THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, MONDAY, STAY 28,1945 PA-OE SEVEN r Stocks on Market T Reach New nigh By Elmer C. Walzer (United Preu FiuneUl Editor) New York, May 28 llPi The stock market rose to new highs since 1937 today with volume in creasing on the advance. The favorable statement by J. A. Krug, head of the war produc tion board, that employment will remain high during the transition period and that government con trols will be relaxed aided the rise. Confirmation of the rise in the rails by the Industrial shares also was a factor. The industrial aver age reached a new high since Sept. 14, 1937; railroad, since May 24, 1927; utility, since April 16, 1937, and 65 stocks the shares Tb the foregoing averages, since Aug. 18,. 1937. Steels joined the rise, despite a decline of two per cent in pro duction scheduled for this week. Several corporations issued favor able reports. Santa Fe declared its regular dividend. Chicago and North Western railway showed a sharp rise in not operating In come for April. Ban on Uniforms' Lifted in Ireland' London, May 28 (IB It won't be against the law for an Ameri can soldier to wear his uniform in the Irish free state after Wednes day. It was announced here that the Eire government has modified its regulations prohibiting foreign uniforms in the streets of the free state by excluding Americans rom the ban. The action will nable Yanks who want to visit relatives in Eire during their stay in the British Isles to do so. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., May 28 iui Livestock: Cattle 1,000. Calves 250. Active; fed steers 25-35c higher; other classes strong to 25c higher; . bulls slow, steady; vealers 50c higher; good-choice fed steers 17.5018.00; top 18.00 equal to record high; few stock ers 14.00; medium-good heifers 13.00-16.00; cutters down to 9.00; canner-cutter cows 7.00-10.00; medium-good beef cows 1.50-13.50; medium-good sausage bulls 13.00 13.75; good-choice vealers 15.50 16.00; beef type to 17.00. Hogs 250. Steady; butchers 15.75; sows 15.00; feeder pigs 19.50-20.00. Sheep 900. Steady to strong : good-choice spring Iambs 13.75; Ivooled old crop lambs up to l,i ne. u , . i . -a. shorn lambs 13.25 down; good shorn ewes up to 6.75. BOND SALES INCREASE Washington, May 28 Ui The seventh war loan went into its third week today with individual sales totaling $2,394,000,000, in cluding E-bond sales totaling $1, 491,000,000. Calcium chloride, which has the property of taking up water from the atmosphere, is used as a dust preventive, in dustless-coal, and in curing concrete. WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY . OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES SERVICE "LET A MECHANIC SERVICE YOUR CAR" UNION 76 Gasoline TRITON Motor Oil 1108 Bond AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert mechanical and electri cal work on all makes of cars and trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING TIRE SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to Hudson-Duncan 1317 Wall Phone 812 BEAUTY SHOPS Try a BRECK TREATMENT It's wonderful for conditioninc You'll Iw amazed at the new beauty of jour hair. EXPERT OPERATORS May Laura Ardelle Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 484 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 27 Wall Phone 521 CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Best of Materials Furnished Our periodical Inspection will Insure you mote efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone 366-W or 11 F23 Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance 25 Words One Time .85c 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times SLS5 All wards vr If tdd It par wrd Umm nombw ( tnjcrtipna Oh pmbUi ran, nm copy, tfc 4n rml HUpip Ckui Ut LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20e CluUM AdTPTtlifni, Cuk la AdvppcP Dallr CImIpc Tl 11 -it P. M. BEND LODGE, NO. 128 I. O. O. FV Meets Every Monday Night , I. O. O. F. Temple 265 Franklin Avenue : D.Ray Miller.Phone 1079-W, Sec'y D. R, Sullivan, Noble Grand FOB SALE SEED POTATOES. Inquire 225 Miller, after 4 :30 p. m. 5 ROOM SEMI-MODERN house partly furnished, newly decorated. Back porch, one lot, fenced, some garden and strawberries. $875. In quire 1460 Cumberland. OWNER LEAVING, must sell, 3 bedroom modern new house, also dining room. Asbestos shakes, chicken house, garage, 2 lots in garden and lawn $3750.00. Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. SEED SPUDS from culls. Sort them' yourself about 50 good. $2.00 in your own sacks. John E. Johnson, Rt. 1, Box 311-B. Phone 10-F-13. . RHODE ISLAND RED Fryers. Phone 1-F-ll or call at Rt. 2, Box 259. Turn left 4 miles out on But ler Market Road. NETTED GEM seed potatoes. Phone 488-WX. NETTEDGEM seed potatoes. Turn left at Carroll Acres store, 5th house on the left. Formerly Cram's Dairy. Rt. 1, Box 156. 3-ROOM MODERN house furn ished on St. Helens Place on paved street, immediate possession on ly $1400.00 or will divide lot on lesser price. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. ELECTRIC -RADIO, Eureka vac uum cleaner and attachments, walnut dining room set, buffet, table and 6 c h a ir s, good coil springs, single or double, library table, occasional chairs, kitchen cabinet, metal double laundry tubs, bed steads, rollaway bed, dresser, magazine rack, baby bug gies, round kerosene heater, new set of car chains, 600 X 16, half price, boy's bicycle, ball and sock et trailer hitches, real bargain on two-wheel trailer with good rub ber, new meat saws, electric iron. Across street from 350 Division. 4ROOM MODERN partly furn ished situated on corner lot close to Brooks-Scanlon mill. Good ga rage and shed. Possesion in fif teen days. $2500 on terms. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. $1850 BUYS MODERN 4-room, East Third Street. Immediate pos session. $3000 buys 3-bedroom modern, East 2nd Street C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. STATIONS Dyer's Auto Service George M. Dyer Complete Auto Lubrication Firestone Tires & Batteries Sales and Service at Greenwood Phone 87 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Applianco Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights GE Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric II S3 Wall Phone 08 WASHERS WRINGER ROLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS Service on all makes of wash ing machines and electrical ap pliances. Bend Washer Service 1M Orwnwood Phone 583 Heating plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting New Work Repairing Home Water Sjnriems Sump Pumps riumliing Supplies Warner Plumbing 822 Wall Phone ZI7-W Long Distance Hauling ' BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing ui Long Distance Household B Grods Movement FOB SALE WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuel now In load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. 6 ROOM MODERN: On edge of town with 4 lots. All fenced. Has 2 cow barns, chicken house for 100 chickens, 2 root houses. About 13 of ground now in alfalfa. Price reduced from $2887.00 to $2100.00 for quick sale. Must sell now. Gil berts Real Estate & Insurance 1015 Wall Street. " PACKING BARRELS, at Bake rite Bakery, 852 Wall. HOME ON RIVER: 5 Room Mod ern, hardwood floors, wired for electric range, and has furnace. A nice home on Harmon only $3800.00. Gilberts Real Estate and Insurance 1015 Wall Street. DON'T OVERLOOK this five room modern furnished house, good furniture including electric refrigerator on paved street close to town, mills and school. Phone 915-M.. - SADDLE HORSES for hire or sale. Phone 3-R-2 for appolntn.ent. 3VJ miles south on Dalles Cali fornia highway. S. L. Miles. 6 ROOM MODERN: With 4 bed rooms on West side. Just off Port land Ave. Priced at $3500.00 at Gil berts Real Estate & Insurance 1015 Wall Street 1 YEAR OLD HORSE, tame and halter broke will make a big work horse, or trade for what have you. Fred Sachtjen, Rt. 1, Box 22, Blak ley Heights. WHITE GIANT breeding Rab bits, 6 bred does and 2 bucks. Also 7 young unbred does. Call at 147 E. Olney. 2 WELL BROKE cow horses; 1 gentlp saddle mare; 1 nice work team; 3 almost new stock saddles; 4 young Reg. Herford bulls; some milk cows; 100 head black face ewes and lambs. W. R. Franks, Redmond, Oregon. Phone 78-J. TOOL BOX, plumbing tools, ham mers, etc. Can be seen 1724 Lytle St Sunday or evenmgs. Herbert Francis. 