The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 31, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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1 ,',
(All 'society items should be rejrorted to The Bulletin not later
than 10 a.m. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Silver Wedding Anniversary
Observed With Dinner Party
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton' Maurice ! Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Da
Olson renewed their marriaete vis, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Baer,
vows and repledged their fidelity.1 Mr. and Mrs. R. Wodd, Mrs. Ce-
at the 8:00 o'clock mass Satur
. day in St. Francis church, where
they were married 25 vears ago.
Rev. Father Edmund Hyland of
ficiated. Mrs. George Nelson,
who attended the bride at her
wedding, was present for the sil
ver wedding ceremony.
Mrs. Olson wore a two-piece
white shadow crepe dress
trimmed in brown eyelet, with
matching accessories and an Or
chid corsage. Mrs. Nelson wore a
light blue two-piece suit trimmed
in sunset pink, with matching
accessories and corsage.
Clinton M. Olson Jr. 'honored
his parents at an anniversary din
ner Saturday night at the Pilot
Butte Inn. The table was beau
tifully decorated with spring
flowers, with covers laid for 49
Rev. Father Hyland presided at
the table, with J. H. Haner as
master of ceremonies. Speakers
of the evening were J. H. Meis
ter, George Beugler, William J.
Baer, William P. Frenzel, Frank
Willers, L. C. Davis. Mrs. George
Nelson and Mrs. Fred Bloom-
cil P. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. George
Nelson, Mrs. Ida Rines, and Rev.
Father Edmund Hyland.
A number of guests attended
from Shevlin, where Olson is em
ployed as time clerk. They in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Frenzel, Frank Culross, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Gumpert, Mr. and
Mrs. Syveit Dahl, Mr. and Mrs.;
Frank Willers. Mr. and Mrs. Hen-j
ry Prichard, Mr. and Mrs. M. A.'
Seely, Mrs. Fred Bloomquist, Mr.
and Mrs. Guy McCoy, Mrs. Henry
Van Tassel, and Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Moorhead.
The Lapine guests included Jo
seph Haner, Mr. and Mrs. Fay L.
Howard, Mr. and Mrs. David Ad
rian and Mr. and Mrs. William
Foss. Mrs. Sarah Roney from
The Dalles was present for the
occasion, as were Mr. and Mrs.
David Weiland and 'son Buddy,
from Portland.
The Royal Neighbors of Ameri
ca will hold their regular meeting
at 8 p.m. Monday, June 4, in Nor
way hall. Mae Logan, state super
visor, is expected to attend.
Haner. having sipned the mar. Members of the refreshment
riage license 25 years ago, ' pre- i committee are Mrs. Joseph Egg,
sented the couple with a pair of j Mrs. Helen Gravon 'and Mrs. Joe
stockings containing- the original Hahn. Mrs. Margaret Zufelt and
$3.00 fee, plus the interest for 25 1 Mrs. Roy Miller are In charge of
years in silver quarters. He also . entertainment.
presented a shower of silver dol
lars from all the guests, and
friends who were unable to at
tend, and a pair of sterling silver
candle holders from the Elks
Mendelssohn's wedding march
and incidental music were played
By Mrs. Kaymond Gumpert. Mr.
To View Perennials Members
of the Tilllcum club and their
husbands will be entertained Sun
day afternoon by Mrs. Clarence
Elder, at her home north of
Bend on the old Dalles-California
highway. Refreshments will be
served, and the guests will view
and Mrs. Olson cut the beautiful ' the perennial borders, which are
white and silver wedding cake.
Local guests at the affair in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pe
tranovich, Sr., Mr. and Mrs.
George Beugler, Miss Hulda Lam
mers, J. H. Meister, Mrs. Charles
said to be exceptional.
Guild To Meet The Trinity
Episcopal Altar guild will meet
Monday afternoon at 2:30 with
Mrs. Phil Brogan, 142G Harmon.
Junior Pianists
To Be Presented
By Mrs. Cowan
At 8 p. m. Saturdav In the
Episcopal narish hall, Mrs. J. K.
Cowan 'will present a group oi
her piano students in a Junior re
cital, presenting 29 boys and girls
uttflai- hioh cfhnnl app. Featured
will be solos and two-piano mim-
Ders laxen irom ine programs
prepared for presentation at the
state syllabus examinations and
auditions to be held next week.
Joyce Conn will sing, accom
Danied by Margie Coleman. Mary
Dodson "will act as narrator.
Ushers will Include Georirann
Winslow. Juanita Burrel and Bev
erlv Christcnsen.
