THE BEND BULLETIN BEND, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1945 PAGE TWO Highway No. 99 Officials' Choice Portland, Ore., May 31 IP U. S. highway 99, connecting Oregon and California By way 01 t-ngene, Medford, Ashland and Siskyous, today carried the official designa tion of the Oregon highway com mission as the regional highway. The commission explained, how ever, that It was only concurring In designation by other govern ment units and the action would not give highway 99 a completion advancement over highway 97. The Issue arose when advocates of highway 97, by way of Eugene and Klamath Falls, sought to get of flclal sanction for that route. A spirited controversy grew up as the advantages of each route were cited. The commission also awarded a contract to build the Steiwcr Hill Albany section of highway 99 E to the warren Northwest company of Portland, for $772,724.50. When a $5,000 reduction was considered . if the company received both the highway and bridge bids, the total . amount was Just $58 lower than the next bidder, Leonard & Slate, Oregon, Ltd. Contracts Let The commission let a total of $2,000,000 In highway contracts, the first In Oregon's $30,000,000 postwar highway program to be financed pointly by federal and state funds. There will be an aggregate of $7,100,000 in federal funds annually, with the state matching $4,900,000. Of this total, I $6,315,000 will bo spent.each year on the primary federal aid sys tem, $4,310,000 on the secondary federal aid system, and $1,375,000 on primary federal aid routes in urban areas ot municipalities nav ing a population of more than 5,000 persons. ' The program calls for a 5,000 mile system, Including 3300 miles In the state highway system and 1700 In the county system. Accepts Bend Call ..U.UTU.H.W. m , - X" t"f't ,A Ml ': Rev. Lem B. Fishback, new pas tor of the First Christian Church, Bend. Prineyille Flier In 'Dragon' Unit Fourteenth Air Force Head quarters In China. (Delayed) "Assam Dragon" is a name which the Japanese would like to foreet. for that is the popular name of a 14th air force fighter squadron which took such a prominent part In the Burma campaign, in the fall and winter of 1944. After the route to China was ppened, the squadron experienced a period of quiet, but the restless jilllots are again In action, once more blasting the Japs, v- TSgUDelbert J. Durkee, 345 Elm street, Prlneville, Oregon, Is a member of the harcllfighting unit. , Pleasant Ridge Pleasant Ridge, May 31 (Spe cial) The Deschutes Pleasant Ridge extension unit met on Thursday, May 17, at the home of Mrs. Ted Povey. Elizabeth Boeckli led the project. A large crowd attended the meeting. Miss Elizabeth Boeckli of Bend, and Mrs. YV. Glllenwater of Port land, were Thursday evening guests at the Sid Conklln home. Frank Conklln came home from the hospital recently and is Im proving steadily from his acci dent. Mrs. Sid Conklln attended the eighth grade graduation In Red mond on Friday afternoon. Mar garet Conklln was . one of the graduates. Ole Hansen and family were Sunday visitors at the Mikklesen home. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Krlger and Mrs. Mikkelsen attended the show, "Fighting Lady," in Bend on May 19. Harvey Berry, who underwent an eye operation in a Salem hos pital. Is improving satisfactorily, Christian Church Pastor Arrives Here to assume the pastorate of the First Christian church, Rev. Lem B. Fishback, for the past three years pastor of the First Christian church at Koseourg, ar rived here last night. He was ac companied by Mrs. Fishback and two children, Dick and Winona Mae. Rev. Fishback, before serving in Roscburg, occupied the pulpit in Tillamook six years, Hillsboro eight years, Baker six years and was a missionary at isenoni, South Africa, for two years. The new pastor will take up his duties next Sunday evening, when he will speak at the 7:30 services, with "In Christ We Conquer" as his sermon topic. Rev. Fishback is a graduate from the University of Oregon with the class of 1921, and also holds a degree from the North western Christian College, where he taught one year. The new Bend pastor is a mem ber of the Kiwanis club, and has been active in Boy Scout and Cub work. held at Pleasant Ridge hall on June 15 to raise money for the benefit of the 4-H girls, who won scholarships to go to Corvallis. Everyone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. George Conklln of Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Don Rat- cliffe of Portland, and Ruth Conk lln of St. Helen's hall, Portland, were Sunday visitors at the Sid Conklln home; Mrs. Sid Conklln and children attended graduation exercises Friday evening at Bend. Robert Conklin of Bend, was a graduate, i Week-end visitors at the T. Deal home were Mrs. Deal's parents irom Portland. Mrs. G. A. Kricer and Mrs, Idona Fix and daughters went to ban t ranclsco last Thursday night- to meet Willard Fix, who was there on a shorf leave. Mrs. Krlger returned home on Friday. H. Berry is reported, to be im proving steadily. Sine Mikkelsen and Alfred were Sunday dinner guests at the Ole Hansen home. Elizabeth Hansen returned home from San Francisco last AT THE CAPITOL V Jft'OAC ( ? : or . '-M.