16 X 7 ft. HOUSE trailer. Good bullt-lns and bed. $175. Inquire Chas. Schliekelman k mile South Peterson's Rock Garden. ' REAL BARGAIN on slightly used clothing, ladies formals $4.00. All wool ski suits $5.00 each while they last ' Closing out on, all clothing, real bargains. Across street from 350 Division. Open evenings. ONE ONLY McCormick-Deering 10 ft. power binder with rubber tired transport attachment. Also one only cultivator for Farmall A. Cullcn Motor & Implement Co., 1235 Riverside, Mcdford, Oregon. Phone 7116. 6PIECE DINETTE set, twin bed set with one bed, new mattress and springs, and twin-size spring and mattress. Side walk skates. Call 942-J or 850 Division. MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" ISM Awhrpy Krt. Tel. B20-M Refrigerator Service All Type, of Mechanical Servici On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond Mlniwwta Phmio aw LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Daily Service Every Day Of the Year Phone 544 INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO FIRE LIFE Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 321 Drake Road Phone 316 John W. Smith, Agent 1.188 Awbrey Rd. Phone 6fl -W FARMERS INSURANCI CROUP FASWLRS AUTOMOBILE INTER-INSURANCE EXCHANGE 1 TRUCK INS. EXCHANGE . FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE Be Soft Not Sony Insure Today Prompt Claims Service ttppprJ Pem fotly Eugene M.Bucknum, Dist. Mgr. 1054 Bond St. Phone 331 COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY Photographic Offset Letterpress The Bend Bulletin Phone 56 FOB BALE 2 BEDROOM MODERN home, full cement basement, stationary tubs, new Montag hot air furn ace, electric. water heater, wired lor electric range. 2 lots all fenced, lovely yard In lawn and flowers, trees, fish pond, bird baths, chick- on VOM anrripn snace. double garage with cement floor and run way, house ana garage newiy painted, close in. See owner at 1585 W. First St. after 5 P.M. or Phone 944-W. SEED POTATOES for Sale. E. E. Varco 28-F-23. CLOSE TO ORDNANCE SHOPS, one half block off South Third Qtnui lnrcrA K - room modern home,,' basement, double garage, nicely arranged lor comiurwuic living. Owner leaving and will sell fy nniv 35nn Hnrui loan nhtaln- able on reasonable terms. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. LARGE FAT hens, 3 Ml miles east on Bend Burns Highway. Phone 37-F13. E. L. Walrath. ONE GOOD Simmons baby bed with wet proof mattress for $20.00. 541 Newport. 2 STORY, ULTRA modern, 4 bed rooms, 2 bathrooms, equipped for oil or hog fuel, weather proofed, sun room, hardwood floors and good fireplace. Situated in fine district on paved street. Large lot with double garage. Owner leav ing city and will sell at $8500.00. Convenient loan can be secured, possession within 30 days. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. ONE CIRCULATING heater, one kitchen range. Good as new. Call evenings 1310 Cumberland. FEW SACKS seed potatoes. $2.00 per sack. F. A. Pepper, Rt. 2, Box 261, Bultler Market Rd. PLANTS AT FANTON's Garden. Strawberries, pansies, perennials, cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, brus sel sprouts, head lettuce, some an nuals. Fanton's Garden, 829 Og den. 1 JERSEY MILK cow fresh 4 months. Inquire 1 mile west of Cox's Service Station. B. C. Straughn. 4 ACRES, 4 acres COI water. 4 room house, chicken house, barn, garage. Some berries. F. A. Pep per, Rt. 2, Box 261. CIRCULATING OIL heater. Pre war Tayler Tot. All in good con dition. 1534 West 3rd Street. COMPLETE RIDING outfit In cludes saddle, bridle, chaps and spurs. $35.00. 352 E. Kearney. Tel. 1101. '29 CHEVROLET 2-Door $125.00; '30 Chevrolet 4-door $135.00; '31 Chevrolet 2 - door $150.00; '31 Chevrolet 4 - door $175.00. All priced for quick sale within OPA ceiling. 1929 Model A radiators and parts of all kinds. Acetylene WeldinC OUtflt. All this ran ho seen at 136 Greenwood. MAN'S BICYCLE, in good shape. $30.00. Lloyd Maynard, 1220 Divi sion. After 5.00 o'clock. REGISTERED and GRADE heif ers, one bull. One mile south Bradetich Dairy. Z. L. Braly. FOB RENT 5 ROOM modern house, 3 acres alfalfa, $40.00 per month. Imme diate possession. Lease. Route 1, Box 52-B, or Inquire 2nd house west of last Texaco station, south highway. , BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. JONES APARTMENT Modern, furnished, steam heat, refrigera tion, electric washer. 