THE BEND BULlETH BEND, 6RE66M, TUESDAY, WXY'2, TttS n- PAe Seven mgonds Approach Thirty Year Peak By T. W. KienVen (United Frew SUff Correspondent) New York, May 29 IP Stocks advanced today lor the fifth con secutive session, reaching further new high ground for more than seven years, while commodity prices Improved and listed bonds approached their recent 30-year peak. Slock market sentiment was bolstered largely by yesterday's optimistic view of the reconver sion period taken by WPB chief J. A. Krug, recent favorable rail road and corporation earnings statements and the moves of a number of companies to reduce their debt and strengthen their 4,'cWiital positions. .Loans uDiainea American Telephone, plans a $175,000,000 flotation of deben tures with a lower interest rate, designed to save around $875,000 in annual interest charges, and today Warner Brothers Pictures announced a $17,000,000 loan had been taken out to aid refinancing of outstanding debentures and re payment of an old bank loan. Pacing the day's piice rise In , stocks, American Telephone hit 170 M, up 2!4 points and a new high since 1940 when the best level was 175. Chrysler, on a similar extreme gain, reached a new high since 1937, and gains of one to more than two points also were noted for such stocks as Johns-Manville, Electric Power & Light 6 preferred, Central Rail road of New Jersey, Bond stores common and preferred and Brown bnoe company. Vater Leakinq in Home Stirs Search For Man in Bend Oregon City police are looking for Joe Watt. They are so an xious to find him that they have called Bend's police department twice in as many days. It seems that a pipe has broken in Watt's Oregon City home and that the escaping water has done considerable damage. The telephoned information failed to state whether anyone had turned off the water. The Hend police wouldn't know about that. They merely know that Joe Walts is badly wanted and that they haven't been able to find him. AVoting Formulait '4 f Due For Debate S San Francisco, May 29 ilPi Ilattle lines were drawn at the J United Nations conference today f for a bitter public debate between the big and little nations over the Yalta voting formula for the new world organization. Tempers in some quarters of both sides were getting short over both ihe issue of the big! I rnents of disputes and the big $ power delay in lotting the con- icrence start work on It. Twilight Tear to Work Out Despite Bleeding Louisville, Ky., May 29 dl'i- Twilight Tear, great four-year-old filly of the Calumet stables, was scheduled to work out as usual today despite bleeding after a run yesterday. Trainer Ben Jones said there was "nothing to reports" that the horse would be retired. "Many horses bleed after work outs and it isn't necessarily seri ous," he said. "Twilight Tear will work out again today." PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., May 29 UI'- Butter and egg prices were un changed today. Butter cube, 93 score, 42ic; 92 score, 42' ic; 1)0 score 42 'c; 90 score, 42c; 89 score, 41'.:C pound. Eggs Prices to-retailers: AA, largo, 41c; A, large, 42c; medium, A, 39c; small, 35c doz. HMD Transportation is the bottleneck so you'll be wise to order now while we have it. Better reach for the phone and call 444 Bend Storage & Transfer Short and Long Distance Hauling, Agent Belcins Transfer Lines 218 Irving Ave. Phone 444 Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates, Local Paid In Advance 25 WordsOne Time -S5c 25 Words Three Times -?5c 25 Words Six Tiroes $1.33 AD words er IS add 1c per went rlii umber of insertion! One vontA ran, HM copy, 4n iJ rate Misimani Cherte, lie LINE BATE lOo CAPITALS 20o CiueUUe Adrertiein, Csek in Urua Deilr Cieelna Time 11 lit P. M. FOB SALE SEED POTATOES. Inquire 225 Miller after 4:30 p.m. 5 ROOM SEMI-MODERN house partly furnished, newly decorated. Back porch, one lot, fenced, some garden and strawberries. $875. In quire 1460 Cumberland. OWNER LEAVING, must seU, 3 bedroom modern new house, also dining room. Asbestos shakes, chicken house, garage, 2 lots in garden and lawn $3750.00. Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. PLANTS AT FANTON's Garden. Strawberries, pansies, perennials, cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, brus sel sprouts, head lettuce, some an nuals. Fanton's Garden, 829 Og den." RHODE ISLAND RED Fryers. Phone 1-F-ll or call at Rt. 2, Box 259. Turn left 4 miles out on But ler Market Road. 3-ROOM MODERN house furn ished on St. Helens Place on paved street, immediate possession on- Lly $1400.00 or will divide lot on lesser price. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. 4-ROOM MODERN partly furn ished situated on corner lot close to Brooks-Scanlon mill. Good ga rage and shed. Possesion in fif teen days. $2500 on terms. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. S1850 BUYS MODERN 4-room, East Third Street. Immediate pos session. $3000 buys 3-bedroom modern, East 2nd Street. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. . . WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now In load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. 2 WELL BROKE cow horses; 1 gentle saddle mare; 1 nice work team; 3 almost new stock saddles; 4 young Reg. Herford bulls; some Imilk cows; 100 head black face ewes and lambs. W. R. Franks, mond, Oregon. Phone 78-J. TOOL BOX, plumbing tools, ham mers, etc. Can be seen 1724 Lytle St. Sunday or evenings. Herbert Francis. 16 X 7 ft. HOUSE trailer. Good built-ins and bed. $175. Inquire Chas. Schliekelman V4 mile South Peterson's Rock Garden. ONE ONLY McCormick-Deering 10 ft. power binder with rubber tired transport .attachment. Also one only cultivator for Farmall A. Cullen Motor & Implement Co., 1235 Riverside, Medford, Oregon. Phone 7116. 6-PIECE DINETTE set, twin bed set with one bed, new mattress and springs, and twin-size spring and mattress. Side walk skates. Call 921-J or 850 Division. CLOSE TO ORDNANCE SHOPS, one half block off South Third Street, large 5 - room modern home,, basement, double garage, nicely arranged for comfortable living. Owner leaving and will sell for only $3500. Good loan obtain able on reasonable terms. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. LARGE FAT hens, 3M miles east on Bend Burns Highway. Phone 37 F-13. E. L. Walrath. '29 CHEVROLET 2-Door $125.00; '30 Chevrolet 4-door $135.00; '31 Chevrolet 2 - door $150.00; '31 Chevrolet 4 - door $175.00. All priced for quick sale within OPA ceiling. 1929 Model A radiators and parts of all kinds. Acetylene welding outfit. All this can be seen at 136 Greenwood. FOB SALE o ctytpv A modern. 4 bed rooms, 2 bathrooms, equipped for ou or nog iuej, weauiei sun room, hardwood floors and good fireplace. Situated In fine district on paved street. Large lot with double garage. Owner leav ing city and will sell at $8500.00. rnnvpnlnnt loan can be secured. possession within 30 days. J. S. uavis (Jo., iZ4 uregon jvk. . ONE CIRCULATING heater, one kitchen range. Good as new. Call evenings 1310 Cumberland. FEW SACKS seed potatoes. $2.00 per sack. F. A. Pepper, Rt. 2, Box Ml, Bultler Market RdV 1 JERSEY MILK cow fresh 4 months. Inquire 1 mile west of Cox's Service Station. B. C. Straughn. 4 ACRES, 4 acres COI water. 4 room house, chicken house, barn, garage. Some berries. F. A. Pep per, Rt. 2, Box 261. CIRCULATING OIL heater. Pre war Tayler Tot. All In good con dition. 1534 West 3rd Street. COMPLETE RIDING Outfit. In cludes saddle, bridle, chaps and spurs. $35.00. 352 E. Kearney. Tel. 1101. MAN'S BICYCLE, in good shape. $30.00. Lloyd Maynard, 1220 Divi sion. After 5:00 o'clock. F-20 FARMALL TRACTOR, good condition, and power equipment Also horse equipment. Electric stove, bedroom suite, L. R. Rouse, 1 mile north Alfalfa store. Do not call before Thursday. LILAC BLOOMS for Decoration Day. $1.00 a bunch and up. Call at 635 B. Marshall, Bend. RABBITS, DOE and buck, one year old. Seven young ones, six weeks old from registered White Giant stock. Also good Hutch. All for $12.00. Also standard sized bi cycle $30.00. 1585 W. 1st St. NEED A HOME? We have some nice places priced from $1700.00 to $2700.00. You won't want to pay rent when you see what your money will buy at Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance. 1015 Wall St. ONE SITTING room overstuffed chair and buffet. 1501 Awbrey Rd. R. M. Smith. PRE-WAR FURNITURE priced reasonamy tor quick sale. Miscel laneous articles. Call at' 400 Sise- more. 6-YEAR OLD BAY mare. Gentle, good for a lady. Priced reason ably. Call after 5 P. M. at 400 Sisemore. 