l Ti. lit !.- am) fr 27.aIIZ.T4 nitl-n! (wl'l to alrkli(ihl'rt 0 jiri. u vxid or trivliUd to p-ilii-y- h"i'lr All ochr ariiendlluni I1I.41J-7? Tulal dlnliiifttioftH t 491.200.37 Admitted Atttatt Valua nf ral mUln owiivd Iniaihat r4lnet 4 8 lum on nvirinl'-a and eolUtaral, rtr 'l ftf laoti'la nwwd unVirtlMl.. 1. 77.57114 Valua f al'hnviiMl I market ilul lrt.Ofil .Of t'aMi lit hanki aa hund 113.8dl.ll iTrinDim l i-otirw oi cullwtloo wri'lrj. uliH'f Mvp'tmlw M, I-M4.. IC tiitrrat and trtu da and leimtil 7.IIVH Otbrr ai)i HH; t 100 -W Inltl ailmiltH aawta I l.r.51 SW.'.'J Llnblllties, Snrpln and Othsr rands TVjI id rlm- H.SU IO IjiNinit d i" 'l.'uiui'Wit nL-"ia tor rniwlrt fl.i(m S.MI.H T-''4) lOfuniB't iirfinlitmi on all Uif rMfi-.l tik 4JU.221.M Mji,rir4, ir-nn. iijphm. Mill, ar- ii.iiiiU. ftr. alt . dua or arTii"t 0 KsiiinaTt't aiuoum iUh at amued fur f:iriini.tiiv hmliwa-. 0 olltpf .'Imiim d'it and aorniod All "Ui'l H-W.itlM A 14 f. T".'nl Im bin Una. oirrid eapiUl...$ 4D8.1U.BI rMl4l twid up (mal ot'iiy Drwilt) 330.000.1)0 Hun. lux our all II- hllUlrn 10,3,0 Kurtil-u ai racarda .-illjhoirirt... .1 I.trto.241.01 T"'al I 1M !l BtulriMa In Ortfron for th Trt Not i.. n r.rtl 6 t Sh .. i.l 347 53 iil.tiWdt Mid or ttaditrd to colk-j- IW'Ur t U. B. Branch of th LONDON ft SCOTTISH ASSUHANCB CORP., LTD. II. I'. lUrlvur. U. tt. )inatir ft. C- A hum. Keeirtary UtuU rr mriilmt attornaf for aantvc, B O, j La man. SirtJv i. Ore. j TOOTH k 7 I pIODENTJ ( TOOTH --TN POWDER 17 J TAMPAX A uiitut hotectwi A NOII IXTUIMiT I Ivi'ible Under Short z y Irond TABLETS I MULTIVITAMINS 7 I AND MINERALS 3