1V4 blocks east of postofflce, close to Shell Oil Station, 527 Franklin Ave., Stucco Bldg. Apt. No. 4. NICE SLEEPING or nice house keeping room in private home. Call at 608 Broadway. Phone 451-M. 3-ROOM FURNISHED house, sink & cold water. Very close In. 38 Lafayette. Inquire 45 Lafayette across the street 4 ROOM HOUSE, 2 large lots, garage, woodshed and cellar Phone 30-F-5. Bend Abstract Co. Title Insurance Abstracts Walt Peek Phone 174 RED RYDER I ! FOR RENT VACANCY WESTONIA Apts. Close in, clean, cool, newly deco rated, electrically equipped, free washing facilities, refrigeration, garage. Inquire Apt. 7, 1601 W. 3rd. SMALL MODERN house and ga rage unfurnished, $15.00 per month, water and light furnished. 1371 Fresno. Apply at house on back of lot. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, private bath, electrically equipped. Inquire 141 Georgia. Phone 766. WITH OPERATOR D-7 Caterpil lar and dozer. Phone Redmond 73. FURNISHED HOUSE, 2 rooms with bath and garage, also 2 room furnished apartment, wood, wa ter, and lights. Phone 1083 or call at 623 Hill Street. 2 & 3 ROOM houses, furnished, with water and lights. 3-room hot and cold water. Not modern. Close in. Call 168 E, Irving. Phone 834-W. ' MODERN FURNISHED apart ment. 3 rooms and bath. Refriger ation and washing facilities. Ga rage. Close iu. Adults only. In quire 42 Irving, Nygaard Apt. 3-BEDROOM MODERN house. Close in. Stove and window shades in house. 400 Sisemore St. or inquire 164 E. Irving. 3 ROOMS and BATH, unfurnish ed; suitable for couple or bache lor. Woodshed but no garage. See Johnson, Betid Realty, 957 Wall Street. WANTED USED RADIOS Wilf pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 8.38 Wall St. Phone 900. WANT TO BUY all kinds of used furniture, stoves, beds, springs and mattresses. Phone 324. TO BUY SECOND hand pre-war wash basin and toilet. Must be in first-class condition. Box 125 Red mond. SPANISH GUITAR with ampli fier. Alfred Hoffman, Redmond. RFD 1. Box 152. THE WEST SIDE laundry will accept new customers, curtains and fancy Ironing. No delivery. Phone 893. 1168 Federal. PRIVATE PARTY will pay top cas price for late model (Jhev., 6ds or Plymouth car. Prefer buy ing from private owner. 1428 West 3rd St. Bend. TO BUY 100 or 200 acres of alfal fa with some potato land. Must have good buildings, be well lo cated. Please state price, location, condition, etc., In first letter. (No real estate agents). O. J. Thiel, Disston Route, Cottage Grove, Oregon. , CATTLE TO PASTURE, lots of feed and water. Brothers, Ore. John Helfirich. LADY COOK for fishing lodge. Inquire U. S. Employment Serv ice. PUPPIES AND LONG haired kittens to send to Portland pet shop. Write or call at Wt'lch's Pet Agency, 1225 Albany Ave. SMALL OUTBOARD motor, Earl Hethorn, 317 (Delaware. Phone 528-M. MODERN 2 BEDROOM furnished house before June 1. Close In.Pre fer near river. South City Limits Motel, Cabin 11. , WANTED Turkey Pickers Monday & Tuesday May 28th and 29th at Redmond, Ore WANTED IRONING TO DO In my home. Charges reasonable. Inquire 611 vv. Aoin oireei. TO BUY SADDLE HORSES or ponies, 500 lbs. up. Must be gentle for kids or women. Write or leave descrintlnn nti nrlrc Tuct be reasonable. Joe Garske, 1333 west loin street. VACUUM CLEANER. Must have attachments. Good condition. Call 1091-J. HELP WANTED "WANTED BY S. P. & S. Railway men between the ages of 21 and 45 to qualify for positions Brake men and switchmen. For informa tion Inquire of local S. P. & S. Railway Agent." PERMANENT STATE positions for skilled workers: Key Punch Operators, Tabulating Machine Operators, and Senior Tabulating Machine Operators. Get applica tions from Merit System Coun cil, 616 Mead Building, Portland 4. Final filing date June 23. Posi tions in Salem. LADY HOUSEKEEPER or com panion for widower. Must have farm background. Light work, good home and future guaran teed. Give full details In first let ter. Write Bulletin No. 908. RESPONSIBLE BOY for night work in bakery. Apply 852 Wall. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN cook. Good wages. Room and board. Call Willowdale Service Station. SOCIAL WORKERS advanced opportunities for positions with the State. Staff Assistant I, II (Multnomah County), Field Rep resentative. Get applications from Merit System Council, 616 Mead Building, Portland 4, Oregon. Fi nal filing date June 23. Positions in Portland only. SITUATION WANTED YOUNG WOMAN wants day work to supoprt child. Will clerk, type, keep books, or waitness work. Some experience. Phone 874-R anytime except Sunday. USED CARS 1930 MODEL A Ford Coupe, $65. Under OPA Ceiling. 820 Federal. " LOST DOWNTOWN THURSDAY night, small brown felt zipper purse con taining ration books Issued to Herbert Wisehart and other things valuable to owner $5 re ward. Leave at Bulletin office or Call 511. YESTERDAY NOON, toy Boston Bull, male, brown and white. No collar. Answers to name of "Ter ry." Call Wetle's Store or 730-W. Reward. LOST SAT. NIGHT on Hill, Irv. ing, Division, or Greenwood, brown purse, ration hooks, keys, billfold and oilier articles. Return to Bulletin office or Reward. MISCELLANEOUS BEND WASHER SERVICE Genuine factory parts. Service on ail makes of appliances. Money back guarantee on all makes of washing machines Including May tag and Bendix. Phone 583. 136 Greenwood. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Otrira I'Ih. 78 lie l'hone 819. W Phono 188 MISCELLANEOUS THOR CERTIFIED WASHER SFRVTPIT . . We have the experience and equipment to give expert service on nil mnltpa Pamuru rt.i,n . -- -- - - J ."HI. txiv lee Station. Phone 275-J. . REGISTERED Arabian stallion stud, fee $10.00. Phone McMullln, -amp anerman WASHING MACHINE service and wrineer rolls for nil Let us check your machine no uongauon. namer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. PART COCKER SPANIEL male pup, to give away. 2 months old. 212 Scott St. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED. Also shears, grass shears, knives, keys made, saws filed, guns, locks, phonographs repaired, soldering, general repairing. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly givea The Bulletin. . BRITAIN MOVES SHIPS (by United trm The British radio reported to. dav that Mimp nf Tlrltnln'a htir. Best warships are on their way to the Pacific, and soon the cream oi me royai navy s Dame lorces will be there. Ohio's first oil well was drilled in 1860-61: since then nearly 175, 000 wells have been drilled and over 23.000 were producing in TRACTOR IW ill Save money on fuel and up-keep. These husky o-p-e-n c-e-n-t-e-r Goodyear tractor tires give you greater traction in all kinds of soil. High, sharp-edged lugs provide a clean-cut bite reduce slippage. Self cleaning, open center design sheds dirt and mud. Uni form tread eliminates bumping and Jerking. Brine; your certificate to TIRE SERVICE HEADQUARTERS. heavy-duty tractor battery goodvearykl Hor' th battery for hard work ... In v.ry kind of w.alh.r. Eip- dally constructed to withstand con stant lolling and Jarring. Guaranteed lor long eervlce. . From $15.00 AN OFFICIAL TIRE Bend PHONE WHOA? V STOP THEfV 213 Children Sign In Reading Project iwo nunarea tmrteen children have registered for the annual summer reading project which opened this morning. Miss Elea nor Brown, Deschutes county 11 brarian, reported today. Regis tration closed Saturday. night iius is me mgnesi regisrauon for the nast fivp vanre Mlttfl Brown pointed out. The contest, Which will mntimm thivuirrh Tim. 22, is open to children who will ue in me second to eighth grades, Inclusive, when school re opens In September. Books may not be returned the same day they are checked out, it was ruiea. uiuaren are reminded that reports on books read must be made between 1 and 5 n m oanh day. Four prizes totaling $10 in war . stamps have been donated by The Bend Bulletin tor contest win-, ners. . " Buy National War Bonds Now! HORNBECK Typewriter Co. Authorized' Agent for ROYAL Safes and Service Roytype Blhbona and Carbon B. C. Allen A (Mini .'. All Make Typewriter .', Serviced Phone 12 122 Oregon Ave, low cost . INSPECTION STATION Garage Company; 709 WAU ST. 193 BEND, OREGON By FRED HARM AN HIGHVAlUl