The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 29, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    1 t
1 Local News
Maximum yesterday, 65 degrees.
Minimum last night, 30 degrees.
Temperature : 10 p. in., 45 de
grees; 10 a. m., 65 degrees. Ba
rometer (reduced to sea fevet):
10 p. m., 30.04 Inches; 10 a. ni.,
WM inches. Relative humidity:
10 p. ni., B5 per cent; 10 a. ni.,
49 per cent. Velocity of wind: 10
p. in.; calm; 10 a. m., 2.6 miles.
Prevailing - direction of wind:
Yeoman Grace Meyer of the
Waves, left yesterday for Wash
ington, D. C, after spending a
furlough at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Meyer,
Route 2, Bend.
Mrs. William Tweedie of Red
mond, was a Bend visitor yester
day. ' L. W. Ballard of Burns was
shoping in Bend today.
F. B. Loveland of Silver Lake,
was here Monday on business.
The weekly celebration of holy
communion will be held at the
Trinity Episcopal church at 8
a. m. Wednesday to avoid con
flict with the memorial service
at 10 a. m., Rev. G. R. V. Bolster,
rector, announced today,
M. P. Mathews left today for
The Dalles after visiting Bend on
The Deschutes county veterans'
council will meet at 8 p. m. Thurs
day in the chamber of commerce
room, D. Ray Miller, commander,
announced today. Roy, Cooper,
secretary, urges all veterans, es
pecially members of the council,
to attend. Important business will
be considered, he said.
M. R. Matthew, here on one of
his periodic business trips, was
called back to his home in The
Dalles by word of a fire in his
theater building. The damage, he
was informed, was not heavy. He
plans to return to Bend In an
other 10 or 12 days.
Pfc. Neal A. Brown has been
promoted to T5, his wife learned
here recently. Sgt. Brown is with
the army of occupation in Ger
many. William Y. Marsden, recent re
cipient of an honorable discharge
from the United States navy, has
returned to Central Oregon from
the Pacific and is making his
home in Redmond. Marsden held
the rating of carpenter's mate
second class at the time of his
Mr. and Mrs. James Atte berry
and two children, Janet and Billy,
are in Bend from Parma, Ida.,
visiting Mrs. Atteberry's mother,
Mrs. Myrtle Davis, 265 Jefferson.
Mrs. George Powers of Port
land arrived Sunday and is the
guest of Mrs. Anne Forbes. Mrs.
Powers and Mrs. Forbes were
once "neighbors" on adjoining
homesteads. x
Mrs. Ruby McCann and her
brother, Leonard Workman, will
leave tonight for Wasco, where
they will spend Memorial day.
Workman will return Wednesday
evening, and Mrs. McCann will
remain for a week's visit.
Miss Elizabeth Boeckll, Des
chutes county home demonstra
tion agent, plans to leave Thurs
day for the annual Oregon State
home extension council meeting.
The meeting, scheduled for June
l and l, is to be held in Corvallis
on the Oregon State college cam
pus. Miss Boeckli will be accom
panied by Mrs. Charles Christv.
Cloverdale, and Mrs. Herbert Eby,
Tetherow Butte; Mrs. Christy and
Mrs. Eby are members of home
extension units and will repre
sent their organizations at Cor-
vains. . .
Mrs. Jim Snyder of Gilchrist.
accompanied by her son and her
mother-in-law, was in Bend Mon
day to shop.
Mrs. Elmer Jensen and young
son from Kirland, Wash., are
guests of Mrs. Jensen's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin. They
plan to visit in Bend until June 15.
Mrs.-Gertie Zufelt is in Port
land attending the convention of
uregon Deauty operators.
Mrs. Bill Burrell arrived Mon
day from Tacoma to visit her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Larson.
Her husband and Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Wood, former Bend resi
dents, will arrive tonight to spend
Memorial day.
Pfc. Ray Howard recently re
turned from the European theater
of operation and is in Bend on a
60-day furlough. Pfc. Howard was
injured in Italy and has been in
a hospital at Walla Walla, Wash.
