THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 28, 1945 PAGE SIX LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS BV PUBLICATION Equity No. 498 In the Circuit Court ot the Stale - of Oregon for the County of Deschutes Ben C. Garake, Plaintiff Vs, Mrs. Susan Trivelpiece, Mrs. Har riet Jones, William f. Knone, Mr Martha E. Patterson, Mrs. Freece Roberts. Mrs. Hurley Hartman, Hosea P. Heller. Stacy Heller. Freas Heller, Frank Heller, John W. Heller, Mrs. Mary E. Runyon, Mrs. Eliza Lyons, P. F. Fritz, Mrs. J. B. Keefer, Mrs. Delia Fritz Ruckle and all other heirs un known of William R. Rhone, de ceased, and all other persons un known claiming any right, title, estate or interest in the real estate described in plaintiff's complaint, Defendants. To the above named defendant and each and all of you and all other persons unknown claiming any right, title estate or interest in the real estate described In Plaintiffs Complaint. Defendants IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer tne com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and II you tail so to appear and an swer, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court lor tne reiiei prayed lor in his complaint, towit; for a decree ox said Court declaring plaintiff to be the owner In fee simple of tne lands described in plaintiffs complaint, as loiiows: The Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Three in Township Eighteen South, Range Twelve East of the Willamette Meridian in Deschutes County, Oregon. And for a further decree declar ing that said land be free and clear of any right or claim what ever on the part of said defend ants or any of them, or on the part of any other persons or par ties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or interest In and to said real property or any part thereof; and that each and all of said defendants, and any and all persons claiming any interest in said property by, through or un der them, or any of them, be for ever enjoined, restrained and bar red from asserting or claiming any ngnt, title, estate, Hen or In terest whatsoever in or to said property or any part thereof, and that plaintiff's right to said prem ises be forever quieted and set at rest, and for such other and further relief as the nature of this cause may require and as unto the Court may seem just and equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication once a week for four consecutive weeks In the Bend Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, by order of Hon. Ralph S. Hamilton, Judge of said Court, made May 12th, 1945, or dering first publication to be made May 14th, 1945. Dated and first published May 14th, 1945, last published June.4th, 1945. A. J. MOORE, Attorney for Plaintiff, Postotfice address, Bend, Oregon. 136-142-148-153c PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., May 28 UP A slow trading tone was noted in the butter market today with a decrease in late receipts . Al though production was gaining locally, it remained below that of a year ago. Prices were unchang ed. Liberal receipts of eggs contin ued to move to market, with prices unchanged. Butter cube 93 score 42c 92 score 42'4c; 90 score 42c; 89 score iittc pound. . Eggs prices to retailers: AA large 44c; A large 42c; medium a J9c; small 35c dozen. SYNOPSIS Or ANNUAL STATEMENT OK TI1K OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA cf I'm Antl. Ill Ut Htale of California, on Ih thlrty-flrat day of Itamntxr. 1944, made to to Jntiiwic Commissioner of Uia But of Oretjon, pursuant to law; Capital Amount of capital ilo paid up..,.t 8,000,000.00 Inooina Total prmluro iiwwme for Ui mr.. 129,111,193.01 interest, dlildend and rent recelrrd during tba year 4,011,041.31 Income from other aourra racatrad during ba year 1,192.045.40 Tola! Income $39,029,114.90 Slsburaamsnta Paid for lotiei. endowments, annul llaa and aurreodcr "slurs. ... f 10,837,04 O.OT UMdewls paid to policjholdrra dur ing tba rear Dltldenda paid on capital stock dur ing ui year Oamilutuna and eftUilee paid dur ing th year Tuaa, llcanat-a and tea paid dur eS6.9fl9.9r 800,000.00 l,4ir,4CB.T4 uif ui ytar Amount of all othfr aipfiidlturai. flW.3IS.89 B.810.0SB.33 Total npcndlturaa $:4,S09.1o0.94 Aiaata Talua Af rra riUtt (taitket tu).. I.T21.TM.M mnd undtr ruolrait of aala OJT.40CM Loana on mortgagfa and cullataral. t. 45.Tf9.fMSf Talii of bond owned (amortli))., 34.0H,Siti).M Valua of fUxka owned Imaikrt talua) Ifi.S,T8S.H Premium ttr.ln and iwllrjr tiiaui,... 4. TIT. MP. TO CaMi In bin hi and on taand 1.473,443.11 Intrrtat and riu du and aocruisl.. AIT. 320.31 fitt uncullrtUd and drfrirt-d prcm- lumi 4.19,41139 OUiar iiatta (itat) 13.;D.i,ait.33 Total admlttad aurtt MK.1I.01T.I4 LlabUlUM N4 MmM 33.iW3.P!J.!l? Oroai rUlma for loitaa utitaUI All otliar llabllllk 39.VU3.1I3 4 Total Uahllltlaa, tnpt raplUt..U4,44l.903,33 4aplUt paid up t 3.000,009.00 Burplua mt ail Ua- buttlaa BitsrtRA Burplm aa ragard polkjnoldan.,,.1 I.US.Tlt.H till. filt lt 4 nMu in ortffon for tht Taut yet pruntuma and aiinutuaa ncairad dorlng tha fur lttI.C33.4t viTiaaooa pain aunng tb mr ft9.MI.ll a iowi ana naimt. ndomnanu, aurrandara. and annultlaa oald dur ing tb mr 4II.1M 41 OOOIDZ1TTA& 1,1TB IJTBtTBAKOB sguAii or OALiroEiiA Dwlrht I. Clark. 'rilda Howard I. Hrr. RacraUr RUlutorr rMni tttornay for tank ImuV- tint tommiMiuiitr, t TNOPnlfl OF ANNUAL STATE.!!".' OF THE PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA of Plitled-lohla, n llii But of PcnnsylTetna, ca th Uilnr-flrit day of De-ember. 1014, ma to Uie Insurance Citinnilealrjner of the Bute OrtD, punuant to 1km: Capital Amount of capital Block paid up. ..8 Inconia Total premium Income for tlx year. .135,923,863, inlereat. dividend and rants received during tin year If ,040,991. Income from oxtmr sources recalled tlurlug lli )ur 16.3dl.ie4.T0 Total Income Sti9.3U.ltf. Dlsbtmamsnta Paid for toetea. endowments, annul tire and surrender Tallin 82I.2I.5(,9.B3 Imldettds paid to policyholders dur Ins Uie year Dividends paid on capital stock dur ing tli year Cummin lo nj and salaries paid dur ing th far 8,'SMOS.M Tain, and fees paid dur- lrig th year Amount of all other eipendlturea. 