The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 31, 1945, Page 12, Image 12

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New Provisions
In Vet Pensions
To Add $37,000,000
By Ann Hicks
(United Press Staff Corrpoid?nt)
Wasliington UP) Including Mrs,
Morgan's $20 a month, the U. S.
pension bill lor fiscal 191 4 was
Mrs. Esther Hill Morgan of In
dependence, Ore., still receives
$240 a year because her father
fought with the New York militia
in the war of 1812. Mrs. Morgan's
money is all the veterans admin
istration expends today on that
The Civil War still costs nearly
4i4,ouo,ouo in pensions, however,
and veterans and veterans' de
pendents for the Indian wars
draw $2,300,000. World War I pay
ments were four times as large as
those for World War II $264,000,-
000 for the first; $60,000,000 for
the second. Pensions now go to
896,000 veterans and 361,000 de
pendents. New Reirulallons Made
The 1945 pension bill will be
bigger by at least $37,000,000 be
cause congress has decided to
take care of widows and minor
children of World War I veter
ans whose deaths were not caus
ed by service disabilities.
The new regulations make the
childless widow whose income is
less than $1,000 and the widow
with children whose income is less
.than $2,500 eligible for benefits
simply if her dead husband served
at least 90 days in the last war
and was honorably discharged.
Tills gives the widows of World
War I veterans one advantage
over their sisters of World War II.
If their husbands died as a re-
The Quick and the Dead on Okinawa
5Tv..,,-ik?-.'' ''V-
Murines of the First Division hot foot It across an open stretch of land on Okinawa as they head for ths
front line. One of the Leathernecks carries a stretcher but not for one of their buddies (foreground) who
fell mortally wounded a few minutes before as another section of this unit made the dash, ,
suit of service, both receive pen
sions until they die or remarry.
Likewise, both are pensioned If
their husbands had .s'ervice-con-
nectcd disabilities, yet died of
something else.
World War I Vets Only
But if two honorably discharged
veterans one of each war and
neither one disabled In service,
should die in an automobile acci
dent, only the widow and children
of the World War One veteran
would be pensioned.
Payments will begin In the new
est class as each dependent estab
lishes her claim at the nearest
veterans administration office.
She can do this by mail.
Benefits provided are: $35
monthly for a widow; $45 for a
widow (ind one child; and $5 addi
tional for each child. A veteran's
orphan is eligible for $18 month-
I... 1 CDT. 41
ty i iwu uifjiiuus lur i, uiiee,
$30. Total compensation to one
family cannot be more than $64 a
The veterans administration as
tlmates that payments will be
made to 81,500 dependents under
the new law next year.
The above scale also applies to
widows and minor children of
Realty Transfers
Cashmcan's Headquarters for
Hart Shaffner & Marx Suits
Every Suit tailored by expert Hart Schaffner & Marx needlcrs who male thousands
of fine garments for the men of America, year in and year out! Hart Schaffner &
Marx have a 54-year heritage of fine clothes making in back of them and you can be
terrain wnen you cnoose a suit or coat with the n. S. & M. label in it that
made as well as it is humanly possible.
4500 - 4950
Curlee and other Outstanding Suits
ijuymg your doming nere is insurance, wo believe, as tar as your personal ai
is concerned. Your appearance is our business and we plan on being in bi
a long time to come; and we know we can't be unless we deliver the maximi
fectly-fitting, good-looking clothing. We invite you to inspect these values!
2950 3950
rsonal appearance
ng in business for
um in per-
Muy 19 Deeds
Thomas H. Foster to Doran L.
Allen, lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, block
34, Wiestoria.
Sherman Telford to Theodore
Smalley, portion of 28-14-13.
State Land Board to Thomas
H. Foster,' lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7,
block 34, Wiestoria.
Otto Hahn to H. E. Van Arsdale,
parts of lots 1 and 2-17-12.
Lois S. Kenney to Marvin W.
Davidson, lot 10, block 1, Collins.
May 19 Mortgages
R. A. Aulman to John DeBoer,
SW'4 NW'4 NW!4 SW!4 23-18
Florence Pitman to Bank of
Bend, lot 4 except NE 10 ft. all
lot 5, block 10, Park.
Gilbert J. Bennett to Bank of
Bend, lot 12, block 5, Mill addition.
Doran L. Allen to A. B. Este
benet, lots 2, 3, 4, 5, (, 7, block 34,
! Wiestoria.
i May 19 Mortgage Releases
I Bank of Bend to Gilbert J. Ben
j nett, lot 12, block 5, Mill addition.
Home Owners Loan corporation
I to Roy S. Blodgett, lot 25, Mock
j 10, Riverside terrace. '
May 21 Deeds '
I Bank of Bend to Earl Wurz
jweiler, SW'4 NWVi NW'4 SW54
Earl Wurzweiler to John Viegas,
SW!4 NW'4 NW'4 SW'4 32-14-13.
i Jessie E. Becker to Melvin M.
Whipple, lot 7 and NVi 8 block,
1 29 Bolevard addition.