-'i " ' ' U iA-'-fc -. r ... ), ' Ann Sheridan, Alexis Smith, Jane Wjrinin, Jick Canon, bene Manning and Bve Arden in an hilarious tcene front Warner Brc, "The DoughgiiU." Voice of Central Oregon -KBND- 1340 Kilocycle Affiliated With Mutual Don La Broadcasting System TONIGHT'S PROGRAM Mrs. John Petersen and chll-; Friday. dren, and Mrs. Burgess and chll-1 Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson of dron of Redmond, were Sunday Albany were Sunday visitors at callers at the A. unlstrom and J. i tne Rasmus Petersen home. W. Petersen's homes Mrs. C. C. Glllenwater is on the sick list this week. The 4-H Peppers club met at the homo of Mrs. G. Mastersen, their leader. Dresses and other articles were sewed. Plans for 4-H summer, school were discussed. Refreshments were served at the , at Buttle lake. close of the meeting. - - A bazaar and pie social will be I Buy National War Bonds Nowl Lloyd Petersen and family were Sunday visitors at the John Peter sen home. James Jewel was painfully In jured at the Redmond army air base last week. Jim Puckett and Louise' and Keith Schliekelman spent Sunday At OWL PHARMACY Campus Makeup .50c "d$1.00 Colonial Damos Wrisleys Bath Superbe ....... $1.00 4 Gimit 'hI's Tawn Shaving Lotion .69c McKessons Pursin Tonic Yltumln B and Iron gimnitilccd to give extra 3 for 2.75 Beautiful Sachet Clothes Hangers $1.98 A Parfait Creation Plus Tax Vitamin Products 250 Brewers Yeast Tablets 89c $1.50 Upjohn's Codliver Oil, pt. $1.39 $1.25 Super D Perles 93c 100 Super A 25,000 Units $2.88 $5.00 Vims, Vitamins & Minerals $4.29 100 Bexel Vitamin B Complex.. $1.98 60 Bax 8 Vitamin Formula $1.98 75c Mead's Oleum Percomorph.. 67c $3.60 One A Day B Complex... $3.53 Miles', 1 Months Supply 85 McKesson A and D Concentrate 89c 100 Thiamine Hydrochloride 69c $3.50 One A Day Multiple $3.43 100 Yeastamine With Iron 79c 1 Pint McKesson Cod Liver Oil, $1.09 50 Wheat Germ Oil Capsules. . - . 89c Large Supermalt $1.25 Garden Needs Acme Aphis Spray 35c Jitterburg, Repels Mosquitoes... 35c Rotenone Garden Guard 35c Large Box Snarol 25c I'or Slugs Cutworms Kn Igs Cyanogas, for Ants 30c Black Leaf 40 ( makes 6 gal. spray ) 40c Calcium Arsenate 1 lb. 30c Arsenate of Lead 1 lb. 40c Cyanogas, for Ground Squirrels. . 75c Oid Trapper Garden Dust 40c Tor All Kinds of (inrilcn Insects McClcllan's Ant Powder 25c Kcllog's Ant Paste 25c Garden Sprayers 35c & 75c Gopher Killer 50c 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Healter ' 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 Treasure Hour of Song " 7:00 Curt Massey 7:15 News 7:30 Red Ryder 8:00 Bulldog Drummond 8:30 Treasury Salute 8:45 Russ Morgan's Orchestra 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Rex Miller 9:30 Wings Over trfp Nation 10:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr. 10:15 Count Basie's Orchestra FKIDAV, JUNE 1, 1945 7:00 News 7:15 Smile Time 7r30 Spotlight on Rhythm . 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News 8:00 Tommy Reynolds' Orch. 8:15 News 8:30 Take It Easy Time 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Cote Glee Club 8:55 Lanny and Ginger 9:00 William Lang and the News 9:15 Songs by Morton Downey 9:30 Rationing News 9:35 Old Family Almanac 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Something to Talk About 10:30 Luncheon With Lopez 10:45 News of Prlneville 11:35 Lady About Town 11:40 News 11:45 Lum 'N Abner 12:00iAUen Holt , "t 12:05-Today's Classifieds 12:10 Sports Yarns 12:15 Al and Lee Reiser . 12:30 News 12:45 Farmer's Hour 1:00 Cote Glee Club 1:15 Elsa Maxwell's Party Line 1 :30 Never Too Old 2:00 News - 2:15 Melody Time 2:30 Author Meets the Critic 3:00 Griffin Reporting 3:15 Concert Hall 3:45 Johnson Family 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 4:15 Rex Miller 4:30 Sketches 4:55 Central Oregon News 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman , 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:1! Lenny Herman's Orch. 6:30 Double or Nothing 7:00 Music for Millions 7:15 News 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 Boxing Bouts 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Cecil Brown 9:30 Freedom of Opportunity 10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10:15 Sonny Dunham's Orch. Library Features Alaskan Display An exhibit of Alaskan souvenirs loaned by Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hightower is on display at the Deschutes county library, Miss Eleanor Brown, librarian, an nounced today. The articles were collected by Hightower