1.687.881 1. Total eipendllutei 8'I9,T29,S00.9J Assata Valua of real Mtat owtird (tnarkat -liu) tie.csi.m.H Loana on Bjortiitrt and collateral. u. s3.2.:o or Value of bond owned Umortlicdi.. 313,112.118.00 Talu or stocks owned (market -Blue) !4.TT3,9ftO.OO Premium notet and policy loans... Sa,(iT4,l! Ctfe. under Buldlera Bailors Ju-lh-f Art 100J10 69 Civli In banhs and on liand H,.48.S95.IJ Interest and rente due and accrued 4,31;.1II. JJ Net uncollected and deferens prem- lumi 4.860.S2S.09 Other umu meti .... ie;,si.Tr Total admitted itwli I4T4.23T.268. Xtlabllltlei, Surplus an Other Fnnda Nrt 'eienes. . .S373.f.04.7lH.(JO (lri Halma for losses unpaid.. All Oilier JlaMlltle.,., , 1.098.4W.4I 82,243,540.69 Total liabilities, eiotrt nulla). .8447.808.470.00 Capital paid up I a (tonilnfenry rmmri,, Vt. 4 2 H. 595. 89 Surplus aa rcfirds pollryhuldara.... 838.421.51 Trttl S4T4.23T. 269,119 Btuinasa in ortg-on for tha Ytan Jin iirrifiltima and annulllra rualtrd during (It iar g 3(1.4.241 TXttrindi paid during Uia nar 13, 11. 84 Nat lofin and clalrm, andomnanta, aurranatra. ana annultlaa paid dur ing tha rear i4r.iB. PHOVIDBMT MUTUAL LIPS MBUKAHull cuhfaht 07 PHILADELPHIA II, AllMtrt Linton, I'rfafdsDl h. C, Aihton, HMtctary fltatutorr raaldatit aitomaf for aarrlM. Oudlna T CaJrk. arNOFBii or annual statkment Of TUB METROPOLITAN CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY of Naw York, In Mia HtaU of Naw York, on th thirty-first dar of Dacembar, 1944, mada to tba Jhauranc Cuaimlaakmar of w bum of Uragon, purauanl to law: Inaomt) Nat pramlunu Wfal-rd I l,r0,4.0f Tula I In (trait, dlrldanda ajid tval aatat Inoom 4IS.9S4.4I Inrvtna from otlior aourca 128,170.41 Total Inoom ,f S, I IT, T 85.18 SlAburi mntai Nat amount Paul uolicrnuldcn for lu $ 1S3T.4M If Loea adjuatmant axpanae TA4.140.fl9 Agent co in ml ail on or brokerage. . . 1,940,839.91 alariaa and fata of Aran, uuactora, bom offlc Mnplora Taxaa, llvmtet and fact IHvldwnli paid to atockliolderi, Ulvldtiida paid or cradtted to poller- 094. 3T8 41 B41.4Sr.Tl 1SO.000.OI lioldara AU oHtar ttpendUuraa Total dlabunamanU I I.43B.8M.1 Admlttad Aiaata Vain Of ml oUt omuwI (markat talua) I 10,000.01 fl3fl.4IO.Ol 0,381.1 SO. 41 4,:i8,M0.0fl TTT.319.Sf 1.433.139. 7f M.3S0.4 41,200,11 loans on mortgagva and oolUtarat. to. Talu of bond ownad (markat or ainorlltad) .- Valua of atorki ownad (market talua) 4aJh In bank and on hand Premium) In cuura of eollactluo written sine 8ptrmnr SO, 1V44.. IftUrrit and rant du ftnd.toarued Other eiMt (nrt).,,..., Total admlUed aaute 313.Tn3.434. SO IilabllltlH. MnrDlaa and Othar Fnnda Total unpaid dalmi 6,433, 211. UI Eallmab-d Iota adluatinent aipenaa for unpaid clilnji S9.119.IF Total unaarnrd prtmluma on all un- aiplred rlika S.8TT.3ai.4f IMlarlaa, tanta, rinanara, nllla, ae eounta. fca. etc.. du or accrued u.OOO.QP fall m lad amount due or accrued for lain SI 8. 310. (IP OuiimlMloni, brokerage, or other chargra du and accrued 83l3T,W All other lltbllttlca TiUI HatilltUaa. eirant raiillal...tl0.l43.SU.g CaplUI iald Up f 1,500,000.00 Huri'lu u ail la- Mlltlaa S.OIl.MI.M Burplua u regard! pollcjlioldcn. . . .1 S.8H.0G3.3T Total BuilntlB In Orairnn far tlta Vmii Nat tirutuliinii rrvthtd I 3AU.uui.4fI Nat luawa paid IH.I9S.0V UUld.-rula patd or mdltrd to pillry- Wldara METROPOLITAN CASUALTY INSUBANCB COMPANY Off NEW YORK John R, t'ontit-y, Tri'ildcni K. A. llli'iidntr. HirUrr tatuturr mltlcnt alioiuer far ten let, Kdctr lUTcna, BTNOI'HIH Or ANNUAL RTATKMKNT OK TUB U. B. IIUANI'11 PHOENIX ASSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. of Ltindon. In th Kliikdim of Urxat Britain, m tha UitrU flrU day of Decamber, 1VI4. made to th Inauranr I'otumlMluner of Hi Btal of Oregon, purauant to la: Inoom Nal premium recetta.1 1 Total iniereit, dtiltktida and real aatate Income S31.388 89 Income from other eourvea 4MU8.38 Total Income ..1 4,9l9,Si4.TT Dlaburaamonta Nrt amount paid iwllcihuldvi for ,M f S.093.O34 51 Ixtaa aiUmtmeiit li-ile 108.Tgi.9il Agent conitaUalnua or brokerage.. .. 1.3S0.8ti9. 13 Balarle and feaa olflrera, dlrecU'i. home office entploia 879.001. fK Taiaa, Itcanar and feca 830,8;u.U9 Dividend paid to atockliulden (l aali. t; lo-k, SO) Dhldrnda paid or credited to policy holder fl All other ipendltute 0.M1J Total dlaburwrneott I 4,011, 2! 80 Admitted Aaaeta Valua of real ratal owm-d raaral value) I I Or. SCO. 00 Loana on Utortgige and collateral, t 0 Value nf boixla omiiikI (amHIa.1l .. fl.OtO.T04 IT Value of httN-kaoMtied (markat value) aud.O'iO.OO t'aata In bank and on hand ttf9.T0l.U9 Premium in rourie of ccllntlon rltwn alnce KcitrmW 80. 1014.. TS3.Mt.93 Inlereat and rente du and accrued B.8.W.uj Utile aateU (uet) 80.1)33.08 TiHal admlttn! aaaete t M:'0.31T.4T ttlablUtlai, Burvlni nd Othar rundi Total unald claim 8 OJ4.vtt7.00 ltlmitod adjuatment niviim for ur.cald claim 40,173.00 Total unearned premium on ail un expired rth BalariV. rota. etpentet. Mil. c- cunla. free etc., due ot accruetl.. SO. 05 J. 09 Rtilmaled amount du or .accrued for Uiei , Slt.005.00 Cummlwlon. brokerage, or other charge due and accrued ST. 000 00 All other UablllU 34.146.14 Ttl llabtllttea, except caplUl. . . 5.81T.999.H Bututory Dapoalt 500.000.00 Burplo over all Ua- Mlltlw ., tutm.n flutpiiia aa retard! policyholder.. . I t.nt.SST.fll Total 8.S30.MT.4T Bntlnaai In Or;on for th Yeart Jiet preiutuma racaltad fl . 80.901. 341 Nat 1 PW K.TTS.89 Dlvldind paid at credited to pcjiVy TT. ,.... rxoxx AssuKANca coMPAinr, T. I. Intne, V. B. Manager .. " CuBWlhm. BacreUrv WtntorT reatcVnt attornay tot Berth. Iniur 1 auo UoBUElMlotir. IVNOPSIJ) Of ANNITAL BTATEIENT OP THE ALLSTATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of SO North Wacker Urhe, C'tiU-aro t. In tb tlut of Jlllitula. on th tltlrtj flnl dJ of iJM-aubar, 1W44. mad to th linuranc au mlaaioher of lb HUI of Utagon, uiuant W law: Znoont Nat pratnliimi ncalinl I S.SM.ISMl tfvUl inurait, diildaods and ml- let lOiXiuja OC.14S.30 liuoine from uiitr eouri-ce 3fi,lo.ei a'otal Inuvuia I S,6ai,-JU.;S Oil bar m ants Nat amount paid pwllijlioItlMa fur I 1.220.042. TO Loai d)(Ulmcnt atpanac AgaiiU oomUilHlu'ta or lnokcriga... Jj,113 SI ftalarlc and f Uflcare, dunturi, booie offlea nnpl(iji 410.1PI 0 Taiaa, llcwoM and fee m.W 'l Jjirldanda paid to aiocklioldera (Cam, u: atock, 10) 0 I'lrtdand paid or credited to poller- holdra 5S.0SI.flf AU Other ipptidllUTa ZJC,T412 ToUl dlaburatmenta I 3.4C4, l.T.TI Admltt4 Asiata Value of real aiut oned imaikat talua) I 9 l-ona oo tourlgngei and oollaiaral. IC 7Z.ZUI.50 Valua of bonda ownad (amortlwd).. t.Wi.M) S6 i of atorka owned (roaihal twua) ji.i.iio.w faili In banka and on band Z42.418.M iTrinliimi to ouun of collartluii wrllUo alnc Nptfabrr Vi. 1M4.. Interttt and rent due and aocruad Omar aaael (net) Total admitted aiaeti 3 1,911,41 84 Xilabllltl. Burolua amd Othar Fundi Tul unpaid chiuu I ZW.tlVM Katliuled loea adjuatmrnt expetue fur unpaid claim.. 