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M.
Howard, and wife and two chil
dren are residents of Bend.
Dennis L. Martin, S.F. 2c, who
has been an instructor at Camp
Parks, Cal for the past year, has
arrived in Bend on furlough, with
(All society Items should be reported to The Bulletin not later
ihZ loTm. cTthe days of pubficaUon, Tuesdays. Thursdays and
Saturdays.) '
Extension Unit Officers Hold
Annual Program Planning Day
Lucv A. Case from Corvallis, ex
tension nutritionist on the slate
extension staff, discussed the
home maker's outlook for 1945 at
the annual program planning day,
Friday, May 25,. at the county
court house, with Mrs. Viv Her,
committee chairman for the past
year, presiding. Projects were se
lected for extension units' study
next year, and the new county
committee was installed.
Mrs. Ted Povey, Installing of
ficer, presented the corsages to
new and retiring committee mem
bers. The new officers are Mrs.
Del.Mattson, chairman, Mrs. John
Susac, vjee chairman, Mrs. L. R.
Halligan, secretary, Mrs. Charles
C h rl s t y, t reasurer, Mrs. Cliff
Krlbs,' historian, and Mrs. H. P.
Eby and Mrs. Daisy Smith, com
mittee members.
' Retiring officers not accepting
new positions include Mrs. Vic
Her, chairman; Mrs. McKinley
Stoffel, vice chairman; Mrs. Louis
Robertson, treasurer; and Mrs.
Stella Nelson and Mrs. Ted Po
vey, committee members.
Miss Elizabeth Boeckli, home
demonstration agent, presented
eran, forestalling Juvenile delin
quency, preparation and preserv
ation of. food, designing and selec
tion of clothing, and selection and
arrangement . pi home furnish
in8. 1 ' '
The specialist stressed; the Im
portance of continuing to raise
victory gardens, because of the
greater demand on existing food
supplies occasioned by lend-lease
and relief to liberated countries.
She suggested the use of sugar
substiutes for canning and cook
ing, in line with the lowered ra
tion for these purposes.
Elaborating on the subject of
housing and home furnishings,
Miss Case reported that a recent
survey disclosed one family out of
every 12 wants a new home. She
also predicted a lively demand for
the new home appliances which
are being manufactured and will
reach the market soon.
The economist noted that the
estimated farm Income for next
year is a little lower than in 1945,
which represented a peak year fi
nancially for rural families.
Touchine on world affairs and
the events which have followed
certificates of achievement to the V-E day, Miss Case observed that
' 7 P.M. to 11 P.M.
"HERITAGE of the
L-A ft 4 sir ., ' ': 1
. re'nny Arthur larry7 SH0W
JHn fltefc',tf1' Tomorrow
I'"''- ' ' ' ' 1111
Carroll Acres. Deschutes - Pleas
ant Ridge, Eastern Star and Boyd
extension units.. In her report on
the past year's activities. Miss
Boeckli said that with the addi
tion of the new Redmond and
Boyd acres units, there are a total
of 12 active extension units in the
county. She also reported a 100
per cent increase In 4-H club en
rollment. Projects selected for the year
Include "Good taste at the dining
table," "The carried lunch," "Get
ting the most out of your refrig
erator," "Developing good taste
in clothing," "Consumer buying,"
"Conserving 'You,1 " "Color in the
home," and "Why we behave as
we do."
Miss Case touched on all phas
es of home making in her address,
discussing family relationships,
rehabilitation of the returned vet-
his wife, Helen, and son, Denny.
They are visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Martin, 1475 Bal
timore avenue, her father, Charles
Weaver of Lexington avenue, and
other relatives and friends. Mar
tin has to report to Camp Parks
June 6 for reassignment.
Mrs. Charles Glubrecht of
Prineville, was- a Bend visitor
Mrs. Ruth Hudspeth was in
Bend from Mitchell Monday.