1 PAIR LADY'S BROWN dress shoes size 9AAA new. Call at 625 Federal St. 1 REGISTERED and GRADE brown Swiss heifers and one bull.' C. L. Braly, 1 mile south Brade tich Dairy. RADIOS FROM $5.00 to $35.00. Also man's Elgin wrist watch. Keeps time to the second. 117 La fayette. 1936 FLAT-BED L.W.B. truck or trade for trailer house. Good 3 year old saddle mare, green broke, and saddle. L. R. Rouse, 1 mile north of Alfalfa store. Call Thurs day. HOME ON HARMON: Facing riv er. 5 room modern, hardwood floors. Wired for electric range, electric water heater. Basement nothing to shout about but has good furnace. A real home priced for quick sale at $3800.00 at Gil berts Real Estate and Insurance. GRADE III TIRES. No ration cbr tificate required. 650 X 15; 600 X 21; 700 X 20; 750 X 17.Houk-Van Allen Home & Auto Supply. SEED SPUDS from culls. Sort them yourself about 70 good. $2.00 in your own sacks or $1.50 for sewed sacks as they are. John E. Johnson, Rt. 1, Box 311-B. Phone 10-F-13. b KUUM MODERN: with 3 bed rooms, 5 years old. 2 lots, dandy garden. Oil circulator and kitchen range. Garage, woodshed, work shop, and chicken-house. A nice place priced at $3750.00. Terms at Gilberts Real Estate & Insurance. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST . 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Office Phone 78 Ree. Phone S18-W Fully Equipped For Modern Orugless Treatment Spinal Adjustment Physio Therapy To Eliminator Diagnosis, X-Itay and Heart Graphing Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chimpractlo Physician 124 Minnesota Ave. Phone 794 FOB BENT S ROOM rnodern house, 3 acres oifoifo !tinnn nee month. Imme diate possession. Lease. Route 1, Box- SZ-H, or inquire nu iiuuac west of last Texaco station, south highway. . , . BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. JONES APARTMENT Modern, furnished, steam heat, refrigera tion, electric washer. 14 blocks east of postoffice, close to Shell Oil Station, 527 Franklin Ave., Stucco Bldg. Apt. No. 4. NICE SLEEPING or nice house keeping room in private home. Call at 608 Broadway. Phone 451-M. 3-ROOM FURNISHED house, sink & cold water. Very close in. 38 Lafayette. Inquire 45 Lafayette across the street. WITH OPERATOR D-7 Caterpil lar and dozer. Phone Redmond 73. FURNISHED HOUSE, 2 rooms with bath and garage, also 2 room furnished apartment, wood, wa ter, and lights. Phone 1083 or call at 623 Hill Street. 3 ROOMS and BATH, unfurnish ed; suitable for couple or bache lor. Woodshed but no garage. See Johnson, Bend Realty, 957 Wall Street. 6 ROOM MODERN furnished house with electric washer, vac uum sweeper, completely electric kitchen. Available June 1. Phone 1184-J. 3 ROOM MODERN home with cook stove. 1314 Union Street. No children. See Mrs. Wuthrich, 1445 Cumberland or call 1057-J. 2 ROOM FURNISHED apart ment in private home. Automatic heat, private bath. Phone 343-W or call at 123 Franklin. WANTED WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bed room modern house by responsi ble couple with girl 11. T. Brown hill, Alpine Lodge or Bulletin composing room. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St Phone 900. WANT TO BUY all kinds of used furniture, stoves, beds, springs and mattresses. Phone 324. CATTLE' TO PASTURE, lots of feed and water. Brothers, Ore. John Helfirich. PUPPIES AND LONG haired kittens to send to Portland pet shop. Write or call at Welch's Pet Agency, 1225 Albany Ave. SMALL OUTBOARD motor, Earl Hc-thorn, 317 Delaware. Phone 528-M. . . - MODERN 2 BEDROOM furnished house before June 1. Close in.Pre fer near river. South City Limits Motel, Cabin 1L IRONING TO DO in my home. Charges reasonable. Inquire 611 W. 16th Street. TO BUY SADDLE HORSES or ponies, 500 lbs. up. Must be gentle for kids or women. Write or leave riesrrfnttnn nnri nHro Mimt be reasonable. Joe Garske, 1333 west lutn street. VACUUM CLEANER. Must have attachments. Good condition. Call 1091-J. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell. Also some big springer cows and will pick them ud at vour ranch. Phnnn 7S..T or drop a card to W. R. Franks, ttuumona, uregon. ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS Delivered BAKER FEED CO. Phone 188X Redmond, Ore. RED RYDER 'SN v I 'n NOT LEtTlrV X:- --C'v . : -' HELP WANTED LADY COOK for fishing lodge. Inquire U. S. Employment Serv ice. "WANTED BY S. P. & S. Railway men between the ages of 21 and 45 to qualify for positions Brake- men and switchmen. For Informa tion inquire of local S. P. & S. Railway Agent" LADY HOUSEKEEPER or com panion for widower. Must have farm background. Light work, good home and future guaran teed. Give full details in first let ter. Write Bulletin No. 908. SITUATION WANTED YOUNG WOMAN wants day work to supoprt child. Will clerk, type, keep books, or waitress work. Some experience. Phone 874-R anytime except Sunday. HIGH S cTFCMDlTboy, age15, wants work for summer on farm, In store, or in shop. Phone 1016-M or write 405 Federal. EXPERIENCED GIRL will care for children evenings. Mondays through Fridays. Call 298. LOST LOST SAT. NIGHT on Hill, Irv. Ing, Division, or Greenwood, brown purse, ration books, keys, billfold and other articles. Return to Bulletin office for Reward. MONDAY IN BUSINESS district, tan billfold containing 3 pictures of children, $20 in currency. Find er return to Bulletin for Reward. FOUND BROWN GIRL'S LEATHER jack et. Owner may have same by iden tifying and paying for Ad. Phone ll-F-155 or call at C. A. Sharer, Rt. 1, Box 170. MISCELLANEOUS BEND WASHER SERVICE Genuine factory parts. Service on all makes of appliances. Money back guarantee on all makes of washing machines including May tag and Bendix. ; Phope 583. 136 Greenwood. THOR CERTIFIED WASHER I , SERVICE We have the experience and equipment to give expert service on all makes. Century Drive Serv ice Station. Phone 275-J. REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMullIn, Camp Sherman 832. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machlrle no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED. Also shears, grass shears, knives, keys made, saws filed, guns, locks, phonographs repaired, soldering, general repairing. Henderson's Repair Shop, 111! Minnesota. J Young Jockey HORIZONTAL 56 Tungsten 1,5 Pictured ' young Jockey Learned 12 Svmbol for 58 PI"y ll,c Part erbium of host VERTICAL 1 Scoff 2 Sultanlc decree 3 Cleaning fmplement 4 Shout 5 Exclamation 6 Toward V Hav Inu 13 Whirlwind 14 Largest river in France 15 Negative 16 Babylonian : deity 17 Entreaty 19 Youngster 20 Type of moth 8 Important 21 Roads tab.) mM 23 Moke lets 9Se,ne pUt,I! , . "Strong 25Roofflnlfl! vegetable 27 Play On words,, mddey 28 Pronoun 18 Early En- uu oiiuiwsiiearc- an queen 31 Nova Scotia (ab.) 82 Cloth measure 33 Expire 34 Beverage 36 Baglike part 37 Crafty 39 Taxi 40 Nearly 45 Auricle 47 Epistle (ab.) 48 Before (prefix) 49 Skin blemish 51 Behold! 52 The gods 53 Passage be tween rows of scats 85 Daybreak (comb, form) i 12 I p h 15 16 n 18 h I 1 k In "" s Sf7 is ""sp pa ir-rn W Hir Wn je 1 T i J-nSsip JT 7$! i I til hT If ifT Ti He ti pf" rf sf-n n m '3 I I I I I I I I I, I I I a MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOUR SEWING machine repaired now by your local repair man. Reliable work done. Call 957-J or bring machine to 235 E. Franklin. LEAVE YOUR ORDER for that new sewing machine now. Also pay top prices for old sewing ma chines. Call 957-J or bring ma chine to 235 E. Franklin. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any uize you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly givea The Bulletin. LfcGAL NOTICES SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Equity No. 6500 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Des chutes. Chase E. St.. Clair and Lois St. Clair, husband and wife, Plain tiffs, Vs. John F. Olson, Charles Stuart, Frank Malmquist, John M. Gates and Elwin L. Vlnal and Grace T. Vinal, husband and wife, and also all other persons or par ties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in plaintiffs' complaint herein, Defendants. To John F. Olson, Charles Stu art, Frank Malmquist, John M, Gates and Elwin L. Vlnal and Grace T. Vinal, husband and wife, and also all other persons or par ties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the .real estate described in plaintiffs' complaint, defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and an swer, for want thereof plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in their complaint, to-wit; for a de cree of said Court declaring plain tiffs to be the owners in fee simple of the lands described in plaintttis complaint as follows: Lots 9, 10 and 11 in Block 4 of Northwest Townslte Company's First Addition to the City of Bend In Deschutes