10,750.00 Total unearned pteuduma oo all un tplred rlika Balarira. rcot, aipanata, bllli. ac- rvunti. fa, au du or accrued Eallueied amount du or accrued for Uiei... Commliiloiit, brokerm, or other cliargr du and accrued All otbvr Uabllltlea Total llabtlltl. icpt ePltaI....S l.I.H3.n rapltal paid up 4 300,000.00 tlurulu oier all II- bllitle 91fl.TlT.eT urjjua a legard pollirrholders....! 1.34fl.TlT.flT ToUl 8.911, 481.S4 Builnaia In Oravon for tha rear! Nrt premium racahed f 8T.2tO.3r Net Iosh paid 81,303.31 Dhldonda paid or eredlUd to policy- Doiaera ALLSTATE FIBB ZHSUBAKCB COMFAZfY (Jali In 'ntraia, Jr., Prnldrnt U 11. Ktnnay, HeovUrr tatutorr raildont attonier for ark. Iniur- nc Coininlaalotiw, TNOPSII OP .ANN DA I, STATEMENT or TUB NEW ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Bprlnirieldr In th fllat of MauachtuetU. on the thlrtr-flrat dar of December, JDH, mad to Uia fmuranc Oouimlailoiipr of th Slat of Onaon Stunuant to lawt Nat premlumt rcel-ad f flOS.8T8.94 Total intrt, dividend tod real ratal Inoom vi.noss S.093.0S r09.0NT.84 Inoom from other aource Tout Income nlahn ham Nat amount paid potk-jrltoldua for loaiea a S0ff.8T9.3S 15,B03.8T 149.T42.9fl 84,4(10.34 31,873.03 50,000.00 Loa adiuatnient ipnae Agent comintMlona or brokrraa. . . Balarlaa and few offlrera, director!, fawn offlc emplojea Taxea, limine and fee iJhldenda paid to atockholdara. (Caah. 850,001): itock. none) Dlildenda paid or credited to do! ley- holder All other eipendlturei I00.09S.M Total dlabunement t flT9.391.ftS Admlttad Aiiata it of real eaUU owned (markat Tail)) , i Lan on inortcagea and collateral. - i.9aB.r,8 ii of boiuli omird (amnrtUetl).. l.ftna.tHQ.oa u of atofka owmd (markat talua) Ton. 874. on faali In banka am! on hand Tfl,008.31 2rmtuni In couna of collection Written alnc fVntamher SO. 101 . ffl w a Tntemt and rent du and accrued 13,003.20 OUirr asiet net) Tntat admitted aaeeta 1 1 09S.Ti.4() LUblllti, SurpluB And Othar Pund Tin a l unpaid claim t ion it Estimated lot adjuatment upenaa for unpaid claim iudm Ti'UI unearned pramlunu on all unasplred riika KSS 4S 5 Balarlaa, rente, einanae. bill, ac- ouunt. tae. etc., Hue or aoenn-d 1,350.00 i mat mi amount du or acrmed for taiea m u nn CommlHioni, brokerage, or other charge du and accrued S. 000. 00 other Uabllltle S3.8V9.34 Total HahllltleL airvnt canltat..! con toi t Catiltal ald up I 1,000.000.00 Burpnla otr all Ua bllltle 1.S33.3I0.01 Burplua a regard pallcyholdar.. .8 Total g i qm ! Baalnaai In Oregon, for tha Yaan i el premium received a a q?i na Nrt loaera paid l.WW SS Ithldrmta paid or credited to puller- buldet i NEW ENGLAND FIRB INSUBANCE COMPANY W. fl. (Truitcnden. lTealdent 4'liarlea C. Wright, fltvralarr Btahitnry resident attorney Tor aenlr. a. W Ilolden. Jr.. 41 Head Uulldlng. IHirtland. Ore Ion. BVXOPS1H or ANNt'AI, BTATXUSU4T OK THE AMERICAN UNION INSURANCE COMPANY . OF NEW YORK of Admluhhaih Ofrirm: lUrUord, In the State of CiMinectlrut, on the thirty-Hint day of IVc ember, 1V4I, made lo the lnmrnca Ounrala atulier Of the Slat of Orvgin, purauant to law Xncouta Net premliima rural d $ 340.873.7 Total luleitut, dlrldHida and real llfl.triBl 11.T44.T3 Total Inconi ) Dlaburaamanta Nat amount paid iyll. jituiam tor losat a Irftia adjuilment espenitea Aient itHiimlMtniia nr brokeragt. ,, Balarle and reea-tifTh-era, director. home ofdrnt enutuvca Taiaa. Ilrenxei and fee Dlvldnnd ild to ativkhntden (i'aah. IlliU.OiHI; itvk, 3D) Dhhlcnda paid or rradltcd to policy- holder , . . , All oilier expenditure Id. III. V 43.S01.57 9j.ntO.40 4 8. 006.11 Total dlburetnant t Admitted Ataati Value of real citato owned tmatkrt . I Ln on luortgagea and collateral, at Villi of Wruli owned (amortttedl Valu of aiivks ownM tmarkel taitie) Ch In banka and on hand Premium In court of collection WrlttrO tnc HtTUinbcr 30. 1911.. Inlenvt and rent du and accrued Other Mie (iirtl T(l admitted aiva t :i.H"l? rtia IilAbUttlaa, Bnrploa nd Othar Tunda Tv-ial unistld claim.... St.ts.oo kltuiated lou ailjiutment aiwtno rtr unpaid claim total uneaml premium an all un iplred rUk Balarlea, rant, ai pan tea. bill, ac count, fee, etc., due or acrmed tallmaled aiuouut do or aivnied for taiea.',.. Commluion. bndierage. or other charge du and accrued All other lUMIltlr Total llahllltie. icert carltal I CaplUI paid up 1 1.000.000-00 fl.trs.w 330.1918 1.000. PC Bi.tio.or SPOO.Ofl s;r.94 fl.334.T4 Bumlu over all lla MUUtO t.SMITMfl utplut rvtardt pc4icjholder,... S 131 tff 18 t 3.S;imt9a Bain.a la Oraroa for th Yar Nat premium rerUd iTi. Net Ir ,ald i-iJa Pltldandi paid r credited to policy, hft.late ABtBKICAir VNION INBURANCB COMPANY OP NEW YORK J. II. Vrrrland, lTl,1 T- It. rietchar. Rfcr-. Bututory reatdant attorney (, m,1ct. H. flu ii ten, IMrUand, iob liit.TTSnr S.-'ii.t.w fST.ISIt op srr.jte si i.3.r.s K.3.i.r.f 8.138.48 ITNOP81B OT ANNUAL BTATEMZNT or THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY : or Boilon, in th Hl of Mamcliuaelta. on th thirti-mit dar of lcBinr. 