Mrs. Myrtis Lewis and daugh
ter, Joanne, were in Bend Mon
day from Madras.
Miss Bety Smith returned Sun
day from Mulino, where she spent
a week visiting an aunt.
Pvt. Ellsworth C. Freilinger of
Bend, is among 59 Washington
and Oregon veterans en route
home on rotation furloughs and
leaves after checking in at the
Fort Lewis reception station,
army officials announced today.
Mrs. Henry Blackwell and two
children, LeAnn and Dale, left
today for Lebanon where they
will visit Mrs. Blackwell's par
ents. They plan to spend a week
Miss Marie Lokken Is the guest
oi mis. w. wallan. Mrs. Wat
the San Francisco conference had
been called the most important
parley since the Lord's bupper.
Tho morning session began at
10:30 a.m., with an intermission
for lunch. In the afternoon, Mrs.
Del Matson led the recreational
program, featuring group sing
ing. "
Besides the officers who took
part in the program, the follow
ing women attended: 'Mrs. Iva
Drew and Mrs. Juliet Shortreed,
Terrebonne, Mrs. Chester Houk,
Carroll Acres; Mrs. Vern eleven
ger and Mrs. Priday Holmes, Low
er Bridge; Mrs. Chet Johnson and
Mrs. E. P. Bigelow, Eastern Star;
Mrs. Betty Reese and Mrs. Bessie
Buck, Tetherow Butte; Mrs. Ross
Kellogg, Cloverdale; Mrs. Gor
don Wilcox, Deschutes Pleasant
Ridge; Mrs. L. W. Franks and
Mrs. W. M. ClarkRedmond; Mrs.
Inez Drake and Mrs. Irene Dyer,
Boyd Acres, and Mrs. C. W.
Adams, Alfalfa.
Poppy Day Sales
'Gratifying' to
Legion Auxiliary
'" Meeting Monday evening at the
home of Mrs. Anne Forbes, a
group of members of the Amer
ican Legion auxiliary who sold
popples in the recent sale, fash
ioned bouquets of the little paper
nowers tor uecorauon oi soiaiors
graves. Mrs. Bert Shellhart was
in charge of the work, which was
foll6wed by a social evening and
The women reported gratifying
response to the poppy sale, sell
ing approximately 2,800 of the
little memorial flowers on Friday
alone. Two hundred popples were
purcnascd by the unit to be made
up into grave decorations.
Workers who assisted with the
drive Friday Include Mrs. D. Ray
Miller, Mrs. Jeannette Mulkins,
Mrs. T. S. Anglln, Mrs. A. G.
Kitchen, Mrs. A. T. Niebcrgall,
Mrs. William Burrell. Mrs. B. A.
Stover, Mrs. Florence Swanson,
lan just returned from a trip to Mrs. A. M. Ryman, Mrs. J. A.
Portland, and Miss Lokken ac-i Walker, Mrs. Harold Moore, Mrs.
companied her here. Miss Lokken ' Chris Kostol, Mrs. Stella Pearl
a former resident of Williston,
N. Dakk., has been slaying with
friends in Portland.
We wish to express our thanks
to the Sisters and Nurses at the
St. Charles Hospital for their
kindness. Also to our many
friends for their kind sympathy
and floral offerings during the
Runge, Mrs. W. H. Coahran, Mrs,
George Brick, Mrs. Adam Rep
nock, Mrs. W. C. Robertson, Mrs.
B. A. Shellhart and Mrs. Helen
Dacey. Mrs. Theo Mark was pub
licity chiarman for the drive.
East St. Louis, 111. Uli A re
ported 3,000 cases of lost ration
books In East St. Louis has caused
illness and death of our loved one. I local ration board officials to be-
Mrs. Ava L. Green come skeptical. The epidemic of
Mr. Claude L. Green and fam-i lost books started around Christ
ily. mas when point values were re-
Mrs. James Bowles and family. ' duced. Alex X. Vien, chairman of
Mrs. Caroline Grcqn the board, said they had received
Mrs. J. L. Wells between 7,000 and 8,000 apnlica-
Mrs. L. J. Matheny lions for new books since that
Mrs. Hazel Whitehouse Adv. time.