I Anna Belle Wuthrlch to Her
man Wuthrich, half interest in
I all that part of 91712.
Herman Wuthrich to Anna
Belle Wuthrich, lot 5, Mock 28,
I Blair Bartlett to Ralph Bart let t.
lots 11 and 12, block 8, Deschutes.
Ralph Bartlett to Mike D. Kep
,pers, lot 11, block 8, Deschutes,
j Lumbermen's Insurance agency
to William L. Van Allen, lot 5,
, block 10, Bend.
Deschutes Federal Savings and
Loan to George A. Grant, lot 9,
! block 31, NWTS 2nd addition.
1 Olaf Hemstad to Harold T. Dun
; can, lot 5, block 16, Highland,
i May 2 1 Mortgages
' John Viegas to William Nartz,
W'a NW'4 NW SVV 32-1413.
I George A. Grant to Deschutes
Federal Savings and Loan, lot 9,
block 34, NWTS 2nd addition. ';
i May 2 Deeds
Daisy B. Kclley to Thomas
i Murphy, lot 17, block 15, Park.
u. 11. Peoples to Elmer L.
Pine Foresi
Pine Forest, May 29 (Special)
Mrs. Lester Kramer and Mrs.
Bill Underwood accompanied
Garnet Rae Barton to the
Mothei-S' tea held at the Bend
high school in the school library.
Garnet Rae Barton was an
overnight guest at the Joan Ober-
nalte home on the Butler road
Walla Walla, will also attend and
will , return home with his pa
rents. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Davis of
Portland were week-end guests
at the Cecil Henry home in Car
roll Acres.
Garnet Rae Barton spent Satur
day evening at the Mary Ellen.
rlotchkiss home.
A birthday party was held at
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Chambers ; the home of Mrs. Earl Wilcox
made a trip to Tacoma ' where for her daughter, Eualie, who was
their daughter. Mary, will gradu
ate from the St. Joseph hospital
where she has been in training.
Her brother. Bob, who is conva
lescing at McCaw hospital in
Terrill, lot 4, block 10, Riverside
Terrace. .
C. O. Entrikin to C. J. Leverett,
lot 6, block 26, Bend.
Universal Securities corporation f Margaret Stevens. They were!
guests at tne nome ot Mr. anu
14 years old. The cake was white
and yellow. Those present were:
Edna Evans, Patsy Bird, Lou
Jean Wenz, Joan Curry, Marjorie
Ammons, Norma Dey, and Wan
da Moore. The afternoon was
spent in playing games.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Harlan Noel
and children, Richard and Ken
neth, of California, were here to
attend the graduation services
to Ole Osmundsoa, Jot 17, block
14, Highland.
K. J. Helmoltz to Jack Vandell,
SE NW, 36-15-13.
May 22 Mortgages
J. Frank Humphreys to B. L.
Retinoids, WIS, NWS4 17-13-13.
Mike D. Keppers to Jacob Gud-
munson, lot 11, block 8, Deschutes.
Mrs. Fred Berg.
Betty Jo Rickman'of the But
ler market road, was an over
night guest at the home of Gar
net Rae Barton in Carroll Acres.
Mrs. Hannah Lemons has ar
rived safely in Pennsylvania,
where she is visiting her grand-
George A. Grant to Deschutes I children. Mrs. Lemons said she
veterans of both wars who incur
red disabilities in service but died
from other causes. There Is no al
lowance for parents in either case.
The benefits, for both wars, for
dependents of veterans whose
death resulted from service, are:
A childness widow, $50 a
month; widow and one child, Ki'.S;
$13 for each additional child; one
orphan $25; two orphans, $3S; and
$10 for each additional orphan;
one dependent parent, $45 and two
dependent parents, $50. The total
to any family cannot exceed $100
a month.
Federal Savings and Loan, lot 9,
block 34 NWTS, 2nd addition.
May 22 Mortgage ltelease
State Land board to Joel Abbott,
NW SW SW NW 32-14-13.
May 23 Deeds
City of Bend to Ersa Ida West-
lake, part of lot 15, block 4, River
side Terrace.
J. E. Shultz to John W. Cooper,
NVi lots 8, 9, 10, block 10, Elling-
May 23 Mortgage
John W. Cooper to J. E. Shultz,
N',4 lots 8. 9, 10, block 10, Elling-
May 23 Mortgage Release
William Nartz to Joe E. Shultz,
N',i lots 8, 9, 10, block 10, Elling
ers'. May 24 Deeds
Eva C. Jones to Eugene, R.
Glazier, lots 3 and 4, block 23, Des
chutes. Eugene R. Glazier to Pacific
Savings and Loan, lot 3 and W',5
lot 4, block. 28, Bend.
Elinor Craven to Odean J.
Thompson, lot 18, block 10, River
side terrace.
Lloyd Graven to Odean J. Tomp
son, lot 17, block 10, Riverside
Muy 24 Mortgages
U. S. National Bank to Red
mond Lodge No. 110, K. of P. as
signed by Dairymen's Bank, lot
G, block 15, Redmond.