144. mad to th loiuranc tjommlulaiwr of lb Blat of Oregon, purauaut w i; . Amount of capital k tld P-".I Tneomi ToUl prtialura Income for th year. .373,519.978.44 rtui.i.ndj and rent rei-elied during th. rear 83.96T,604.M Income from aourm receded dwing th tr S1.791.W1.9S Ttal Income H19.S4fl.K.flfl Dig bnrvamanta v.ia tt.r Imim. vi.duMrnMuU, annul tlea and aurrendar aalue 131,340,134.84 Tu1,l.n.1i Mid to DOllCjholdrr dUT- lr th yar 9,5S4,54.fl5 Dltldenda paid on capital atock dur ing th Jr v,.,nrnii(.a and lalarlea paid dur- g the rear f,808.249.TT Taiea, Ikenaea and fea paid during 1.41 1,638.18 14,539,439. OS Total eindlturet.. ...)S,flTS.008. IS A ii eta v.i.. i.f raal aiUto owm-d (market tilut) 110,800,156.01 Tn. an morltatt-t and ool lateral flfl.4U.039.TS Valua of bond owned (market or moriUed) 518.t2,fll.04 Value of tock owned (market talu) 30.407,403.00 I'remlum noiee arm poncy loana... ao.o.i,3ii.i faih in banka and on band 8.832.189.00 Interrat and rent due and accrued 5,063,194.88 Net uncollected and aeterrea pram I,,,,,, 11.611.424.8T Other IUKI (i-t) 110,468.43 Total admitted aaieta SeB0.TT8.9T9. 95 XiUbllltlea. Burplm and Othar Funds Net ena Oros caltm for loiae unpaid 4.6I6,S99.TB All other Uabllltlea 61,198,303.1T ToUl llahllltlea, rjrept capital. S0IS,TT0,O94.Ol Taplal paid up 9 u Biirplu over all 11a Mlllr 43.008.28S.44 Burplua a regard policyholder 843,008,185.44 Total 800,TT8,9T9.93 Bualnaa In Orairon for tht Yaan Net premium and annuities received during he year 1,053.893.89 TMildend paid during the year..., 148,480.31 Net totaea and claim, endowment. Bin-render and annultlea raid dur- Inr th year 410,036.83 MBW ENGLAND MUTTJAX. Z.X7B JNSUKANCB COSCPAVY (leurg W. Hinlth, I'realdent klorrla P. Capon, Becretarr fttalutorr realdent attorney for aervlce. Horace Mrtklvm, Ueneral Agent, Portland, Oregon. YNOPSIB 0 ANNUAL STATEMENT or TUB NEW YORK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Cf 919 Kt 149th Birett, Now York. In the Btaft of Now York. n th thirty Tint day of Decern Iter, 1944, made (o the Inauranc Commlaalanaf of the Htate of Oregon, punuant to law: Inoom net promlumi melted $ 8,4&T.S99.Sfl rUi Inlereat. dividend and real aatat Income Income from other aource 1 TO, ToUl Income 8.8tfl, 838.31 nlihntwamtiita Net amount paid policyholder for . lotKt I UM.I48.4t Lot adJuUment arpetitw T 1,983. 32 Agent commlialona or brckoracs... 1.ST1 jut 90 eiBiarie ann fee orrtcara, director. hr.pi offlc empinrc K0.tDS.fl9 83. 391 IT Taxes. Ilecntej and fee IJhldenda paid lo itocklioldera (Caah, 8160.000.00: dock, nnnal 160,000.00 Dividend pe'd or credited to policy holder , g All othar eipendlturea, 830.03T.45 Total dliburaemeni ....8 3.623,153.74 Admltiv A Valu of real eilaU owned (makret value) f a jjjane on mortgage and colUtcrsJ. 1(1,000,0(1 s.08fl, 3,.lS3,14T.0r Tl.i, 232.371,71 3I.271.ST 53,038.31 aiu of honda owned (amortised) Valu of itock owned (market value) f'aih in bank and on hand iTemium In couri of collection written aim ttentomber nn. Ifflj.. fntarert and rent du and an-riiMl Other aaaeU (net) Total admitted aaaeta i m mi m LlAhllltUa. Hnrnln. mr, ntt... v Total unpaid claim j 485.a25.M8 hillmatnd ina adjustment eipeni 1 unpaid claim iv un k Total unearned prtmluma on all un eipireti 3.041.331.90 Halarlea, rent, expenaea, bill, ao- COiinU. fee, etc.. dua or amriiMl 1 tne Kilmated aiaount due or accrued for late tt nq? itn Ommlaaloii. brokerage, of other charge duo and accrued -. ru AM other llahllltlea 30,347 19 Total llabllitlea. ercent ranltal. t A 1ST iat m Tapltal paid up t 1,000,000.00 Biin'lu, oter all Ha htlltle S.590.6BOM Burplua a regard policyholder. . .1 9.300.696.00 ToUI 8 T.T38.191.0T Bnainaan In Hmimii av.. v . Net pri'inluma rccehnl j 18.013 41 Net loitea paid 11.109 53 Dltldrnda paid or credited to policy- "" ft HBW YORK FIRS INSURANCB liUHrABY llldiard A. Cnrroon. I'realdent Sidney K. Adam. Secretary Btalutory reldent allomey for Knlc. laiur new iininlMlunur. BY N 1)19 IS or ANNUAL BTATKMKXT OF THE EMPLOYERS' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of 110 Milk Street. IhMlun. In the Btate of Ma arhuiette. on th thlrty-flnt day of liecember. 11)11, made to the lmuranc Commlaaloutr of the Bute of Orcgou. purtuanl to law; Xnoonit NVt prrmliunt recelml S 5.041,239.70 Total Intareat, ditldendl and nal eatat Income SII.1T9.0 Incum from other wmrce 19.913.99 Total locum I 3,:T0.830.TT BlabaraamantB Net amount paid potu-yuoldera for loaiae 8,4TO,mn. it ! adlulmeiit eiiM-nsea 01.911.0 Agent co in uU l cm or brokerage. ., Blartei and fees otfli-cra. dlractort, hiuiie oNlce employe Tatea, lU-tme and fee 1,Sltl,t;j3.93 Sfll.3Sfl.fl? Itfti.7a0.39 littiend paid to -lochheldeta 11 aan, STS.OO0 00: alack. 10 0l T3.000.00 Dhldend paid or credited lo policy holdei 0 All oUier Hipendlturei 4fl8.4O0.94 Total dliibiiMMnent 8 4,9)U,3tl.l9 Admitted Aaaeta Valu of real relate owned tuiaikit ralue) I 0 iVaiia on rmrtgage and collataral. etc 0 Vain of rxmdt owned (amortUad) . . 5.CfS-t.5IT 30 Yajne of Btocka owned (market lalue) l,9il.13 W OaUi In hank and on hand 8S1.227.C4 t'leiuluma In our of colkcllua whtien lnc Svplemher SO, lvlt.. (efl.lW.Tl Intereet and rent due and accrued -l.Os.s 43 )U:er aiarU Inn) TP.S;i.SJ Total admitted axed S 9.4d.643 i4 XilabUltlaa, Surpltu and Othar Panda Tklal unild claim fl 1. 001,311. 00 Katlmated loat aljutment leue f.-r '.inpatd cJalm S2.1T8.18 Tutal ttiirarncd rremlum on all un- eipired tttk 4.U9.74I.01 Ratarlca, roil, eipenie. bill, ac- cminia. tvtg. etc., du or accrued 30.390 88 t-Mimviad amount due of accrued fiT t- tiXJ.OOOOf rmimlulitna. tuoherage. or oilier chtrgi dti and aivruad 60.000.00 All oihar llaMllUe. taiea withheld frwm empkiyr ,,,, 3.J. ? Voluntary rcerv 39J.V30 oc Tital lUbllltlca, arert capital... ! 6,tC3.4J flf rapltal paid up 3 1.000.0 WOO Snrplu over all lla- hUlUe S.OOO.OtXI.M SurttuB a regard pol Icy hold r. . . .3 3. 000.000.60 t S 9. 4M.4II 9 BnalDaa In Oraroa Tor Th Ytnri Nei Hemiiimt (evened.. 3P m Nrt rve raid 19 10193 TH SMPLOYBRS- PIRB INSUR AMCB COMPANY Kdward C. Srona. President rranklln P. Itorton. Srerrury Statutcry realdetn aitornay for eenice, L1v tnd Cwtwflghi. Uwla Bldg, Portland 4. Or rn. Becurltle ranled at S 914 34 la the abort Ut-uieni are depalted a rcgulred h U, On th hail ot IVcemh-r 31. 1944 market ttouunna for all hond ami atock owned tMa xnpnya i.ut admitted aaaeta wcnild he In d IA ly.s9l.lM.9t and toluatarv rmri at No. S3-41 ' Srnops1a of Annual Statement of th North w eat em National Life Insuranc Company of Minneapolis, in the State of Minnesota, on the thtrty-firit day of December. 