AAUW Finishes
Completing activities for the
season, a dinner meeting was held
by A.A.U.W. Thursday evening,
May 24, at the home of .Mrs.
George Simerville, 644 Harriman,
with the largest attendance for
the year.
Miss Zola McDougall, dean of
girls at Bend high school, was in
stalled as vice-president, She suc
ceeds Mrs. Charles Overbay. Miss
Eleanor Brown, Deschutes couun
ty librarian, was installed as sec
retary, succeeding Mrs. William
Lindgren. Two new board mem
bers were introduced: Mrs. R. S.
Yarnes and Mrs. Allen Young,
who will take the places of Mrs.
J. F. Hosch and Mrs. J. W.
Childers. (
Mrs. Almeda Hoist, president,
appointed the following commit
tees to serve next year, member
ship, Miss Zola McDougall, Mrs.
Sam Scott, Miss Eleanor Brown,
Mrs. Craig Coyner; social, Mrs.
Kent Richens, Miss Harriet Har
ris, Mrs. Allen Young, Miss Lois
Rice; publicity, Mrs. Charles
Overbay, Miss Grace Mary Linn;
program, Mrs. R. S. Yarnes, Mrs.
Albert Westfall, Mrs. George
Simerville, Miss Wilma Jacobfton,
Mrs. William Lindgren; fellow
ship, Mrs. William Niskanen, Mrs.
Iradell Bray; luncheons, Mrs. J.
W. Childers; legislative, Mrs.
George Simerville; telephone,
Mrs. Harold Carlile. Miss Eleanor
Brown was appointed representa
tive on the local Camp Fire coun
cil. A report was made of the year's
projects, as follows: During the
fall meetings, jawing was done
on Russian layettes and on Red
Cross work. A.A.U.W. sponsored
a Camp Fire group, furnishing a
Camp Firo guardian, Miss Har
riet Harris! and a member for the
Camp Fire council, Mrs. William
Lindgren. The group helped raise
money for the Sixth war loan, and
made its annual donation of $25
to the Margaret Snell Scholarship
For the 13th consecutive year,
the association gave a tea for the
graduating girls of Bend high
school. Two luncheon meetings
were sponsored, featuring promi
nent speakers.- They were Dr.
Eden Quainton of the University
of Washington and Dr. Norman
Coleman of Lewis and Clark Uni
versity. Three A.A.U.W. members are
serving on the community panel:
Miss Harriet Harris, Mrs. Allen
Young and Mrs. George Simer
ville. Mrs. William Niskanen is
secretary of Deschutes county
war chest and is a diligent work
er on the ration board.
Miss Eda Williams, , primary
teacher at Allen school, is an en-,
thusiastic worker with their child
study group. Miss Wilma Jacob
son has been advisor to the Bend
Youth club. Mrs. J. W. Childers
has been In charge of war relief.
Mrs. Sam Scott and Mrs. Charles
Overbay have been active Den
Mothers with the Cub Scouts.
The following three members
are serving their country over
seas: Mrs. Helyn Van Huffel, Wo
men's Army Corps; Miss Mary
Engle, United Nations Relief and
Rehabilitation association; Miss
Louise Homewood, Red Cross rec
reation. Mrs. A. E. Stevens, executive
secretary of Deschutes County
Public Health association, was a
guest speaker, explaining the mo
bile unit which will be in Bend in
Announce Meeting The execu
tive Doard and all committee ;
chairmen of the Women of the!
Moose will meet at 1:30 p. m. j
Friday, June 1, in the Downing1
Club to Meet The O.N.O. Pino
chle club will meet tonight at the
homo of Mm. Vnnlllli.i 1 1 1
u Mr-y; i h ; i : i.; mi w TiMHti.-UjiMn
T - - ' ' '
i p& -v - a& rj
Must End
Large Piano Class
To Play in Recital
Mrs. J. R. Cowan announces the,
first of two recitals to be present
ed at the Episcopal parish hall,
with a class of 25 junior students
to appear Saturday at 8 p.m. The
public is invited to both affairs.