Odean J. Thompson to Des
chutes Federal Savings and Loan,
lots 17 and 18, block 10, Riverside
May 25 Deeds
W. V. Fancher to Amanda Hart
ley Chabot, Jr., lot 2, block 10,
Robert Zitek to Thomas L.
Davis, lot 6, block 19, Davidson's
James M. Rodeers to William
C. Turner, lots 7 and 8, block 27,
Davidson s addition.
Louis L. Selken to Melvin H.
Wilson, lot 5, block 4, Highland. .
found the trio very tiring.
The Juvenile grange of Pine
Forest met in regular session,
and transacted business. After
the meeting a lunch was given
by Melvin Loy and Tommy Pry
or. The juvenile grangers at
tended the show given for scrap
Mrs. H. E. Gugle of Shevlin
was an afternoon guest at the
Lester Kramer home in Carroll
Many people of Carroll Acres
attended the Bend graduation
held at the high school.
N. W. Redmond
Northwest Redmond, May 31
(Special) Pvt. Orville Carroll
was a dinner guest at the home
of Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Penhollow,
Friday evening. Pvt. Carroll is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Carroll of Sisters.
Mrs. Irene Burgess was a din
ner guest at the D. I. Penhollow
home Wednesday.
Clarence Killingbeck was a
guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Underwood Monday"
Second Lt. and Mrs. Dale Fleck
are visiting at the home of Dale's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Fleck
this week. Dale has been in train
ing at Columbus, Miss., and grad
uated May 23 from their advanced
pilot training course.
Mrs. James Underwood was a
visitor at the Penhollow home
An Australian chemical com
pany, that before the war made
fatty alcohols from German raw
maerials, acting as a subsidiary
of a German company, is now
making fatty alcohols from Aus
tralian raw materials and is Australian-owned.
JBuy National War Bonds Now!
ceiEur sait
Onion Salt
Real onion flavor from
a handy shaker
Radio-Screen Star
tnnivrr l PrrvlrtON FotfKlf
HORIZONTAL 60 Compound
1 Pictured ethers
7 He is a radio
and star
13 Complete
14 Fruit
15 On top o(
16 Rail bird'
19 Courtesy
title (pi )
50 English river
21 Dress
23 Detachment
24 Senior (ob.)
25 Symbol for
26 Xenon (sym
28 Steamship
29 Speech part
31 Head covers
33 Late Ameri
can humorist
34 Yellow bugle
35 Canoe
36 Number (pi.)
38 Rough lava
39 Right line
40 Electrical unit
41 Exclamation
of surprise
43 Blood money
45 Melancholy
50 Exist
51 Male sheep
53 Machine part
54 Otncial acts
55 Conceive
57 Holv
59 Mock
1 Conducts
2 Detain in port
3 Indian
4 Clamp
5 Symbol for
. erbium
6 For fear that
7 Fly through
the air
8 Credit (ab.)
9 Headland
10 Wife of
Geraint in
lt Exit
12 Birds" homes
17 Overtime
(ab )
18 Measure
ETApS upiAr, TfolTni 01
TfieE? jimmy tS&r
21 Subjects to
22 One who
excites '
25 English
royal family
27 Roof edges
30 Boat paddle
32 Kitchen
35 Pompous
37 One who sorts
38 Caustic
42 Body parts
44 Hebrew
46 Type of
47 Myself
48 Bachelor of
Arts (ab )
49 Gaelic
50 Land measure
52 Capuchin
54 Perform on
56 Kind of pipe
58 Like
' i p 14 5 It i Jo 4 1.0 III L
3 s
is ' "
r! n-rt& i
Hi ! 16 HI I 1 3"
5 ;'b ST
1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 31
Corn. Whole Kernel . . .14c
12 0z.Tln Niblets
Egg Noodles . .lb. pkg. 21c
Macaroni, Spaghetti . . 22c
27 Ox. Pkg. Mission, Cut
Ritz Crackers . Ige. pkg. 23c
Sunbrite Cleanser. 3 for 14c
Palmoliye Soap, regular 7c
BATH SIZE, 2 bars for 19c
Tomato Sauce ....can 6c
HO Oats .... 1 lb. pkg. 14c
Quick or Regular
Corn Flakes . . . . .pkg. 13c
Kellogg's Giant Size
Cake Flour .21 lb. pkg. 28c
Marmalade . . . .jar 33c
Minced Clams, 7 oz. can 28c
. . ' Ottter
Prunes .Palmdale . . .jar 24c
Spinach .... 18 oz. can 20c
Rio Sun, Fancy
CHB Tomato Juice, can 9c
12 Oz.
Fruits and Vegetables
Grapefruit ..... each 5c
Tomatoes ....... .lb. 21c
Cabbage .lb. 7c
Carrots . . . .2 bunches 15c
Lemons .doz. 23c
Green Spears
2 lbs. 33c
rot Koast
lb. 28c
Short Ribs lb. 19c
Steer Beef
Veal Roast lb. 27c
Crown Kill
Veal Chops .lb. 35c
Cheese ......... !b. 35c
Corned Beef lb. 33c
Boneless Brisket