1044, mada to tha ?nur-l s nee CornminLoner of tha Stai of Oregon, pursuant to law; CAPITAL. Amount of capital atock paid up, fl,60,0O0.GO. INCOME Total Dremlum lncom for thm war. $14,744,221.12. Interest, dividends and rents receiv ed during the year, $3, 45 9, ay a. 04. Income from other sources received during the year, t4.451.9M.S3, Total income, 922.635.573.69. D1SBUHSRM KNTS ' Paid for losses, endowments, annul-' ties and surrender values, $5,251,065.36, Dividends paid to policyholders dur ing the year, $962,403.87. Dividends ptakj on capital stock dur ing the year, JT21,000.00. Commissions and salaries paid dur- lne the vear. 12 596 447 35. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during' uie year, aoao.wji.vif. Amount of all other expenditures. (2.436.618.12. Total expenditures, $11,783,465.79. ASSETS Valua of real estate owned (market value), $1,551,109.02. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc., $16,538,845.54. Value of bonds owned (amortized), $8o.079.281.56. Value of stocks owned (market val ue). $75,500.00. Premium notes and policy loans, $6, 679,748.25. r Cash in banks and on hand. 11.435. 569.42. nterest and rents due and accrued. $5i0,730.33. Net uncollected and deferred prem iums, $2,262,133.65. utner assets (net), 137.071.43. Total admitted assets. $114,220,589.20. LIABILITIES Net reserves, $94,826,808.23. Gross claims for losses unrj&id. $444.. 987.30. ah otner- iiaoiiities, $10,217,963.99. Total liabilities, excent caoital. 1105.- 489.819.52. Capital paid up, $1,650,000.00. Surplus over all liabilities. $7,080.- 769.68. Surplus as regards policyholders, $8,730,769.68. . . lOiai, $lI4,Z2U,30tl.ZiJ. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net Dremtums and annuities receiv ed during the year, $153,030.14. Dividends paid during tha year, $9,412.90. Net losses and claims, endowments, surrenders, and annuities paid during the year, $67,931.31. Name of Com Dan v. Northwestern National Life Insurance Company. name 01 resident, u, j. Arnold. Name of Secretary, Arnold Hobbs. Statutory resident attorney for ser vice. Commissioner of Insuranca. CTN0PSI8 OF ANNTJA& STATEMENT OP THH NATIONAL SECURITY INSUranpp rnMDiHV of Omaha, In tlie Stat or Nebraika, on tha thirty flrrt day of Deeembar. 1944, mad to tht Tntur anr Commissioner f Uie Stat of Oregon, pur auant to law: Net Dremluma mcpfvMi a aia nm aa Total Iritt-rtjat. cllildends an drcal vut Income Il.fl04.7a Incum from other aource 13.203.80 VoM Income $ On, 433,04 wMvuiiNuenui et amount iiaht pollctholilera for 1taa adjuatment eiienfea Soisoi.lfl Asenta com mlai lone or brokerage. .. . lfil.CT4.40 Balarlea and rev offlrcri, director. Taiea, llcenie arid fee 7M30.M viviaentia pam to atochlioledra (Cain, 150.000.00: atock, none) BO.OOO.00 Olildend paid or credited to policy holder All other expenditure 9!,ftT1.45 Total dlabumementa 8.4,771.91 AdmlttaA Value of real vlaate owned (market value) n Imb on mortgage and collateral. He. 0 Value of bomla owned (amortlied).. S.Ml.JiS.oo Valu of atocka owned (market talue) 2Sf.243.C0 I'aah In tunks and on hand 400,510.13 Premium in coume of collection written ilnce Sepioinher 30. 1914.. 151, 7111.83 itereit arid reitt dn and arvrtiM 19 nan ne Other aiteta (net) 1MB.U ToUl admitted aaseU S s.soi in n Xilabllitia. Rnraln arna nh.. nni. Tutal unpaid rJalim j 3CU.OM.oO Extlmated laa ailjiutment srpenaa for unpaid rlalma 10.S75.00 Total unearned pretnluma on alt un expired rUka 690,409.09 Balarlea, rent eipentc, blili, ao munta, fee, tc, due or secured 1.6T0.0O Eatlmated amount du or accrued for tare nn em am CommlilaoiiB, brokeraae, or other chanea dn and accrued R 40 nn All other llebllltie 13. 311 H Total llahllltlea. eirertt canltat. .S i.u.1.1 oin a Capital pahl up l.OOO.OOO.Otf Hiirpln oier all Ha- 1'lllllri 144T.9lt.ltr Surplua aa regard pollcrholden...! M4T.S21.S7 t S.3OI.1T1.20 v.": " ""KttB .or nm xeari ftet premium recalled S J4.8tfl.Jf lSet loiaea paid 5.475.05 NATIONAL SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY Kilgar M. Mnnmian, 3rd, rreitdrat J. Kenton Klaenbrey, gecretarr Mr Couirululxier. srNorsia or annual statsurnt or THE STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of narlford. In th Rtata of ConnecUcut. on tta tnlrty-flrit day of lecnncr. 1144, mad to th Iniuranr L'ummluloncr of the Stat of Oregoo, purauant to law: Net premium rcrelred S 3.00, 561. 5 Total Inlereat. dirldends and real eatat Income 1JI.I41.9S Income from otlar nuroe 6.S10.SS Tvtat Income S S.SU9.113.7I Bis bars amenta Net amount paid pollciholdera for Wea $ 1. tit, 511 II Iaa atUnttmeiit expenaea 94,866.99 Agenti cimnnlfAlona or brokerage.... 440,229.93 tlAlarle and fee officer, director. home offlc emplfljrei , 204.099.U Taiea, llceiiara and feel 1J3.4T2.G4 l)tvttemla twld to atockhnldcr (Caah,'KI.UO: atock. SUI 150.000.00 Plvhlend paid or creilJUd to pollcj- hohlrr 0 All other expenditure 433.841.a8 Total dlibummenta 8 1.8U1.T30.S3 Admitted ADtd Value of real eatate oaued (markn ialue $ 9 tea n on mortgage and collateral. etc 0 Value of tvtuU owned (amorttte-i).. 4.150.8T8.00 Valu of lUck owned (markat talu) 3.43T.610.OO rah In banks and on band 608.708.49 1'reinlunit In eot-rs of colletiloa wrlttea alnce Heptemhcr 30. 1944.. 54 310 Interttt and rents due and accrued 11.914.80 Other aaeeu nat) lfi6.I50.Il TtUl admitted auett f 7.9S9.IDI h7 Xtlabllltles, Burplua and Othar rnnda Total unpaid claim I 4M.OS4.lO Katlmated lots adjutttnent cipnuw for unpaid etalma 10.000.90 Ti'tal unearned premluma on all un- evptr-d rlU Sal an ra. rente. Mpeneee, bllla, c- k.tU.JWLM rtmnts. fee, etc.. du or Bcrrued Katlmatnl amount du or accrued for tam IVmmlmliMU. broartaas or atbr charge due and acvrvwd All other llahllltie iruDttngenci' re' M. 883.77 148.897.91 ll.Wfl.M S.I99.IT 809.000.00 Total ItaMlltlM. rtccpt raplUt. . . 4.S4T.063.5S Carnal paid up. . . . t t,000.0. Surplua oier all 1U bliltle 111 11 I! Surplui as rcgardi pcJIcjhotder. , .1 S.sla.ljH.Sl IVUl f.99.l.n Bnslnaaa to Org0B for tha Yaart Net premium reeeleed I 19 f'9 t Nrt loaaea raid f. 519.41 Dtalderwts paid ot credltad t poltaj Mow THH STANDARD FIBS INSURANCB OOMPAXTV W organ B Rralnard. tPmtdeiit Jantea A Sllmmoa and Birtf N. Smith Sec-atari HiaiiUTT mlde-'t atu-mee for ntA9. aVth B. TboatpeoJi. lauraac CoeualealOMS. SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL BTATEtfENT OF THE AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Columbua, in the But of oa tba ttilrtr first dar af Oecambef. 