Both programs will be made up
mainly of selections taken from
the prepared programs to be
played in the Oregon state syl
labus exams and auditions which
will be held in Bend next week,
sponsored by the local chapter
of the Oregon Music Teachers' as
sociation, under the direction of
the state board of education.
A senior student will n
Saturday's program, and the piano
numoers win De interspersed with
vocal selections.
Mrs. Cowman will prsent 23
advanced students June 14, It has
been announced.
Plans Made for
Hot Springs Trip
Junior USO hostesses and
service men will picnic, swim
and ejoy games Sunday at Kah-Ne-Pa
hot springs, Mrs. Craig
Coyner, USO director, announced
today. Those planning to attend
are asked to meet at 9 a. m.
Sunday at USO headquarters,
where transportation will be pro
vided to the Warm Springs area.
The invitation was extended by
Dr. F. B. Frceland, owner of the
Junior hostesses are reminded
to call Miss Elizabeth Beaver, at
the Chamber of commerce office,
not later than Thursday noon, to
make arrangements for trans
portation and food. Each guest
Is requested to bring a bathing
suit and towel, Mrs. Coyner announced.
Twenty Officers
Installed for
Jobs Daiighters
Jean Raddatz was Installed as
honored queen in Installation
ceremonies at 2 p. m, last Thurs
day In the Masonlo temple, to
take office ImmpHintnlu aa
Thomas, retiring queen, has gone
iu i-uruunu to mane ner home
with her parents. The other of
ficers Will asKUITIA thnlr rllltioe In
the fall. Two. more meetings are
oLut-uuiuu ior me current term.
Other officers who were in
stalled are Sally Schilling, senior
princess; Nan Preede, junior
princess; Janet Johnson, guide;
Holen Raddatz, marshal; Barbara
Skinner, senior custruUnn- KVnn.
ces Brooks, junior custodian; Ju-
uaunc juaim, iinranan. Uloria
Hutthlns, chaplain; Jackie Chute,
treasurer:. Shirlpv KVuacAn re.
corder; Maureen Lyons, mu
sician; jenny Armstrong, first
messenger; jacKie Harm, second
meSSPnPPr? RnhAI-tn fhtlriora
third messenger; Ann Segestrom!
lourin messenger; Barbara Devv
ereaux. fifth mpsnanapiv Mnr.
jorie Callahan, inner guard; Geor-
Dunn, outer guara ana Made
lyn Wing, historian.
InstHllinp nfflrara wam Trio
Thomas, queen; Betty Jeffrey,
guide; Joyce Armstrong, mar.
shal; Marjorle Peak, recorder;
neien ttuason, musician and
Madelyn Wing, chaplain,
Mrs, Graham Is
Rebekah Leader
Mrs. D. N. Graham was elected
noble grand at the regular Rebek
ah lodge meeting Friday evening
at IOOF hall. Other new officers
are Mrs. Chester Johnson, vice
grand, and Miss Esther Emery,
treasurer. Mrs. Fred Gibson was
re-elected recording secretary.
The officers win be Installed
in July, to take, office Immediate
ly, Mrs. M. B. Smith, publicity
chairman, reported.
Mrs. Teressa Rose, presiding
officer, announced the next meet
ing, to be held June 8.
First Gaff Play
To Feature Tea .
Members of the ladies' golf
club who plan to attend the get
acquainted tournament beginning
at 1 p, m. tomorrow are asked
to call Mrs. George Thompson,
276-M, to arrange for transporta
tion, those in charge announced
Tea will, be served following the
tournament, according to Mrs. G.