in the summer of 1944, when he was with the U. S. coast geodedic survey. Included in the collection are two pair of Cape Prince of Wales Eskimo shoes made of waterproof walrus hide. One pair is for sum mer wear, and the other is the winter model, Hightower pointed out. Other outstanding pieces in the exhibit are a piece of mastodon tusk from the coniunction of the. SVJ-Stlc Circle ocean, some pieces pff mastodon teeth, and a , pair of i salt shakers which Hightower fashioned of ivory from the St. Lawrence Island. Also in the display Is a cribbage board which was made from a walrus tusk, and numerous snap shots of Alaskan scenery and fish ing excursions. Some of the pic tures' show hrook trout which weighed up to 15 pounds apiece. The collection will be on display at the library. Buy National War Bonds Now! Do your drinks get as : FlATzs this? TIlAM A ItllAltA tt A A s vMEy' men diwaya uac thiS "Pin-Point Carbonation" keeps drinks spar kling with life, to the last sip. And Canada Dry's special lormula points up the flavor of any tall drink. Ask for Canada Dry Water when you're out. aerve it in your home. Where there's MF you'll hear ' ' II I M V MtfgXta. CANAD WATER Mr BIG BOTTLE 150 PIUS dODOSit Bk I u 7)or n I Arm m W Michael Rastovich In Signal Company With U. S. Supply Forces In France Experts in the quick re- Duiiding and operation of every thing from the old fashioned party telephone line cranked by nana to modern luo-line telephone land and marine cables, members of the 814th signal service com pany have had a key part in the support of the American Seventh and French First armies since the landings in South France last August. , One of the members of this Sig nal company is Michael Rasto vitch, of Rt. 1, Box 387,' Bend, Oregon, who is now serving in France. The company was the second American military unit to enter the ghost city of Bizerte. Torn by bombings, port demolitions and artillery fire, Bizerte's tele phone system appeared a hope less mess of jumbled wires. cracked transformers, missing in sulators and smashed switch boards.. Yet within hours the 814th had restored a measure of order and workalblity, so that military messages could flow in the major Allied languages over telephone lines and in Morse over the telegraph. Prineville Salvage Drive Nears End Prlneville, May 31 (Special) A county wide paper drive now in progress will culminate in a final pick up Friday evening, June 1.- The drive is sponsored by i the Lions' auxiliary, headed by Mrs. R. F. Mollner, chairman, assisted by the Lions, Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls. Mrs. R. P. McRae, publicity chairman for the Auxiliary, through the co operation of radio and press has advertised it well and the Camp Fire girls ara making a city house-to-house canvass as a final reminder. . A city collection center has been maintained at the west bar racks and depositories established at the various community centers over the county. The Lions club will furnish trucksk for the pick up and be assisted by the Boy Scouts., Buy National War Bonds Now! Prineville Youth Signs For Radar ' John Joseph Ellis, Slc, (RT) ! V-6, USNR, has received his or! ders to report at the navy re cruiting station Portland, for transfer to radio materiel school Chicago, on Friday, June 1. ' John is the son of Mr. and Mrs Dewey Ellis, Prineville. He was qualified for radar technician training by passing the Eddy test at the Central Oregon navy re cruiting sub-station in Bend, then forwarded to Portland where' lie was enlisted oh January 31 and placed on inactive duty until he graduated from high school. After six weeks of "boot" train ing at Great Lakes naval trainine center Ellis will be transferred to radio materiel school in Chicago. TIME TO THINK IT OVER Boston IP Walter Butler of Roxbury had fun for six months ringing false alarms. Now he will have 28 months- to think it over. Butler '. was sentenced In district court to serve one month for each false alarm. i -rZii mi :s C91MIIY 011 at Special Weekend Savings Fri.-Sat. Cheese Battleground b. 35c lib Snow Flake Sodas rajmcil BLr ' 2 ib Hi83 No-10 HS Pk9" rW Carton bag HP 29c qpr . 31e HHI 53c Potato Chips B- 25c Pkg. 23c Golden Karo C H V-J :(m' Kerr's Jellies ........... 2 lb. jar 45c Libby Apple Bufi(ej(i. i .303 jar 20c S&W Plum Jam . . : .21b. jar 43c Tomato Sauce Hunts can 6c Merrimac Salmon, i's can 27c i ib. pkg. Royal Chef Clams, is . . . . . can 25c S MS 2r Ocean Chief Tuna, j's...., can 25c ll&P Pancake Flour S perry Giant pkg. 35c pkg. 11c Apple Juice, H. R qt. 25c Tomato Juice ........ No. 5 can 25c Orange Juice No. 5 can 53c Fresh Tomatoes. Ib. 15c Asparagus 15c Wax Onions ............ . 3 lbs. 29c Rhubarb 5c Shdlhart's Grocerv , . M Phone 24 4mp3 pkg. 23c reg. bar hffji Ige. pkg. 27c KOTEX ltegiilar size, Si's pkg. 85c i i i yzy wan pree Delivery ALLEY OOP " , Sv V.T.HAMLIN PHONE 50