1944. aiad to tit Inaur anc IktrnmiMlonar of Ui Btat af Oregeo, pur auant w law: Nat prtt&tuau noatTcd.. Tuui Iciataat. dl.ldtoa a&d real acuta Ineom Ineon. from othar aourcas Total lncom 8 Dlabnraamauta Net amount paid poUrjholdera for - lo I toa adjuatment expSMe Acant eommlaslon or brokerage,.. 'Salarlea and fs offloen, dlnctora, Taiea, license and fee Dividends paid to atockholdera ;Cen, 140,000.00; atock, 0 Dlttdends paid or credited to policy . holder AU other txpettdUure Total dlabaneronita $ Admlttad Astata ' Valu of real eaut owned ttnaiket . talua) f Loam on mortgage and collateral. e2.llT.fT 49,BIf.lQ 9.691.50 ll.Sat. 68 13.935.S1 etc. 0 Valu of bonda owned (auartlted) Value of stock owned (market valu) Caah, In bank and 00 band l'renllum In course of collection 542.117.1 734.481.00 49.273.94 written sine September M, 1944.. 10,925.86 Interest and rent du and accrued 3,338.00 Other assetl (net) 0 ToUl admitted asset.' S 1.143.310.60 ."liabilities, Stirpltis and Othar -Ponds lutai uuiiaiu cianui. 9 w Ultima ted lou adjustment zpensa - for unpaid claims ToUl unearned pramlums on all un expired rlaks 4) alarle, rent, expense, bills, ac count, fee, etc., du or accrued 1.500.00 Estimated " amount du or accrued, for U 17,500.00 Commleslons, brokerage, nr other charge dua and acenied AU other llablllUe Total Uabllltle, except capital... $ 19.0M.OO Capital paid up 5 500.000.00 ejurplua over all 11a- t bllllle 821.325.40 Burpiua aa regard policyholders... .11,123,314.80 ToUI I 1,343,310.80 Buslnaaa in Orsg-oa for tba Ttari Net premliitn received $ 13,533.31 Net loase paid 3,787.41 Dividends paid or credited to policy holder! AMBRZCAir HATIOV AZ, TULM INSUBANCB COMPART William Bt Koop, Prealdent ' - Daniel R. Ackerman, HecreUiT On the baiia of December SI, 1944 market fltiotatlon for all bonda and atock owned, thli Company' toUl admitted aiaeu would b in craaaed to 11,353,437.00 and pollcybolders' sur plus to 81.384,427.00. Arnt. H. L. Barbur, 62S S. W. 11th Arena, Fortland, Orajron. BTNOrBIB Or ANNDAfi STATEMENT or THH NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY of Raleigh, In th Btat of North Carolina. OB th thirty-first day of December, 1944, mad to th Inauranc Commissioner of th 8tat of Ore gon, purauant to law: Incoma Net premiums received I f Total intereat. dlvldind and real eitate lncom 68,409.38 Inoom from other aource 81,183.40 ToUl Income I 89.S93.TS Disburaemanta Net amount paid policyholders for ' loies I V Ijoss adjuatment eipenet m Agenu eomralMlona or brokerage... 0 Salaries and fees offlcera, directors. Imme offlc employe 0,895.00 6,295. 25 Taiea. license and fee Dividend paid to stockholders (Utah, 840.000.00; atock, none) 40, Dividend paid or credited to pollcy- holdera All other expenditures -17, mss ToUl dlsburaementi t f4.sl8.VS Valu of teal ettate owned (market vaue) 0 Ixana m mortgage and collateral, ' etc V Valua of bonda owned (market or or amort lied) 543.706.00 Value ot slock owned (market value) 70,35S.0ii Caah In banks and on hand 83.694.52 rremlums In course of collection written line September 30, 1944.. 6.403.70 Intereat and rents du and accrued ,490.00 Other auet (net) 0 Total admitted aaaeU I 1,403,709.22 X.labllitlas. Snrnlna and Othar 7ttBda Total unpaid claim. $ 0 Katlmated lou adjustment aipena for unpaid claim 9 Total unearned premium on all un expired rlaka .'. . . 0 Balairei, rant, expenae. bill, ac count, fves, du or accrued 1,000.00 Estimated amount du or accrued for taiea 9,500.00 Commlaalona, brokerage, or other charge du and accrued 0 AU other llabllltlei 10,000.00 Total liabilities, oirept capital...) 2,500,00 Oftjilui paid up 8 500,000.00 Hiirpln over all lia bilities R33.20B.33 Burplua a regarda policyholder.... 11.383.209.21 ToUl t 1.403.789.22 Bnalnaaa In Orairon for tha Yaart Net premluiof received 8 fi.4ST.96 Net paid 348.46 NORTH CAROLINA HOMB INSURANCB COMPANY Alexander Webb. President Daniel R. Ackerman, Secretary On tba basis of December 31, 1944 market. nuoutlon for all bond and atock ownad, tht Company' toUl admitted aeseu would b In cerased to 1 1, and policyholder's sur plua to 31.497.970.22. C. H. Weaton Co.. Inc.. Studio Bulldina. Pott- land, Orefon, ' rrKorsis of annual btatkmkn1? ' or T1IE PACIFIC NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of Rait Lak City. In th 8UI of Utah, on th thlrty-flrat day of December, 1944, nud to th Itiaurance Coromluloncr of th Btat af Oragon pursuant to law; Capital Amount of capital stock ttd up.... 64T.I50.00 Capital Total premium Income (or tb year..! 1,077,210.46 Interrit, dividend! and rente received during to year 1S3.409.90 Income from other source received during th year S0.9U.1S Total lncom S 1,290.611.14 Diabargamants Tald for loav. endowment, annul tie and aurrendar values 1 117,116.61 Diuaenua paid to poiicjboider dur ing the year Dhldrnda paid on capital atock dur ing th year Commlaalona and salarlsa paid dur ing th yr. t Taiea, Horn and fee paid dur ing the year Amount of all other expenditure. . , 1144 55 64,115.90 284,771.62 IT. 501 81 1S8.941.76 ToUl expenditure t 660.321.34 Aiaata Value of real esuu onued (market value! t 416,723.53 Loan on mortgagea and collateral, 4. 781,519.85 Value of bonds owned (market).... 1,584,8.17.90 Value of atooki owned (market value) 9.315.50 Premium notei and policy loana.... 231.939.39 Caah In hanhi and on hand 219.303.1 Inter and rent du and accrued.. 33,169.39 Net urtcvillectrd and deferred pram- I lima 183.491.84 Otoe a.eU (net) 69.431.33 Total admitted asaefs I 4.534,14188 LlabUitiaa Net reaerve... I 3.184.717.00 Oros clalmi for ioaea unpaid 9.3DO.OO All other llabUIUet 404.5U.34 Total lUblUUea. rpt carltal....! 3.6SS.776.S4 Capital paid up 647.134.00 SJurnlu carr U Ua bllltle 1S6.116.14 surptua ss regarfa pollcrbolden... .1 843.44.14 Toul BnslBtss la Oraroa for tha Yoart Net rrrai'irn and annu'tie racetred during 1 he year 9 110, ITT. 14 Dividend pid dirtrtg the year 4. St Net leave and raimt. ndotnet. -urrendra. aid aaauiHa pal) dar ks th ytar. 1116.31 Jf AO IT IO NATIONAI. 