D. Williams, general chairman. A
short business meeting will be
held following the snil hnur it
was said, -
T 1
Surprise Shower Given
At Honor Sgest'i Home
Mrs. Edley Plland and Mrs. Clif
ford Piland were hostesses at a
"Stork" shower last Wednesday
evening, whpn a ormin nf frianio
surprised Mrs. Howell Douglass
ay tier nome on ureeiey avenue.
Games furnished entertainment
for the evening, and the honor
guest was showered with dainty
gifts. Refreshments were served
by the hostesses. Others present
were Mrs. Merrill Ross, Mrs. Low
ell McMeen, Mrs. Margaret Mc
Guire, Mrs. Don Conper, Mrs.
Walter Douglas, Mrs. Clarence
Curtis, and Mls& Joyce Carlton,
Pocatello, Ida. U' The third
set of twins ha? been born to Mr.
and Mi's. A. J. Knudsen ot Poca
tello. They are Identical girls,
sisters to two other sets of twin
boys. The Knudsens now have
11 children.
Your Greafesf Possession
Kaaln H br being relieved
of Hemorrhoid (Pilee), rie
sure, rtilula. Hernia (Rup-
urafl ft.., . I. . .1 I , .
men! without hoapltal op-
lor 33 yeare. Liberal credit
teme. Call lor examination
or wad let FREE booklet.
Opts fvninoi, Hon., Wed., M 7 (o 8 M
Physician and Surgeon
V. B. Cor. E. Burnalds and Grand A.
TUphon EAjt 3918, Portland 14, Oraqon
Abstract Co.
Title Insurance Abstracts
Walt Peak Phone 174
W. H. Chri.tian
F. C. Whitehead
Phone 744-VV
or 59-W
630 E. Quimby
Effective June 1st
Redmond Madras Maupin The Dalle.
Pendleton Walla Walla Spokane -Govt.
Camp Portland Seattle.
Sisters' Eugene Roseburq - Marshfield
Grants Pass.
Lapine Silver Lake - Paisley Lakeview
Local Redmond Prineville,
Burns Vale Ontario Baker Nampa
Boise and All Points East.
Lapine Gilchrist Chemult Klamath Falls
Alturas Reno San Francisco and All Cali
fornia Points. - .
Redmond Prineville John Day Madras
Maupin The Dalles Yakima Spokane
Pendleton Govt. Camp Portland and Seattle.
Lapine Gilchrist Klamath Falls and AN Cali
fornia Points.
Redmond Prineville , Madras Maupin
Lapine Gilchrist Chemult Eugene Klam
ath Falls and All California Points.
Burns Vale - Ontario Nampa Boise and
All Points East.
Redmond Prineville Madras Wasco -Moro
The Dalles Pendleton Walla Walla
Spokane Maupin Portland - Seattle.
7:00 A. M.
7:0C A. M.
8:45 A. M,
11:00 A. M.
1:00 A. M.
1:15 A. M.
1:15 P. M.
2:10 P. M.
6:15 P. M.
7:10 P. M.
7:20 P. M.
11:30 P. M,
6:30 A. M. Boise Caldwell Ontario Baker Weiser
Burns - and All Points East.
8:10 A. M. Local Prineville Redmond.
12:40 P. M. Klamath Falls Gilchrist Lapine and All Cali
fornia Points.
1:45 P. M. Portland Maupin The Dalles Yakima
Spokane Madras John Day Prineville
2:30 P. M. Lakeview Paisley Summer Lake Lapine.
5:45 P. M. Boise Caldwell Ontario Burns and All East
5:45 P. M. Klamath Falls Gilchrist Lapine and All Cali
fornia Points.
6:05 P. M. Grants Pass Marshfield Roseburg Eugene
6:45 P. M. Portland Yakima Spokane Pendleton The
Dalles - Maupin Madras Redmond Prine
ville. 11:15 P. M. Reno Alturas Klamath Falls Chemult
Eugene Gilchrist Lapine.
12;15 A. M. Portland The Dalles Pendleton Maupin
Madras Redmond.
(Clip This Out for Your Future Travel Reference) '
Ikiia.'einimit ii