County, Oregon; Lot 2 In Block 5 of Keystone Terrace in the City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon. And for a further decree declaring that said lands be free and clear of any right or claim whatever on the part of said defendants or any of them, or on the part of any other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In p.nd to said real property, or any part thereof; and that each and all of said defendants, and any and all persons claiming any Interest in said property by. through or under them, or any of them, be forever enjoined, re strained and barred from assert- 'ing or claiming any right, title, nnvrr fo Pn-vlotie lnxf lish (ab.) 22 Foreign agent 24 Entitle 28 Typo of architecture 27 Grows pallid 29 Employ 30 Encountered 33 Peck 35Mnlt drink 36 Palatable of "big three" 39 SuiTCndcr 40 Operatic solo 41 For fear that 42 Was indebted 43 Symbol for samarium 44 Waste allowance 46 Put to dis orderly (light 48 Moccasin 33 Crimean 50 Pinnacle meeting place 54 French article IGIH Vk. NirNIB!l-l . . it'. . 3. ' I SESAT C.AF rMANtl dxfcR 3PRAGUE fJpMSl fsras d z AjHiAis :: sfeilpl viN. SMa p p s ..a uTJ -1at?ii.1 pa'i rhlFr1 I THIS CURIOUS WORLD IS THE TOWN OP BIZERTE IM ITALY, SICILY OR AFRICA f ANSWER: In Africa, where continent took place. estate, Hen or interest whatsoever to or In suld property or any part thereof, and that plaintiffs' right to said premises be forever quiet ed and set at rest, and for such other and further relief as the nuture of this cause may require and as unto the Court may seem just and equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication once a week for four consecutive weeks In The Bend Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, by order of Hon, Kalpli S. Hamilton, Judge of said Court, made May 22nd, 1945, or dering first publication to be made May 2Jrd, 1945. Dated and first published May 23rd, 19-15, last publication June 13th. 1945. A. J. Moore, Attorney for Plain tiffs, Postoffice address, Bend, Oregon. 144149-1-7C , jt, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the coun ty court of the state of Oregon for Deschutes county appointed executor oi the estate of Albin Peterson, deceased, and all per sons holding claims against said estate are required to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Ross Farnham, attorney at law, in Bend, Oregon, within six months after the date hereof. Dated and published first time May 29, 1915. CHARLES E. JOHNSON, Exe cutor Estate of Albin Peterson, de ceased. 149154B-12C Fishermen! Don't Neglect Your Car . . . Driving over mountain roads is doubly hard on wheel alinemenf. Ruts, rough roads and slumps are principal causos for improper alinemenf. It can easily happen and you will never know it. BEAR ALINEMENT SERVICE corrects the trouble and adds thousands of miles to tires. It increasos mileage and you drive with a far greater measure of safety. Stop in for a check-up i . . And remember . , . "Right's Right at Eddies" EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE Wall and Greenwood WILE- By William Ferguson TOTAL AttA OF THE IS ABOUT &oo SQUARE . WO CAN FLY FRCW WHIRS TOUN0W5TAND TO ANY OTHER POINT ON WE EARTH IN JUST TX7V com me n ma mm wo. ARE AATerCW, 1 BUT WOOD TICKS ARB AOK some of the last fightitx' on thai War Weapons (Continued from Page One) and Lome Carter, all of Bend, and Roy Carpenter and W. B. Gal- ligan of Redmond. Capt, C. M. Mclntyfe oi Ft, Ben- nlng, Georgia outlined the show to those present. . . Schilling, George and Gregg as sured the finance committee the full cooperation of the school board in making the athletic field available. Fire-chief Fox, and Chief of Police Gulick said their departments would help, as did Ryman for the Legion and Com missioner Stevens for the county. Five Pay Fqrecast Oregon and Washington west oi Cascades: Few scattered light showers end of week. Cooler western Washington and north west Oregon late Wednesday or Thursday. Normal temperatures thereafter. Idaho, Oregon and Washington east of Cascades: Few light show ers southern Idaho and southeast ern Oregon until Thursday; other wise no rain. Normal tempera tures In shower area, rising end of week but above normal else where, becoming normal end of week. Buy National War Bonds Now! By FRED HARMAN ' IVJXjN'T DIEL tzar a