1VTTB AS8TJ BANCS COMPAKY Carl K. Mam:aen. I'Taaldeot Ann Lawr. f4ecrutr Statutory eeatdent attorney -foe ttntt. tntur IYNOFSI3 OF ANNXAL iTATEMEST OF TUX ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY af New York. In th State t New York, on th thlrty-flrat day of DecarcUr. 1944. mad to tb IniursAc Commlulorter ot tha 8uu of Oregon, purluant to law: Tneana Net pramlunu rarelied 11fi,45.MJ T3 TwUi intereat. dltldnwl and real etUt Ineom 1,334.887.90 locum front other aource 8.471.73 Tsui Ineom $10,093,183.36 Disbars ixtintB Net amount paid nullciholder for lo t 7.207.991.21 Loe adjuatment ciperutea 1.384,902.94 AsaoU oonunlaalona or brokerage. . . SU03.4M9.S7 aiarica and fee officer, directors, bom offlc atnolore 050.845.03 Taiea, Homers and fee Jhldnda paid to stockholders (Caah, 1,940.284.03 SWO.000) Dividend paid or credited to policy boldara ISO. 000.00 0 AU othar expenditure 2.313,232.30 Toal dlaburteaenU 117,816.927.60 AdnUttad Assata Value of real h'iU owned (market ' m I Loans on mortgages and colaiural, te, Talu of bonda ownad (amortUed).. 33.599.281.49 Valua of stock owned (market value) 7.753.118.00 run in bank and on band S.899,100.40 mmiums In coura of colleetloa written alnc September 30, 1944.. ,2,719.195.50 rnieret, ana rem au ana sccruea lrn.rK l Other siku (net) 603.0C8.C8 ToUl admitted aaaeU 948.758.897.98 XUtallitlts, Snrplua and Othar Vaada jufcai uopam eatime io.73.j.ti Katlmated loaa adjuatment aspessa for unpaid callm 415,752. Total unearned premiums on all un expired rlaks 0.216,608.03 slaries, renu, eipenses. bllli. ac counts, fee, etc., du or accrued 380,000.00 Ssitimated amount dua or accrued for Use.. 1.030,000.06 Ouamlaalona. broke r. r othar chargra du and accrued 461,060.09 All other llaUlltles 10,534,118,31 Tt-U) llahllltlea. ncept capital. . 338 J58. 897.98 CJaplUl paid up t X500.000.00 Huri I us n all 1U blllUe 7.500.000.00 Burplua ai regards pollcyhodler ,. ,8)0,000,000.00 ToUI 848,758.897.98 Bnalnaaa in Oraaron for tha Taart Net premium! received t 3T.5H2.nt Net olaaea paid 7.293.40 Dividends paid or credited to policy holder BOYAJj INDBMNTTT CO VP ANT J. F. O'Loughllo, I-realdelit V. 8. Psrryman, Secretary Statutory realdent attorney for service, Inaur 60,0 Oommluloner. aTNOPSia OT ANNTJAt, STATEMENT ni THT! BENEFICIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Bait Lake City. In tha Btate or TJUb, on tht thlrty-flnt day of December. 1944. mad to the Insuranca Commlsiloner of th Btat af Oregon, punuant to law: Capital Amount of capital stock paid up.... 8 130.000.00 Znooma Total premium Income for th year..$ 3.071.5:8. 4t Intereat, dividends and renU rewired during th year iui.mi.wo Income from other aource received durlni the year Total Income Distonraamaata ,790,559.04 Paid for loaaea, endowuenu. an nuities and surrender values 8 1, Dividends paid to policyholder dur- 040.483.0S J20,.90.123 5,000.00 T3S.716.14 140.950.80 ln tha vaar Dividends paid on caplul stock dur- ln th rear Commlialona and aalarlea paid dur ing th year Tax, licenses and ffa paid dur ing th year..: Amount of all other eipendlturea.. ToUl cipandlture 2.3i9.480.49 Aaaata Value of real eatate owned (market ralue) Loana on mortgages and collateral. .1. e.Hie.xno.os Valu of bonda owned (amortised).. 14,H8,Srti.33 Value of atock owned (market value) 307,700.54 Premium note and policy loana 1,001.808.91 Cash In banka and 00 band Interest and rents due and accrued 132,3119.10 Net uncollected and deferred prem iums ODIi.OSU.OP Other assets net) 13.840.09 Total admitted asaeti 623.880.970.93 Liabilities Net metre. S10.350.14g.61 Oros claima for loase unpaid B!, 381. 16 Ail Other llabllltlei l.lSd.atll.90 Contingency reienea 1.2G0,500.00 Dirldends payable.. 3i4.8SB.00 Total llabllltlei. eicent capital. .. .122.304.813.07 CaplUI paid UP 6 250,000.00 Burplua over all lia bilities 1.4GZ.1H.90 Burplua as regarda policyholder!.... S 1.670.136.00 ToUl T 323.8H0.970.92 Bnaiaesi la Oresron for tha Yaart Net premluma and annuities receded during the year 9 tui.B Dltldrntls paid during the year..., 4,fliT.55 Net loaiee and clalrui. endowments. surrender., and annultlea paid dur ing the year 11.5.T6J BBNBFIOIAT. IiXFB INSUBANCB COMPANY lleher J. tirant. Prealdent Eugen P. Watklna. Recretary Statutory realdent attorney for aervlc, Tbomal L. timart. No, 44-42 SvnoDsIs of Annual Statement of tha American Equitable Assurance Com Sany of New York of 92 William treet. in the State of New York, on the thirty-first day of December, 1944, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to taw: INCOME Net premiums received, $9,901,008.30. Total Interest, dividends and real estate Income, $587,476.64. Income from other sources. $1,379.- 779 39. Total income, sn.8tra.344.33. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount naid Dolicvhoders for losses. $4,328,997.35. Loss adjustment expenses, $2vJ3,7Sj.45. A Bents commissions nr brokerase. $3,599,774.97. Salaries and fees officers, directors. home office employes, $482,102.99. raxes, licenses and lees, U5.43bi.3j. Dividends Da id to atockholdara (Cih. $300,000.00), $300,000.00. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. All other expenditures. $895.9:12.93. Total disbursements, $10,046,031.09. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). None. Loans on roortsane-i and collateral. etc.. None. Value of bonds owned (amortized), $7,303,079.75. Value of stocks owned (market val ue), $8,438,763.28. Cash in banka and nn hand tl MWt . 173.99. ' Premiums in course of cnl1rttnn written since September 30, 1944, $725. 134.97. Interest and rents due and accrued. $53,924.69. other assets (net). $169,487.76. Total admitted assets. $18.086. 164.44. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNUS Total unpaid claims. 41.373.665.95. rJl Li 1 1 1 m l f 1 irwa nuicimini avhhba for unpaid claims. S48.654.81 Total unearned nremlitmt nn all ihi. expired risks, S10.0S8.261 .88. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, fees, etc., due or accrued. Estimated amnnnr 1 for taxes. $133,162.50. Commissions, brokerage, or othor charfijes due and accrued, $25.125 00. All other liahilitto oia cno ok $49 445 60liabUmeS' ceP capiUl." $11.