Piano students who will take
oart are Shirley Bcrridge. Marie
Bembry, Shirley Burrell, Marilyn
Berridge, Mildred Chapo, Sharon
Day, Marcme frieze, jonn nan
naman, Kathleen Hitchcock, Faye
i ani-r nnric T .i inkonhlll. Ann
Nelson, Carmen Snndwick, Helen
Suhre, Gladys Shewey, Anita
Sandwick, Jeanette Shewey. Joan
Ormiston. Beverlv Kissler, Bobby
Gilbert, Sam Hitchcock, Terry
Matson, Gerrv Kissler, Richard
Hitchcock and Wayne Nilson.
The public is invited to the
affair, and there will be no
r-harcre for admission. Mrs. Cow
an announced. -
A specialty number on the pro
gram will lie a flute sola by Greta
Former Bend Girl Tells
Betrothal in Portland
At an open house recently at
the Portland home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. T. Carmody, former Bend
residents, the news of the engege
ment of their daughter Mary, to
Lt. Denis Illige, United States
army, son of Mr. and Mrs. B.
W. Illige, was told to a group of
friends and college acquaintances.
The couple attended Oregon
State college, where Miss Car
mody was affiliated with Chi
Omega. Her fiance has returned
to his station at Camp Hood, Tex.
No date has been set for the
Dance Postponed The Theto
Rho dance planned for Friday, i
June 1, has been postponed in
definitely, Eva Kittleson, presi
dent, announced today.
' Tomorrow
1:30 p. m. Executive board,
Women .of the Moose, Downing
8:00 p. m. Modern Woodmen
of America, Norway hall.
8:00 p. m. Jay H. Upton Camp
and Auxiliary, U.S.W.V., veterans
room, counnuusL-. . .
8:00 p. m. Pupils of Mrs. J. R.
Cowan, piano recital, parish hall.
. Monday
:OU y. III. UJiawKUi ...... .
guild with Mre. Phil Brogan, 1420
8:00 p. m. Royal Neighbors
of America, Norway hall. -
8:00 p. m. Advanced students
of Mrs. John Anderson, piano re-,
eital, parish hall.
7:30 p. m. Men's brotherhood.
First Lutheran church, church
parlors. . - ,
2:30 p. m. First Lutheran
Ladies' aid, church parlors.
To Show Pictures Slides de
picting the life of Christ will be
shown during the regular meet
ing of the Men's brotherhood of
the First Lutheran church, at 7:30
Wednesday in the church parlors.
Larry Lermo will be host.
Aid to Meet Mrs. Hans Ander
son will be hostess to the ladies' aid
of the First Lutheran church at
2:30 p.m. Thursday in the church I
parlors. 1
Ladies' Golf Club
Has Opening Play
Memorial Day !
Thirty-two "memlers of the
Ladies' Golf club, meeting at the
club house following the "get
acquainted" play Memorial day,
made plans for a two-ball four
some tournament for husbands
and wives, starting at 4 p.m. Sun
day afternoon.
Players are to register at the
caddy house with Mel Bue. Mrs.
George Thompson, publicity di
rector, announced today. Follow
ing the tournament, a pot-luck
supper will be served in the club
house, and informal entertain
ment is planned for the evening.
Mrs. Don Williams, Mrs. W. L.
Stollmack, Mrs. W. C. Adams and
Mrs. Dan Yeilding comprised the
winning foursome in Wednesday's
tournament. Tea was served in
the club house with Mrs. Ward
Coble pouring. Decorations were
lilacs and yellow tulips.
Friday will bo regular "ladies'
day," it was decided during the
business session, with "bring your
ltinch" luncheons planned for the
present. This feature will be in
augurated Friday, June 8, when
the first play is scheduled. Some
type of tournament competition
will be arranged each week, it
was said.
Redmond Girl Wed
In Portland Rites
Redmond, May 31 (Special)
Miss Esther Cijnls of Redmond
became the bride of Gilbert T.
Schaad, CM 1c, seabees, in a
simple ceremony performed May
18 at Unity center in Portland,
with Marlon T. Lauce officiating.
Miss Harriet Heyburn was the
bride's only attendant and Pvt.
Stanley Schaad acted as best man
for his brother. . ,
The young couple will be at
home at Camp Parks, California,
where the bridegroom will report
for further assignment June 12.
The bride is a graduate of Red
mond union high school and the
University of Oregon, where she
majored in art. She has been do
ing professional art work in Port-
laiut lor the past four years.