- Capital paid up. $1.500.000 00. SurnlUB DVar all It.Kilit... aj u tlM Sur nine mm .ti.t. .u .S3rTlIU K""IU., Total. $1 (W0.1S4.M BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YMput Net premiums received. noMS 1 K."?U.,.C,, mp.ny of New York? Name o( President. Richard A. Cor- Name of Secretary. Sidney a Arf.m. 1 Statutory resident attorney tw'f. lc. Ijuranccorrumsiioner. I 0TNOP8II 0 ASXVAtt flTATRUENT OF THE FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND of Baltimore. Id the ftutt of Maryland, on tha thirty flnl day of DcrtmTr. 1-U4. mada to Utt Inauranc f tb But Of Oregon, pmauaiit to law: Nat premluma received ...StO.0eO.S6S.93 Tocal Intereat. dlildenda and real MtaW inaima 1,030.50.85 Income from other aourraa --.C(i.22 Total income 420,684.00 Dlabursemsnta Net mount paid pullcitioldera for log,, 1.1CI.T18.M Loaa adjuatment eipenara I'-H.lOf.lta Aienta oummLaJlona or brokerage. . S.4U,bOS.U aalarlrt, and fee ofllcera, dliectora. bom offlro employti , 1,038.023. IS Turi, lloanaoa and feel , 1,740.002.50 Dlvldenda paid to atorkhnldars (Caah, S720.0O0.0O; atock. none) ; T20.000.0Q Ohldenda paid or credited to pulloy- holdora 0 All othar npeodlturca.... 1,141.230.00 Total dUburaementi SlO.tilS. AdmltUd Aaaeta Valua of real aautc owned (markat valua) - S 2.439, Loana on mortiagea and collateral, alt?. f Value of bonda owned (amortlxtd).. 20.806. Valua of atocka owned (market raltw) 5.-VJ8. Caah lo bank and on hand 4.151, Premluma lo course of coUertlon written alnc September 30. 104 4 1,009. Inlereat and rente dua and accrued GG, Other aiteta (nal)..: 49. 520. SO .urn. is 305.15 188. If Total admitted aaaeta. ....... i. .34,S1 0.T94.44 liabilities, Burplua and Other Funda Total unpaid clalma S 3.038,997.10 Ivatlmated lou adjuameot eipeoaa for unpaid dalma S0I.S14.00 Total unearned premluma on ell un- ' expired risks C041.tT138 Balarlea, rents, espenaei, bllla, ac count!, ft-ea, etc., due or accrued lT4.9C3.fll itltnated amount du or accrued for taiea 1.849.000.00 Commlsalortt, brokerage, or otb;'r charge due and accrued..'. - IT3.822.3B AU other llabUitlee 3.596.84t.4fl Total liabilities .except capital. .$17,571,113.71 fail!. I ...1.1 nn C 9 Iftfi iVill AA Burplua oier all Ha- ' bUltlea 14.330.ST8.T8 Surplus ii rugarda poilcyhoMeri. . .110,730,678. T3 Total SS4.3IR.T9I.44 Bualnesa In Orsgon for tba Taarx Net pn-mluros recelted S 109.421.41 Net loasei paid ' 11.918.19 Ulrldenda paid or credited to pollcj- hold era -FIDELITY AMD DEPOSIT CO OF MARYLAND Frank A. Bartu Prealdent Itobert B, Hart. PecraUrr Rtatntorr resident attorney for aenice. Clar ence D. Porter. 901-1-3 Falling Hldg., Portland, Orcoii, SYNOPSIS OP ANNUAL BTATEMENT OP THE GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY of New York. In the State of New Tor, on the thlrtr-flrat day of December. 1044, made to the Inaunoce Commissioner of the Bute of Orefon. pursuant to law: Ineoma Net perrniums nccired (19,157,088.81 Total Intereat, dlvldentli nd real eaUte lnnome. 1,432,571. 24 income irom ouier aoume ia.ttw.T4 Total Income 121.173. 548. T9 Dlsburcamenta Net amount paid polio lioldara for loaaea S 1,730, 88tT Lose adjuatment eipeniee 1.480, A rente commiMlona or brokenfe... 3,503, 4 Of.. Of! .383.38 Salaries and fees officer!, directors. home office emplovei B.ftTO.Sfl 3.395.53 9.000.08 M35.34 1 Taiea, llcenaee and feea Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash. 81.000.000) Dlrldanda paid or credited to policy holders AU other eipendlturea ToUl ttlsburaemcnts 810,358,033.14 Admlttsd Aaaata Value of real estate owned (market Talue) 8 440.000.00 Loans on mortiaaee and collateral. etc Valua of bonds owned" (amortized) 35.95r,9.74 Value of stock owned market' ralue) lt.S41.30T.00 Cash In banks and on hand 2.004.354.92 Premiums In course of collection written ilnce Bentember 30. 1044 S.lfl(I.fl!)S 41 Interest and rents due and accrued lTft.7T5.48 Other auet (net) 836.802.39 Total admitted aaaeta SSI. 812.031 .82 XilabUltlaa. BnrDlna and Othar Fnnda ToUl unpaid callma .S16.8T0.004.M Juatlmated loaa adjustment expenae ror unpaid claims 4 11,3 S. 00 Total unearned premiums on all un expired rtaki 8.305.10S.ST Balarlea, rents, expenses, bills, ac count, fees, etc., due or accrued 460.000.00 930,000.00 estimated amount due or accrued for usee Commlaalona. ttrokeracc or other charges due and accrued 5T1.345.08 232.4SI.81 All other liabilities VolunUry reaerre 11.515.829.41 Total liabilities, except capital... S 39.312.021.32 Cnpltal paid UP S 2,500,000.00 Burplua orrr all IU- blllilea lO.OOO.flno.OO Surplua aa regards poHcrholdera.,.S12.500,fl00.0d Total 8M,81!.M1.82 BuslBess In Oraaron for tha Yaar: Net premluma receh'cd 4fl.104.3l Net losaea paid 27,351.71 DlTldend paid or credited to pollcr- rtotder OLOBB INDEMNITY COMPANY t'larke Smith, Prealdent H. !tankln. Secretary -Statutory eraldent attorney for service. Iniur- aoca Commissioner. YNOrSIS OP ANNTJAt, STATEMENT OP THE ALLSTATE INSURANCE COMPANY af (0 North Wacker Drhe, Chlcaio f. In the niate or juinou. on tne tnirty first day of December. 1944. made to the luauranr flnm. mlaaloner of the But of Oregon, punuant to TfiMnma Net premiums rewired 8.308.15T 36 Soul Interest, dividends and real eaUte Income 209.U5.8S Income from other tources IiD,'378.T5 ToUl Income f fl.C97.5TS.18 Net amount paid pullcjhulders for . " .. i i ssi in ae joaa a imminent expenses ACtrA: cc-r.lss:ia or brokerase... Balarlea and fees officers, directors, home office emptojes TaiM. Ilnmu, mA ... 608. 230. 88 389.815.09 460,005.00 Dhldends paid to atocUia:dn Vcaah, eor.se4.4s Dhidends Nad or credited to policy- . ' All other eipendlturea. ..,",.'..".',".! T 79.809 94 TDlal t 6.0U0.3S4.0C Value of real esute owned (market Loans on anrtcacea and oollatera'u Value of bonds owned (market or Value of atocka owned t markai i -i B.. Cash In banks and on band I'sso'fiSO is Premluma in courae of coUectlon i'""'6W'" lIHn1 fep!,ra'w "44.. fC9.I99.14 ww.i . ji... . for unptid d.lm. ,.., Totri unmrt nnluiu .9 .if. "MlM .iplrml rta. n ,1. ... 8...,!. m,K 3-ut " Borplus ntr all Ua,. WllU-s t ,,5, ... Surplu, aa m p-.;', t i59m THaJ .... N lorn tut '" '-"I Aitaiiii' wwaaitoi oompab l'l Fwi. Jr.. Pr,uta ao liiioQu. " Tt lam-