The groom, whose home was in
Newberg, finished high . school
there and attended the Oregon '
Institute of Technology and Ore-1
gon State college. He has recent-!
ly returned from 26 months serv-j
ice in the south Pacific. I
j i
To Meet FridayThe Jay H. i
Upton camp and auxiliary, U.S.!
W.V,. will meet at 8 p. m. Friday
in the veterans' room of the!
county court house. i
' ' !
Mrotlng Set The Modern j
Woodmen of America will meet '
at 8 p.m. Friday in Norway hall.
Student Pianists
T. ni i
io nay Classics j
In Recital Here
Five advanced piano students
of Mrs. JoJhn Anderson will be
presented in a recital Monday at
8 p. m. in the Episcopal parish
hall, assisted by Helen Bailey,
vocalist, accompanied by Helen
! Hudson.
Students who will take part in-
I elude Cynthia Shevlin, Betty Jean
i Davis, Marlys Prentice, Dorothy
misn ana neien Hudson. Miss
Hudson, who was judged out
standing in the recent guild audi
tions here, will leave Sunday
morning for Portland, where she
will play in competition for a
$100 bond.
The girls will play selections
from their 10-picce repertoires
memorized for the guild audi
tions. Numbers will be taken
from (he early classics of Bach,
Beethoven and Chopin, the middle-age
works of Debussy, God
ard and De-Albert, and modern
compositions, including the com
plete "Warsaw Concerto," which
will he played by Miss Hudson.
The concerto, by Addinsfell, a
modern composer of note, was
written for the recent motion
picture, "Suicide Squadron."
The public Is invited to attend
the program, Mrs. Anderson announced.
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Kidneys may need help the same as bowels,
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Complete Stocks O All Prices
32-Piece Set
Gold Banded with attractive
42 piece set Gold Banded
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32-Piece Set Florol Dinnerware 9.95
53-Piece Set Domestic Dinnerware 16.95
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20-Piece Set Embossed Colored Lunhceon Set 6,95
Square Deal Furniture Co.
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Serve the plentiful foods . . . the delicious, nutritious, NO-POINT. LOW
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and make each meal a celebrated occasion.
Peas - Beans - Corn 2 - 25c
Fresh Spinach ......... .2 lbs. 25c
Lettuce .2 heads 15c
Turnips, Beets ..... .2 bunches 17c
Newton Apples ........ .2 lbs. 24c
Sunkist Oranges ........ .bag 98c
Sunkist Lemons doz. 49c
Flour, .......2.29
no lb. sack
Clinton Assorted
pkg. 5c
pkg. 10c
8 oz.
Kix or Cherioats pkg. 11c
V-8 Yeg. Juice, No. 5 can 29c
Tomato Juice, No. 5 can 23c
Blended Juice, No. 5 can 49c
Grapefruit Juice .... No. 5 can 33c
Hood River Apple Juice . . .qt. 25c
Fountain Peaches, No. 2 can 25c
Merrimac Prunes, 21 '. . .2 cans 35c
Fountain Sliced Beets, No. 2. . 11c
Sacramento Hot Sauce ..can 5c
Heinz Baby Foods . . 4 cans 25c
3 bars
Medium, 3 bars 19c
All Brands,
4 cans
. 39c
Lunch Meat . 12 - 35c
Tomato Soup
3 ans 25c
Uritf Can Brand
1kJ 2 for 55c
SBf 31c
Large Wet Shrimp ...... .can 37c
Old English Wax . .qt. 69c, pt. 39c
Aerowax, self-polish qt. 45c
Ball Fruit Jars doz. 69c
tila.HR Top Quarts
Regular Jar Caps .doz. 10c
Regular Jar Lids ......... doz. 5c
3 bars. . .19c Lima BecinSi 2's 2 cans 33c
Seaside, Dry
LAVA, medium, 2 for 15c
3 bars. . .14c
3 bars... 19c
jH3 bars... 19c
(gi) bag
ETifl 49c
Veal Steak lb. 33c
Standby Fancy Peas, 2's, 2 cans 35c Mock Chicker Legs 6 for 25c
Del Monte Cr. Corn, No. 2 can 17c
Rio Sun Spinach, No. 2, 2 cans 29c
Dill Pickles qt. jar 29c
Larson's Veg-AII, 303. 19c
Del Monte Catsup bottle 19c
Beef Roast lb. 30c
Veal Roast lb. 31c
Halibut Salmon
I'rosh CaiiKlit
Red Snapper
Bond & Minnesota
Bend pn0ne 324